HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-19; City Council; 11692; PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EAST FINANCINGI i L AB # 11,6'?L TITLE: MTG. 5/19/92 DEPT. ENG PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EAST FINANCING DEP' CITY CITY Q 0 a 9 %" z 0 F 0 a d 8 z 3 "W OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL 47 , ._ c RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 92- 13 6 authorizing the City 1 release the funding guarantees from various property owners within Local F Management Plan Zone 5 for the construction of Palomar Airport Road East. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 24,1900 the Council adopted Resolution No. 90-1 23 approving a forward agreement from various property owners within Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 5 for the construction of Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real to the City limits. The purpose of the funding agreement was to ensure constructi circulation facility which was determined to operate below the adopted Management performance standard. In conformance with the stipulations of this funding agreement, the following f owners posted the corresponding surety bonds and/or cash deposits: Upland Industries Corporation $964,375 Carlsbad Airport Centre, Ltd. $681,601 Carlsbad Oaks East $232,199 Morgan/Palomar Industrial I $ 45,602 Kenneth Saterlee (Cash Deposit) $ 6,327 Total $1,930,104 Since that time, the City has been coordinating with SANDAG to secure financit TRANSNET (Prop A) funds for the purpose of constructing a regional circulation These funding sources include: TRANSNET Highway $2,150,000 TRANSNET Local $3,000,000 These funds are currently earmarked for the improvements to Palomar Airport F help relieve traffic volumes from the Highway 78 corridor. The Transnet highwa\ are specifically designated for Palomar Airport Road. The TRANSNET Local fur used to improve various roadways within the City in an effort to provide ad capacity to accommodate traffic impacts from future development. With this secured funding, staff is recommending that the securities posted by the 1 property owners within Zone 5 be released and replaced with TRANSNET designated for Palomar Airport Road. I 0 0 PAGE TWO OF AB# /c h 9 2 FISCAL IMPACT: The TRANSNET Highway funds are specifically targeted for Palomar Airport Road improvements. However, the TRANSNET Local funds are to be used to improve circulation links within the City. Since Palomar Airport Road East fronts undevelopec within the Financing Plans for those zones such that future development will be rec to reimburse the City for TRANSNET Local funds used to construct a roadway would normally be required as a condition of approval of future development within zones. The bonded amount for Upland Industries Corporation was revised after the apprc the forward funding agreement, The revised bonding amount is $1,021,293. adjacent to LFMP Zones 17 and 18, a reimbursement mechanism should be inc EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Forward Funding Agreement from Various Property Owners within 3. City Council Resolution No. 90-1 23 5 City Council Resolution No. 72 -/3 G. . I' 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. 9 0 - 12 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAR 3 li 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXEC AGREEMENT WITH CERTAIN OWNERS OF PROPERTY WITHIN l PROVIDING A GUARANTEE OF FUNDING FOR IMPROVEMEN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EAST IN COMPLIANCE WITH G MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS, WHEREAS, Section 21.90.80 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requ performance standards be established for specified public facilities; and WHEREAS, the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan of 1986 det performance standard for Circulation Facilities; and WHEREAS, Palomar Airport Road from Melrose Avenue to Business Park been determined to be operating below the adopted performance standard, Airport Road from El Camino Real to Melrose Avenue is anticipated to fall IC standard in the near future, and the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and E Real intermittently operates below the standard; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to provide a I plan to resolve this facility shortfall; and WHEREAS, on August 4, 1987, the City Council approved the Local Management Plan for Zone 5 which identified certain facilities to be the respor developers within Zone 5 to finance, specifically the road segment of Palom Road from El Camino Real to Business Park Drive; and WHEREAS, certain property owners within Zone 5 have submitted a pr provide the needed funding for the road improvements; and .... 2 , 31 4 5 6 ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I.5 16 17 I.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 satisfies the requirements of the Growth Management Ordinance. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that issuance or approval of buil development permits within Zone 5 in the absence of guaranteed finanr improvement of Palomar Airport Road from Melrose Avenue to Business Park view of the failure of this facility to conform to the adopted performance standar be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C California that: 1) 2) The above recitations are true and correct. The Mayor is authorized to sign and execute the attached Agreemc guarantees funding for improvements to Palomar Airport Road from El Caminc Business Park Drive. 3) The property owners in Zone 5 who guarantee the finar improvement of this road segment shall be eligible for reimbursement from owners in other Local Facility Management zones of the City of Carisbad if Facilities Management Plans for those zones indicate that traffic from future dev of those zones would impact this road segment. I ! .... .... .... ---- .... 2. I 1 2 3' 4 4) Funding assistance for improvement of this road segment may be av from other sources, and the City will investigate all reasonable and appropriate pc sources of funds to aid in this effort; however, ultimate responsibility for financii road segment rests with the Zone 5 property owners, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ci City Council held on the 24th day of April , 1990 by the fc vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Member Pettine ABSENT: Council Member Mamaux Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, and Larson ATTEST: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 (SEAL) 3. 0 0 FORWARD FUNDING, MITIGATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EAST AGREEMENT FOR THE COST OF ENGINEERING THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 1 lth day of S-ePtember -- , 1 by and among those Zone 5 Property Owners described on Exhibit-''A" hereto, he referred to collectively as the "Contributing Ownerst' and the City of Carlsba municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the "City RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has established a Growth Management System, together ordinances and policies implementing same (hereinafter "City's GMS") which inc public facility performance standards which must be continually satisfied in ordc allow further development, including issuance of building permits and other develop entitlements, for development to proceed in various development zones throughou City; WHEREAS, the City has verified that a portion of Palomar Airport Road, ea3 from the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real to the City I (hereinafter "PAR East"), is not meeting applicable performance standards and result no development or building permits may be issued within Zone 5 until PAR E fully improved or acceptable guarantees of financing for its improvement is achiev accordance with the City's GMS; WHEREAS, the Contributing Owners own developable property within Zone have been requested by the City to provide financial assurances for a portion of the necessary to construct PAR East; and WHEREAS, the Contributing Owners are willing to provide certain fin: assurances and commitments, in combination with those commitments and assur from the City, as hereinafter enumerated to provide the necessary assurance guarantees to fully mitigate and satisfy the City's GMS with respect to PAR East; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herei parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals Incorporated by Reference. The foregoing Recitals are incorporated herein by this referenc represent a general statement of the intent and scope of this Agreement ret mutual and reciprocal commitments by the Contributing Owners and the City resp satisfaction of the City's GMS as it relates to Zone 5 and PAR East. 2. PAR East Improvements. 2.1 The scope of the PAR East improvements (here grading for full 126 foot right-of-way; construction of paved travel lanes to a total number ("Improvements") to be designated and constructed by the City shall include: (a) (b) (4), two (2) in each direction; 0 e ? (4 (d) eighteen (18) foot AC paved median with curb and gutter; appurtenant shoulder protection and normal drainage; and (4 all necessary improvements and grading necessary to accomplish needed roadway construction. The parties acknowledge and agree that City shall use its best efforts to minimize the design and construction costs consistent with reasonable design standards and engineering specifications and the Improvements shall not include Palomar Airport Road/El Camino Real intersection improvements or any improvements outside the City limits. Development projects in the City of San Marcos have been sufficiently conditioned to provide the needed facilities outside the Carlsbad city limits. The Improvements are more speaifiaally described and shown on the Improvement Description attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference. 2.3 The cost of design and construction of the Improvements, as hereinafter defined (the "Improvement Costs") is presently estimated to be Three Million Eight Hundred Forty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Fif ty-Four Dollars ($3,847,554) Estimate is subject to change based on result of design effort. Contributing Owners agree to deposit additional funds or increast bonds if the estimate is increased. This shall be done upon 30 days notice to tht Contributing Owners by the City. 2.2 2.4 3. Improvement Funding Sources. 3.1 City will make available all San Diego Regional TransNet Fund (Prop. A) allocated to this project. City agrees to use its best efforts to attempt tc estimated to be fifty percent (50%) of the total project cost, and is subject to change and is under the control of San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Contributing Owners will pay for the project by depositing cash wit the City in the aggregate amount of the actual cost minus the TransNet allocatior current estimate is One Million Nine Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand Seven Hundre Seventy-Seven Dollars ($1,923,777) [Note: Subject to adjustment based on Sections 2. and 3.11 for the purpose of assuring each Contributing Owners' advance funding of th Improvements. The money will be deposited with City within thirty (30) days of writte notice that the City Council has approved the plans and specifications and authorized th advertisement of bids for the project. Contributing Owners shall deliver to City by May 24, 1990, one ( more surety bonds substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C", (hereinaft6 the "Surety Bondst1) in the aggregate amount of One Million Nine Hundred Twenty-Thrc Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Dollars ($1,923,777). The Surety Bonds shall 1 issued for the benefit of the City to guarantee Contributing Owners payment obligatic under Seation 3.2, unless the Surety Bonds are earlier released pW!Uant to Section 3 below. secure the maximum amount of such funds. The current programmed allocation il 3.2 3.3 3.4 Each Contributing Owner shall be individually responsible for i payment, Surety Bond and contribution in the amount set forth opposite its name 1 2 a 0 f Exhibit "A" hereto and shall have no liability for the failure of any other individua Contributing Owner to make its payment provide its Surety Bond or any other obiigatioi hereunder. No award of a construction contract for the improvements will bl made until such time as all funds are on deposit with the City. If funds have not bee deposited as required by this agreement, no further development or building permits wi be issued. 3.5 3.6 The Surety Bonds shall have an expiration date no sooner than on (1) year following completion and City acceptance of the Improvements. The Cit presently anticipates completing the design and commencing construction during tl- 5 %id( quarter of 1991 and completing construction during the 5' *. F quartc 3.7 Notwithstanding Section 3.4 above, the Surety Bonds shall be earlic (a) Substitution of another form of financial guaranti reasonably acceptable to the City; including but not limited to; Communi Facilities District, hereinafter "CFD," 1913/15 Act Assessment District. Deposit of cash required for improvement and completion (c) Contributing Owners may substitute a cash deposit to ' released by the City and canceled upon the earlier to occur of the following: (b) project. individual Surety Bond, 3.8 Provided the Surety Bonds have not been earlier released pursuant Section 3.7 above, the City may call the Surety Bonds to the extent funds are necessi to finance the Contributing Owners' share of the Improvement Costs which have not be deposited as required by Section 3.2 or otherwise provide to City's satisfaction. C shall first give each Contributing Owner and its Surety thirty (30) days prior writ1 notice of its intention to call the Surety Bonds. 4. Alternate Financing Sources. City and Contributing Owners agree to use their best efforts to consi alternate financing sources which will finance the Contributing Owners' share of Improvements. Such alternate sources may include alternatives such as a City-Wide C program, a Zone 5 CFD program or other financing alternatives. City and Contribul Owners will also investigate the feasibility of financing the Zone 5 park fee obligal referenced in the existing Zone 5 Facilities Plan and equitably spread all Park related costs to all Zone 5 properties remaining to be developed. The purpose and int the Improvements, for the Surety Bonds and the financial assurances of Contribul Owners herein. is to attempt to substitute the alternate financing sources, BS it relates to financing 5. Reimbursement Program. 5.1 The parties hereto acknowledge the need for an equit reimbursement program to reimburse the Contributing Owners who actually contril funds to the construction of the Improvements, or to proportionately reduce the am( of the Surety Bonds. The reimbursement program involves implementation by the ' 3 0 0 through its ordinances, policies and state law, and may include, but is not necessarily limited to growth management and zone fees, subdivision exaction fees, benefit area fees or other programs intended to reimburse Contributing Owners for any advances made that should be equitably spread on other undeveloped property. 5.2 City will use its best efforts to impose as a condition of approval 0' all future development, including but not limited to zone plans and subdivision maps, tc the extent lawful and within its municipal powers, on each property, (other than thc property of Contributing Owners hereof), which impacts PAR East a fee or othe exaction representing each property's proportionate share of the "Improvement Coststt a: hereinafter defined. These fees shall be collected by City and when so collected shall bc distributed to repay to the Contributing Owners their proportionate share o Improvement Costs or to proportionately reduce the Surety Bonds, as the case may be The City agrees to pay Contributing Owners or otherwise credit the Surety Bonds SUC' amounts collected within thirty (30) days of their receipt. This reimbursement prograi shall remain in effect until the earlier of (a) the remaining reimbursement amount ha been fully satisfied or (b) twenty (20) years from the execution of this Agreement. 6. Improvement Costs and Annual Adjustment. 6.1 Wnprovement Costs" as used herein shall include, but are nc limited to, costs for design, administration of construction contracts, and actui construction Of the Improvements, less the City provided funds referred to in Section 3 above. 6.2 "Improvement Costs" shall be documented by copies of all invoic and payments and shall be based upon actual quantities of contract items constructed accordance with the plans and specifications and contract unit prices. 6.3 City, as soon as practicable following completion of ti Improvements, will submit to the Contributing Owners an accounting of all Improveme Costs incurred for the Improvements. Said Costs shall be for any reimbursements ma during the calendar year of completion and acceptance. Provided, however, com menci each January 1 thereafter, the Improvement Costs shall be increased based on a increases in the Construction Cost Index for the Los Angeles/San Diego area (1913 eqi loo), published by the Engineering News Record ("CCI") using the monthly ind published immediately prior to each subsequent calendar year as the %omparis index." In no event shall the Improvement Costs as adjusted annually be less than tl calculated for the preceding calendar year. The parties agree and acknowledge that t method of indexing Improvement Costs of construction using the CCI 1s fair a equitable to the other contributing parties as it most nearly reflects the actual cost construction as may exist from time to time. In the event the CCI is discontinued, tl the City and Contributing Owners shall reasonably agree on a substitute index or met: of indexing for delayed future reimbursement payments. 7. Personal to Contributing Owners. The parties acknowledge and agree that the obligations, reirnbursem rights and entitlements provided for herein shall be personal to the Contributing Owr and such rights shall not, unless expressly assigned in writing by the Contributing Own, and such assignment is approved by the City, inure to the benefit of future owner transferees of all or any part of their respective properties. Liability under Agreement shall not be joint and several among the Contributing Owners, and e participant shall be liable for its contributive share only as outlined on Exhibit here to. 4 e a A 8. Miscellaneous. 8.1 A demand upon payment or notice required or permitted to be given by one party to the other shall be in writing and shall be deemed effective (a) on personal delivery (b) on the third business day after mailing by certified or registered United States mail, postage pre-paid, return receipt requested or (c) on the succeeding business day after mailing by Express Mail or after deposit with a commercial delivery service oi general use, all postage or fees pre-paid and addressed to the parties at the addresse: below: If given to Contributing Owners: At the addresses set forth on Exhibit "A" hereto. Luce, Forward, Hamilton & ScrippI La Jolla Golden Triangle 4250 Executive Square Suite 700 La Jolla, CA 92037 Ronald W. Rouse, Esq. City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 With a copy to: If given to City: Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice in the manner set forth i this paragraph only. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the partil hereto pertaining to subject matter hereof, and all prior and contemporaneol agreements, representations and understandings of the parties hereto or the written 81 hereby superseded and merged herein. No supplement, modification or amendment ( this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and executed by the parties hereto. 8.2 0.3 This Agreement shall be construed In accordance with and governc by the laws of the State of California. This Agreement shall be deemed made a1 entered into in San Diego County, which shall also be deemed to be the sole proper venl for any action or proceeding relating to the Agreement. In the event any action shall be instituted in connection with ti Agreement, the party prevailing in such action shall be entitled to recover from t other party of all Its costs of action including reasonable attorneys' fees as determin by the court, In addition to any other damages or remedies as to which said party entitled. Contributing Owners and City acknowledge that it may be necessi to execute additional documents or other writings in order to perform this Agreemc and in connection with determining the final Improvement Costs and/or the perioi adjustments thereto. CIty and Contributing Owners hereby agree to cooperate with e€ 8.4 8.5 other by executing such other documents or taking such other action BS may 5 0 0 reasonably necessary to provide for reimbursement of the Improvement Costs and fa completion of the construction of the Improvements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on th day and year first written above in counterpart signature pages. CITY OF CARLSBAD, A Municipal Corporation of the State of California By: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor City of Carlsbad CONTRIBUTING OWNERS See Exhibit "A" signatures APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. EIONDO, JR., City Attorney ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk /o/AGlllTAM/4-24-90 6 0 e Exhibit B Palomar Airport Road East Scope of Work The design and construction of Palomar Airport Road from the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real to the Easterly City limits must include the following improve ments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Necessary environmental assessment and mitigation Right-of-way acquisition to accommodate construction Grading to full prime arterial standards (126 feet ROW) Construction of four (4) paved travel lanes, two (2) in each direction Eighteen (18) foot AC paved median with curb and gutter Necessary intersection improvements including signal modifications at Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Sufficient roadway transitions to accommodate widening on El Camho Real to Palomar Airport Road Construction of required drainage structures and shoulder protection Any earthwork and grading necessary to accomplish needed roadway construct ion 7. 8. 9. 0 0 EXHIBIT C Surety Bond See City o€ Carlsbad standard Faithful Performance Bond Attached hereto ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION /- ',I fd ' rf- / -- / , r > , i [{-cd !/ I r - .;/fI( ., i 7&,, 9 <& 'L/ . ,,v -L ' &]c;;uA / A, , eco,d " ,)L,f J& 'r 1. Ct ( < /c"l> IfCA A- RECEIPT NO. 9 9 2 5 2 TOTAL - - __ - - - - - - - . - __-_-- ------- AWL Cd AT 6 3 23 __ -0 b -. L -I “.*.OD 1 1 j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a RESOLUTION NO. 9 2 - 13 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO RELEASE THE GUARANTEE OF FUNDING FROM CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN ZONE 5 FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EAST WHEREAS, On April 24, 1990 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ad( Resolution No. 90-123 approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute and agreemen certain owners of property within Zone 5 providing a guarantee of funding for improver to Palomar Airport Road East in compliance with Growth Management Requirements; WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has secured an alternative for of funding in the of TRANSNET (Prop A) funds for the improvements to Palomar Airport Road East; and WHEREAS, the funding guarantee supplied by the various property owners within 5 are no longer necessary in light of the secured funding from TRANSNET fc improvement to Palomar Airport Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carl California that: 1) 2) The above recitations are true and correct. The City Clerk is authorized to release the performance bonds post following property owners within Zone 5: Upland Industries Corporation $1,012,293 Carlsbad Airport Centre, Ltd. $681,601 Carlsbad Oaks East $232,199 MorganIPalomar Industrial I $ 45,602 Ill Ill 111 1 111 111 111 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 a 3) The Finance Director is authorized to reimburse the cash deposit submitt Mr. Kenneth Saterlee in the amount of $6,327. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City C held on the 19th day of MAY , 1992 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchi NTEST: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FtANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk 1