HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-22; City Council; 11900; GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992* P 9 0 e 8;: 2 .. z 0 F 0 4 i 0 z 3 0 0 ,/ u - Clm OF CARLSBAD - AGENO BILL AB# l/yBo TITLE DE MTG. ?'*&?-~~ DEPT. GI' GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR CI' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 1991 -1 992 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9 2 -' Report for the Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program. sa- approving the City of Carlsbad's 1991 -92 Grantee Perf ITEM EXPLANATION: As required by the federal regulations for the Community Development Block Granl Entitlement Program, staff has prepared the attached Grantee Performance Report ( submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by September The period covered by the attached GPR is July 1 , 1991 to June 30, 1992 As a recipient of federal CDBG Entitlement funds, the City of Carlsbad is required to a GPR on an annual basis. The report provides a summary of progress on each m which has been funded through the City's CDBG Entitlement program. The report also an accounting of the federal funds expended, or encumbered, during fiscal year 199' The City is required to make the GPR available to the public for review and comment. were published in the local newspaper announcing the public review and comment p all interested persons. Comments, if any, received during the public review perioi presented to the City Council for consideration at the meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. EX H I BITS : 1. Resolution No. 9a- 292 2. Grantee Performance Report for Fiscal Year 1991 -92 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2% e RESOLUTION NO.%-292 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on September 22 , 1992, considered the City’s 1991 -92 Grantee Performance Report fo CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 1991-92 Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the above recitation is true and correct. That the City of Carlsbad’s 1991 -92 Grantee Pertormame Report fr Community Development Block Grant Program is hereby approved submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop by September 30, 1992. That the City of Carlsbad published a notice in the local newspape announcing a fifteen (15) day public review and comment period o 1991 -92 Grantee Performance Report. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the Cit! 1. 2. 3. Carlsbad, California on the Z day of SEPTEMBER 1992, by the following vote$ AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENK e 0 U.S. Lhpartmmt of Houdng mnd Urban Dovobprmnt Community Devebpmeot Blodc Grant Program Grantee Performance Report OMB Apprwd No. 2508-oOt; 2965 Roosevolt Stree; Suite R Karen E. %mer Czrlsbad, Ch 92008 a. Activity Summay. Iwm HUD-4040.2. b. Status of Fun& - Part I and Put 11. form HUD4949.3. c. Low / Mod Bedit Worksheet, (orm HUD4949.3.. e. Dim Benelit ActM8& form HUD4949.5. f. Mons b Atfinnatively Fumer Fait Housing. tonn HUD4949.6. g. Displacement. fom, HUD4919.7. See HUD handbodc 6510.2 'En-ent Grantee Perfwmana Report Insimctions' for guidance on completing the GPR. 7. Thio rrQort .Ira eontho: a. Assessments by h pSe Of he relah%Jip of he use d COIWIW~~~~ Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to: ' d. Status Of Fundr - Part 111, knn 4949.4. (1) kcaHyidlmlifiedarmmunitydt3vebpment~~; (2) the National C6jeUb8 which require that.each COF assisted aciiVity must either benefit bw and nioderae mcome persons, aid in the 6 bright, .w meet community nee& havirtg a pattkular urgency; and . .' . (3),IhePrimay uhch rw@Les bat in dre aaregats at lewt 60 Vnt of aH CDBG funds expendttd during h OM). h*o 01 three o proorem yean.tpedhd b h gc3nteo.h it8 WMcahn wi#! be for activities which benefit low and moderate income pecrw; b. Oesaiptbns of: (I) h nam of snd ream8 Ibrdrenge8 in UM granbe's orogram objectives: and (2) howb gmlsorvarldehmgeits Ppom u8recuitOf b expdmces; c. ~ummary ~f any comments received by me grintea on its program from citizens in its jurisdiction. 8. lho gnnta'o authorb.d 0tRCi.l R.proaontatlve crrtma ih.1: a. This repfxl anrainr .I items identifi in .terns 6 and 7 above. b. To the best of hir I her know(edge and belief the datain this repcit is true and correct as of the date in item 6. c. Federal assktafm made amitable under fhe Canmunity Development Blodc Grant (CDBG) Program ha8 not been utilized to reduce subst: amount of kcai linndd rupw for community development activihs below !ha levo1 of such wppon prior to me start ot the most recently I CDBG program year. ~nmn~ng: -on 1001 oi TMO 10 of th. Un1t.d Stota c~d. (Crirn/na/ c~d. 8nd ~r/m/nr/ procdumj shall appty to tho forsgdn(l mii 18 provldu, among othU thlngr, that rvhorvu, Lnowlngly and ~lllfully makas or uab. 0 documont or writing contolnlng any falae, flctitl fraudulent otatunmt or ontry, In my manu wtWn tho Jurisdktron of any doparlmont or agoncy of the Unltod Sums., shall be find not r tlo,ooo or lmprkond, not mom thmn five ywn, or both. --I-.__. ______. L TrpdNmndltbd-m- -_.- . .. 0 0 il ASSESSMENTS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE USE OF THE CDBG FUNDS AND LOCALLY IDENTIFIED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES FOR 1991-92 The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG funds to enhance both the phys environment of the City and to assist low and moderate income residents of the City. achieve these goals, the City has decided to use the funds for the following type: projects: 1. Provide a direct benefit to low and moderate income persons through provision or maintenance of affordable housing units or housing related servi for Carlsbad. Provide assistance to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal Cc violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing affordable housing un Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, hea of low and moderate income persons/households. Outlined below are the projects funded through Carlsbad’s 1991-92 Commur Development Block Grant Program. Following each project description is a summary the relationship of each funded project to the community development objectives no1 above. PROJECT/COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE 1. 2. 3. NORTH COUNTY LIFELINE-Emergency Homeless Shelter o Provide a direct benefit to low and moderate income persons through t provision or maintenance of affordable housing units or housing relatc services for Carlsbad. Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, sheltc health) of low and moderate income persons/households. xc 2. CATHOLIC CHARITIES/CARING RESIDENTS OF CARLSBAD-Homeless Shelte o Provide a direct benefit to low and moderate income persons through tt provision or maintenance of affordable housing units or housing relate services for Carlsbad. Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, shelte health) of low and moderate income persons/households. * e 0 3. WESTERN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION-Day Care Center for Alzheimer’s Victii .rc Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, sh health) of low and moderate income persans/hausehalds. SAN DIEGO COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH-Work Program for Mentally Disabl # Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, sh health) of low and moderate income persons/households. Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, st- health) of low and moderate income persons/households. 4. 5. BOYS & GIRLS CLUB-Installation of Fire Sprinkler System in Facility IC 6. GIRLS CLUB-Architectural Plans to Construct New Facility rc Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, st- health) of low and moderate income persons/households. PAINT-A-THON PROGRAM-Paint & Supplies for Exterior of Home 7. Q Provide a direct benefit to low and moderate income persons throug provision or maintenance of affordable housing units or housing re services for Carlsbad. Provide assistance to prevent or eliminate residential Building or MUG Code violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing afforr housing units. rc 8. AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESERVES-Acquisition of Property IC Provide a direct benefit to low and moderate income persons throug provision or maintenance of affordable housing units or housing re services for Carlsbad. Provide assistance to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Mur Code violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing afforl rc housing units. IC Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, st health) of low and moderate income persons/households. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION-Administration of CDBG Program %f 9. Provide a direct benefit to low and moderate income persons throug provision or maintenance of affordable housing units or housing rc services for Carlsbad. Provide assistance to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Mur Code violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing affor housing units. Q e a +z Provide public services which meet the basic ne'eds (food, clothing, st- health) of low and moderate income persons/households. The City of Carlsbad is also committed to using CDBG funds to meet the na objectives identified for the program by the federal Department of Housing and 1 Development. In addition to considering the above community development objec the City selects projects which will meet one or more of the following national objec 1) 2) 3) Provide direct benefit to at least 70% low and moderate income persons; Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and/or, Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency bec existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or WI of the community where no other financial resources are available to meet needs. All of the approved projects outlined above for the City's 1991 -92 CDBG program the national objective of benefitting low and moderate income persons. Alsc approved projects meet the primary objective, for the program, which states that aggregate at least 70% of all CDBG funds will be for activities which benefit low moderate income persons." During the period from July 1 ; 1991 to June 30, 1992, the City revised and approvt updated Community Development Plan for the CDBG. In addition, the City has conti to select primarily housing related projects during the year. Although the Cit continue to fund public improvement projects and public services, the City w primarily interested in projects which assist in the effort to provide safe, decent affordable housing for low/moderate income persons. x ‘AGE 1 OF 15 ", JAME OF GRANTEE-CITY OF CARLSBAD U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT ;RANT NUMBER-B-91-MC-06-0563 (91-92) F CDBG AMOUNT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT-ACTIVITY SUMMARY ‘ERIOD COVERED: 7/l/91 TO 6/30/92 q--ji+z 4CTIVIT VUMBEf ‘EAR/MO ACTIVITY FUNDED C 89105 LOCATION, ACTIVITY, NAME AND DESCRIPTION - D - h SIB URN TOTAL lXPENDEC TO DATE H UNLIQUID- ATED IBLIGATIONI I UN- 1BLlGATEC BALANCE J THIS PERldD G - . $3,378 --------------------------- _-------_-----~~~~--_______ P,CQUlSlTlON OF REAL PROPERTY :===I====================== Lffordable housing funds wilt be utilized to assist the City of Carlsbad I acquiring 8. financing additional Iffordable housing units for ‘cry low, low and moderate income louseholds citywide. $3,378 The City is in the process of develop ing a 5 year spending plan for affordable housing. Staff continues to meet with developers, interested in developing affordable housing & increasing the availability of for sale and for rent units, which are affordable to low/moderate income households. The City intends to use these CDBG funds primarily to increase the number of affordable units available for lower income households. The allocations were: $955 was a reallocation from the cancelled Santa Fe Depot project; the 89-90 allocation was $43,313; in 90-91 it was $147,144 & in 91-92 it was $168,991. The total CDBG allocation to the project as of 613019; was $360,403. In 1991-92, a total o $3,378 was used to conduct a study to determine the needs of low/mod income households within the area north of Tamarack, west of l-5 to the city limits. The purpose of the study was to better identify the location of need for site acquisition purposes. The study was complete as of 2l92. A balance of $350,403.6 in the account. $6,621 I.1 A ! of units to be rehabilitated: 0 ! of low/moderate units: 0 00% LOW/MOD. INCOME BENEFIT CT ALUBG ALL) i PAGE fOTALS $3,378 $6,621 $3,378 I HUD Form 4949.2 918192 . - IN I- 8 Sa@e e 0 v) 3 I- .c ab G 6 5 a .G 'E .E .= E s c 0.5 .= \ c) (D 5 v) 6$I-.iEZ." gu ggg5gvz; '5 og 5 "$2- 3 -p L ? - I v, 8 a c au=aQ, 0 In % '5 5 0 d = z .P z 0) g 5x2 g= i [3 a5 g @J E t":g:g -8 5 Szkhg8'EEOE \ s a v Q- Q F 0 hl W HJ $,.gQE am= m ~~zg6-x m U E $4 ON ram mmoal cgm0-a nco xm 7 - 524 U -I iz In .. a LLW cun LT 06 2 0) c ti5 ai 8 2.2s E 31 c .- n O I-= m.~.Zo arw~ 4 W 0 '>Z 0 a: LtOY 4 W 420 OW I az U ab 0 0 9 0 w Y) 0 0 0 * tft fo 9 &$ OL 0 g e' ygA0 a: D 5fiF Q: 4 s?I- a- 0 0 g dag l.L II-5 A m 0 0 02 t 7s ow 0 c: $5<;$ g rna+goI 0 5 kgbo a mu EI- '580 Y) 8 w : z gmo WIa:U 0 $a: zu 8 - fey N Q) v) 0 z Y) > 0 -- 0 4 aI-W a z U U. 3 m, W v) ?in 0 >"ZE v) EZa:Z-- ~aazz? nnIa+ o s 0, oorw$Z iigz> 1: (0 I1 I; b ii t z I1 5 11 r II w II Q ?I- SSL $0 llOll&a2 D w 3x ;L lln11;b2g$! w ,.,& Kc[: :$ :1p-z.sz I IIL llLgu&m 0 aJg zm, si "a""':;i 0 mI--[I io m'lollL+ z oqj 32 Eg " ii 0 z j/ 'a.z.g=so $CO~ * 5 11; ~@oSg.">o J a ?E5 5; I1 a4qu-2 032 II=! ll.2$caqp ; I-WK 92 IIOII=. g.5gIn'i;jg a EZ!? 5t.h iin11m3m~.Z~Z Y 85F ZW a: .- a >a $8 2gg y'z 7 oi ne OZZ F2 a I- >wa> OI-k z=1 nay II 5vujm m L W z al II a II &z.Bo $1.9 2 ZOa: +>W lizj/@~gQaCO I- II L II v) UT) =-E L z UJ a !g SRQ, "I+; $22 E =So$ ? a 5050 6 ?.EL 0, ,ma, ZES + !?E83 so -mSE 0 $%%-a(;; 0s: c! 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Unliquidated Obligations at End of Year - Forms Supply: Individuals may copy this form on office copiers as needed. Previous Editions are Obsolete Retain this record for 3 years form ref. 24 CFR part 570 a vulv d cr- City of CsElsbarl Gtd Nu- Pa-od Corrd B-?l~NC~OO~OSt~3 From 6'1 lo' OMB Psrll: Summ8ryoFR~our~8and Expendltures 1, Unexpended GDBG funds at end of previous reporting period 2. Additiqnal CDBG funds received a. Enbtlement Grant (HUD-7082. line 8b) b. Surplus from Urban Renewal I NDP Settlement (HUD-7082. line lob) c. Loans guaranteed under Section 108 d. Program income received during the program year (as shown in Status of Funds Part 111, column f) e. Return of grant funds 3. Total CDBG funds available for use during this reporting period (sum of lines 1 thnr 2e) . 4. Total CDBG funds expended during this mp~hng period 8. Amvnt shown on Acnvlty Summary forms, co umn g b. CDBG funds used for Section 108 payments 5. Unexpended balana, of CDBG funds at the end of this reporting period (line 3 minus lines 4a and 4b) P8rtll: OveraliProgr8m BeneRttoLowandModerotalncomsPerrons Approval No. 250 CDE $596,161 $ -.c- $ -0- $369,001 $ -0- s -0- s 965, ?C $ 313,42 $ -0- $ 62 6, 5, s NmdQrmb Cley 01 Carlsbad clryr Nuror fJumcarrr6 E- 9 1 -KC - 0 6 -0 5 6 3 Fm7-1-91 106 %OfW I unotok TOW Mu COBG by lovrrmod Udtl Crul Acdny Nurr, -P.d COS1 bwlmod *or mm AconIy Nwnbsr h- r b C d I 0 h-Iti ;js 3;-;{EC'i' coao Rod~ti~nrrpmditwc nportho *IS h FlrrndGrMW City of Carlsbad YII- e*.d %91-K--06-3563 p Program intonwudSt.brd LMpilurn luoan(. NWlber AcmmyNyruuldNa!lmoiheDm AcMy a b xo PP,OG&U INCOYE OR LUX2 SGM iiCCO3NTS Reld Pqm bysub TEp Ra m FW C d 0 e[ ff &sl m 'tu 1 R 9 ;i 3o 1j = $3 : HI5 m a* a f- '8 Ti ?/I[ If lib g $3 r % -c! rd ri 8E h cd V c 8 bg 15 w 3 1 $E h at .t: U YY kk 58 an I I am G m U me *c 00. lljj = c 0'3 0 *oo 7-4 m ri C 3 30 *c # ill - 0 c3 0 0 -00 QO. c3:419 0 * co 0 3.n <2 3 e4 h2 *c 3 c2 3 *a(> *c qj - 1 g!j = iq& 0 a oc i 'I# - c 3:3 a00 *o *c lj/! p T\ c" c- 0 c3 '3 ,.. d3C30 (2 -c 3 .oc '3 s 000 0 -0 00 - .c T - - c\: 4 m .4 4 0 P 44 w:419 :'-l \D co uc\l \c am 1 fp c\I r4 0 03m 0 ?m 4 mu 48. 0 0 a A9 - -0 *co dr- CDm m m UJm C'1 3 .o 00. 3 so 000 n rl n aa W u-+ 7 afi u3b a vu W vu a 0 0 <moo 3oQ)mo N m CD 111 0 0 a0 a i e1 n .G h u c) 1:n .rl G m m a 3 L, 5%; E+ Ea w 6" 2 -5 -4 n a ma &I 3 &a c+c u 3-d a a a 1:E a Q) i-4 rnGC 4zaJxlt-i *do Uk-i-) z am4 &I orier-, c) c a, GUN P: mn w rrd4aJUcdrdf4~rlaQ)k 4zca haCa2Gg nrn aJmPcEkommar gow a!+ 9 dda)Z*d~aJ UWCCF: uc ohoa~ awsacn -dm 0 QMr,%OUW $S w WVGl-4 5934 a,4u)rn*d (dah CJmTlUaaUu P:+ mu c rn 4Ju&I~u4JomsG~~rlW~hcG -2 c G 3 a k m ClHa3.d u >?I II 1 a m kggn- 3'' rli)oa~uuo.da XCI=~.~~U~E?P~ 213j~$~~~ ~nuauauv) cuukhm sakx %3 c cr a% C-dS id maQ)O,cL~Q)4 *d3h Gv4huuPmuaa WC-lh c) mmuh(du-4 .e -aa)YkL,2EjEu -d n n 4 GU h rl -4 W -4 - l-4 C 3;lP *34 1 F: L9 " 2 2G n I+ n U 3 QcdN &IUrlXcdnCC -la0 1 E2 EU oa Ob rn LI GO hl'rlrn 501: h C3c)XrnU k4t-i hd > h4 E+PuHQc*1+ al1rd kard2cdIBkL~-dOC~~*d HakUSQS u~~O~-rdQ)hO&I~~am~Va.~aJC dkak CLk sm pia Par uu-4 Q~Q ks &I~E rd m rd m an om os E CJ L E c3 rd uu-1~4~ -a+. 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I g'-O gg 9;jg E it {E+ i 23 8 C.4 c.4 ri i: 2"; 525 c- (75 3 32 - 'r Y c A b 5 ~, 1 gazg E v 3" $Pig - "_1 ;# x 'X f4 $ 535 -c rJ -. c7 c4 z -5 X .- p ,: ,- -2 6 rn &Ee \d p: zg - - n . bn - +4 s: c 3 m 2 *> 1 C CS 2 m aPH Y 0 E 7 6, = F ' +%$E3 -* 2: B- j;; SC' Zf g-gc rs; f & f'p - 5 g 1 ;;p - pF uQ.3 B - ai Y H 3: 3 * zg f C ti; ? 5% 8;: i;j; u >; l& in$ IEZ V s :z 3 -: qs PI *-!E H i, s C? -. .-- _. -1- =a 4f;jj - 2 c * OF(: 4 w x g @&. 8 z $= L4 E FA L! - E 9 b P-_ - rFl 4 z 92 UY $ p J2$gv n 1-i 0 ; fPZ6 "-Kg a 1,2% su > g p a 0 C Zk u 0 c( - 41 II W 9: September 14, 1992 TO: LEE RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK FROM: Karen Sauer, Management Analyst-Housing & Redevelopment PUBLIC NOTICE FOR CDBG GPR Enclosed for your records is a copy of the public notice that appeared in the B Citizen on September 9, 1992 for the public hearing on the Community Developr Block Grant (CDBG), Grantee Performance Report (GPR). This is the notice for the Council public hearing that has been scheduled for September 22, 1992. The attac notice meets the HUD requirements to notify the public about the GPR. KAREN E. SAUER Attachment W 0 ': This space is for hke County Clerk's Filing : STATE OF CALIFORNlA County of $an Diego 1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: B am over the age sf eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer sf Proof of Publication of lade- n Public Xearing a newspaper of general circuiation, printed and published daily in the Cay of Oceanside and quaiifled for the City of Oceanside and the Noah County Judicial distfi with substantial circulation in Bonsall, Fallbrook, Leucadia, Eminitas, Cardiff, Visla and Carlsbad, County of Sari Diego, and wkiCh r,ewspaper has been &judged a newspaper sf general circulation by the Superior Courit of the County of San Diego, State of California, under the date of June 30,4989, case number 171349; that the notice, of which the aryexed is a prinfed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil),,has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereofvon the foiiowing dates, to-wit: I ---------- sLzpG-2cO@~-E~g-t; ---- ------ ----..----I---------------------------------" Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space. I" ~epteaber 9, 1992 1 certify (or declare) under penafty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Daied at Qceanside,California, this -9-w Of SeDt, 3.993 x-, I' I f /. iJ' ,----/. / / - - Signature 1:- -\..- I. ,,,,,,,,,,~~-",,,,,,I-'--------------------------- BLADE-CITIZEN Legal Advertising 1722 South Hill Street P.Q. Box 90 Oceanside, CA 92054 (61 9) 433-7333 -m NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIN City of Carlsbad Community Development Block Grant Program Gmtee Performance ?&pot For The Period From dulyl, 1981 to June 1992 As a recipient of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, the City of Carlsbad is required to prepare an annual Grantee Performance Report (GPR) for submission to the U.S. Departmeni of Housing & Urban Development by September 30th of each year. The report provides a summary of progress on each active project which has been funded through the CDBG Entitlement Program. The rep also provides an accounting of the fiscal CDBG funds extended, or encumbered, during fiscal year 1991- The project funds expended and/or encumbered during fiscal year 1991-92 represent original allocations oi federal CDBG monies only; there was no program income raised or expended during the noted fiscal year. If the City does earn income through implementation of CDBG funded activities/projects, it must be reported in the GPR. The Grantee Performance Report is currently available for publlc review and comment. The public may review the report in the Housing and Redevelopment Department, located at 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite 6, Carlsbad, California, from 8:OO am to 5:OO pm, Monday through Friday. All written or verbal comments on the GPR must be presented to Karen Sauer at the Housing & Redevelopment Department by 5:OO pm on September 24, 1992. The City Council will review the GPR at their meeting on September 22, 1992 at 6:OOpm in the City Council Chambers located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive (Elm Avenue). If you have any questions regarding the GPR, please contact the Housing and Redevelopment Department at (61 9) 434-281 1. If you challenge the CDBG Grantee Performance Report for 1991 -92 in court you may be limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hearing described in this notice or written axrespondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, City Clerk’s Office at, or prior to the public hearing. ., 0 4: MOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARUBAP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GWNf PROQRAM ORANTEE PERFQRMANCE REPORT FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1,1991 TO JUNE 1992 I-- --- As a roclpient of fedsrd Community ~eve~opment Block Grant (GDBG} funds, the Ci Carlsbad is repuited to prepare an annual Grantee Performance Repart (GPR) submhion to the US. Dgpartment Of Housing & Urban Development by September of each year. The report provides a summary ef progress on bach actbe project WhW been funded through tho CQBG Entklernent Progrm, The repofl alm provider mCOUt7tSng of the fiscal CDBG funds expended, or encumbered, during fiscal year 198' The project funds expended andfor encumbered during fiscal year t9B11-02 repra origlnail allocatkms of federal CDBG monies only; there WBI no program lneorne raise expended during the noted fiscal year. tf the City does earn income through implement; of CDBG funded actlvittes/proJects, it must be reported in the GPR. The Grantee Pedormance Report is currently wallable for public review and comment. pubk may review the wport in the Housing and Redevelopment Department, loeafs 2965 Roasevelt Street, Suite B, Carlsbad, CaNfornla, frgm 8:OQam to 5:QOpm, Mor through Frlday, All wrlnren or verbal comments on the GPR must be presented to K Saw at the Housing & Redevelopment bpwtmmt by 5:00prn on September 24, I$ The Cii Council will review the GPR at their meeting on September 22, 1992 at 6:Wp the Cky Coundl Chambers located at 1260 Carlsbad Vlllage DrOve (Elm Avenue). H you I' any questlgns rsgarding the GPR, please contact tfie Hcsuslng and Red8velopn Department at ($1 $1 43+2811, H you challenge the CDBG Grantee Performance Repcrt for 1991 42 in court YQU ma! limited to raising on!y those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hea des~ribed in this rrotim ar written carreupandunce delivered to the City Qf Carlsbad, Clerlc';s Office at, 81 prior to the public hedng. 1