HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-12; City Council; 11678; Update on Solid Waste Management Issues8 E 4 0 z .. z 0 E a d 0 z 3 0 0 Two councilpersons from each city have been invited to attend a "Trash Summit" scheduled for May 20, at 9:OO a.m. at the Community Concourse in San Diego. The three topics on the agenda are as follows: Institutional Relationships rn Host Fees rn Flow Control Agreements The City/County Managers Association (CCMA) has formed subcommittees to prepare issue papers on each of the topics. The issue papers should be ready for distribution seven to ten days prior to the Trash Summit. County Update County staff gave an update on the following issues: F San Marcos Landfill Expansion - The CIWMB requires that the County comply with all conditions of the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) before issuance of a solid waste permit. The County anticipates that the CIWMB will consider the permit in June. Solid Waste Enterprise Fund - The county Board of Supervisors postponed until June a decision on the proposed $S.OO/ton tipping fee increase at its meeting April 28. Also postponed was a decision to increase tipping fees to pay for host fees at the San Marcos Landfill. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program - The County will be reducing local Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events from four events per year to twice each year. However, hours at events will be b b PAGE2OFAB# lI --J4 extended. County staff anticipates that bi-annual events will divert from the landfill comparable amounts of household hazardous wastes, since households tend to collect these items over time. SAN MARCOS CUP LITIGATION ' Settlement discussions are continuing. A few issues remain to be settled. PA PROPOSAL A draft JPA agreement has been prepared by City of Escondido staff, and is currently under review by City of Carlsbad and City of Oceanside staff. An agenda bill is being prepared to present the JPA concept for Council consideration. Other solid waste issues affecting Carlsbad are as follows: RATE INDEX STUDY As part of the latest contract amendment for refuse and recyclables collection service, Coast Waste Management (CWM) and the City agreed to obtain the services of a consultant to conduct a refuse rate index study to develop an efficient and equitable method of setting rates. With CWM's concurrence, the City retained the firm of Hilton, Farnkopf and Hobson to complete the study. A draft rate index study has recently been completed which proposes a refuse rate setting method that is both equitable and efficient. When a final report is completed, and CWM concurs, the recommended rate setting process will be presented for Council consideration. PILOT YARD WMTE COLLECTION The County Board of Supervisors is considering to extend the deadline for yard waste collection implementation in North County to October 1, 1992. The pilot yard waste collection program which was implemented to 1,106 Carlsbad homes has recently been completed. A random survey was sent to 200 program participants, and thus far approximately 50% have been completed and returned. Overwhelmingly, participants are in favor of yard waste collection. However, reviews are mixed on the bags. Staff is currently evaluating alternative methodologies for citywide implementation based on cost and convenience. When a collection methodology is determined, staff will- present its findings to Council for consideration. SOURCE REDUCTION &RECYCLING / HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE ELEMENTS As required by AB 939, a public hearing has been scheduled for June 9, 1992 to consider adoption of Carlsbad's Source Reduction & Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Elements. FXHIBITS: 1. North County Coalition April 24, 1992 meeting agenda 0 0 AGENDA NORTH COUNTY CITIES COALRION FOR SOLID WASTE ISS ENCINITAS CITY HALL CITY COUNClL CHAMBERS 527 Encinitas Blvd. April 24,1992 3:OO P.M. I. ‘ Call to Order - Chairman Harmon, Presiding A. Approval of Minutes Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, Poway, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Vista, County of San Diego Trash Summit, _Update - Gloria Curry, City of A. Organizational Structure - Frank Mannen, City of Carlsbad B. Flow ControVParticipahon Agreements - Joe Hoefgen, City of Del M& C. Host Fees - Jack Anderson, City of Escondido County Update - Bill Worrell, County of San Diego A. ---- <--- _-- -- II. ___ --- \ rn. San Marcos Landfill Expansion ’ 1. Timing 2. Status of Permits 3. Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Breakdown, operational and capital expenditures (written report) Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program, 1992-93 Volume remaining and fill rate B. C. San Marcos Litigation Update - Ralph Anderson, City of Carlsbad IV. .. ”- v w V. Recycling Program Status Report - Rich Fatuzzo, City of Oceanside ility Permitting - Rich Fatuzzo, City of Oceanside Oceanside. Escondido - J.P.A. for Solid Waste Management - Mayor City of Escondido vm. Legislative Update - Tom Ritter, City of Solana Beach Ix. Other Items for Consideration X. Public Comments XI. Adjournment Next Coalition meeting - May 22,1992 Next Staff meeting - May 4,1992 0 W MINUTES NORTH COUNTY CITIES COALITION FOR SOLID WASTE MARCH 27,1992 3:OO P.M. AGENDA ITEM I - Mayor Harmon as Chair called the meeting to order. Representatives of the following Coalition cities were present: Carlsbad: Mayor Bud Lewis Encinitas: Mayor Maura Wiegand Escondido: Mayor Jerry Harmon Oceanside: Deputy Mayor Melba Bishop Vista: Mayor Pro Tem Bernie Rappaport Del Mar: Councilmember Jan McMillan Solana Beach Deputy Mayor Celine Olson County of San Diego: Supervisor John MacDonald and Supervisor Brian Bilbray AGENDA ITEM II - Frank Mannen from the City of Carlsbad gave an update on the preparations for the trash summit. Thee CCMA subcommittee will be drafting the agenda for the summit; tentative choices for the date include May 14, May 15 or May 21, 1992. No location has been announced. Each city is being asked to send two elected representatives to the Summit. Supervisor Bilbray provided information as to the Board of Supervisors’ purpose for the summit. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Rappaport and seconded by Mayor Wiegand to support the summit. Motion carried. Deputy Mayor Bishop requested an accounting of the enterprise funds from the County staff as to contributions by cities. She also asked that there be dialogue between the County and the three cities involved in the proposed J.P.A. regarding solid waste facility alternatives. AGENDA ITEM III - Bill Worrell from the County of San Diego gave an update on County issues including: * The County has circulated an R.F.Q. for solid waste facilities to be located in the south and east county areas. Eighteen responses have been received. Potential facilities may include varied technology including incineration. _. w w * The landfill expansion permitting process for the San Marcos landfill is proceeding. The CIWMB has stated they will not consider the expansion application until all other conditions are met (RWQCB). This decision may delay CIWMB action on the application until May. Mr. Worrell, in response to a question, estimated that the closure of the San Marcos landfill will cost approximately $15,000,000 and funds for this purpose are added to the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund vis the tip fee. * A $5.00 per ton increase in the tipping fee will go before the Board of Supervisors in April. AGENDA ITEM IV - Rich Famzzo from the City of Oceanside gave an update on the recycling programs including the progress of the yard waste pilot programs and the beginning of multi- family and commercial recycling programs. Councilmember McMillan requested information on source reduction efforts by the cities. AGENDA ITEM V - Jack Anderson from the City of Escondido gave a report on the Mitigation Fee Procedure. This will be discussed at the next TAC-CAC meeting. The final recommended procedure will be acted upon by the Solid Waste Task Force and the Board of Supervisors.. AGENDA ITEM VI - Jack Anderson discussed the San Marcos landfii C.U.P. litigation. There will be a settlement meeting among the litigating cities on April 10, 1992. Progress is being made and results should be reported towards the end of April. There was discussion regarding the request to SANDAG to institute its Dispute Resolution Process. It was reported by staff that all five cities involved in the litigation have asked SANDAG to delay action on this request until the settlement discussions are final. AGENDA ITEM VII - Jack Anderson commented on the Privitization Policy. The County is taking a policy before the Board of Supervisors recommending that there be no private solid waste facilities allowed in the County. The TAC has recommended that the County keep all options open, thus not approving this policy. This item will be brought back to the Coalition at the May meeting. Mayor Haxmon gave an update of the progress of the formation of a J.P.A. between Carlsbad, Oceanside and Escondido. He inquired about the possibility of a portion of the Solid Waste Enterprise account being used to help fund the J.P.A. This item will be brought back to the next meeting. w PUBLIC COMMENTS Gaye Soroka from Waste Management gave an overview of the Cortese bill, AB 3001 and suggested cities send letters of support for this bill. Donna Tisdale from Backcounuy Against Dumps (BAD) presented comments on the draft E.I.S. for the Campo project. The meeting was adjourned at 5:34 p.m. The next meeting is April 24,1992 at 3:OO p.m. in the City of Encinitas. 4 I-