HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-02; City Council; 11715; ADDITION OF CMWD MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATIONS TO THE CITY'S MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLANI e 8 E 2 z g 6 a 2 z 3 0 0 ‘5. CIWF CARLSBAD - AGENI(), BILL AB # 11; 3 I 5 TITLE: DEPT MTG. 6-2-92 ADDITION OF CMWD MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATIONS CITY DEPT. HR TO THE CITY’S MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PIAN CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. q2- I 55 approving a revised Management Compensation Plan and adding the classifications of General Manager, Adm in is trative Manager , District E ng i nee r , Ope rat ions S u pe ri n te nd e n t , Maintenance Superintendent, Systems Operations Supervisor, Construction Maintenance Supervisor, and Administrative Analyst - CMWD to the Management Compensation Plan and the Management Salary Schedule. ITEM EXPLANATION: Effective February 17, 1992, employees of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) became employees of the City of Carlsbad (City). CMWD classifications became subject to the City’s personnel system, the personnel rules and regulations, administrative orders, and other applicable rules, regulations, resolutions, and applicable memorandum of understanding dealing with personnel and employer-employee relations. As a result of this assimilation of CMWD employees, the CMWD management positions became subject to the same rules of the City’s Management employees. classifications be added to the City’s Management Salary Schedule as shown in Exhibit A of the attached Resolution: General Manager, Administrative Manager, District Engineer, Operations Superintendent, Maintenance Superintendent, Systems Operations Supervisor, Constructioi Maintenance Supervisor, and Administrative Analyst - CMWD. The Administrative Manager job description as shown in Exhibit C of the attached Resolution has been revised. There is no incumbent in this position. When filled it will be as a City position with appropriate City benefits. Employees of CMWD as of February 17, 1992, are allowed by law to retair their benefits that they enjoyed as employees of CMWD. This was affirmed for each employee in an “Individual Agreement.” These exceptions are included in the Management Compensation Plan as shown Exhibit B of the attached Resolution. Therefore, it is recommended that the following 0 0 PAGE 2 OF AB # llj 315 Additionally, those employees in the newly added Management positions who did not receive the general increase for CMWD employees effective November 1991, shall receive the 5.5% general wage increase as approved by the City’s Resolution No. 92-62, effective December 23, 1991. FISCAL IMPACT: The annualized cost of the salary adjustments and related benefits for thc two employees subject to the salary increase is $10,000, although the cost for the 1991-92 fiscal year will be $5,000. CMWD will be able to absorb this increase within their existing budget, thus no additional appropriation is necessary. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Exhibit C, Job Descriptions Resolution No. 9 2-f 5 5 Exhibit A, Management Salary Schedule Exhibit B, Management Compensation Plan . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REVISED MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PIAN AND ADOPTING THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF GENERAL MANAGER, ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER, DISTRICT ENGINEER, OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT, MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT, SYSTEMS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR, CONSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR, AND /IDMINISTRATIVE ANALYST - CMWD WHERE AS, effective February 17, 1992, the employees of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) were recognized to become employees of the City of Carlsbad (City) by the adoption of Resolution No. 92-16; and WHEREAS, the Management employees of CMWD are now subjec to the same personnel rules and regulations as the other Managemen employees of the City; and WHEREAS, these classification are recommended to become part of the Management Compensation Plan and Salary Schedule; and WHEREAS, the City’s Management employees received a 5.5% general salary increase effective December 23, 1991, by the adoption of Resolution No. 92-62; I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W W NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to add to the Management Salary Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A, the classifications of General Manager at $2,747 - $3,506 biweekly; Administrative Manager at $1,895 - $2,419 biweekly; District Engineer at $2,181 - $2,783 biweekly; Operations Superintendent at $1,895 - $2,419 biweekly; Maintenance Superintendent at $1,895 - $2,419 biweekly; Systems Operations Supervisor at $1,696 - $2,164 biweekly; Construction/Maintenance Supervisor at $1,439 - $1,837 biweekly; and Administrative Analyst CMWD at $1,410 - $1,799 biweekly. 3. That the Management Compensation Plan attached hereto and as Exhibit B, is hereby approved and adopted. 4. That the City Council authorizes the creation and/or the addition of the classifications of General Manager, Administrative Manager, District Engineer, Operations Superintendent, Maintenance Superintendent, Service Supervisor, Systems Operations Supervisor, Construction/Maintenance Supervisor and .Administrative Analyst - CMWD as described in Exhibit C. 2 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 I? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 5. That a 5.5% salary increase be passed through to the CMWD management employees who did not receive the general increase for the CMWD employees effective November 1991. Such salary increase to be effective December 23, 1991. //I Ill Ill JJJ Ill //I /I/ Ill Ill Ill JJJ Ill Ill Ill Ill .. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 19 7 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W w PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd day of June 9 1992, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaarc NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk PEAL) a. e Resolution No. - $2 -/sr CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 . MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE - BIWEEKLY PAY EXHlBlT A. June 2,1992 STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP : POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST - CMWD $1 A10 $1,480 $1,554 $1b32 $1,713 s ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER $1895 $1.990 s2m $2,194 $2304 $ AQUATIC SUPERVISOR $1 m $1,780 $1869 $1,963 s2m1 : ARTS MANAGER $1.996 s2m $2201 $231 1 $2.427 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY s3Ll55 $3208 $3368 $3337 $3.7 13 ! ASSISTANT CITY CLERK $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 S2Ll38 $2,140 I ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER $2379 $2,498 $2623 $2,754 $2891 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER $31355 $3208 $3368 $3337 $3,713 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR $2m7 $2.108 $2213 $2324 $2,440 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2rn $2,109 $2214 $2,325 $241 ASSISTANT PLANNING Dl RECTOR $2542 $2669 $2.802 $2,942 s3m ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER $244 $2566 $2.694 $2,829 $2,970 ASSISTANT U/M DIRECTOR $2310 $2A34 $2555 $2683 $2,817 BUILDING MAINT SUPERINTENDENT $1 m S1.W $2m $2,194 $2304 BUILDING MAINT SUPERVISOR $1 696 $1,780 $1869 $1,963 s2m1 CITY AlTORNEY $3.148 $3325 $3,471 $3644 $3B7 CITY ENGINEER $2589 $2,718 $2854 $2,997 $3,147 CITY MANAGER $3314 $3A79 $3653 $3,036 $4.028 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR $1554 $1 1631 $1,713 $1,799 $1 889 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $3B $3208 $3368 $3537 $3,713 COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MANAGER $1 ,041 $1,933 $21M9 $2,131 $2237 CONSTR/MAINT. SUPERVISOR $1 A39 $151 1 $1307 $1666 $1,750 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR $1 b62 $1,745 $1832 $1924 S2XyM DATA PROCESSING MANAGER $1,797 $1,886 $1,981 $2rn $2,184 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNN $2D72 $2,176 $2285 $2399 $2519 DISTRICT ENGINEER $2.181 $22m $24404 $2,524 $2650 ELECTRICAL OPTNS SUPERVISOR $1 m $1.780 $1869 $1,963 $2B1 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER $1 ,841 $1,933 $2m $2,131 $2237 EQUIPMENT MAINT SUPERINTENDENT $lass $1,990 s2m $2,194 $2,304 EQUIPMENT MAINT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1869 $1,963 $2@1 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT $ 1,761 $1,049 $1,941 $2rn $2,140 FINANCE DIRECTOR $2575 $2,703 $2,039 $2,980 $3,130 FIRE CHIEF $2,047 $2,989 $3,138 $3295 $3M GEOGRAPHIC INFO. COORDINATOR S1.m $1,893 $1,984 s2m $2,188 HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER $1,761 $1rn $1,941 $2W $2.140 < t 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR $3m $3m $3368 $3537 $3,713 FIRE BAllALlON CHIEF $2240 $230 $2A70 $2m $2,732 GENERAL MANAGER $4m8 $2M s3m $3,160 $3,339 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $2692 $2,027 $2,968 $3.1 17 $3272 HUMAN RESOURCE ANALYST $1 A38 $1510 $1585 $1 664 $1,740 I. CITY OF CARLSBAD w sa- 15s MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE . Resolution No. __ June 2,1992 BIWEEKLY PAY EXHlBlT A. STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP S HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTANT $1298 $1352 $1/431 $1,502 $1377 $' HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR $2375 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 s: INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR $2375 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 s: LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2,575 $2.703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 s: MA1 NTENANCE SUPER1 NTEN DE NT $1895 $1,990 s2m $2,194 $2,304 $: MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,525 s1m1 $1 681 $1,765 $1853 $' MANAGEMENT ASSFANT $1 376 SlA45 $1317 $1,593 $1 672 $' MEDIA SERVICES MANAGER $1 m $11631 $1,713 $1,799 s1m $' METER SHOP SUPERVISOR $1696 $1,780 $1869 $1,963 s2m1 s: MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER $2379 $2,498 $2623 $2,754 $2,891 s: OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT $1 895 $1,990 s2m $2,194 $2304 s: PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR $2A67 $2391 $2,720 $2856 $2,999 s: PARKS SUPERINTENDENT $1 m $1,990 s2m $2,194 $2,304 s: PARKS SUPERVISOR s1m $1.780 $1869 $1,963 $2,061 s: PLANNING DIRECTOR $2834 $2,976 $3,125 $3281 $3A45 $: POLICE CAPTAIN $2281 $2,710 $2845 $2,988 $3,137 s: POLICE CHIEF s3m $3208 $3368 $3,537 $3,7 13 $: POLICE LIEUTENANT $2239 s2m S2W $2391 $2,721 s: PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR $2,152 $22a $2373 $2AQ $2616 $: PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER $2,181 S2xO $2AO4 $2,524 $2650 s: PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR $ 1,977 $2.076 $2,179 $2288 $2,403 s: PRINCIPAL PLANNER $2,145 $2252 $2364 S2A83 $2a7 s: PRINCIPAL RECREATION SUPERVISOR $1,824 $1,915 $2.011 $2.1 12 $2217 s: PURCHASING OFFICER $2,037 $2.108 $2213 $2.324 $2A40 s: RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT $1 m $1,950 s2m $2,194 $2304 s: RESEARCH MANAGER $2A16 $2536 $2663 $2,796 $2,936 s: RISK MANAGER $2.446 $2368 $2697 $2832 $2,973 $: SANITATION MAINT SUPERVISOR s1m $1.780 $1869 $1,963 s2m1 s: SECRETARY TO CITY MGR/CITY AlW $1.166 $1 224 $1 285 $1 350 $1 A17 $' SENIOR CITIZENS COORDINATOR $1,824 $1,915 $2.011 $2.1 12 $2217 s: SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 s2m $2,140 s: STREET MAINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,695 s1,m s2m $2,194 $2,304 s: STREET MAINT SUPERVISOR $3,137 $1,780 $1869 $1,963 $2x)61 s: SYSTEMS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR $1 696 $1.780 $1869 $1,963 $2,061 s: TRAFFIC ENGINEER $2283 $2397 $2317 $2643 $2,775 s: UTILITIES MAINT DIRECTOR $2h7 $2391 $2,720 $2856 $2,999 $: UTILITIES MAINT SUPERINTENDENT s1m $1.990 s2m $2,194 $2304 s: WATER MAINT SUPERVISOR $1 m $1,780 $1869 $1,963 $2L)61 s: POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 0. 0 0 . Exhibit 6 Resolution No. 92-1 55 MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN I. INTRODUCTION. This attachment constitutes the Management Compensation Plan (MCP). The MCP contains three parts, an introduction, a schedule of benefits, and a salary schedule. A- DEFlNlTlONS 1. Manaaement Emplovees . Management employees are defined under the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.48.030 (7). 2. CMWD Management Emplovees. CMWD management employees are defined as the management employees of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) who are “grandfathered” inti the benefit program of CMWD at the time CMWD employees became employees of the City. The schedule of benefits of management employees, as defined in I.A.l of the MCP, does n apply to this group. Council Policy No. 36, governing the establishment of salaries and the earning of executive leave, does not apply to employees of this defined group. 3. Citv Cou ncil Amointed EmDloveeS . The City Manager and City Attorney are hired by and responsible directly to the City Council. The salaries for these positions shall be set by the City Council. The non-salary compensation provisions of the MCP shall apply to these positions except as otherwise provided by the City Council. II. sc HEDULE OF BENEFITS A. LIFE INSURANCE. All management personnel shall receive City pi life insurance in an amount equal to two times the basic yearly earnings. To determine benefits, the amount of insurance is rounded to the next higher $1,000 multiple, unless the amount equals a $1,000 multiple. Supplemental Life, at an amount equa w 0 to City paid life insurance, is available at the employee's cost. Dependent life is also available at the employee's cost. CMWD management employees shall receive Group Term Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Dependent Life Insurance as contained in their Individual Agreement. B. RE TI R EM ENT. All management personnel shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System on the same basis as other employees of their respective departments. C. RETIRFMFNT CONTRIRUTION. All management employees shall have their portion of the retirement contribution to the Public Employees' Retirement System paid by the City, on the same basis as other employees of their respective departments, as provided by Government Code Section 20615. D. MANAGEMENTLEAVE Management employees are exempt from overtime requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Management employees in the City are paid on a salary basis versus an hourly basis. There shall be no deductions from salarv for partial day absences for personal reasons or sickness. A partial day absence is an absence of less than the employee's regular work day. Under no circumstances will any deduction in salarv be made for any absences of less than one day. Partial day absences shall be charged against the exempt employee's vacation, sick, or executive leave account. In the event the exempt employee does not have sufficient time in hidher leave account to cover the absence, the time will be charged against the employee's leave account in the form of a negative balance. A negative leave balance will be permitted only for partial absences occurring for less than one day. Absences of a day or more shall be accounted for pursuant to the City's leave policy and no negative balance will be permitted for any such absence. 0 0 0 VACATION. All management employees shall earn vacation on a basis equal to that of other employees in their respective department except for management employees with comparable service in local government agencies may be granted credit for such service for the purpose of computing vacation at the discretion of the City Manager, All management employees shall be permitted to accumulate up to and including forty (40) days of vacation. The City Manager shall be responsible for the granting of vacation to all management personnel, except in the case of the Assistant City Attorney, where the City Attorney shall be responsible fo granting vacation. CMWD management employees shall earn vacation as containec in their individual Agreement. This includes the carryover of unused vacation hours. EXECUTIVE LEAVE. All management personnel, except CMWD management employees and the position of Police Lieutenant, shall be eligible to earn executive leave. A maximum of 56 hours per fiscal year are eligible for executive leave. Executive leave will be credited to each management level employee as hours are earned as determined by the administrative policy established by the City Manager. The position of Police Lieutenant shall receive overtime at the rate of time and one-half for actual hours worked. All management employees will be required to earn executive leave on an hour per hour basis. The City Manager is authorized to pay overtime to any management employee who is required to work extended hour due to emergencies such as fires, storms, floods, or other emergencies. 0 SICK LEAVE. All management personnel shall be granted sick leave on a basis equal to that of other employees in their respective departments. 1. w E SICK LEAVE CO NVERSION. Any management employee who has accrued and maintains a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of sick leave shall be permitted to convert up to twelve (12) days of sick leavepand uncompensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio of three (3) sick leave days per one (1) day of vacation. The sick leave conversion option will be provided during the first week of each fiscal year. Conversion can only be made in increments of full day vacation days. CMWD management employees per their Individual Agreement, have the option to sell back 100% of accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours at their current rate. The City, at its discretion, may purchase any accumulated sick leave from any of these referenced management employees at the current rate. SE PARATION COM PENSATION. All management employees involuntarily separated from the City service due to budget cutbacks, layoffs, contracting out of service or for other reasons not due to misconduct which would justify involuntary separation shall receive thirty (30) working days salary computed at the employee's actual salary at the time of separation. G HQJ IDAYS. All management employees except for the position of Police Lieutenant, shall enjoy paid holidays in accordance with the schedule of eleven (11) holidays as established by the City Council. Police management employees will receive one floating holiday per year. The position of Police Lieutenant shall receive holiday pay at the rate of time and one-half in lieu of receiving holidays off. The Lieutenant in charge of the police investigations division shall receive time and one-half for all holidays actually worked. F. C. 0 0 H HE ALTH BENEFITS. The City agrees that the following dollars will be allocated to management employees on a monthly basis. Jlorthwestern Kaiser i2akuuY Employee Only $1 55.56 $1 10.64 Employee + 1 Dependent $345.32 $209.00 Employee + 2 Dependents $424.92 $278.54 CMWD management employees shall receive Medical, Dental and Vision, and Retiree Medical as contained in their Individual Agreement. ANNUAI , PHYSICAL FXAMINATION AND/OR PHYSICAI FITNESS TESTING (WELLNESS PROGRAM) All management employees, excluding CMWD management employees, shall be eligible for reimbursement of up to the amour of four hundred fifty dollars ($450) during each fiscal year to pay the cost of an employee's annual physical examination and/or physical fitness testing (Wellness Program). The annual physical examination may be completed by a physician of the employee's choice. Each employee claiming reimbursement shall be required to submit original receipts to the Human Resources Department. The Wellness Program offered by the City provides physical fitness testing and information regarding lifestyle changes that promote optimum health. limited to: Computerized Heart Risk Profile, Complete Blood Profile, Nutritional Assessment, Diet Program, Body Measurements, Lung Assessment, Consultations, etc. I. Program components include, but are nc J. LQNG-TFRM DlSARlLlTY INSURANCE . Long-term disability is available for all management personnel after 30 days of disabili CMWD management employees shall receive LTD benefits as contained in their Individual Agreement.' . w e K. gEFF,RRED CO MPENSATION. The City shall provide deferred compensation plan(s) which may be utilized by any management employee. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any particular plan and to impose specific conditions upon the use of any plan. CMWD management employees may voluntarily participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan as contained in their Individual Agreement. The City matches employee contributions up to a maximum of 7.5% of the employee’s earnings. L. HEALTHY EMPLOYEE AWARD. The Healthy employee Award is earned by those management employees using not more than one day of sick leave in a full calendar year period. Each employee earning this will be eligible for a $100 Cash Award. 111. JvlANAWENT SALARY SCHFDULE. The management salary schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit B, shall establish a salary range for each management position. The City Manager shall have authority to determine the salary for each management employee and CMWD management employee within the salary range established for each management position. The City Manager may delegate to department heads the authority to set salaries for management personnel under supervision of the department head. The City Manager may grant merit salary increases and/or cash awards for performance not to exceed 10% per year. Salary adjustments shall be based on performance. The salary level of all management employees shall be reviewed in January as a minimum periodic review. Salary adjustments shall be made at the discretion of the City Manager subject to any limitation or controls imposed by the City Council. The City Attorney shall have authority to determine the salary level of the Assistant City Attorney and Deputy City Attorney within the salary range established for the positions. Upon City Manager approval, any management employee or CMWD management employee whose salary is at the top of the range may be granted a merit increase of up to 5% above the top of existing #. 0 0 range and/or up to a maximum of 5% of hidher salary in a cash award based upon performance. The cumulative award above the top of the range shall not exceed 10%. The City Council shall set the salary of the City Manager and City Attorney. I. w w CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TlTl,F PEPARTMENT : Carlsbad Municipal Water District BASIC FU NCTION; Under general supervision, assist with the District’s administrative, education and public information activities. Performs varied difficult and responsible duties relating to the District’s administrative, community relations, water conservation and school programs; performs related work as assigned. PISTI NG UIS HlNG C HARACTERISTICS; This single position class assists with administrative activities and assists with the District’s administrative, education and public information programs. which is a department head, responsible for administrative, fiscal, human resources and public information activities. KEY RES PONS IBILITIES; Assists with the preparation of and prepares a wide variety of i n f o r ma tio n and bac kg ro u n d materia Is. Develops complex administrative or management studies relating to District activities. Identifies problems, determines analytical approach, obtains and analyzes necessary information; evaluates alternative courses of action and makes recommendations regarding administrative activities of the District. Prepares reports of study conclusions; develops implementation plans and assists in implementing policy and procedural modifications. Prepares technical reports, correspondence and other written materials. Prepares press releases, bulletins and brochures ‘describing District activities and services. Ad m i n ist rat ive Ana I y st-C M W D It is distinguished from Administrative Manager, e e Administrative Analyst (cont.) Photographs and distributes prints of District facilities and activities to the news media. Schedules and presents speeches to community groups. Organizes District tours; coordinates special events and attends meetings as the District representative. Develops and coordinates operation of programs by distributing water education material, training teachers to use available materials; administers the Watch Our Water! (W.O.W.!) program; conducts classroom presentations; coordinates field trips. Prepares empioyee orientation handbook for new employees and customer and employee newsletters. Prepares speeches and written communications for the General Manager and Water Commissioners; prepares staff reports as assigned. Represents the Districts to the media, community organizations and various governmental and other groups. Plans, directs and coordinates cable television spots; prepares advertisin and promotion of District activities and programs. Prepares a variety of periodic and special reports. DESIRABLE QUALlFlCATlONS; Knowledae o f: a Principles, practices and methods of administrative, organizational and procedural analysis and public administration. a Principles and practices of human resources management. Principles and practices of budget development and ad m i n is trati o n . I. e Computer applications related to the work. I v, Ad mi n istrative Analyst (con t .) e Principles, techniques and methods of public information and com mu n i ty relations . disseminating them through the various media. e Methods of preparing informational materials and English grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary. Graphic arts and printing methods, materials and terminology. Photography and the operation of camera equipment. Techniques of working with the public and the media on an e e 0 individual and group basis. Skill in: e Working on several concurrent assignments under time pressure. e Speaking effectively to various audiences with or without notes. Using sound judgment in the assembly, evaluation and dissemination of information. e Developing and maintaining effective working relationships with various District personnel, the press, community groups, business leaders and government representatives. Applying the specialized techniques of new and feature writing for press, radio, television and other media. e Acquiring a working knowledge of the functions, activities and objectives of the District. Monitoring news and political developments. Generating public information campaigns to best represent the e e interests of the District. SPECIAL REQU I R EM ENTS : Must possess a valid California driver’s license. Must be willing to work evenings or off-hours as necessary. A typical way of gaining knowledge and skills outlined above is: Equivalent to graduation from a four year college or university with major course work in journalism, communidations or a closely related field and two years of public relations or public information experience, preferably in a governmental setting. c 0 EXHIBIT C CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE; Administrative Manager DEPARTMENT; Carlsbad Municipal Water District BASIC FUNCTION; Under general direction from the General Manager, assists in planning, organizing, coordinating and administering District function activities, including customer services, public information functions and water conservation programs, and performs related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING C HARACTERISTICS; This single position class is responsible for assisting the General Manag< with the daily administrative functions of the District. The incumbent is responsible for assisting in the formulation of District’s goals and objectives and serves in absence of the General Manager, as required. FF IBI IT1 Develops and implements goals, objectives and work standards for the district’s administrative, conservation and public information activities Directs the development and administration of the District’s budget; prepares projections and forecasts of revenues. Plans, schedules, coordinates, administers and directs the work of administrative staff; evaluates work performance. Directs the preparation of and prepares a wide variety of information an( background materials for the Board of Directors and the City Council. Plans and organizes complex administrative or management studies relating to District activities. Prepares reports of study conclusions; develops ’ implementation plans ai assists in implementing policy and procedure modifications. Maintains liaison with representatives of other departments. W Ad mi nst rative Manager (con t.) Assists in the development of District-wide goals and objectives; analyzes current and historical trends, determines variances and recommends improved cost effectiveness. Represents the General Manager when conferring with representatives of other governmental agencies, community groups, board and commissions, contractors and others. Provides professional assistance to others on administrative and analytical matt e rs . Prepares technical reports, correspondence and other written materials. Coordinates a variety of projects with the public and media. Serves in the absence of the General Manager. Makes presentations to the Board of Directors and the City Council. REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS; This position reports to the District General Manager. DESIRABLE QU ALI FI CAT1 0 N S : Knowledae Q f; Principles, practices and methods of administrative, organizational and procedural analysis and public ad m i n i strat io n . administration. work evaluation and training. management. Principles and practices of budget development and Principles and practices of supervision, including selection, Principles and practices of public information program Computer application related to the work. d. e 0 Ad mi nstrat ive Manager (co n t .) bbilitv to; a Analyze complex and sensitive administrative, economic, and organizational problems, evaluating alternatives and reaching sound conclusions. either in statistical or narrative form. procedures. a Research, evaluate and interpret varied information and data a Interpret, apply and explain regulations, policies and Skill in; a a Planning, directing and reviewing the work of a support staff. Preparing clear, concise and complete reports and other written materials. a a Coordinating multiple projects and meeting critical deadlines a Maintaining accurate records and files. Exercising sound independent judgement within established policy guidelines. governmental agencies, community groups, boards and commissions and the public. a Representing the District effectively in meeting with a Public presentations. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION; Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge, skill, and ability is qualifying. A typica way to obtain the knowledge, skill and ability would be: Three to five years of increasingly responsible experience in administration, management systems, operation, budgetary o related work. Supervisory experience and demonstrated majc project ad mi n is t ra t io n ex pe r i e nce i s d esi r a b I e. Equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college university with major course work in Public or Business Administration or a related field. I. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: a Must possess a valid California Driver’s license. W w EXH1B1T c CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE; DEPARTMENT; Carlsbad Municipal Water District BASIC FUNCTION; Under direction, plans, supervises and reviews the work of crews performing varied maintenance and construction work for water distribution properties and facilities; personally performs such work; performs related work as assigned. PlSTlNGUlSHlNG CH ARACTERISTICS; This is the first line supervisory level in the Construction and Maintenance series. This class is distinguished from Superintendent, which is a department head, responsible for District operations as well as construction and maintenance functions. KEY R ESPONSI BI LIT1 ES: Plans, assigns, supervises, reviews and evaluates the work of crews engaged in a wide variety of construction and maintenance activities on field facilities and properties and the distribution system. Supervises and personally performs installation, maintenance and repair work on pipelines, valves, meter services, fire hydrants and other appurtenances; operates construction equipment as necessary. Instructs and provides for the training of staff in work methods, use of tools and equipment and relevant safety precautions. Inspects job sites to determine work required and to evaluate performance. Estimates personnel, material and equipment requirements for assigned jobs. Construction and Maintenance Supervisor #. 0 0 Construction and Maintenance Supervisor (cont.) Provides technical assistance to crews in resolving difficult problems encountered. Prepares and maintains a variety of written and computerized reports and records, including ti mecards, worksheets, accident rep0 rts, maintenance requests, etc. Responds to questions and complaints from the public and other agencies. Recommends special work required or necessary equipment maintenance; prepares specifications for contract work; prepares detailed budget requests for section activities. Coordinates work with other departments and outside agencies; provides for emergency repair work as needed. Evaluates the work of assigned personnel; recommends and implements disciplinary action as necessary; participates in the selection of new employees. Ensures that safe work methods are followed and that appropriate safety precautions and equipment are utilized; conducts safety meetings. DESIRABLE QU ALI FIC AT1 ON S : Knowledae of: 0 Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in the Principles and practices of employee supervision, including Safe work methods and safety practices pertaining to the installation, maintenance and repair of water distribution systems and facilities. selection training, work evaluation and discipline. work. Operation and maintenance of a wide variety of equipment an1 hand and power tools used in the wok: 0 0 0 Applicable codes and regulations. w W Construction and Maintenance Supervisor (cont.) Skill in; 0 Plan n ing , coordinating , sched u I ing , su perv is i ng and eval u at i ng Preparing and maintaining a variety of accurate written and Reading and interpreting plans, maps and specifications and the work of crews. computerized records and reports pertaining to the work. manuals. with those contacted in the course of the work. complete assigned work. agencies . 0 0 0 Operating and maintaining effective working relationships 0 Identifying and implementing effective courses of action to 0 Coordinating crew assignments with other departments and 0 Estimating labor, material and equipment needs. Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of the work. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid Class I California driver’s license. Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Must be willing to work with exposure to potentially hazardous conditions and to work off-hour shifts as required. Possession of a Grade II AWWA Operator Certificate is desirable. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Equivalent to graduation from high school and two years in a lead or supervisory capacity in construction or maintenance work at a level equivalent to the District’s Senior Construction and Maintenance Worker class. 0. 0 EXHI mc CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: District Engineer DEPARTMENT: Carlsbad Water District BASIC FU NCTION: Under general direction, to perform highly responsible supervisory and technical engineering work; implement provisions of the Water, Sewer an( Reclaimed Water Master Plans; perform related work as assigned. Dl ST1 NG U ISHI NG C HARACTERISTICS: This single position classification is a division head, responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of the District’s Engineering function KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Develops and implements goals, objectives and work standards for the District’s engineering activities. Assists in the development and administration of the annual budget for engineering functions. Plans, schedules, coordinates, administers and directs daily work for engineering staff. Provides technical guidance and direction to staff in the areas of design, plan review, mapping, inspection, surveying and recwd keeping. Coordinates engineering activities with those of other City departments outside agencies, developers, contractors and the public. Selects staff and provides for their professional development and training; interpret District rules and regulations. * w District Engineer (cont.) Identifies engineering problems, researches solution, evaluates alternative courses of action and makes recommendations for action or policy or procedure modifications. Confers with developers, contractors and governmental representatives in matters relating to District engineering activities. Assists in the development of District-wide goals and objectives. Maintains accurate records and prepares periodic and special reports and correspondence relating to engineering activities. Coordinates implementation of provisions of the various Master Plans with developers, contractors and other concerned parties. Represents the District in meetings with developers, contractors, county, state and other governmental agencies, community and business groups. Directs and reviews the preparation or examination of public and private engineering plans, specifications, designs, cost estimates and legal descriptions for a variety of construction and maintenance projects. Personally performs difficult engineering work and contract ad m i n ist rat io n . DESIRABLE QU AL I FIC AT1 0 N S : Knowledae o f: e Civil engineering principles, practices and techniques with particular reference to the planning, design, construction and operation of potable and reclaimed water transmission and reclaimed sewer treatment facilities. e Principles and practices of contract admhlstration. 0 0 District Engineer (cont.) e Federal, state and local laws and regulations pertaining to domestic water supplies. 0 Business data processing applications related to the solution of engineering problems and the maintenance of records. e Administration principles and methods, including goal setting, program and budget development and implementation and employee relations. Skill in: Preparing clear and concise reports, correspondence and other Establishing and maintaining cooperative working relationships wi written materials. a variety of citizens, public and private organizations, boards and commissions and District staff. 0 Exercising sound independent judgment within general policy guidelines. Abilitv to: e Plan, organize, administer and coordinate a variety of large and complex engineering programs and services. 0 Plan, organize, assign, direct, review and evaluate the work of assigned staff. e Select, motivate and evaluate staff and provide for their training and professional develop men t. 0 Develop and implement goals, objectives, policies, procedures, wo .. standards and internal controls. - w rl District Engineer (cont.) 0 An a I yze co m p 1 ex tech n ical and ad m in is t rat ive en g in ee r i n g p rob 1 ems, evaluating alternative solutions and adopting effective courses of action. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination of experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. knowledge and abilities would be: A typical way to obtain the e Four years of progressively responsible professional engineering experiences at a supervisory or administrative level in the design, construction, maintenance, or operation of water and waste water faci I i t ies. e Equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in .civil engineering. Other Requirements: 0 Possession of a valid certificate of registration as a Civil Engineer issued by the State Board of Registration for Civil and Professional Engineers. 0 Must possess a valid California Driver’s License. .. 0 a EXHIBIT c CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: General Manager DEPARTMENT: Carlsbad Municipal Water District BASIC FUNCTION: Under adminstrative direction of the City Manager, plans, organizes, coordinates and administers all Water District functions and activities. DISTINGUISHING C HARACTERISTICS: This class has overall responsibility for policy development, water resources planning, fiscal management, administration and operation of all District functions, programs and activities. The incumbent is responsible for accomplishing District goals and objectives and for implementing the policies of the Board on an ongoing basis. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Plans and organizes, coordinates and directs, through staff, all work of the District; develops and directs the implementation of goals, objective policies, procedures and work standards for the District; develops and implements long and short-range water resource plans to ensure an appropriate supply for contracting organizations. Works closely with the Board of Directors, contracting organizations and appropriate federal and state agencies regarding the viability of water supplies; advises the Board on issues and program; prepares and recommends specific long-range plans and action proposals to the Board. Makes final interpretations of District regulations and ordinances, code$ and applicable laws. C. - W General Manager (cont.) Directs the preparation and administration of the annual budget for the District. Represents the Board and the District in contacts with various governmental agencies, community groups and business, professional and other organizations. Coordinates the preparation and presentation of various reports and written materials. Directs the selection, supervision and work evaluation of District staff; monitors and implements employee relations and staff development procedures. Directs the development and implementation of management systems, procedures and standards on a District-wide basis; ensures that the District is in compliance with all contractual and legal requirements regarding the quantity and quality of water provided. Plans, organizes and directs, through subordinate supervisors, the work of engineering and technical staff and coordinates the work with outside agencies, contractors and consultants. Directs and reviews the preparation or examination of public and private engineering plans, specifications, designs, cost estimates and legal descriptions for a variety of construction and maintenance projects. Provides engineering services and consultation to a variety of field and office personnel. Personally performs difficult engineering work and contract ad mi n i strat io n . I. 0 e General Manager (cont.) PESIRABLE QU ALI FlCATlONS : Knowledae ot: e Administrative principles and practices, including goal setting, program and budget development and implementation and employee supervision. e Water resources management principles and practices. e Water treatment principles, methods and facilities e Applicable laws and regulations affecting District management. ad mi n is t rat i o n . e Funding sources impacting service and program development. Principles and practices of service contract negotiations and Principles and practices of civil engineering design and Engineering standards and legal guidelines for engineering e administration. e co n st ruction . e projects. Skill in: e Planning, organizing, administering and coordinating a variet! Selecting, motivating and evaluating staff and providing for Developing and implementing goals, objectives, policies, of services and programs. e their training and professional development. .. e procedures, work standards and internal controls. - w General Manager (cont.) e Anal yzi ng complex administrative problems, evaluating alternatives and adopting effective courses of action. e Preparing clear and concise reports, correspondence and other written materials. a Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with the Board of Directors, District staff, members of local, state and federal organizations and representatives of the community. a Exercising sound, independent judgement within general policy guidelines. a Preparing and evaluating engineering studies for large projects. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid California driver’s license. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is: e Equivalent to graduation from a four year college or university with major coursework in civil engineering and substantial management experience in production, treatment and distribution of a potable water supply. e An appropriate advanced degree and experience in working with an elected board or commission are desirable. 0. 7 0 EXHIBIT C CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE; Maintenance Superintendent DEPARTMENT; Carlsbad Municipal Water District BASIC FU NCTION; Under direction, plans, organizes and supervises the operation, maintenance, replacement and repair of water treatment and distribution facilities; directs water quality laboratory functions; performs related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING C HARACTERISTICS; This position is responsible for all District maintenance activities on an ongoing basis. This class is distinguished from General Manager, which i: responsible for all District activities, including administration and engineering. FEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Develops and implements goals, objectives and work standards for D is t r i ct main te n an ce activities . Assists in the development and administration of the annual budget for operations, maintenance and laboratory functions. Plans, schedules, coordinates, administers and directs daily work of maintenance staff; ensures proper coverage for off-shift and weekend hours. Develops maintenance schedules; plans, coordinates and directs unscheduled maintenance and repair work. Coordinates maintenance activities with contract construction activitie to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water for local water purveyors. Directs laboratory and water quality testing progfams. w w Maintenance Superintend en t (co n t .) Confers with and provides expert assistance to District management staff in the areas of water treatment and distribution. Selects staff and provides for their training and professional development; interprets District rules and regulations to staff. Confers with water purveys, contractors and governmental representatives in matters relating to the District treatment and d is t r i but i o n activities . Ensures that an adequate inventory of treatment chemicals, parts and supplies are maintained. Maintains accurate records and prepares periodic and special reports relating to operations and maintenance activities. DESIRABLE QU ALI FI CATIONS; Fnowledae o f; 0 Supervisory principles and practices, including work organization, planning and scheduling. Principles and practices related to the treatment and distribution of a potable water supply. Methods and equipment used in the construction, maintenance and repair of water treatment and distribution facilities. of hazardous chemicals. 0 0 0 Safety practices pertaining to the work, including the handling 0 Basic budgeting principles and practices. 0 Basic water quality testing principles and techniques. Applicable laws, codes and regulations. Skill in; 0 Planning, organizing, prioritizing, supervising, reviewing and evaluating the work of operations and maintenance personnel. short-range plans and programs. 0 Developing and implementing goals, objectives and long-and 0 0 , Maintenance Superintendent (cont.) Analyzing complex water treatment and distribution problems, evaluating alternatives and making sound recommendations within policy and procedural guidelines. repo rts. a Maintaining accurate records and preparing clear and concise a Coordinating multiple activities and functions. a Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of the work. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid California driver’s license. Must possess a Grade II Water Treatment Operator’s Certificate issued by the State of California. Possession of a Grade 111 Operator’s Certificate is desirable. Must be available for call-back in emergency situations. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION; Equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of supervisory or lead experience in the operation, construction or maintenance of water treatment or distribution facilities. ,. - w EXHIBIT C CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE; Operations Superintendent DEPARTMENT; Carlsbad Municipal Water District BASIC FUNC TION; Under direction, plans, organizes and supervises the operation, maintenance, replacement and repair of water treatment and distribution facilities; directs water quality laboratory functions; performs related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING C HARACTERISTICS: This position is responsible for all District operations on an ongoing basis. This class is distinguished from General Manager, which is responsible for all District activities, including administration and engineering. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES; Develops and implements goals, objectives and work standards for District operations. Assists in the development and administration of the annual budget for operations, maintenance and laboratory functions. Plans, schedules, coordinates, administers and directs daily work of operations staff; ensures proper coverage for off-shift and weekend hours. Coordinates operations activities with contract construction activities to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water for local water purveyors. Directs laboratory and water quality testing programs. I. a 7 * s Operations Superintendent (cont.) Confers with and provides expert assistance to District management staf in the areas of water treatment and distribution. Selects staff and provides for their training and professional development; interprets District rules and regulations to staff. Confers with water purveys, contractors and governmental representatives in matters relating to the District treatment and distribution activities . Ensures that an adequate inventory of treatment chemicals, parts and supplies are maintained. Maintains accurate records and prepares periodic and special reports relating to operations and maintenance activities. DESIRABLE QU ALIFICATIONS: Knowledae o f: 0 Supervisory principles and practices, including work Principles and practices related to the treatment and Methods and equipment used in the construction, maintenance Safety pyactices pertaining .to the work, including the handlin Basic budgeting principles and practices. Basic water quality testing principles and techniques. Applicable laws, codes and regulations. organization, planning and scheduling. distribution of a potable water supply. and repair of water treatment and distribution facilities. of hazardous chemicals. a Skill in: 0 Planning, organizing, prioritizing, supervising, reviewing and Developing and implementing goals, objectives and long-and evaluating the work of operations and maintenance personnel short-range plans and programs. 0 w w Operations Superintendent (cont.) 0 Analyzing complex water treatment and distribution problems, evaluating alternatives and making sound recommendations within policy and procedural guidelines. reports. a Maintaining accurate records and preparing clear and concise 0 Coo rd i nat i ng mu It i ple activities and functions. Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of the work. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid California driver’s license. Must possess a Grade II Water Treatment Operator’s Certificate issued by the State of California. Possession of a Grade 111 Operator’s Certificate is desirable. available for call-back in emergency situations. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION; Equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of supervisory or lead experience in the operation, construction or maintenance of water treatment or distribution facilities. Must be 0. 4 0 EXHIBIT C 1$ CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE; Systems Operations Supervisor DEPARTMENT; Carlsbad Municipal Water District BASIC FUNCTION; Under direction, plans, supervises and reviews the work of crews engaged in water distribution systems operations and maintenance and water quality assurance work; personally performs the work; performs related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING C HARACTERISTICS: This is the first line supervisory level in the System Operator series. This class is distinguished from Superintendent, which is responsible for District construction and maintenance, as well as operations functions. FEY RESPONS IBILITIES; Plans, assigns, supervises, reviews and evaluates the work of crews engaged in a wide variety of distribution system operation, maintenance and quality assurance activities. Supervises and personally performs the operation and maintenance of all valving, regulating, chlorination, pumping station, reservoir and other related facilities and equipment; maintains operations manuals and logs; supervises and directs laboratory scheduling and testing activities. Designs, installs, analyzes, troubleshoots and maintains SCADA and telemetry systems. Instructs and provides for the training of staff in work methods, use of tools and equipment and relevant safety precautions. lnspects job sites to determine work required and to evaluate performance. Estimates personnel, material and equipment requirements for assigned jobs. I. a - Systems Operations Supervisor (cont.) Provides technical assistance to crews in resolving difficult problems encountered. Prepares and maintains a variety of written and computerized reports and records, including timecards, worksheets, accident reports, maintenance requests, etc. Responds to questions and complaints from the public and other agencies. Recommends special work required or necessary equipment maintenance; prepares specifications for contract work; prepares detailed budget requests for section activities. Coordinates work with other departments and outside agencies; provides for emergency repair work as needed. Evaluates the work of assigned personnel; recommends and implements disciplinary action as necessary; participates in the selection of new employees. Ensures that safe work methods are followed and that appropriate safety precautions and equipment are utilized; conducts safety meetings. DESlRA6LE QU ALI FI C AT1 ON S : Knowledae o f: Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in water 0 Principles and practices of employee supervision, including distribution systems operations and maintenance and water quality assurance. selection training, work evaluation and discipline. work. hand and power tools used in the work. Safe work methods and safety practices pertaining to the Operation and maintenance of a wide variety of equipment and Data processing applications related to the work. 0. 0 Principles of electronics. Shop mathematics. e e s . 1 Systems Operations Supervisor (cont.) e Applicable laws and regulations. Skill in; a Planning, coordinating, scheduling, supervising and evaluating the work of others. computerized records and reports pertaining to the work. Reading and interpreting plans, maps and specifications and manuals. with those contacted in the course of the work. complete assign’ed work. agencies. e Preparing and maintaining a variety of accurate written and e e Operating and maintaining effective working relationships e Identifying and implementing effective courses of action to Coordinating crew assignments with other departments and e e Estimating labor, material and equipment needs. e Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of the work. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid California driver’s license. Must possess a Grade Ill Operator’s certificate issued by the State Department of Health and a Grade II Operator’s certificate issued by the AWWA. work overtime and off-hour shifts as assigned or in emergency situation! EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Equivalent to graduation from high school, supplemente’d by college leve coursework in water technology and two years of experience in water distribution systems operations and maintenance work at a level equivalent to the District’s Senior Systems Operator class. Must be willing to d.