HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08-11; City Council; 11841; North beach area rest room construction. M C .rl TJ rl .rl P =r 2 FI 0 4 P u -d 3 TJ rd a (d w TJ aJ rn g U 0 -d F-l a 3r L, .ti d .rl 4-1 (d 0 U td w 5 ? a a, &I a .rl a, 0 0 0 U. n wrn wrl (d .rl urd rnu .d NF-l 0 NU 0 (67 d ;s a, TJ-0 a, Crn uaJ 7u Ga, 3aJ om V- c\l z m 0 F= 0 a \ d d \ co d 8 2 3 ClW OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL /v AB#E TITLE: DEPT CITY MTG. @-if -7s DEPT. &f? CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: REST ROOM CONSTRUCTION NORTH BEACH AREA Consider the recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Commission to construc rest room facility in the north beach area and direct staff accordingly. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the 92-93 Council budget hearing, there was discussion about providing a 1 room facility along the beach in north Carlsbad. Council suggested rest ro construction should be reviewed first by the Parks and Recreation Commission an1 recommendation be brought back to the Council for consideration. The rest room issue was brought before the Parks and Recreation Commission at tl July 20, 1992 meeting. Three (3) options, the costs, funding sources and a sugges location were discussed: Option A Pad with (2) portable units $ 30,00( Option B Pad with block building $ 97,00( Option C Pad with State prefab unisex model $125,00 Staff determined that the most suitable location for the facility would be between P and Walnut Avenue, east of the sea wall, adjacent to the existing shower structure State Parks and Recreation property. This subject location is also identified and i: compliance with the State Parks Beach General Plan. Presently, the State provides ( or two portable units at this site on a seasonal basis. Staff suggested the Commission consider and recommend Option B (pad with blc building), and that it be developed as a Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement proj funded through future designated park funds (PFF or PIL funds). After discussion and recognizing that there is a need for a rest room facility in the nc beach area, the Commission voted unanimously (6-0) not to use the Northwest Quadr park funds to build a rest room complex on property owned by the State. Rather, Commission recommended the City should encourage the State to provide hnds for si a facility. 0 Q Page 2, AB# 14 241 However, the Commission did state that if the rest room was to be constructed, that should have running water, meet A.D.A. requirements, and have hooks to hang towel or clothing on. If it is Council's direction to provide a rest room facility for public use on the State Park and Recreation property, staff recommends that the City enter into an operatir agreement with the State, build Option B, (pad with a block building) at an estimate cost of $97,000 and fund construction through the General Capital Construction fun( FISCAL IMPACX: The cost for a rest room facility along the north beach area has been estimated to rani from $30,000 for a portable unit to a high of $125,000 for a State prefab unisex mode Potential funding sources for the construction and the approximate amounts availat from each source include the following: 0 General Capital Construction fund balance $1,000,000 0 Contingency $1,000,000 0 General Fund Balance $6,500,000 It should be noted that these funding sources are the same as those that would available to offset any loss of revenues to the City due to the State's budget balanci proposals. Council may want to consider postponing their decision on this project UI the State has adopted their budget and the effect on the City is known. If Cour decides to proceed with the project, it is staffs recommendation that the General Capi Construction funds be utilized. Maintenance and operation costs are estimated to range from $3,000 to $11,000 1 year depending on the type of facility. These additional costs would be borne by i general fund. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. State Parks Beach General Plan Memo dated June 9, 1992 to Assistant City Manager e Y June 9, 1992 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR REST, ROOMS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES (BEACH AREA) The following information relating to a location suggestion and cost estimates for a rest roc facility at the beach area is submitted for your information. COST ESTIMATES OPTION - A OPTION - C c Pad with two (2) portable units Pad with State prefab unisex model $ 30,C $1 25,C OPTION - B Pad with block building $ 97,c OPTION - A (Portable Units) This is the least expensive of the three options. It would consist of construction of conc' pads with handicap access for (2) two portable units that would receive maintenance (3) tir a week. Cost Estimate: (. - . Excavation, retaining wall, foundation and access $25 c c Administration TOTAL $5 -2 MA1 NTENANCE OPERATIONS: . $: Rental of (2) two units per year OPTION - B (Block Wall Building) This option would consist of constructing a block wall type rest room approximatel' square feet, consisting of typical MEN and WOMEN stall concept with no dressing room An example of this type of construction would be the States rest room off of Tamarack A\ Cost Estimates: $ Excavation, retaining wall and concrete pad . 20" x 20' rest room building .. Fixtures . Pump system and installation I EXH 1 BI 1 c- 46 0 m 1 . _- Utilities 7,OO . Landscaping 1 ,oo Handicap access 10,oo I Administrative 25% 18,OO SUBTOTAL $ 72,OO -., Contingencies 10% 7,OC TOTAL $ 97,OQ Maintenance Operations: . Annual maintenance and operation $ 11,0( OPTION - C (State Prefab Unisex Model) This option would consist of constructing a rest room facility similar to the new State unis models located at the Moon Light Beach area in Encinitas and the just completed facilities the new parking lot located near south Carlsbad, off of La Costa Avenue. Cost Estimates: Excavation, retaining wall and concrete pad $ 15,o . (3) three units with handicap sections and sinks 50,O Pump system and installation 10,o J 0 Utilities 7,( Landscaping 1 ,( . Handicap access 1 O,( . Administrative 25% I 23,( SUBTOTAL $93,C . Contingencies 10% 9,( TOTAL $125,( Maintenance Operations: Annual maintenance and operation $11,' LOCATION In discussing the location of a rest room facility in this subject beach area with the State Pi and Recreation officials, we have found that a location has been selected in close proxi of the Split Pavilion. According to the San Diego Coastal State Park System General Plan, page 65, two locat have been delineated for comfort station replacement. Station 1 is located between Pine 2 I;; 47 , m e c -8 Walnut Avenue, while Station 2 is located between Acacia and Cherry Avenue, both were contingent on beach replacement and installation of beach protection devices and were to be portable units. In checking with the area state officials, they indicated that there are no funds identified in the Master Plan for any improvements along the Carlsbad coast. Staff recommends that if a rest room facility is constructed that it be located between Pine anc Walnut Avenue, east of the sea wall walkway, adjacent to an exiting outdoor shower fixture. COMMENTS In constructing a rest room facility along any beach area, there are a number of issues tc consider: , -e_? r . 1-1 Coastal Permits ‘ .\ Availability of Utilities ADA Handicap Requirements and Access . . Vandalism I Undesirable Actives 0 Slope Stabilization Liability I Storms/Hide Tides % Maintenance and Operation Costs \ It should be noted that a more detailed analysis of cost and construction feasibility would k required for such a venture. If you have any questions, please call me at your convenienc 5P DAVID BRADSTREET Attachment C: Library Director Parks Superintendent City Engineer Municipal Project Manager Bill Faite - State Parks and Recreation Department d. 3 L 48