HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-16; City Council; 11735; STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING DATEa B o 8 2 .. z 0 F 2 2 0 Z 3 0 0 umur GARLSBAD - AGENWBILL .? cL . - - DEP AB# // 73f TITLE: STREET LIGHTING & hWK%CAPING 7- MTG. OW1 6/92 DISTRICT No. 1 CITY DEPT. U&M REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING DATE CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 93 - /dp directing the Utilities and Maintena Director to submit the Engineer's Report. 2, Adopt Resolution NoD %d- /d7 approving the Engineer's Report. 3. Adopt Resolution No. 9 -170 setting the Public Hearing. $0 fi rq L r ITEM EXPLANATION: The purpose of this agenda bill is to request Council's approval of three Resolutic necessary prior to the annual public hearing for the City of Carlsbad's Street Light and Landscaping District No. 1. At the public hearing, which must take place at le three weeks after this meeting and prior to August 10, staff will present a compl report based on the Engineer's Report describing the maintenance and operat. procedures of the district. Although final assessment amounts will not be available until after July 1, 1992, i anticipated that the average assessments for single family residential parcels benefitt from street lighting in FY 92-93 will be $36.18. Parcels benefitting from street ti maintenance and median maintenance can anticipate assessments of $39.00 and $5. respectively. A compete list of FY 92-93 assessments benefit costs as applicable to ea City assessor's parcel is available for public review at the Utilities and Maintenar Department Administrative Office. BACKGROUND: In 1983, the City of Carlsbad Street Lighting and Landscaping District was form according to the provisions of the California Streets and Highways Code known as t Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. Since the formations, the cost of operating t City's street lighting system has been funded through assessments levied by the Distn Assessments are apportioned to each parcel in the City based on benefit. In fiscal year 1989-90, Council approved the addition of two landscaping zones to t original District by Resolution No. 89-194 passed June 6, 1989, at the District's pub hearing. The two zones formed were a Street Tree Maintenance Benefit Zone anc Median Maintenance Benefit Zone which was to be phased in to total assessme financing over a three year period. Fiscal year 92-93 will be the fourth year assessments for the Street Tree Maintenance and Median Maintenance zones and tl second year in which both programs are entirely funded by the District assessment! 0 0 PAGE 2 OF AB# fl735 The Street Tree Maintenance benefit zone provides funding to City crews to respo: to citizen requests as well as ongoing preventative tree maintenance. Responsivenc and safety have been significantly enhanced since full funding allows for one tree crt for scheduled maintenance and one crew for citizen complaints. The Median Maintenance benefit zone funds landscape maintenance for the medk throughout the City. Services are provided by contractors and City staff. Clean, nf medians promote a positive image of the City of Carlsbad and reflect the effectivenc of these programs. The attached resolutions and Engineer's report contain a complete description services and costs of the street lighting and landscaping services to be performed. FISCAL IMPACT: The total street lighting and landscaping budget for FY 92-93 is $1,603,987. A 2.: decrease in the street light maintenance zone is due to more efficient use of staff ti and equipment as a result of the staffs night surveillance program. The street t maintenance zone budget shows an increase of 7.3% for FY 92-93 due to the increa! costs of maintenance and operation associated with the program which are now mc accurately identified. The median maintenance zone budget shows an increase 9.09% which is due to the cost of additional maintenance for new medians in Camino Real between Chestnut and Carlsbad Village Drive and in Carlsbad Boulev; near Pine Avenue. A single family residential parcel which benefits from street lighting, street t $81.04 for fiscal year 92-93. (See below) maintenance and median maintenance would have a total anticipated assessmen1 AVERAGE AVERAGE ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT BENEFIT ZONE FY 91-92" FY 92-93" STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE $36.92 36.18 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 35.70 39.00 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 5.54 5.86 TOTAL: 78.16 81.04 +r based on single family residential parcel ., 0 PAGE 3 OF AB# // 73J EXHIBITS: 1. Order of Procedure 2. Resolution No. %?-/d/ ordering preparation of plans, specifications, cc 3. Engineer's Report 5. Resolution No. %-/70 setting public hearing for City of Carlsbad Strc estimates, diagrams, and Engineer's Report 4. Resolution No. yJ*/d f approving Engineer's Report Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 0 ORDER OF PROCEDURE 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 DATE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL: June 16, 1992 Adopt RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDIN( AND ORDER ENGINEER'S "REPORT": Fom action of the City Council ordering the preparati of the required Engineer's "Report". Adopt RESOLUTION PASSING ON "REPORT" Ap SETTING PUBLIC HEARING: Formal acti approving "Report" of Engineer. Adopt RESOLUTION OF INTENTION: Jurisdictior Resolution under "1 972 Act" proceedings, declari intent to order annual levy of assessments a setting public hearing. .I. .L I. .. J: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: July 7, 1992 b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-168 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS AND ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF AN ENGINEER'S 'IREPORTfI FOR A SPECIAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CAR CALIFORNIA, has previously formed a special maintenance di pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting 197211, being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highwal of the State of California, said special maintenance di known and designated as STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DI NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to the tlMaintenance Districttt) WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desi1 take proceedings to provide for the annual levy of asses for the next ensuing fiscal year to provide for the annual for maintenance of improvements within the Maintenance Dis NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOk I 1 ~ i RECITALS I SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all t correct. DECLARATION OF INTENTION j SECTION 2. That the public interest and conve requires, and it is the intention of this legislative k initiate proceedings for the annual levy and collect special assessments for the payment of annual maintenance servicing costs within the Maintenance District. ! I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 e e The proposed new improvements maintained and serviced are generally described as follow: The maintenance of certain addi. street lighting improvements and additional lands improvements, including street trees and median lands improvements, all as set forth and described in the "Engi tlReporttl, which is hereby ordered to be kept on file and op public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk. REPORT OF ENGINEER SECTION 3. That this improvement is hereby re to the ELECTRICAL OPERATION SUPERVISOR, UTILITIES/MAINT DEPARTMENT who is hereby directed to make and file the "R 13 j generally containing the following: I A. Plans and specifications desc 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B. An estimate of the cost t 1 maintenance and/or servicing of the improvements fc 1 Maintenance District for the referenced fiscal year: ~ C. A diagram for the Maint 11 District, showing the area and properties proposed assessed ; D. An assessment of the est costs of the maintenance and/or servicing, assessing t amount upon all assessable lots and/or parcels with Maintenance District in proportion to the benefits recei\ That upon completion of the prep; of said I1Reportl1, the original shall be filed with th I 1 2 3 4 5 €5 7 8 a a Clerk, who shall then submit the same to this legislative for its immediate review and consideration. FISCAL YEAR SECTION 4. That the above llReportll include all costs and expenses of said maintenance , servicing relating to the fiscal year commencing July 1, 19 ending June 30, 1993. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council City of Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 16t’ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9l day of June , 1992, by the following vote, t AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Stant NOES: None ABSENT : Council Member Ny?T/[,/’ (i ,&‘/ P U2& VY J CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: I j J ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) ~ I I1 0 0 ENGINEER'S REPORT AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT: STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 ENGINEERS REPORT PURSUANT TO "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ICT OF 197 WHEREAS, this City Council has previously formed STREET LIGHT1 AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as t llDistrictll) and has levied assessments within the District f prior fiscal years, all pursuant to the I'Landscaping and Lighti Act of 197211, being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highwa Code of the State of California, commencing with Section 225 (hereinafter referred to as the flActtl); and WHEREAS, this City Council has previously adopted a Resoluti ordering the preparation and filing of an Engineer's IlReport", a in accordance with the provisions of the Act. WHEREAS, at this time there has been filed as a part of t llReportll, certain plans and specification for the maintenance the improvements, an estimate of the costs of maintenance, diagram of the District, and an assessment roll containing a spre of the estimated costs of maintenance within the District, all required by the Act and as previously ordered by this City Counci NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the direction from this City Counci this "Reportg1 is hereby submitted to this City Council pursuant the provisions of the Act. This tlReportll is applicable for t fiscal Year commencing July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993 (hereinaft referred to as the "Fiscal Year"). This report is prepared in parts (Street Lighting and Landscaping), each of which consists the following 3 sub-parts: Part I. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for the maintenance and/ servicing of the improvements during the Fiscal Yea The plans and specifications show and describe t proposed improvements to be maintained and/or servic during the Fiscal Year. The plans and specificatic also indicate the class and type of improvements to maintained and/or serviced for each zone within t District. general nature, location and extent of the existing a Part 11. A DIAGRAM of the District. The Diagram shows t exterior boundaries of the District, the boundaries any zones within the District, and the lines i dimensions of each lot or parcel within the Distric Each parcel is identified by a distinctive number letter. The lines and dimensions of each lot conform those shown on the County AssessorlS map for Fiscal Ye: H:\LIBRARnUM\WPDATA\AG BWG R92032.EO 0 0 Part 111. AN ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND AN ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE showii the net amount to be assessed upon assessable lanc within the District, describing each assessable lot q parcel within the District by reference to the Parcc numbers contained on the County Assessment Roll, a assessing the net amount upon all assessable lots 1 parcels by apportioning the net amount among the sever accessible lots or parcels in proportion to the benefi to be received by each lot or parcel. All lots and parcels of land known as public property, defined under Section 22663 of the Act, have been omitt and are exempt from any assessment under the proceedings e Executed this day of , 1992 at RALPH ANDERS DIRECT UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTME ~I::\LIBRARnUM\WPDATA’U\GB\AGU92032 EO e 0 STREET LIGHTING Pursuant to direction from the city Council, submitted herewith the ltReportlt, consisting of the following documents pursuant to I provisions of Division 15, Part 2, of the Streets and Highways Cc of the State of California, and specifically Section 22500 et.sec the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. PART I. PLANS AND SPECIFICATION The plans and specifications for the maintenance and/or servic: of the street lighting improvements during the Fiscal Year are file in the Office of the Utilities and Maintenance Directc available for public inspection, and incorporated herein by tk reference as though set forth in full. Said plans i specifications show and describe the general nature, location E extent of the existing and proposed improvements to be maintair and/or serviced during the Fiscal Year. The plans E specifications also indicate the class and type of improvements be maintained and/or serviced for each zone within the District PART 11. DIAGRAM A diagram of the Street Lighting District. Said diagram shall SF the exterior boundaries of the Street Lighting District, t boundaries of any zones within the Street Lighting District, t lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within said StrE Lighting District and each parcel shall be identified by distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimension of each 1 shall be identified by a distinctive number or letter, The lir and dimension of each lot shall conform to those shown on t county Assessor's map for the fiscal year to which the ltRepor applies. A simplified diagram is attached as Exhibit l1Al1. detailed diagram is maintained in the office of the Utilities a Maintenance Director and is available for public inspection. H:UIBRARr\UM\WPDATAUGBUGB92032.E0 0 0 METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD FOR STREET LIGHTING Within the Street Lighting Assessment District boundaries are th following five zones: Zone A - street lights at intersections only (wood poles SDG&E owned and maintained) 1. 2. Zone B - street lights at mid-block (SDG&E owned ar 3. Zone C - City owned and maintained street lights c maintained) ornamental poles 4. Zone D - SDG&E owned and maintained street lights c ornamental poles 5. Non-benefiting Zone - undeveloped property, not assess1 Within Zones B, C, and D are several codes. The code being t: area/areas developed at the same time and containing the same Ci, standard of street light spacing. The assessment to parcels within any one code will be based on o of the following methods: 1. Residential parcels - pay equal shares of the energy a maintenance costs of the street lights within their co Commercial and industrial parcels - share the cost of t energy and maintenance of the street lights within thE code based on the front footage percent of the area the code 2. H:\LIBRARnUM\WPDATAV.GB92032.E0 0 * PART 111. ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993 STREET LIGHTING COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Energy 380,000 B. Personnel 225,797 C. Operations 162 , 083 Subtotal 767 , 880 For services to Other Departments 38,000 City Contributions 28,000 From Fund Balance 100,000 Subtotal (166,000) BALANCE TO ASSESSMENT 601,880 Detail contained by FY 92-93 approved budget -- Fund 161-6210 A complete assessment roll detailing the street lighting benef assessment for each City parcel is on file at the Utilities E Maintenance Department Office, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad H:\LIBRARMUM\WPDATA\AG BMGB92032.EO e 0 LANDSCAPING PART I. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The plans and specifications for the maintenance and/or servicii of the Street Tree and Street Median Improvements during the Fisc; Year are on file in the Office of the Utilities and Maintenanc Director, available for public inspection, and incorporated here. by this reference as though set forth in full. Said plans ai specifications show and describe the general nature, location ai and/or serviced during the Fiscal Year. The plans ai specifications also indicate the class and type of improvements. be maintained and/or serviced for each zone within the District extent of the existing and proposed improvements to be maintain( PART 11. DIAGRAM A diagram of the Landscaping District. Said diagram shall show tl exterior boundaries of the District, the boundaries of the Tree a: Landscaping zones within the District, the lines and dimensions ( each lot or parcel within said Landscaping District and each parcl shall be identified by a distinctive number or letter. The linl and dimensions of each lot shall conform to those shown on tl County Assessorls map for the fiscal year to which the llRepor. applies. Simplified diagrams are attached as ExhibitsllB1l and !IC A detailed diagram is maintained in the office of the Utilities a: Maintenance Director and is available for public inspection. H:\LIBRARr\UM\WPDATA\AGB\AGU92032.E0 9 a METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD FOR LANDSCAPING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE Street Trees are in the street right-of-way, general1 areas indicated in Exhibit rrB*r . Each property receive approximately the same benefit. Therefore, staf established a benefit formula in which each parcel i given an equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) based on tl- average size of a single family residential lot in tk City of Carlsbad (7,500 square feet or .17 acres). Thus each single family parcel is given and EDU of 1.0, whil most other parcel are given an EDU based on the followir formula : between the curb and sidewalk and/or property line in th Acreaqe = EDU .17 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE This service generally benefits all parcels and resident However, parcels which front upon streets which receiT median landscape maintenance services generally receiT more benefit from landscape median improvements thi other parcels. Thus, all parcels in the City share : the cost of median landscape maintenance using the sax EDU formula proposed for Street Tree Maintenance ai those parcels which front on streets with landscapc medians are assessed twice the amount of other parce: not fronting on the median streets. These formulas were approved by City Council at the Ju 6, 1989, regular meeting. in the City. Accordingly, all parcels share in the cost H:UIBRARY\UM\WPDATA~GD~G892032.CO 0 0 PART 111. ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993 TREES COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Personnel 310,151 B. Maintenance & Operation 269,355 C. Capital Outlay 0 Subtotal 579,506 City Contributions 77 , 140 Subtotal (77,140) BALANCE TO ASSESSMENT 502,366 Detail contained by FY 92-93 approved budget -- Fund 161-6210 A complete assessment roll detailing the street lighting benefi assessment for each City parcel is on file at the Utilities an Maintenance Department Office, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad H :\LIBRARY\UM\W PDATAWG BWG t3 920 32.1:O L NO SCALE TREE TRIMMING BENEFITING PARCELS TREE TRIMMING NON-BENEFITING PARCELS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NC FY 92 93 e 0 PART 111. ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993 MEDIANS COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Personnel 84,398 C. Capital Outlay 0 B. Maintenance & Operation 172 , 203 Subtotal 256,601 City Contributions 0 Subtotal 0 BALANCE TO ASSESSMENT 256,601 Detail contained by FY 92-93 approved budget -- Fund 161-6210 A complete assessment roll detailing the street lighting benef assessment for each City parcel is on file at the Utilities ai Maintenance Department Office, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad EI:\LIBRARY\UM\WPDATAWG IMG 1392032.EO NO SCALE LANDSCAPEMEDIAN BENEFITING PARCELS - LANDSCAPEMEDIAN 0 LOCATIONS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT N FY 92 93 + 0 a INSTRUCTION SHEET NAME OF AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD NAME OF PROJECT: STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT f\ PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JULY 7, 1992 INSTRUCTIONS THE CITY CLERK SHALL PERFORM THE FOLLOWING: PUBLICATION (CARLSBAD JOURNAL) Cause the RESOLUTION OF INTENTION to be published in the designat1 legal newspaper, said publication to be competed at least TEN (1 DAYS before the date set for the public hearing. **Jc FINAL DATE FOR PUBLICATION RESOLUTION OF INTENTION (PUBLICATION) LAST DAY: JUNE 27, 19 I would recommend that the notice requirements be accomplished an earlier date in order to avoid any last minute confusion. **** 0 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH NOTICE REQUIREMENTS STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES as follows The undersigned is now, and at all times mentioned herein was, th duly appointed, qualified and acting CITY CLERK of the CITY 0 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, and as such, accomplished or caused to b accomplished the notice requirements in connection with th referenced District, as noted: PUBLICATION (CARLSBAD JOURNAL) The RESOLUTION OF INTENTION was published in the designated leg2 newspaper said publication being accomplished on the m day of kdd.6 , 1992. POSTING A copy of the AGENDA for the meeting of June 16, 1992, settii forth a general description of the project and the tie and place c the meeting, was posted in a location freely accessible to tl general public at least 72 hours before the time set for sa: meeting; said posting being accomplished on the day of Jdw4 , 1992, at Carlsbad, California. A?* CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA A I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-169 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORTI' FOR PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS WITH A SPECIAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CAE; CALIFORNIA, pursuant to the terms of the I'Landscapii Lighting Act of 197211, being Division 15, Part 2 of the S and Highways Code of the State of California, did, by pr lo 11 l2 l3 14' 15 16 17 l8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ Resolution, initiate proceedings and ordered the preparat an Engineer I s I'Reportl1 for the annual levy of assessments 1 1 a special maintenance district, said special maintenance dj known and designated as STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING Dl NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance Disti and, WHEREAS, there has now been presented to thi Council the "Report1I as required by said Division 15 Streets and Highways Code and as previously direci j Resolution; and, ' I 1 1 and reviewed the I'Report" as presented, and is satisfit each and all of the items and documents as set forth there I is satisfied that the assessments, on a preliminary basi: been spread in accordance with the benefits received fl improvements to be maintained, as set forth in said "Rep1 WHEREAS, this City Council has now carefully e! NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOj SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all t I ~ correct. e I z 1 SECTION 2. That the IlReportIl as presented cc 2: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 of the following: A. Plans and specifications des( the general nature, location and extent of the new and 01 street lighting and landscaping improvements to be maint; B. Estimate of cost, includi amount of the annual installment forthe forthcoming fisca C. Diagram of the Main1 District; D. Assessment of the estimated Said llReportll, as presented, is approved on a preliminary basis, and is ordered to be fj the Office of the City Clerk as a permanent record and to open to public inspection. 1 SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall certify passage and adoption of the Resolution, and the minutes ( meeting shall so reflect the presentation of the Eng 1 "Report'1. ' \\\ 11 201 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ 28 I 1 2 3 4 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council City of Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 16tP day of June , 1992, by the following vote, 1 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Stant NOES: None .i I * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-170 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS IN A SPECIAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING THEREON WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CAR: CALIFORNIA, has previously formed a special maintenance di v 8! 9 lo I' l2 I.3 14 15 16 l7 pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting i 1972'l, being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highwai of the State of California, said special maintenance di known and designated as STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING D] NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance Distr and, WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desii take proceedings to provide for the annual levy of asse: for the next ensuing fiscal year to provide for the cos expenses necessary to pay for the maintenance of the impro ' 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, there has been presented and approved ' I City Council the Engineer's I'Report'', as required by 1 1 this City Council is desirous of continuing with the proc for said annual levy; and, WHEREAS, the improvements to be maintainec consist of all originally designated and authorized improi as well as certain new and additional improvements. I i \\\ \\\ i \\\ 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0 0 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS RECITALS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all tri correct. DECLARATION OF INTENTION SECTION 2. That the public interest and conve requires, and it is the intention of this legislative boc levy and collect assessments to pay the annual costs and ex for the maintenance and/or servicing of the improvements f above-referenced Maintenance District, said improv generally described as follows: The maintenance of certain lighting improvements, street trees and median lands improvements, as set forth and described in the Engi llReportll. The proposed new improvements maintained and serviced are generally described as follok The maintenance of certain addj i 19 ji street lighting improvements and additional land: 21 22 23 improvements, all as set forth and described in the Eng: ltReportlt, which is hereby ordered to be kept on file and 01 public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk. 26 27 28 direct benefit to the properties within the boundaries ( Maintenance District, which Maintenance District the legi body previously declared to be the area benefitted by sai 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 0 e of improvement, and for particulars, reference is made t boundary map as previously approved by this legislative bc copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk an for public inspection, and is designated by the name 01 Maintenance District. REPORT OF ENGINEER SECTION 4. That the llReportll of the Engine6 preliminarily approved by this legislative body, is on fil the City Clerk and open for public inspection. Reference i to said llReportll for a full and detailed description c improvements to be maintained, the boundaries of the Maint District and any zones therein, and the proposed assessment assessable lots and parcels of land within the Maint District. PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 5. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUESDA I 17 1 SEVENTH DAY OF JULY, 1992, AT THE HOUR OF 6:OO P.M., : REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BEING THE C 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR HEARING PROTEST OR OBJECTIONS IN REF TO THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS AND TO ANY OTHER M CONTAINED IN THIS RESOLUTION. ANY PERSONS WHO WISH TO OB3 THE PROCEEDINGS OR THE ANNUAL LEVY SHOULD FILE A WRITTEN P WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE TIME SET FOR THE PUBLIC HE NOTICE SECTION 6. That the City Clerk is hereby auth and directed to give notice as required by law by causing of this Resolution to be published in the CARLSBAD JOUR e 5 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 9 Q newspaper of general circulation within said city; publication to be completed not less than ten (10) days pr the date set for the public hearing. PROCEEDING INOUIRES SECTION 7. For any and all information relat these proceedings, including information relating to p procedure, your attention is directed to the person desi below: VIRGINIA McCOY ELECTRICAL OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 TELEPHONE: (619) 438-7753 EXT. 4111 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council City of Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the le day of June , 1992, by the following vote, t AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, and Star NOES: None ABSENT : Council Member Nygaa l8 19 1 I I 22 ~ 24 231 ATTEST: 27 28 (SEAL)