HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-23; City Council; 11757; Open Space Advisory Committee AppointmentsCITi-bF CARLSBAD - AGENL:d BILL APPOINTING MEMBER(S) TO THE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE IECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 72-l 'i/ appointing member(s) to the Open Space AdGisory Committee. ITEM EXPLANATION At their meeting of June 26, 1990, Council adopted Resolution No. 90-186 establishing an Open Space Advisory Committee, and adopted Resolution No. 90-187 appointing nine members to serve on the Committee. The make-up of this original Committee consisted of two members each from the Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission; and five members from the original 15 member Open Space Citizens Committee. Paragraph 3 of Resolution 90-186 which established the make-up of the Committee further states that "vacancies shall be filled in the same manner". A letter of resignation has been received from Fay Round, who was appointed from the original Open Space Advisory Committee, and who has served as chair of the Open Space Advisory Committee since its inception. Additionally, in the interim since the Committee was established, other changes have occurred to alter the affiliation of the make-up of the membership. The current membership is as follows: NAME OLD AFFILIATION I CURRENT AFFILIATION Shirley D. Bursvold Matthew Hall Courtney Heineman Homer B. Hupf Kip K. McBane Alan Recce Fay 0. Round Clarence Schlehuber Kim Welshons Parks 61 Rec. Commission None Planning Commission Planning Commission I Open Space Committee I Parks & Rec. Commission 1 OUNCIL ACTION: 8/11/92 Council adopted Resolution No. 92-191 appointing Carman Cedola and Patricia White as representatives of the Open Space Committee and John Strayer as representative of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Open Space Committee Open Space Committee Open Space Committee I Open Space Committee Open Space Committee Open Space Committee Open Space Committee Resigned Planning Commission Planning Commission I Parks & Ret Commission Planning Commission PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. ,I, 757 If it is the Council's desire to continue to strictly monitor the make-up of the Committee as it was originally set out, in addition to appointing a replacement for Fay Round, an additional member would need to be appointed from the Parks t Recreation Commission and one of the Planning Commission members would need to be replaced with another individual from the original Open Space Committee. FISCAL IMPACT Support for the Committee continues to be provided by existing staff from the Planing Department with assistance from staff from various departments. No additional funding is required. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. Qiwl’ll appointing member(s) to the Open Space Advisory Committee. 2. Membership of the 15 member Citizens Committee to Study Open Space, and current list of Parks and Recreation and Planning Commission Members 3. Resolution No. 90-186, dated June 26, 1990, establishing an Open Space Advisory Committee - RESOLUTION NO. 92-191 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE '2 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING MEMBER(S) TO THE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 WHEREAS, on June 26, 1990 the City Council appointed nine 4 members to serve on the Open Space Advisory Committee: and 5 WHEREAS, the Committee has met on a regular basis to 6 consider matters which pertain to open space in the City of 7 Carlsbad; and a WHEREAS, Fay Round, a member of the Committee, has 9 submitted his resignation. 10 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 12 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 13 2. That the following person(s) are hereby appointed to 14 serve as member(s) of the Open Space Advisory Committee: 15 CARMAN CEDOLA 16 (Representative of Open Space Citizens Committee) 17 PATRICIA WHITE (Representative of Open Space Citizens Committee) la JOHN STRAYER 19 (Representative of Parks and Recreation Commission) 20 l -• 25 l ** 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the II City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 11th day of AUGUST I 1992 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor ,,3 c- ,LETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk P -2- EXHIBIT 2 APPOINTING MEMBER(S) TO THE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OF 1988 CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY OPEN SPACE Carmen Cedola Tom Freeman Homer B. Hupf Elaine Lyttleton Stephen Novak Julianne Nygaard Alan Recce Fay 0. Round, Jr. Cindy Ward Patricia White CourtneyHeineman Kip McBane Kathy Parker MargaretStanton RobertWilkinson Alternates: Girard Anear Mario Monroy MEMBERSHIP OF PARKS C RECREATION COMMISSION David Castner Courtney Heineman Cindy Ward Ramona Finnila Anthony Lawson Jack Frazier John B. Strayer MEMBERSHIP OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Tom Erwin Peggy Savary Kim Welshons Matthew Hall Clarence Schlehuber Bailey Noble Sharon Schramm ‘^ RESOLUTION NO. 90-186 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 3 WHEREAS, on September 12, 1989 the City Council accepted 4 a report from a 15-member Citizens Committee to Study Carlsbad's 5 Open Space Plans and Programs: and 6 7 WHEREAS, one of the recommendations of the report was to consider the need for an Open Space Commission; and a WHEREAS, the City Council appointed an Ad Hcc 9 Subcommittee to make a recommendation on the establishment of an 10 Open Space Commission; and 11 WHEREAS, after discussing the matter, the Ad Hoc 12 !Subcommittee recommended that an interim Open Space Advisory 13 Committee be created. 14 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1. An Open Space Advisory Committee of the City of Carlsbad is hereby created. 2. The Purpose of the Open Space Advisory Committee is to advise the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, other Commissions, Board and Committees as deemed necessary, and the City staff on the implementation of the recommendations of the Citizens Committee for Open Space accepted by the City Council cn December 19, 1989 and on file in the Gffice of the City Clerk. 3. The Open Space Advisory Committee shall consist of nine members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. Two members shall be appointed from the Planning Commission and two members shall be appointed from the Parks and Recreation Commission, and five members from the 15-member Citizens Committee to Study Open Space. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner. Members shall serve a three year term unless the committee is replaced before that in accordance with section 8. 27 ‘... I 28 I... I .4 J. II 4. 2d The Committee shall meet regularly as often as it eems necessary for the transaction of business. Its meetings shall be open to the public. The Committee shall elect a 3 chairperson and a vice-chairperson from its membership who shall hold office for one year and may establish its own rules and 4 procedures necessary for the conduct of business. Four members 5 shall constitute a quorum. 5. The Committee members shall act without 6c ompensation. 7 6. The Committee shall act in an advisory role in fulfilling the following responsibilities: Preparing advisory 8 recommendations on all plans, programs, standards and policies which are proposed to implement the recommendations of the 9 Citizens Committee on Open Space; recommending priorities for open space acquisition, use and maintenance, recommending guidelines to 10 be used in reviewing projects for their compliance with open space tandards 11 1 and policy; providing community representation to the lanning Commission and City Council on Open Space issues and 12 reparing an annual monitoring/status report on open space rote&ion and the implementation of any new or refined open space olicies. 13 Nothing in this resolution shall be construed as 14 cestrictini*or curtailing any of the powers of the City Council, 15 16 I he Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, or s a delegation to the Open Space Advisory Committee of any of the uthority or discretionary powers vested and imposed by law in the bove bodies. The City Council declares that the public interest, onvenience and welfare required the appointment of an Open Space 17 Fd visory Committee to act in a purely advisory capacity to the City Council for the purposes enumerated herein. Any power herein 18 ii elegated to Committee to adopt rules and regulations shall not be onstrued as a delegation of legislative authority but purely a 19,belegation of administrative authority. 20 Ii 8. This resolution shall remain in effect for three ears from the date of its enactment. At any time before the end 21 f the three-year period, the City Council may extend the tenure f the Committee if 22 23 Ii it decides that implementation of the ecommendations of the Citizens Committee on Open Space has not een completed or that there is need for continuous monitoring of k pen Space policies ant their implementation. Furthermore, the ity may, at any time prior to the end of the three-year period, 24 establish a permanent Open Space Commission if such action is L , arranted by continuing Open Space concerns. 26 27 20 . . . 2 l , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Jity Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of June , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Pettin JTTEST: PLETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 3