HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-09; City Council; 11730; ENROLLMENT OF CITY IN STATE'S NATURAL COMMUNITIES CONSERVATION PLAN|NCCP| PROGRAMe i 4 d LU i3 U a 2 z 0 & a =! 0 z 3 8 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL 3% . ENROLLMENT OF CITY IN STATE'S D DEPT. PLN C NATURAL COMMUNITIES CONSERVATION AB # 1); 730 TITLE: MTG. 6-9*92 PLAN (NCCP) PROGRAM C RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. , authori the City Manager to enroll Carlsbad in the State NCCP Program ITEM EXPLANATION The Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP) Program : voluntary state program authorized by AB 2172. The purpose of program is to establish a collaborative planning process bet local jurisdictions, landowners and the state to conserve wild habitat while still allowing compatible growth and developm The goal of the program is to develop a more proactive wa; protecting multiple species of plants and animals rather waiting for them to be individually listed as endangered. program is being sponsored by the California Resources Agency its Department of Fish and Game, with the cooperation of the Fish and Wildlife Service. A recent more detailed descriptio the program prepared by the state is attached as Exhibit 4. The NCCP Program has focused on South California and coastal scrub which is the habitat for the Gnatcatcher which is b considered for listing as endangered. The state is now encoura local jurisdictions and landowners with coastal sage scrub hab to 'tenrollll in the program, thereby agreeing to be part ( collaborative planning process. The enrollment form is attach€ Exhibit 2. If a jurisdiction enrolls, it voluntarily agree comply with a number of standards during the planning period w are outlined in the enrollment form. The NCCP Program is very similar to the approach that the City already taken in terms of developing the Citywide Hab Management Plan (HMP) and the Rancho Santa Fe Road Hab Conservation Plan (HCP). Because of this, the City previa wrote a letter to the state requesting a determination consistency between the state program and the City's existing Attached as Exhibit 3 is the state response which conf consistency. Staff has reviewed the enrollment process, met with staff fron Resources Agency and consulted with other jurisdictions. E! upon its review, staff believes that the City should support concept of cooperative, proactive habitat planning embodied ir state's NCCP program and enroll in the program. Staff's concern was not having the City's existing efforts acceptec consistent and therefore having to start over if the City enrol Based on input from the state, this is not the case and there staff recommends enrolling. The enrollment form will be revise reflect this understanding. Staff recommends that the Council authorize the City Manage enroll Carlsbad in the State NCCP Program. ?2- /6 5 '. 0 m PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. /( 73 0 FISCAL IMPACT Except for staff time, none to the City over and above the alrei approved funding for the Habitat Management Plan. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. (?$? -/la 5 2. Enrollment Form (Exhibit 2) 3. Letter from Resources Agency (Exhibit 3) 4. Detailed description of NCCP Program (Exhibit 4) \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 l3 l4 15 l6 17 l8 l9 m m RESOLUTION NO. 92-165 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENROLL CARLSBAD IN THE STATE'S NATURAL COMMUNil'IES CONSERVATION PLAN (NCCP) PROGRAM. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does resolve the following: WHEREAS, the Natural Communities Consewatior (NCCP) Program is a voluntary state program authorized by AE the purpose of which is to establish a collaborative pl process between the state and local jurisdictions to co wildlife habitat while still allowing compatible growt development; and WHEREAS, the pilot program for the NCCP Progra focus on coastal sage scrub which is the habitat fc California Gnatcatcher and other related species of concex WHEREAS, the state is now encouraging enrollment voluntary NCCP process; and WHEREAS, the NCCP Program is very similar in apprc that already undertaken by the City of Carlsbad in its € (Management Plan and Rancho Santa Fe Road Gnatcatcher Mitj 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Plan (HCP) ; and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the NCCP Progr? believes the City should support its goals and purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cour the City of Carlsbad, that the City Manager is authori enroll the City in the State's NCCP Program subject following: 1. The enrollment form shall be revised to reflc understanding that the City's Habitat Management Plan (HMI $ %* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e Rancho Santa Fe Road HCP have been determined by the state consistent with the NCCP Program. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California on the - day of June , 19 92 , by the following vc wit: AYES: Council Members Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygal NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Lewis Wd ' CLAUDE A. LEWhayor ANN J. KULCHIN, Mayor Pro-Tem ATTEST: 2! R- ALETHA L. RhTTENKRANZ, City Clekk -2- e e E *. ENROLLFUW?! FORM NATURAL COMMUNITY CONSERVATION PLANNING/ COASTAL SAGE SCRW Enrollment for Cities and Counties The Natural Community Conservation Planning/Coastal Sage Scrub (NCCP/CSS) project is a voluntary program and a collaborative effort with local government and landowners sponsored by the California Resources Agency and its Departmen. of Fish and Game with the cooperation of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The NCCP/CSS will focus on coastal sage scrub habitat and three target species within it. The NCI goal is to conserve long-term viable populations of the State’ native animal and plant species, and their habitats, in landsc< units large enough to ensure their continued existence while allowing compatible and appropriate development and growth, as set forth in Section 2800 et. seq. of the California Fish and Game Code (The Natural Community Conservation Act of 1991). Local jurisdictions agree to join in the collaborative planning process that will lead to preparation of guidelines a standards required by the Natural Community Conse,-vation Act- The purpose of the planning guidelines is to achieve the following objectives: a. Reconcile potential conflicts between the conservati of coastal sage scrub habitat, as defined on the bas of surveys of target species, and planned developmen or other actions that could impair long-term habitat functions. Help coordinate the NCCP program with provisions of federal and state law, such as critical habitat, habitat conservation, and reco-iery plan requirements as applicable. Provide for the review of NCCP plans pursuant to the program environmental impact report (EIR) provisions the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to define programmatic impact assessment, alternatives analysis, and mitigation measures for future individ projects or actions within the NCCP plan area with regard to potential impacts on coastal sage habitat associated species. Provide assurance against additional mitigation requirements being imposed for the purposes set fort in the plan except upon a showing of significant unforseen circumstances. b. c. d. 3/9 0 e *. CITY AND COUNTY ENROLLMENT FORM e. Establish procedures for incidental take permits to become applicable if any target species designated in the NCCP later becomes a candidate species or a liste species. f. Conserve long-term viable coastal sage scrub habitat and designated species, in landscape units large enoui to ensure their continued existence. g. Establish procedures for coordinating public and private NCCP/CSS efforts, plan preparation and review and set dates for completion of each phase of the program. Local jurisdictions participating in the NCCP/CSS collaborative planning process agree to meet the following standards during the planning period. [For jurisdictions joinin( the process prior to May 1, 1992, the planning period will begi: on the date of enrollment and will terminate on October 31, 199 For jurisdictions joining the process after May 1, 1992, the planning period will last for 18 months following the date on which they join.] 3/9/! e e .I cIm AND COUNTY ENROa FORM As a participating jurisdiction agrees to the following. 1. TO assist in the formation of subregional coastal sac scrub natural community conservation plans by: a. Cooperating with other local governments and wil landowners to undertake field studies on CSS within their jurisdictions. Cooperating with other local governments and wil landowners to prepare and process NCCP's for subregions established under the NCCP program. Utilizing regulatory authority to the extent authorized by law to support the Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Progran as envisioned by Fish & Game Code Sections 2800 2880. Including information on the NCCP program with materials and advice provided to potential proje applicants & encourage landowners to enroll thej lands. To be sensitive to the potential impacts of proposed activities on coastal sage scrub during the NCCP planning period by: a. Enrolling, to the maximum extent feasible, b. C. d. 2. publicly-owned lands into the NCCP program by completing the "Snrollment Agreement for Landowners and Land Management Agencies" form ai submitting it to the Department of Fish and Gam NCCP Program Coordinator. Ensuring that its employees are aware of the NCC program and of the jurisdiction's commitment to it. Coordinating existing fire prevention & brush & weed abatement policies with the Department & USFWS to ensure that the coastal sage scrub comnunity is not unnecessarily impacted. b. c. 3/53, .. 0 0 CITY AND COUNTY ENROLLMENT FORM d. Requiring that any proposed projects provide ful disclosure of the amount of coastal sage scrub habitat on the project site and the potential impacts to it. Monitoring cumulative loss/impact of the coastal sage scrub natural community within its jurisdiction and reporting these losses/impacts the Department of Fish and Game on a quarterly basis. Requiring, where coastal sage scrub is likely to be impacted, that draft EIR's circulated after tl release of the 1992 Survey Guidelines include ,ti the maxirnum extent feasible, surveys prepared a manner compatible with Scientific Review Panel (SRP) survey guidelines for the selected target species and ensure that these field data will be provided to the Department in a form useable by the SRP. Requiring analysis of project impacts to coastal sage scrub habitat and other contingous natural areas such as riparian areas that constitute essential habitat corridors linking coastal sage scrub areas. Assessing and making appropriate findings as par of the CEQA review Frocess regarding whether: a projects will have significant unmitigated impac on coastal sage scrub habitat; and b) projects will have the potential to preclude the ability prepare an effective subregional NCCP. Requiring environmental documentation in areas where no prior environmental review has been completed under CEQA for grading, grubbing and similar activities proposed in coastal sage scrul natural communities except as required for ongoii agricultural operations. Consulting with the Department and USFWS and to strongly consider their recommended mitigation measures for projects affecting coastal sage SCF processed during the NCCP planning period. e. f. g. h. i. j. 3/9/ 4 6. a 0 *. CITY AND COUNTY ENROLLMENT FORM The commitment of the jurisdiction to maintain these standards is only for the duration of the collaborative plannin period. agreement within 30 days following agreement on subregions and the establishment of the Department's NCCP process guidelines o within 30 days following August I, 1992 if no process guideline have been completed by that date. A jurisdiction may terminate its commitments under this Authorized Signature: Date Name Title City or County 3/9/ .. EX me Eesoursi.@es Agency 0 :- , - .b .. Dou@az -_ i2e;e T;%TI$-JIl GQr;..rnrnP Secreta C*?lifomlja Consenation Corps Q Departinen& of Bc.a?ing k Watcmys m Dep.lhnmr of COn*mtion ~~p~x~ictit or-.;dq k G;L~E Q* Dement Qf F~RSIIY SL F& mrm-on a ncpmnent ofP+r+s a fimeition * . DepKrmeRt of Wa Hay 1, 1992 Eanor&Xe Claude. A* IJEk4.S -&&y6-Jr eiey, 0% Carelsbasd 2,208 earls ._%.. . . -- tter and infomation regarding the ~.qr-fsbad Habitat Kanagenrent P~WI (taw) for the city of carlsbad. "C s+i~~, e** *&~i&. is CIXLT~XI~~~ W~EXW~Y, is 370th impressive ad c-racoVmagirq~ Because of the rimer ~f requests for consideratic - ,md ~SCCXJ~~~~CXI'O~ on-g~rfng efforts Like YOWS Withh the Natm Coxm7~ii$ieis ~~IISCL-IT~~~Q~ Planning (NCCP) program, we have drawn eapdbfl%-Q- of exisking prom tJxoughout the region. A copy c -khose q~.5c%dzl11as is ~~~l~setd for your review, e=r2taria, to me &en& the prog&m is already funded and cm-~en-klp mdemay* Ex- glkher z~7,i311s which $ubstantiates the consistency between tfae zcs am3 the goals of the,guidel&es we3 will be pleased to n ~.-=-~~ZEat=32~~* c-*-_ 7, tihe EKP into me NCC? progran. 'she &ent of mxd-tipxe species habitat planning in your --w c.9 qizidelkes to be. useta when evaluating the sufffcimcy and %sed on our evaluation, we believe the m meets the If you carp provide infomation - by letter ,X8 you $=ve :-E cpestiaas ..or XXI~C~~~S,- plese let me IGQW~. ~cm~ervatian isn this excitb-g new program, %?e Isdc SQXXELE~ to woskhg wit31 you on habitat &3 > Sheef-ely, gpsistat Secretary for Intergovernmental Relations Tha Resorrm I3 acrarnenro, CA 95sI4 (9-161 653-m FAX (916) Ei3-8102 e~onlia c-1 Coueon Q W- TAW Can...v-ay * ~o~omdcr&vw E&& of ~;llifomi3. Enw R~wias, Consemtion 6L DweIoprdent Commiission s San FmCi.Wo Bay Co!'l?n;rti~n &. DENFloprnclnt Cou~mf%iu 5mte Cmtd Cun.sm~?ncy Q SLm! k& Cornnii-Qion - St3.f~ Ikd.~~rlation Board. .. e4 _1 m 0 0 ,". I -. b -. . -. PIWT PEC~JT@~ - CDASTKL SAGE SCKE3 2TAXXGJG @03!mTTES CQNSrnVATLON PrnrnTG (NCCP) G~~.fd.iul+j~~es g0r OUCJO~~CJ Pi~LLti-~;pc~i.e~ P~LI.~Ic; ( OMl's) Frea-&E e The ~&;a$e recagnnizes, tfaak kzpoeank multispecies planning effcrks %T~PB arsademay at the Che NCCP law' (AB 2172) was adapt am% sed-x to qxalify %,-.he output of these efforts as MCCPS with faxei~g frd~ coaplimce with pra,cedu.res for ~~W'WCCPS as long $ha a&? substmkiadly naeets the objective of the, NCGP law and g?JP?&g&les * I, RequiPeneEts do wali-?b%- as an om .. 9%. .. ...~er.13~~4=~~a@e~~. ms. CLQ=~~CI -5 r&i-?exvay ;?rior ..t The pla hcludes proposed protection of Coastal Sag Scrub [blss) habitat, or agrees to satisfactory mitigation for any loss. . ' . ' "a&pzisii 'of xeea'hw ,. . .. I. a3* -%- -- Ail* T___ A q2aIhfied om? may include: a, Habitats smer than CSS b, &x.x.mhirias differing fra-sla cSS subregions as long as rts~v~ bo~ssmdaries do not canflict with NCCP subregional bomadaries 5 c, Smey aethadologies different Prom the Scientific d, Ti~bg requirements independent from NCC~ process weview Panel F s XLL, Pa OKP may be aPproved by DPG as EKJ. NCCP if: . .- . , .- . .. ,. 2, ..- Ht"'~~s~~tiatL'''a~~~e5' -e obj&w-ives :of m 2172. ,. .. be Ik pxsvides assurance that CSS habitat and target species will be pr~te~teei to a degree substantially . equ~valmt to an MCCP prepzed under new guidelines 4/24, 0 0 E *. NATURAL COMMUNITIES CONSERVATION PLANNING: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Prepared for Background Purposes By the Resources Agency of California May 1992 - GENERAL BACKGROUND What is the Natural Communities Conservation Planning The NCCP program is an innovative State effort to protect (NcCI program? critical habitat (the land and water that birds, animals and fir depend on) before it becomes so fragmented or degraded by develc and other use that a listing of individual species as threatenec endangered is required under the State or Federal Endangered Spc Acts (ESA). The program is designed to save critical habitat anc the same time, allow for reasonable economic activity and develi on affected land, much of which is privately-owned. In brief, how are these goals to be achieved? The dual goals of long-term species protection and reasona economic development are to be achieved through Natural Communi Conservation Plans designed for specific habitat and species. TI Plans will set out the conservation needs of the targeted habit; area and will identify areas that are appropriate for compatibli growth and development. The Plans, which would have the force o and would be permanent, will have been agreed to voluntarily by landowners, developers, conservationists, and government at the local, State and Federal levels. There are several steps in the development of these final 1) identifying areas of the total habitat that are critical to survival of the species that depend on it, 2) gaining the volun cooperation of habitat landowners and local governments to ensu that critical habitat will not be lost during an 18-month inter period while long-term plans are developed, and finally 3) promulgating the Natural Community Conservation Plans that will specify for the long-term what land must be conserved and what can be utilized for other purposes. Where is NCCP being applied? The first application of NCCP is a pilot program in an eco called Coastal Sage Scrub in southern California. This small pl commonly found along the coast from the Mexican border to Ventu County. The ecosystem in which it grows is the home of the California Gnatcatcher and more than 50 other potentially threa or endangered species. The habitat is most prevalent in Orange, 1 .. 0 e Riverside, and San Diego Counties, but is also found in Los Angc and San Bernardino Counties. The "planning area" for the NCCP pi consists of these five counties. The Coastal Sage Scrub habitat represents an important and obvious example of the need for multi-species protection, and oj conflicts between species protection and urban growth. Because ( pressure for development and of the likelihood of future listinc under the ESA, many landowners in the region have been eager to cooperate in an anticipatory, multi-species approach to conservi such as NCCP. This is a further reason for application of the p: in this region. When and how did the NCCP program come about? On Earth Day 1991 (April 22), Governor Wilson announced - q part of his llResourceful California" conservation agenda - his intention to create a program to reduce conflict in the protect species and their habitat. This was the birth of NCCP. Later, 0: October 10, 1991, Governor Wilson signed into law Assembly Bill sponsored by Assemblyman David Kelley of Hemet, which formally authorized the NCCP program. Who manages the NCCP program? The policy direction for the program comes from the Resour Agency, a Cabinet level agency of State government headed by Go Wilson's Secretary for Resources, Douglas P. Wheeler. An advisory committee was established by the Resources Age help oversee the program. This committee is composed of landown environmental organization representatives, and local governmen officials. The Agency has also been assisted in the development NCCP by the California Environmental Trust, a non-profit environmental mediation firm located in San Francisco. The Department of Fish and Game, a department within the Resources Agency, has responsibility for day-to-day management program. What is the Scientific Review Panel (SRP)? A group of five nationally distinguished biologists - led Dennis Murphy, Director of the Center on Conservation Biology a Stanford University - the Scientific Review Panel was created I: Resources Agency in order to provide a sound scientific underpi for the NCCP program. Since late 1991, the SRP has been analyzi existing field data on Coastal Sage Scrub, determining its ran< identifying the areas of biologically important habitat and sp6 distribution, and suggesting additional information needs. This work 1) has resulted in the issuance of biological st guidelines to serve as the basis for field surveys of Coastal t Scrub, and 2) will lead to the issuance before September 1992 c scientifically-based criteria and guidelines for the developmei the permanent NCCPs during the 18-month planning period. 2 e. e 0 The data on the Coastal Sage Scrub habitat collected by thc is more comprehensive than any previous data gathered on the ha: A NEW APPROACH TO WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT my is this new program necessary? Experience over the 20-year life of the Federal ESA has sh that the results of listing species individually as threatened endangered under the ESA often does not achieve its objectives. listings - despite extensive regulatory powers available under law - do not necessarily assure the long-term survival of the s and can have serious economic consequences in affected regions. is because the listing of a single species in a multi-species h makes it difficult for land management agencies and developers determine how best to plan for all the species that may someday danger in that area. Bureaucratic indecision encouraged by this uncertainty can thwart not only needed private development, but sound habitat management efforts crucial to species survival. What is the difference between the approach embodied in th program and the State and Federal Endangered Species Acts? There are two fundamental differences. First, unlike the ESA, the NCCP program seeks to protect a entire ecosystem. That is, rather than separate efforts to prc single species as with the Endangered Species Act, NCCP seeks t protect entire habitats on which numerous species depend. Second, the NCCP program seeks to anticipate situations ir species may become threatened or endangered in the future. This done by securing and protecting habitats before they or the sp~ that depend on them are destroyed. The ESA is applied only wher numbers of a particular species are very small. It does not necessarily prevent extinction of the species in the long term. Thus, the NCCP program is not fully an alternative to the Endangered Species Act, but rather is an effort to supplement i Indeed, it is the prospect of listings that creates the incenti landowners to participate in the NCCP program. Without the veri threat of the stalemate and legal battles that accompany a list NCCP could not work. What is the extent of potentially threatened and endangerc species in California? According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, there arc species in California that are listed as threatened or endangei This represents 19% of the 639 species that are listed through( country. In addition, there are approximately 2,350 candidate spec. identified for Federal listing in California. This is approximi 67% of the 3,500 candidate species in the entire United States 3 P .. 0 0 1 The threatened or endangered species in California have ir the Northern Spotted Owl, the Kit Fox and the Stevens Kangaroo Currently under consideration for listing are the California Gnatcatcher, the Delta Smelt, and others. What is the position of Federal wildlife authorities towai NCCP program? Like the State of California, the Federal government is ft committed to enforcing the ESA. However, also like the State, 1 wildlife authorities recognize the need for innovative, anticil solutions to these complex and difficult wildlife management i: As a result, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), thc agency of the Federal government largely responsible for enforc the ESA, has pledged its support for the NCCP program. This SUI has taken the form of an unprecedented Memorandum of Understanc (MOU) between the Resources Agency and the USFWS committing bo1 cooperate and share information as part of the state's NCCP COi Sage Scrub pilot program. In addition, the USFWS has committed funding to the program. How does the NCCP program relate to existing multi-specie protection efforts currently being pursued by local government other groups in the Coastal Sage Scrub habitat? There are a number of existing multi-species programs und in the planning area, such as San Diego's Clean Water Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, the City of Carlsbad's Habi Management Program, and the habitat programs underway in the U Army's Camp Pendleton in San Diego County. These programs, whi funded and underway prior to the adoption of the NCCP law, inc consideration and protection of Coastal Sage Scrub habitat. The State is very supportive of these efforts at multi-sp protection and ecosystem planning. It is intended that these p will eventually be included in the NCCP program, and the State continue to work closely and cooperatively toward that end. HOW DOES THE NCCP PILOT PROGRAM WORK? What is the NCCP llenrollmentll process? Enrollment is the process by which public agencies and pr landowners formally agree to participate in the NCCP program. period will extend from March to May 1992. There are three types of enrollees: private landowners, F (governmental) landowners, and public planning agencies that d own any Coastal Sage Scrub habitat. The private and public lar enroll actual Coastal Sage Scrub habitat. The public planning agencies enroll areas of habitat over which they have regulatc authority. After the enrollment process has been concluded, there is 4 -. 0 0 4 month llinterimlf period during which the final Natural Community Conservation Plans will be developed. What are the responsibilities of participants during the 1 month interim period? Private and public landowners have the following three responsibilities: they agree not to disturb or destroy Coastal Scrub habitat that is enrolled: they agree to participate in an cooperate with scientific surveys of their land consistent with study guidelines developed by the SRP; and they agree to cooper the development of a Natural Community Conservation Plan for th land and the region. Public agencies, enrolling as planning and land management agencies, also agree to cooperate in scientific surveys of habi and in the development of Plans. However, as local land use regulators, they also agree to increase discretionary review of activities affecting Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and to give the maximum additional review possible under law to such activities these cases, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) ca used to foster reasonable alternatives to habitat destruction B require mitigation of destruction. What else occurs during the 18-month interim period? The interim period is the crucial time during which the fj Natural Community Conservation Plans are developed. This process will include the review of the habitat field surveys by the SRP and the determination of what amount and quz of habitat is biologically necessary to sustain the Gnatcatchei other species. It will also involve landowners, local governments, and tl wildlife agencies in the highly-complicated legal and administi process of designing the Plans. The most important criteria in process is the biological quality and the location of the avai: habitat. The State will utilize and facilitate a wide range of actions in order to assist in the establishment of the Plans. ' actions may include purchase of land by the State or local governments, transfers of lands, selling of easements, imposit regulatory restrictions, and a variety of other strategies. It is estimated that there will ultimately be 10 to 15 subregions in the planning area, and that there will be a Plan each subregion. When will the final Natural Community Conservation Plans into place? Plans will be approved or submitted during the 18-month p consistent with guidelines developed by the process, and based locally determined subregional boundaries. 5 c +* 0 0 z. What is the status of enrollments currently? Who has enrol As of May 5, enrollments by local governments - as landown and as regulators - include those by the County of San Diego, t City of San Diego, and the County of Orange. A major coalition private Orange County landowners has enrolled. In addition, the cooperative commitments from the U.S. Marine Corps Camp Pendlet Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego County, and El Tor0 Mari Corps Air Station in Orange County. These enrollments and others - this is not a complete list cover hundreds of thousands of acres, much of which is Coastal Scrub habitat. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Who do I contact to learn more about the NCCP program? At the Resources Agency, policy inquiries should be made t Carol Whiteside, Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Rela and media inquires should go to Andy McLeod, Assistant Secretar Communications. Both can be reached at 916-653-5656. Administrative inquiries should be made to Larry Eng, DepE of Fish and Game, at 916-653-4875. 6