HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08-18; City Council; 11855; CCVB 3rd quarter report (1991-92)U M 0 a 0) !-I 0) 5 a 0) U a a, V V a 4 .rl 2 3 0 V Z 0 a E d z 3 0 0 c/ U -- ----- -- I. ---- V" AB# )/,e55 DEPT. t MTG. ~/i~p? CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU CITY A CITY Mc DEPT. JTN RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and File Report. THIRD QUARTFR REPORT - 1991-92 lTEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitois Bureau (CCVB) has submitted their third quarterly report for the fiscal year that runs from October 1,1991, through September 30,1992. This report covers the period from April 1, 1992 through June 30,1992. Revenue received by the CCVB for the period totals approximately $60,000 while expenses total $62,000, resulting in a deficit of $2,000. CCVB revenues for all the three quarters ending June 30, total $154,000 while expenses total $169,000 for a deficit of $15,000. Although expenses exceed revenues for the periods mentioned, the CCVB has not yet requested the entire reimbursement amount for program costs. It is anticipated that the remainder of these funds will be disbursed during the fourth quarter. The table below shows the total revenue to the CCVB for the first three quarters, and includes the amount of funds the City has provided. The third quarter is highlighted and shows that the CCVB received a total of $60,000, with the City's portion of that totaling $52,000. Year to date CCVB revenues total $154,000, of which the City's portion totals $128,000. Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau Total Revenue through June 30,1992 r FYTD Am 1 st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter Total Avai CCVB Revenue From City Administration 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 21 Matching Program 0 5,000 12,000 17,000 6! Unrestricted Program 0 11,000 10,000 21,000 Total City 30,000 46,000 52,000 128,000 9 Other Revenue 6,000 12,000 8,000 26,000 Grand Total $36,000 $58,000 - $60,000 $1 54,000 $9i Values rounded to the nearest thousand Expenses for the third quarter totaled $62,000. The two largest expenditures, at $29,000 each, were for administration and for advertising. Other expenses for the quarter include a tourism video, brochures and a familiarization trip for travel agents and writers at approximately $1,000 each. Within the unrestricted program area, the agreement includes a budget of $10,000 for the promotion of community events. Approximately $8,000, fiscal year to date, has been spent on advertising and promotion of the Carlsbad 5000, Triathlon, May Village Faire and the appearance of a Japanese Dance Group. I * 7 0 0 PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. 4 fs5 The quarterly report identified nine activities in which the CCVB was involved, and include hosting a group of six travel writers, being a major sponsor of the annual Volksmarch and trandating the tourism video into Japanese. American airlines invited Steve Link to make a presentation to their reservation agents about the American Eagle flight service to Carlsbad. FISCAL IMPACT The City's agreement with the Chamber of Commerce establishes $225,000 as the total amount of funding, with $118,000 designated for administrative costs and $107,000 designated for programs. Of the program funding, $25,000.requires matching contributions from other sources. These amounts were appropriated within the 1991-92 budget, with the balance canied over into the 1992-93 budget. ExHIBm Third quarter report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitois Bureau for fiscal year 1991- 92, dated July 28, 1992. 0 . ,. c ARLSBAD 0 I. CALIFORNLA July 28, 1992 Debbie Neville Senior Management Analyst City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Debbie: Attached is a synopsis of the major activities of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau from April 1 - June 30, 1992. If you need additional information, please let me know. finance Dept. I Manager Encls. Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 Carlsbad, CA 92018-1246 (619) 434-6093 Dlr ision of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce e .- 0 .. April 1-June 30, 1992 INCOME City of Carlsbad $51,834.30 County of San Diego 2,359.20 - Sales OE items in depot 279.25 - Co-op program with hotels 5,070.85 - Interest on bank account 90.78 - Special promotions 25.00 Total Income $59,659.38 EXPENSES Administration $28,871.00 ' Programs Advertising 29 , 199.11 Video 1,098.37 Travel Shows 750.00 Brochures 1 , 054.82 Fam Trips 1,441.39 Special Events -0- Total Expenses $62,414,69 ACT1 VITIES April: The ConVis published a 20-page booklet that lists the amenities of 47 North County hotels and a description of things to see and do in North County Sixteen thousand were published. More than 8,000 were mailed to selected travel agencies in the western United States and British Columbia. will be distributed at travel shows. fee charged each participating hotel and a grant from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. April 7-10: Steve Link and a dozen representatives of the hospitality industry in North County traveled to Phoenix and personally visited more than 140 travel agencies. They presented each agency with a packet of information about North County. On the final evening they hosted a trade show/reception for about 65 travel agents. The rest This project was entirely paid for by a April 13-17: Six travel writers were hosted by the ConVis. The group took a hot air balloon ride over the flower fields, received a spa treatment at LaCosta, rode jet skis at Snug Harbor, toured the Floral Trade Center and shopped in the Village. Their transportation, lodging, meals and activities were all provided at no cost to the ConVis or the travel writers. .. 0 0 April 24-25: ConVis is the major sponsor of the annual Volksmarch in Carlsbad. Approximately 400 people from eight states and British Columbia participated in the 10-kilometer walk that started and ended at the old depot May: During the month, the ConVis hosted several travel writers including a writer €or Physicians Magazine, four travel writers from Australia brought to Carlsbad by the California Office of Tourism and Vacations, a Japanese magazine. May 12-14: Steve Link led a group of 10 representatives of the North County hospitality industry to Las Vegas where they personally visited 140 travel agencies. The group hosted a trade show/reception on the final evening that was attended by more than 50 travel agents. May 15-17: Anaheim. The show was restricted to travel agents. More than 1,700 from throughout the United States attended the show. June: The popular Carlsbad tourism video was translated and dubbed into Japanese. agencies that bring Japanese to California as well as Futtsu, our sister city June 25: about Carlsbad and American Eagle service to Carlsbad to several hundred reservation agents at the American Airlines Reservation Center in Tucson. March, Steve made the same presentation at the Reservation Center in Dallas and American Airlines wants their agents at all centers in the United States to hear the presentation. ConVis manned a booth at the Travel Age West Travel Show in The video will be distributed to Japan Travel Bureau and other Steve Link was invited by American Airlines to make a presentation In -2- 0 .. 0 .. VISiZ02 IXFO,W?TiON sup~ny April 1, 1992 - June 30, 1992 CA. resident Out or' CA Foreicn Total fo vis ico rs visitors visitors month April 603 1,249 209 2 ,061 May 668 994 120 1,782 June 62 8 1,095 205 1,928 3 month totals 1,899 3,338 534 5,771 Uove figures represent one member of funily and/or group TOTALS April May June Phone inquiries 1,826 1,571 2.536 5,933 Mail outs 1,847 1,502 2,536 5,885 Travel aqent 270 230 190 690 mail outs a e cONVIS Travel writers explore Carlsbad’s chai Travel-Holiday, Pori2 Oregonian, Toronto Sf[ several other Canadi: German newspapers few of the publicatio1 sented by a group of writers who spent fiv Carlsbad in mid-Apn ing information for itl plan to write. ‘We scheduled this coincide with the flo~ in bloom,” said Cleta ConVis director of px relations. ’While thei here were packed wii ties, one of the most I the flower fields.” ”They experienced range of activities Ca to offer,” Wright coni ‘“hey enjoyed a spa at La Costa, rode jet s Snug Harbor, and Ka tiansen gave them a I tour of Carlsbad. The visited the Floral Tra Quail BotaNcal Gard San Luis Rey Missior course, they were gil browse in the Village Wright. This was a great co Thanks for local support effort,” said H~~ w We are pleased to acknowledge chairwoman of the C the following companies for their Advisory Board. ”Th support of this program: tation, lodging, meal *American Airlines activities were all pr( *American Eagle Airlines no cost to the ConVir *Avis Rental Car Agency travel writers. It is a 1 *Beach Terrace Inn designed program to *Caldo Pomodoro Carlsbad to world re *California Dreamin’ Balloon journalists at little co Adventures Annie Rykoski of I: *Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort Communications sel oDini’s By The Sea travel writers, contac *Fidel’s Norte and arranges for thei *La Costa Resort & Spa Carlsbad. She develc *Neimans extensive news rnd *Tamarack Beach Resort while performing sir *Snug Harbor with Air New Zeah *Tip Top Meats California Office of 1 was a hot air balloon Presenting the writers with souvenir T-shirts at a reception at the Carlsbad Inn are, at right, Lee Bohlmann and Tony Howard-Jones. Crew members prepare for hot air balloon flight over flower fields. 14 May,1992 CarLsbad Business Journal 0 0 CONVIS North County volunteers descend on Phoenix 1 N. Cou: voluntc visit tri agencit On a twoday sales mission to sales director. “So it was easy to hold their attention when we taIked about the beach.” ‘We pointed out that we are an who plan to visit the San Diego area this summer,“ said DuDeck. The sales mission concluded with a reception and trade show featur- ing displays of North County communities. Eighty-one travel agents attended the show to learn about sending their clients here. The sales mission is a project of the North County Tourism Market- ing Group and was funded in part by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Each participant paid their own expenses plus a fee. The next sales mission will be to Las Phoenix in early April, 12 represen- tatives of the hospitality industry in North County personally visited 150 travel agencies. attractive option to offer their clients i ‘We notified the agencies in advance of our visit,” said Steve Link, ConVis manager. ”Then we formed six teams, each to visit 25 agencies.” On the final sales nu the summer tourist se representatives of the to Las Vegas, May 13 personaIIy visited 14( aes. 1 believe the numb from Las Vegas has b this past year as resid agents there become 1 our area,” said Steve “In the past 14 mon manned our Carlsbac trade shows in Las V two sales missions to agents and advertim in the Las Vegas Joun The population of I approaching one mil statistics show that S second to Los Angel6 destination for Las V ’The temperature e both days we were tf. Link. “So the agents were already seekin1 i destinations for theb 1 showed them that tk i inNorthCountyare options to offer thei~ The sales mission ( a reception and trad ing displays of Nortl The sales mission ‘ the North County T by the San Diego Cc Supenrisors. Each p their own expenses industry in North Cot “At each agency we told them about the advantages of booking their leisure and business clients into North County hotels. We also gave each agency a packet of information touting North County communities, attractions and hotels,” said Link. the 90s when we were in Phoenix,” said Carol DuDeck, Carlsbad Inn Vegas, May 13-14. manager. I ‘“he temperatures were already in .)I.*. _- Carlsbad is touted at travel agent conference Direct mail, sales missions, and trade shows are all components of a ConVis marketing program to inform travel agents of Carlsbad’s charms. agents mingle with the public, gathering information about vaca- tion destinations. Some travel shows, such as the TravelAge Trade Show in Anaheim, are limited to just travel agents. This permits representatives of the vacation destinations to provide the agents need. The two-day show was held in conjunction with a conference for travel agents. More than 1,700 travel agents attended the conference. ’We talked to agents from throughout the United States, but primarily from Southern California,” said &Deck. “X was pleased with how eager they were to learn about Carlsbad. A surprising number of travel agents from nearby cities approached our booth. They were seeking information on possible sites for small meetings, reunions ”The travel agents we talked to anticipate an increase in travelers improves,” said DuDeck. ’They are looking for vacation opportunities to recommend to their clients.” At most travel trade shows, travel specific information the travel and weddings. communities. Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations, and Carol DuDeck, this summer as the economy ing Group and was Carlsbad IM director of sales, worked in the Carlsbad booth at the TravelAge Trade Show last month. before visiting the big CI From Japanese execut physicians, to upper-inc lians, the message will b “Visit Carlsbad.” American Airlines personnel briefed on Carlsbad’s chms American Eagle Airlines to make a presentation to the 1,300 reservation agents at the Airlines Reserva- tion Center in Tucson on June 25. Link spoke on Carlsbad as a tourist destination and American Eagle’s service to the community. In March, Link made the same presentation at the h€?riCan Airlines Reservation Center in Dallas. The presentation increases the reservation agents’ awareness level of Carlsbad to heIp them in dealing with travel agents and travelers throughout the United States. Steve Link, ConVis manager, was invited by - ConVis publishes facilities guide Colorful flower fields adorn the cover of a 20-page booklet that lists the amenities of 47 North County hotels and a description of things to see and do in North County. The ConVis, with input from the other members of the North County Tourism Marketing Group, designed and published the booklet. More than 16,000 were printed. Initially, a mailing is being done to l0,OOo selected travel agencies in the western US. and Canada. '"his booklet will show travel agents the whole spectrum of lodging available in North County," said Steve Link, ConVis manager. "I am sure they will be impressed with the variety of activities and attractions as well." trade shows. The booklet was financed in part by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Each participating hotel paid a fee to be included. The remaining 6,000 are being distributed on sales missions and at ~- and ended at the Visitor In tion Center in the Depot. "In contrast to the Carlsb with runners dashing throl downtown streets at worlc times, the participants in tl Volksmarch had several hc complete the 10 kilometers Cleta Wright ConVis direr3 public relations. "At a leisurely non-comp pace, the participants took to browse in the shops and regarding the friendly villa atmosphere and the beauti weather." lunch. They expressed con said Steve Link, ConVis manager. "It quickly conveys a travel here or send others here." charming image of our community to those who may A-))tJJ\'y FT@fi>tbU