HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-23; City Council; 11754; ZONE 13 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANc a .d QI w *d a i2 VJ (d 0 o\ ,-I I c.l m a o\ A CV 0 G (d co l m 0 z g U rl 0 m 2 -4 3 -.a a, U a 0 a a rl .r( U G 3 0 u 2 0 b J zs z 3 0 0 I a F CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL E w AB# 1'! '754 TITLE: DEPT. ZONE 13 v LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY 1 MTGl DEPT. GM CITY I 6/23/92 RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission and staff are recommending that the City Council adopt R No.qa-/G.4 approving the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director a Resolution No. 94- I 30 approving the Local Facilities Management plan for Z( ITEM EXPLANATION Zone 13 is the twenty-first Local Facilities Management Plan to be brought to the Cit for adoption. The zone is located in the Northwest Quadrant and is approximately E in area. The General Plan land uses designated within the zone are Travel Service (- residential Reserve (NRR), and Open Space. There is no existing or approved develc the zone. The buildout assumptions used for this LFMP are based on a modified yield rate for of the property. Instead of the usual 30% yield, this plan assumes only a 17% yiel NRR area. This was done to assure that all facility performance standards would I compliance through buildout of the zone. The total amount of development to be cor in the zone is thus estimated to be approximately 3.6 million sq. ft. of Travel Service residential space. There will be no residential development in the zone. On May 6, 1992, the Planning Commission recommended approval of this plan as ( in the minutes from the Planning Commission meeting attached as Exhibit 5. One i! arose during the Commission's consideration of the plan was the Parks condition. ' 5 and Zone 16 plans. However, the Carltas Company requested that the Zone 13 plai the option of providing recreational facilities within Zone 13, subject to the City's E The Commission had some concerns with this alternative but after some di recommended approval of the plan without modification of the condition. The Pi Recreation Commission also discussed this item at its meeting of May 18, 1992, and i a motion recommending that any such recreational facilities constructed with City fur be open to the public. Further detail is provided in the attached Planning Commission a and Recreation Commission minutes. The Zone 13 plan is a regulatory document which analyzes all eleven public fac determine whether they conform with the adopted performance standards. Several are identified as requiring upgrading in order to accommodate future development in t Therefore, specific conditions of approval have been included in the plan, as stated ii 3, to guarantee that all of the public facility standards will continue to be met through of the Zone. The plan is subject to change if circumstances differ from the ut- assumptions used to project facility thresholds. This plan includes a complete financing plan in compliance with Section 21.90.1 1 1 Carlsbad Municipal Code. Therefore, it does not require a subsequent financing p facilities required to serve development in Zone 13 can be provided by particip Community Facilities District No. 1, by payment of normal City fees, and as condi approval on development permits. includes a condition requiring payment of a park fee of $.40 per square foot, similar to ' I e e I(, 75v 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning Director on May 2, 1991, indica the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 is not anticipated to have any impacts on the environment. The Negative Declaration was recommended for approv Planning Commission on May 6, 1992. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 will not cause any significant envirc impacts. The plan is a public facilities planning document that implements Carlsbad's General Plan. The plan makes generalized projections as to the for and supply of public facilities and outlines provision of adequate public facilities ca with the estimated demands. The plan recognizes that further environmental review I to the California Environmental Quality Act will be required prior to the developmen public or private project that is generally discussed in this plan. FISCAL IMPACT Staff time has been utilized in the preparation of this plan. These costs will be re through the processing fee established by the City Council. It is anticipated that furtl time will be necessary to monitor this plan and other zone plans on a yearly bas implementation of this plan, however, should help future fiscal planning by estima timing of future public facilities and their costs. EXHIBITS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. City Council Resolution No. 92 -!gq City Council Resolution No. 92- /40 Executive Summary - Zone 13 Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3244 and 3245 Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes dated May 6, 1992 Excerpt of Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes dated May 18, 1992 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 92-189 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CP MANAGEMENT PLAN 13. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did on the 23rd June , 1992, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed CALIFORNIA APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR LOCAL Fi consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testi, arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted and considering any written comments received, the City Council considered i relating to the Negative Declaration including Planning Commission Resolution granting Planning Commission approval of said Negative Declaration; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of tt Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director o 1991, was prepared in compliance with the California Envirc Quality Act and Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. That there is no substantial evidence that the project as conditio have a significant effect on the environment. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad incorporates resolution Planning Commission Resolution No. 3244 including contained therein. 3. 4. .... .... .... I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-190 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAI CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PL LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 13. WHEREAS, a Local Facilities Management Plan has been prepared Facilities Management Zone 13 in accordance with Chapter 21.90 of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on May 6, 1992, hold a dull public hearing as required by law to consider said plan and at the conclusic hearing adopted Resolution No. 3245 making findings and recommending thai Council adopt the plan; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning Direct0 2, 1991, indicating that the Local Facilities Management Plan is not antic have any significant adverse impact on the environment; and WHEREAS, the City Council at their meeting of June 23, 1992 he noticed public hearing and considered all testimony and arguments of anyone to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission Re No. 3245 also constitute the findings and conditions of the City That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 dated 1992, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by ref€ hereby approved. Any development occurring within the bounc Zone 13 shall comply with all the terms and conditions of said 3. !I m 0 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this document is to provide a plan for supplying the public facilities t will be needed to accommodate development within the Zone 13 area of the City Carlsbad, as shown in Exhibit 1 on page 2. The plan has been prepared in accordar with the City’s Growth Management Program, as outlined in Chapter 21.90 of Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan of 198 Development Assumptions The first step in developing such a plan is to estimate the amount of development, b, residential and nonresidential, that will be allowed in the zone. All development wit1 Zone 13 will be nonresidential. The types of land uses assumed for the zone : consistent with the Carlsbad General Plan. These land use assumptions are discussed a their location is shown in the introduction chapter of this plan. To estimate the amount of development that could occur within Zone 13, a density yil factor is applied to all vacant, developable land. Developable acreage is determined deducting the following constrained lands from the gross acreage of the zone: Major (> 69 kv) power-line easements Future Right-of-way for Circulation Element Roads Slopes Greater Than 40% Riparian Woodland Wetlands Floodways Permanent Bodies of Water Other Environmental Features Railroad Bgh t-of-way For nonresidential development, it is typically assumed that building coverage would 30% of the net developable acreage. This method yields an ultimate nonresident development estimate of 5,272,807 square feet. Given the large amount of unconstrain acreage in Zone 13 (approximately 542 net acres) and the limitations of the surroundi circulation network, a lower overall building coverage of 13.7% was used for Zone 1 This lower coverage results in 3,229,700 square feet. Again, this is only an estimate I assumption for facility planning purposes. Actual nonresidential development may va from parcel to parcel and overall, 1 The 1986 CFIP was adopted by City Council on 9-23-86 (CC Resolution No. 8797). 1992 1 Zone I3 LFM City ... of Oceansida 0 IL;, -,,I City of Enc initas Development Services Design ' soum >omsourn oc*amae. mmor CA vzcsd Note: All locations are approximate Locat ion ET3 (61P) V67-IllZ Hofman Planning A I$ 0 c I at e s. ... 1~6 ~wmq ~*l.nu sw. 'm cm-a CA VZE~ (6 V) 1Y.lAb3 :- UiV) Ub-24 2 e e The plan includes phasing schedules which indicate the property owners’ propos amount of development for each year from 1992 to 2014. The property owners are I required to adhere to this phasing, and it is intended for facility planning purposes on The phasing schedules, (Exhibits 13 -17), also include the projections for other zor with adopted Local Facilities Management Plans. The schedules are used to determi approximate threshold years for constructing or upgrading various public facilities maintain compliance with the Performance Standards in the Growth Managemr Program. The threshold years arrived at in this way are only projections for facil planning purposes. The actual thresholds must be monitored as development takes pla in this zone. Facilities may be needed sooner or later than the threshold years shown this plan, depending upon the actual timing of development. Zone 13 Requirements for Public Facilities The development assumptions outlined above are used to estimate the demand for pub. facilities generated by development in Zone 13 based on the eleven adopted Performan Standards in the Growth Management Program. Exhibit 2 on page 5 shows the curre status of each facility with respect to the Performance Standard, given the existi amount of development in the zone. Because there is currently a limited amount developed land in Zone 13 the public facility demands are presently minimal and eleven Performance Standards are currently being met. Exhibit 3 on page 6 provide: summary of public facilities adequacy through build out for Zone 13. In order to assure compliance with the Performance Standards as development occurs the zone, the Plan contains specific conditions of approval which are listed in t. following exhibits. Exhibit 4 on page 7 contains the General Conditions which a applicable to all zones of the City. Exhibit 5 on page 9 contains Special Conditions f Zone 13. The Special Conditions state each facility which must be provided, wheth it must be financed or constructed, and when it must be provided. I992 3 Zone 13 LFM 0 e The following list indicates the public facilities required to serve the nonresident development in Zone 13. This chart shows whether the facility would otherwise provided as a condition of approval of a development project or whether a spec funding mechanism is needed. City Administration Libraries Wastewater Treatment Capacity: Park Facilities: Special finding mechanism is required. Two options being proposed in this LFMP. The first option entails payment of a 40C per square foot park impact fee which ' City would use to construct recreational facilities within industrial corridor of the City. Alternatively, the developer of Zone 13, with the approval of the City, may provide appropriate recreational facilities directly, in-lieu of payment of the fee. Condition of approval of development project. Combination of condition of approval of development proje and special funding, including Citywide CFD and Cann Road Assessment District. Funding provided by Community Facilities District (CFD) Funding provided by Community Facilities District (CFD: Funding provided by sewer connection fees. Drainage Facilities: Circulation Facilities: Fire Facilities: NO special funding required. Open Space Facilities: Schools: Sewer Collection System: Water Distribution System: No special funding required. Funding provided by school fees Condition of approval of development project. Condition of approval of development project. 1992 4 Zone 13 LFM 0 e EXHIBIT 2 Zone 13 Existing Public Facilities Summary LFMP 92-13 Facility Conformance with adopted Performance Standard Citywide: City Administrative Facilities Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Library Wastewater Treatment Capacity Park District #1: Parks Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Zone 13: Drainage Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted perf0rxnanc.e standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted perfoxmance standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Circulation Fire Open Space Schools Sewer Collection System Water Collection System 1992 5 Zone 13 LFM . e 0 EXHIBIT 3 Zone 13 Build Out Public Facilities Summary LFMP 92-13 Facility Conformance with adopted Performance Standard City Administrative Existing and planned facilities meet the adopted performance standard through build out. Library Existing and planned facilities meet the adopted performance standard through build out. Existing and planned facilities meet the adopted performance standard until 2000. Park facilities meet the adopted performance standard through build out. Wastewater Treatment Facilities Parks Drainage Drainage facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. Circulation Circulation facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. Fire Existing fire facilities meet the adopted performance standard through build out, Open Space Existing open space meets the adopted performance standard through build out. Schools School facilities will meet the adopted performance through build out. Sewer Collection Sewer collection facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. Water Distribution Water distribution facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. 1992 6 Zone I3 LFM. e e EXHIBIT 4 General Conditions for Zone 13 LFMP 92-13 1. All development within Zone 13 shall conform with the provisions of Secti 2 1.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the provisions and conditions of tl Local Facilities Management Plan. All development within Zone 13 shall be required to pay a public facilities 1 pursuant to the standards adopted by the City Council on July 28, 1987, and amended from time to time and all other applicable fees. Development in Zc 13 shall also be responsible for any additional fees to be incorporated into tl plan that are found to be necessary to enable facilities to meet the adopi performance standards. The City of Carlsbad shall monitor all facilities in Zone 13 pursuant Subsections 21.90.130(c), (d) and (e) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. All development in Zone 13 shall be in conformance with the adopted Citywi Facilities and Improvements Plan as adopted by City Council Resolution 8797 September 23, 1986. 2. 3. 4. 5, Periodic amendment to the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan anticipated to incorporate newly acquired data, to amend conditions and upgrac standards as determined through the required monitoring program. Amendme to this Plan may be initiated by action of the Planning Commission, City Counc or property owners at any time. If a public facility or service is found not to be in conformance with an adoptc performance standard during the yearly monitoring, or at any other time, tl matter will be immediately brought before the City Council. If the City Counc determines that a non-conformance does exist then no future building 1 development permits which would impact the facility shall be issued unless i amendment to the CFIP or the LFMP for this zone is approved by the Cii Council which addresses those facility shortfalls and brings those facilities ini conformance with the adopted performance standards. After adoption of this Plan by the City Council, no building permits will t 6. 7. allowed unless the performance standards are complied with. Approval of this LFMP does not constitute prior environmental review fi projects within Zone 13. All future projects within Zone 13 shall underg environmental review per Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. AI: mitigation measures determined during a project’ s environmental review shall t 8. 1992 7 Zone 13 LFM b * complied with in their entirety unless findings of overriding consideration made by the City Council. 9. Approval of this plan does not constitute prior discretionary review for projc within Zone 13. All future projects shall undergo review per Title 21 of Carlsbad Municipal Code. Approval of any discretionary permit within Zone 13 shall be contingent upon provision of adequate public facilities to satisfy the Public Facilities Elemenl the General Plan. At this time a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District been formed to finance the construction of several Citywide facilities necess; district, the required General Plan Consistency finding cannot be ma Therefore, no discretionary approvals, Building Permits, Grading Permits, Fi Maps, or development permits will be issued or approved unless the subj property annexes into the CFD or an alternate financing mechanism is provic by the developer and approved by the City Council to finance the facilities leg: applicable to Zone 13 that are included in the Community Facilities District. 1 following activities are exempt from this: grading j minor planning entitleme or minor construction as part of ongoing agricultural operations, mil subdivisions and lot line adjustments for financing purposes or a Plani Community Master Plan or a Specific Plan. Any exemption is solely at the Cit discretion. 10. to serve new development. If Zone 13 properties are not participants within t 1992 8 Zone 13 LFA 0 e EXHIBIT 5 Special Conditions For Zone 13 LFMP 92-13 The following Special Conditions apply specifically to development in Zone 13 and mi be complied with in addition to the General Conditions for Zone 13. These conditio are also listed separately under the analysis discussion of each facility. City Administrative Facilities No special conditions. Library No special conditions. Wastewater Treatment Capacity The following actions shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to ensu adequate wastewater treatment capacity through the year 2000: A. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determii actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. - Parks A growth management park fee of 40 cents per square foot of non-resided development will be collected at the time of building permit issuance. This ft will be used to construct recreational facilities to offset the demand created t employees within Zone 13. Should the City and the Carltas Company, or its successor, mutually determir that it is feasible and in the best interest of the City to have the Developer($ i Zone 13 privately provide and maintain the recreational facilities for th employees of Zone 13, then upon the financial guarantee of those facilities, a Zone 13 park fees col cted to date shall be disbursed to the provider of th recreational facilities an no additional Zone 13 park fees shall be collected. Drainage i4*L+%a+p&&. A. All future development in Zone 13 will be required to construct any future Zor 13 storm drain facilities identified in the current Drainage Master Plan an revised Drainage Master Plan, or acceptable alternate facilities, as determined b the City Engineer. -4ny facilities necessary to accommodate future developmer must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of I992 9 Zone I3 LFM, . 0 0 grading permit or building permit, for any development requiring future stor drain facilities in Zone 13. Prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of grading permit or buildir permit, whichever occurs first for any specific watershed within Zone 13, ti developers of that project are required to: 1. B. Pay the required drainage area fees established in the current Drainal Master Plan and; C. Prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of grading permit or buildi permit, whichever occurs first for any project within the Agua Hedionda Cre Watershed of Zone 13, the developers of that project are required to financia guarantee the construction of the following storm drain facilities, or alternati facilities deemed acceptable to the City Engineer: 1. 2. Prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of grading permit or buildil permit, whichever occurs first for any project within the Canyon de las Encin Watershed of Zone 13, the developers of that project are required to financial facilities deemed acceptable to the City Engineer: 1. 2. 51" - 66" storm drain line BA 36" storm drain line BM D. guarantee the construction of the following storm drain facilities, or alternati 42" - 48" storm drain line CB 42" storm drain line CC Zone 13 LFA 10 1992 0 0 Circulation A. Prior to the first discretionary action in Zone 13, the Carltas Company or its succes: shall irrevocably offer to dedicate any Cannon Road right-of-way which falls wit Carltas ownership. Said dedication shall include provision for adequate slope rights E drainage easements necessary to install road improvements. B. The construction of the following circulation improvements shall be financi.d guaranteed, as set forth in the finance chapter of this plan: 1. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1993 a. Traffic signals at Cannon Road/I-5 northbound off-ramp, Cannon Road/ Southbound off-ramp and at the Cannon RoadIPaseo Del No intersection. Estimated Cost - $310,000 b. Ultimate improvements at I-YPalomar Airport Road Interchange. Estimated Cost - $ 11,035,000 c. Widen westbound approach of Palomar Airport Road at Paseo Del No: to four lanes. Estimated Cost - $102,370 d. North and southbound left turn lanes on Paseo del Norte at the intersecti of Palomar Airport Road. Estimated Cost - $63,630 e. Ultimate improvements at Palomar Airport RoadlEl Camino Re intersection, to include a 3 lane approach, dual left turn lanes, and rig turn only lanes on all legs. Estimated Cost - $1,750,000 2. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1995 a. Widen Cannon Road on north side to provide a third westbound la between Paseo Del Norte and the 1-5 Northbound On-Ramp. Estimated Cost - $435,000 Zone 13 LFm 1992 11 \ e a 3. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 2000 a. Westbound right-turn-only lane on Palomar Airport Road at the Paseo 1 Norte intersection. Estimated Cost - $46,407 4. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 2001 a. Cannon Road between Car Country Drive and Faraday Avenue as a fc lane major arterial. Estimated Cost - $11,000,000 b. Cannon Road between Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real as a four 1; major arterial. Estimated Cost - $8,000,000 c. Widen Cannon Road/I-5 North and Southbound Off-Ramps to prov three lanes at the off-ramp junction. Estimated Cost - $800,000 d. Restripe Cannon Road at the 1-5 Southbound Off-Ramp to provide a d left turn for the westbound to southbound on-ramp movement, subject approval of traffic engineer. Estimated Cost - $3,450 e. Install traffic signal at Cannon Road/Faraday Avenue intersection. Estimated Cost - $110,000 1992 12 Zone 13 LFI e 0 5. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 2005 a, Widen Cannon Road between the 1-5 Northbound Off-Ramp and Pas Del Norte to provide two eastbound lanes and a right turn only lane Paseo Del Norte. (Cost below assumes 1850 square feet of Right-of-I4 acquisition. ) Estimated Cost - $49,651 - Fire No special conditions. ODen Space No special conditions. Schools No special conditions. Sewer Collection System A. ALL WATERSHEDS All development within Zone 13 will be required to pay the appropriate seu connection fee prior to issuance of any building permit. B. Basin A Basin A is located within the South Agua Hedionda sewer drainage basin. I improvements are required to this system for Zone 13. C. Basin B Basin B is located within the BuendSan Marcos Interceptor sewer drainaj basin. No improvements are required to this system for Zone 13. Water Distribution System A. All future development in Zone 13 shall pay a major facilities fee based 4 E.D.U.’s to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and a capacity charge to tl 1992 13 Zone 13 LFk e 0 San Diego County Water Authority. In addition, all development in Zone shall be required to provide any water reclamation facilities identified in t future Water Reclamation Master Plan as determined by the District Engine€ Any water reclamation facilities necessary to accommodate future developme must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final map, issuance of a gradii permit or building permit, whichever occurs first. These guarantees shall based upon the requirements for the service area within which the propos development is located to the extent that the demand is created by futu development. B. Service Area A Water facilities will be provided at the time of development within Service AI A, to the satisfaction of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 1. 2. The proposed 14-inch water main in future Cannon Road. The proposed 12-inch water main from the reservoir to Cann Road. The proposed 12-inch water main from existing 16-inch water li to the existing 12-inch water line in Car Country Drive. The proposed pressure regulating station in Cannon Road at C country Drive. The proposed 6-inch reclaimed water line. 3. 4. 5. C. Service Area B The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approval future development within Service Area B to the satisfaction of CMWD. 1. The proposed 16-inch water line from existing reservoir to t existing 16-inch water line in Palomar Airport Road. The proposed 12-inch water line from existing 16-inch water li to existing 12-inch water line in Car Country Drive. The proposed pressure regulating station at the existing reservo The proposed 6 and 10-inch reclaimed water lines. 2. 3. 4. Zone 13 LFA 1992 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3244 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON, NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EAST OF INTERSTATE 5, AND WEST OF MACARIO CANYON. APPLICANT: HOFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES CASE NO.: LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 1 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 6th day of May, 1 S a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request, an WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considc testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the infc submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Commission considered all factors relating to the Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning COI as follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission hereby recommends APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration i to Exhibit "ND", dated May 2, 1991, and "PII", dated April 19, 1991, hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: Findinns: 1. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 will not cause any si environmental impacts. The plan is a public facilities planning docun implements the existing General Plan. The plan makes generalized projc to the demand for and supply of public facilities, and outlines the pro adequate public facilities concurrent with estimated demands. The plan rt that CEQA review will be required prior to mitigation of any public c project that is generally discussed in the plan. A Negative Declaration issued on May 2, 1991 and recommended for approval by the Commission on May 6, 1992. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the l Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 6th day of May, 199 following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Erwin, Commissioners: Schlehuber, Schramr Welshons, Savary & Hall. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. %L TOM ERWIN, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIOIf ATTEST: v MICHAEL J. HOLZMILL~R PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 3244 -2- NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: South of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon, West of Maca Canyon, East of Paseo Del Norte and North of Palon Airport Road PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 whj guarantees the adequacy of public facilities concurrent w devleopment to adopted performance standards. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described proj pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality, and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of s review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a signific; impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for t action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Plann Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Comments from public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department wit 21 days of date of issuance. If you have any questions, please call Brian Hunter in Planning Department at 438-1161, extension 4468. DATED: MAY 2, 1991 CASE NO: WMP 13 APPLICANT: HOFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES PUBLISH DATE: MAY 2,1991 Planning Director BH:vd 2075 Las Palrnas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 - (619) 438-1 0 0 , E"MENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM - PART 11 (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASENO. LFMP13 DATE: APRIL 19. 1991 BACKGROUND 1. CASE NAME: Local Facilities Mananement Plan Zone 13 2. APPLICANT: Hofman Planning Associates 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: 2386 Faraday Avenue. Suite 120 CA 92008. (619) 438-1465 4. DATE EIA FORM PART I SUBMITTED: April 17.1991 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Local Facilities Management Plan which marantees the a1 public facilities concurrent with development to adopted performance standards. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, section 15063 requires that the City c Environmental Impact Assessment to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the en The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. TI 8 identifies any physical, biological and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed provides the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an En\ Impact Report or Negative Declaration. * A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that thc any of its aspects may cause a significant effect on the environment. On the checklist, "NO" will to indicate this determination. * An EIR must be prepared if the City determines that there is substantial evidence that any a project may cause a sidcant effect on the environment. The project may qualify for Declaration however, if adverse impacts are mitigated so that environmental effects can insifificant. - These findings are shown in the checklist under the headings "YES-sig" and respectively. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given tc mitigation for impacts which would otherwise be determined significant. . 0 0 a PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT YES YES N WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY big) (insig) 1. Result in unstable earth conditions or increase the exposure of people or property to geologic hazards? Appreciably change the topography or any unique physical features? Result in or be affected by erosion of soils either on or off the site? Result in changes in the deposition of beach sands, or modification of the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Result in substantial adverse effects on ambient air quality? Result in substantial changes in air movement, odor, moisture, or temperature? Substantially change the course or flow of water (marine, fresh or flood waters)? Affect the quantity or quality of surface water, ground water or public water supply? Substantially increase usage or cause depletion of any natural resources? 10. Use substantial amounts of fuel or energy? 11. Alter a significant archeological, paleontological or historical site, structure or object? - - - 2. - - - 3. - - - 4. 7 1 - - - 5. E - - - 6. 2 - - - 7. x - - - 8. X - - - 9. X X - - - - - - X - - - -2- 1 @ 0 1 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES N( (sid (insig) 12. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, microflora and aquatic 1 1 - plants)? - 13. Introduce new species of plants into an area, or a barrier to the normal replenishment of 1 1 existing species? - 14. Reduce the amount of acreage of any agricultural crop or affect prime, unique or other farmland of state or local E importance? - - 15. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, all water dwelling organisms E - - and insects? - 16. Introduce new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the E - - migration or movement of animals? - HUMAN ENVIR0"T WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NC big) (insig) 17. 18. Substantially affect public utilities, Alter the present or planned land use X - - - of an area? schools, police, fire, emergency or other public services? X - - - -3- < 0 0 HUMANmoNMENT YES YES N WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: (sig) (insig) 19. Result in the need for new or modified sewer systems, solid waste or hazardous waste control systems? - - - - - - 20. Increase existing noise levels? 21. 22. - - - Produce new light or glare? Involve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? Substantially alter the density of the human population of an area? Affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? - - - 23. - - - 24. - - - - - - 25. Generate substantial additional traffic? 26. Affect existing parking facilities, or create a large demand for new parking? Impact existing transportation systems or alter present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alter waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Interfere with emergency response plans or emergency evacuation plans? Obstruct any scenic vista or create an aesthetically offensive public view? Affect the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? - ' - - 27. - 1 - - - 1 - - 28. 29. - 1 - - 30. - - 2 - 31. - - z - 32. z - - - -4- \ 0 0 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES N1 big) (insig) 33. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wild- life species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or en- dangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods . ’ of California history or prehistory. - 34. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the dis- advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) 1 1 - 35. Does the project have the possible environmental effects which are in- dividually limited but cumulatively considerable? (“Cumulatively con- siderable” means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and 3 the effects of probable future projects.) - - 36. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, 1 either directly or indirectly? - - - -5- I 0 0 DESCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 is a facilities planning document. The intent o is to establish parameters and thresholds that assure public facilities are available when needed as dc Plan. Locations and costs of facility improvements are estimates for information purposes only. It is recognized that CEQA review for these public facilities estimates in general does not sati requirements for the specific project. The zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan requires comp review prior to initialization of any public or private project discussed in the Local Facilities Managen by the City's adopted performance standards, The land uses analyzed are taken from the adopte -6- \ 0 0 AVALYSIS OF VIABLE ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUCH AS: a) Phased development of the project, b) alternate site designs, c) alternate scale of development, d) alternate uses for the site, e) development at some future time rather than now, f) alternate sites for the proposed, and g) no project alternative. a) The project is a public facility information and planning study. Phased planning will not effi adequately address the need for public facilities. b) The project is a public facility information and planning study. c) The project is a public facility information and planning study. d) Uses within the plan reflect the existing General Plan. e) The plan considers phased development. f) The project is a public facility information and planning study. g) The no project alternative would not assure public facilities to meet demand and is therefore detrimental. -7- < 0 0 DETERMINATION (To Be Completed By The Planning Department) On the basis of this initial evaluation: X I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a N DECLARATION d be prepared. - I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, be environmental effects of the proposed project have already been considered in conjunc previously certified environmental documents and no additional environmental review is Therefore, a Notice of Determination has been prepared. - I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attz sheet have been added to the project. A Conditional Negative Declaration will be proposed. - I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIROP IMPACT REPORT is required. q- 23-4f 3&h& Date Signature 42@-- Planning Director LIST MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APPLICABLE) ATTACH MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (IF APPLICABLE] -8- , \\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 I a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3245 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, OF THE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 13 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON, NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EAST OF INTERSTATE 5, AND WEST OF MAW0 CANYON. APPLICANT: HOFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES CASE NO.! LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 13 WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with the City of Carlsbz referred to the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, the City Council passed Resolution No. 8797 adopting the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan establishing facility zones and perfor standards for public facilities, and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 9808 requiring the pro' of a Local Facilities Management Plan, and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 81 10 and 9829 irnplem Proposition E approved on November 4, 1986 by the citizens of Carlsbad, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 6th day of May, 1992, duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimo arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission conside factors relating to the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Codss follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. \\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Corn recommends APPROVAL of Local Facilities Management Plan - Zone 13, ba! the following findings and subject to the following condition: Findings: 1) That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 is consistent with th, Use Element, the Public Facilities Element, and the other Elements eonhi Carlsbad's General Plan. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 is consistent with 5 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Growth Management), as amen( Ordinance No. 81 10 and Ordinance No. 9829 and with the adopted 1986 Ci Facilities and Improvement Plan. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 and the con contained therein will promote the public safety and welfare by ensurir public facilities will be provided in conformance with the adopted perfor standards. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 Will control the tirnii locations of growth by tying the pace of development to the provision of facilities and improvements. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 will ensure public faciliti services are available in conformance with the adopted performance sta prior to development occurring. 2) 3) 4) 5) Condition 1) Approval is granted for Local Facilities Management Plan - Zone 13 as COI in the Plan titled Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 13, dated May 6 incorporated herein by reference. .... 1.11 .... .... ."' PC RES0 NO. 3245 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 e e PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the PZ Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 6th day of May, 1992, following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Erwin, Commissioners: Schlehuber, Schramm, Welshons, Hall & Savary. NOES: None. A3SENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. %U TOM ERWIN, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: 16 17 19 l8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING DIRECTOR I PC RES0 NO. 3245 -3- L May 6, 1992 PUNNING COMnISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2) LFMP 13-LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 13 - Request for approval of a Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13, on property generally located north of Palomar Airport Road, east of 1-5, south of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon, and west of Macario Canyon. Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, handed out page revieionr to the Zone Plan a8 followmr Page 103, a corrected open epace map for Zone 13; Page 108, an updated discussion of schools; Page 107, an updated map of school locations, and Appendix A-4, an updated parks inventory from the Parks and Recreation Element. Mr. Rideout stated that Zone 13 is located in the northwest quadrant, comprisem approximately 678 acres, and two owner8 hold title to the entire zone, i.e. Carltas Company, and San Diego as & Electric. There is no existing development at the present the, as the acreago is predominantly being used for agricultural purposes. Tho Gemera1 Plan derignation8 are Non Reeidential Resorve (NRR), Travol Sorvico (TS), and General Plan open Space (OS). Tho zoning do8ignations aro Local Control with a Qualified 0evelopP.nt Ovorlay (L-C-Q), Exclusive Agriculture (E-A), Public Utility (P-U), and open Space (OS). The agriculture use8 in the L-C-Q zone aro not protected under the Williamson Act and thi8 i8 the only devolopablo land in tho zono at the pre8ont tiw. Tho E-A area is currently protected; however, it may bo dsv01op.d in a futuro pharo. The buildout arrumptionr used to prepare the Zone 13 plan contain a “modified yield” which mean8 that the devolopmr ha8 voluntarily scald back the propond usos 80 that existing facilitiem will bo adequato to buildout. Thero will bo two construction phae.8: (Phase I) the L-C-Q zone which will consist of approximatoly 1.1 million 6.f.; and (Phaso 11) tho E-A zone which will consist of approximately 1.6 million 8.f. The TS zone, which will consimt of approximately 463,000 s.f., could occur in either Phaso I or Pha.0 11. Theroforo, total buildout of tho zono will mormuro approximately 3.2 million s.f. The tonom aro furthor broken dm into Planning Area8 A-F. Phming hr0a A i8 tho TS zono; Area8 B-E i8 Ph.8. I# and Arm I is Phamo 11. Additional detail8 can bo found in tho Financing soction of tho Zono Plm. Brian Buntor, Sonior Plannor, prosentod tho Park8 and op.n Splco ol.mmntm of the Zono plan. He mtrtod that the Park. pOrfOnnrinC0 8tmd.rd i8 3 aero8 Of CCamtunfty park. pOr 1,000 population, which muat be rch.du1.d for conrtruction within a five yelz pmtiod. Zone 13 ia non-rmaidmntirl and Fa similar in nature to Zone 5. Zone8 5 and 16 plana, a 40 cont por m.f. fee war inmtitutod to encourrgm indu8trial dovolopllwnt to provide rocroational facilition for their day urn. population. Tho Opon Spaco prrformmco standard requirom that 15% of tho total land aroa in tho zone, exclu8iva of envfrormentally con8trained, non-developable land, b. sot a8ido for pormanont opm 8paco and must bo available concurront with developaunt. Analymf8 of Zono 13 indicator that it door With the adoption of the have sufficient open space. Net developable acreage of Zone 13 is 541.75 acres, multiplied by 151, equals 81.26 required acre8 of open space. The zone presently ha8 138.26 acre8 of performance standard open space which is all located on General Plan open space land. Project open space will be brought before the Conmission with the Precise Development Plan for the SDGbE property and the Specific Plan for the property south of Cannon Road, which are currently being processed. Steve Jantz, Associate Engineer, presented the Circulation element of the Zone 13 Plan. The major facility which impacts Zone 13 is the construction of Cannon Road. Future development in this zone is required to provide a financing mechanism which guarantees that construction. Also required will be improvements at the intersection.of 1-5 and Cannon Road, and an additional lane along Palomar Airport Road. During Phase I, as development occurs along the top of the ridge, Cannon Road must be developed from ita existing terminus to Ridge Road. During the Phase 11 construction, the remainder of Cannon Road to Faraday will be required. should it be developed prior to Phase I1 of Zone 13, easements would have to be provided through Zona 13 to allow the construction of Cannon Road. Don Rideout, Senior Management Analymt, concluded the presentation by discussing tha Financing Plan for Zona 13. The key points are that the zone must annex to the Hello-Room Comnunity Pacilitiem District (CFD) with tha first discretionary action other than a Specific or Mamter Plan. Therm is almo the Park. fee and the guarantw for Cannon Road which have been heretofore discussed. Thereform, all facilities not provided by the CFD will be developer-provided. Tha Local Facilitie8 Management Plan for Zona 13 meat8 all of the requirements of Proposition E and the Growth Managenuont Ordinance and staff recormends approval. Comnimrionar Schlahuhr inquired about the shopping centor that wa8 onca planned for the SDGa property in Zone 13. Brian Huntar, Senior Planner, replied that any ' Since Zone 8 aleo require8 completion of Cannon Road to 1-5, intenrification of the proposed plan would require a anundnmnt to the Zone Plan. Commismionar Welmhonm requested additional clarification on park mitigation fee which was established with tho approval of Zona 5. park. feo equataa to an equitable relationship batwean the projactad comt of the facilitiem and tha square footage at buildout. Commismioner Walshono inquired if tha opm spaca raf1.ct.d on the map. im in porpotuity. Mr. Hunter replied that therm im premantly a 92 acre Hub park learned by the City which h includod in tha park. and rocreation inventory. However, becaume it is a Spacial Ramourca AT.., it is not, countad ln tha park8 performmca mtandud invantory. In ra8pon8a to tha quamtion am to whathar tha own #paca is in perpetuity8 it would roquira an action by the Planning Coomimmion am well a. tha City Council to changa the open spaca demignat ion. Mr. Huntar replied that the 40 cant por 8-f. Cornmissioner Schramm commented that because Cannon Road has not yet been constructed, she hopes staff and the Comission will use sufficient foresight so that it (Cannon Road) will bo wide enough to handle a heavy amount of croas-town traffic. Cornmissioner Welshons noted that the Negative Declaration was issued one year ago and she inquired if there is a time limit. Mr. Hunter replied that there is no time limit since there are no substantive changes; it is still considered to be valid. Chairman Erwin opened the public teStimOny and isaued the invitation to speak. Dan King, Hofman Planning Associates, 2386 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, representing the Carltas Company, addressed the Conmiasion and stated that each Zone Plan in the City is unique due to the unique characteristic6 of the property it rapreeents. He concurs with the staff recomendation and atated he would be happy to answer queetions. Cornmiesioner Welshons stated that ahe was curious about plans for the SDGCE property in Zone 13. Paul O'Neal, SDG&E, addressed the Commission and stated that SDG&E i8 presently planning for prop.rtio8 we8t of 1-5 and has not yet, undertaken the planning for propertie8 ea8t of 1-5. Them being no other pereons desiring to addres8 the Comission on thi8 topic, Chairman Erwin declarod the public testimony cloaed and opened the item for diecussion among the Commission rnamber8. Commierioner Noble rtated that if the deve1op.t ohould decide at a later date to build park8 rather than pay the parka fee, ha would like to sea the parks have public acceas. Commiaoioner Welshons stated that she takes exception to the application of the parks fee on page 9 bocau8e it state8 that the dovelopar may elect to build private recreational facilitiam and have the fea reimbursed. She fool8 that thi8 will defeat the purpo8e of tho mitigation feo. Mr. Huntar replied that the provision for providing and maintaining a privato facility do08 not precludo anyono from using it. The City ha8 the right to make a determination a8 to what i8 in the beat interemt of the City. Commis8ioner Wel8hon8 can accapt tho wording ar long a8 the City ham tho final say. Karon Hirata, Oeputy city Attorney, Stated that thi8 could be ramodiad if page 9, paragraph 2, were to eliminate tha word. "for the amplOyM8 of Zone 13" and ham it re& "public racreational facilitiem." Thr applicant war rrqurrtmd to rrrpond to tho attorney'. recomwndation. Chri8 Calkinm, Carlta8 Company, addras8.d the Cominaioa and statad that the existing language i8 in the City's favor and Hay 6, 1992 PIAWING COIQIISSIOZ? Pago 5 ho would Irk. to moo rt ranarn. Ho did not. that rf tho facilitiom aro oponod to tho public, him company would not bo in a pomrtion to maintain than duo to tho liability LBOU.. that employeam had mom. rocrortional aroam on .+to whrCh would not roquiro thom loavo tho gonoral work aroa. Comnisrionor Hall thinkm tho uordr mhould bo loft alona minco thoro im tuna to mako thoro docimionr at a lator dato. Chairman Erwin rnquirod if ho could accapt tho chango if it warn uordod "public and amployoom of Zono 13." Mr. Calkinm replied that ho im concorned about tho lrabrlity rmmuo for public accomm. Ho would liko pormismfon to work with mtaff on tho wording boform it goom to Council mo that rt will bo accoptrblo to evoryono. Ho im partrcularly concernod on making our. memo ruroational awnitrom aro available to tho largo anployoo bamo rn that aroa. Comimmionor Walmhonr notod that the rocroation contor could jumt am oamily ba built in 201%. 5. Mr. Calkinr ropliod that thim area will ba imohtod from Zona 5 and ho VUlt8 to Iluk. sur. that raployeom don't havo to leavo tho work aoa and thum add to tho traffic problau. Comrntrrionrr Wrlrhonr can accrpt tho applicant' r rqurrt to intont of tho puk mitigation foa kttor dofined a8 it ir in Zona8 5 and 15. Coc~mimmionor Schrum mtatod that thim documont doomn't allow tho applicant to do anything. Sho can accopt it am it im currantly worded. Cacrmimmionor Noblo a9r-• with Cormnimmionor Schrum. undormtmdo tho applicrnt'm domiro to havo tho rocroationA1 amonitios qouad towudr tho mployeor. Ea can mupport tho mtaff rocolllawndation without Chmg08. wimrionmr savuy cm also mupptt tho oxisting wording. mho frla thoy ham thm right to mrk. it ucommFb10. Cammionor Schlohukr cm mupprf tho wordinq a8 it mtandm. If chmg.m uo mado, it could croato an 1nconsimt.lly la another part of tho Eon. PI-. ha. tho ability to roquiro what im bomt for tho City. CaUiOW all CIII WpDort if a@ it rtrndr. cluirm~ win not& that Cclplrfmoionar mlrhonr' polnt fm -11 tun. Thr idrr behind thr privata facUitfra war to enaura work on tha vordrng with strff. Sho would likm to mw tho FI. If a Cag.ny builds md Milltain8 tacroatiolul fuility, Tho City Motion was duly mad., rocondad, and curlad to adopt Rowlution Uo. Dmcluation i.8U.d w thm' Pl-ing Diroctor md .dog+ FtOMlUtiOn No. Iacilitiom U8naq.mnt Plan 13, includlaq tho rovind prawntation. 3244 rmcolllawndinq approval of tho N.gatfm 3245 rmc-nding approval of Local paqem which warm idontitid at tho boglnahq of tho 3) CT 91-5/HDP 91-lO/C? 91-3 - LA COSTA FAIRWAYS VI- - Roquomt for approval of a ringla lot Tantatlvo Trut COMMISSIONERS Erwin 8.11 Noblo S.V.rp Schlohubu scum W.lmhono DRAF I' 0 Parks and Recreation Commission -3- May 18, 199 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman, to recommend to the Cit Council to endorse the Batting Cage Donation Agreement with th City and La Costa Youth Organization to allow for the constructio of a permanent batting cage facility at Stagecoach Park. Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Heineman, Ward Commissioner Frazier, Lawson, and Strayer AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: 8. AB #592-8 - CITY HALULIBRARY XERISCAPE PROJECT Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator, reviewed the report. Commissioner Lawson arrived at 321 p.m. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Lawson, to support the propose xeriscape project with the addition of several suggestions as outline1 by the Commission. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Heineman, Lawson, an1 Ward NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Frazier, and Strayer DRAFT 9. AB #592-9 - PARK MITIGATION FEE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed the report and responded t questions posed by the Commission. Persons speaking in support: Grace Manves, Carltas Company, 2386 Faraday Avenue. Bailey Noble, Planning Commissioner. General discussion ensued by the Commission regarding: private vs. public use of the park planning for local company employees for recreation indoor/outdoor input by companies paying 40 cents per square foot fees * F 0 0 Parks and Recreation Commission -4- May 18, 1992 On motion by Commissioner Heineman, to go on record requestinc that any recreational facility developed with public funds (Par1 Mitigation Fee) be open to the public and that a report on the statu of the funds collected to date be prepared for the Commission. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Heineman, Lawson, anc Ward NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Frazier, and Strayer AB #592-10 - NAMING OF PARK SITES SUBCOMMITTEE ACTION: ACTION: 10. On motion by Commissioner Lawson, to appoint Chairman Castner Commissioners Finnila and Ward to a subcommittee to address thr naming of the Larwin and Alta Mira Park site locations. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Heineman, Lawson, an( Ward NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Frazier, and Strayer XI. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Finnila gave an update of the recent Carrillo Ranch subcommittee meetinc ADJOURNMENT: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman, to adjourn the Reguk Meeting at 651 p.m. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Heineman, Lawson, an Ward NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Frazier, and Strayer Respectfully submitted, JLuL ki.dzQd Isabelle Paulsen Minutes Clerk . 0 0 Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to W.C.C.N. Inc. P.O. Box 230878, Encinitas, CA 92023-0878 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitl I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper of general c published weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which I is published for the dissemination of locaI news and intelIigence of a genera1 character, i newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular inte said City of Oceanside, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one preceding the date of publicai notice hereinafter referred to; a Take Par notice of which the annexed is copy, has been published in ea four Community Forums to en5 and entire issue of said newspar EREBY GIVEN that c inany supplement thereof on t 1 of the City of Carls- a public hearing at ing dates, to-wit: LFMP ZONE 13 The Community Forums w in-depth discussion on issi Growth Manager Wednesday, Forums run from 7 to 10 p June 11 The purpose of this forum IS to incrc familiarity wlth me Ctry s Growth M, City staff will provide a brief overvie and evolution and outline the struct the program as it functions today 1 asked to assess the adequacy of CL administrative facilities. such as the schools, 4) circulation and 5) open I certify under penalty of perju foregoing is true and correct. E Carlsbad, County of San Diegc day of June 1992 2) wastewater drainage. sewer and Traffic Circulatic California on t hP I I t h p 6u13ueuii pue luaiua6euew uoIlisintm 40 ieiiqeq sanssi JO~ ssnmp spuei pue II'M ads sluedt~ed uado uo1isa6uo:, qjeJi an uoiie,n:,:13 JO~ sa dp rYp%Li Clerk ol r JG~CJ 9110:i~: 6~iJUeid ~OlleAJaSU03 IWQe'J lMwJ s ki3 au 1 Carlsbad moving , against ‘bitch’ sign 1 Anti-Kulchin placard has no permit By Gary Warth Swab in the 3600 block of Adams Staff Writer Street, the city cannot measure it to determine if it exceeds size restric- CARLSBAD - The city is taking tions for signs in residential areas. action against the owner of a sign Such signs cannot be larger than that calls City Councilwoman Ann 2 square feet, he said. Kulchin a “bitch.” The sign is one of two on the City building inspector Pat Kelly property and reads, “Ditch the said the sign does not appear to bitch, Citizens to Defeat Kulchin.” have a permit and may be too large Kelly said the contents of signs for city codes. must be approved by representa- Had the sign gone through the tives of the city’s Planning Depart- normal permit process, Kelly said ment before obtaining permits. its content would have been reviewed for compliance with a The city’s policy is to contact decency rule. people in violation of the sign code “There is a provision in the sign only after receiving a complaint. code that deals with obscene or Michelle Levy’s “Remove the Bars” indecent or immoral material on signs on her Carlsbad Village Drive display,” Kelly said. home drew a complaint last month “What we anticipate doing here that resulted in a contact from the is mailing a letter to the property city and the signs’ eventual volun- owner describing that the sign does tary removal. not have a permit,” he said. Kelly said the city has received “Should he choose to get a permit one complaint about the Kulchin for the sign, then a determination sign. The city will send three could be made for the content of notices of violation to sign owners the sign.” who do not comply with permit reg- Because the sign is on private ulations before contacting the dis- property presumably owned by Jim trict attorney for possible citations. I edge of Highway 78. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LFMP ZONE 13 \IOTICE IS HEREBY GI VEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Iublic hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, ;alifornia, at 6:OOpm on Tuesday, June 23, 1992, to consider approval of a Local -acilities Management Plan for Zone 13, on property generally located north of Palomar 4irport Road, east of 1-5, south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and west of Macario :anyon. f you have any questions regarding this matter, please :all Don Rideout in the Planning Department, at 438- 11 61, extension 421 2. If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan in sourt, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk‘s Office at, or xior to the public hearing.. APPLICANT: Carltas Company PUBLISH: June 12, 1992 , e a b* c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LFMP ZONE 13 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will holc a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m., on Tuesday, June 23, 1992, to considei approval of a local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13, on property general11 located north of Palomar Airport Road, east of 1-5, south of Agua Hediond, Lagoon, and west of Macario Canyon. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Don Rideout in thc If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan in court, you may bi limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else at the publil hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to thl City of Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office at, or prior, to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Carltas Company PUBLISH: June 11, 1992 Planning Department, at 438-1161, extension 4212, {P-+-+J CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 4 clq d cvb LOCATION LFMP ZONE 13 e@kJt&-* * CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 4 Clty It CVbLl LOCATION N LFMP ZONE 13 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, May 6, 1992, to consider approval of a Loca Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 on property generally located north of Palomai Airport Road, east of 1-5, south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and west of Macario Canyon. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after April 29, 1992. If yo1 have any questions, please call Don Rideout in the Planning Department at 438-1 161, ext 4212. If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CASE FILE: LFMP 13 CASE NAME: ZONE 13 PUBLISH: APRIL 23, 1992 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION DR:km 9 (Form A) L I) I) 1 TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: v€3fJ ZQ!eJ< RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice Gr%& [ 3 m. F?-/U7LS &&%+?-IT fm for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of 5&w Thank you. - fl 2-3 A s s i s tan t C i t y Man w- - & u- - @*(y-d /9?+- C+-tYF?+ 9Lb 4?+& w-