HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-28; City Council; 11821; Out of State Travel Request for Conference+I . CI=V OF CARLSBAD - AGEN-1 BILL ;,‘: c) 5 m l < < *“T~~;~~~~~~~~~LE TO AlTEND 1992 INVESTMENT IN EXCELLENCE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9a-34$ authorizing the Library Director and one additional staff member to attend the Investment in Excellence International Facilitator Conference in Seattle, Washington, August 5-8, 1992 and appropriating funds. ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council is being asked to approve out-of-state travel for the Library Director and one additional staff member to attend the Investment in Excellence International Facilitator Conference. Library Director Cliff Lange has received the Facilitator of the Year Award for Government and is a nominee for the 1992 Facilitator of the Year Award. As part of this conference in Seattle, the winner of the overall category of Facilitator of the Year will be announced. Additionally, the City has been awarded scholarships to attend this conference. The Investment in Excellence Program was implemented by the City’s Organizational Excellence Committee in 1988. Mr. Lange was one of the first City employees to be trained as facilitator for that program which utilized video tape and an in-house facilitator to train employees. Mr. Lange was also instrumental in establishing the City’s Organizational Excellence Committee, which is the Committee that has been responsible for implementation of the Investment in Excellence Program in Carlsbad. FISCAL IMPACT Lodging, meals and airfare will cost an estimated $1,500.00 for two people. Funds are available in the Human Resources Department Organizational Development budget. EXHIBITS wp B 1. Resolution No. 9 2+2yz authorizing two staff members to travel to Seattle, Washington to attend the Investment in Excellence International Facilitator Awards - E 2 2. Ceremony. Letter of Invitation from the Pacific Institute. . . . l - ciiv THE PACIFIC INfTlTKKE@ July 2,1992 CEfcrd Thlge 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Clifford: Congratulations. You have been selected as a cate ory winner for the 1992 Facilitator of the Year Award. You were selected I! om a pool of nominations by a committee chaired by Dr. George Wilson, Director of Research and Development for The Pacific Institute. The Facilitator of the Year will be chosen and announced at the Facilitator Conference. A reception in your honor will be held on Wednesday, August 5 at the Washington State Convention Center. Sincerely, Hugh Doherty Operations Manager WATERFRONT PLACE 800 010 11 WESTERN AVENUE . SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98 104- 105 1 (206) 628-4800 l FAX (206) 587-6007 l USA (800) 426-3660 l Canada (800) 346-5454 .i H E P A.-3 I F I C IN ,TITUTE . c 1992 International Facilitator Conference Agenda This year’s exciting general sessions will feature Lou Tice and Dr. Albert Bandura addressing the role of per- ceived self-eflicacy and collective elIi- cacy in personal and orga&ational be- havior. Dr. Bandura will present some fascinating summaries of relevant re- search and Lou will discuss how this research interfaces with our curriculum in terms of practical application and end-results. Larry Olsen, extraordinary trainer of trainers, wffl seTye as Master of Ceremonies. For information regard- ing college credit for this conference, see page 12. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 1090 a.m. - 230 p.m.: Registration 230 - 5:OO p.m.: General Session l Opening Ceremonies l Welcome - Diane Tice, The Pa& Illstitute l Conference Overview-Lou Tice, The Pa&c Institute l Facilitator of the Year Award 5:00 - 7~00 p.m.: Reception to Honor Facilitator of the Year (on-site) THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 7:00 - 8:30 a.m.: Continental Break&t 8:30 - 1O:lO a.m.: General Session l Introduction - Dr. George Wilson, The Pacific Institute l Presentation - Lou Tice, The Pacific Institute and Dr. Albert Bandura, Stanford University 10: 10 - lo:30 a.m.: Break lo:30 - noon: Concurrent Workshops l A Systems Approach to Building Self-EfficacyinSchools-Dr.Mary Ann Kendall Mitchell, Superintendent of Schools, Shoreline District, State of Washington l Learning Styles: ATool for Under- standingDi%rences-Kathy Hand, EducationalConsultant&ljunctRhodes SdlOkU l Energizing Facilitators to Meet the Needs ofYour Company-Joe Welch, The Pacific Institute l Designing a Strategic Pianning Model for Your Company -Steve Moore, Chief Operating Officer, The Pacific Institute 1290 - 230 p.m.: Iunch (onvown) 290 - 3:30 p,m.: Repeat of morning workshops 3:30 - 3:50 p.m.: Break 3:50 - 5:00 p.m.: Topic Tables, A Net- workingExercise-JoLoveBeach,The Pacific Institute 6:OO - 930 p.m.: BBQ at the Tice home FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 7% - 8:30 a.m.: Continental Breakf& 8:30 - 1090 am.: General Session Lou Tice, The Pa& Institute and Dr. Albert Bandura, Stanford University 10:00 - noon: Concurrent Workshops l Maintainiug the Training - Dr. Dawn Winters, !%attle University, and Dr. CecilBell, UniversityofWashington l How To Promote The Pacik In- stitute Curriculum Internally for Best Results - Gene Wagner, The Pacific Institute l Games that Make Good Business Sense - Melanie Ways, Assistant to the Secretary of Labor, State of Ne- braska l Report From the Field - Alice Knauer, U.S. Department of Agricul- ture, Forestry Service l Report From the Field - Scott Wilkerson, The Carlisle Automotive Group 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.: Lunch (on your own) 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.: Concurrent Work- shops l Maintaining the Training - Dr. lawn Winters, Seattle University, and Dr. CecilBell,UniversityofWashington l TheAmericanDisabiiities Actand How It Affects Your Company - Lee Bussard, The Pacific Institute l Report From the Field - Com- mander Mike Appleby, Defense Logis- tics Agency l Games that Make Good Business Sense - Melanie Ways, Assistant to the Secretary of Labor, State of Ne- braska l How To Promote The Pa&c In- stitute Curriculum Internally for Best Results - Gene Wagner, The Pacific Institllte 390 - $20 p.m.: Break 3:20 - 590 p.m.: The Healing Forest: A Breakthrough Stragegy for TQM - Wayne Records, Digital Equipment Corporation SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.: wBn?ak&t 8:30-9:30am.:AnIntemationalReport -Jack Fitterer, The Pa& Institute 9:30 - lo:30 a.m.: Transition - Steve Moore, The Pacific Institute lo:30 - 11:OO a.m.: Break 11:OO a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: Creating Your Plan - Facilitated by Steve Moore 12:15- 12:3Opm.:Adjoum-Louand Diane Tice ti FACILITATOR NEWSLEITER . - RESOLUTION NO. 92-242 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIlY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING TWO STAFF MEMBERS TO TRAVEL TO SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TO AlTEND THE INVESTMENT IN EXCELLENCE INTERNATIONAL FACILITATOR CONFERENCE I AUGUST S-8.1992 I WHEREAS, the Pacific Institute is holding the Investment In Excellence i International Facilitator Conference in Seattle, Washington, August 5-8, 1992; WHEREAS, the City’s Library Director has been awarded the Facilitator of ~ the Year Award in the Government category; and WHEREAS, this award is recognition of the commitment the City has made to the Organizational Excellence Committee and the implementation of the Investment in l Excellence Program, and funds are available in the 1992-93 Human Resources Department Organizational Development budget to cover the estimated $1,500.00 costs of this travel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. I// II/ //I /If /II ill /I/ ill /ii 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That permission is granted to two staff members to travel out of state to attend the Investment in Excellence Facilitator Conference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 28th day of July, 1992 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard ATTEST: ALETHA L. RA (SEAL)