HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-02; City Council; 11702; PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT APPLICATION FOR THIRD YEAR FUNDINGOF CARLSBAD - AGE Adopt Resolution No. 92-13$ approving the library's application for a Partnerships fi Change grant in the amount of $57,498. ITEM EXPLANATION On May 21, 1991, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 91-157 approving the acceptance of a second year Partnerships for Change federal grant in the amount of The Centro de Informacion opened in November 1991 in a rented house in Carlsbad' downtown Hispanic community. Since that time, the Centro, operated by five part-t: bilingual staff, has established a strong presence in the community. Centro staff hav regularly with neighborhood residents to plan and implement needed services. Throi March 1992, 601 Hispanic residents registered for library cards and 3,380 visits were to the Centro by patrons. Among noteworthy accomplishments, Centro staff, with tl. assistance of regular library staff, developed a collection of 890 Spanish language bo videos, and audiotapes for adults and children. These resources, most of which are practical, self-help items, have been heavily used by the community. In addition to resources, the Centro has put on weekly Spanish storyhours for pre-schoolers as well biweekly reading club for school age children. Informational programs for adults prc by bilingual representatives of area social service agencies have also been well attenc In the coming year, the Centro plans to continue serving Spanish-speaking families i~ Carlsbad's downtown neighborhood with their information needs. Spanish language FISCAL IMPACT I 0 0 PAGE 2 OF AB # /f 70.2- Salaries: 5 part-time staff $39,500 Library Materials: Books, magazines, videos $ 2,538 Operating Expenses: PR, telecommunications, supplies, training $1 1,200 Indirect: $ 4,260 Total: $57,498 EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. 91-13> approving the library's application for a Partnerships Change grant from the California State Library. Application for Partnerships for Change grant. 2. 0 0 California State Library Partne rshh f0 r Chanap/Apr, licatlon I nstructio ns California State Library Library Services and Construction Act Title I PART#EFtSBIPS POR CEANGI Community Library Service Grants Program AppliortiOn for -01. 2 Librui.8 Fiscal Year 1992/93 1. a. Applicant Jurisdiction: Carlsbad City Library b. Community Library Service Program Site: Main Library 2. For your targeted ethnic community(iea), provide: a. Estimate of Total Population Size of Target Group(s): 8,700 b. - American Indian Asian/Pacif ic - Black x Hispanl - (check all that apply to your PFC program) 3. Program Title: Centro de Informacio'n 4. Total program budget: $ 5. Amount requested from LSCA: $ 6. Congressional District no (8) : 48, 51 State Senate District no(s): 38 State Assembly District no(s) : 73 79,298 57,498 7. Contact Person: Lynda L. Jones Title: Address: 1207 Carlsbad Village Dr., Ste. 0, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Area Code: 619 Phone Number: 434-2998 FAX Number: (619) 729-205( Coordinator , Adult Learning Program 8. Fiscal Agent: City of Carlsbad Finance Department 9. Name of Authorized Applicant: Clifford E. Lange Title: Library Director Address : 1250 Carlsbad Village Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92008 10. Signature of Authorized Applicant: Date: phone Nder:J 619 ) 434-2875 *cantJ"risdidion/! C bad City Library Ti Centro de Informacio'n .. 11. Summarize your Action Plan for 1992/93. Provick a NrmtiY. stataclt of hat pu plan to wogtfrh in looZIQf to IM yow krwh/tikary tawrd p wised krvicr Program him. ~nctde a description of the inuo1-t of your coalition in docisions s activities docmmtd in this .ppticrtion. Captetr krrrry in tho opue pr0vid.d. In 1992-1993, the Carlsbad City Library will continue to operate the Centro de Infc in Carlsbad's downtown neighborhood. The Centro will continue to be staffed by 5 part-time bilingualfbicultural library technicians during a variety of -weekday and weekend hours. As an information resource center to assist Spanish-speaking families to adapt to life in a new environment, the Centro will have extensive information and referral files to enable patrons to locate the community services they need. Representatives of community agencies will visit the Centro regularly to answer questions and conduct informational workshops. Programming will also celebrate the diverse cultural heritage of Carlsbad residents and encourage sharin, and understanding. Spanish-language books, videos, cassettes, magazines, newspape and brochures at the Centro will introduce adults and children to the types of resources available in the library. Materials for learning English will also be available. A computer terminal will link the Centro to the Main Library, fosterini greater access to the resources at both. Spanish-language storyhours for children will be held weekly, as will programs for school-age children. A quiet study area for students will be part of the Centro's services. be given by Centro staff at the Centro and the Main Library. The Centro staff wil devote several hours a weec to outreach, visiting community sites to acquaint neighborhood residents with library services and to learn more about information needs residents have. In addition, Main Library staff will regularly spend time at the Centro and in the community with Centro staff. A new brochure describing the Centro's services will be developed and widely distributed. Spanish-language book, video, and audio collections for adults and children will be expanded. The book collections will be moved to more spacious and visible shelving. Bilingual library instructional classes for students will continue at the Main Library biweekly. role in shaping the services the library offers. Frequent library tours will The Main Library' The Community Coalition will continue to play a vital .. 12. Budget Summary (For 1092193 fvdim only, suariring D.tai1.d Progrr wt from uctiar 17): Other ISCA Contrib. In-Kind Total (1) (2 1 (3) (4) 39,500 0 12,700 52 , 200 a. Salaries/&nefits 2,538 0 7 , 000 9,538 b. Library Materials c. Operating Expense 11,200 0 2,100 13,300 0 0 0 0 4 , 260 0 0 4 , 260 57,498 0 21,800 79,298 d. Equipment - e. Indirect costs (10% maximum) f. TQtal TY LIBRARY Centro de Inf omaci6n .. &cant ~urisdidion CARLSB Ti > 13. Identify Partnership Team Hembers. Community Partner Name: Ofelia Escobedo Title: Co-owner Lola's 7-Up Market and Deli 3292 Roosevelt , Carlsbad, CA 92008 Affiliation: Mailing Address: Phone Number: ( 619 ) 434-2191 FAX: (619) 729-205C c/o Geott A rmoux Branch Partner Name: Title: Coordinator, Adult Learning Program Branch: Lynda L. Jones Carlsbad City Library (Main) Mailing Address: 1207 Carlsbg Village Dr., Ste. 0, Carlsbad, ch Phone Number: ( 619 ) 434-2998 FAX: (619) 729-205C -r Administrative Partner Name: Geoffrey Amour Assistant Library Director Title: Jurisdiction: Carlsbad City Library Mailing Address: 1250 Carlsbad Village Dr. , Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone Number: ( 619 1 434-2889 FAX: (619) 729-2050 e 0 -7 Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librarq Title Centro de Informaci61 14. Coalition Partners. Provide here a list of the Coalition Partners who have agree1 to work with you on your branch service program this year Include name, affiliation and expected participation for each Community Coalition Partners Margarita Acosta (translations, community input) Rosa Arrazola (community input, networking with neighbors) Ofelia Escobedo (community, business & media contacts Julie Heard (community input, link with volunteers) Jose Luis Maldonado (community input, link with parents) Margarita Maldonado (community input, link with parents) Lilia Talcove (community input, translation, cultural knowledge) Consuelo Trejo (community contacts and knowledge, link with churcl: organization) and Historical Society) Aqency Coalition Partners Julie Heard, Southern California Director, AARP/Tax-Aide (link wit1 tax volunteers) Stephen Ahle, Principal, Pine Elementary School (involvement of teachers and children in library activities, distribute library information) Alicia Felt, teacher, Home Headstart in Carlsbad (involvement of children and parents in storyhours and informational programs: Ruth Montemayor, Project Coordinator, Project Vida Si, Tabaco No, Vista Community Clinic (informational programming) C. Gisela Ramos, paralegal, Centro de Asuntos Migratorios (informational programming) Pamela Portillo-Johannsen, Housing Development Specialist, Chicano Federation of San Diego County (informational programming) Nellie M. Casillas, Prenatal Outreach Program Director, North County Health Services (informational programming) Don L. Sisselberger, Sergeant, Recruitment/Training, Carlsbad Police Department (informational programming, public relations) counseling, job information) programming) (informational programming) Jim Lundgren, Director, Carlsbad Hiring Center (immigration Eddie Perez, Downtown Mental Health Center (informational Vivian Garcia, Health Educator, Vista Community Clinic Page 4 0 0 ?. Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librar. Title Centro de Informaci61 Dana Harwood, Health Educator, Vista Community Clinic (informational programming) Amy Villalobos, Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Office (community information, publicize Centro with housing clients Karen Sauer, Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment office (link with City of Carlsbad's efforts related to migrant workers) Maria G6mez, Director, Migrant Education (link with children an( parents for cooperative programming, publicity, communit: feedback) George Lbpez, Director, SER/Jobs for Progress (youth hiring information, hiring center, immigration counseling) Mike Franz, Director, McAlister Institute north coastal regioi (drug recovery information and outreach) Father J. Raymond Moore, St. Patrick's Church (link with Catholic parishioners for sharing information) Estella Feliciano, Migrant Education Assistant (link with secondarj age migrant education students and parents; communitj knowledge) Barbara Mannino, Director, Vista Community Clinic (link with man1 health education programs) Darlene Ulrich, Director, Oceanside Community Action Corporation (link with multiple social services) Anna Tilton, Principal, Jefferson Elementary School (link with Spanish-speaking elementary and preschool students ti theii par en t s ) Dr. Judy Trinkle, Principal, Buena Vista Elementary School (link with parents and students) Roberta Macfarlane, Coordinator, English-as-a-Second-Language and Spanish Literacy adult classes in Carlsbad through MiraCostE College (link with several hundred adults for programming, public relations, community feedback) Marina Siinchez, Director, Community Outreach, St. Patrick': Catholic Church (link to church and multiple social services: Manuel Medrano, Multicultural Coordinator, EYE (link with multiple social services) Sarah Rosenfeld, Director, Community Resource Center (link with new social service/counseling office in Carlsbad) Rev. Juan Hernsndez, Iglesia Apostblica (link with large Spanish- speaking congregation) Karolyn Dreyer, RN, Oceanside Public Health (public health education in Carlsbad) Donna O'Donnell, Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, St. Patrick's Church (link with active Catholic youth group) Linda Ledesma, Juvenile Diversion Program, Carlsbad Police Department (community knowledge and contacts) Gloria Valencia Cothran (serves on boards of San Diego State, Sac Marcos; EYE; and many other agencies) Cheryl Hawk, Resources, Lifeline Community Services (link witk multiple social services) Page 4a 0 Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City L: Title Centro de Infon 0 -7 15. Progress Report Sumnarize your progress to date. What has been accomplished in : 1 and 2 of your cornunity library service program revision, restructuring, and resource reallocation? -_ a. Comnunitv and Aqency Coalitions: Neighborhood residents have me. regularly with library staff to plan and implement new/revised services. Strong links with government, social, health service agencies have been established and resulted in cooperative progrz - b. Library Staff: Six part-time bilingual/bicultural staff have bet hired, 5 working at the Centro de Informaci6n and 1 in the Main Library's Children's Division. Thirty Main Library staff have t: introductory Spanish classes and multicultural training. Eleven library administrators, division heads, and staff participated ir intensive training in PFC philosophy and multicultural awareness, _. c. Centro de Informacih facility: A neighborhood library informati center called the Centro de Informaci6n opened in November 1991 j rented house in Carlsbad's downtown area. In December the propel was sold, and the Centro had to move March 31, 1992, to temporar] quarters at Harding Community Center. The library expects the CI to relocate to a new site during summer 1992. - d. Patron Visits and Reqistrations: From July 1991 to March 1992, C Spanish-speaking residents registered for library cards. Since t Centro opened in mid-November 1991 till the end of March, 3380 vi were made to the Centro by patrons. language books (reference and circulating), videos, and audiocase for adults and children have been expanded. The collection of tk items at the Csntro numbered 890 at-the end of March 1992. From January-March 1992, combined circulation of Spanish-language mate at Main and Centro was 4613 items, almost evenly divided between Centro and Main. This is approximately a 300% increase over circulation of Spanish materials before PFC. From January-March new borrowers registered through PFC checked out 3410 items from and Centro, testimony to PFC's influence. - f. Outreach and Public Relations: Since July 1991, 32 articles abou Centro have appeared in local newspapers. Centro staff have gone door-to-door and spoken at schools and community groups. Monthly bilingual flyers go to all schools and several community sites. days a week, a Centro staff member staffs a table at Lola's Marke Tours of the Centro and Main Library are given for adults and chi regularly; from January-March 1992, 378 Spanish-speaking childre adults were given tours. A logo for the Centro has been designed All informational packets about the library are bilingual. Bilin signs identify all major sections of the Main Library. Q. Prouramminq: Weekly Spanish storyhours for children are held in neighborhood, as well as a biweekly Club de Lectura (Reading Club school-age children. Biweekly library instruction for students i given at the Club Bi1ingC.e (Bilingual Club) at the Main Library. Parents often accompany children to programs, and from January-Ma 1992, 681 children and 43 adults attended children's Spanish prog Frequent informational programs for adults are presented by commu agency representatives, and bilingual tax assistance was offered the Centro. The Main Library has had 4 displays featuring Hispan culture. ~ e. Collection and Circulation: Main Library collections of Spanish Page 5 0 e -. Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librar Title Centro de Informaci6 16. Proposal for Year 3 Efforts (1992/93) 1992/93 Action Plan: plan to accomplish in 1992/93 to move your branch/library toward your revised Service Program Design. Define what yo want to accomplish this year in terms of: -specific client-centered and measurable Objectives. -definition of the Evaluative Weasures you propose to use. -the Activities and the Timeline you will use to achieve your objectives in 1992/93. Provide here a statement of what you Goal #1: To implement a community library service program that is responsive to the informational and service delivery needs of Carlsbad's downtown Hispanic population. Objectives related to Goal #1: a. By September 30, 1993, to increase the Spanish-languag adult and children's print collections in the Main Library and Centro by 10%. (measure: number of acquisitions). b. By September 30, 1993, to increase the Spanish-languagi audio-visual collection in the Main Library and Centro by 20%. (measure: number of acquisitions) c. By January 1, 1993, to have Spanish annotations for a1 Spanish videos in the collection at that date and have a system in place for annotating all future Spanish videos acquired. (measure: number of annotations compared to number of videos) d. By September 30, 1993, to increase the circulation of Spanish-language materials in the Main Library and Centro by 30%. (measure: circulation statistics for children's and adult Spanish book, audio, and video materials). Page 6 0 @ Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City t ibrar] Title Centro de fnformacibi e. By September 30, 1993, to introduce at least 200 new library users to library services through the Centro dc Informacih. (measures : -number of library card applications processed through the Centro and Centro staff outreach. -number of items circulating from the Main Library and Centro to persons whose library cards were issued through PFC. -number of persons coming daily to the Centro.) information and referral questions at the Centro. (measures : -number of information and referral questions answered at the Centro. -attendance at programs and services offered by community resource people at the Centro, -number of community services/informational brochures given out.) Spanish-speaking children participating in library- sponsored events by 20%. (measures : - -attendance at weekly Spanish storyhours. -attendance at Club de Lectura. -attendance at Club Bilingue. -circulation of children's materials at Centro. -circulation of Spanish children's materials at Main Library. -number of children participating in Summer Reading Club at Centro. -number of children participating in Summer Reading Club at Main who received library cards through PFC. f. By September 30, 1993, to answer at least 500 g. By September 30, 1993, to increase the number of Page 6 a 0 0 .). Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librar Title Centro de Informaci61 Goal #2: To implement an ongoing pattern of library staff involvement in the community and of active community involvement in the development, revision, and maintenance of Carlsbad's library service program. Objectives related to Goal #2: a. b. To have library staff actively participate in at least c. To have library staff devote at least 5 hours per week To hold bimonthly Community Coalition meetings. 3 community events in the Hispanic community. to outreach activities (school visits, Lola's Market, etc.). d. By September 30, 1993, to conduct a community survey tc update community needs assessment and evaluate library's services. e. To maintain suggestion boxes at Centro and Main and give feedback on suggestions within 3 weeks of sugges ti on a - (measures: -number of suggestions received -number of suggestions implemented -response time) Main Library. (measure : -number of exchanges and number of different staff participating). f. To maintain weekly staff exchanges between Centro and Page 6 1 0 0 I. Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librar Title Centro de Informaci6 Goal 113: To fully incorporate the library's revised service program into the library's local budget. a. In fiscal 1992-1993, to allocate $2000 of general fund collection development funds to purchase Spanish- language audio-visual materials. b. In fiscal year 1992-1993, to allocate $5000 of general fund collection development funds to purchase Spanish- language print materials. c. Aggressively to recruit bilingual personnel for any library positions which become vacant and are open for hiring during the year. (measure : -number of bilingual personnel on library staff) d. By April 1, 1993, to hold an Open House for the community at large at the Centro to familiarize residents and community leaders with the Centro. (measure: -attendance) - e. By September 30, 1993, to invite staff from at least 3 city departments to visit the Centro and discuss how the Centro can cooperate with other city departments ii serving the community. f. Throughout 1992-1993, to include planning for PFC staf: in development of the library's overall staffing plan in conjunction with construction of the new main 1 ibrary . Page 6 c 0 0 Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librar Title Centro de Informacii$ 1992 - 1993 PFC TXMELINE Reqular Activities -Community Coalition meeting (bimonthly) -Reporting on PFC at library division heads meetings and Library Board meetings (monthly) -Spanish-language tours of the Main Library and Centro (semi- monthly) -Community resource persons' scheduled visits to the Centro to provide information and/or informational workshops (semimonthly) -Spanish language storyhours (weekly) -Club de Lecturer (biweekly) -Club Bilingue (biweekly) -Outreach visits 5 hours per week to schools, community groups, door-to-door) -Evaluative review of statistics and other ongoing evaluation tools (monthly, quarterly) -Staff exchanges between Centro and Main Library (weekly) - October 1992 -Outreach efforts emphasize school visits and visits to ESL adull classes. -Develop a sellective bibliography of Spanish-language library holdings on a topic of interest to Sarget population (e.g., health) -Begin design of Centro brochure. November 1992 -Write brochure, take photos. -Invite staff from one city department to visit Centro. Pecember 1992 -Finalize brochure design. -Posadas party for children. -Invite staff from one city department to visit Centro. Page 6d 0 Applicant Jurisdiction Ca rlsbad City Librur Title Ceatro de Info~ci61 January 1993 -Print brochures about Centro. -Plan Open House February 1993 -Open House March 1993 -Develop survey questions and methodology. April 1993 -Conduct community survey. May 1993 -Children's programming related to Cinco de Mayo -Library participate in community's Festejando a las madrecitas celebration. June 1993 -Hispanic cultural presentation for-adults. -Register children for Summer Reading Club. July 1993 -Develop a selective bibliography of Spanish-language materials at Centro and Main Library on a topic of interest. -Summer Reading Club August 1993 -Invite staff from one city department to visit Centro. -Summer Reading Club September 1993 -Participate in Fiesta en el Barrio Carlsbad celebration. -Children's programming related to 16 de septiembre theme. Page 6 e W Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librar Title Centro de Informaci6 17. Detailed Program Budget OTHER LSCA CONTRIB. IN-KIND a. SALARIES/BENEFITS List each position separately: Sa 1 ari es : 1 Bilingual Lib. Tech. 12,000 (supervisor) - 19 hrs. 1 Bilingual Lib. Tech. 8,300 - 15 hrs. 3 Bilingual Lib. Techs. 16,600 - 10 hrs. ea. Benefits (5 part-time staff) 2,600 Asst. Lib. Director 1,000 Hd., Coll. Dev. - 1,000 Coord. 61 Asst., Ad. Lrng. 5,000 Graphic Artist 500 Media Coord. 200 Tech. Serv. Staff 2,000 Children's Staff 2,000 Circ. Staff 1,000 SUB - TOTAL 39,500 12,700 b. LIBRARY MATERIALS 2,538 7,000 continued ... Page 7 a m *. *. Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librarj Title Centra de Snformaci61 Detailed Program Budget, cont. OTHER LSCA CONTRIB . IN-KIND c. OPERATING EXPENSES Telephone 700 Uti 1 it ies 500 Office Equipment Mainten. 500 Programming, displays 4,000 500 P.R., printing 5 , 000 500 Travel 200 Shelving, furniture 500 Postage 200 Office Supplies 500 200 SUB-TOTAL 11, 200 2 , 100 1 -0- -0- d. EQUIPMENT - 0 -- SUB-TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 53 , 238 0 21,800 7 e. INDIRECT COSTS (8%) 4,260 0 0 f. TOTAL 57,498 0 21,800 7 Page 7a 4 '_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XI. 12 13 14 15 16 17 w w RESOLUTION NO. 92-132 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING A THIRD YEAR PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY TO SUPPORT ENHANCED INFORMATION SERVICES TO CARLSBAD'S HISPANIC COMMUNITY. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library serves the entire community by providing information and opportunities for educational and cultural enrichment; and WHEREAS, Hispanics in Carlsbad generally have not taken advantage of library services; and WHEREAS, the California State Library's Partnerships for Change program has made available grant funds to selected California libraries, and WHEREAS, the library has developed a program of service for Hispanks in Carlsbad; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 18 19 i Carlsbad, California, as follows: I1 2o i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the library is hereby authorized to submit an application to the Califomia State Library for a Partnerships for Change grant in the amount of $57,498. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meethg of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 2nd following vote, to wit: dhi of June , 1992, by the r) I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 W AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city Clerk\ (SEAL) 18 19 1 1