HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08-04; City Council; 11832; Yard Waste Collection ProgramP g E 3 2 0 5 4 $ z 3 o " extended the mandatory recycling implementation deadlines to October 1, 1992. However, following the June 22, 1992 Superior Court decision invalidating the EIR for landfill expansion, the Board rescinded its decision. Yard Waste collection became mandatory July 1, 1992. Staff began receiving feedback from pilot program participants almost immediately. Some residents found the bags to be difficult to handle and fill, difficult to transport to the curb, and not adequate in capacity. The pilot program coincided with the heavy rains in February, and many residents experienced bag breakage due to wetness. The City of Del Mar implemented a very similar program at the same time. However, Del Mar charged $15 for a bundle of ten bags. Pilot program participants, who learned through media reports of the cost of the Del Mar program, expressed strong opposition to a similar program in Carlsbad. The Del Mar program experienced difficulties similar to Carlsbad, and the Del Mar City Council discontinued the bag-based collection program. A random survey was sent to 200 pilot project participants, and approximately 50% were completed and returned. Overwhelmingly, participants are in favor of yard waste collection. However, reviews are nuxed on the bags. Suwey results, including sample comments, are attached as Exhibit 1. Due to the high cost of the bag-based program, and the problems associated with the convenience of the bag, staff recommends that it not be implemented on a citywide ,9 0 PAGE2OFAB# /),a3 basis. Staff has been meeting regularly with staff from the other North County cities to compare program information and pilot program costs. After considering other cities' experiences, a more appropriate and cost-effective method has been determined. The recommended program allows single-family residents to use their own refuse containers, thereby eliminating container costs as a program element. Residents will be given two large adhesive stickers to affix to their own refuse containers. Residents are to place yard waste in these containers and set out at the curb for collection on their regularly scheduled trash collection days. When designated containers are placed a few feet away from normal refuse containers, with the sticker facing the street, the refuse hauler knows these cans contain yard waste. The material is collected in a separate truck and hauled to the landfill to be ground into mulch. This material is available at the landfill free to residents, and the remainder is sold by the County to be used as boiler fuel. This yard waste collection program is similar to those operated by the Cities of San Diego, San Marcos, Vista, Escondido, Del Mar and Solana Beach As with previous recycling programs, a comprehensive public education campaign will be conducted prior to and in conjunction with the implementation. A letter from the City Manager will be mailed August 5, 1992. An issue of "Wastelines", the City's solid waste newsletter, will feature the yard waste collection program and will be mailed to all residents on August 17, 1992. Press releases will be sent to local newspapers. The stickers, along with a brochure detailing the program, will be distributed to residents during the week of August 24, 1992. Collection will begin the week of August 31, 1992, on regular trash collection day. Residents requiring additional capacity have a variety of options available to them. As is the current practice, residents may continue to tie tree limbs and twigs in four-foot sections not more than six inches in diameter. Residents may also use other refuse containers. Residents may also utilize the kraft paper bags, which will be available for sale at the Oak Street yard and Coast Waste Management at a cost of three for a dollar. Additional material is to be placed behind the two designated containers for easy identification. Using this method allows each customer a base level of service, yet remains flexible to accommodate fluctuations in volumes of yard waste generated. Residents may not place yard waste material in plastic bags. This may initially cause inconvenience to customers until they become acclimated to the new system. However, plastic interferes with the mulching/composting process, and de-bagging is extremely labor intensive. Yard waste material in plastic bags will not be collected. The proposed program will be performed by the City's contracted refuse and recycling collection agent, Coast Waste Management (CWM). CWM implemented the pilot program at no cost to the City, and holds the exclusive franchise for refuse and recyclables collection in the City. The current refuse and recyclables collection contract provides that the CWM shall collect yard waste, multi-family residential, commercial and industrial recyclables at the direction of the City. Therefore, no contract amendment is required. Fees will have to be adjusted to offset additional program cost. ' 0 0 PAGE 3 OF AB# 11: @3 % Yard Waste diversion from commercial entities and multi-tenant complexes will be set up on a case by case basis. FISCAL IMPACT: The implementation of this service is expected to increase the residential refuse rate by $1.68/month. However, the service will be provided at no cost to the City until the rate review process approved by Council on 07/21/92, and being conducted by Hilton Farnkopf and Hobson, is complete. The proposed rate is comparable to other cities’ rates offering similar service (see Exhibit 3). When the rate review process is complete, recommendations will be presented to Council. Staff anticipates increases to compensate CWM for the yard waste collection program, the multi-tenant program (which has thus far been provided free of charge), the increased tipping fee, administrative costs, and costs that may result from the San Marcos landfill closure. The total impact of these increases to the refuse rate will likely be in excess of $2.50/month (25%) for residential customers, with corresponding increases in the commercial rate. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. Pilot Yard Waste Program Questionnaire Results Yard Waste Collection Program Proposal Yard Waste Collection Cost Comparison 0 0 YARD WASTE COLLECXION PILOT PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE The City of Carlsbad 1. How many individuals in your household? 2.87 average 2. What is the approximate size of your property? -3- N/R 41 less than 1/4 acre - 24 1/4 acre 23 1/3 acre -8- 1/2 acre 3 3/4 acre 1 1 or more acres How many yard waste collection bags do you use in an average week? - 1 N/R 40 50.5 21 101.5 362 22.5 63 13.5 44 14.5 15 - 1617 Did you find the yard waste collection bags to be durable? - 4 N/R &NO BYES Overall, have you found using yard waste collection bags to be ... - 1 a chore 13 inconvenient 48 convenient 36 very convenient 3. 1.79 avg 4. 5. SAMPLE COMMENTS 6. "Inconvenient in the sense it was difficult to empty the cut grass from mowing container into the bag." "The bags are not easily picked up when full. Unlike plastic bags which one can squeeze and get a grip on for carrying, the bags you provide cannot be easily gripped even by a man. One needs to 'bear hug' the bags to pick them up. "Need to fit in trash can." "Fall over, rip, get wet, ugly in appearance, ran out of bags too fast." "The bags are just a little too tall; for convenience shorter would be better." With any moisture the bags deteriorate on the bottom." "...the bags are not good for tree and shrub cuttings because they tear easily. However they are ideal for grass cuttings." "It is ridiculous to use these large, obviously expensive bags a receptacles for landscaping refuse. They add a lot of unnecessary bulk to a landfill or a mulching operation. They are not marked as made from recycled material. Therefore, we assume a large number of trees are wasted in their production. This does not seem environmentally sound. As far as all the yard waste being made into mulch - we would not use mulch made from all the weeds of Carlsbad in our yard. We grow enough types of weeds of our If inconvenient and/or a chore, please explain why. OW. "In three weeks, we had used all 20 bags." Exhibit 1 0 e 7. In consideration of the fact that the City must provide yard waste collection service, what comments, concerns, or suggestions do you have for the most efficient and effective program? "Provide a large wheeled container or two dedicated to yard waste. This would be much easier for older people to handle." We feel that well-marked trash cans could be used for yard waste. It is not that much harder to empty a can into a truck. While the bags are convenient, they in themselves are adding to the problem of too much bulk and are causing the destruction of more forests. Even if they are made from waste wood, these wood products could be used for something besides mulch filler. Thank you for allowing us to participate in this experiment and survey. It was interesting." "Is it possible to give practical advice on compost heaps for small gardens?" "Your collection service is good. I hope in the future you will try to separate even more ... We need to do as much as possible to save our environment." "Get a better designed bag. Possibly a smaller one or one with handles." "Replace a new bag with each one picked up to make the use very convenient for all - We like it!" "What would the cost of the bags be per month? If very expensive for service fornet it." "I have purchased a composter, which handles most of the grass clippings. During winter months, I have less yard waste to dispose of and expect an increase to 2 bags per week during growing season May through August." "Keep up the good work! Don't stop this program. Expansion can only benefit us all. Think globally! Act locally!" "The bags are great! If bags are provided then a credit should be give to those who use their own , containers for yard waste." "I like the program and it gives a sense of doing one's part to help the environment." "Do what Oceanside is doing. Use a trash can with wheels. It's a one time cost." "Looks as though it's working reasonably well, better idea than the 'bar' park." "My question is what exactly is being done with the collected yard waste? Is it being composted in soil, mulched, burned or buried?" "How is our City's 'trash collecting contract' with this company's subsidiary? Any inflated overcharge possibility? Please check!" (In response to article titled Contract with Waste Manaxement under fire.) e 0 CARLSBCID YARD WASTE COLLECTION By Coast Waste Management, Inc. YARD WCISTE COLLECTION Proqram Overview The flat fee collection program will have the residents placing their separated yard waste material generated from their residence in an approved refuse/yard waste container 132 gallon handled container with lid and program sticker for yard waste collection). Residents will place their yard waste in the designated containers out at the curb with the program decal facing the street for easy identification of materials to be collected (trash or yard waste or both) as generated by the residence. Material generated will be from the residents stickered containers and will include collection of bundled yard waste placed adjacent to the stickered containers. Yard waste will be collected weekly by a seperate truck and coordinated with the collection of refuse and recylables. The collection of yard waste will be taken City wide in one phase and will not require staggered scheduling by community. Plastic bags will not be allowed as a container for yard waste in the City wide program at this time. Plastic bags do not allow the collector to identify the material until the bags are opened which can cause refuse material to be left without a container or have the yard waste load contaminated and possibly rejected at the County mulching site. Plastic bags may be allowed at a later date if the County purchases a debagger for the mulching site. We recommend in the interim to have the kraft bags available for the residents as an option for the large volume clean up projects or to have a special haul bin delivered. Kraft bags will be sold (3 cost (3 for a $1.00) at City and Company locations within the City. Materials being collected and removed from individual residences by landscapers have yet to be addressed. Proqram Materials We will be delivering to each resident two program decals, a cover letter, and a program brochure (Previously provided). Replacement program logos will be made available to the residents on an as needed basis. Prooram Promotional Plan The program will be announced to the residents through press releases sent to local media sources, an introductory letter and delivery of the program decal along with the program brochure. Program materials will be submitted to the City for review. Upon approval by the City Council, a press release will be routed to all local media sources. A follow up release will be sent the week prior to delivery of materials to residents. The letter, decals, Exhibit 2 0 e page 2. and brochures, will be delivered to the residents the week of July 27, 1992 for start up the first week of August, 1992, or on the indicated start date. Billinq for Services The service charge for the added collection program will be included in the billing. All solid waste services including refuse, yard waste and recycling will be billed in total on the residential bill. Proqram Enforcement Yard waste will be collected only from the designated containers or bundles. Any material left in plastic bags and unidentified containers will be collected with the trash. Material in plastic bags and readily indentified as yard waste material will be tagged with the City enforcement tags and left for placement into proper collection containers. Residents which continue to leave unsorted materials at the curb after the notification proceedure will have their name and address forwarded to the City compliance officer. EL i 14,726 1 $0.07 I I I 3.1 30/0 -! -! ,(]go ! QMC1TIONP.L COSTS j .I. (12 +; 2 f' r, F'T;t'K! 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ECT I f3i EA'i Mor1 d a y F I EST CDLLECTI 01.1 CAR1 .... SBAE '?CiF?E !z: I.f T.i pl A f L.. it CJ SI CjN IlP DEi-- I ?ER"{ i'jF ~~~i~[:I-~~..IRES & DECALS -,.. DEI- .I t,'ER'y' OF BR["~!i~I.-il...;F:E:S & fiEC&t-S DEiL 1 $JEF<'{ OF ERECt-!LlRES && C)Ecc;L.S BEL.. I {JEI?'y' flF FRI_7ct--ltlRES %!?< DECALS lii A S T E pt.ernher 1Y92 I -. -_ -- I ..---* 1- .- 1-1- -- -r i.-tec.d a~ F I EST COLLECT I Df.! CARLSBAD YARD Wed I-I e sd a y F I RST COL.l.ECT I E3N CARLSEAtD YARD w A s T E ws -r E I Thursday -. .. F I RST CC!Ll...EclT I ON CAF:LSBtlD YARD WASTE Friday F I F:ST IJCILL-ECT 1 Ut4 CAHISBATr 'YARD NASTE RLSBkD 'YFIRD lJASTE & BULKY 1 / 2ct 1 I 9 9 2 # HCRICS 1106 LE5 YWHH Xbqs EGS/TPOP 'AVG SWEG mv stop 62840 56.7 1 2050 3.1 40.8 339 23.7 1 18410 15.6 1 776 2.5 1 YW Wt lttags I 1 I I # Hmos j 1106 I th-vf stops 312 f t 1 E zcs7;=: 1 1105 i r1w stop5 1 i 27.8 $53 1 ricqs .- :VI SAlt 25522 LY . .a 548 1 5-E = i t I t # Hrrri~~ .r2! Wt 1 Eta5.2 th?.i stops # Hmas I iw Wt .._r I I rzkc stops 1 1 kbagr LAUD f I I I I 1 1106 18220 16.5 1 500 j 2.5 1 36.4 200 Tifiti StCFS I 51 e _.-. " I %bags 1 i 1 ! 1263 I 2.5 i L3. : ! i =L.8 I f7# SA4t 8 Hm=s I n.- $6$go i 11o5 i I ! - 866 I 26.8 / .-.*. c-.m I 1iGi; I L300U n.r I 543 I 34.5 j ?t 8mQs I 1-92 Wt ilG6 2.5880 'I I i tr1.W stoy t 1 I ! tt..,qr i I L3.4 1 796 2.3 I .22.s 541 1 ,.n ! sw Wt 2 1 E Homes ' i r1-g atop lbugs i t d i fib=:g= I 39.7 i282 3.0 94.2 ! .r2! Wt I I x PDrnOZ 3 43400 I I1O6 i I 1 -1 triX t;t D~S 4-21 / I EL=?= I 41.2 1453 I i yI# 'gt I 4 1 # Eornzz i I fix8 ItCFS 2.7! 31.4 530 I I ji-Z?Ai ztcps 2s. 0 520 ribcg: f i 53.7 1555 I 3.0 1 I ??A1 z&t 5 i k Bcrntcr 63889 j ! f i 1106 I I b 515 5 i 817 =I I I x 11i741 1 I MI 190,590 I ;E/ fiGE =I 34 i I I 3i 983 =im 90 i i WLY Y r' 0 e Residential Rates Services Carlsbad Del Mar Encinitas Solana Beach Refuse Collection $9.27 $9.80 $9.30 $9.50 Recycling $1 .oo $1.29 $1.19 $1.29 Total $11.95 $12.97 $12.20 $12.63 Exhibit 3