HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-16; City Council; 11739; INCREASE TO SENIOR DIVISION GRANT BUDGET4 F CARLSBAD - AGEN I ,i) .i 1 I AB# /< 7’39 MTG. 6/16/92 TITLE GRANT BUDGET DEPT. PER INCREASE TO SENIOR DIVISION DEPT. k CITY A1 CITY M1 I I # RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. &-/73’ approving an increase to the Senior Divi! Grant Budget in the amount of $1,587. ITEM EXPLANATION: In June of 1991, the City Council approved the Senior Division Grant Budget with Area Agency on Aging to provide nutrition, home delivered meals and transporta services for fiscal year 91-92. In April 1992, the Area Agency on Aging (A.A.A.) approached staff to inform them an additional $1,587 in funds was available to the Carlsbad Senior Program. These fi will be utilized to purchase supplies for the Home Meals and the Nutrition Progran This increase will bring the FY 91-92 Senior Division Grant Budget total to $178,81 COMMISSION ACTION: At their regular meeting, May 7, 1992, the Carlsbad Senior Commission vc FY 91-92 Senior Division Grant Budget. FISCAL IMPACT: unanimously to recommend that the City Council approve the increase of $1,587 to Actual FY 91-92 Senior Division Grant Budget $177,278 Increase to FY 91-92 Senior Division Grant Budget 1,587 TOTAL FY 91-92 Senior Division Grant Budget $1 78,865 This increase to the Senior Division Grant Budget represents a savings of $1,587 tc n i5 K FY 91-92 Senior Division General Fund Budget (Acct. #OOl-820-4142-2660). & < Senior Program FY 91-92 General Fund Budget $314,435 w / 2 0 F 0 U 0 2 z 3 0 0 - Reduction in Senior Program General Fund Budget due to AM Increase - 1,587 TOTAL General Fund ’91-92 Budget $312,848 EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. %?-A73 . 2. Amendment to the FY 91-92 Area Agency on Aging Contract I *- . i:;; ;zi.:; :- :' '7: 1. MAY 1 2 19Y2 -. r.. i? ...~.. e 0 EXHIBIT 2 AEIENDPlENT ;,2:,L,L ..(,_I %_>_I t,: !2:11*.'",* tp:,-,,. t.'::..-,i... Ct?iiler 11li.s 1st ,4PlENIXlLNT "> AC;TtlSl':Plli:N'r is rnade by tlle COUN'IY OF SAN DIEGO herej called "County, " and Carl sbad, City of t herein called "Contractor e '* WIlX.D&, County and Contractor have previously entered into an Agreement, a cc of which is on fi1.e with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors as Contract, No * 3071 8 I K€FXEc\S, County and Contractor- desire t,o mend said Agreement to provide fur continuation of services, NOW 'II-IEnEFORE, County and Contractor agree as follor 1. That the purlpose of t,his &reenlent is to provide services as set, forth in the attacl~cd Sr?I.vir:e E'rovisions, Eshibi t E, which is by th. refererlce hereby i.ncorpc)ra ted her.ei 11 ; 0 L. T1xjt this dtnendment: will becmnle effective on May 5, 1992 al ex t,end t.tlr51ugh h- 3. That Con tractor recognizes thnt County expends Older Americans Act funds on a Ei scal year basis, and therefore Cont,ractor expressly agrees thrtt it is to recej.ve its funding on that basis, and that thc obligation of the County under this Agreement is severable for and limited to the anour~t of $103,246. during the 91/92 Fisc: Tear; nrd the ~JIIO~I~I t of' N/A during the N/A Fisca Year. l'lte rnaxirnurn amounl; speci.fied for the 9 1 / 92 Fiscal Year constit;ut.cs an increase of $1 ,587. over the n~nsirnurn amount o cornpIsa,tion authorized prior to the ei'fective date of this Arnendme~ In no case \;ill County pay [lolltractor in escess of. $1 03,246. 4. Al.1 oLher provisions of 1,lle Contract shall remain in force. IK Iv'I??vl33S IvI-EREOF, this 1 st Anlendment t.0 Agreement is hereby erecuted alld mntfe . Dated t.his 5% day of L/y) COWTY OF SAN DIEGO CONTnilCTOIE By Th& J. hL& d. BY Clerk of the Board of Sup#isor-s Apprwed andlor authorized by the Board pI?F?ql!r;' ,,? -. of Supervisors of tho County of San Diego ("I L :.., . ,: I$ '3CM COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER .707/y -& Tb J. ph -f CL;z:i;''{ ~i)illi~~~ / X y-s"-p- (9 BY&?!$ DEP Clerk of tke Boaid of S:;;;3wisors ~. I 0 i 0 I PAGE 2. AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 91/92 ONE TIME ONLY EQUIPMENT AND USDA MEAL SUPPORT Carlsbad : 1. (3) Nutrisystem Bulk Food Carriers $167. ea. $ 501. 2. USDA C-1 meals 513 C-2 meals 1,400 X $.5676 $1,086. Total $1,587. 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-173 A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING AN INCREASE OF ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS ($1,587) TO THE FISCAL YEAR 91-92 SENIOR GRANT BUDGET. WHEREAS, the San Diego County Area Agency on Aging increased the Fiscal Year 91-92 Senior Grant Budget by one thousand five hundred eighty seven dollars ($1,587) , and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to incorporate this increase into the Fiscal Year 91-92 Senior Grant Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 1. That the City Council approves an increase to the Fiscal Year 91-92 Senior Grant Budget, in the amouni of one thousand five hundred eighty seven dollars ($1,587) 2. That the Finance Director is hereb] authorized to increase the appropriation to the genial Grant Budget, in the amount of one thousand five hundre eighty seven dollars ($1,587), bringing the Senior Gran Budget total for FY 91-92 to one hundred seventy eigh thousand eight hundred sixty five dollars ($178,865). //I /// /I/ /I/ /// . d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the - 16th day of June , 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Stani NOES: None ABSENT : C~fff/{~ ,,. 2 eh<!,z.. iiW&cyor ATTEST : e&&d Q& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clbrk (Seal)