HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-01; City Council; 11873; APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING AGREEMENTS FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT&@ at' LC 3 d x & 9 2 .. 2. 0 F 0 a 4 5 z 3 0 0 CI-r( OF CARLSBAD - AGENm BILL T:$ ~+J~.fj~,& r- y AB#//.!? TITLE DEPT: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING AGREEMENTS C~TYA CITY II MTG. 4 il /92 FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT DEPT. ENG RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 92-235 approving Amendment No. 1 to an exi reimbursement agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the City of Los An and Amendment No. 2 to an existing engineering design agreement between the of Carlsbad and Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Incorporated, regarding the Batiq Lagoon Enhancement Project. ITEM EXPLANATION: On July 22, 1992, the City of Los Angeles, acting through its Board of H Commissioners of the Port of Los Angeles (POLA), approved continued fundin authorized the initiation of final design of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhanc Project. The POLA Board also approved amendments to two (2) existing agree which will facilitate final design of the project. At this City Council mec staff will make a report on the status of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhanc Project. Before the City Council at this time are two (2) amendments to existing agret regarding the ongoing development of the Enhancement Project. Attached Exhi amends the existing reimbursement agreement between the City of Carlsbad ar City of Los Angeles for supplemental engineering studies, final project dc and related consultant services for the Enhancement Project. The ex- agreement between Carlsbad and POLA identifies a1 1 project re1 ated expenses the responsibility of the City of Los Angeles with Carlsbad being reimbursc all City expenses related to the project. Staff recommends approval of at Amendment No. 1 to this agreement. Attached Exhibit 3 amends the existing engineering agreement between the C Carlsbad and Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Incorporated, the project's prime engineering contract firm. This amendment is required due to changes in p scope resulting from additional project permit requirements which include 0 Construction and operation of a physical hydraulic model to develop criteria for the tidal inlet structure. structures that cross the lagoon that will be affected by the pr This work includes considerable additional geotechnical investigati lagoon from potential storm impacts. Additional design and maintenance program tasks required of the prc wet1 ands ecol ogi st, archaeol ogi st, and dredge consultants due to conditions required of both State and Federal agencies. Added project scope of work during the permit process were a pilot vegc program, additional dredging constraints, and additional biologic archaeological monitoring both during and following construction. 0 Design of additional protective measures for three (3) of the 0 Design of a revetment to protect Carlsbad Boulevard near the mouth 0 e v 4’ c Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 148’79 qb Staff recommends approval of this Amendment No. 2 to the existing Moffatt & h Engineers., Incorporated agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the additional project requirements and design scope of work ct resulting from the acquisition of project permits and two-year lapse in between initiation of design and final design is $659,660. This amount reprc the value of the amendment to the Moffatt & Nichol final design agreement ar value of the amendment to the reimbursement agreement between Carl sbad and All consultant costs are paid directly by POLA to the consultants. Of the $45 million project budget, the POLA Board has committed to date a of $4,678,480 to the environmental and engineering phases of the project. 0. amount, a total of $3.1 million has been expended to date. EXH I BITS : 1. Resolution No. 92-275 approving Amendment No. 1 to an ex reimbursement agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the City ( Angeles and Amendment No. 2 to an existing engineering design agrl between the City of Carlsbad and Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Incorpo regarding the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. 2. Amendment No. 1 to an existing reimbursement agreement between the C Carlsbad and the City of Los Angeles. 3. Amendment No. 2 to an existing engineering design agreement betwet City of Carlsbad and Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Incorporated. - '* .I -i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 w RESOLUTION NO. 92-275 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING AGREEMENTS REGARDING THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has prc entered into an agreement with the City of Los Angeles acting through i of Harbor Commissioners of the Port of Los Angeles for the reimbursement of Carlsbad costs for the ongoing development of the Batiquitos Enhancement Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has pr entered into an agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Incor regarding the final design of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Projec WHEREAS, amendments to the aforementioned agreements Ih< drafted and executed by the parties thereto; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to execute said amenc the aforementioned agreements regarding the ongoing development of the BI Lagoon Enhancement Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of thc Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment No. 1 to an existing reimbursement agreemer the City of Carlsbad and the City of Los Angeles is hereby approved and and Cjty Clerk are authorized and directed to execute said amendment. the Mayor's signature of said amendment, the City Clerk is auths directed to forward certified copies of said amendment and this resolut /// /I/ c * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 t Port of Los Angeles, attention: Ms. Lisa Sales, 425 South Palos Verdes ' P.0. Box 151, San Pedro, California 90733-0151, and the Municipal P Department. 3. That Amendment No. 2 to an existing engineering design ag between the City of Carlsbad and Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Incorpora hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and dire execute said amendment. Following the Mayor's signature of said amendmc City Clerk is authorized and directed to forward certified copies amendment and this resolution to the Port of Los Angeles at the addres in No. 2 above, Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Incorporated, attention: D Walker, 250 West Wardlow, P.O. Box 7707, Long Beach, Cal ifornia 90807, Municipal Projects Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carls Council held on the k day of SEPTEMBER , 1992 by the followi ta wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin '/ ~~~~~ CLA'UDE "A./LEWIS, r' Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) - ALETHA L. RAUTE I_ 4 0 - TRANSMITTAL N( HARBOR DEia&?~mp.ff AGREEMENT /9/9-3-c3 2 cm OF LOS AfiGELES AMENDMENT N0.1 TO REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1419-3 BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES FOR TH SUPPLEMENTAL ENGINEERING STUDIES, THE FINAL DESIGN AND RELA CONSULTZANT SERVICES FOR THE BATIOUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT AGREEMI This Amendment No. 1 to Reimbursement Agreement No. 141 is entered into by the City of Carlsbad (IlCity") and the City of Angeles acting by and through its Board of Harbor Commissior ( llBoardrl ) . RECITALS WHEREAS, City and Board are parties to the Memorandum Agreement No. 1439 ("the MOA") establishing a project for compensat of marine habitat losses incurred by port development landfills wit the harbor district of the City of Los Angeles by marine habi enhancement at Batiquitos Lagoon ("the Project") . WHEREAS, Reimbursement Agreement 1419-3 constitutes separate agreement between City and Board to specify the payment support obligations of Board to City in order to perform supplemer engineering studies, final design and related consultant serviceE order to fulfill its obligations for the Project under the MOA. WHEREAS, as a result of the supplemental engineering stuc completed for the Project, City and Board acknowledge and agree t the fo1:lowing additions to the scope of services for final design now necessary: (1) the construction and operation of a phys: hydraulic model to develop design criteria for the tidal ir: structure, (2) geotechnical investigation and final engineering plla specifications and estimates for protective modifications for the Bridge, the AT&SF Railroad Bridge and the East Carlsbad Boule1 Bridge, (3) final engineering plans, specifications and estimates the West Carlsbad Boulevard Revetment, (4) additional tasks requi of the wetland ecologist, archaeologist, and dredge consultant duc permit conditions. These scope items are described more specificz in Amendment No. 1 between the City of Carlsbad and Moffatt Nichol, Engineers. (Exhibit 1 to this Amendment and this Exhibi includes a scope of services labeled Exhibit A) NOW, THEREFORE, City and Board agree that Reimburse1 Agreement 1419-3 is amended as follows: L '* e w 1. City agrees to amend its Engineering Agreement with Moffat -\ Nichol Engineers for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Proj (as approved by Carlsbad Resolution No. 90-71 on March 20, 19 ( "Engineering Agreement") as set forth in proposed Amendm No. 2 to that Engineering Agreement, copy attached to t Amendment as Exhibit 1. 2. By said Amendment No. 2, the Moffatt and Nichol Phase I1 Sc of Services dated February 28, 1990 incorporated as Exhibit P the Engineering Agreement shall be replaced with the Scope Services-Modified for Phase I1 Work dated July 13, 1 incorporated herein as Exhibit A of Exhibit 1 to this Amendme 3. To compensate the consultant for Phase I1 Services the not exceed amount for Moffatt & Nichol Services shall be increa by the amount of six hundred and fifty-nine thousand, hundred and sixty two dollars ($659,662) for a total not- exceed amount for Mof fatt and Nichol , Engineers, for Phase I Phase I1 work, of two million four hundred and thirty ei thousand, four hundred and forty two dollars ($2,438,442). 4 Except as amended by this Amendment No. 1, all of the provisi of Reimbursement Agreement 1419-3 entered into on March 14,l between the City of Carlsbad and the City of Los Angeles SI remain in full force and effect. This Amendment No. 1 shall be effective on the date approva:l by City or Board whichever is later. Dated: APPR0VE:D AS TO FORM: CITY OF CARLSBAD, /kd af"-fz &L City Attorney .C*&. --- -~ : L .Idg@t - FY 19 9% 73 APPROVED AS TO FO LOS ANGELES BY Assistant City Attorney s/+t ' k% 0 -. Exhibit No. AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR THE E OUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT BETWEE:N THE CITY OF r RLSBAD AND MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS THIS AMENDMENT NO. 2, made and entered into as of the 4th da of - SEPTEMBER , 1992, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, Municipal Corporation, I hereinafter referred to as ttCITYtt , an MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED, hereinafter referred t as "CONSULTANT. 'I ' RECITALS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californiz adopted Resolution No. 90-71 on March 20, 1990, approving consultant agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Incorporated for supplemental environmental and engineering studies includir final design for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project; and WHEREAS , the consultant agreement with Mof f att & Nichol Engineeics was established to proceed in two phases. The fir: phase (Phase I) was for supplemental engineering studies intend€ to develop information necessary for the finalization of tl EIR/EIS and provide all information necessary for the Board c Harbor Commisioners to make a project decision at the time ( EIR/EIS certification. The second phase (Phase 11, Final Design: was for the preparation of detailed engineering plan: specifications, and cost estimates; and WHEREAS, said resolution also included a reimburseme] agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the City of Los Angeler acting by and through its Board of Harbor Commissioners, for a costs associated with said project; and 0 w .- ’ t / -, WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to expand the scope of th Phase I1 work to include additional scope items revealed a necessary during the course of Phase I supplemental engineerin studies. WHEREAS, a Phase I1 scope of work and not-to-exceed fc schedule have been negotiated and agreed to between the partie hereto; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californiz hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest t proceed with this Amendment No. 2 for said additional work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and tl mutual covenants contained herein, City and Consultant hereby agrt as follows: 1. Consultant will perform all tasks as described ar incorporated herein in Exhibit A, Scope of Services - Modified fc Phase I1 Work dated July 13, 1992. 2. The total not to exceed amount for Moffatt & Nicht Services shall be increased by the amount of six hundred and fiftj nine thousand, six hundred and sixty two dollars ($659,662). Th: brings the total not-to-exceed amount for Moffatt & Nicho: Engineers for both phases of work to two million four hundred ai thirty eight thousand, four hundred and forty two dollai ($2,438,442). 3. City shall pay Consultant in accordance with Attachment of Exhibit A, Scope of Services - Modified for Phase I1 Work. A: work associated with Phase I1 of this Agreement will be for tl not-to-exceed amount of one million three hundred and sew thousand, eight hundred and fifty-two dollars ($1,307,852). ' '. 0 w .\ 4. All of the provisions of the aforementioned agreemer entered into on March 20, 1990, between City and Consultant, excer for those modified by this amendment, shall remain in full forc and effect. 5. This Amendment No. 2 to the aforementioned agreemer between City and Consultant shall be effective on and from the da first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seah MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS, INC. - Y BY (y; tc_ P@ c F ; J4h F- CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayoi Title Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST : $J.f,Ld - f+J lleLtki,d & City Attorney p. c.13. - City Clerk (SEAL) LWS/Amend2 ’. 0 0 EXHIBIT A MODIFIED FOR PHASE I1 WORK BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SCOPE OF SERVICES July 13, 1992 Prepared for City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carl s bad, CA 92009-4859 and Port of 10s Angeles 425 South Palos Verdes Street San Pedro, CA 90733-0151 Prepared by Moffatt & Ni chol , Engineers 250 W. Wardlow Road Long Beach, CA 90807 M&N File: 2803 0 0 BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PIAN SCOPE OF SERVICES GENERAL STATEMENTS A. This scope of services comprises supplemental studies and final desig of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. The City of Carlsbad (Cit and the Port of Los Angeles (Port) have prepared the final joint Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS). CHZM Hill is the EIR/EIS consultant. The supplemental studies and final design effort are divided into two phases. The first phase (Phase I) is intended to develop the information required to support a project decision at the time of the EIR/EIS Certification. The second phase (Phase 11) is intended to prepare detailed engineering plans, specifications, and cost estimate (PS&E) and to provide construction support services. The Project Manager and contact for this project will be Ms. Lisa Sal of the Port. All correspondence shall be directed to Mr. John Cahill Municipal Projects Manager for the City, with a copy to Ms. Sales. A correspondence from the City and the Port shall be directed to Dr. 9a Walker, with routing noted to the appropriate person or consultant. Options listed in this scope may only be initiated by the written authorization of the City. Written authorization by the City is required before Phase I1 may be commenced. Drawings shall be prepared on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets, utilizing th City of Carlsbad standard title block. The City shall furnish a samp title block and a reproducible title sheet. Specifications shall be prepared using the Standard Specifications fa Public Works Construction (Green Book) as the project standard and incorporating General Provisions and Standard Special Provisions furnished by the City. 9, C. D. E. F. G. i ’. 0 0 -\ CONTENTS PHASE I1 PI - \ GENERALSTATEMENTS ........................... TASK 1 . REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF PREVIOUS STUDIES ........... TASK 2 . GEOTECHNICAL PROGRAM ...................... TASK 3 . LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PLAN .................... TASK 4 . DREDGING AND DISPOSAL PLAN TASK 5 . TIDAL INLET DESIGN ....................... TASK 6 . BEACH NOURISHMENT PLAN ................... ..................... TASK 7 . ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLANS ................. TASK 8 . UTILITY RELOCATIONS TASK 9 . BRIDGE DESIGN AND COORDINATION TASK 10 . PERMIT APPLICATION AND AGENCY COORDINATION .......... TASK 11 - ESTIMATES OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ... TASK12-REPORTS. ........................... TASK 13 . PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND DESIGN SCHEDULE ............ TASK 14 . CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES ................. TASK15-MEETINGS ........................... TASK 16 . TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE .................. PRIORSTUDIES.. ............................. PERMITS AND APPROVALS .......................... MEETINGS ................................ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ....................... SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE ......................... METHOD OF COMPENSATION ......................... ITEMS TO BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS ..................... SPECIAL INSURANCE ENDORSEMENT ...................... ...................... ................. ii 0 0 PHASE I1 TASK 1 - REVIRJ AND EVALUATION OF PREVIOUS STUDIES Object i ve: Review studies and other documents that have been generated by others during the environmental report preparation process, such as speci a1 studies and permit requirements. Scope: 1.1 Review final environmental documents and additional studies. 1.2 1.3 Recommend further action as may be required to resolve outstanding i ssues , Coordinate and attend initial team meeting in Carlsbad. Purpose of t~ meeting would be to get reacquainted with the project and to define subconsul tants scope items . TASK 2 - GEOTECHNICAL PROGRAM Objective: Provide geotechnical review and analyses during the final design to . clarify data interpretations and check for conformity with geotechnici requirements determined in Phase I , Scope: 2.1 2.2 2.3 Review project plans and specifications for conformance to recommendations given within the geotechnical reports, Prepare supporting geotechnical documents for bridges to meet Cal trans criteria. Provide paving recommendations for the temporary road detours for Carlsbad Boulevard Bridges and access roads from beach onto emergency vehicle lane on West Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge. Provide geotechnical requirements for least tern sites and access by maintenance vehi cl es to 1 east tern sites. 2.4 Opti ons : 2.5 2.6 Conduct non-destructive testing and geotechnical engineering analysis for the AT&SF Railroad bridge foundations. Conduct two exploratory borings at East Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge. PHASE 11-1 0 0 \ TASK 3 - LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PLAN Ob j ecti ve: Develop a detailed grading plan for the lagoon defined in Phase I, Scope: 3.1 3.2 Perform wetland hydraulic calculations, 3.3 3.4 Specify the size, elevation, and slopes suitable for various habitat types, such as emergent marsh, mudflat, and subtidal areas. Specify location, size, elevation, and configuration of least tern nesting areas . Design mitigation measures that may be required as a result of construction activities* This task includes design of revegetation sf areas affected by construction activities . Finalize the plan phasing and time of construction to minimize impacts on existing natural resources and habi tats . Coordinate the 50- and 95-percent reviews by the resource agencies. Coordinate review of the final design by the Technical Review Committc for the 50-percent and 95-percent submittal s. Incorporate responses * comments from the Technical Review Committee and the City into the pli as appropriate. Prepare final 1 agoon improvement drawings and specifications. 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 TASK 4 - DREDGING AND DISPOSAL PLAN Obj ecti ve: Prepare final construction drawings and specifications for dredging a disposal of material for the lagoon and tidal inlet channel defined i Phase I, Scope: 4.1 4.2 Prepare detailed dredging and disposal plan of the Phase 11, Task 3 - Final Lagoon Enhancement P1 an. Review detailed plan for archaeological and historical consideration: and modify the plan as required by the State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) and permitting agencies. Prepare construction drawings and specifications for dredging and disposal . Prepare detai 1 ed estimate of dredge quanti ties and costs. 4,3 4.4 PHASE 11-2 .. 0 0 Option: 4.5 Prepare draft Programmatic Agreement with SHPO. TASK 5 - TIDAL INLET DESIGN Object i ve : Prepare final construction drawings and specifications for the tidal inlet features defined in Phase I. Scope: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Design the length, cross-section, materials for construction, head section, and profile for the jetties. Contact the Coast Guard for their requirements and specify navigatloni aids-. Perform a physical model test to support the final design recomendati ons concerni ng jetty 1 engths and i nl et s tabi 1 i ty. Prepare and submit final PS&E for the revetment south of the jetties 1 the City for review and approval. Prepare and submit final PS&E for the jetties to the City for review approval. TASK 6 - BEACH NOURISHMENT PLAN Objective : Develop drawings and specifications for the disposal of Central Basir dredged material to nourish or replenish the existing beach defined i Phase I. scope: 6.1 Prepare final drawings and specifications for the Beach Nourishment Plan, in conjunction with the Dredging and Disposal Plan as describe( under Task 4. These will include plans for pipeline routing and material-placement sequencing. TASK 7 - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLANS Objective: Finalize the details of the monitoring plans prepared by the EIR/EIS consultant. PHASE 11-3 0 6 Scope: 7 . 1 Fi nal ize a detai 1 ed construction management moni tori ng plan based up0 the preliminary plan defined in the EIR/EIS and conditions imposed by final permits. Finalize a post-construction, long-term monitoring plan based u on th preliminary plan defined in the EIR/EIR and conditions imposed E y the f i nal permi ts . Finalize post-construction plan for pilot planting of eelgrass and cordgrass . 7.2 7.3 TASK 8 - UTILITY RELOCATIONS Objective: Coordinate project with uti1 i ty relocations design. Scope: 8.1 Incorporate reference to the utility relocation plans into the final project contract documents. Coordinate relocation plans with utility companies . TASK 9 - BRIDGE DESIGN AND COORDINATION Objective: Prepare plans and specification for the demo1 i tion and reconstruction ( Nest Carl sbad Boulevard Bridge as a separate construction contract. Prepare pl ans, speci fi cati ons and estimates (PS&E) for the remedial wor required to stabilize the channels under the other bridges and to modif these bridges to retain the existing structural integrity. Scope: WEST CARLSBAD BRIDGE 9.1 Prepare design of roadway, detour, and staging limited to 1,500 feet north and south of the existing structures and a staging and traffic- control plan from La Costa Avenue to Poinsettia Avenue. Prepare PS&E for the replacement of the bridge structure and removal of the existing bridge. The replacement bridge consists of two 12-foot traffic lanes, one 8-foot shoulder/bicycle lane and one 12-foot emergency vehi cl e 1 ane. Coordinate with City and State Parks and Recreation Department access lanes onto the emergency vehicle lane from the beach. Attend bi -weekly coordination meetings; coordinate Bridge Replacement Funding Approval, if el igi bl e; and attend Cal trans Local Assistance review meetings. 9.2 9.3 9.4 PHASE 11-4 - *. 0 (I, "t 9.5 9.6 Provide independent review of calculations for the proposed bridge structure in accordance wi th Cal trans requirements. Submit final PS&E to the City and Cal trans for review and approval EAST CARLSBAD BRIDGE Prepare and submit final PS&E for seismic retrofit of bridge, repair piles, and channel 1 ining to the City and Cal trans for review and approval . AT&SF RAILROAD BRIDGE 9.7 repare 9.8 Complete negotiations with AT&SF Rai 1 road Bridge Engineers and agreement on remedi a1 measures required. Remedi a1 measures wi 1 consider A1 ternatives 1 and 2 developed in Phase I Prepare and submit final PS&E based on Alternatives 1 or 2 developed in Phase 1 to the City and AT&SF for review and approval. 9.9 1-5 BRIDGE 9.10 Prepare and submit PS&E for new rock blanket under 1-5 Bridge to Cal trans for review and approval . TASK 10 - PERMIT APPLICATION AND AGENCY COORDINATION Objective: Obtain final permits. Scope: 10.1 Update the schedule for the acquisition of required permits and approval s. 10.2 Finalize permit applications with supporting data for required permits 10.3 Coordinate with the resource and regulatory agencies to obtain require approval s and permits . 10.4 Attend meetings and make presentations to obtain project approvals. Options : 10.5 Identify and develop air pollution permitting constraints and strateg: for a ngeneric" air quality permit. TASK 11 - ESTIMATES OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Objective: Develop an engineering estimate of the construction costs for entire project for use in evaluating bid submittals and decisions relative d the project. PHASE 11-5 .. 0 & -\ Scope: 11.1 Update cost estimates developed in Phase I for the 50% and 95% submittals 11.2 Submit a final engineers estimate with the final improvement plans. 11.3 Submit final pay quantities corresponding to bid items with the finat , improvement bid package. 11.4 Prepare construction schedule, I TASK 12 - REPORTS AND SUBMITTALS Objective: Submit drawings, specifications, estimates, and narrative materials to the City. Scope: 12.1 Prepare a report that presents methodology, data, findings, and conclusions from each of the Phase I1 tasks. Submit construction drawings and specifications for the final lagoon configuration. 12.2 Prepare two (2) separate construction documents and bid items: one for the West Carlsbad bridge and one for the remainder of the work, 12.3 Submit draft summary report for comment and review by the City. 12.4 Prepare and submit the following reports and PS&E's: a) b) c) final design (100 percent). prel iminary design (50 percent), final draft design (95 percent), and TASK 13 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND DESIGN SCHEDULE Object i ve : Manage the project study and design team. Scope: 13.1 Provide an executive project schedule and update it monthly for submittal with progress reports. The schedule shall be limited to sixteen (16) simple tasks. 13.2 Prepare a comprehensive Critical Path Method (CPM) chart for completion of Phase 11, 13.3 Prepare monthly progress reports as follows: PHASE 11-6 - 0 W -, a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) sumarize work completed during month, show status of drawings currently being prepared wit1 percent complete, submit updated design schedul e, analyze project design budget and schedule and compal original projections with actuals, identify budget and scheduling problems and propose sol uti ons, describe potenti a1 problems, del ays, and design conflicts, list and summarize significant meetings, hearings, a communi cations occurring duri ng the month, state percent completion of overall project, and submit payment statement, outlining in detail the wc compl eted . 13.4 Administer the project as follows: a) b) c) plan, staff, direct, control, and coordinate the services to be provided, coordinate subconsultant services to provide a sing source of responsibility to the City, and coordinate the services provided with the City. 13.5 Perform qual ity-control measures as follows: a) b) plan, organize, and schedule review of final desigr drawings and specifications and plan, organize, and schedule intermediate reviews a required to meet project objectives. TASK 14 - CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES Objective: Assist the City in bidding the project and in reviewing contractor submittals for conformance with the intent of the drawings and speci f i cati ons . Scope: No scope of services required for this task in Phase 11. PHASE 11-7 .. 0 0 .\ TASK 15 - MEETINGS Object i ve: Coordinate with the City and the public agencies to develop a final desi gn . Scope: 15.1 Attend all meetings listed in Attachment C. 15.2 Prepare and submit meeting minutes. Option: 15.3 Attend one additional meeting with ATSF and two additional meetings with- Cal trans . TASK 16 - TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Object i ve: Provide technical review of construction documents as a qual ity-contpc measure . Scope: 16.1 Coordinate and conduct all Phase I1 Technical Review Committee (TRC) meetings. The TRC will review the final plan at the 50- and 95- ercei submittals. The committee shall comprise the following personne! for the purposes stated below: a) Dr. Jacob Van der Kreeke shall review the tidal inlc suggest solutions to technical issues and be a membi of the Model Technical Review Committee. Dr. William Kamphius shall review the site conditio and be a member of the Model Technical Review Comi ttee . Dr. Keith McDonald shall review the project team efforts and coordinate environmental review. Mr. Charles Robers shall review the project design, well as the proposed construction methodology, including specifications and drawings. (Neither M1 Robers nor his company shall be eligible to bid on project). Mr. John Lesnik shall provide review of the coasta features design, including the jetties and beach fills, and be a member of the Model Technical Revi Connni ttee. b) c) d) e) PHASE 11-8 .. 0 W f) Dr. Richard Seymour shall review tidal inlet design, beach nourishment plan, and bP member of the Model Technical Review Conunittee. 16.2 The Technical Rev1 ew Committee wi 11 be subdivi ded i nto subcommittees Following each TRC meeting, a representative that will review project plans within a s ecific area of expertise. review tasks for each. form the committee shall submit a brief letter report that sumnarizes the findings and recommendations of that committee meeting. Attachment D defines the subcommittees, t 1: e members of each, and the -- PHASE 11-9 4 ,. @ 0 ATTACHMENT A PRIOR STUDIES Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement P1 an, Cal i forni a State Coastal Conservancy. Revi sed Draft . 1987. to Establish a Project for Compensation of Marine Habitat Losses Incurred by Port Development Landfills Wlthin the Harbor District of Loi Angel es by Marine Habitat Enhancement at Batiqui tos Lagoon. November 13, 1987. Enhancement Project, CH2M Hi 11. Revised Draft. Apri 1 1988. of Land Management. 1986. 0 Memorandum of Agreement: City, Port, RJS, NMFS, CDFG, SLC. Agreement 0 Prel iminary Design Engineering Report for the Batiquitos Lagoon Pacific Texas Pipeline Project EIR/EIS, Port of Los Angeles and Bureau Geotechnical Study of Central Basin, CHEM Hill . September 1988. 0 0 Avifauna of Batiqui tos Lagoon, Michael Brandman Associates (MBA) . October 1988 . Project, Tekmarine, Inc. (TCN-155) . November 1988. 0 Littoral Drift Impacts Assessment for Bati quitos Lagoon Enhancement Sediment Load Study for Batiquitos Lagoon, CHZM Hill. 0 March 1989. 0 Existing Condi tions--Marine and In-Lagoon Benthic and Pelagic Surveys, Michael Brandman Associates . October 1988. Draft Biological Assessment of Federal and State Listed, Proposed, an( Candidate Species at Batiqui tos Lagoon, San Diego County, California, CH2M Hill. March 1989. March 1989, 0 The Physical Environment of Bati qui tos Lagoon, CHZM Hi 11. Dredged Materi a1 Disposal Sites and In-Lagoon Fisheries Resources, 0 Michael Brandman Associates 1988. An Archaeological Assessment for the Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement Project, San Diego County, Cal ifornia, Greenwood and Associates. October 1988. Project, Engineering-Science; Inc. October 1988. During Late Summer 1988, MEC Analytical Systems, Inc. October 1988. 0 Pal eontol ogi c Resource Assessment: Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement Potential Food Resource for the Bird Populations at Batiqui tos Lagoor 0 A- 1 0 w Bati qui tos Lagoon Wet1 and Del i neati on Report, Cheryl S. Conel. November 1988 . Characterization, Michael Brandman Associates. September 1988. Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement Project EIR/EIS, City of Carlsbad, Draft, 1989. 0 Existing Condi tion--General ized Regional Marine Biological 0 Draft EIR/EIS Comments. 0 Bird Survey (i n-progress) . Bat i qui tos Lagoon Enhancement Fro ject Bri dge Study Report, Mof fatt & Ni chol , Engineers, September 4, 1990. Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement Project Ocean Inlet Closure Study Summary Report, Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers, September 19, 1990. Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement Project Summary Report, "The Shingle Question: Proposed Inlet at Batiquitos Lagoon," Moffatt & Nichol , Engi neers , September 19, 1990 . Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement Project Prel irninary Studies Sumnary, Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers, November 21, 1990. Determination," Wetlands Research Associates, Inc., August 1990. The Results of an Archaeological Study of Site SDI-11, 953 for The Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement Project, Brian F. Smith & Associates, November 26, 1990. Geotechnical Investigation for the Proposed Batiqui tos Lagoon Enhancement Project, Carl sbad, Cal i forni a Vol . I & I I, Woodward-Clyde Consul tants, December 1990. 0 Wetland Delineation - Batiquitos Lagoon, "Section 404 Wetland Boundary 0 Final EIR/EIS, Vol. I, 11, and 111, June 1990. A-2 .. 0 e ATTACHMENT B a PERMITS AND APPROVALS Permits and Approvals required for the project include but are not limited the following: 0 Coastal Development Permit (California Coastal Commission) Stream-Bed A1 teration Agreement (California Department of Fish and Gi Special User Permit, Easements, and Operating Agreements (California All public utility permits and approvals U.S. Coast Guard Bridge Permit and Section 4F Statement Right-of-way Encroachment Permit (Cal trans) 0 Local Coastal Program Approval (City of Carl sbad) General Plan and Open Space Element (City of Carlsbad) Special Use Permit for Flood Plain Overlay Zone (City of Carlsbad) Grading Permit (City of Carlsbad) Section 404 Permit (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) e Public Trust Doctrine Approval (State Funds Commission) 0 0 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Section 401 Certification 0 Department of Parks and Recreation) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6- 1 a~ebrnbroa~c~*b I "T a& =cg u- I-- a= 0 zk Ti M *e& % * MN N r( B ca az MN Nd 3 3 w E W re 3 H m rum- -I U 3 $-- r( r( NbN -I -I U w L 0 I-m 2- e el M IJJ= v) iz U 2 9 W $z k SE $*- Mr(MN r(N + !s 3 LL rtNr(mNbNc&.z:C( !sE mNNN$z* r(N a i% 0% gE z= CI n v) 2 E 0 5 Y E5 33 gr2 m GE Y U n A v G?F t v a- U -.r E t!n-.r +I w E err aJ c Yo) yg22z L u z~z2,~q M alw 5ssn2EE i 28 V e V I-al v) vu 0) -er L i? W¶+I CI I-uUIm4- mc .r¶erI-Mu--- ZZ243f e ::a ss T?;z;;g$ms r(m 4.B LE fa $2; E k @C g E .rU e. Li 2 85 g2 -a z2 c 0) Of 2' 85 L ccn 0- era mu E: 5. =m > EX SI- .P 5: -8 so) 'p4.B .r 25 Q *x 0) o)o U= EO 0- al'p cab r O2 0.E 52 c 5! 0 .r- q E' E= 3is ;: 'p 54,. zg UY) o, 5- J' = mi P2c c zE c-3 OL 123 g i *d 2-i gQ% q% 22 ss= * 8= x,, 2s vat= 8mZ 25 sss %vi& zi E5a aDUC ma q E:; I-& mmX 2- =-a- ut; 325 Eo 2% qg 1 U geg 8 OWE: ;* 22 m 0 calal 4.B cnn 2% LF9 g4.B v 24 z.-$ -09 ;sz Et: 22 28- am,0 :E - t- U c 0- Fgg erwo 5% 0,:p GL% -0 - "p5 ?E2 !:5 EE ff Le g; %S5 Z4.B% T-c +IU EEL EEI PB E%? ow vz tP I- cc a c: 4.B -a# -> 4.B4.B.r 4.B 0 U.r U-Q) a aoE: cP -% 1.0 UI- c 4.Bc cvm h 'pL caw v ass hY) 8kb8 g$i a Jg . 2: -0 L 23 24% €2, sg x%- g2- s.-v oa --QUI 4.B- L no) a c 5& '$55 +,z- e3= Cs4.B oc 0-0 cc m EV a- L ez- as LZ nLc ,,et E25 gal I--- =zz .- ala3 EmDY ala %- ver s -n= Eo) LCI 'pal ca calv YO - 0% S2Z r-3 sg 300: Ual -4 un E- m4.B 22; al m- US cnaJal +,L .5ze ;E E$ .c an .. w 4- e m w ATTACHMENT D TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE INITIAL TEAM MEETING Dl. PHYSICAL MODEL STUDY 02 D3. Attend initial team meeting to get reacquainted with the project. All members of the cornittee are to attend this meeting. Meet to review and assist with basin preparation of the physical model study. Dr. Kamphius shall attend this meeting. Meet to review and critique the procedures used and preliminary findin of the physical model study and send comnents to the consultant. The committee to attend this meeting shall comprise of Drs. Van de Kreeke, Seymour, and Kamphius and Mr. Lesnik. Meet to review the findings and recommendations of the physical model study and send comments to the consultant. The committee shall compri the same members as those designated in Task D3. IAGOON CONFIGURATION AND PROJECT CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS D5. D4. Meet to review and critique the project, the final configuration plan, and construction procedures at the 50-percent design phase. All membe of the cornittee are to attend this meeting. Review the 95-percent submittal plans and specifications and send comments to the consultant. The cornittee shall -comprise Messrs. Robc and Lesnik and Dr. McDonald. D6. D- 1 v .. 0 ATTACHMENT E SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE The consultant shall comply with the schedule of Performance indicated beloi for all work to be produced under this Agreement. This schedule includes t. required for review by the City and the Port and other public agencies havii jurisdiction. Required changes to the schedule of work shall be submitted i the City for approval. Whether stated or not, all days refer to calendar days The consultant shall submit for review the following: PHASE 11: 1. a) Ten (10) copies of draft comments and recomnendatio on final environmental documents per Scope Item 1.2 within 14 days from the Notice to Proceed for Phase (NTPII) . The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within five (5) days of receipt of draft submittal . Ten (10) copies of the final comments and recomendations within 7 days of receipt of comnent from the City on the draft submittal. 2. a) Ten (10) copies of the 50-percent progress drawings and specifications for the Lagoon Enhancement Plan Scope Item 3.8 within 136 calendar days from the NTPII. Submittal shall be presented to the City. The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submittal . Ten (10) copies of the 95-percent progress drawing! and specifications within 60 calendar days from tht receipt of comments from the City and TRC on the 5( percent submittal . The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt ( draft submittal. One (1) reproducible copy of the drawings and one camera-ready copy of the specifications within 40 calendar days from the receipt of comments from th City and TRC on the 95-percent submittal. 3. a) Ten (10) copies of the 50-percent progress drawing specifications and estimates for the Dredging and Dispos,al Plan per Scope Items 4.3 and 4.4 within 1 calendar days from the NTPII. Submittal shall be presented to the City. b) c) b) c) d) e) E-1 - 0 .x b) The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submittal , Ten (10) copies of the 95-percent progress drawings, speci f i cati ons and estimates wi thin 60 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City and TRC c the 50-percent submittal. The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt si draft submittal . One reproducible copy of the drawings and one carnet-? ready copy of the specifications within 40 calendar days from the receipt of comnents from the City and TRC on the 95-percent Submittal. 4. - a) Ten (10) copies of the 50-percent progress drawings and specifications for the Tidal Inlet and Revetmen per Scope Items 5.4 and 5.5 within 136 calendar day from the NTPII, Submittal shall be presented to th City. The City shall transmit review comnents to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submittal. Ten (10) copies of the 95-percent progress drawings and specifications within 60 calendar days from the receipt of coments from the City and TRC on the 5C percent submittal , The City shall transmit review coments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt c draft submittal . One reproducible copy of the drawings and one camel ready copy of the speci fi cations within 40 calendal days from the receipt of comnents from the City am TRC on the 95-percent submittal 5, a) Ten (10) copies of the 50-percent progress drawing and specifications for the Beach Nourishment Plan 1 Scope Items 6.1 within 136 calendar days from the NTPII. Submittal shall be presented to the City. The City shall transmit review coments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submi ttal . Ten (10) copies of the 95-percent progress drawing and speci f i cat1 ons wi thi n 60 cal endar days from th receipt of comments from the City and TRC on the 5 percent submittal . c) d) e) b) c) d) e) b) c) E-2 * m d) The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt of draft submittal. One reproducible copy of the drawings and one camera ready copy of the speci f i cations wi t hi n 40 cal endar days from the receipt of coments from the City and TRC on the 95-percent submi ttal. Environmental Management Monitoring P1 an, the Long Term Monitoring Plan, and the Pilot Vegetation Plan per Scope Items 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 within 160 calendai days from the NTPII. The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submittal . Ten (10) copies of the final Construction Environmental Management Monitoring P1 an, the Long Term Monitoring Plan, and the Pilot Vegetation Plan within forty (40) days of receipt of City comments or1 the draft plans. and specifications for the West Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge replacement per Scope Item 9.6 within 136 calendar days from the NTPII. Submittal shall be presented to the City. The City shall transmit review .comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submittal . Ten (10) copies of the 95-percent progress drawings and specifications within 60 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City and Caltrans on the 50-percent submi ttal . The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt of draft submittal. One reproducible copy of the drawings and one camera ready copy of the specifications within 40 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City and Cal trans on the 95-percent submittal . 8. a) Ten (10) copies of the 50-percent progress drawings and speci f i cati ons for the East Carl sbad Boul evard Bridge retrofit per Scope Item 9.7 within 136 calenclai days from the NTPII. Submittal shall be presented to the City. e) 6. a) Ten (10) copies of the draft Construction b) c) 7. a) Ten (10) copies of the 50-percent progress drawings b) c) d) e) E-3 W 0 b) The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submi ttal . Ten (10) copies of the 95-percent progress drawings and specifications within 60 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City and Caltrans on t 50-percent submittal . The City shall transmit review coments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt 0' draft submittal . One reproducible copy of the drawings and one cameri ready copy of the specifications within 40 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City and Cal trans on the 95-percent submittal . 9. - a) Ten (10) copies of the 50-percent progress drawings and specifications for the AT&SF Railroad Bridge modifications per Scope Item 9.10 within 136 calenc days from the NTPII. Submittal shall be presented : the City. The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submittal . Ten (10) copies of the 95-percent progress drawings and specifications within 60 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City and AT&SF on the E percent submittal . The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt of draft submittal . One reproducible copy of the drawings and one camera ready copy of the specifications within 40 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City and AT&SF on the 95-percent submittal. Ten (10) copies of the 50-percent progress drawings and specifications for the 1-5 Bridge modifications per Scope Item 9.10 within 136 calendar days from th NTPII. Submittal shall be presented to the City. The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submittal . Ten (10) copies of the 95-percent progress drawings and specifications within 60 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City and Caltrans on thi 50-percent submittal . c) d) e) b) c) d) e) 10 . a) b) c) E-4 - m .- d) The City shall transmit review coments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt c draft submittal . One reproducible copy of the drawings and one camer ready copy of the specifications within 40 calendar days from the receipt of comments from the City anc Cal trans on the 95-percent submittal . Ten (10) copies of updated cost estimates per Scope Item 11.1 with each drawing and specification revn"c submittal . The City shall transmit review coments to the Consultant with drawi ng and speci f i cati on comments each submittal . Ten (10) copies of final Engineers Estimate and fir pay quantities per Scope Items 11.2 and 11.3 with 1 submittal of the final reproducible set of drawings Ten (10) copies of the prel iminary construction schedule per Scope Item 11.4 along with the 95% submittal of the Lagoon Enhancement P1 an drawings o The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt off draft submittal. c) Ten (10) copies of the roposed construction schedi e) 11. a) b) c) 12 . a) b) with the Submittal of t 1 e final reproducible set si drawings . Ten (10) copies of the Preliminary Summary Report [ Scope Item 12.4 within 136 calendar days from the NTPII. Submittal shall be presented to the City. The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within fourteen (14) days of receipt of draft submittal . Ten (10) copies of the Draft Summary Report within calendar days from the receipt of comments from tht City on the 50-percent submittal. The City shall transmit review comments to the Consultant within forty-five (45) days of receipt ( draft submittal . Ten (10) copies of the Final Summary Report within calendar days from the receipt of coments from tRc City on the 95-percent submittal. Ten (10) copies of the Executive Project Schedule . Phase 2 per Scope Item 13.1 within 21 calendar day from the NTPII. 13. a) b) c) d) e) 14. a) E-5 - (I) \' .- b) a) Ten (10) copies of the updated Executive Project Schedule at each monthly progress meeting. Three (3) copies of the Critical Path Method (CPM) chart for completion of Phase 2 per Scope Item 13,2 within 21 calendar days from the NTPII. Two (2) copies of the updated CPM chart at each monthly progress meeti ng . Ten (10) copies of monthly progress re orts per Sco Item 13.3 to be presented at each mont 1 ly progress meeti ng . Ten (10) copies of the minutes of meetings per Scop Item 15.2 within 7 calendar days of the conclusion each meeting. Ten (10) copies of the draft report from the Techni Review Comittee (TRC) per Scope Item 16.2 within ; calendar days from the conclusion of each TRC revit 15. b) a) 16 . 17 . a) 18. - a) E-6 W 0 ., ATTACHMENT F METHOD OF COMPENSATION The consultant shall be compensated for services under this contract in accordance with ENGINEERING AGREEMENT, Paragraph 10 and as provided herein. Two methods of payment shall be made as specified; lump sum (LS) and time a1 expenses (TM) with a not-to-exceed amount. 1. Lump sum (LS) payments shall be made in whole or in increments equal 1 the percentage of Study Task or Design Task completed multiplied by tl total value of the task or subtask compensation less the previous bi 11 i ng. Payments shall be made in accordance with the following formula for t?i task or subtask: - Payment = (percent progress x fee) - previous billings Progress shall be reported in monthly reports in accordance with Secti 13.3 of Exhibit A, Scope of Services. The Consultant shall also prese an invoice. The City shall review the invoice and progress report anc a prove the invoice or state disputed amounts. If amounts are dispute t t: e City shall inform the Consultant within five (5) days and state reasons for the dispute. Payment shall be made for amounts not in dispute. Disputed amounts shall be aid upon resolution of the disput if the schedule is extended. Time and expenses (TM) payments shall be made monthly based on the appropriate enclosed rate schedule. Progress reports and invoices shz document the progress and actual time applied to the project for the specific task. Expenses shall be listed. Rate schedules may be updat annually for the consultant and its subcontractors, if approved in writing by the City. The City shall review the invoice and progress report and approve the invoice or state disputed amounts. If amounts are disputed, the City shall inform the Consultant within five (5) daj and state reasons for the dispute. Payment shall be made for amounts not in dispute. Disputed amounts shall be paid upon resolution of the dispute. LS fees are based on the proposed sc R edule. Escalation may be require 2. F- 1 W 0 ,' ., PHASE I1 Compensation Task 1 Review and Evaluation of Previous Studies (LS) 30,97 Task 2 Geotechnical Program (LS) 37,051 Task 3 Lagoon Enhancement P1 an (LS) 131,91! Task 4 Dredging and Disposal Plan (LS) 47,411 Tidal Inlet Design (LS) 64,081 Task 5 Model Study M&N and Arctec) 228.43: Model Study TRC) 28,591 26,951 Task 6 Beach Nourishment Plan (LS) Task 7 - Environmental Management Plans (LS) 18,871 Task 8 Utility Relocations (LS) 10,94: Task 9 Bridge Design and Coordination (LS) 370,281 Task 10 Permit Application and Agency Coordinatlon (TM) 25,832. Task 11 Estimates of Construction Costs and Construction Schedules (LS) 23,511 Task 12 Reports (LS) 18,657 I Task 13 Project Management and Study Schedule (LS) 55,995 Task 14 Construction Support Services (TM) a. Task 15 Meetings (TM) 30,604 .! Task 16 Technical Review Conuni ttee (TM) 28,385. I Total : $1,178,426 * Not-to-exceed amount F-2 W * m b' *. SUMMARY OF OPTIONS All optional items shall be performed on a time and expenses (TM) basis. TASK NO. DESCRIPTION COMPENSATION IN 4 PHASE 11: 2.5 ATUF Non-destructive Testing 88,547 2.6 ECB Geotechni cal Bori ngs 19,771 4.5 Programat i c Agreement 3,016 10.5 APCD Permitting Strategy 8,628 15.3 Additional Meetings (as required) 9,464 Total : $129,426 F-3 w a MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS T- tc RATE SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ON BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Effective July, 1992 through June, 1993 CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RAE! Project Manager $118.00 Project Enginm/Senior Engineer $9950 Coastal Scientist $ 99.50 Mechanical Engineer $ 95.00 Electrical Engineer $ 9250 Structural Engineer $ 81.00 Coastal/Harbor Engineer $ 76.50 civil Engineer $ 78.75 ENGINEERING Staff Engineer $ 56.75 specifications $ 75.25 SPECIFICATIONS DRAFI'ING $ 60.20 $ 46.30 Drafter II Drafter I CLERICAL Word Processing $ 46.30 General Clerical $ 39.40 SPECIAL Principals $139.00 Court Appearances $220.50 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Computer Rates Micro Computer at $15/hour CADD at $15/hour In-house Machine Plot - Per Rate Schedule Reproductions In-House Prints and Xerox - Per Rate Schedule Other Reproduction at Cost Plus 15% Cost + 15% Unless Otherwise Provided in Written Agreement Company Auto at 25 cents/mile Subcontracts or Services Mileage Travel Travel and Expenses at Cost 61892 w b 0 -8 .\ ATTACHMENT G ITEMS TO BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS Task Number - I tem The Port and the City shall furnish copies of repsr listed in Attachment A. The City shall furnish all necessary site-access an traf f i c-control permi ts . Legal descriptions and tract and parcel maps for &h project area and adjoining properties shall be furnished by the City. meetings, develop the plan, and prepare meeting minutes . Construction-impact cri teri a, i ncl udi ng water qual 1 and circulation, turbidity control, noise control o vegetation protection, and visual intrusion on existing habitats shall be developed by the EIR/ET$ consul tant . The City shall provide copies of easement document: for all known easements within the project area. The City shall provide copies of available improvement pl ans for uti 1 i ti es within the project area which may be affected by the project. 8 Names and addresses for all known easement holders within the project area. The City shall provide appropriate facilities and notices for pub1 i c meetings. Utility relocation cost estimates shall be preparec and furnished by the utility companies. 1 2 3 3 The EIR/EIS consultant shall conduct interagency 7 a 8 10 11 G- 1 1 v -* I September 11, 1992 Port of Los Angeles 425 South Palos Verdes Street P. 0. Box 151 San Pedro, CA 90733-0151 Attention: Ms. Lisa Sales RE: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of September 1, 1992, adopted Resolution No. 92-275, approving Amendment No. 1 to the existing agreement with the City of Los Angeles for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. Enclosed is a fully executed copy with original signatures and a copy of Resolution No. 92-275 for your files. ($c?ZG&RC- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CMC City Clerk ALR: ijp Enclosures 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 m w c 8 rl September 11, 1992 Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, In'corporated 250 West Wardlow P. 0. Box 7707 Long Beach, CA 90807 Attention: Dr. J'ames Walker RE: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of September 1, 1992, adopted Resolution No. 92-275, approving Amendment No. 2 to the existing agreement with Moffatt & Nichol, Incorporated for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. Enclosed is a fully executed copy with original signatures and a copy of Resolution No. 92-275 for your files. llL?D+2Q' ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CMC City Clerk ALR: ijp Enclosures 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-28OE