HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-21; City Council; 11799; UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK AT 405 OAK AVENUE* % 0 rr s. 2 .. z 0 F 0 4 $ 5 0 0 r bAHL3LIWU - WUt:NU ILL - .;b DEPT. CITY I CITY I UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK AB#.-- TU MTG. DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. /21/92 U&M AT 405 OAK AVENUE Adopt Resolution No. 'i 2 -2 3 b transferring $15,000 from the Unencumberec Contingency Fund, $7,500 from the CMWD Retained Eamhgs Fund, and $7,50( from the Sanitation Enterprise Fund to the Vehicle Maintenance Fund, Accoun 001-620-5210-2493, and appropriating the total amount; and authorizing thc City Manager to execute an agreement with MV Environmental for the remova of the underground fuel storage tank at 405 Oak Avenue. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the testing and maintenance process of the City's underground fuel storagf tanks, it was discovered that the underground tank located at 405 Oak Avenue wa: leaking. Further investigation revealed that the ground water at this site wa: contaminated from this leaking tank. The discovery of the leaking underground tad required immediate notification to the County Hazardous Materials Managemen Division and the Water Quality Control Board. A plan for remediation has beer established with the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Management DivisioI by MV Environmental, Inc., the City's Hazardous Waste Consultant on this project. The 405 Oak Avenue Yard is the property of the Water Enterprise Fund. Water initiallj was the major tenant but has had a diminishing presence at that site over the years Presently there are no Water employees or affiliations at the yard, and there are nc plans for Water to return in the foreseeable future. Sharing the remediation costs wa: suggested as the most equitable solution to this problem. A detailed plan and an estimate of costs for remediation has been submirted to the City and has already met with County approval. This preliminary investigation and repor was conducted by MV Environmental. It is staff's recommendation that the CitJ proceed with this plan designating the current consultant as a sole source vendor Staffs recommendation is based on the Consultant's preliminary investigation, and tht fact that the plan has met with approval by the County. Additionally, M Environmental has already established effective working relationships with persons kej to this project, including staff from the County Hazardous Materials Managemen division, the Water Quality Control Board, and the City, and has completed several successful projects for the City. FISCALIMPALT: Removal of the tank and remediation of the contamination is estimated to cost $20,000 An additional $10,000 is requested for contingency. Implementation of staff: 0 0 PAGE2OFAB# //39t/ 1 recommendation would require that $1 5,000 be transferred from the Unencumberec Contingencies Fund, leaving a balance of $1,055,313; $7,500 be transferred from thc CMWD Retained Earnings Fund, leaving a balance of approximately $3,000,000; an( that $7,500 be transferred from the Sanitation Enterprise Fund. This combined amoun will be transferred to the Vehicle Maintenance Fund. Approximately $20,000 ha already been spent in the preliminary investigation of the contamination and thc definition of its limits. Future costs will be borne by the Vehicle Maintenance Fund an( will cost approximately $10,000 per year for the next five (5) years to continuall: monitor the contaminated ground water. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. w 2. 3. Cost proposal and letter of agreement for remedial action at 405 Oak Avenut Carlsbad, California, HMMD Case #H04977-001 Letter from County of San Diego, Hazardous Materials Management Divisior dated June 26, 1992 1 2 3 4 5 6' a RESOLUTION NO. 9 2 - 2 3 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TRANSFERRING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE REMOVAL OF LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AT 405 OAK AVENUE AND AUTHOEUZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH MV ENVIRONMENTAL TO COMPLETE THE WORK. WHEREAS, the underground fuel storage tank at the 405 Oak Aven 7 8 9 10, has leaked and contaminated the ground water; and WHEREAS, the County of San Diego and the State Water Quality Board have been notified of this contamination, and it is imperative to remove t I 11 12 13 14 15 1 16 ' 17 now; and WHEREAS, MV Environmental is qualified to perform the necessaI and WHEREAS, the estimate to remove the tank and remedi contamination is $20,000 plus $10,000 contingency; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of tht I 18 i Carlsbad as follows: 22 21 23 24 appropriate $1 5,000.00 from the Unencumbered Con1 Fund, $7,500.00 from the CMWD Retained Earnings FL $7,500.00 from the Sanitation Enterprise Fund to the 1 I i 27 28 1 w w 3. The City biv,,Lnager is authorized to execute an agreement with 21 3 4 5 Environmental for the removal of the underground fuel sto tank at 405 Oak Avenue. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the Cit Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 21st day of JULY , 1991 6; 7 8 9' I the following vote, to wit: AYES; Council Members Lewis 9 Kulchin, Nygaard NOES: None 10 11 12 13 I ABSENT: Council Members Larson, Stanton I? ~ 22 1 26 27 2a i I I 1 ~ e /-:pp+: a (Lluln1t-g uf $hut @ieiyu id %>&q.g&& OFFICE OF THE Dl P.0. BOX DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES SAN DIEGO, CA (619) 33 Fax #: 3 J WILLIAM COX MD, PhD STEVEN A ESCOBOZA DlREC I OR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT DIVISION P.O. BOX 85261 SAN DIEGO, CA 92186-5261 (619) 338-2222 June 26, 1992 Mr. Jack Dickens City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Dickens: RE: UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE #T2020/H04977-001 PUBLIC WORKS YARD, 405 OAK STREET, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 We have received and reviewed the recent update report, prepared by Environmental, Inc. (MV) and dated June 15, 1992, regarding the unauthori release from the underground storage tank at the above-referenced site. report states that the underground stora e tank is now empt and that you attempting to obtain funds to remove the 9 ank. The report a sy so reiterates y proposal to excavate contaminated soil and to monitor the groundwa contamination. MV roposes to monitor the groundwater on a quarter-annual ba We can appreciate your efforts in attempting to locate funds to complete required investigation and remediation. However, because the groundwater alread been determined to be contaminated and because the last samples obtai about off-site migration of the contaminant plume. You must, therefore, coll and analyze groundwater samples from these wells within thirt (30) days from all wells using acceptable purging and samplin procedures; analyz using the seven we f 1s which currently exist at the site. from t x e on-site wells were collected more than a year ago, we are concer receipt of this letter. This groundwater assessment includes: col r ecting samF samples for benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene i y EPA method 8020; i qual i fie ! surveyor. measurin groundwater elevations. Well-head elevations should be surveyed t Within forty-five (45) days of receipt of this letter, please submit a re[ which contains descriptions of the above activities, the results of san analyses, plot plans showing well locations and current roundwater gradiE Please submit a copy of the re ort to Mr. James Munch at t 4 e San Diego Regic Water Quality Control Board R QCB The RWQCB's address is 9771 Clairemont pi Blvd., Suite B, San Diego, tS A 92 ! i4. Please call me at (619) 338-2414 if you have questions regarding this matt€ Sincere , &(A-h RICHARD GILB, Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Division RG:eas cc: James Munch, RWQCB Bradley Crawshaw, MV Environmental, Inc, WP J0497 7G W S July 24, 1992 Mr. Bradley Crawshaw Project Manager MV Environmental, Inc. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, #lo0 Escondido, CA 92029-1229 RE: Agreement for Removal of Underground Fuel Storage Tank at 405 Oak Avenue The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of July 21, 199: adopted Resolution No. 92-232, approving the Agreement with I Environmental, Inc. for the removal of an underground fuel storac tank at 405 Oak Avenue. Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. 92-232 and a fully executc copy of the agreement for your files, dd&, Assistant City Clerk CMC KRK: ijp Enclosures ___ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-28( MV @VIRONMENTAL, INC. 0 EXHIBIT A 2450 Vineyard Avenue #I 00 Escondido, California 92029-1 229 61 9/480-9789 Fax: 739-0343 5017-90 (RM) April 9, 1992 Mr. Jack Dickens City of Carlsbad Fleet Operations 2480 Impala Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Cost Proposal for Remedial Action at 405 Oak Street, Carlsbad, California: HMMD Case #Ho4977-001 Pursuant to your request of April 6, 1992, we have prepared tk proposal to initiate remediation work at the referenced site. This cost proposal is based on the outlined scope of services our Work Plan dated August 26, 1991 presented to Hazardc Materials Management Division (HMMD) site specialist, Mr. Richa Gilb. On September 11, 1991 Mr. Gilb informed our office that t work plan met with their approval. The following is a breakdown of services to be performed in th phase: 1. MV Environmental, Inc. will file a permit application for t closure and removal of one 2,000-gallon underground storage ta (UST) with the Carlsbad Fire Department and the County HMMD. 2. We will employ a contractor with a 40-hour OSHA health a safety training certificate to demolish the pump islan excavate the 2,000-gallon fuel tank, and remove an estimated 1 cubic yards of gasoline contaminated soil using a trackhoe wi street pads. Once the island is removed and the tank exposed, a certified tank cleaner will dry ice the tank a clean it. The waste water resulting from the cleaning operati will be transported under manifest to the cleaner's facili where they have a discharge permit for disposal. A front e loader will be used to stockpile the excavated soils in appropriate location on-site as to not disrupt normal activi of the maintenance yard. 3. We will employ a mobile laboratory to perform on-site te analyses for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as well as benzen toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene concentrations on sampl collected from sidewalls and bottom of the excavation a stockpiled soils. approximately 15 to 18 feet below the surface. Sidewall a bottom samples will be collected during the excavation proce to demonstrate removal of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminat soils above the remediation action level (RAL) of 1000 mg/kg f soil in a non-beneficial groundwater use area. We anticipate removing soils to a depth Samples will 0 W City of Carlsbad Fleet Operations April 9, 1992 Page 2 analyzed in the mobile laboratory for Total Petroleum Hydrocar bons (TPH) using EPA Modified 8015 method with the highest TF sample being further analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) usiny ERA method 8920, 4. The estimated 150 cubic yards of contaminated soils will k stockpiled on-site at a designated area chosen by the flec operations manager. The soils will be randomly sampled bas€ on the countyls one representative sample per 25 cubic yards c soil. We anticipate collecting six random samples for analyses Samples will be analyzed for TPH, with the highest sampl further analyzed for BTEX using the above referenced test ar for organic lead content. The soils will be stockpiled on tk asphaltic concrete parking lot using a front end loader ar covered with six-mil plastic sheeting. 5. Once confirmation samples verify the removal of the highes contaminated soils, the excavation will be backfilled usir import rock and non-expansive soil - approximately 80 to 1C cubic yards of one to three-inch crushed rock to an elevatic of two feet above existing groundwater elevation. The remainir estimated 60 to 85 cubic yards of non-expansive D-G. soils wil be compacted and tested by MV Engineering, Inc.. An addendL compaction report will accompany our Remediation Action Repoi certifying the fill of the excavation. 6. Upon completion of the above stated scope of work, a detail€ report of our field activity, laboratory results, and recon mendations concerning the stockpiled soils will be provided. 7. Approximately 30 days after the removal of the contaminatc soils has been completed, we propose to develop and sample ti seven groundwater monitoring wells at the site. Purged watc will be contained in 55-gallon drums, labeled, and left on-sitc They are the responsibility of the generator. The groundwatc samples will be collected according the county guidelines ar stored in a cooler on blue ice prior to transport to a certific analytical laboratory accompanied by the proper chain-of-custoc forms. Each sample will be analyzed for TPH and BTEX using EI method 8015/8020. All site activities, permits, sample collection, and analysj procedures will comply with the current guidelines and regulatior in effect for the County of San Diego. Upon completion of the groundwater sampling activities and receil of the laboratory analysis, MV Environmental, Inc. will issue thrc copies of the Remediation Action Report to the client and one coy MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC 2450 VINEYARD AVENUE #lo0 ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92029-1229 * 61 HAZARDOUS WASTE INVESTIGATIONS SOIL & GROL4DWATER REMEDIATION FNVIRONMI e 0 City of Carlsbad Fleet Operations April 9, 1992 Page 3 of the report tothe County Hazardous Materials Management Divisio (HMMD) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). W anticipate four to five weeks from the execution of the proposa to complete the Remediation Action Report and two to three week for the Groundwater Report after sample collection. In order to complete the herein-stated tasks, we estimate a tota cost of $20,580. This estimate is based upon the followin provisions: 1. MV Environmental, Inc. will exercise due care in locating on site utilities but will not be responsible for damage to the in the absence of accurate information regarding their location 2. Groundwater developed from the monitoring wells will b contained in 55-gallon, DOT approved drums, labelled, and lef on-site. Disposal of the drums and their contents is th responsibility of the property owner. 3. This cost estimate may be altered due to circumstances othe than those anticipated being encountered in the field. Shoul the scope of work outlined above require changes, we will notif your contact person and obtain authorization prior t proceeding. Additional work beyond the scope described herein will be charge according to the current fee schedule (see attached). Subcontrac costs are charged'at cost plus 15%. We will schedule the work upon receipt of a signed copy of thi. agreement and $10,000 to initiate third party services. Thl remaining charges will be due upon issuance of the final report MV Environmental, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to submit thi proposal and looks forward to working with you on this project. MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Phone: (619) 434-2821 Project Manager BWC/kmh a: 5017-90RM.pro MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC * 2450 VINEYARD AVENUE, #IO0 ESCONDIDO. CALIFORNIA 92029-1229 61: HAZARDOUS WASTE INVESTIGATIONS so L a GROLNDVIATER REMEDIATION ENVlnONInr e e MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. SCHEDULE OF CHARGES AND CONDITIONS Effective July 1, 1990 The following charges for personnel, outside services, and testi will be applicable unless other specific written agreements ha been made with a duly authorized representative of I ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. prior tb commencing work. CONDITIONS MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. warrants that our services are perform within the limits prescribed by our clients, with the usu thoroughness and competence of the engineering profession. I other warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, : included or intended in our proposals, contracts, or reports. Pertinent conclusions and recommendations will be based upon tl data generated from surface observations, available subsurfac: excavations, and laboratory testing. No representations shall t made to the quality or characteristics of materials not observt and tested. Our conclusions and recommendations shall t consistent with the current standards of the profession at the tir the report is issued. All reports are written so as to meet the requirements of loca governing agencies; however, since state and local regulations ar subject to changing interpretations, MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. cannc guarantee approval of its reports by the agencies. Any additions work required after submittal of the initial report will be bill€ on a time-and-material basis. By executing your contract with MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC., riqht-of entry is hereby granted to us to perform the necessary work t complete the proposed site studies. INVOICES Invoices will be rendered bi-weekly or when the project i completed and will be due and payable upon receipt. Accounts mor than 30 days past due shall bear interest at the maximum lega rate. Any reasonable attorney's fees or other costs incurred i collecting delinquent amounts shall be paid by the client. k mobilization fee may be required at the time of authorization tc proceed with work. The amount will be determined for each specific project. MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC 2450 VINEYARD AVENUE, #lo0 ESCONDIDO. CALIFORNIA 92029 1229 61 9 HAZARDOUS WASTE INVESTIGATIONS SOIL & GRGVND'NATER REMEDIATION ENVinONMrb 3 * *' MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Schedule of Charges July 1, 1990/Page 2 OUTSIDE SERVICES In the event MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. requires outside services addition to our own work to satisfactorily complete a contrac such administration of a subcontractor, employment of outsi services, or rental of equipment will be charged at our cost pl 15%. OVERTIME Overtime hours (over eight hours per day) and Saturdays will charged at time and one-half; Sundays and holidays will be charg at double time. HOURLY RATES - PERSONNEL Principal Expert Witness/Deposition .......... $150.0 Project Expert Witness/Deposition ........... $130.0( Principal Engineer. .................. $105.0( Registered Engineer .................. $ 95.0( Certified Engineering Geologist ............ $ 90.0( Senior Staff Engineer ................. $ 75.0( Senior Staff Geologist. ................ $ 70.0( Project Manager . v e . . * 0 # I # I # . , # # , . $ 75.01 Senior Field Technician ................ $ 65.0C Technician/Staff Geologist. .............. $ 55.0C Drafting. ....................... $ 50.0C Clerical/Word Processing. ............... $ 35.0C Photoionization Gauge ................. $lOO.OC Water Level Meter/PH Conductivity Meter ........ $ 50.0C *4-hour minimum charge **one day minimum Charges are computed for the total time spent per project Field time is computed portal-to-portal, with a 2-hour minimu charge. Analysis of soils and groundwater for hazardous materials arl performed at a state certified analytical laboratory as l subcontract cost., The testing will be charged from the lab invoicl plus 15%. Tests for engineering properties can be performed 0: clean soils at our office. Please call for rates. MV ENVIRONMENTAL, INC 2450 VINEYARD AVENUE, #lo0 . ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92029-1229 6'9 HAZARDOUS WASTE INVESTIGATIONS FNWliONI.Akl SO L a GROLCDWATEA REMEDIATION