HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-02; City Council; 11708; FUNDING FOR NORTH COUNTY WILDLIFE FORUM WORK PROGRAMAB # J [ 78 8 TITLE: FUNDING FOR NORTH COUNTY DEPT. PLN A WILDLIFE FORUM WORK PROGRAM MTG.June 2, 1992 Dl CI CI P 8 ce: Q Y 2 z o - 0 F a =! 0 z 3 0 0 CIl@OF CARLSBAD - AGENe BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 92- /qg , authc staff to appropriate funds for the North County Wildlife Forun I Work Program. ITEM EXPLANATION On December 3, 1991, the City Council approved entering Memorandum of Agreement to establish a process for coord: wildlife habitat planning with other jurisdictions in North Sal County. The process is now established and called the North Wildlife Forum (NCWF). The forum is made up primarily of the P: Directors from all north county jurisdictions and is being coorc by SANDAG. The NCWF has now been meeting regularly every month only coordinate individual efforts but also to prepare a work ] that could eventually lead to comprehensive North County Subrt Habitat Plan. Phase I of the Work Program is a research phase which incluc following tasks: 1. Identify and map on a uniform Geographical Information (GIS) program areas of significant concern that i ecosystem management for the California Gnatcatcher and s listed under the Endangered Species Act as endai threatened, or key candidate species. Identify and map on a uniform GIS program all land use elc circulation elements, and existing land uses of the north jurisdictions. Identify and map on a uniform GIS program all inventoriec currently owned, leased, or managed by government and 1 organizations. 2. 3. 4. Prepare quality plots from data derived in steps 1-3 as above. Coordinate planning efforts with others to avoid duplicat to fully map resource protection efforts in the North area. 5. The research conducted in Phase I will provide the basis for conservation efforts; either single or multi-species conservat designations, and/or environmental programs required due to ( or federal mandate. efforts designed for open space preservation, open space 1: e e I PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 11 3 0 8 Phase I is proposed to be funded through an agreement with the North County jurisdictions and SANDAG. Exhibit 11211 provi breakdown of the total cost of Phase I and each jurisdic responsibility. Since Carlsbad has already done most of the tas Phase I as part of the work on the Habitat Management Plan, Carl: cost is only $3,500 which is for integrating the City's ex: information with the overall information resulting from the program. The work will be done by a consultant. SANDAG working wi advisory committee will be responsible for preparing the Repel Proposal, hiring and managing the consultant and reviewing thc product. Carlsbad' Planning Director is on the advisory commi FISCAL IMPACT The cost to the City is $3,500. Funds are available in the PL Department's budget, account no. 001-820-3230-2479, which i habitat management planning purposes. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. %.-/Yb 2. Funding Proposal 0 0 NORTH COUNTY WILDLIFE FORUM REVISED Dm FUNDING PROPOSAL, The funding strategy for the initial Scope of Work that has been identified contains following components. The costs for integration of individual data are distributed equ among all the participating jurisdictions. The costs of individual items in the scope rei contributions by the individual entity responsible for the effort. The funding for tasks need to be conducted at the local or regional scale are included in this funding propc The "Principles for Funding and Administrative Strategies for the North County Wilc Forum" were used to guide the development of the funding proposal. In addition, matrices to determine the tasks that are completed or underway in a variety of local eff and costs estimates of the Clean Water Programs scope of work were used to detern the costs of the proposal. COST SHARING 1. 2. The total costs to implement the proposed scope is projected to be about $895,( The local agencies have contributed about $162,500 of in kind work thrc existing efforts, or efforts to be completed. Each participating jurisdiction should contribute for integration and coordinatic individual efforts at $3,500 per jurisdiction, regardless of the contributions of I programs. Assuming the participation of the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, V San Marcos, Escondido, Encinitas, Poway, Solana Beach, and the County of Diego, these funds would total $31,500 (3,500 x 9). The cost of the scope would be equally shared at three levels; water distr transportation and local agencies. Thus, CALTRANS and TransNet woulc responsible for $300,000 ($150,000 each), CWA would be responsible for $300 and the local agencies would be responsible for $300,000. Based on the survey of the matrices, the in-kind contributions from local age1 have covered about $162,600 of the costs associated with the scope. Thus, six ( would still have to contribute about $137,400 in addition to base fee becau work on the scope's tasks for their jurisdictions will not be entirely completed. total costs to jurisdictions (scope, if any, plus base fee of $3,500) are identific the following table: 3. 4. 5. 0 e Table NORTH COUNTY WILDLIFE FORUM COST SHARING l .+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 92-148 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF FUNDS TO INITIATE THE NORTH COUNTY WILDLIFE FORUM PHASE I WORK PROGRAM. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does 1 resolve the following: WHEREAS, on December 3, 1991, the City Council ac by Resolution No. 91-380, the MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FC NORTH COUNTY WILDLIFE FORUM: and WHEREAS, the other eight North County jurisdictio Councils and the County Board of Supervisors signed the Memorandum of Agreement along with the County Water Authori the San Diego Association of Governments: and WHEREAS, the purpose of the North County Wildlife (NCWF) is to provide a forum and a process whereby h, planning can be coordinated among north county jurisdiction the State and Federal resource agencies; and WHEREAS, the NCWF has identified the steps necessa a systematic and comprehensive approach to habitat wildlife/multi-species management planning; and WHEREAS, these steps will provide the basi preparing a coordinated set of North County habitat/multi-sp natural communities conservation plans, a draft agreement f implementation of the plans, a forum to coordinate effort other regional/Southern California efforts, and the basis north county plan that would comply .with federal and conservation planning processes; and 27**' + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e WHEREAS, a scope of work has been prepared for the three major steps: 1) establish land use database, 2) est? resource database, and 3) design wildlife preserves. The cost to implement the proposed scope of work is projected $895,000. The City of Carlsbad's responsibility for fundi $3,500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Count the City of Carlsbad, California hereby appropriates $3,! cover the City of Carlsbad's share of the above stated sc work for the North County Wildlife Forum. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California on the - day of June , 19 92 , by the following vo wit: * AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton ar NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: u ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city clerk ,. 2 This item was distributed at the 5-6-92 Special Meeting of the City Council 8900- 1 .. - * 0 - City of Carlsba CONTACT: Sally Romoser or Susan Reed (619) 238-8787 5 f 5 f 92 NEWS FROM CITY OF CARLSBAD DEVELOPER. AGENCIES REACH COO PERATWE CONSERVATION PLAN TO PRESERVE GNATCATCHER HABITAT IN CARLSBAD .. CARLSBAD - The city of Carlsbad, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ca Department of Fish and Game and The Fieldstone Co. have reached a milestone agreement on a conservation plan to preserve hundreds of acres of California gnai habitat in and near the city, Carlsbad Mayor Bud Lewis announced today from thl of Carlsbad City Hall. The Gnatcatcher Habitat Conservation Program is the first plan of its kind the proposed listing of the California gnatcatcher, a tiny songbird currently a cand for the endangered species list. Through its success in bringing together all the participants in this novel planning process, Carlsbad has sent a strong message of value of cooperative planning in forging solutions for environmental protection. (more) 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009 - (619) 438-11 CARLSB * 0 89OO-115 PAGE 2 -_ The plan calls for preserving nearly 500 acres of existing coastal sage scrul habitat at Fieldstone La Costa, The Fieldstone Co.'s collection of master-planned residential communities in south Carlsbad. In addition, the planning effort calls fc acquisition and management of additional land in a North County study area whicl be defined by the public agencies working cooperatively with The Fieldstone Co. city of Carlsbad. "We've crafted a plan that strikes an effective balance between enviromei needs and future public facilities while at the same time contributing to a strong 1( economy," Lewis said. "I'm proud to have a program in place that will preserve gnatcatcher and its coastal sage scrub habitat in the spirit of our growth managem plan. 1f The agreement caps more than two years of cooperative planning among t state and federal conservation agencies and The Fieldstone Co. to resolve wildlif" conservation issues related to the future construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road, P being upgraded in accordance with the city's Growth Management Plan. The conservation plan is designed to meet the requirements of federal and state laws pertaining to the gnatcatcher and its habitat and to treat the bird as if it were alre listed as an endangered species. In addition to the preserved and revegetated gnatcatcher habitat, the coop^ agreement includes two habitat Corridors in the southeast sections of Fieldstone L extending west from Rancho Santa Fe Road across from the Stanley Mahr Reser along the San Marcos Creek. (more) CARWl .. e e 89OO-11: PAGE 3 "This agreement comes at a time when it is critical to consciously design conservation areas for habitat of vanishing species. It is no longer enough to take piecemeal approach. The Endangered Species Act encourages this kind of cooper solution, and I hope others will use the cooperative planning approach to habitat conservation that Carlsbad and The Fieldstone Co. have," said Jeff Opdycke, U.! and Wildlife Service field supervisor for Southern California. "This is an import step in a significant regional multi-species conservation plan." The cooperative conservation plan is the first major component of Carlsba Habitat Management Plan @MI?), the blueprint by which the city decides what k land will be preserved for the benefit of wildlife and its habitat. Carlsbad's HMI represents the city's portion of an envisioned regional multi-species habitat presei plan and is consistent with the Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP) by the state of California. According to California Secretary for Resources Douglas Wheeler, "This cooperative process between landowners, environmentalists, governments at all 14 and others is precisely what we envisioned when the NCCP process was propose our objective to protect threatened species and, at the same time, accommodate reasonable economic development. I appreciate the work of the city of Carlsbad Resources Agency and the California Department of Fish and Game to ensure compatibility with the NCCP process. " (more) CARLS e 0 8900-1 l! . *a< . PAGE 4 "We consider the Carlsbad process to be a model for solving conflicts beh environment and development," said Dan Silver, coordinator of the Endangered € League. "By bringing all parties to the table and reaching consensus, the city of Carlsbad has shown how planning for conservation early in the process yields pos results. This is an example for the entire region. " Despite allocating a significant portion of its land for coastal sage scrub hi The Fieldstone Co. was upbeat about the outcome of the cooperative process. "Negotiations with the state and federal agencies were tough, but in the end the resolution is fair," said Fieldstone La Costa Senior Project Manager John Barone program meets the area's environmental needs, serves as an example for other jurisdictions and allows us to move forward with building homes. It's a solution expensive for us, but we feel it's the right thing to do." Besides conservation and revegetation of gnatcatcher habitat, the mitigatioi program also calls for minimizing the impact of development and coordinating wj Carlsbad's Growth Management Plan, the city's guidepost for land-use and facilit planning. Fieldstone also will be required to provide approximately $150,000 in for the Carlsbad HMP as well as additional research funding on the gnatcatcher. ### SCIsr 0 0 - KEY PARTICIPANTS AND CONTACTS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: This is the principal agency through which the federal government carries out its responsibilities to conserv protect and enhance the nation's fish and wildlife and their habitats fo1 continuing benefit of people. The Service's major responsibilities are migratory birds, endangered species, certain marine mammals and fres water and anadromous fish. Contact: Je$ Opdycke, Field Supervisor or Carrie Phillips, (619) 431- California Department of Fish and Game: This is the state wildlifc agency which is responsible for managing and conserving the state's n, resources. This also is the agency which has primary responsibility fa administering the Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP), und guidance of the California Resources Agency. The cooperative plan is means of working with land owners, regulato agencies and conservai groups to ensure protection of sensitive natur 2 habitats while allowing appropriate communi development. or Carol Whiteside, Assistant Secretary for Resources Agency, City of Carlsbad: City planners have established a Habitat Managerr Plan (HMP), a blueprint for citywide conservation of wildlife and hab offset impacts from new development and construction of public facilii Contact: Michael Kolmiller, Planning Director, (61 9) 438-11 61 Endangered Habitats League: A coalition of 33 Southern California conservation groups and many individual members. The coalitions tw main goals are to obtain endangered species' listings for the Californie gnatcatcher and to help craft constructive solutions to conflicts betwee environment and development. Contact: Dan Silver, coordinator, (213) 654-1456 Contact: Glenn Blac 2 , Natural Heritage Supervisor, (714) 597-5043 (91 6) 653-5656 The Fieldstone Co.: Developer of a group of master-planned residen communities in southern Carlsbad known as Fieldstone La Costa. Thc home-building firm is the largest single-family detached home builder San Diego County. Contact: John Barone, senior project manager, (619) 546-8081 or 931 -8747 ### 51: 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009 - (619) 438- v .- 0 a __ Mitestones in Habitat Conservation Pianning 1989 State and federal wildlife agencies, Fieldstone and local environment leaders begin laying the groundwork for habitat conservation plannin on a large scale. Tours and briefings of Secretary of Interior staff. City of Carhbad sponsors public discussions on environmental issue involving coastal sage scrub and sensitive species. The Alliance for Habitat Conservation is formed. This group compl land development companies which collectively control 80 percent o developable coastal sage scrub habitat in 'sari Diego County. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agrees to use the Habitat Comervatic Plan (HCP) process in San Diego, even though the gnatcatcher is nc listed. Memorandum of Agreements (MOA) signed by both state and feder agencies agreeing to use the HCP process on a pre-listing basis with city of Carlsbad. Resources Agency Secretary Douglas Wheeler announces a new HC process, the Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP). It is authorized through legislation (AB 2172, Kelley) in August. California Fish and Game Commission votes not to list the Californ gnatcatcher as a state candidate for listing. Fieldstone hdts development on its approved project, The Fairways assess mitigation of the post-approval discovery of gnatcatchers on Property. Fieldstone provides replacement habitat as mitigation for Fairways, very degraded and heretofore unoccupied gnatcatcher habitat. Fish and WddIife Service announces it will propose the California gnatcatcher for endangered status. This marks the beginning of a 1 long process of study. 1 /90 2/9 1 7/9 1 7-8/91 8/1/91 8/91 9/99 1 2075 Las Palmas Drive * Carlsbad, California 92009 - (619) 438 fl 0 -- - .. Milestones in Habita onservation Planning Page Two 1/92 In an effort to produce the most resource-protective plan possible foi construction of a vital, publicly mandated transportation link, Ranchc Santa Fe Road, the city of Carlsbad formed a Habitat Conservation 1 committee comprised of City officials, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servic Department of Fish and Game, Fieldstone representatives, and representatives of various local and regional conservation groups. Fieldstone becomes the first and only builder to sign a management, mitigation pre-listing agreement with the California Department of F and Game. The plan replaces a small parcel of disturbed and isolate gnatcatcher habitat slated for grading with quality habitat located nea which also provides connectivity with adjacent habitat. As a result of months of negotiations between participants of the Raa Santa Fe Road and grading project HCP committee, an agreement v reached on the most appropriate mitigation for construction of the r( and surrounding development. The conceptual agreement included providing wildlife corridors through and adjacent to the project with both on-site and off-site mitigation at a cost to The Fieldstone Comg of over $15 million. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department ( Fish and Game begin work on pre-listing agreements for the Ranchc Santa Fe Road and grading project. The city of Carlsbad held a press conference to publicly acknowledg the mitigation agreement on the Rancho Santa Fe Road and grading project. Participants include the city, The Fieldstone Company, U.! Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game Resources Agency, and several local and regional conservation grou 2/92 4/ 30192 5/6/92 ### 5 14/92 0 0 __ FIELDSTONE/CARLSBAD HABITAT PLAN FACT SHEET May 6,1992 Fieldstone La Costa 2,300 acres, approximately 3,000 homes in three n Total Project: phases: Southwest, Southeast/Rancheros, Northwe Approximately 12 to 15 years to build out. Developer: Fieldstone La Costa Asspciates Date Purchased: Total Coastal Sage Scrub: Mitigation Program: November 1 9 88 Approximately 800 acres on site Approximately 500 acres of coastal sage scrub hak preserved on site. Acquisition of additional 200-3 acres is contemplated. Significant project redesigr allow creation of several habitat corridors. Substa revegetatiodmanagement program to establish new habitat areas. Phased grading to minimize impact gnatcatcher population. Additional $200,000 to b spent on research and establishment of citywide ha management program. Loss of approximately 200 units on site. In additi consulting, acquisition, revegetation and managem costs estimated at $12.5 million. Cost to Fieldstone: ### 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009 - (619) 43E *. e 0 2- w .'.* SOUTHWEST FIELDSTONE LA COSTA e HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN ? RANCHEROS SOUTHEAST II SOUTHWEST fi FIELDSTONE LA COSTA HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN