HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08-11; City Council; 11842; MASTER PLAN REPORT FOR ALTA MIRA COMMUNITY PARKCw OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL '/ u i !. I I I AB # /( &YL (TITLE: IDEPT. I MTG. 8111/92 DEPT. PER MASTER PLAN REPORT FOR ALTA MlRA COMMUNITY PARK CITY A' CITY MI I I I /RECOMMENDED ACTION: 855 Adopt Resolution No."- accepting the Master Plan Report for the City of Carlsbad's development of Alta Mlra Communlty Park and approving recommended park design "Alternative A-2." ITEM EXPLANATION: a 2 OE a. a 4 The Parks and Recreation Element of the City's General Plan identifies Aka Mira Community Park as the first major facility to be developed in the southwest quadrant of the City. Responding to both current and projected needs for parks and recreation facilities in this quadrant, the City has appropriated funds in the 1991-92 and 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program budgets for master planning the park and development of phase one (1) of a multi-phased plan. In 1991, the City of Carlsbad entered into an agreement with The Dike Partnership, Incorporated, for preparation of a comprehensive Master Plan for Aka Mira Community Park. The Master Plan report has been completed and is ready for review by the City Council. At this Council meeting, City staff will review the history, process, major issues, and alternatives outlined in the Master Plan document which is submitted for acceptance. Additionally, staff will present the recommended project development alternative, referred to as "Alternative A-2". In developing the Master Plan alternatives for Aka Mira Community Park, input from Parks and Recreation Department staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission, surrounding property owners, and the general public was solicited. On March 1 1, 1992, an "open house" was held at the Public Safety and Service Center where approximately 200 people from the area surrounding the future park attended and reviewed the various park layouts, asked questions of the design team and provided input on the numerous park program components. The information presented at the open house 1 culminated in the presentation of three park design layout alternatives, "A', "6" and "C" Based on input from the public, and review by staff and the consultants, a consensu5 was reached to pursue "Alternative A'. The general concept of "Alternative A" was tc feature a large central passive greenbelt surrounded by active park uses. I z 0 F 0 a Alternative "AI was further refined into two variations, ."A-l" and "A-2'. As will be reviewed at this Council meeting, the park program components for "Alternatives A-I' and "A-2" are virtually identical. The only two (2) differences between these variation: are that "A-1 It provides a total of two (2) baseball/softball fields and a slightly large1 unstructured, open area in the center of the park. Alternative A-2 provides a total o three (3) baseball/softball fields and a slightly lesser amount (by approximately on( =! 0 acre) of unstructured, open area in the center of the park. z 3 0 0 I Page 2 of m# 11, &@ w On April 20, 1992, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved the concept of "Alternative A" but were split 3-3 (with one member absent) on whether to recommend "A-l", or "A-2". The primary issue of discussion centered around the importance of an additional ballfield Yersus a larger central open space, Staff recommends Alternative "A-2" because the additional baseball/softball field in "A-2" is needed to meet the city wide and quadrant adopted park standards for ballfields. The preliminary park program for the 42 acre Alta Mira Community Park ("Alternative A-2") includes the following amenities: Proposed Phasing; Schedule 1, Community Center/Gymnasium (22,500 square feet) 3 2. Tennis Complex a. Clubhouse (2,800 square feet) 2 b. One (1) Tournament (Center) Court w/Seating 2 c. Ten (10) Tennis Courts (Lighted) 1-2" d. One (1) Warm Up Wall 2 3. Ballfield Complex a. One (1) Adult Baseball Field (Lighted) 1 b. Two (2) Youth Baseball/Softball Fields 1-2" (Lighted) 4. Soccer Complex a. One (1) Adult Size Soccer Field (Lighted) 1 b. Two (2) Overlay Youth Soccer Fields (Lighted) 1-2" C. One (1) Enclosed Soccer Field (Lighted) 2 5. Hardcourt Complex a. Four (4) Half Court Basketball (Lighted) 1-2* 6. Tot Lots a. One (1) 2 - 5 Year Olds Play Elements b. Two (2) 6 - 9 Year Olds Play Elements 7. Passive Area a. Two (2) Covered Picnic Areas b. Fifteen (15) Picnic Tables c. Two (2) Horse Shoe Pits 8. Miscellaneous a. Two (2) Golf Tee Off Cages b. Two (2) Batting Cages c. One (1) Sand Volleyball (Lighted) 1-2" 1-2" 1 1-2" 1-2" 1-2* 1-2* 1-2" Page 3 of AB# //, 8 rn m Pro osed P Phasing Schedule 9. Buildings a. Two (2) Rest Rooms b. One (1) Snack Barmest Room c. One (1) Maintenance 1-2" 1-2" 2 10. Parking (412 Cars) 1-2" *The amenities for portions of either Phase I and/or Phase I1 will be added depending on available funds. Staff intends to return to the City Council within the next thirty (30) days with the completed design agreement with The Dike Partnership for Phase one (l), project schedule, and a general outline of the components proposed to be constructed within the Phase 1 budget. Tentatively, at this point, Phase I will consist of grading the entire 42 acres to include required utilities and underground infrastructure, construction of a lighted soccer and baseball/softball field, rest room facility, some tennis courts, tot lots, passive picnic area, parking and will provide access off of the soon to be constructed Hidden Valley Road. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council has previously appropriated a total of $3,087,000 for the first phase of Alta Mira Community Park in the 1992-93 fiscal CIP budget. Additionally, the City Council appropriated $750,000 in the same CIP for the design and construction of adjacent Hidden Valley Road which will provide permanent access to the park site. These funds are proposed to be utilized by the City to construct the road subject to full reimbursement by adjacent property owners. An agreement outlining these issues is currently being negotiated with three (3) surrounding property owners and will be the subject of future City Council review and approval. There will be no maintenance and operation impact this fiscal year, however, when Phase I of the park is completed, the maintenance and operation impact will range from $8,000 - $10,000 per acre per year. Park Phasing; Total Fiscal Year Phase I Development $3,087,000 92-93 Phase11 Development $3,900,000 2002+ Phase I11 Com.Center/Gym. $3,000,000 2002+ TOTAL $9,987,000 EXHIBITS: I. Location map. -$${ 2. Resolution No. Y% accepting the Master Plan Report for Alta Mira Communi9 Park and approving Alternative A-2. 3. Illustrative Plan for Alternative A-X. 4. Illustrative Plan for Alternative A-2. - LOCATION MAP I mu PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD \\" POINSETTIA LANE LEGEND 0 AREA TO BE IMPROVED ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... PROJECT NAME EX1 PROJECT # ALTA MlRA PARK 3348 * ll 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 92-255 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE ALTA MlRA PARK MASTER PLAN AND APPROVING ALTERNATIVE A-2 PARK DESIGN. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has hired the Dike Partnership Incorporated (consultant) to prepare a master plan for the development of the Aka 7 Mira Park, and 8 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has held public hearings and 9 gathered public input regarding the Aka Mira Park Master Plan, and 10 WHEREAS, the consultants have prepared, with input from the I.1 // staff and the general public, a Master Plan document, and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Aka Mira Park Master Plan outlines the I.4 I proposed development of the park in it’s entirety, and l5 /I WHEREAS, the Aka Mira Park Master Plan conforms to the 16 Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan, and 17 WHEREAS, the Aka Mira Park Master Plan contains two (2) alternatiw l8 parks plans, referred to as A-1 and A-2; 19 I 20 21 /I 22 // 23 24 /I 25 26 27 28 I1 *e 1 a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 1 of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 2 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 3 2. That the Aha Mira Master Plan which is incorporated herein by 4 reference , is accepted. 5 6 7 3. That the park design alternative referred to a "A-2" in the Master Plan is approved. 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting g of the City Council of Carlsbad on the 11th day of AUGUST of 1992, by 10 11 the following vote, to wit: 12 14 13 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard NOES: None 15 16 17 18 1 ABSENT: None 19 1 20 ATTEST: 21 22 & Lv ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 23 24 25 26 27 CC RES0 NO. 92-255 -2- 20 1 0 a - 0 g: d - .& c EXHIBIT 3 n arm m d mwl- Eo Q) E 8- .d e 0 n 4 - w g; EXHIBIT 4 U =-a m d mar- 03 0):