HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-23; City Council; 11746; AMENDMENTS TO THE CALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND DESIGN AGREEMENT FOR POINSETTIA LANE/INTERSTATE 5 INTERCHANGEI. E CL 4 g F 2 J b Z a 0 0 CITWF CARLSBAD - AGENW BILL til/ - AB # 1l1 7y6 TITLE: AMENDMENTS TO THE CALTRANS DEP’ CITY MTG. DEPT. ENG INTERSTATE 5 INTERCHANGE ClTV RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 4’2-/79 approving Amendment A/1 to the CALTRANS Coopf Agreement for the design of the Poinsettia Lane/Interstate 5 Interchange. Adopt Resolution N0.92’/8~ approving Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Agr with Boyle Engineering for the design of the Poinsettia Lane/Intersi Interchange. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 90-312 approving a Coopf Agreement between the City and the State of California Department of Transpoi (CALTRANS) for development responsibilities for the Poinsettia Lane/Inter: Interchange. The City Council also previously adopted Resolution No. approving a Consultant Agreement with Boyle Engineering for the design Poinsettia Lane/Interstate 5 Interchange. The preparation of the final p plans and specifications have advanced through the various design phasl reviews as required by CALTRANS. During the course of designing the project, CALTRANS requested the City anc consultant, Boyle Engineering, assess the seismic vulnerability of the ex Poinsettia Lane/Interstate 5 bridge structure. This request was in response State’s Seismic Retrofit Program which received the State’s highest priority State Legislature following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. The Seismic RE Program is currently ongoing with the retrofit of seismically deficient t throughout the state in a risk-analyzed priority order. Simultaneous1 projects involving bridge modifications such as the Poinsettia Lane brid being assessed to determine if critical seismic deficiencies should be adc while they are being modified. Following several meetings between the City, Boyle Engineering, and CALTRANS it was determined that seismic retrofit is required for the existing Poir Lane bridge structure. It was also concluded that it would be more stratec economically efficient to include the seismic retrofit work with the consti of the bridge widening improvements. The City, Boyle Engineering, and Cb have all concurred on this seismic retrofit approach and method. CALTRANS staff has indicated that a majority of the design costs for the s retrofit work can be funded through the State’s Seismic Retrofit Program. Engineering has assembled a scope of work and fees associated with the anal) the existing structure, development of the seismic retrofit strategy, comp of the design, and incorporation of the seismic retrofit plans into the p documents. Their proposed design fees for this work total $60,960. 0 amount, $57,000 is eligible for reimbursement to the City by the State’s E Retrofit Program. The attached Amendment A/1 to the Cooperative Agreement between the Ci CALTRANS specifically addresses the seismic retrofit component of the projec a condition that CALTRANS reimburse the City for preparation of the pla specifications for the seismic retrofit. Staff recommends approval of Am€ A/1 to the design Cooperative Agreement between the City and CALTRANS. 6/ 23/9 2 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND DESIGN AGREEMENT FOR POINSETTIA LANE/ II) e Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /li746 In addition to seismic retrofitting, there have.been other modifications I the project during the final design phase. These modifications were not adc in the previously approved CALTRANS Project Report for this project and WI included in the original design contract. The modifications include: 0 A request by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to install wat . Additional geotechnical work to verify foundation requirements t . Supplemental hydro1 ogical training program. . Conversion of all design plans and data to be compatible with C/ reclaimed water lines in the bridge structure. CALTRANS standards. Intergraph CADD (Computer Aided Design) Program. The scope of work and fees for all of these items are identified in Amendmen- to the existing Consultant Agreement with Boyle Engineering. Staff recc approval of Amendment No. 1. FISCAL IMPACT: In summary, the additional tasks and associated fees are as follows: Seismic Retrofit $ Reclaimed Water and Potable Water Pipeline Design Supplemental Geotechnical Work Supplemental Hydro1 ogy Completion of Design on Intergraph CADD - TOTAL ADDITIONAL DESIGN COSTS $1 The initial design cost of $830,000 were funded by Aviara Land Associates separate forward funding agreement. Under that contract, $913,000 was pos cover design contingencies. $83,000 of the design increase will be funded the Aviara forward funding agreement. The additional $113,780 has been in in the 1992-93 CIP for funding by Community Facilities District No. 1. Und CALTRANS contract amendment, $57,000 will be reimbursed for the seismic re design costs. EXHIBITS : 1. Location map. 2. Resolution No. qa-l’?? approving Amendment A/1 to the CALTRANS Coope Agreement for the design of the Poinsettia Lane/Interstate 5 Intercha 3. Resolution No. 92-180 approving Amendment No. 1 to the Cons Agreement with Boyle Engineering for the design of the Poin Lane/Interstate 5 Interchange. Amendment A/1 to CALTRANS Cooperative Agreement No. 11-0429 between th of Carlsbad and CALTRANS. Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Agreement between the City of Carlsb Boyle Engineering for the design of the Poinsettia Lane/Interst Interchange. 4. 5. LOCATION MAP 6 LEGEND . *.::.'.::.::.. . ..::.;<:;.. ....p.. 0 ..;:.:.:,:.:. . . . . ..-.:.?. BRIDGE TO BE IMPROVED I PROJECT NAME PROJECT+ EXH POINSETTIA LANE OVERPASS 3269 1 ~~ ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 92-179 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT A/1 TO THE CALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THE DESIGN OF THE POINSETTIA LANE/INTERSTATE 5 INTERCHANGE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds it nec desirable, and in the public interest to upgrade the existing Po Lane/Interstate 5 bridge structure with seismic retrofitting; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously CALTRANS Cooperative Agreement No. 11-0429 identifying design responsi for said project; and, WHEREAS, the State of California’s Seismic Retrofit Program h( available to cover certain costs for seismic retrofitting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment A/1 to CALTRANS Cooperative Agreement No. 11 hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and to execute said amendment. Following the Mayor’s signature of said an the City Clerk is further authorized and directed to forward all three (: originals with certified copies of this Resolution to the State of Cal /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 0 e Department of Transportation, District 11, attention Mr. Jerry Love, P.C 85406, San Diego, California 92186-5406. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbac Council held on the Xd day of June , 1992 by the following to wit: AYES : Council Members Lewis, Larson, Stanton, and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin LAUDE A. rEWfS, Mayor ATTEST: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-180 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH BOYLE ENGINEERING FOR THE DESIGN OF THE POINSETTIA LANE/INTERSTATE 5 INTERCHANGE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds it ne desirable, and in the public interest to proceed with the improvement Poinsettia Lane/Interstate 5 Interchange; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously into an agreement with Boyle Engineering Corporation for the design as with this project; and, WHEREAS, a scope of work and fee schedule has been prepared Engineering for additional design work for said project; and, WHEREAS, an amendment to the agreement for the design of said pi submitted herewith. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of ( California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Agreement wi Engineering is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby ai and directed to execute said amendment. Following the Mayor’s signatur amendment, the City Clerk is further authorized and directed to forwarc //I /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w w signed original copy to Boyle Engineering Corporation, attention Mr. G Lutes, 7807 Convoy Court, Suite 200, San Diego, California, 92111. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Council held on thewday of -e , 1992 by the following to Wit: AYES : NOES : None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin Council Members Lewis, Larson, Stanton, and Nygaard &4A CLAUDE A. LE IS, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTEN , *. 0 0 < 11-SD- R44,8/R46. 11223-16784 Agreement No. 11-0429 A/ Poinsettia Lan Seismic Retrofi AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, entered into on June 24, 1992 i between the State of California, acting by and through it Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STATE, and I CITY OF CARLSBAD, a bod politic and a municipz corporation of the State c California, referred to herei as CITY. RECITALS 1. The parties hereto entered into an Agreement (Documer No. 7250) on August 21, 1990, said Agreement defining tl terms and conditions of a cooperative project to widen tt overcrossing on State Route 5 at Poinsettia Lane, referred t herein as PROJECT. 2. It has been determined that the existing structure neec seismic retrofitting and the work will be eligible for fundir from the State Seismic Retrofit Program. IT IS THEREFORE MUTUALLY AGREED: 1. That Article 2a is added to Section I of the origin; Agreement to read: "To have Plans, Specifications a1 Estimates for the seismic retrofitting, prepared and includc in the PS&E package for PROJECT, and perform addition: Seismic Analysis, all at STATE expense." 2. That Article 2b is added to Section I of the origin: Agreement to read: "To submit the PS&E package for tl seismic retrofit to STATE for review and approval by tl Division of Structures, at no cost to CITY." # t 0 D- I 11-0429 A, 3. That Article la is added to Section I1 of the origin? Agreement to read: "TO reimburse CITY, within thirty (3( days of receipt of billing from CITY, the actual cost fc preparation of the PS&E package for the seismic retrofit including additional Seismic Analysis, estimated to 1 $57,000. The bill should include a detailed statement of a1 costs. STATE may, at its sole discretion, in writinc authorize a greater amount." 4. The other terms and conditions of said Agreement (Documel No. 7250) shall remain in full force and effect. 5. This Amendment to Agreement is hereby deemed to be a part ( Document No. 7250. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation James W. van Loben Sels Director of Transportation Attest: dx!~,@k 4 -0 (i.Ct(,?&;k BY Deputy District Director City Clerk Approved as to Form and Procedure Attorney Approved as to Funds and Procedure District Accounting Administrator I a 0 '& AMEMDm NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SEFWICES FOR POINSE?TIA -ATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1, made and entered into as of the 25th day of Jun 1992, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation, hereir referred to as "CITY" and BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION, hereinafter referr as "C 0 N S U LTANT'. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and Boyle Engineering Corporation, have previc entered into an agreement on July 8, 1991, for the design of the Poinsettia Lane/Inter Route 5 Interchange; and, WHEREAS, said agreement identified a scope of work which included profess engineering services consisting of field survey work, roadway, ramp, bridge, struct drainage and traffic signal design, traffic striping and marking, coordination of util landscape services, and preparation of the final plans, specifications, and cost estim and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is actively pursuing the construction of Poinsettia Lane/Lnterstate Route 5 Interchange project; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to expand the s of work to include seismic retrofit design of the existing bridge structure, desig reclaimed water and potable water pipelines, additional required geotechnical work, the preparation of plans utilizing the Intergraph Computer Aided Design (CADD) fo required by CALTRANS; and \ 0 0 * WHEREAS, the expanded scope of work was not identified in the CALTRANS Proje Report assembled for this project; and WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have been negotiat and ag-reed to between the parties hereto; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, hereby finds it necessa: desirable, and in the public interest to proceed with this Amendment No. 1 for s additional work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covena contained herein, CITY and CONSULTANT hereby agree as follows: 1. CONSULTANT shall provide ClTY additional professional engineering servi related to revising the plans and specifications incorporating a seismic retrofit design of existing Poinsettia Lane bridge structure in accordance with the terms, conditions project scope of work as outlined in the attached Exhibit "A", dated Apd 30,1992, wl: is hereby incorporated and made a part of this agreement. 2. CONSULTANT shall provide CITYadditional professional engineering sen related to the design of potable water and reclaimed water pipelines as further define Exhibit "A". 3. CONSULTANT shall provide CITY additional professional engineering ser related to completion of project plans on Interpph Computer Aided Design (CADI: CALTRANS standards as set forth in the OD Users Manual, additional geotechnicd traffic signal design services, and Supplemental hydrology as further delineate Exhibit "A". 4. CJTY shall pay CONSULTANT in accordance with the fees and costs out in Exhibit "A", which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this agreement, r exceed $196,780. a e 5. CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all work associated with paragraphs 3, and 4 above, based upon the following: Seismic Retrofit Design $ 60,960 Reclaimed Water & Potable Water Pipeline Design 33,900 7,920 Additional Geotechnical Work Completion of Design on Intergraph CADD 93,000 Supplemental Hydrology 1 ,SOQ $1 96, '780 TOTAL COSTS, NOT TO EXCEED 6. Except as moaed herein, all provisions of the aforementioned agree] entered into on July 8,1991, by and between CITY and CONSULTN, shall remain ir force and effect. 7. This Amendment No. 1 to the aforementioned agreement between CITY CONSULTANT shall be effective on and from the day first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. BQYLE ENGINEER" CORPORATION CLAUDE A. LEWIS Title Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATl-EsT: Q. E- &&,,- $l 42 ,FL 1) q 4 City Attorney 6 .zq.qz . City Clerk Poin iia Lane Amendment N U(HIBI1 May27, 1 Page 1 s. * e @ EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FQR AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVUCES FOR POINSETTIA IANE/INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE Professional engineering services are needed by the City of Carlsbad (CITY) for seismic re design, design of reclaimed and potable waterlines, additional geotechnical work, complc of the project plans on Intergraph CADD and supplemental hydrology. This Scope of Services, prepared by Boyle Engineering Corporation (CONSULTANT), is b: upon our discussions with the CITY. Certain assumptions have been made in preparing Scope of Services. To the extent possible, they are stated herein. If the actual total E required is different from the assumptions presented herein, both CITY and CONSULT agree to revise the scope and fee accordingly. I. SEISMIC RETROFIT DESIGN A. INTRODUCTION In general, this work consists of assessing the probable behavior and performance of existing structure during the maximum credible seismic event. The results of our prelimi analysis indicate the existing structure does not meet the current seismic code. There' Caltrans requires and CITY has requested the preparation of construction plans, specificati and cost estimates for retrofitting the existing structure and associated traffic control. CITY and CONSULTANT acknowledge: a. Neither CITY nor CONSULTANT was involved in the design, constructior maintenance of the existing Poinsettia Lane bridge and neither CITY nor CONSULT has conducted a review of the current condition of the bridge. b. Consistent with the professional standard of care, CONSULTANT'S design o seismic retrofit of the bridge will be based only upon a review of record draw provided by Caltrans, which will be used by CONSULTANT without indepeni evaluation. Poins ia Lane Amendment No. EXHIBIT “1 May 27, 19s Page 2 of e @ >. t. B. EMGlNlEERlNG SERVICES FOR SEISMIC RETROFIT DESIGN - TlME AND MATERIALS TASKS Task 100 - Preliminary Analysis 101. After a review of information provided by CITY and Caltrans, Division 1 Structures (DOS), develop several different retrofit concepts based c previous experience and anticipated structure response. Recommend one ( two schemes that appear most feasible. Perform a three dimensional, dynamic, modal analysis of the structure usir structural analysis computer software GTSTRUDL, which is a seism structural analysis program similar to that used by Caltrans DOS. Othi Results will be used to estimate seismic loads and/or deformation at joint hinges, columns, abutments, footings and other elements of the structurl Up to five successive alternatives will be evaluated until a solution acceptab to CITY and Caltrans DOS is obtained. 102. analysis tools include column, footing, and abutment computer program Task 200 - Retrofit Strategy 201. Complete a retrofit plan and associated details describing the propose retrofit strategy. Compile and submit to CITY and Caltrans DOS a Seismic Evaluation Repc describing the existing structure, methods used in developing the dynam analysis, a geotechnical evaluation, and an overall assessment of the existir structure and its anticipated behavior during the maximum credible seism event. Also included will be summaries of anticipated ductility demands ar field reports, analysis calculations, computer input/output. The conclusion 1 the report will be a recommended Seismic Retrofit Strategy. Arrange and attend a Retrofit Strategy Meeting to be attended by Caltrar DOS personnel. Present the proposed Retrofit Strategy. Address questior or concerns posed by those present. Discuss alternatives as appropriatl Submit an updated schedule and estimate of design engineering cos required to implement the proposed strategy. 202. displacements, construction cost estimate, and copies of record drawing 203. Task 300 - Draft PS&E 301. After CITY and Caltrans DOS have approved the proposed retrofit strategy, summary of the Strategy Meeting will be compiled and forwarded to i 9 Poi ,,ettia Lane Amendment Nc EXHIBIT May27, 1s Page 3 c e P *. I. concerned parties. Any issues not previously resolved will be addressec this time. Finalize the design and complete the draft structural plans. The design incorporate appropriate comments and recommendations from the Stratf Meeting. Drafting will be completed on CADD per Caltrans D requirements in effect as of March 1992. Four sets of blueline plans will submitted to CITY and Caltrans DOS for distribution and review. Complete an independent structural check of the retrofit plans by an engin registered in the State of California. Any apparent discrepancies will resolved with the designer and details modified as necessary. Complete additional roadway and traffic control plans to accommodate proposed construction. Construction quantities will be calculated from the "Checked Plans" by t separate individuals experienced in this work. After comparing results i resolving any discrepancies, the appropriate quantity summary sheets will completed. Unit costs are applied resulting in an opinion of the proba construction cost. Modify Caltrans Standard Special Provisions. 302. 303. 304 305. 306. 307. Submit four sets of plans, two copies of quantity calculations and opinion probable construction cost, two copies of edited special provisions, one cc of design calculations, and one copy of independent check calculations e: to CITY and Caltrans DOS for review and comment. Task 400 - Final PS&E 401. 402. Incorporate appropriate comments from CITY and Caltrans DOS in the PS8 Submit Final PS&E to CITY and Caltrans DOS including one set of origi tracings and four sets of prints of final design plans, one floppy disk of fi design plans, one hard copy and one floppy disk of final special provisioi two copies of final quantity calculations and opinion of probable constructi cost, and information to be included in the Resident Engineer's File. Task 500 - Coordination 501. Coordinate with Caltrans District 1 1, Division of Structures, and Seisr Technology Branch to obtain approvals for the design and funding from ' Seismic Retrofit Fund. Work includes attendance at up to three meetinl Poi ia Lane Amendment f WHIBI May 27, Page 4 1. C. e a *, * phone conversations, filling out applications, design and construction estimate support and negotiations. 11. CONSULTANT will provide PS&E for 2,050 linear feet of 12-inch potable waterline and 2 linear feet of 8-inch reclaimed waterline. Carlsbad Municipal Water District design stand and Caltrans PS&E preparation standards will be followed. CONSULTANT will inform CITY Caltrans of any conflicts in standards. CONSULTANT will prepare for and attend up to meeting to facilitate resolution of these conflicts. Plans will be prepared and submittel lntergraph CADD, subject to the same assumptions, schedules, submittals, etc. as stated ii original agreement of July 8, 1991, and as stated below under ”COMPLETION OF DESIGb INTERGRAPH CADD.” REChbalMED WATER AND POTABLE WATER PIPEUNE DESIGN 111. ADDITIONAL GEOTECHMICAL WORK CONSULTANT will provide additional geotechnical services consisting of: preparation Materials Report separate from the Foundation Report; four additional test borings along freeway, including traffic control for shoulder closures; and additional laboratory testing whic required due to new Caltrans testing standards for the preparation of materials rep1 Specifically, additional laboratory tests will include: Laboratorv Test Number Moisture Content and Unit Weight Sieve Analysis 3 Sand Equivalent 3 Atterberg Limits 3 Soluble Chlorides and Sulfates 4 pH and Resistivity 4 3-Point Direct Shear 1 Consolidation 1 Compaction Curve 2 20 R-value I 3 IV. COMPLETION OF DESIGN ON INTERGRAPH CADD CONSULTANT will complete the project plans on lntergraph CADD. The plans will be prepa per Caltrans CADD standards as set forth in the CADD Users Manual dated September, 19 The final submittal will be made on 9-track magnetic tape in VAX format. AI1 other submit’ will be made on hard copy in accordance with the original agreement dated July 8, 1991. EXHIBI- Page 5 .* e Poin,,ttia (6 Lane Amendment f. I. * May 27, V. PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTAL HYDROLOGY Prepare for and conduct eight-hour hydrology training seminar for CITY. VI. ADDITIONAL SIGNAL DESIGN Design of new signal at Paseo del Norte (in place of modification of an existing signal), upgrade the signal at Avenida Encinas to Caltrans’ standards. SDC 17-3GQ-56/AM ENDM NT. DOC/FRCF/erm/052792