HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-05; City Council; 11672; Authorizing Staff to Prepare a Citizens Newsletter General Plan Update Moore Iacofano Goltsman Inc Townhall Meeting and Four Community Forumsv co U d a, z a, % c 0 w w U cd U rn a a, N .rl k 0 2z U 2 a 3 F: 0 .rl U a a c 25 0 0-rl urn Q).d wrl WrQ cdcd UU -dri @a) 3.4 OF: kcd pF( p1 aF: kz 01 m 0 rla ua, Z=k 3.4 0a 3 3J n --. Q q \ z 0 F 0 - a 6 z 3 0 0 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGENQI: BILL -7 ! AB#~ TITLE: AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PREPARE A CITIZENS DEP' CITY NEWSLETTER AS WELL AS TO CONDUCT A TOWNHALL MEETING AND FOUR COMMUNITY MTG. 3--.5- - 9% DEPT. PLN. FORUMS - GENERAL PLAN UPDATE CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: By Minute Motion authorize staff to prepare a citizens' newslette well as to conduct a Townhall Meeting and four Community Forums. ITEM EXPLANATION On April 14, 1992, consultants from the firm of Moore Iaco Goltsman, Inc. (MIG) presented findings and their recommendation recommendations included a townhall meeting, citizens' newsletter, four community forums. Planning staff will be present at the Cou meeting to make recommendations regarding potential formats for community forums. Staff will also respond to letters from the Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and the Carl Economic Enhancement Council. FISCAL IMPACTS NO new costs. Expenses to conduct the proposed activities already been allocated under the consultants' contract or u Miscellaneous Funds for the General Plan Update. The prop townhall meeting and citizens' newsletter will expend the remai available funds under MIG's present contract except for a s miscellaneous amount. All community forums are proposed tc conducted by City staff. Any additional consultant activi proposed by Council would require an amendment to MIG's contract Staff has applied for a grant from Daniels Cablevision to cable the five events: however, the hearing date at Daniels for this req isn't until May 7th. If the request is denied, and Council si wishes to have the events aired on Daniels Cablevision then the amc of $3,945.00 will be expended from the miscellaneous funds for General Plan Update. EXHIBITS 1) Community Forum Formats the Public Review Program for the General Plan Update. T - VI. UX-V.. -1- A.YY.A-IUYA.AYI. PROPOSED FORMAT 1) m- T Forum held at Safety Center on June 17th. Event televised on Daniels Cablevision. I. 11. HISTORY (Michael, 5-7 mh) WELCOME AND OVERVIEW OF FORUM AGENDA (Staff, 5 mh) A. B. Citizens’ input: How we got to where we are today in Growth Management 1. Growth Management Plan 2. Proposition E 111. STRUCTURE OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM @on, 30 k) A. Citywide Plan 1. 2. 3. B. Zone Plans 1. 2. Facility-based plan, can’t be changed w/o vote of the people Detailed existing citywide facilities. 11 facilities identified with threshok why these facilities selected Divided city into 25 zones Phases all development and public facility needs in accordance with Grow Man. Plan Details tirning and financing of public facilities a. Mello-Roos C. Individual Development Projects D. Mitigation Monitoring REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT ISSUES (MJH lo mh.) QUESTION & ANSWER PERIOD (20 6) 1. Must comply with zone plan, citywide plan lV. V. VI. BREAK(15mh) VII. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ACI’MTY (40 min.) Break up into small groups (based on interest) to discuss various facilities. Groups wou be formed as follows: 1) City Administrative Facilities, Library, Fire; 2) Wastewatc Drainage, Sewer and Water Systems; 3) Schools; 4) Circulation; and 5) Open Space, Par1 Three discussion periods of 20 minutes will follow with participants moving from one groi to another based on their interests. REVIEW OF ACTIVITY (15 mh) VIII. E. FORUM ADJOURNED Forum approximately 2 1/2 hours long. Optional discussion questions: Are there any facilities not covered by Growth Management that should be? Are there any facilities that are addressed that shouldn’t be there? Topics eliminated earlier as too regional in nature: Air Quality Solid Waste Hazardous Waste 0 0 ? FORUM ON TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION PROPOSED FORMAT Forum held at Safety Center on June 22nd. Event televised on Daniels Cablevision. I. 11. WHAT IS THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT? (David Hauser, 10 &) WELCOME AND OVERVIEW OF FORUM AGENDA (Staff, 5 &.) A. B. C. Standards (operations, signals, etc.) D. Policies and goals IMPLEMENTATION OF CIRCULATION THROUGH GROWTH MANAGEMENT AN THE CIP (Steve Jantz, 10 min.) B. C. Establishes financing mechanism What is its relationship to the General Plan? What are the State law requirements? III. A. Establishes LOS standards and thresholds Establishes phasing of improvements with development 1. Incorporation in CIP when necessary a. Public financing methods D. Monitoring program TRAFFIC OPERATIONS (Bob Johnson, 15 min.) A. Traffic safety B. Traffic signalization C. Pedestrian/bicycle issues D. Congestion management IV. V. BRIEF BREAK (10 e.) VI. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ACI'MTY ( 45 mh) Break up into small groups to answer the following questions: 1) Do you believe that the proposed roadway network as shown on the exktii circulation plan will be adequate to handle the projected traffic needs of t City at buildout? Are you satisfied with the current City priorities for road projects a: construction scheduling? Should the City make Transportation Demand Management a primary gc of the Circulation Element? If yes, prioritize listed programs. Do you believe that the Circulation Element adequately provides i pedestrian and bicycle circulation? If yes, prioritize listed alternatives. 2) 3) 4) VII. VIII. FORUM ADJOURNED REVIEW OF ACTIVITY (10 MIN) Forum approximately 1 3/4 hours long 0 0 FORUM ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPOSED PROGRAM Forum held at Safety Center on June 29. Event televised on Daniels Cablevision. I. 11. WELCOME AND OVERvlEw OF FORUM AGENDA (DENNIS, 5 MIN.). IDENTIFYING THE CURRENT HOUSING SITUATION A. Background (Dennis, 15 mh.) 1. 2. 3. Economics of lower-income housing (summarize the "gap" study) (Chris, 2 minutes) Questions and answers (15 minutes). The Housing Element and state law. SANDAG'S Re!zional Housinz Needs Statement. Inclusionary housing and other adopted strategies. B. C. III. BREAK (10 MINUTES) IV. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ACTIVITY (1 HOUR) Break into small groups to discuss the following: 1. 2. 3. Strategies to overcome the "affordability gap", and Location criteria for affordable housing, and Affordable housing distribution within development projects. V. REVIEW OF ACTIVITIES (30 MINUTES) VI. FORUM IS ADJOURNED Forum is approximately 3 hours long a e FORUM ON OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION PROPOSED FORMAT Forum held at Safety Center on July 8th. Event televised on Daniels Cablevision. I. II. WELCOME AND OVERVIEW OF FORUM AGENDA (Staff 5 mh.) HOW WE GOT TO WHERE WE ARE TODAY (MJH, 10 mh.) B. WHERE WE ARE TODAY (TERRI, 30 &.) A. Consultant Studies A, Prior to Growth Management Adoption of Growth Management and formation of OSAC III. 1. OSCRMP a. Issues b. Bonds/funding a. Amend Open Space Element b. 2. What next? Amend Citywide Plan (change definitions) IV. V. BREAK(1Omh) VI. QUESTION & ANSWER PERIOD (20 min) NEW AREA OF FOCUS FOR OPEN SPACE - HABITAT CONSERVATION PLA"1h (Don 20 min.) A. Local Approaches 1) HMP 2) HCP 1) North County Wildlife Forum B. Regional Approaches VII. VIII. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ACITVITY (40 min) QUESTION & ANSWER PERIOD (15 min) A. Small group activity focusing on the issues of acquisition and financing open space and lands for habitat management E. Forum approximately 3 hours long REVIEW OF AcTIvrry (10 min)