HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-07; City Council; 11780; ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 5, PROJECT NO. 3203I a ul 2 0 te a. e (cc .. Z 2 2 =! 0 z 3 8 I- CITWF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL ?:‘i”/-. 9 - AB# 11,7 w TITLE: ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS DEPT. I FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 5, CITY A’ MTG. PROJECT NO. 3203 (UUD 13) CITY M DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 7/07/92 ENG Adopt Resolution No. 92-&2I approving plans and s ecifications, appropri: of improvements to Tamarack Avenue between Carl sbad Boulevard and Inter: Highway 5, Project No. 3203. By minute motion, approve the addition of Tam, Avenue to the Utility Undergrounding Program (attached as Exhibit 5 recommended by the Underground Uti1 i ty Advisory Committee. ITEM EXPLANATION: This project is a joint venture with the City of Carlsbad, the Carlsbad Munic Water District, San Diego Gas and Electric, Pacific Telephone, Dan Cablevision and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. Along wit proposed widening and modifications to vertical alignment, the folli improvements will take place: funds, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise P or bids for the construc * Construction for landscaped medians * Modification of traffic signal * Modification of water service main line and laterals * Relocation of water service meters * Undergrounding of all overhead utility services All improvements will be installed in conformance with the road alignr approved by City Council Resolution No. 90-451. Bids will be solicited for two construction alternatives. Alternative No. 1 allow the im rovements to be completed within 130 working days. Alternative I No. 2 will allow the contractor to close the road to through traffic. The clc would take place between Garfield Street and Hibiscus Circle for a period ( working days. Access to properties within this area will be maintained ai times. The road closure alternative will be evaluated after bids are rece. Bid award alternatives will be decided by the City Council at time of bid a\ Permits have been granted by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Compan phased reconstruction of the railway crossing. State Transportation Development Act Funds amounting to $52,000 are availabl the construction of bicycle lanes on this project. Staff recommends approprii of these funds for this project. Staff has met with representatives of utility companies in reference to uti undergroundin financin options. It was the staff recommendation to proceed Rule 20A of t e Public tility Commission instead of Rule 20B. Under Rule SDG&E would be required to ay for the costs of removing overhead lines By implementin Rule si nificant cost savings for the project are achieved. Additional y, Pa( Te 9 ephone and Daniel‘s Cablevision will underground their facilities at thei? expense. The Underground Utility Advisory Committee met on June 16, 1992 to con: accelerated funding of the Tamarack Avenue undergrounding project, and appi of the revised boundaries for District No. 13. The Committee considerec Engineer’s report (copy attached) that addressed the cost comparison of Rulc vs. Rule 20B and the impact to the City of Carlsbad funds for the pro, Additionally, the Committee reviewed the priority ranking of other potei undergrounding projects and the reasons for the proposed Number 1 ranking of project. They unanimously approved the boundary adjustment and accelei will allow t R e improvements to be completed within 100 working days. Alterni fl 9r 9 installing power lines in un 0 ergrounding facilities. I 0 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. I/, ?eo funding under the Rule 20A program. The revised boundaries have no affect persons owning real property within Underground Utility District No. 13. Sepi Council action will be required in the future to formally revise the boundar RIGHT-OF-WAY STATUS: All right-of-way required to construct the roject has been obtained, excep- This property is located at 245 Tamarack Avenue. Without the easement that s has asked the owner to dedicate, sidewalk in front of this parcel canno constructed. However, curb and gutter and other roadway improvements ca constructed. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS: The Planning Director issued a Negative Declaration for this project on 20, 1991. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION REVIEWS: The 30 working day road closure bid o tion requires an amendment to the per Should the amendment not be grante s because of Coastal Commission conc regardin beach access, the City would be required to award the no-closure o 1 Number 6-91-169 was issued by the California Coastal Commission on Septembei 1991. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: The Planning Commission determination for general plan consistency, PCD/GPC was approved on July 3, 1991. FISCAL IMPACT: Estimated project costs are as follows: a portion of the needed right-of-way locate 8 on Assessor’s Parcel No. 206-021 which wi 9 1 increase construction time by six weeks. Coastal Development PP c Design & Design Administration $ 230,000 Estimated Construction by City Contractor (Includes $530,000 for SDG&E, Pacific Bell, and Cablevision underground construction) 1,600,000 city Contractor qlo./.) 160,000 Construction Contin encies for Inspection/Administration (7%) 110,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATED $2,100,000 The above estimated costs will be financed by funds from three sources. Pu Faci 1 i ty Fee (PFF) Capital Improvement Program Funds of $2,000,000, Carl Municipal Water District Water Replacement Funds of $75,000, and S Transportation Development Act Funds of $52,000, as follows: Previously Appropriated CIP $2,000,000 Water Rep1 acement Fund 75,000 State Transportation Development Act Funds 52,000 TOTAL FUNDS $2,127,000 0 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. I I: '? 80 Upon project completion, the City will request reimbursements from twelve property owners along Tamarack Avenue who are obligated to pay an estin $200,800 in accordance with future improvement agreements previously establi with the City. When received, the funds will reimburse the PFF fund. It st be noted that reimbursements will not be made until after constructioi compl ete. EXHIBITS : 1. Location Map 2. Resolution No.?a-22/ approving plans and specifications, appropria funds, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for construction of improvements to Tamarack Avenue between Carl sbad Boule and Interstate 5, Project No. 3203. Engineer's report to Underground Utility Advisory Committee. Minutes from June 16, 1992 Underground Utility Advisory Committee meet 3. 4. 5. Utility Undergrounding Program. L% 1 2 m e RESOLUTION NO. 92- 221 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CAL 1 FORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPEC IF ICATIONS, APPROPRIATING FUNDS REVISING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 13 BOUNDARIES, ANI AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TH CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN CARLSBAI BOULEVARD AND INTERSTATE 5, PROJECT NO. 3203. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determ- necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct improvem Tamarack Avenue between Carlsbad Boulevard and Interstate 5, Project No and WHEREAS, plans, specifications, and contract documents for the fur for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and other e necessary or incidental for said project have been prepared and are on the Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the City Council the City of Carlsbad had previously appro $2,000,000.00 for said project; and WHEREAS, additional funds in the amount of $52,000 have been obtai the project and are available from the State Transportation Developm Funds; and WHEREAS, underground utility funds are available for Rule 20A fur recommended by the Underground Utility Advisory Committee. WHEREAS, construction for said improvements is a matter of public ne and safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ca California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans, specifications, and contract documents as pr are hereby approved. /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 3. That $52,000 from State Transportation Development Act Fur appropriated for Project No. 320-820-1840-3203. 4. That the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby author directed to proceed to publish, in accordance with law, Notice to Cont inviting bids for the construction of improvement to Tamarack Avenue I Carlsbad Boulevard and Interstate 5, Project No. 3203, in accordance w plans, specifications, and contract documents hereinabove referred. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsb Council held on the 7th day of July , 1992 by the followin to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard NOES: None- ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerjk (SEAL) . a 0 June 11, 1992 TO: UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMIITEE FROM: Richard Allen, Chairman REQUEST TO APPROVE UTILIlY UNDERGROUNDING ON TAMARACK AVENUE UNDER RULE 20A Background - Tamarack Avenue, from Carlsbad Boulevard to Jefferson Street, will be widenec to provide for a median, parking, curbs and gutters, sidewalks and utility undergrounding. Thc original project cost estimate was $2,000,000 including all the utility undergrounding. The projec is scheduled to start construction in September 1992. Request - Current construction cost estimates indicate that the total project cost may exceed thc budgeted amount by up to $300,000. Therefore, the City Engineer has requested that the portior of the work done by the utility companies be done under Rule 20A, rather than paid for from Cio funds. Analvsis - The current undergrounding costs are as follows: 1. City Contractor $61 0,000 2. SDG&E 255,000 3. Pacific Telephone 50,000 TOTAL $91 5,000 Under the current plan, all of the above would be paid for from City funds. If the district is don( as a Rule 20A project, the work done by the utility companies would be paid for by the utili9 companies out of funds they set aside for undergrounding. This would reduce the cost from CiQ funds to $61 0,000. SDG&E’s undergrounding fund for Carlsbad would be reduced by $255,000 The City received an annual allocation of $290,500 in January 1992 so this reduction would havt the effect of delaying future projects by about one year. As we are able to borrow ahead thret years, there would be no effect on the next several years’ projects. Proiect Rankinq - Under the previously adopted rating system, points were assigned to project! and then were listed on a qualification list. Tamarack Avenue, from Carlsbad Boulevard tc Jefferson Avenue, ranked as a Priority 3. Once State Street and Laguna Drive are completec (construction to start this summer), two Priority 1 projects remain: Monroe Street and Hardin! Street. Tamarack Avenue currently has 8 points. Now that it is in the Capital lmprovemen Program to be constructed, an additional 3 points may be added, which changes its rank to 1 Conclusion - Under the adopted ranking system, findings can be made to rank Tamarack Avenuc as the next project to construct with minimal delay to future projects. If the Advisory Committec approves this request, the recommendation will go to the City Council. W& RICHARD H. ALLEN, JR., P.E. Chairman RHA: j kb Attachments: 1) Utility Undergrounding Rating System 2) Utility Undergrounding Qualification List 3) Utility Undergrounding Program c: City Engineer Traffic Engineer Principal Civil Engineer, Dan Clark EXHIBIT 3 I LOCATION MAP \ VlClNlTY MAP . PROJECT# E PRoJECT NAME UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 13 UUD 13 345,000* Harding St. 630,000 (5' 0 0 1. I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ADVANCED PLANNING D Iv I s 101 UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING RATING SYSTEM 3 1 I 1 I Three Crossarms 3 I I 4 I 1 1 4 1 1 I I I 1. CONCENTRATION OF OVERHEAD Points One Crossarm 1 Two Crossarms 2 3 Two Crossarms and separate telephone 2. TRAFFIC VOLUMES a. Vehicular Averaae Dailv TriDs Points less than 1500 0 1500 to 5000 2 so00 to 10,000 3 more than 10,000 5 b. Pedestrian Traffic 0-3 3. CIVIC, RECREATION, SCENIC Points None 0 . Adjacent to civic area 2 Adjacent to park or recreation Adjacent to ocean with view In scenic corridor 5 2 2 3 Adjacent to school Points 4. OTHER FACTORS In Business District 2 CIP Project Scheduled in 5 Years 3 0-3 Committee Judgement REV. 8/24/88 RHA: rp P: I I * e, I I l I I I I waz ex -2 I Q sf 22 2% ST 8 L I I V uu u Iv) SE I c c ++ -- - - cc -I ;g ! 33 33 3 3 = v) +- la IW 1 88 X8 8 x s +-+ W O; ;G Tu-lCD Y1 u +-+ I I2; 1 ?-+ z ? 18 I la I I 1- ll- > - I 1- I 0 Id e---- WNCUNN mmmmnmm -www L1 L I- - IQ I I IO 000 IO 000 I 000 IO -0lO 2 0 .__ inmv 1.4 I.+ *YY la I+ IU Ill Ill 1 1-11 I leld ----- 0 z 1s i 1 lulr oo--w mmmm~) Q~JQQ~~Q wu)vw I Ill Ill I IOIO OmruNm ommmm ommom00 0000 I Irnlu, CVCUNNV) NOO" NOONONW oomo 1 1-t- -cUu-l-vJ -I?-" -Nmu-lmv- "OW 1-1 I 1 m+-+ 1-1 I IVY1 I I e+-+ 1ZI I k cJ3 I-l-lr mmwm- Nm-" NmN-W-OI (um-cu 1 ;x: ; ?- ? 14 I F a tu c -22 222 2 c 0 (5 1- i;;; ; 3; 3 CIC I I + Q) QO h I I I 0- am Q) 0 m 1- I. +-+ I I I t I v) 3 v) v) v)X > w - v) .I w .w -Y- GU = . mu zz W ;z Ql . -w lz i2 V; V; xga lo Iv) a0v 2 k 7w I 7 7- 8 2Iw 9 cd:- I g IC I -I= ;z y2: w v) Tv) . c +-+ a -1- ;i= :o 00000 00000 0000000 0000 IO 00000 00000 0000000 0000 IW NIT OW^ ~NOQ)~ mm-u-lnc~u-lw -amw IO Ww~u-lw mw- CU-hhQ)-N cum N Id -. 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Allen, Jr. Engineering Department Chairman Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92009 438-1161, Ext. 4389 UTILITY COMPANIES: Michael J. Holzmiller Patty Good Planning Director 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Bailey Noble 5470 Los Robles Drive 2075 Las Palmas Drive 438-4685 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 4901 Morena Blvd., Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92117 438-1161, Ext. 4430 581-71 19 Ralph Anderson Danny J. Buchanan Utilities & Maintenance Director 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 PACIFIC BELL 7337 Trade Street, Rm 5410 San Diego, CA 92121 438-7753, Ekt. 4106 586-3899 Debbie Fountain Walter Johnston Acting Housing & Redevelopment Director 2965 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 DANIELS CABLEVISION P.O. Box 344 Carlsbad, CA 92008 438-28 11 438-5241 CITIZEN Gordon Baker 2035 Charleen Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 729- 17 13 RI-Wjkb 6/09/92 0 0 MINUTES UNDERGROUND UTILIlY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 16,1992 11 :00 a.m. Engineering Conference Room Members Attending: Richard Allen, Engineering Department, Chair Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Bailey Noble, Planning Commission Gordon Baker, Citizen Patty Good, SDG&E Danny Buchanan, Pacific Bell Walter Johnston, Daniel’s Cablevision Mark Ables, SDG&E Bob Johnson, Engineering Others Attending: ......................................................... RICHARD opened the meeting and presented the request to move Tamarack Avenue up ii priority as requested by the City Engineer. He pointed out that when the priorit list was made in 1988, Tamarack Avenue was not scheduled in the Capit; Improvement Program. Now that it is, three (3) additional points could be adder ranking it along with other first priority projects. He further recommended that on1 the work done by the utility companies should be included in the Rule 20A fund and that the utility trenching and conduit work performed by the City’s contractc would still be paid for with City funds. The $255,000 of SDG&E work would b deducted from the City’s Rule 20A allotment, taking approximately one year’s wort of funds. stated that the City could borrow ahead up to five year’s worth of allocations. concluded by recommending approval of Tamarack Avenue as outlined as a Ru 20A project (further details are contained in the staff report, dated June 1 1, 1992 stated that Pacific Bell had no problem with the revision to the undergrounding i proposed. stated that the recommendation sounded reasonable and he was in favor moving Tamarack Avenue up in priority. PATpl RICHARD DANNY MICHAEL BAILEY concurred with Michael. EXHIBIT 4 e 0 UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 16,1992 Page 2 APPROVAL: It was moved by Michael, seconded by Bailey, that Tamarack Avenue, from Carlsbad Boulevard to Jefferson Street, be included in the Rule 20A program as outlined in the staff report. Motion passed 7 aye, 0 no. said that he had asked several times for the amount of betterments that SDG&E constructed on Carlsbad Boulevard, but had not had any response. said SDG&E is looking into that. It is a regional feed and there is probably some oversizing of cable that will be deducted from the undergrounding cost. She will advise when a determination has been made. said that as Tamarack Avenue, State Street, and Laguna Drive undergroundins designs are nearly complete, we should begin to look at boundaries for the nex two projects: Monroe Street and Harding Street. We should have another meetins in one or two months to review. said it would be a good idea to review the entire list and re-evaluate priorities. Ht said it would be nice to underground the overhead lines on Palomar Airport Road east of Interstate 5. concurred, but stated that about half that frontage was the responsibility of thc Huntington Beach Company to underground and he would not like to use Rule 20L funds if it means they get out of their obligation. RICHARD PATTY RICHARD MICHAEL RICHARD ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:41 a.m. Respectfully submitted, RI Chairman RHA: jkb C: City Engineer Traffic Engineer Attendees Committee Members . * e + ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAf UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM *Estimated based on 9% increase per year. **Completed November 1991. Ex1