HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-07; City Council; 11779; APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE LA COSTA AVENUE/INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE PROJECT NO. 3219.- 6. a 4 uf s .. I k 0 a g z 3 0 0 DEPT. I 07/07/92 THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE LA COSTA AVENUE/ c,TyA' PROJECT NO. 3219 CITY M AGENDw'LL CITWF CARLSBAD - TITL;: AB# 1 jz 7 7 7 MTG. ENG DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE Adopt Resol uti on No. 42-220 approving a consultant agreement with Engineering Corporation for the design of the improvements to the La Avenue/Interstate Route 5 Interchange, Project No. 3219. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 9614 approving a conw agreement for the Phase I work for the improvements to the Intersti Interchanges at Palomar Airport Road, La Costa Avenue, and Poinsettia Lane. Phase I work encompasses essential traffic studies, preliminary enginee preparation of the Project Report for each bridge and related work. The Ph work for the La Costa Avenue Interchange has been completed by the C consultant, Boyle Engineering Corporation. The project is now authoriz advance into the next phase; formal design and preparation of final p specifications, and estimates. Negotiations between City staff and Boyle Engineering Corporation along recommendations from CALTRANS design personnel, have resulted in the assen of a detailed scope of work for the design of this project consistent wit concepts for improvements previously identified in the Phase I work a conformance with CALTRANS' design procedures and standards. The att consultant agreement authorizes Boyle Engineering Corporation to prepare the plans, specifications, and estimates for the project. This agreement incorpc all elements required for this project including field survey work, roadway, bridge, structural, drainage, and traffic signal design, traffic stripin marking , coordination of uti 1 i ties, and 1 andscape services, A1 so i ncl udec be the preparation of the necessary documents, 1 egal descriptions, and acqui 5 plats for the required additional private rights-of-way to facil itat1 construction of the improvements. The proposed improvements to be designed for the La Costa Avenue Inter( include the following features: * The existing bridge structure will be widened to provide two (2) tl lanes and separate left turn lanes for traffic in each direction. The bridge will include eight (8) foot shoulders, five (5) foot sidt on both sides, pedestrian railing, and a four (4) foot wide striped mr Traffic signals will be constructed at the intersections of the soutl exit ramp and the northbound exit ramp. Entrance and exit ramps will be improved to handle present and anticipated traffic volumes and future outside freeway widening. metering will be provided on entrance ramps. &* * E* No significant environmental issues have been identified for this projec permit from the California Coastal Commission will be required pri construction. 1 \ 0 e I/( .7-? 7 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. The time required to complete final plans, specifications and estimates, obtain CALTRANS review and approval of all construction contract documents require approximately sixteen (16) months. Staff recommends approval 01 attached consultant agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: The consultant agreement with Boyle Engineering Corporation provides for a sum fee of $839,558 for all necessary design services, and a not to exceed f $175,121 for coordination with CALTRANS and the Federal Highway Administratio the submittal and review processes of the project plans, specifications estimates, and subsequent revisions and modifications to the contract docum The total contract amount is $1,014,679. This fee is similar to fees for the Poinsettia Lane and Palomar Airport Interchanges. Funding is included in the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program funds to be drawn from Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD). The District currently has cash on hand which can be made available to fi this project. No CFD debt will be issued at this time. The City’s abili proceed with the construction of the La Costa Interchange will depend on the debt issue capacity in future years. EXHI BITS : 1. Location map. 2. Resolution No. 92-220 approving a consultant agreement with Engineering Corporation for design of the improvements to the La Avenue/Interstate Route 5 Project. Consultant agreement with Boyle Engineering Corporation. 3. LEGEND .BRIDGE TO BE IMPROVED I PROJECT NAME PROJECT# EX s LA COSTA AVENUE OVERPASS 3219 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 92-220 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION FOR THE DESIGN OF THE LA COSTA/INTERSTATE 5 INTERCHANGE, PROJECT NO. 3219 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determi necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to proceed with the improk to the La Costa Avenue and Interstate 5 interchange, Project No. 3219; i WHEREAS, the City Council has previously entered into an agr with Boyle Engineering Corporation, for the Phase I work associated wit project; and WHEREAS, a scope of work has been prepared by City and fee sf has been prepared by Boyle Engineering Corporation for said project; an WHEREAS, a consultant agreement for the design of said pro submitted herewith. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the above recitations are true and correct. That a consultant agreement with Boyle Engineering Corporati the design of the La Costa Avenue and Interstate 5 Interchange, Project Ni is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authori directed to execute said agreement. That following the Mayor's signature agreement copies shall be forwarded to the Engineering Department and 1. 2. /// /// /// /// //I /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e Boyle Engineering Corporation, attention Mr. Gordon Lutes, 7807 Convoy Suite 200, San Diego, California, 92111. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsb; Council held on the 7th day of July , 1992 by the followinc to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaarc NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clekk (SEAL) I '0 0 AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR IMPROVEMENT TO THE LA COSTA AVENUE/ INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE June 3,1992 i 0 e AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVTCES FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE LA COSTA AVENUE/INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the day of J 19, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to as "consultant". RECITALS City requires the services of a professional engineering consultant to provide the necessary engineering design services for preparation of reports, plans, specifications, estimates, and related project documents for improvements to the La Costa Avenue/Interstate Route 5 Interchange; and Consultant possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to provide the services required by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Consultant agree as follows: 1. CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS The Consultant shall perform professional engineering design services to the City in accordance with the terms, conditions and project scope as specified in the 1 Rev. 2/3/92 0 0 Consultant's ''Scope of Services'' attached hereto as Exhibit A, dated June 3, 1992, the Consultant's Fee Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B, and the Consultant's Preliminary Plan Sheet List attached hereto as Exhibit C, dated June 3, 1992, which are incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement. Said services shall be performed diligently, in a professional manner, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement under the direction of the City Manager or his authorized representative. 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall: A. Provide Consultant with prints of record drawings of City improvements requested by Consultant; Name contact with authority to direct Consultant; Secure permits required from the City for design work within the City right-of-way. B. C. 3. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The work under this contract will begin within ten (10) days after receipt of notification to proceed by the City and be completed within sixteen (16) months of that date in accordance with the Consultant's "Submittal Schedule," attached hereto as Exhibit F, dated June 3, 1992. Extensions of time may be granted iP requested by the Consultant and agreed to in writing by the City. In consideration of such 2 Rev. 2/3/92 e e requests, the City will give allowance for documented and substantiated unforeseeable and unavoidable delays resulting from causes beyond the control of the Consultant, or delays caused by City inaction or other agencies' lack of timely action. Exhibit F is hereby incorporated and made a part of this agreement. 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONSULTANT For services detailed in the "Scope of Services" under Sections B and C of attached Exhibit A, the lump sum fee payable according to Paragraph 6, "Payment of Fees," shall be $839,558. For services detailed in the "Scope of Services" under Section D of attached Exhibit A, "The and Materials Tasks," and additional services requested in writing by City, payments shall not exceed $175,121. No other compensation for services will be allowed except those items covered by supplemental agreements per Paragraph 8, "Changes in Work." S. DURATION OF CONTRACT This agreement shall extend for a period of twenty-four (24) months from date thereof. The contract may be extended for one (1) additional one (1) year periods or parts thereof, based upon satisfactory performance and the City's needs. 6. PAYMENT OF EXES Payment of fees for services detailed in Sections B and C of attached Exhibit A shall be monthly, upon submittal by Consultant and approval by City of estimated 3 Rev. 2/3/92 0 0 percentage of work completed using the Monthly Progress Payment ~orm attached as Exhibit D. Payment of fees for services detailed in Section D of attached Exhibit A, and additional services will be monthly upon submittal by Consultant and approval by City, according to the Consultant’s hourly rates attached as Exhibit E. Consultant’s hourly rates shall not change during the duration of this agreement. Exhibits D and E are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement. 7. FINAL SUBMISSIONS Submittals of reports, plans, specifications, estimates, contract documents, and other materials, herein referred to as deliverables, shall be as described in Exhibit F. All reports, plans, specifications, estimates, contract documents, and other materials shall be signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer. The submittal of final plans, specifications, and estimates to the State of California, Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) shall consist of a VAX format tape of all plans on Intergraph Cadd, camera-ready reproducible copies of the special provisions and estimates, and a computer disk containing the complete project specifications, including special provisions, in Microsoft Word, Version 4.0 format. The Consultant shall deliver to the City, one (1) mylar reproducible set of final plans. 4 Rev. 2/3/92 0 * 8. CHANGESINWORK If, in the course of the contract, changes seem merited by the Consultant or the City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change in the conditions of the contract is warranted, the Consultant or the City may request a change in contract. Such changes shall be processed by the City in the following manner: A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the City by Consultant to inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. A supplemental agreement shall be prepared by the City and approved by the City according to the procedures described in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.1 72. Such supplemental agreement shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of the agreement. 9. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Consultant warrants that their firm has not employed or retained any company or person, other a bona fide employee working for the Consultant, to solicit or secure this agreement, and that Consultant has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, &, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or 5 Rev. 2/3/92 e 0 otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. 10. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Consultant shall comply with the state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. 11. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Consultant’s failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the work as provided for in this contract, the City may terminate this contract for nonperformance by notlfying the Consultant by certified mail of the termination of the Consultant. The Consultant, thereupon, has five (5) working days to deliver said documents owned by the City and all work in progress to the City Manager, The City Manager shall make a determination of fact based upon the documents delivered to City of the percentage of work which the Consultant has performed which is usable and of worth to the City in having the contract completed. Based upon that finding as reported to the City Manager, the Manager shall determine the final payment of the contract. 12. DISPUTES If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of work under this agreement, the following procedure shall be used to resolve any question of fact or 6 Rev. 2/3/92 0 0 interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between parties. Such questions, if they become identified as a part of a dispute among persons operating under the provisions of this contract, shall be reduced to writing by the principal of the Consultant or the City Manager. A copy of such documented dispute shall be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution which would be of benefit to both parties. The City Manager or principal receiving the letter shall reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten (10) days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the dispute shall be forwarded to the City Council for their resolution through the Office of the City Manager. The City Council may then opt to consider the directed solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Council shall be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them at law. 13. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF SERVICES This agreement may be terminated by either party upon tendering thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such suspension or termination, upon request of the City, the Consultant shall assemble the work product and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to City. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total shall not exceed the lump sum fee payable under paragraph 4. The City shall make the final determination 7 Rev. 21319 2 0 0 as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 14. STATUS OF THE CONSULTANT The Consultant shall perform the services provided for herein in Consultant‘s own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Consultant’s independent calling, and not as an employee of the City. Consultant shall be under control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult with the City as provided for in the request for proposal. I The Consultant is an independent contractor of the City. The payment made to the consultant pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation to which the Consultant is entitled. The City shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the Consultant. The City shall not be required to pay any workers’ compensation insurance on behalf of the Consultant. The Consultant agrees to indemnify the City for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, or workers’ compensation payment which the City may be required to make on behalf of the Consultant or any employee of the Consultant for work done under this agreement, The Consultant shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants that are included in this agreement. 8 Rev. 2/3/92 0 e 1 15. CONFORMITY TO LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Consultant shall cause all drawings and specifications to conform to all applicable requirements of law: federal, state and local. Consultant shall provide all necessary supporting documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approval is necessary, The City will provide copies of the approved plans to any other agencies. 16. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports, and specifications as herein required are the property of the City, whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. In the event this contract is terminated, all documents, plans, specifications, drawings, reports, and studies shall be delivered forthwith to the City. Consultant shall have the right to make one (1) copy of the plans for his/her records. 17. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS The Consultant agrees that all copyrights which arise from creation of the work pursuant to this contract shall be vested in City and hereby agrees to relinquish all claims to such copyrights in favor of City. 18. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, Rev. 2/3/92 9 I 0 a liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or resulting from, any willful i-nteiorral or negligent acts, errors or omissions of Consultant or Consultant’s agents, employees, or representatives. Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing claims, liabilities, penalties or fines, including liabilities or claim by reason of dleged defects in any plans and specifications, and any cost, expense or attorney’s fees which are incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing. ( such 19. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Consultant shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 20. SUBCONTRACI‘ING If the Consultant shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by the Consultant, Consultant shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of Consultant’s subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Consultant is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by consultant. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Consultant and the City. The Consultant shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of thls contract applicable to 10 Rev. 2/3/92 0 e 6 , Consultant's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the City. 21. PROHIBIIED INTEREST NO official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, making, accepting, or approving of this agreement, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer or employee of the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, or similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. 22. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before, during or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor entitle the Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the tern of this contract. 23. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 18, "Hold Harmless Agreement," all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure uo and shall bind each of the 11 Rev. 2/3/92 < \ 0 0 parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 24. EFFECITVEDATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first above written. 25. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Consultant shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. The Consultant shall report investments or interests in real property. 26. INSURANCE The Consultant shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance, automobile liability insurance, and a combined policy of workefs compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution NO, 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the life of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. 12 Rev. 2/3/92 \ . e e The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Consultant shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. Executed by Consultant this day of 9 19-. CONSULTANT: BOYLE ENGINEERING COW. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California (name of Consultant) By: (>; kpu d City Manager or Mayor By: J& - . , .c - fp --- (sign here) ATTEST: *J b&t b L- +\&dOfW (print name here) Reaional Vice President ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ (title and organization of signatory) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by CONSULTANT must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED As TO FORM: City Clerk RONALD R. BALL Acting City Attorney BY Deputy City Attorney 13 Rev. 2/3/92 5 EXHIBIT "A" June 3, 1992 Page 1 of 15 e e SCOPE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE LA COSTA AVENUEjlNTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE WIDENING A. INTRODUCTION Professional engineering services are needed by the City of Carlsbad (City) for the design of the La Costa Avenue/lnterstate Route 5 (1-5) Interchange Widening. This scope of services, prepared by Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle), is based upon our discussions with Mr. Lloyd Hubbs of the City. The limits of work along La Costa Avenue are from a point on the existing roadway approximately 650 feet west of the centerline of 1-5 to a point on the existing roadway approximately 1,150 feet east of the centerline of 1-5, a total distance of approximately 1,80C feet, including the 1-5 interchange. The limits of work along Interstate Route 5 are frorr approximately 3,500 feet south of the La Costa Avenue/l-5 overcrossing to approximately 1,70C feet north of the La Costa Avenue/l-5 overcrossing, a distance of approximately 5,200 feet. The preparation of the project Plans will be completed on lntergraph CADD to Caltrans standards as set forth in the CADD Users Manual dated September 1990. All intermediate plar submittals will consist of hard copy and magnetic disk in DOS format. The final submittal will bc made on magnetic tape in VAX format. Certain assumptions have been made in preparing this Scope of Services. To the exten possible, they are stated herein, and are reflected in Exhibits B and C attached to this Scope o Services. However, if the actual total effort required is different from the assumptions presentec herein, both the City and Boyle agree to revise the Scope and Fee accordingly. 8. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ROADWAY DESIGN - LUMP SUM TASKS Task 100 - Preliminary Coordination 101. Complete supplemental field surveying including culture and cross sections a 50 foot intervals along La Costa Avenue, all interchange ramps and freewa! auxiliary lanes within the limits described hereinabove. The traveled way wil be adequately covered to accurately determine the superelevation of thc paved surface. The natural ground will be adequately covered to extenc beyond the proposed limits of grading. Lip of gutter shots will be on the AC paving. Field survey data will be obtained at all surface features such a! monuments, drainage structures, manholes, lighting standards, hand holes etc., and around curb returns of all cross streets at PCR, 20 feet back fron PCR, and 50 feet back from PCR. (Surveying of potholed Pacific Bell facilities if required, will also be accomplished under Task D-400.) La Costa Avenu EXH I8 IT "A" June 3,1992 Page 2 of 15 0 0 102. Prepare for and complete a field review of the site with representatives of tk City, Caltrans District 1 1 (District) and other interested agencies. Docume field observations with field notes and photographs. 103. Provide preliminary geometries for City and District review. Prelimina geometrics to consist of 50-scale layouts with lane lines, curb lines, should€ median and right-of-way (R/W) lines. Tops and toes of slopes will t indicated. Preliminary horizontal geometric data consisting of tangel distances, and curve data (radii, delta, tangent distance and curve length) w be indicated. Truck turning paths will be shown. Preliminary profiles along 1 Costa Avenue, the interchange ramps and the freeway auxiliary lanes will t provided. Caltrans design criteria consisting of design speed, stopping sigl distance, minimum vertical curve lengths, maximum superelevation rates an lengths for superelevation runoff will be indicated. A review of the preliminai geometrics and design criteria will be completed. Any discrepancies will t noted. These geometrics will not be computer calculated or numerically tie - to the existing improvements. Meet with City and District staff to review Document comments. 104. Prepare for and attend an initial hydraulics discussion with District staff t review existing conditions, design procedures, submittals, and any speci: considerations. Document discussions. Prepare for and attend an initial electrical discussion with District staff t review existing conditions, design procedures, submittals, and any speck considerations. Document discussions. Prepare for and attend an initial traffic and signing discussion with District sta to review existing conditions, design procedures, Submittals, and any specis considerations. Document discussions. Prepare for and attend an initial landscaping discussion with District staff tc review existing conditions, design procedures, submittals, and any specia considerations. Document discussions. 108. Prepare for and attend a plan sheet formation meeting with District staff 109. Complete additional mapping. Topographic mapping limits along Interstatc Route 5 are from 4000 feet south of the La Costa Avenue/lnterstate Route f Interchange to 1,000 feet north of the La Costa Avenue/lnterstate Route 5 Interchange. Mapping to be digitally compiled in accordance with Caltrans standards and match mapping already completed. 105. 106. 107. - Document discussions. La Costa Avenuc EXHIBIT “A“ June 3, 1992 Page 3 of 15 0 e 1 10. Complete additional geotechnical investigations, earthwor recommendations, and pavement designs for the interchange ramps auxiliary lanes and La Costa Avenue outside of the bridge approaches. FOL additional borings and lab testing will be completed for the auxiliary lane! Separate Materials and Foundation Reports will be provided. Task 200 - Complete Preliminary Geometric Approval 201. Calculate and plot horizontal geometrics including center (or control) lines curbs, medians, existing and new R/W lines. Submit horizontal geometrics to the City and District for approval. 202. 203. Prepare for and meet with City and District staff to review horizont; geometrics. Document comments. Task 300 - Complete Design Concept Submittal 301 . Request utility verification of existing utilities plotted from utility companies record maps. Prepare pencil design concepts for utilities, staged construction, constructior signing, signing, pavement delineation, new off-ramp signals, new signal fo the intersection at the park and ride lot, signal interconnect, street lighting anc sign illumination, ramp metering, highway planting and irrigation and existing cross sections. Submit pencil design concepts to the City and District. Prepare for and meet with City and District staff to review pencil concepts. Document comments. 302. 303. 304. Task 400 - Complete Initial R/W Acquisition and Utilities Activities 401. Obtain title reports for two parcels. findings in a letter to the City and District. Request preliminary utility relocation plans and costs from all utility agencies possibly affected by the project. Prepare R/W requirements on copies of Assessor’s Parcel Maps for two parcels. R/W requirements include plotting existing property lines, access Review title reports and summarize 402. 403. La Costa Avenuc EXH I B IT "A" June 3,1992 Page 4 of 15 0 * control lines, easements (if any), and new property lines. Approximai acreages will be given but not calculated. Prepare an opinion of probable R/W costs. Unit costs for R/W to be qcquire 404. to be provided by the City. 405. Complete an opinion of probable utility relocation costs (given prelimina, utility relocation plans and costs from all utility agencies possibly affected b the project). Complete preliminary utility relocation plans and costs for an water and storm drain relocations evident at this point in the design proces! Compile a list of all utility relocations and costs. 406. Submit R/W requirements and utility relocation plans and opinions ( probable costs to the City and District. Meet with City and District staff to review R/W requirements and utili1 relocation plans and opinions of probable costs. Document comments. Prepare and submit final R/W requirements for City and District review an approval. Meet with City and District staff to review final R/W requirements. Documer comments. 407. 408. 409. Task 500 - Complete Geometric Approval 501. Prepare draft plans of layout, profile, and superelevation sheets for La Cost Avenue and all interchange ramps. Submit draft plans of layout, profile, and superelevation sheets to the City an 502. District. Meet with City and District staff to review geometrics. Document comments. 503. Task 600 - Complete Progress Submittal No. 1 601. Prepare and submit materials report and typical roadway cross sections to thi City and District. Meet with City and District staff to review. Documer comments. 602. Prepare and submit to the City and District a hydraulic design stud consisting of runoff and capacity calculations for all storm drainage inlets, an1 capacity calculations for all storm drainage pipelines. As most propose1 drainage will tie into the existing systems, the study will identify an ! La Costa Avenu EXHIBIT "A" June 3, 1992 Page 5 of 15 0 e deficiencies of the existing systems but will not propose recommendations f improvement of the existing systems. Additional design work to comple plans, specifications and estimates to upgrade existing deficiencies included in Task D-414. Runoff calculations will be completed using Distri intensity curves. inlet capacity calculations to be completed according Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12, dated March 1984. Meet with City ar District staff to review. Document comments. Prepare and submit R/W Appraisal Map to the City and District. Meet wi City and District staff to review. Document comments, Complete plans to approximately a 50 percent level, including the followin sheets: Title Construction Staking Survey Control Data Typical Cross Sections and Details Layout Profile and Superelevation Construction Details Grading and Drainage Layout Utilities Stage Construction Construction Signing Pavement Delineation Structure Mounted Sign Retaining Wall Lighting and Sign Illumination Electrical Layout for Bridge Traffic Signal and Lighting (three locations) Ramp Metering Highway Planting and Irrigation Outline item numbers and descriptions from the Coded Contract Items List tc be used for the project. Submit Plans and outlines of the Coded Contract Items List to the City anc District. Meet with City and District staff to review Progress Submittal No. 1 603. 604. Sign Plans 605. 606. 607. Document comments. La Costa AvenL WH l BIT "A" June3, 1992 Page 6 of 15 e e Task 700 - Complete Progress Submittal No. 2 701. Complete plans to approximately a 90 percent level, including all sheets list€ for Progress Submittal No. 1, plus the following: Drainage Profiles, Details and Quantities Water or Sewer Relocations Summary of Quantities Wiring Diagrams Telephone Termination Cabinet Update outlines of the Coded Contract Items List to correspond to the Plans. Complete the first edit of the Standard Special Provisions. Editing correctior to the Standard Special Provisions will be completed on computer an submitted on hard copy printouts. 702. 703. 704, Prepare lane closure requirements. 705. Submit Plans, outlines of Coded Contract Items Lists, Draft Speck Provisions, and lane closure requirements to the City and District. Document comments. 706. Meet with City and District staff to review Progress Submittal No. 2 Task 800 - Complete Mini-Office Engineer Submittal 801. Prepare and submit R/W Record Map to the City and District. Meet with Ci? and District staff to review. Document comments. Complete plans to approximately a 100 percent level including all sheet! listed for Progress Submittal No. 2 and cross sections. Complete editing of Draft Special Provisions to approximately a 90 perceni 802. 803. - level. 804. Finalize cross sections and earthwork quantities calculations. 805. Complete quantities calculations. 806. Complete an Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. Unit costs to be verifiec by the District. I La Costa Avenul EXHIBIT "A" June 3,1992 Page 7 of 15 e e 807. Submit combined Roadway and Bridge Structure Plans, Draft Speci Provisions, Quantities Calculations, and Opinion of Probable Constructio costs to the City and District. Bridge Structure Plans to be reviewed an approved by Caltrans Division of Structures. 808. Meet with City and District staff to review Mini-Office Engineer Submitte Document comments. Task 900 - Complete-In House Quality Control 901. Complete an independent review of roadway plans at the followin submittals: Pencil Design Concept, Progress Submittal No. 1, Progres Submittal No. 2, Mini-Office Engineer Submittal. Document comments in t letter to the City and District. Complete an independent review of the combined Roadway and Bridgc 902. Structure Plans, Document comments in a letter to the City and District. C. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR STRUCTURE DESIGN - LUMP SUM TASKS Task 100 - Preliminary Coordination 101. Assemble available data including record drawings of the existing structure Caltrans record drawings of previous contracts in this area, maintenancc reports of the existing structure, design criteria, approved project report mapping, geotechnical report, environmental clearance, and bridgr preliminary report. Visit bridge site to ascertain existing conditions. Document field observation: with field notes and photographs. Meet with the City and Caltrans Division of Structures (DOS) to discuss project approach. Task 200 - Structure Type Selection e 102. 103. 201. Analyze up to three different structure types. Recommend one, based on site constraints and economic considerations. Meet with City to discuss recommended structure type. Prepare General Plan and General Plan Estimate of the selected alternative. 202. 203. La Costa Avenue EXHIBIT "A" Page 8 of 15 0 0 June 3,1992 204. Obtain City approval of General Plan and Estimate. 205. Submit General Plan and Estimate to Caltrans DOS and request a typ selection meeting. 206. Attend type selection meeting to present proposed General Plan anc Estimate. Obtain Caltrans DOS approval of General Plan. Submit 40 reduced General Plans (1 1" x 17") to Caltrans for its intern; distribution. 207. Task 300 - Prepare Unchecked Bridge Detail Plans 301. Design structures per current Caltrans and City specifications. Detail bridg plans. The following detailed plan sheets are anticipated (total 13): General Plan Deck Contours Foundation Plan Abutment Details (2) Bent Details (2) Typical Sections Girder Layout Miscellaneous Details Slope Paving Log of Test Borings (2) 302. Submit plans to the City and Caltrans DOS. 303. Meet with the City and Caltrans DOS to review unchecked details submittal. Task 400 - Prepare Checked Bridge Detail Plans 401. 402. Complete an independent check of bridge as designed. Discuss with bridge designer and resolve any recommended changes tc plans identified during the checking process. Complete detailing of plans to checked details level. Outline item numbers and descriptions from the Coded Contract Items List tc be used for the project. 403. 404. b La Costa Avenu EXH I B IT "A" June 3,1992 Page 9 of 15 0 0 405. Submit plans and outlines of the Coded Contract Items List to the City ar Caltrans DOS. Meet with the City and Caltrans 00s to review checked details submittal. 406. Task 500 - Prepare Draft PS&E 501, Complete bridge detail plans to 90 percent level. 502. Complete the first edit of the Structure Standard Special Provisions. Editir corrections to the Structure Standard Special Provisions will be completed c computer and submitted on hard copy printouts. Prepare draft structur special provisions. Calculate all structure contract item quantities and tabulate on standar Caltrans DOS quantity forms. Complete an independent check of quantity calculations. Resolve difference in quantities by comparing two independent calculations and revising a required to reach agreement within tolerances specified in Caltrans DO Bridge Design Aids Manual, Chapter 11. Place all structure contract iter. quantities on a Caltrans DOS Marginal Estimate form. Complete Marginal Estimate form by assigning unit prices, resulting in thc Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. Unit prices to be verified by Caltranr DOS. Submit Plans, Draft Structure Special Provisions, and Opinion of Probablc Construction Cost to the City and Caltrans DOS. Meet with the City and Caltrans DOS to review Draft PS&E submittal. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. Task 600 - Prepare Final PS&E 601. Update Plans, Draft Structure Special Provisions and Opinion of Probablc Construction Cost given comments from Draft PS&E review. Submit Final Plans, Structure Special Provisions and Opinion of Probable Construction Cost to the City and Caltrans DOS. Deliverables to Caltrans DOS to include: 1 set of vellums of final structure plans 5 sets of blueprints of final structure plans 3 sets of final Structure Special Provisions 602. La Costa Avenut EXH I BIT “A“ June 3,1992 Page 10 of 15 0 e 2 copies of final structure quantity calculations 2 copies of the Opinion of Probable Construction Cost 1 copy of final structure design calculations 1 copy of final independent structure design check calculations, upon requec 1 copy CADD file if requested Meet with the City and Caltrans DOS to discuss Final PS&E Submittal. 603. Task 700 - Complete In-House Quality Control 701. Complete an independent review of the combined roadway and structur plans and quantities. Document comments in a letter to the City and District. Task 800 - Seismic Retrofit Design In general, this work consists of assessing the probable behavior and performance c the existing structure during the maximum credible seismic event. The results of OL preliminary analysis indicate the existing structure does not meet the current seismi code. Therefore, Caltrans requires and City has requested the preparation c construction plans, specifications, and cost estimates for retrofitting the existinc structure and associated traffic control. City and Boyle acknowledge: a. Neither City nor Boyle was involved in the design, construction, c maintenance of the existing La Costa Avenue bridge and neither City nc Boyle has conducted a review of the current condition of the bridge. Consistent with the professional standard of care, Boyle’s design of tht seismic retrofit of the bridge will be based only upon a review of recorc drawings provided by Caltrans, which will be used by Boyle withou independent evaluation. b. 801. Preliminary Analysis a. - After a review of information provided by City and Caltrans, Division c Structures (DOS) , develop several different retrofit concepts based 01 previous experience and anticipated structure response. Recommend one o two schemes that appear most feasible. Perform a three dimensional, dynamic, modal analysis of the structure usins structural analysis computer software GTSTRUDL, which is a seismic structural analysis program similar to that used by Caltrans DOS. Othe analysis tools include column, footing, and abutment computer programs b. La Costa Avenuc EXHIBIT "A" June 3,1992 Page 11 Of 15 0 0 Results will be used to estimate seismic loads and/or deformation at joint hinges, columns, abutments, footings and other elements of the structur( Up to five successive alternatives will be evaluated until a solution acceptabl to City and Caltrans DOS is obtained. 802. Retrofit Strategy a. Complete a retrofit plan and associated details describing the propose retrofit strategy. Compile and submit to City and Caltrans DOS a Seismic Evaluation Repo describing the existing structure, methods used in developing the dynami analysis, a geotechnical evaluation, and an overall assessment of the existin structure and its anticipated behavior during the maximum credible seisrni event. Also included will be summaries of anticipated ductility demands an displacements, construction cost estimate, and copies of record drawing: field reports, analysis calculations, computer input/output. The conclusion ( the report will be a recommended Seismic Retrofit Strategy. Arrange and attend a Retrofit Strategy Meeting to be attended by Caltrav DOS personnel. Present the proposed Retrofit Strategy. Address questior or concerns posed by those present. Discuss alternatives as appropriatc Submit an updated schedule and estimate of design engineering cost required to implement the proposed strategy. b. c. 803. Draft PS&E a. After City and Caltrans DOS have approved the proposed retrofit strategy, summary of the Strategy Meeting will be compiled and forwarded to E concerned parties. Any issues not previously resolved will be addressed I this time. b. Finalize the design and complete the draft structural plans. The design w incorporate appropriate comments and recommendations from the Strateg Meeting. Drafting will be completed on CADD per Caltrans DO requirements in effect as of March 1992. Four sets of blueline plans will bi submitted to City and Caltrans DOS for distribution and review. Complete an independent structural check of the retrofit plans by an enginee registered in the State of California. Any apparent discrepancies will b resolved with the designer and details modified as necessary. Complete additional roadway and traffic control plans to accommodate thl proposed construction. c. d. La Costa Avenuc June 3,1992 Page 12 of 15 0 0 E!-!cl lB IT "A" e. Construction quantities will be calculated from the "Checked Plans" by tw separate individuals experienced in this work. After comparing results an resolving any discrepancies, the appropriate quantity summary sheets will 1; completed. Unit costs are applied resulting in an opinion of the probab construction cost. Modify Caltrans Standard Special Provisions. Submit four sets of plans, two copies of quantity calculations and opinion l probable construction cost, two copies of edited special provisions, one COT of design calculations, and one copy of independent check calculations ea( to City and Caltrans DOS for review and comment. f. g. 804. Final PS&E a. b. Incorporate appropriate comments from City and Caltrans DOS in the PS&E. Submit Final PS&E to City and Caltrans DOS including one set of origin; tracings and four sets of prints of final design plans, one floppy disk of fin; design plans, one hard copy and one floppy disk of final special provision! two copies of final quantity calculations and opinion of probable constructio cost, and information to be included in the Resident Engineer's File. 805. Coordination a. Coordinate with Caltrans District 11, Division of Structures, and Seism Technology Branch to obtain approvals for the design and funding from tt- Seismic Retrofit Fund. Work includes attendance at up to three meeting phone conversations, filling out applications, design and construction co estimate support and negotiations. D. ENGINEERING SERVICES - TIME AND MATERIALS TASKS Task 100 - Complete Safety Review Submittal 101. Request final utility relocation plans from utility agencies affected by th project. Review plans and document comments in a letter to each agenc: the City and District. Submit final utility relocation plans to the District. Update Plans, Draft Special Provisions, and Opinion of Probable Constructio Costs given comments from Mini-Office Engineer Review. 102. La Costa Avenui EXHIBIT "A" June 3, 1992 Page 13 of 15 e 0 103. Submit Plans, Draft Special Provisions, and Opinion of Probable Constructic Costs to the City and District. 104. Meet with City and District staff to review Safety Review comment: Document comments received. Task 200 - Complete District Circulation Submittal 201. Complete "Notice to Owner" letters to each utility agency affected by th project. Include copies of utilities plan sheets showing each utility agency relocations and the appropriate sections of the Draft Special Provisions. Update Plans, Draft Special Provisions and Opinion of Probable Constructic Costs given comments from Safety Review. 202. 203. Complete an independent check of the quantity calculations. Resolv discrepancies and update Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. Submit Plans, Draft Special Provisions, and Opinion of Probable Constructio Costs to the City and District. Meet with City and District staff to review District Circulation comment: Document comments received. 204. 205. Task 300 Complete Final Submittal to the District 301. Update Plans, Draft Special Provisions, and Opinion of Probable Constructioi Costs given comments from District Circulation. Submit Plans, Draft Special Provisions, and Opinion of Probable Constructior Costs to the City and District. 302. 303. Meet with City and District staff to review Final Submittal comments Document comments received. 304. Update Plans, Draft Special Provisions, and the Opinion of Probablc Construction Cost given comments from Final Submittal. Submit original Plans and Special Provisions to the District for forwarding tc Sacramento. Include one set of sepias of the Plans for the District. Provide slope staking notes for La Costa Avenue and the interchange ramps. 305. 306. La Costa Aveni EX H I BIT “A” June3, 1992 Page 14 Of 15 0 e 307. Prepare notes to be included in the Resident Engineer’s Notebook. Subn notes to the District. Task 400 - Additional Services 401. Changes requiring recalculation or revisions to already completed portions the Plans, Specifications or Estimates as a result of unknown field conditio1 or unrecorded utilities. Changes requiring recalculation or revisions to already approved portions the Plans, Specifications, or Estimates as a result of the City, Caltrans, or tt Federal Highway Administration. Meetings, preparation, submittals, revisions, and coordination for permi from agencies other than the City, including completion of a coastal permit. Assistance to the City in completing R/W appraisals. Assistance to the City in acquiring right of way. 402. 403. 404. 405 406. Assistance to the City in certifying right of way and Utility relOCatiOflS. 407. 408. 409. 41 0. Assistance to the City in transferring right of way to the State of California. Coordination and meetings with Caltrans. Coordination and meetings with others. Coordinating, obtaining permits for, and contracting for potholing of existin! utility facilities owned by the City. Surveying for potholing of existing utility facilities owned by others. Provide coordination with the City’s selected artist. Per Hiahwav Desian Manual 1104.6, assess feasibility of construction of onc of berm/wall into the PS&E. If required, perform R/W engineering for one parcel similar to the above tasks 6400, B603, and 6801. Prepare PS&E for improvements to existing drainage systems if required duc to existing deficiencies. 41 1. 412. 413. - combined earthen berm and block noise wall. If required, incorporate desigr 414. La Costa Avenuc EXHIBIT “A“ June 3, 1992 Page 15 of 15 m a E. USE OF DOCUMENTS Any use of completed documents for other projects and/or any use of uncomplete documents without specific written authorization by Boyle will be at the City’s sole risk an without liability or legal exposure to Boyle, and the City shall indemnify and hold harmless Boy from all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of ( resulting therefrom. F. PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES Any opinion of the construction cost prepared by Boyle represents our judgment as desig professionals and is supplied for the general guidance of the City. Since Boyle has no contrc over the cost of labor and material, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, Boy1 does not guarantee the accuracy of such opinions as compared to contractors bids or actu: costs to the City. SD-699-197-33/LACOSTA.DOC/FRCF/erm /E1 692 0 e .. ..... ............................................................ 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SHEE C Tie Sheet 1 X C Typical Sections La Costa Avenue 3 X C Typical Sections Ramps 1 x C Typical Cross Section Details 2 C Standard Plans List 1 CSS C Construction Staking Survey Control Data 1 L C Layout, Profile & Superelevation Dia. - 2 L C Layout-1-5 & Southerly Ramps 1 L C Layout, Profile & Superelevation Dia. - 1 L C Layout-La Costa Avenue 1 L -c Layout-1-5 & Northerly Ramps 1 P C Profile & Superelevation Dia. - 0 1-5 (Southerly) La Costa Avenue La Costa Avenue, Ramps & Curb Returns C C Construction Details 0 G C Contour Grading & Drainage Layouts 3 G C Contour Grading & Drainage Layouts - 2 G C Contour Grading & Drainage Layouts 1 D C Drainage Profiles 10 D C Drainage Details 5 0 C Drainage Quantities 3 W - C Water Relocations 1 (Southerly) (La Costa Avenue & Interchange) (Northerly) ss C Sewer Relocations 1 U C Utilities 2 SC T Stage Construction (La Costa Avenue 13 cs T Construction Signing 5 PD T Pavement Delineation (La Costa Avenue 9 & Interchange) & Interchange) 0 ' EXHIBIT 'C' - La Costa Av~.) June 3, 1992 Page 2 of 2 PRELIMINARY PLAN SHEET LIST (Cont'd.) PlSC IPLINC DESCRIPTION NO. SHE€ CODE Q C Summary of Quantities 6 S T Signing 7 S S Structure Mounted Signs 2 R C Retaining Wall 2 HP L Highway Planting and Irrigation 14 E E Lighting & Sign Illumination (Southerly) 2 E E Lighting & Sign Illumination 3 E E Lighting 8t Sign Illumination (Northerly) 1 E E Wiring Diagrams 1 (La Costa Avenue & Interchange) E T Traffic Signal & Ramp Metering 6 C Cross Sections (La Costa Avenue 36 & Interchange) Subtotal (Roadway) 166 S General Plan 1 S Deck Contours 1 S Foundation Plan 1 S Abutment Details 2 S Bent Details 2 S Typical Sections 1 S Girder Layout 1 S Miscellaneous Details 1 S Slope Paving 1 S Log of Test Borings No. 1 1 S Log of Test Borings No. 2 - Subtotal (Structure) 13 TOTAL 179 1 Breakdo wn bv DisciPling c = Civil 103 T = Traffic 40 L = Landscape 14 E = Electrical 7 S = Structural 15 TOTAL 179 0 e MONTHLY PROGRESS PAYMENT REPORT EXHIBIT '9" 8. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ROADWAY DESIGN June 3, 1992 B I LL . CAL FIRM: BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION DATE : ADDRESS: 7807 Convoy Court, Suite 200 ESTIMATE NO: AGREEMENT NO: CONTRACT AMOUNT: PROJECT NAME: LA COSTA AVENUE / 1-5 TOTAL 4: COMPLETE: San Diego, CA 92111 PERIOD: $1,014,679 INTERCHANGE WIDENING I ...................................................................................................... I I ...................................................................................................... I I I I I ____________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I B. ROADWAY DESIGN I $656,468 I I I I I I I I I I I I $183,090 I I I I I I I I I $175,121 I I I I I I ...................................................................................................... I TOTALS I $1,014,679 I I I I I _______________---______________________-------------------------------------------------------------- BILLING SUMMARY 1 1 21 31 41 51 6 I TOTAL 4: I TOTAL FEE I PREVIOUS I FEE EARNED I COMPLETED 1 EARNED TO 1 FEE I THIS REPORT I I SUMMARY I FEE I TO DATE I DATE (2x3) I EARNED I (4-5) I C. STRUCTURE DESIGN I D. TIME AND MATERIALS Total fee earned to date... ............................................................... Less payments to date.... ........................................................... TOTAL AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE................ .............................................. -------_----. 0 0 MONTHLY PROGRESS PAYMENT REPORT EXHIBIT "D'o B. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ROADUAY DESIGN June 3, 1992 BI LL . CAL FIRM: BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION DATE: ADD RE SS : 7807 Convoy Court, Suite 200 ESTIMATE NO: AGREEMENT NO: CONTRACT AMOUNT: PROJECT NAME: LA COSTA AVENUE / 1-5 TOTAL % COMPLETE: San Diego, CA 92111 PERIOD: %56,468.00 INTERCHANGE UIDENING I ____________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I ...................................................................................................... I I I I I I I ...................................................................................................... I I I I I I I I I I PRELIMINARY COORDINATION I $93,557.00 I I I I I I I ...................................................................................................... I I I I I I I I I TASK 200 I I I I PRELIMINARY GEOMETRIC I I APPROVAL I $6,084.00 I I I _____________.__________________________-------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I TASK 300 I I I I DESIGN CONCEPT SUBMITTAL I $64,100.00 I I I ...................................................................................................... I I I I I I I I TASK 400 I I I I INITIAL R/U ACQUISITION I I I I ...................................................................................................... I I I I I I I I TASK 500 I I GEOMETRIC APPROVAL I $14,200.00 I I ...................................................................................................... 1 TASK 600 I I I I I I I I PROGRESS SUBMITTAL N0.1 I $192,387.00 I I I ____________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I 1 I I TASK 700 I I PROGRESS SUBMITTAL N0.2 I $159,856.00 1 I 1 ____________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I TASK 800 I I I I I I I I I I MINI-OFFICE I I I ENGINEER SUBMITTAL I $103,074.00 I I I I ________________________________________-------------------------------------------------------------- I TASK 900 I I I I I I I I QUALITY CONTROL 1 $8,784.00 I I I ...................................................................................................... 1 SUBTOTAL I 8656,468.00 I I I I I ...................................................................................................... PROGRESS REPORT 1 I 21 31 41 51 6 I TOTAL X I TOTAL FEE 1 PREVIOUS I FEE EARNED I COMPLETED I EARNED TO I FEE I THIS REPORT ITEMS I FEE I TO DATE I DATE (2x3) I EARNED I (4-5) I TASK 100 I UTILITIES ACTIVITIES I $14,426.00 I , e I) MONTHLY PROGRESS PAYMENT REPORT EXHIBIT "D1l B. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ROADWAY DESIGN June 3, 1992 BI LL . CAL FIRM: BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION DATE: AOORESS! 7807 Convoy Court, Suite 200 ESTIMATE NO! San Diego, CA 92111 PERIOD: 8183,090.C AGREEMENT NO: CONTRACT AMOUNT: PROJECT NAME: LA COSTA AVENUE / 1-5 TOTAL X COMPLETE: INTERCHANGE UIDENING 1 ______..__.---_---__-..-----------------------------------------.-------------------.----------------. I I _______.._._____________________________---------..-----..-.-.---------..----------..--.----------..., I I I I I I I ..................................................................................................... I I I I I I I I I I I I PRELIMINARY COORDINATION 1 82,371.00 I I I I I ____________________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I TASK 200 I I I I I 1 STUCTURE TYPE SELECTION I 85,590.00 I I I I I ..................................................................................................... I TASK 300 I I I I I I UNCHECKED DETAIL PLANS I 854,670.00 I I I I I ____________________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I TASK 400 I I I I CHECKED DETAIL PLANS I 826,925.00 I I. I ________________________________________------------------------------------------------------------- I TASK 500 I I I I I I DRAFT PS&E I $18,980.00 I I I I I .___________.___________________________--------------------------------------------------.---------- I TASK 600 I 1 I I I 1 FINAL PS&E I 98,744.00 I I 1 I I ..................................................................................................... I TASK 700 I I I I I I QUALITY CONTROL I 81,950.00 I I I I I ..................................................................................................... I TASK 800 I I 1 I I I SEISMIC RETROFIT DESIGN I $63,860.00 I I I I I ________________________________________------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ____________________-------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------- I SUBTOTAL I S183,090.00 I I I I I ..................................................................................................... PROGRESS REPORT 1 I 21 31 41 51 6 I TOTAL % I TOTAL FEE I PREVIOUS I FEE EARNED I COMPLETED I EARNED TO I FEE I THIS REPOR ' ITEMS I FEE I TO DATE I DATE (2x3) I EARNED I (4-5) I TASK 100 - - 0 e MONTHLY PROGRESS PAYMENT REPORT EXHIBIT 'ID" BILL-CAL B. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ROADUAY DESIGN June 3, 1992 FIRM: BOYLE ENGl NEER I NG CORPORATION DATE: AGREEMENT NO: CONTRACT AMOUNT: $175,121 .oo ADDRESS: 7807 Convoy Court, Suite 200 ESTIMATE NO: San Diego, CA 92111 PERIOD: TOTAL X COMPLETE: PROJECT NAME: LA COSTA AVENUE / 1-5 INTERCHANGE UIDENING I _________---____________________________-------------------------------------------------------------- I I ...................................................................................................... I I 1 I I _______________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I 1 SAFETY REVIEW SUBMITTAL 1 $36,175.00 I I I I I ...................................................................................................... I TASK 200 I I I I I I DISTRICT CIRCULATION SUBMITTAL I 821,844.00 I I I I I ............................................................. .......................................... I TASK 300 I I I I I I FINAL SUBMITTAL TO DISTRICT I $34,240.00 I I I I I __________--_____-__---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I TASK 400 I I I I I I ADDITIONAL SERVICES I $82,862.00 I I I I I ____________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I ____________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I' I I I I I I ...................................................................................................... I I I I I I I I I I I I I ...................................................................................................... I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ____________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I ...................................................................................................... I I 1 I SUBTOTAL I s175,121.00 I I ________________________________________-------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRESS REPORT 1 I 21 31 41 51 6 I TOTAL % I TOTAL FEE I PREVIOUS I FEE EARNED I COMPLETED I EARNED TO 1 FEE I THIS REPORT I I I I I I ITEMS I FEE I TO DATE I DATE (2x3) I EARNED I (4-5) I TASK 100 La Costa Avenue Exhibit "E" June 3,1992 0 0 Page 1 of 2 STANDARD HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Boyle Engineering Corporation Effective March 2,1992 Engineers, Planners, Architects, Landscape Architects, Geologists, Scientists: Principal $1 22.00 per hour Senior II $ 98.00 per hour Senior I $ 90.00 per hour Associate $ 74.00 per hour Assistant I $ 60.00 per hour Assistant II $ M40O per hour Technical Support Staff: Designer Supetvisor $ 80.00 per hour Senior Technician/Senior Designer $ 72.00 per hour Certified Engineering Technician/Designer $ 56.00 per hour Senior Drafter $ 49.00 per hour Drafter $ 40.00 per hour Clericalflechnical Typist $ 35.00 per hour Direct Project Expenses: Photocopies - Color $2.50/ per page Photocopies - Black & WhitejFax $ 0.16/1.60 per page Long Distance Telephone $0.75 per minute Travel - Automobile/Truck - Out of Town $ 0.50 per mile Travel - Other Than Automobile Actual Cost + 15% Subcontracted Services/Reproduction Actual Cost + 15% Video Camera (per day or any portion thereof) $25.00 per day See Separate Schedule Plan Sheet Printing - In-house Bond/Mylar $ 0.40j2.80 per square foot Computer Services and Computer Aided Design If authorized by the client, an overtime premium multiplier of 1.5 will be applied to the billing rate of h personnel who work overtime in order to meet a deadline which cannot be met during normal h Applicable sales taxes, if any, will be added to these rates. Corporate officers and Managing Principals Consulting Engineers will be billed at 1.2 times the stated rate for Principal. Invoices will be rendered mol Payment is due upon presentation. A late payment finance charge of 1.5% per month (but not exceedin maximum rate allowable by law) will be applied to any unpaid balance commencing 30 days after the dz the original invoice. A * La Costa F Exh June : PagE 0 e STANDARDRATESCHEDULE COMPUTER SERVICES Boyle Engineering Corporation Effective March 2, 1992 Hewlett Packard HP 3000/925 Super Minicomputer System Terminal, Printer or Plotter $ 25.00 F Resource Charge - SURGE analysis $ 6.00 F Prime 4150 Super Minicomputer and CADD System Graphics Workstation (Includes Medusa Graphics Software) $ 25.00 I Terminal (CRT or Printer) Pen Plotter (HP 7585 6) $ 20.00 [ $ 20.00 F Resource Charge - CEDS Civil Engr Design System Software $ 15.00 F $150.00 F Electrostatic Plotter - HP 7600 (Includes computer time to drive the plotter) Microcomputers (Personal Computers) Word Processing System with Laser Printer $ 13.00 r Engineering Computer System (AST 286, 386, 486) $ 19.00 r Sun High-speed Engineering Graphics Computer $ 20.50 F Resource Charges for Microcomputers Resource charges are in addition to the above rates and cover the use of special purpose software and extri equipment such as pen plotters, high resolution monitors, and digitizers which are used with CADD softwarc AutoCAD Computer Aided Design $ 6.75 per hour STAAD Ill - Structural Design $ 30.00 1 Microstation (Integraph) CADD $ 6.75 per hour AES HYDRO - Hydrologic Analysis $142.50 1 Point Line Computer Aided Design $ 6.00 per hour BoyleNet - Water Distrib Analysis $ 5.00 1 DAPPER - Electrical Design $100.00 per hour EXKYPIPE - Water Distrib Analysis $ 10.00 r CAPTOR - Overcurrent Analysis $144.00 per hour BoyleCOGO - Coordinate Geometry $ 4.00 c Trane TRACE - HVAC Design $58.50 per hour BDTM - Digital Terrain Model $ 5.00 F Carrier HVAC System Design $46.50 per hour BOYLEPLAN - Project Management $ 10.00 F PRIMAVERA - Project Management $25.50 per hour $ 10.00 I: GWFM - Groundwtaer Modeling $ 15.00 per hour URSA - Structural Analysis $ 15.20 I: LEGAL HOLIDAY - Legal Descrip. $15.00 per hour HASS - Sprinkler Analysis $142.50 F TERRAMODEL - Civil Design $16.00 per hour ICPR - Drainage Design $ 60.00 F TERRAMODEL - COG0 $ 4.00 per hour CEDS - Civil Design System $ 15.00 F SWAN - Sanitary Sewer Analysis BFMS - Facilities Management $1 1.60 per hour CONTOURS - Contour Plotting $ 10.00 I; Other Notes Charges for outside computer services will be billed at invoice cost plus twenty-five percent. New equipment categories and resource charges may be added at any time. AGENCY/DEPT CIM OF CAf?LSBAD cALTR4Ns DESIGN TRAFFIC DESIGN TRAFFIC - OPS TRAFFIC ELEC RAMP METERING HYDRAULICS rnUTIES R/W DEPT UNDSWE CONST LWSON MAINTENANCE MINI 0 E PACIFIC BELL SDWE GAS hnnnnmnnnnnnnmn, mhir)cD 00 08~~0000~00~l h)v)cocn br).+I -hi8**amtDamhQQ- v meeeeseeez3ezE~! 3 v) + v,Ez 9 Lnmo WOE5 ~gaoC~~~av)v)~w $2" dE wa=r3g$g a = 0 K G 0 aaa~x 1 1 1 1P 1P 1 1x 1x 11 111 % I" P Eym3I2g8 o* ~t~~~~~a ='8>&qzgp 8 oz EG 3g 882 WK s$%a ww eow ?Klr\E 1 1 1 1P 1P 1 4x 1x 11 111 111 1 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1 1 1 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1 1 1 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1 1 1 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1 1 2x 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1 1 1 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1 1 2P 2P 1 2P 1P 1P 2P 1P 1P 1P 1 1 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1 1 11 111 1 1 11 111 1 1 11 111 1 1P 1P 1P 1 1P 1P 1P OC/ES/AE 1 1 11 1P 1P 1P sc 1 1 11 1P 1P 1P Qc 1 1 1 1 J .. , ** * t- ’ - + I I I i II 3 I t 5 f ; .i rr I 0 a + lc II I 1 II I P P I II + I 4 a a ! i; ? is