HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-05; City Council; 11673; FORMATION OF REGIONAL AUTO THEFT TEAM - RATTAB#- u I 5- 5 - ij & FORMATION OF REGIONAL AUTO THEFT j TEAM (RATT) MTG. e+ DEPT. DI CI Ci 1 0 9 0 er $ g - I- o a =! 0 z 3 0 0 IC$ CITI)OF CARLSBAD - AGENE@ BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. cf a- 1% authorizing the Chief of Police to sign a Memorar Understanding forming the San Diego County Vehicle Theft Task Force, authorizir additional police officer and appropriating funds from the Police Forfeiture Fund for acquisition of police equipment. ITEM EXPLANATION: Supervisor Susan Golding has sponsored a proposal to develop a Regional Auto - Task Force. The purpose of the Task Force is to reduce the incidence of vehicle thi increase the apprehension of the professional vehicle thief by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increasing the number of arrests of vehicle theft s 6 spects. Identifying locations which are used i Identify organizations which use auto theft to commit crimes. Identify trends and patterns of vehicle theft to be targeted by the team. Increase the recovery rate of stolen vehicles in San Diego County. The Regional Auto Theft Team (RATT) has been deployed in East County for14 months with great success. It is proposed that three additional teams be establishc team will be responsible for activity south of Miramar Road and the second new tea activity north of Miramar Road. The third new team will be comprised of only federa officers and be responsible primarily for the border region. Each of the three local ti will have its own supervising sergeant. Lieutenant Stuflick, California Highway Pa manage all four teams and be directly responsible to the executive committee. Representatives from local, county, state and federal government have committed tc program. The additional personnel costs will be reimbursed to the City from a special fund implemented under Senate Bill 2139 which generates its revenue from a $1 additic vehicle registration fees. The County Board of Supervisors has approved the incre registration fee. The Department of Motor Vehicles estimates that it will be six to ei! months before the county actually realizes any money. The county anticipates acti the task force on July 1, 1992, and will fund the program until the state funds arrive. nnection with vehicle theft of '""+ The teams will operate out of leased office space. The office and other similar ope1 expenses will be paid through the fund. e 0 The Police Department will hire one new Police Officer to replace the officer assign the Task Force. FISCAL IMPACT: PERSONNEL: The cost of one new Police Officer position will be offset because tt Force will pay salary, benefits and a portion of the overtime for the assigned officer. may be a salary savings if the assigned officer's salary is more than the salary of th officer. The Police Department will absorb any additional overtime in the existing ( account a EQUIPMENT: $32,000 will be transferred from the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund to fl start up costs including the purchase of a vehicle, required equipment and the first i maintenance, operation and replacement costs for the vehicle. The City currently h unappropriated balance of $1,160,000 in the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund. The appropriation of $32,000 will leave a balance of $1,128,000. Appropriation of thes has no impact on the City General Fund. EX H I BITS: 1. Resolution No. 9d-lab 2. San Diego County Regional Auto Theft Task Force Memorandum of Understanding. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f3 9 lo 11 l2 om %tu2 222 13 og :am 14 O22 g5g ,S$ 15 >ma $26 16 ' gq *' l7 0 18 l9 *' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 wmo os2 I 20 0 * RESOLUTION NO. 92-126 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE FORMATION OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY VEHICLE THEFT TASK FORCE AND AUTHORIZING THE POLICE CHIEF TO SIGN THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FORMING SUCH TASK FORCE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain memorandum of understanding foi San Diego County Vehicle Theft Task Force (a copy of attached hereto marked Exhibit "Att and made a part hereof among several cities of the County of San Diego is hereby 2 That the Chief of Police of the City of Ca1 hereby authorized and directed to "execute said memorl understanding for and on h.qhalf of the City of Carlsbad. That the amount of $32,000 be appropriated Police Asset Forfeiture Fund to supply the required equir 4. That the Police Department be author: 2. 3. additional police officer position. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeti; 5th day of city Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton, 1 NOES: None --r ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALG% rk I \ \ FINAL C 03/2 0 i 0 SAN DIEGO COUNTY VEHICLE THEFT TASK FORCE Thls Memorandum Is dated for convenience , l! 1. aVERVlEW Vehlcle theft Is increasing throughout Callfornla and 1 problem is becoming partlcularly acute In San Dlego Cot In 1990, San Dlego County experienced the theft of over 36,000 vehlcles, for a value exceedlng $185,000,000. Experlence has shown that vehlcle theft Is not a Jurisdlctlon-specific or agency-speclfic crime. A foci coordlnated effort by law enforcement in a glven geographlcal area will be requlred to effectlvely combe the vehlcle theft problem. The coordlnated effort descrlbed In thls Memorandum wll funded by a $1 vehlcle reglstratlon fee authorized by Senate Bill 2139 (Vehlcle Code Section 9250.14), approv by the Governor, September 30, 1990. The monles, colle by the Department of Motor Vehlcles, would be allocated the County of San Dlego to be expended under the guide1 set forth In the leglslatlon. All references in this Memorandum to "PaYmentW by the County of San Diego," slmllar wording, are related to and dependent on tne mc allocated to the County of San Diego. The County of 4 Dlego General Fund shall not be used for any reimbursements, payments, etc., related to the Vehlcle Theft Task Force. II. -ATIW The Regional Auto Theft Team concept first applied In e San Dlego County has had a slgnlflcant Impact on vehici theft In the communlties encompassed in eastern San Die County. A similar effort Involving regional teams ass1 throughout San Dlego County could effectively combat th unacceptable vehlcle theft trend. Teams would be establlshed to work the north, south, border, and easte portions of the county. Personnel from departments wit each geographical area would be requested to partlclpat the reglonal team. The Regional Auto Theft Teams would used to serve as an interagency force for proactive eff to supplement routine law enforcement actlvltles to corr vehicle theft. \ e 0 l i Memorandum of Understanding FINAL E Page 2 031254 111. MlSSlOy To reduce the lncldence of vehlcle theft and Increase 1 apprehenslon of the professlonal vehlcle thlef: A. Oblectlves 1. Increase the number of arrests of vehlcle thef suspects, partlcularly the professional thieve partlclpatlng In the surglcal stripping of sto veh Ic I es. 2. ldentlfy locatlons whlch are used In connectlol wlth vehicle theft offenses and take appropria' enforcement actlon. Such locatlons may Includc sites of chop shop operatlons and legltimate buslnesses (e.g., repalr/body shops and dlsmantlers) used for Illegal actlvltles. 30 Identify organlzatlons that use aut0 theft to commlt federal crlmes, 1.e.. trnnsportlng IItec allens, Importlng/exportlng stolen vehlcles In and/or out of Mexico. 4. ldentlfy local trends and patterns of vehlcle 1 5. Increase the recovery rate of stolen vehlcles actlvlty to be targeted by the teams. San Dlego County. IV. - ACTlVlTlFS A. -nt Fffortg Proactlve enforcement will be the prlmary activity the teams and wlll include Intelligence gathering, suspect/slte ldentlflcatlon, investlgation, report preparation, and suspect prosecutlon. B. professlonal Vehlcle ThleveS The teams will concentrate on all manner of vehlclc theft, but especlally those groups that surglcally strip vehicles for later reassembly. Store fronts full-tlme fixed sting operatlons wlll not be used except on an "as needed" basls to develop a case. - 0 0 Memorandum of Understanding FINAL D Page 3 03/25/ c. eubllcAwareness The Task Force manager and prosecutors wlll coordln wlth the local medla to publicize the vehlcle theft problem and Task Force actIvl.tles. The pubilclty should have the combined effect of enhanclng publlc awareness of vehlcle theft In San Dlego County, encouraglng publlc Particlpatlon In vehlcle theft reductlon efforts, and dlscouraglng potentlal vehlc th I eves. v. - E~~,~SAIJ - the geographlcal area pr irnar I ly asslgned to East Team shall be that area east from the West city ii of La Mesa to the lmperlal County Ilne. South Team - the geographlcal area prlmarlly asslgned t the South Team shall be that area south of Miramar Road Border Team - the geographlcal area prlmarlly asslgned the Border Team shall be that area in and around the bc between Callfornla and Mexlco. North Team - the geographlcal area prlmarlly assigned t the North Team shall be that area north of Mlramar Road the Rlverslde County Ilne. The team boundaries shall not restrlct or Drohlblt t& another aeo~aDhlca1 ard. However, teams wlth the exception of the South and Border Teams should not cond complete Investigations outside their area of responsiblllty wlthout the Task Force manager's approva VI. WRIFS AND OVFM The Task Force manager, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Customs Servlce, and the U.S. lmlgratlon and Naturallzatlon Servlce wlll not have th salarles relmbursed by the San Dlego County Task Force. The salaries, and UP to 240 hours of overtime per year, shall be relmbursed for all other Task Force personnel. Overtlme In excess of the 240 hours shall be pald by th respective departments. The rate of overtime shall Inc salary plus fringe beneflts pald at time-and-one-half. administrative reimbursement Is Included. I 0 0 '\ Memorandum of Understandlng FINAL C Page 4 03/251 VI 1. QBGANIZATIOF( A* - The Commlttee shall be comprlsed of one member fron San Dlego County Board of Supervisors appointed by chairman, and four other representatives from the 3 Olego County Sheriff and Police Chiefs Association. Members of the executive commlttee shall meet on a semlannuai basls to dlscuss Task Force operation ar glve guldancc and Input to the Task Force manager. executlve commlttee shall appoint a chalrperson to serve as director. The Executlve Commlttee shall submlt an annual report to the County Board of Supt visors and each partlclpatlng agency. The first r( wlll be due August 1, 1993. B- w The manager of the Callfornla Highway Patrol's lnvc gatlve Servlces Unit at Border Dlvlslon shall servt manager of the San Dlego County Task Force. The Tz Force manager wlll be directly accountable to the executive commlttee. c* SuDervisfon Supervision of the teams wlll be provlded by a sergeant/team leader as a working member. Sergean. team leaders assigned to the Task Force wlll be re. - quested frbm departments wlthln the geographlcal ar where the respective team operates. Final selectlc the supervisor wlll be the dlrect responslblilty 01 Task Force manager. 0. Clerical Two clerlcal personnel shall be provlded to the Ta! Force to facllltate normal clerlcal duties assoclal with an investlgatlve unlt. The positions wlll be staffed through the county and all salarles and ber fits wlll be relmbursed. VIII. - The Task Force shall be deslgned to brlng the approprle authorltles at the highest level of expertlse from cont uous, and at times overlapplng, jurlsdlctlons to joint1 - 0 I’ 0 ‘\ Memorandum of Understanding FINAL C Page 5 031251 combat vehlcis theft. Toward that end, the Task Force be staffed as follows: A* - The headquarters staff will consist of one manager the CHP, two clerical support personnel from San Dl County, two district attorneys, one district attorr Investigator, and one community education coordlnal to be assigned In fiscal year 1993/94. 6. lnvestlaatrons The teams will be staffed by Investigators and supervisors recommended for assignment to the Task Force from departments wlthln the geographical aret served by respective teams. Final seiectlon shall the responslbl llty of the team supervisor and the 1 Force manager. Asslgnment to the Task Force shall for a minimum of two years. Personnel not meeting acceptable standards of performance or refusing to comply wlth Task Force policy and procedures may be removed and sent back to hls/her department. Remov will requlre the approval of the Task Force manager The teams wlil be staffed as follows: 1. - a. One sergeant, Callfornla Highway Patrol b. One investlgator, California Highway Patrol c. One investlgator, El CaJon Police Departmen d, One Investigator, La Mesa Police Department e. One investigator, Federal Bureau of f. Two Investigators, San Diego Sherlff’s Total: One sergeant and SIX lnvestlgators investlgatlon Department 2. TeamtvCauntv) a. One supervisor, San Diego Police Department ~ a 0 I \ Memorandum of Understandlng FINAL I Page 6 03/25, b. One lnvestlgator, San Diego Pollce Departmr c. One Investigator, Natlonnl CIty Police d. One lnvestlgator, Federal Bureau of Department I nvest I gat 1 on e. One Investlgator, Callfornla Highway Patro f. One Investlgator, Chula Vista Pollce Depari g. One lnvestlgator, Coronado Pollce Oepartmer Total: One sergeant and six Investigators 3. Team .Ill (Wth Countv) a. One sergeant, San Dlego Sheriff's Departmer, b. One lnvestlgator, Escondldo Pollce Departme c. One Investlgator, Carlsbad Pollce Oepartmer d, One Investlgator, Oceanslde Pollce DeDartmcE e. One lnvestlgator, Federal Bureau of . f. One lnvestlgator, San Dlego Sherlff's lnvestlgatlon Department Total: One sergeant and flve Investlgators. 4. - a. One team leader, U. S. Customs b. Two Investigators, U. S. Customs c. Two Investigators, U. S. Immigration and Naturalltation Service Total: one team leader and four Investigators. TOTAL INVESTIGATIVE STAFF: 25 TOTAL HEADQUARTERS STAFF: 1 TOTAL TASK FORCE PERSONNEL: 32 0 0 Memorandum of Understanding FINAL I Page 7 03/25, IX. -TIW Prasecutlon of Task Force cases on the federal and sta' levels will be coordinated through the U. S. Attorneys the San Dlego County Deputy Dlstrict Attorneys assignei the Task Force. He/she wlil'be available for guldance counsel, and review of all Task Force cases irrespectl court Jurlsdictlon. in addition, he/shs wlli coordina the prosecution of the cases with the court of Jurlsdlctlon. x. LlABlLlTY Each party to this Agreement agrees to defend, indemni and hold harmless the other partles to this Agreement I the extent that any liability Is imposed on those part addition, the parent agency shall also be llable for ai worker's compensation or similar benefits due to Its employees. due to the acts or omissions of the party's employees. xi. LtOUSING A centrally located office space shall be leased to hoi the entlre Task Force. Payment of the lease shall be t the Task Force. XII. EQUlPMENT The resource inventory inltlally developed for this Ta: Force shall require €hat each partlclpating department provide one vehicle, including gas and maintenance, for each of their Investigators or supervisors assigned to program. Some offlce equipment, radlo equipment, In-hc covert equipment, as well as specialized items needed I certaln types of cases, wlll be provlded by the Task Fc Sltuations requiring air support, unique vehlcles, or t limited purpose inventory will requlre cooperative scheduling from the member departments. XIII. JJNDFRCOVFR - The use of covert Identities to support or enhance . undercover operations is essential. This will requlre issuance of undercover California drlver's llcenses ant credit cards; the procurement, utllizatlon, and contro these documents will be such as to assure that they ard properly accounted for at ail times and are used only 1 authorlzed purposes. I l e a l Memorandum of Understandlng FINAL C Page 8 03/2bl XlV. ASSFT SHARlNO To support and continue Joint partlcipatlon of local it enforcement in the San Dlego County Vehicle Theft Task Force, assets seized by any team shall be used to enhar future operatlons. XV. FISCAL PROCEDURES A. Pavroll All bersannei assigned to the San Dlego County Vehl Theft Task Force will be pald by thelr respectlve departments. It shall be the responslbility of the Task Force manager to institute a system of checks balances whereby the hours of each Individual will audited each day for accuracy and reported to the approprlate timekeeping agent In a timely fashion. B. - The San Dlego County Vehicle Theft Task Force shal I malntaln $10,000 to be used for the purpose of furthering investigations related to the Task Force misslon of combatting professlonal vehicle theft. Speclai funds shall be kept In a place of security within the Task Force Office. Only the Task Force manager or his designated alternate is authorlzed access to the special fund. C. Clalm for Relrnbursm Agencies seeking relmbursement for Task Force actlvlties shall submit a detailed statement of expenses in prescrlbed format to the Task Force mar within 30 days following the end of each quarter. initlal reimbursement period wlii begin with the da of this memorandum unless otherwise agreed. As Indicated under Section VI, only basic salary and related benefit costs, Including overtime paid at t and-one-half UP to 240 hours will be reimbursed. (Refer to Appendix A) Upon approval of the Task Force manager, a claim fc reimbursement will be forwarded to the County for payment within 30 days. in the unilkely event that revenues designated for the Program fall short of w I 0 FINAL 1 e Memorandum of Understandlng Page 9 03/25 Is required for full reimbursement; reimbursement ! be made on a pro rata share basis. In no event wl general revenues of the County be used to offset ai such shortage. Requisitions for all materials and services relatec Task Force activities must have the prlor approval the Task Force Manager. D. - Each party to this Agreement shall make available 1 County at all reasonable times Its payroll and otht records relating to this Agreement. County may auc such records and If County determlnes that lnellglt costs have been relmbursed, the agency shall lmmedlately repay the amount determined to be lnellglble to County. County may also withhold thc amount determlned to be lnellglble from future reimbursement. The parties shall maintain the reqi records for a period of three years after the date exbeme Is relmbursed. XVI . STANDmD OPERATING PROcFQJRES (SQPJ. All Task Force members shall review and ablde by the Standard Operating Procedures Manual which shall be prepared by the Task Force supervlsors and approved by Task Force manager. The SOP shall speclfy pollcles and procedures for the Task Force and shall include, but na llmlted to, the following specific Items: A. In any case where the pollcles or procedures of the Task Force conflict with those of members of the pa agency, the member shall ablde by the directives of or her own agency. B. The Investigation of offlcer-Involved shootlngs and vehicle accldents wlll be handled by the agency of Jurisdiction In which the Incident occurs. Nothing precludes further lnvestlgatlon or concurrent investigation by the officer's parent agency. C. Task Force member evaluatlons shall be handled Join between the Task Force supervisor and the parent agency. - \ 0 0 Memorandum of Understanding FINAL E Page 10 03/2f D. The release of media information regarding Task Foi operatlons wlll be caordlnated through the team supervisor and approved by the Task Force manager a prosecutor when appropriate. All participating agencies will be notified If time permits prior to release of Information to the media. / E. The team supervisor will be responsible for lmplementlng a monthly reportlng system whlch tract team activities and accomplishments In detail. Thl reporting system will serve as a basis for quarter' reports to the executive committee as well as to el an ongoing accountlng of personnel and equlpment resources. F. The Task Force manager wlli submit an operational report quarterly to the executlve committee within days following the end of each calendar quarter. G. Complaints against Task Force members will be accer and thoroughly Investlgated. Final determination a who will conduct the complaint Investigation wlll t actions wiii be approved solely by the parent agenc the responslbl I Ity of the parent agency. Dlscl~l It XVII. B&j Thls Agreement shall become effectlve commencing on July 1, 1992, and terminating on December 31, 1995. Participating agencies may elect to terminate the agree prior to its designated termination date. Any agency desiring to terminate Its participation In this agreeme shall indicate such intent In wrltlng to the executlve committee. The termination shall be deemed to take efl not less than 30 days after receipt of the written communlcatlon or upon a date established by mutual agreement. in additlon, thls Memorandum of Understandl shall automatically terminate If fundlng pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 9250.14 becomes unavailable. - a 0 Memorandum of Understanding FINAL 1 Page 11 03/2! XVIII. SIGNA- The underslgned represent that they have the authority execute thls agreement on behalf of their respective agencies/departments and, In signing this agreement, represent a concurrence with and support of the San Dit County Vehicle Theft Task Force as set forth in this Agreement and for the period and purposes as stated hei CLARENCE C. TUCK, Chlef Date California Highway Patrol - Border Divlsion ROBERT VALES, Chief Date Carlsbad Police Department RICHARD EMERSON, Chief Date Chula Vlsta Police Department Date JACK DROWN, Chlef Coronado Pollce Department JACK G. SMITH, Chief Date El CaJon Police Department VINCENT JIMNO, Chlef Date Escondldo Poiice Department Date ROBERT R. SOTO, Chlef La Mesa Police Department - I 0 0' Memorandum of Understanding FINAL C Page 12 03/2! STANLEY L. KNEE, Chief Date Natlonal City Police Department BRUCE DUNNE, Chief Date Oceanslde Police Department ROBERT W. BURGREEN, Chief Date San Diego Police Department JAMES ROACHE, Sheriff Date San Diego County Sheriff's Department EDWIN L. MILLER, Jr., District Attorney Date San Diego County Dlstrlct Attorney's Office DAVID P. SHAW, Special Agent in Charge Date U.S. Customs Service JAMES J. TURNAGE, Jr., Dlstrlct Dlrector Date U.S. lmmlgratlon And Naturalization Service FINAL Dl i 0 03/2! APPENDIX A PARTICIPATING AGENCIES STAFF COSTS: GFTING AND RF-T PR- 1- - A* Salarles On the attached form, please llst each different position and/or classlflcatlon. If several people w be employed In the same posltlon/classlflcatlon, pro the number. List each position by title and show the pay rate an' time devoted to the proJect, lncludlng overtime. Fo example, If the person Is employed full-time on the proJect, show the followlng: DIstrlct Attornev Investlaator 1 1 I 80.00 (hrs/pay period) x 26.0Q (pay periods/yr) ALZKZ~ (Per hr) $2 , 080.00 $43,118.40 annual salary x 2 DA Investlgator! $86 , 237.00 Bvertlme $20.73 (per hr) u $31.10 u $7,464.00 x 2 DA lnvestlgators - $14,928.00 8. Beneflts Employee benefits should be identlfied by type and percentage of salaries (e.g., State Unemployment Insurance 0 .lo% of $43,118 = $4,312). Agencies may fixed percentages of salaries to calculate beneflts. Examples of beneflts are: employer contrlbutlons foi social securlty, employee llfe and health Insurance plans, unemployment Insurance and/or pension plans. Overhead or administrative costs should not be budget 0 a .I Appendix A FINAL DI Page 2 03/25/! Under the column labeled cost, list annual salary, benefits and overtime costs by position. Total thesc flgu-res at the bottom of the page. NOTE: Please roi all numbers to the nearest dollar. I I . REIMBURSEMFNT I NSTRUCT IOU Sectlon XV of the MOU requires that each agency seeklng relmbursement for task force activities will submit a detailed statement of salary, benefits, and overtime exp to the Usk Force Ma- on a quarterly basis. The invl will be In the attached format, settlng forth the appropriate charges and description. After review and approval by the Task Force Manager, the invoice will be submitted to: Office of the District Attorney San Diego, CA 92101 I Attention: Budget Section 101 W, Broadway, Sulte 1440 Payment will be made wlthln thirty days of receipt and review of the statement by the District Attorney's Officc As indicated under Section VI, only baslc salary and reli benefit costs (including overtime pald at tlme and one-hi up to 240 hours) will be reimbursed. The County shall pay to each agency no more than the budgeted amount for the perlod in the manner descrlbed 11 the above section. In the unlikely event that revenues deslgnated for thls program fall short of what is requirc for full reimbursement, relmbursement shall be made on a prorata share basis. In no event will other County fund( us.ed to offset any such shortage. Upon submisslon of an approved invoice, each agency shall be pald in quarterly installments. Quarters will be broken out as fallaws: ClUARTERS JMauxm& July 1 to September 30 November 15 October 1 to December 31 February 15 January 1 to March 31 May 15 April 1 to June 30 August 15 - 8 5 H 4 f v) 6 z $ guoom CATEGORY ND LINE-ITEM DETAIL co I A. Perronal Services - Salaries 1 c