HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-02; City Council; 11718; 1992-93 OPERATING BUDGETA , 1 t zs E 4 0 2 2 2 5 a 6 3 2 0 0 =<. Y OF CARLSBAD - AGW A BILL AB# 1{712? TITLE: DEPT MTG. 6/2/92 1992-93 OPERATING BUDGET CITY DEPT. FIN CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: The total operating budget proposed for 1992-93 is $74.0 million, whicI represents a $500,000, or .7%, decrease below the current 1991-92 budget Operating revenues from all funds are $73.0 million, an increase of $6.6 million or lo%, over the projected revenues for 1991-92. The General Fund portion of the budget contains $42.0 million in recommende expenditures, and are down $2.4 million from the adopted 1991-92 budge1 Projected General Fund revehes for 1992-93 total $42.0 million, resulting in balanced budget. Revenues are up $2.3 million or 6% over current projection for 1991 -92. The revenue picture for 1991-92 is tenuous, and though revenues appear to b on an upward trend, it is notable that the most recent forecast is below th revenues projected in the 1991-92 budget. This has resulted in preparing budget containing some service level reductions. Police and Fire service! however, will remain at their current service levels. The recommended Gener: Fund budget contains one new program which has an offsetting revenue, th $1.00 assessment on annual vehicle registrations. These revenues will add on new Police Officer position assigned to the Regional Auto Theft Team. The proposed budget contains several one time savings through the use ( alternative funding sources, as well as grant funds, to support day to da operations. Thirty (30) positions are unfunded and street and buildin maintenance projects are being deferred. In general terms, the reduced budgc will result in a loss of flexibility in responding to community requests. TI recommended budget contains a $1.1 million contingency account which w provide the Council the opportunity to respond to unanticipated demands fc resources which may arise during the coming year. The Water District operating budget totals $1 1.6 million, up $2.4 million fro the current 1991-92 budget. The increase is the result of higher costs fi purchasing water for resale to customers. Revenues are projected at $11 million and will require Water Board approval of a rate increase in order to rea( that level. The Sewer Enterprise fund has a proposed 1992-93 budget of $4 million, down $200,000 from the current 1991-92 budget. Reduced flow to tl Encina Wastewater Facility has resulted in lower costs. Revenues for the Sew fund are presently estimated at $3.7 million and do not include a rate increas Staff will be returning to the City Council with recommendations for sewer rat in the near future. .? i 0 0 3 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. I/, 31 b The Redevelopment operating budget totals $780,000, up $20,000 from th adopted 1991-92 budget. The repayment of Redevelopment bonds at $1. million, is also included in the 1992-93 budget. Revenues into th Redevelopment fund total $2.2 million, an increase of $100,000 over thos projected for 1991-92. City Council will have the opportunity to review this budget at the first worl session on June 2, 1992. The Capital Improvement Program budget will bt presented to Council on June 9th along with recommended development an( general fees. The public hearing is scheduled for June 16th when Council wil receive input from interested citizens and groups wishing to comment on fees an( the proposed Operating and Capital Budgets. EXHIBITS h 1. Selected schedules from the 1992-93 Operating Budget. e 0 - May 21, 1992 TO: FROM: City Manager HONORABLE MAYOR AND ClTY COUNCIL 1992-93 OPERATING BUDGET I am pleased to submit to you the 1992-93 Operating budget for the City. The propo! budget totals $74.1 million while revenues for 1992-93 are estimated at $73.0 millil The excess of expenditures over revenues is due to the use of approximately $1.1 mill of selected fund balances. The General Fund is balanced with revenues and expenditu matching at $42.1 million. The budget message which follows will outline the 1 revenues, expenditures, and important issues facing the City in the forthcoming 1992 fiscal year. Overview Throughout most of its history, the City of Carlsbad has had the benefit of working ~i revenues sufficient to meet anticipated expenditures, however the nineteen nineties sh a reversal of this trend. Revenues stopped growing and State legislation resulted in n mandatory expenditures as well as the loss of revenues. Over the past two years, the C has made every effort to maintain service levels through the deferral of projects and management of vacant staff positions. However, the weak economy has eroded flexibi as well as opportunities for growth and new programs. Carlsbad began to feel the effc of the economy in 1990-91 as revenues were falling short of projections. This resultec closely monitoring and reducing planned expenditures. preparation of the 1991-92 budget which contained fourteen (14) unfunded positic decreased capital outlay spending, and deferred maintenance programs. State and Fed( legislation also made its impression on the texture of Carlsbad’s 1991-92 budget, requir new expenditures for booking fees, property tax administration and Social Secu coverage for part time employees as well as a revenue loss of one half of the Fine i Forfeiture income. Indeed, balancing budgets over the past two years has been a challenge, and continues i 1992-93. It is clear that the broadening gap between revenues and expenditures is pres The trend influenced Y 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 434-2 0 0 1992-93 Operating Budget Page Two as we enter the 1992-93 fiscal year. The persistent sluggishness in the economy, coup1 with the threat of the State's budget balancing actions has resulted in the need to clost evaluate the services provided. Budgetary Policies The most important goal in preparing the budget is to balance revenues agaii expenditures, and as budget preparation began, it was apparent that the City's reven base was declining. Although the 1992-93 General Fund revenue is projected to incre; by $2.3 million or 5.8% over 1991-92 projections, the estimate is $1.6 million or 3.6010 11 than the figures presented in the adopted 1991-92 budget. The above table provides a linear picture of the revenue progression for a three ye period. As can be seen, the 1992-93 increase in revenues has been made from a reduc base. In fact, the 1992-93 budget is only $1.1 million or 2.8% greater than the 1990- actual General Fund revenues. Carlsbad is clearly experiencing the effects of the recessic although a turnaround is expected in the upcoming year. The flat revenues have prescrib the need to budget with austerity which resulted in departments preparing a spending pl with the following guidelines: w No new positions, programs or services. w Reduce overtime wherever possible. w Eliminate funding for positions wherever possible. w Eliminate all possible consulting services and special projects. b Defer capital outlay purchases. Wherever possible, maintain existing service levels. w In addition to the above steps, reduce 1992-93 budget by 5% from the 1991- budget. d a 0 . 1992-93 Operating Budget Page Three The use of these guidelines resulted in a recommended budget for 1992-93 of $42.0 miili01 which includes 30.5 unfunded positions. General Fund overtime expenses have bee1 reduced by $137,000 or 8.4% from the 1991-92 appropriation, while Capital Outla; budgets have been reduced by $98,000 or 87%. Several ongoing operations have bee] funded with one-time fund balances or special revenue funds, which will not be availabl next year. Also influencing the austerity with which 1992-93 budget was prepared was the need t add back one time savings which were taken to help balance the 1991-92 budget. Bot the Hosp Grove payment, and the Golf Course contribution are now My funded in th budget adding a total of $700,000. Revenue The table below shows the total operating revenues the City forecasts projects it wi receive for 1991-92 as well as those estimated for 1992-93. Revenue estimates indicat that the City will receive a total of $73.0 million, a 9% increase over the current yes projections. REVENUESUMMARY BY FUNCTION ENTERPRISE FUNDS General Fund revenues ;are of particular interest as these resources fund basic City sentic such as Police, Fire, Library, Street Maintenance and Park and Recreation programs. TI receipt of these revenues also provides a representative picture of the local economy. TI table above shows that General Fund revenues are estimated at $42.0 million for 1992-9 a $2.3 million or 5.8% increase over thebrojected 1991-92 figure of $39.7 million. * 0 1992-93 Operating Budget Page Four The table below shows a summarized outlook for the major General Fund revenues Property Tax revenues provide the largest single source of revenue for the City. Th projection of $15.5 million for 1992-93 represents 71% of General Fund revenue. It i anticipated that property values and transactions will increase during 1992-93. SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO THE GENERAL FUND PROJECTED DIFFERENCE AS%OF SALES TAX TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE Sales Tax revenue is the second largest revenue source estimated at $9.7 million for 199: 93, an increase of 11.5% or $1 million over the projected 1991-92. The estimate conside that there will be some economic recovery, as well as the addition of the Price Club to tl sales tax base. Interestingly, the 1992-93 estimate of $9.7 million is just above actual salt tax revenues of $9.4 million received during 1990-91, reflecting relatively flat consum( spending over the past two years. The last significant General Fund revenue is the Transient Occupancy Tax which estimated at $3.2 million for 1992-93, the same as the projection for 1991-92. It anticipated that the recession will keep travel to Carlsbad at its present level. Development within Carlsbad has continued at a slow rate resulting in flat revenu estimates for most other General Fund revenue sources. Estimated Engineering Fees sha a decrease of $600,000 or 37%, as much of the pre-development planning that occu before construction has already transpired on several projects. Should the econon improve, it is anticipated that development related revenues will increase. Special Revenue Fund revenues total $6.5 million which are $100,000 or 1.5% less tb those projected for 1991-92. Types of filfictions supported out of Special Revenue Fun include programs funded by grants such as Housing Assistance - Section 8, t Maintenance Assessment Districts and the Gas Tax Street Maintenance. 0 0 1992-93 Operating Budget Page Five Enterprise Fund revenue shows projected 1992-93 revenues at $15.9 million, an increasc of $3.8 million or 24% over 1991-92 estimates. Enterprise Funds work similar to i business in that rates are charged to support the operations which supply the service Examples of Carlsbad Enterprises include the Water District, Sewer Services, and Soli( Waste Management. The primary reason for the revenue increase in the Enterprise fund is in Water Operations which shows a 47% or $3.8 million increase. It is anticipated tha the Metropolitan Water District will be charging higher rates for the water it sells to thl Carlsbad Water District, which will necessitate an increase in the user rates. Internal Service Funds show an estimated revenue of $6.4 million for 1992-93, an increas of $400,000 or 6%. Internal Services provide services within the City operation an( include programs such as the self insurance funds for Workers Compensation and Liabilit Insurance, as well as Data Processing and Vehicle Maintenance. Departments pay to us the services provided by these funds. The Internal Service Fund demonstrating the larges revenue increase is the Health Insurance Fund, up $540,000 or 39%, due to rising healt insurance costs. The Data Processing fund shows the largest decrease, down $315,000 c 7% which is due to the one-time use of fund balance to offset operating costs. By usin it's fund balance, Data Processing was able to reduce its charges to user department! resulting in a savings to the General Fund. Redevelopment revenues show an increase of $200,000 for a total 1992-93 revenu estimate of $2.2 million. The increase is the result of anticipated rising property values i the redevelopment area. ExDendi tures As can be seen on the table below, budgeted operating expenditures for 1992-93 tot4 $74.0 million which represents a decrease of $500,000 or .7% from the current 1991-9 budget. This decrease in planned spending is a direct response to the continuing recessic throughout the state and in Carlsbad. BUDGET SUMMARY IFFERENCE %CHANGE GENERALFUND SPECIAL, REVENUE ENTERPRISE 0 e 1992-93 Operating Budget Page Six The General Fund budget totals $42.0 million and shows a decrease of $4.1 million 8.9% from the 1991-92 adopted budget. The decrease in planned spending is necessa in order to balance the budget and has been implemented by nearly every departme1 Balancing the 1992-93 budget entailed the execution of various strategies which a profiled below. t Thirty (30) positions spread throughout the City workforce have been unfunded. The unfunded positions are vacant and represent no lay offs of existing staff. It is estimated that this effort reduced the budget by approximately $1.3 million. Several major maintenance projects have been deferred, primarily in the area of major building maintenance and street maintenance. Reductions among all Maintenance and Operation accounts. No new positions have been added other than one new Police Officer. This positi will be assigned to the Regional Auto Theft Team and will be funded directly frc the additional $1.00 vehicle registration assessment. It does not compete General Fund monies. Fund balances have been used to offset budget expenditures. The use of the Di Processing fund balance reduced charges to departments. Also the California Libr; Services Act (CLSA) Grant funding contained a fund balance which was used addition to current revenues to help support the operational costs for the brar library. This effort reduced the General Fund portion of the budget approximately $250,000. Alternate funding sources have been used for some General Fund programs wh include the use of Police Asset Forfeiture funds for the DARE and Juvenile Divers programs, use of the County grant to fund the Senior Nutrition program, and branch library operations will be funded with the CLSA grant. This effort reduc the General Fund portion of the budget by approximately $250,000. t t t t t The use of fund balances and grants to support day to day operations, as exhibited in last two bullet points above, cannot occur on a prolonged, year to year, basis. The savii of approximately $500,000 recognized now will need to be absorbed by the General FI in 1993-94. The development of the 1992-93 budget posed the challenge of reducing operating cc while minimizing the impact on existing service levels. This challenge as been met throi the strategies noted above. No reduction in the core City services of Police and Fire 3 t 0 0 1992-93 Operating Budget Page Seven expected. Additionally, the library and swimming pool are budgeted to remain open f all of their regularly scheduled hours. This does not mean however, that service lei reductions will not be occurring. Operating a City with 30 less employees will result in a loss of flexibility and increase t time it may take to respond to citizen requests and other special requests. The bottom li is that the City will not be able to do as much, as fast. Examples of service level reductio can be found in both the park maintenance and street maintenance budgets. All part-tir park maintenance staff has been eliminated which will affect litter control and restroc maintenance schedules. Landscaped areas will be irrigated less frequently and not fertiliz during the year, affecting park appearance, while tennis court night lighting will curtailed by one hour nightly. Street maintenance reductions will result in delays cement and pothole repairs, and has affected the number of streets that will be chip seal€ slurry sealed and overlaid in 1992-93. Special Revenue Funds show no change between 1991-92 and 1992-93. The Housin; Section 8 budget, however, has increased with the addition of 58 more units to t program. Increased spending within the Library State Grants and Gas Tax funds is ma possible through the one-time use of available fund balances. The budgets for t Maintenance Assessment Districts have all decreased. Enterprise Funds show the largest budget increase, up 21% or $3.0 million, of which i majority is in Water Operations. An increase in purchased water of $2.4 million or 2; is included within this budget as the result of the higher cost of purchasing water for s< to customers. The Water District will be adding four new positions in 1992-93. Th of the positions are currently staffed through the use of temporary employment agenci and include two Meter Readers and one Receptionist/Cashier. The one truly new positj is an Account Clerk which will allow for timely follow through on non-payment accour A new Enterprise for Reclaimed Water has been established this year with a total bud; of $840,000. The program itself is not new, as the Water District has been involved w the purchase and sale of reclaimed water for approximately six months. Howev anticipated program expansion has required separate accounting for these expenses. Internal Service Funds also show an increase of $700,000 or 11.5%, the majority of wh is the result of purchasing City vehicles for a two year period. The vehicle replacem1 policy was under review during 1991-92 placing a hold on purchasing rolling stock. N that the study is complete, most vehicles scheduled for replacement in 1991-92 as well those for 1992-93 are included in the bpdget. The Redevelopment budget has decreased for 1992-93 by $100,000. The decrease is result of reducing the operating budget in conformance with City budget guidelines. 0 a 1992-93 Operating Budget Page Eight Debt Service is one group of funds not appearing in the 1992-93 budget. Both the Librar Bonds and Sewer Bonds were retired in 1991-92. The, City no longer has any generi obligation bonds outstanding. Summary The City and community alike need to be aware of the impact on revenues that the State budget balancing actions may have upon the City. The State continues to face shortfal in its revenues, and it is anticipated that this will result in a loss of revenues for the Cit although the amount is not known. Carlsbad's 1991-92 budget absorbed several increasf costs in order to offset State budget balancing actions which include payment to ti, County for Property Tax Administration fees and Booking Fees. These expenses tot: $419,000 in Carlsbad's 1992-93 budget. Actions the State may take this year include th removal of the City's share of the Cigarette Tax and the Vehicle In-Lieu Fees which ma result in a potential loss to Carlsbad of $2.4 million. The budget does not attempt to de; with this contingency other than to recognize that there is a direct threat to OL I/ community. While 1992-93 represents a challenging year financially, the City will strive to maintain tE high quality and variety of services which have come to be expected by the residents an businesses of Carlsbad. No new programs or services are included except where addition; funding is available. The budget truly reflects the prevailing weak economy in bot revenues and expenditures. Staff looks forward to the pending discussion with the Cil Council and the community as we mutually strive to produce a budget that reflects 2 awareness for the levels of service provided to the community, while prudently managir ted fiscal resources. - _c - 0 w CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1991 -92 UNRESERVED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1.1991 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30,199 183,083 1,020,ooo 468.500 734,s HOUSING - SECTION 8 (34.361) 2,359,064 2,359,W (3436 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 81,476 61 ,000 56,674 85,w GAS TAX 1,843,116 1,025,000 150,000 (875,ooq 1,843,ll TREE MAINTENANCE 189,924 552,700 598,389 14422 STREET UGHTINQ 470,305 691,011 692.303 469,Ol BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 222,339 103,250 5,000 320,s STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) 360,460 204,000 170.ooO 394,M SENOR NUTRITON 0 178.000 177,278 72 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 0 75,200 49,211 25,s MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 25,151 237,800 236,338 26,61 17,330 9,270 26,600 SEWER BONDS 109,785 1731 5 127,300 2,955.301 8,019,000 9,337,980 (1 6,000) 1,6203 SEWER OPERATIONS 2,461,042 3,980,000 4,420,500 (25,000) 1,9955 SOU0 WASTE MANAGEMENT 17,412 184,ooo 179,500 21.9 44,059 600,225 1 ,m,= 500,000 123,4 LIABILITY SELF INSUR 1,957,261 1,002,oOo 81 5,ooO 2,144,8 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,198,083 1,405,700 1,743.1 79 -8 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (93,844) 1,210,000 1,193,838 CntS DATA PAOCESSNQ 462,878 824,800 706,400 581,2 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 1,433,762 91 5,400 242,527 2,106,6 365,862 15,000 618,608 3O0,ooO 6.22 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNQ 1,571,053 460,ooO 90,382 1,940,6 DEBT SERVICE 839,850 1,505,000 1,133,328 (3Wooq 91 1,s TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $25,496906 $66,299,935 $68,638,654 ($1 1 ,Mq $23,140,9 10 e CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1992-93 PROJECTED PROJECTEI BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1992 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30,lS 747,ll HOUSING - SECTION 8 (34,361 ) 2,564,821 2,564,821 (343 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 85,802 61 ,000 60,000 86,s GAS TAX 1,843,116 925,000 927,000 1,841,l TREE MAINTENANCE 144,235 581,006 579,506 145,7 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 26,613 257,900 256,601 27,9 STREET UGHIING 469,013 671,380 767,880 3723 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 320,589 103,000 300,000 1233 STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) 394,460 151,400 300,300 245,5 SENIOR NUTRITDN 722 178,000 177,624 1 ,c CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 25,989 78,000 76,295 27,E 0 300,000 840.870 (540,E WATER OPERATIONS 1,620,321 . 11,805,000 11,536,223 (1 6,000) 1,823,C SEWER OPERATIONS 1,995,542 3,724,000 4,410,820 (25,000) 1,283,: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 21.91 2 127,000 158,800 (9,1 123,434 61 8,000 1,035,000 ~,~ 206,' LlABlUTY SELF INSUR 2,144,261 =,m 850,000 2,187,: HEALTH INSURANCE 860.61 0 1,949,000 2,130,906 678,; VEHICLE MAIMENAWE (77,682) 1,341.600 1,271,052 (7, VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 2,106,635 1,057,500 800,413 2,363,' DATA PROCESSING 581,278 51 0,000 677,228 414J 62,254 12,000 779,926 71 0,000 4, LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNQ 1,940,676 500,000 106,329 2,334, DEBT SERVICE 91 1,522 1,660,000 1,137,938 (710,000) 723, TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $23,140,987 $72,333,042 $74,047,382 $0 $21,426, ,f ? 11 a w CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1990-91 TO 1992-93 %INCR 1991 -92 1990-91 ESTIMATED GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER PUBLIC INFORMATION CITY CLERK INFORMATION SYSTEMS CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE CITY TREASURER PURCHASINQ HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE RISK MANAGEMENT TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING INSPECTION POLICE FIRE TOTAL PUBUC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNITY DEVELADMIN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATON ENGINEERINQ PWNINQ GROWTH MANAGEMENT HISTORIC PRESERV GOMM BLOCK GRAM AWN 22,154 TOTAL DEVELOP SERVICES MAINTENANCE UTILITIES ADMINISTR4TK)N STREET MAINTENANCE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT TFtAFW SIGNAL MAIM TOTAL MAINTENANCE 12 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1990-91 TO 1992-93 %INCR ( 1991 -92 CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM SISTER CITY PROGRAM PARKS AND RECREATION SENIOR CITIZENS PROQ TOTAL CULTURUFECREATlON NON - DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AUDIT DUES & SUBSCRlmlONS LEASES ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRACT HOSP GROVE PAYMENT 875,982 . GOLF COURSE PROPERTYTAX ADMIN FEE HIRING HALL STREET UGHT COSTS (Crrv) ' TREE MAIM COSTS (Crrv) 96,700 * 8i,m BOND SERVICES TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES 0 1 ,~.~ TOTAL GENERAL FUND 'Y! 13 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE e ,- 1990-91 TO 1992-93 9c 1991 -92 91 1990-91 ESTIMATED 1991-92 1992-93 FUND ACNAE EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET 92 HOUSING SECTION 8 AUDIO VISUAL INSURANCE GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (LIBRARI) SENIOR NUTRITION WATER OPERATONS SEWER OPERATIONS LIABILITY SELF INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPIACEMENT LOW AND h4OD INCOME HSNQ DEBT SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $63,792656 $68,638,654 $74,518,584 $74,047,382 # 14 0 0 s CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1992-93 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 91 -92 1991 -92 TO REVENUE SOURCE FY 1990-91 N 1991 -92 1992-93 PROJECTED 1992-93 TAXES PROPEmYTAX $1 2,719,000 $1 3,970,OOO $1 5,500,000 1095% 1,530,000 SALES TAX 9,426,000 8,650,000 9,700,000 12.14% 1,050,000 TRANSIENT TAX 3,310,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 0.00% 0 TRANSFER TAX 243,000 170,WO ~,OOo 17.65% 30,000 TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU 24,000 20.000 18,000 - 10.00% (2.000) FRANCHISE TAX 807,000 900.000 925,000 2.78% 25,000 TOTAL TAXES 26,529,ooO 26,910,OOO =,=,m 9.78% 2,633,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 643,000 =WJoO 450,000 104.55% 230,000 BUSINESS LICENSES 832,000 875,000 975,000 11.43% 100,000 LICENSE TAX-CONSTRICTON 455,000 400,000 425,000 6.25% 25,000 OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 312,000 280,000 300,000 7.1 4% 20,000 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 2,242,000 1,775,000 2,150,000 21.13% 375,000 STATE SUBVENTIONS CIGARETE TAX 139,000 65,000 60,000 -7.69% (5,000) VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2.1 74,000 2,200,000 2,300,000 4.55% 1 00,000 HOMEOWNERS PROP. TAX REIMB. 293,m 295,000 300,000 1.69% 5,000 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,606,000 2,560,000 2,=,000 3.91% 100,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES PWNING FEES 652,000 750,000 750,000 0.00% 0 BUILDING DEFT. FEES 402,ooo 250.000 325,000 30.00% 75,000 ENGINEERING FEES 966,ooo 1,600,000 1 ,000,000 -37.50% (6oQOoq ZONE PIAN FEES 158,000 50,000 15,000 -70.00% (35,000) WEED CLEANING 34,ooo 35,000 35,000 0.00% 0 AMBULANCE FEES 21 8,000 190,000 220,000 15.79% 30,000 RECREATION FEES -1000 700,000 750,000 7.14% 50,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,468,000 3,875,000 3,420,000 -1 1.74% (455,- OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 352,000 300,000 325,000 8.33% 25,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 51 6,000 350,000 375,000 7 14% 25,000 INTEREST 2,309,000 2,000,000 1,700,000 -15.00% ow) INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 1,m,000 R 1,925,000 1,900,000 -1 30% (25,000) OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 1,467,000 250.000 306.435 22.57% 56,435 ----- TOTAL GENERAL FUND 40,914,000 39,645,m 42,054,435 6.08% 2.409.426 15 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 8 REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1992-93 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 91 -92 1991 -92 TO REVENUE SOURCE FY1990-91 FY1991-92 1992-93 PROJECTED 1992-93 POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES 205,057 1 ,000,000 20O,m -80.00% (800,009 INTEREST 16,302 20,000 10,m -50.00% (1 0,oOo) TOTAL 221,359 1,020,m 210,000 -79.41 % (ai o,q HOUSING - SECTION 8 INTEREST 19,557 9,000 a,m -11.11% (1 ,000) FEDEWL GRANT 1,866,711 2,350,W 2,556,821 8.80% 206,757 TOTAL 1,886,268 2,359,064 2,564,821 8.72% 205,757 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE INTEREST 6,303 1 ,000 1 ,OOo 0.00% 0 INSURANCE FEES =,= ~,000 60,m 0.00% 0 TOTAL 68,835 61 ,000 61 ,000 0.00% 0 GAS TAX GAS TAX REVENUES 1,162,315 975.000 875,000 -10.26% (1WOoq INTEREST w000 =,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,162,315 1,025,000 925,000 -9.76% (1 00,- TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 12,535 1,500 1,500 0.00% 0 TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 439,291 470,000 502,368 6.89% 32,366 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 174,401 ai ,200 77,140 -5.00% (4,060) TOTAL 626,227 552,700 581,006 5.12% 28,306 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST 2,862 f ,300 1.300 0.00% 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 117,573 236,500 256,600 8.50% 20,100 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 57,658 0 0 0.00% 0 TOTAL 178,093 237,800 257,900 8.45% 20,100 STREET UGHTINQ INTEREST 34,778 2,500 2.500 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 27,000 72,000 =,000 -8.33% (ww STRaT LIGHTING FEES 587,615 / 615,511 601,880 -2.21% (1 3,631 ) MlSC REIMBURSEMENT 3,404 1 ,000 1 ,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 652,797 691,011 671,380 -2.84% (19,631) 16 0 0 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESllMATES FOR 1992-93 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF PI91 -92 1991-92TO REVENUE SOURCE PI 1990-91 FY 1991 -92 1992-93 PROJECTED 1992-93 BUENA VISTA CREEK CHNL MAIM INTEREST 14,726 3,250 3,000 -7 69% (250) BUENA VISTA FEES 100,439 100,000 100,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 115,165 103,250 103,000 -0 24% (250) STATE GRAMS INTEREST 18,975 1,400 1,400 000% 0 GRANTS 21 2,224 2oz600 150,Ooo -26.96% (52,600) TOTAL 231,199 204,m 151,400 -25.78% (52,600) SENIOR NUTRITION GRANTS 100,182 103,000 103,000 0.00% 0 DONATIONS 67,980 75,000 75,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 168,162 178,000 178,000 0.00% 0 CDBG ENTmEMENT GRAM REVENUE 28,212 75,200 78,000 3.7296 2,800 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 5,338,632 6,507,025 5,781,507 -11.15% (625,518) UBWRY BONDS PROPERTYTAX 20,900 9,230 0 -100.00% (9,230) INTEREST 1,002 40 0 0.00% (40) TOTAL 21,902 9,270 0 -100.00% (9,270) SEWER BONDS PROPERTYTAX 123,932 17,475 0 -100.00% (1 7,475) INTEREST 1,306 40 0 0.00% (40) TOTAL 125,238 17,515 0 - 100.00% (17,515) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 147,140 26,785 0 -1 00.00% (26,785.l !! 17 8 0 .a CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1992-93 DIFFERENCE ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF P191 -92 1991-92TO REVENUE SOURCE P1 1990-91 FY 1991 -92 1992-93 PROJECTED 1992-93 RECLAIMED WATER WATER SALES 0 0 3Qo,000 100.00% =,000 TOTAL 0 0 300,000 100.00% 300,000 WATER OPERATIONS RECONNECT FEES 9,925 11,000 10,000 -9.09% (1 v000) INTEREST 72,603 a000 40,000 -16.67% (8,000) WATER SALES 6,306,926 6,100,000 9.900,000 62.30% 3,800,000 REAM TO SERVE CHARGES 1,444,414 1,400,000 1,4O(J,O00 0.00% 0 PLAN CHECK FEES 1 33,819 1 15,000 125,000 8.70% 10,Ooo METER CONNECTION FEES 1 12,476 15.000 20.000 33.33% 5,000 LATE CHARGES 162,043 270,000 200,000 -25.93% ClO,000) MISCELLANEOUS 157,809 60,000 110.000 83.33% woo0 TOTAL a,400,015 8,019,000 11,805,000 47.21% 3,786,000 SEWER OPERATIONS INTEREST 134,515 70,000 ~,OOo -42.86% (30,000) SERVICE CHARGES 2,418,748 3,600,000 3,600,000 0.00% 0 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 11,420 5,000 5,000 0.00% 0 PRE-TREATMENT CHARGES 0 0 75,000 100.00% 75,000 MISCEUANEOUS 37,141 305,000 4,000 -98.69% (301 ,009 TOTAL 2,601,824 3,980,000 3,724,000 -6.43% (256,009 SOUD WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST 5,826 10,OOo 5,000 -50.00% (5,000) CONTRIBUTIONS 31,726 1 19,800 %000 -54.9296 (65800) TOTAL 37,552 184,000 127,WO -30.98% (57,0001 TOTAL ENTEWRISE FUNDS 11,039,331 12,183,000 15,956,000 30.97% 3,773,000 RECYCLING FEE 0 54,200 68,m 13,800 I 18 5 0 e 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1992-93 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 91 -92 1991 -92TO REVENUE SOURCE FY 1990-91 N 1991 -92 1992-93 PROJECTED 1992-93 WORKERS' COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 88,019 - 24,000 2,000 -91.67% (22,000) INTERDEPARTMENTAL 787,166 576,225 616,000 690% 39,775 TOTAL 875,185 600,225 61 8,000 2.96% 17,775 UABIW SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 172,120 2,000 2.000 000% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 500.61 2 1 ,000.000 891 ,000 -10 90% (1 os,w TOTAL 672,732 1,002.ooo 893,000 - 10.88% (1 os,ooq HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST 95,819 w000 30,000 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1 ,=m 1,130,700 1,674,000 48.05% =,= RElM BU RSEM EMS 278,912 245,000 245,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,732.W 1,405,700 1,949,ooo 38.65% m,= VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPAmMEMAL 1,123,553 1,160,000 1,291,600 11 34% 131,600 MISCEUNEOUS 62.947 50,000 5o@J 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,186,500 1,210,000 1,341,600 10.88% 131,600 VEHICLE REPIACEMEM INTERDEPANMENTAL 770,753 833.400 977,500 17.29% 144,100 IMEREST 104,883 42,000 40,000 -4.76% (2Ow SALE OF PROPERTY 49,363 40,000 40,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 924,999 91 5,400 1,057,500 15.52% 142,100 DATA PROCESSING INTEREST 37,269 16,000 14,000 -12.50% (2.W) INTERDEPANMEIUW. 71 9,293 8w800 496,000 -38.67% 81 2,809 TOTAL 756,562 824,800 510,000 -38.17% (31 4,- TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6,148,970 5,958,125 6,369,100 6.9096 41 0,975 I! 19 I 0 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1992-93 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 91 -92 1991 -92TO REVENUE SOURCE FY 1990-91 FY 1991 -92 1992-93 PROJECTED 1992-93 OPERATIONS INTEREST 69,242 15,000 12,000 -20.00% (3,000) TOTAL 69,242 15,000 12,000 -20.00% (3,000) LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNQ TAX INCREMENT 322,234 =,000 ~,Ooo 11.11% 40,000 INTEREST 106,083 100,000 100,Ooo 0.00% 0 TOTAL 428,317 460,000 rn,Ooo 8.70% 40,oOo DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT 1,288,935 1,440,000 1 ,~,ooo 11.11% 160,oOo INTEREST 83,542 65,000 ~,ooo -7 6996 (5,000) TOTAL 1,372.477 1,505,000 1 ,=,ooo 10.30% 155,ooo 1 TOTAL OPERATING $6!5,4!58,169 $66,353,848 $72,184,285 8.7996 $5,830,437 d 20 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD e .. i PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991 -92'AND 1992-93 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUDGET OVER POSITIONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 1 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 0 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 1 1 1 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 8 8 0 1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1 1 STENO CLERK II 1 1 MINUTES CLERK 1 1 CLERK TYPIST It 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 6 6 0 DATA PROCESSING PROG RAMM EWOPERATOR 1 1 PROGRAMMEWANALYST 1 1 MICRO COMPUTER SPECIALST 1 1 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 4 4 0 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 10 0 CITY AlTORNN 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 DEPUTY CITY AlTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL CITY AlTORNEY 5 5 0 ,fy 21 I a CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 a PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991 -92 AND 1992-93 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUOGEb OVER POSITIONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 1 1 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 4 4 ACOUNTING SUPERVISOR 2 2 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 3 3 ACOUNT CLERK I 1 1 AUDITOR 1 1 BUSINESS LICENSE REPRESENTIVE 1 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 16 16 0 2 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 PURCHASING OFFICER 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 BUYER 2 2 STOREKEEPER 1 1 MESSENGER 1 1 TOTAL PURCHASING 6 6 0 1 1 COMPENSATION a BENEFITS MGR 1 1 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 1 1 SECRETARY ll 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 COMPENSATION TECHNICIAN 1 1 1 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 8 8 0 1 MGR OF RESEARCH 8 ANALYSIS 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL RESEARCH 4 4 0 f 22 * a CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991 -92 AND 1992-93 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED OVER POSITIONS NUMBER BUDGET ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 ADMlNlSlRATION POLICE CHIEF 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR 1 0 -1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 4 3 -1 OPERATIONS POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE LIEUTENANT 4 4 POLICE SERGEANT 6 6 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 10 11 POLICE OFFICER 32 31 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL OPERATIONS 54 54 0 INVESnGATIONS POLICE LIEUTENANT 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 8 7 -1 POLICE OFFICER 1 3 2 POLICE SERVICE AIDE 1 1 SECRETARY I 2 2 TOTAL INVESTIGATIONS 14 15 1 VICE NARCOTICS POLICE SERGEANT 1- 1 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 TOTAL VICE NARCOTICS 3 3 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 1 RECORDS SUPERVISOR 1 1 COMMUNICATION OPERATOR II 13 13 POtlCE RECORDS CLERK II 6 6 PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR 0 1 1 CRIME PREVENT TECH 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL SERVICES 25 26 1 2 2 DARE PROGRAM ! TOTAL DARE PROGRAM 2 -2 0 POLICE OFFICER 23 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 -1 d PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991 -92 AND 1992-93 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUDGET OVER POSITIONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 TRAFFIC POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 4 2 POLICE OFFICER 2 4 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL TRAFFIC 8 8 0 TOTAL POLICE 110 111 1 FIRE CHIEF 1 1 FIRE BAlTALlON CHIEF 4 4 FIRE CAPTAIN 18 18 FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST 4 4 FIRE ENGINEER 18 18 FIRE FIGHTER 9 9 PARAMEDIC-FIRE FIGHTER 21 21 SECRETARY II 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II 3 3 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER 111 1 1 1 TOTAL FIRE 81 81 0 1 1 1 BUILDING INSPECTOR 111 2 2 1 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 4 4 BUlDLlNG INSPECTOR I 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I1 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 1 1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TECHNICIAN I 2 2 2 PERMIT CLERK 2 2 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTlON 15 15 0 3 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRt3AWY II 1 1 CLEW TYPIST II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 1 1 1 RECEPTIONlSTlCASHl ER 1 1 TOTAL COMM DEV ADMINIST 6 6 0 1 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM COORD 1 1 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM TECH 1 1 1 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 2 2 0 1 24 * 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 < PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991 -92 AND 1992-93 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUDGET OVER WSlTlONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 CITY ENGINEER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 1 1 TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 1 ASSISTANT TRAFFIC ENGlNEER 1 1 1 MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 4 4 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECT 1 1 SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 2 2 1 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 5 5 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR - WATER 1 1 SR ENGINEERING INSP - WATER 1 1 PERMIT CLERK 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 12.5 12.5 3 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 3 3 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 7 7 1 TECHNICIAN I 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 1 1 SECRETARY It 1 1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 3 3 CLERK TYPIST I1 1 1 TOTAL ADMl N ISTRATION 50.5 50.5 0 7 GROWTH MANAGEMENT MANAGER 1 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 0.5- 0.5 0 SENIOR PLANNER 1 1 1 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 3.5 3.5 0 2 1 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 2 2 SENIOR PLANNER 4 4 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 7 7 2 ASSISTANT PLANNER 3 3 1 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 1 1 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN 1 1 SECRETARY 01 1 1. TOTAL PLANNING 27 27 0 3 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II f! 3 3 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0.5 0.5 TOTAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION 0.5 0.5 0 25 t x 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 , PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR I991 -92 AND 1992-93 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUDGET OVER POSITIONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY Dl RECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 1 SECRETARY I I 1 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST 1 1 MESSENGER 1 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 7 7 0 2 CIRCULATION LIBRARY ASSISTANT 111 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL CIRCULATION 3 3 0 REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARIAN I1 2 2 LIBRARIAN I 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL REFERENCE 5 5 0 GENEAOLOGYROCAL HISTORY LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 TOTAL GENEAOLOGY 1 1 0 CHILDREN'S SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 1 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 TOTAL CHILDREN'S 3 3 0 1 TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBMAN II 2 2 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 4 4 1 CLD\K TYPIST II 1 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL .8 8 0 2 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 TOTAL COLLECTION DNEL II 2 2 0 MEDIA SERVICES MEDIA SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL MEDIA 1 1 0 26 .L 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD .I i PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991 -92 AND 1992-93 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUDGET OVER POSITIONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 ADULT LEARNING LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 CLERK NPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADULT LEARNING 2 2 0 BRANCH LIBRARY ASSISTANT 111 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL BRANCH 2 2 0 TOTAL LIBRARY 34 34 0 5 1 1 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 3 3 0 ADMINISTRAllON PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 . CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5 5 0 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PARK SUPERVISOR 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 12 12 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 1 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 1 1 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 21 21 0 1 TREE MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 2 2 TREE TRIMMER It 4 4 TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 6.5 6.5 0 f 27 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION Q r PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991 -92 AND 1992-93 *4 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUDGET OVER POSITIONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 1 1 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1.5 1.5 0 RECREATION OPERATIONS RECEPTlONlSTlCASHlER 3 3 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL RECREATION OERATIONS 4 4 0 RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PRlNC RECREATION SUPERV 1 1 '1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR II 3 3 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 1 1 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 2 2 TOTAL RECR. FEE SUPPORTED 8 8 0 1 AQUATICS AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL AQUATICS 1 1 0 SENIOR PROGRAM SENIOR COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 SITE MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATlOM 50 50 0 2 7 ADMINISTRATION UTILITIESIMAINTENANCE DIR 1 1 ASST UTIUMAINT DIR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 0.5 SECRETARY I I 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5 5 0 0.5 4 28 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 r L PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991-92 AND 1992-93 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUDGET OVER POSITIONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED STREET MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0.3 0.5 0.2 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPT 1 1 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERV 2 2 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 6 6 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 13 13 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I 3 3 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 25.3 25.5 0.2 STREET LIGHTING ELECTRICIAN II 1 1 ELECTRICIAN I 1 1 ELECT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 3 3.5 0.5 BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAlNT SUPT 1 1 BUILDING MAlNT SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAlNT WORKER 1 1 BUILDING MAlNT WORKER I1 1 1 BUILDING MAINT WORKER I 1 1 CUSTODIAN II 1 1 CUSTODIAN 9 9 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 15 15 0 FLEET OPERATIONS FLEET MAINTENANCE SUPERT 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 3 3 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 1 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL FLEET OPERATIONS 7 7 0 1 TOTAL UTlUTlESlMAlNTENAMCE 55.3 56 0.7 1.5 1991 -92 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 0.5 0.5 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 0 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 4.5 4.5 0 AFFORDABLE HOUSING I HOUSING 8 REDEVELOPMENT DIR 0.5 0.5 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0.5 0.5 TOTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING 1 1 0 29 * CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSlFlCATlON 0 r- PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1991 -92 AND 1992-93 1, 1991 -92 1992-93 REQUEST UNFUNDED NUMBER BUDGET OVER POSITIONS ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1991 -92 HOUSING SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 CLERK NPIST II 1 1 TOTAL HOUSING 4 4 0 BLOCKGRANT SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0.5 0.5 TOTAL BLOCK GRANT 0.5 0.5 0 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 10 0 1 1 DISTRICT ENGINEER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 1 1 SUPERINTENDENT 2 2 ACCOUNT CLERK I 1 2 1 ACCOUNT CLERK ll 2 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 1 1 CONSTRUCTION MAlNT WORKER 3 3 CONSTRUCTION & MAlNT SUPERV 1 1 ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 ENGINEERING SECRETARY 1 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 3.7 2 -1.7 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 1 1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1 1 FACILITY MAlNT LEADWORKER 1' 1 METER READER I 0 2 2 METER READER II 6 6 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1 1 OPERATIONS OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 RECEPTIONIST 1 2 1 SENIOR SYSTEMS OPERATOR 1 1 SENIOR VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 SERVICE COORDINATOR 1 1 SR CONSTR & MAINTENANCE WORKE 1 1 AssoClATE ENGINEER 2 3 1 STOREKEEPER 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 4 4 UTILITY MAOM WORKER 111 2 2 VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1' SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR II 4 4 UTILITY SYSTEM OEPRATOR 111 1 1 TOTAL WATER SERVICES 52.7 56 3.3 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALkT 1 1 30