HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-22; City Council; 11903; GROWTH MANAGEMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 220 C3 oc II, 9 3 .. z * r 0 4 $ 5 0 0 ur bnHLSBAU - ALitNL(L BILL '1 G&? DEPT. t MTG. ~ 25: 1 ?/'L FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT CITY A1 DEPT. GM ZONE 22 CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: b'.W \ c- AB# . -i I -GROWTH MANAGEMENT FINANCING PLAN ADOPT Resolution No. ?A -293 Local Facilities Management Zone 22. APPROVING the Growth Management Financing ITEM EXPLANATION Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that each Local F Management Zone have an approved Local Facilities Management Plan (LFM prerequisite to development within the Zone. The LFMP must include a Financi meeting certain criteria as described in the Code. A number of LFMPs, including Z have been adopted with the condition that they submit and obtain approval of a Fi Plan prior to finaling any subdivision map or obtaining a grading or building perm The LFMP for Zone 22 was adopted by the City Council on December 13, 1988. Financing Plan was first submitted for staff review in July 1991. It has been re for conformance with the City's financing policies, and corrections were made as to address issues raised in the review. Staff is now ready to recommend approv: Zone 22 Financing Plan. The plan employs a combination of direct developer funding, participation in Corr Facilities District No. 1, and payment of fees to finance the public facilities ner serve development within Zone 22. The key facilities requirements are briefly diz below. Citywide facilities needed at this time to serve development in Zone 22 include th Carlsbad Library and the 1-5 freeway interchanges at Palomar Airport Road and Po Lane. In later years, Veterans Memorial Park and additional City Administrative f, will be needed. These Citywide facilities are funded through CFD No.1. The key local facilities addressed in the plan are the bridges at Palomar Airport Rc Poinsettia Lane which cross the railroad tracks to connect with Carlsbad Boulevarc bridges must be widened in the future, but they currently meet the Growth Mana Performance Standard for Circulation, and they are expected to continue to m standard for several more years. Both bridges are included in the Public Facilit (PFF) program. The widening of the Palomar Airport Road bridge will most like11 with the reconfiguration of the intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard, and it is e) that this will be funded by PFF. The major land owner in the zone, the Lusk Coi has already satisfied their responsibility for the Poinsettia Lane bridge by construc the existing bridge. The remaining property owners in the zone are small own€ such as the La Costa Downs subdivision, that are not capable of providing I financing for the bridge widening projects. Therefore, staff has determined that i necessary or feasible for the zone to provide a private, upfront guarantee for the I at this time. 4 /I, 7c 3 @ Page Two of Agenda Bill No. At the point in the future when it is determined that the widening of one or bl bridges is needed, if sufficient PFF funds are not available, it may become nec halt development within the zone until a financial guarantee for the projects is Other significant developer-funded items include construction of Avenida Encin: the zone, as well as several drainage and sewer facilities. These facilities will and constructed when needed as determined by the City Engineer. Some facilities my serve development in other zones. In those cases, if a Zone 22 owner has constructed the facility, that property owner may be eligible for reimbl subject to the City's reimbursement policies. In conclusion, the Zone 22 Financing Plan meets all of the requirements of Sect of the Municipal Code with respect to financing. With adoption of this plan, 201 proceed with development as long as all performance standards continue to bl ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This Financing Plan is covered by the Negative Declaration for the Zone 22 Local Management Plan approved by the City Council on December 13, 1988. FISCAL IMPACT The purpose of the Zone 22 Financing Plan is to assure that adequate fundin provided from appropriate sources to construct the capital facilities required development in Zone 22. Adoption and implementation of the plan will guarantc funding for a number of facilities concurrent with need. City funding will be invo to the extent that projects are scheduled and funds are available through the City' Improvement Program. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. 92-993 . 2. Facilities Financing Plan for Local Facilities Management Zone 22 on fi in the City Clerk's office. ~. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1) RESOLUTION NO. 92-293 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAI CALIFORNIA APPROVING A PUBLIC FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN FOI FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 22. WHEREAS, Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code iequ preparation of a Local Facilities Management Plan as a prerequisite to dew within specified Local Facilities Management Zones; and WHEREAS, said Local Facilities Management Plans must contain a financing the public facilities required to serve development within the Local I Management Zone; and WHEREAS, certain Local Facilities Management Plans, including the Zone 22, have been adopted by the City Council on condition that they preg submit an acceptable Financing Plan prior to recordation of any final map or i of any grading permit or building permit within the zone: and WHEREAS, the property owners within Local Facilities Management i have submitted a Financing Plan which meets all of the requirements of Sectio of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and staff recommends approval of the Financ as submitted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Financing Plan for Local Facilities Management Zon hereby approved as submitted. '*" .... I b. * 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cit SEPTEMBER of the City of Carlsbad on the 1992, by the following vote, to wit: 2 2nd day of AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton, X NOES: None ABSENT: None AlTEST; ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cld (SEAL) 2. m m r i I I I c I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 22 CITY OF CARLSBAD August 6, 1992 I Submitted by: Zone 22 Property Owners Managing Consultant: JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES 5431-G Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 I Prepared by: Onaka Planning & Economics P.O. Box 230906 Encinitas, CA 92023-0906 (OP/E 110) I 1 m * J 0 I 8, 1 t I t 1 @ 6 0 1 R 1 E 1 FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 22 I CITY OF CARLSBAD August 6, 1992 I Submitted by: Zone 22 Property Owners Managing Consultant: JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES 5431-G Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared by: Onaka Planning & Economics P.O. Box 230906 Encinitas, CA 92023-0906 (OP/E 110) I m w II I 1 I I I I 1 I 8 1 I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS - Pa I. INTRODUCTION 1 1. Purpose and Use of Document .......................... .I 2. Areas Responsible for Facility Financing ..................... : 4. TimingofNed ................................... .: 3. Financing Method .................................. .: 11. FINANCING PLAN I 1. City Administrative Facilities ........................... .: 2. Library Facilities .................................. .: 3. Wastewater Facilities .................................. : 4. Park Facilities .: 5. Drainage Facilities 2. 6. Circulation Facilities ................................ 2. 7. Fire Facilities .................................... .2. 8. School Facilities .................................. -2. 9. Open Space Facilities ................................ 2. 10. Sewer Facilities .................................. .2, 11. Water Facilities .2 .................................... .................................. .................................. LIST OF FIGURES - P 1-1 Facility Areas of LFM Zone 22 ............................... 2-1 Zone 22 Drainage Basin Boundaries 2 2-2 Zone 22 Sewer Basin Boundaries ............................. 2 i 2-3 Zone 22 Water Distribution System ............................ 2 ........................... LIST OF TABLES - P 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 Relationship of Facility Areas to LFM Plan for Drainage, Sewer and Water Service Areas ...................................... Zone 22 Facility Areas and Owners Comparison of Projected Phasing of Residential and Non-Residential Zone 22 Facility Requirements and Sources of Funds ............................. e a Development ........................................... .................. i I m 0 I 1 I I. INTRODUCTION I 1, PURPOSE AND USE OF DOCUMENT This Facilities Financing Plan has been prepared in accordance with and in satisfaction of i requirements of the City of Carlsbad Growth Management Program (Carlsbad Municipal Cc Section 21.90.010 et seq.) for Local Facilities Management (LFM) Zone 22 in the southw quadrant of the City. 1 1 1 1 I I 8 1 I 1 1 I I I This Plan describes the proposed financing method or methods for each of the facilities which : identified by Zone 22 LFM Plan as required to meet the City’s Growth Management Progn Performance Standards. The financing method consists of: I (1) (2) (3) Source of funds for construction of the facility. Method of guaranteeing the availability of funds. Source of public funds from which reimbursement is made to the developer of 1 facility, if applicable. This document may be used in the following ways: (1) For Special Conditions as described in Zone 22 LFM Plan, Section I1 of this PI describes the financing method and the subarea or subareas responsible providing the financing guarantee required by the Growth Management Ordinanc For any development located in LFM Zone 22, Table 2-1 of Section I1 identif! (2) facilities for which the developer must provide the financing guarantee. To facilitate use of this Plan, Special Conditions of Zone 22 LFM Plan have been reproduc verbatim in Section 11. They were obtained from Zone 22 LFM Plan which was approved Resolution No. 88-428 on December 13, 1988. I 1-1 W w I This Plan is based on and is consistent with the information contained in the LFM Plan, with the following exceptions: (1) When available, updated cost estimates are used in place of estimates contained in the LFM Plan. Updated information on development phasing is used. As a result, some threshold standards are satisfied for additional periods, extending the number of years unti: new facilities are required to be constructed. (2) Cost estimates have been obtained from various sources, including Zone 22 LFM Plan, the City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (1992-93 to Buildout), and estimates conducted foi individual facilities by consultant registered engineers. The reader should keep in mind that these are estimates based on plans in various stages of development. Further cost analyses shall be conducted as additional planning and design information is made available. 2. AREAS RESPONSIBLE FOR FACILITY FINANCING In order to clarify the responsibility of individual development projects to provide specific facilities such as circulation and drainage facilities, Zone 22 has been divided by this Plan into 5 Facility Areas as shown in Figure 1-1. The Facility Areas are defined primarily to identify groups of ownerships. They are also defined to correspond approximately to infrastructure service areas as described in Zone 22 LFM Plan. The correspondence between Facility Areas and infrastructure service areas is shown in Table 1-1. Table 1-2 lists the property owners or names of projects, which are located in Facility Areas, as of June 1992. It should be noted that as of this date, Facility Area C is completely built out, and the area has no outstanding obligations for improvements. 1-2 I I I I I I I t I I I 1 m I, I m N 0 0 52 z 0 N 4 k 111) 0 4 g d u 4 k 7 L” k . d .I 3J P 3 w 5 LL Y a I I D 1 I I a w 0 L < P a W -I QI! 0 2 - w I Table 1-1 RELATIONSHIP OF FACILITY AREAS TO LFM PLAN FOR DRAINAGE, SEWER AND WATER SERVICE AREAS Facility Area Drainage (a) Sewer (a) Water (b) (B) @) A Phase A Phases A, B B Phase A Phase B (C) C Phases B, C Phase B -- D Phase B Phase B (A) Phase B -- E Phase €3 (a) (b) In Zone 22 LFM Plan, "phases" refer to drainage and sewer basins. Entries correspond to specified water facilities (see Section 11.1 1). Water service areas are not defined in Zone 22 LFM Plan. 1-4 I a - 8 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I Table 1-2 ZONE 22 FACILITY AREAS AND OWNERS Reference Facility Area Number APN Owner A 1 210-100- 12 Ecke, P. and M. 2 2 10- 100-05 Blonski, T. and M.K. 3* 2 1 1-030-0 1 All Coast Enterprises, Inc. 4 2 14-0 10-01 Ward, G.E. and Lear, V. 5 2 14-0 10-03 Head, W.E., Brown J.R, et. al. 6-25 214-021-01 to 10 Vhous owners 214-022-01 to 25 1 26* 2 14- 150-09 Hastings, L.V. and E. B 27 2 14-0 10-09, Sammis Carlsbad Associates, Inc. 2 14-03 1-03 to 2 14-065-0 1 28 214-150-08 Weiss, M. and F. C 29* 2 14-450- 16 Hoehn Group 30* 214-450-14 Garton, D. and M.J. 31* 2 14-450- 19 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. 32* 214-450-18 La Costa Travelodge Investors 33* 2 14-450- 17 Lexington - Carlsbad Partnership 34" 2 14-450-2 1 Hemck Holdings Ltd. 35' 214-450-20 Herrick Holdings Ltd. D 36 214-150-1 6 The Lusk Company 37 2 14-150- 17 The Lusk Company 1 38 2 14-150- 18 The Lusk Company I 53 2 14- 160-26 Schreiber, D.L. and D.E. E 39-52 214-160-04 to 36 Various owners * Indicates existing development. 1 I I 8 8 1-5 w w I 3. FINANCINGMETHOD The following sources of funds and financing guarantees are used in this Plan. The applicatior of these funds and completion of specified actions identified as "financing guarantee" shal constitute the guarantee that facilities will be provided, as required by Section 21.90.080 of thc Carlsbad Municipal Code. DeveloDer Funding Under this method, the developer will fund and construct certain required facilities prior to 01 concurrent with development of his particular property. Facilities to be funded in this way arc those which normally would be imposed as conditions of approval of a tentative map under thc City's development review process. The financinq guarantee required by the Growth Management Ordinance that funds will bc available for construction of the required facility shall be provided through delivery to the Citj of an acceptable security instrument, such as a surety bond, or through execution of an improvement agreement prior to the recordation of the final map. The improvement agreemeni must be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 ol the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The agreement must also be accompanied by a security instrumeni as described in Section 20J6.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Le., a surety bond, cash deposit, or an instrument or letter of credit. City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District No. 1 A Mello-Roos community facilities district has been formed by the City of Carlsbad and approved on May 7, 1991 by an affirmative vote of the landowners to fund construction of certain Citywide facilities, including a number of facilities which are required by Zone 22 LFM Plan. 1-6 I b rn m D I 1 The financing guarantee required by the Growth Management Ordinance for any of the faciliti to be funded by Carlsbad CFD No. 1 is satisfied by participation in the district. Development and Impact Fees Capital Improvement Programs of the City of Carlsbad and special districts contain plans construct certain facilities including a number of facilities which are required by Zone 22 LF Plan. Sources of funds for these facilities are development impact fees which are collected I 1 issuance of building permit. @ ' Facilities which are proposed to be funded directly from development fees include wastewat treatment facilities and certain circulation and sewage collection facilities. For facilities whit are proposed to be funded from development fees, payment of such fees will satisfy the privz developer's financial obligation for these facilities, as long as the applicable Growth Manageme Program Performance Standards are satisfied. I I 1 1 8 1 I E I I 1 Reimbursement from City of Carlsbad DeveloDment Fee Fund If a developer constructs a facility which is included in a fee program, he may be reimburs from the applicable fee fund, subject to the following conditions: a That sufficient, unobligated funds are available; That the reimbursement is consistent with the priority of project funding within tl most recent adopted Capital Improvement Program; and That the reimbursement shall not exceed the maximum amount budgeted in tl most recent adopted Capital Improvement Program. 1-7 W - 4. TIMING OF NEED Zone 22 LFM Plan recommends years by which individual facilities must be constructed in ordei to satisfy the Growth Management Program Performance Standards. The recommended timini was based on an assumed phasing of residential and commercial development in Zone 22. Thii schedule has been delayed. For this Plan, the phasing of development has been adjusted as showi in Table 1-3. Table 1-3 COMPARISON OF PROJECTED PHASING OF RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT THIS PLAN 1988 LFM PLAN Annual Non-Residential Annual Non-Residential Year Units Square Feet Units Square Feet 1989 0 0 182 17,872 1990 0 0 190 372,940 1991 0 0 161 306,132 1992 0 0 65 73,180 1993 182 17,872 Buildout 73,180 1994 190 372,940 101,930 1995 161 306,132 259,212 1996 65 73,180 Buildout 1997 Buildout 73,180 1998 101,930 1999 259,2 12 2000 Buildout 1988 Existing 268 230.334 268 230.334 TOTAL 866 1,434,780 866 1,434,780 1-8 I - - < D II. FINANCINGPLAN This section describes facilities required by Zone 22 LFM Plan, sources of funds, and area responsible for financing. A summary table (Table 2-1) is followed by individual section corresponding to categories of facilities defined by the Growth Management Program. If Specia Conditions are contained in the LFM Plan, they are reproduced verbatim in this Section. Th Special Conditions are shown in italics. These are followed by descriptions of financing method for individual facilities. 1 I 8 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I i 2- 1 1 I For Drainage, Circulation, Sewer and Water facilities, financing method is described for eac required facility. These detailed financing methods contain the following data: 1 Special Condition The identifying number of the special condition referenced in the LFM Plan. Estimated Cost Cost contained in the LFM Plan or the most recent cost estimate as available. Costs are for construction cost with contingency, but ut including Source of Funds One or more of alternative sources described in 1 engineering, bonds, and fees. Section I. 3. Guarantee applicable to selected source of funds. Facility Area or Areas which are required to fund or guarantee the facility (see Figure 1-1). Reimbursement due the initial developer of the facility and the source of funds, if applicable. Financing Guarantee Responsible Area Reimbursement - - Table 2-1 ZONE 22 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS AND SOURCES OF FINDS I FAC I L I TY AREA I I RESPONSIBLE FOR FINANCING I FACILITY SOURCE OF FUNDS 1 A I B I C I D I E I NOTE -~---~---------D----~--.-------..-----o-.....~~~..~~~..o~.~~~.~.~...~.~.~..~..~~..~~~.~o...o~~~~o~o~~~~~~~ '1.0 CITY ADMINISTRATION Citywide CFD/PFF C/F C/F - C/F C/F 2.0 LIBRARIES Citywide CFD/PFF C/F C/F - C/F C/F 3.0 UASTEUATER FACILITIES Sewer Comection Fee 4.0 PARKS FF FF Land Acquisition 4.1 Alta Mira - 42 ac. Cqleted ss-ss 4.2 Zone 19 Cormunity Park - 24.25 ac. Ccnpleted ss-ss I nprovement 4.3 ALta Hira - Ph. I PFF FF- FF 4.4 ALta Mire - Ph. II/Camunity Center PFF F F FF 4.6 Zone 19 Comnnity Park - 9.25 ac. PFF FF- FF 5.0 DRAINAGE 5.1 (A) 48" RCP Developer 5.2 (6) 60" RCP 5.3 (C) 60" RCP Deve 1 oper -OD DO 5.4 (D) 66" RCP Developer -DD 5.5 (E) 72" RCP D eve 1 oper 5.6 (F) 84" RCP (in Zone 9) Developer -DD -DD 5.7 (G) Desittation Basin (in Zone 9) Developer 6.0 CIRCULATION 6.1 Avenida Encinas fran PAR to Poins. Ln. Developer -D -D- 6.3 Poins. Ln. from Carlsbad 61. to 1-5 PFF F F - S F (a) 6.5 PAR frun Carlsbad EL. to Ave. Encinas PFF FF 4.5 Zone 19 Camrnity Park - 15 ac. Zone 19 SS- ss -DD Deve 1 oper -DD 6.2 I-S/Poinsettia Ln. Intchg. Citywide CFD cc-cc 6.4 I-S/PaLaner Airport Rd. Intchg. Citywide CFD cc- CC FF 2-2 I m 0 I I I 8 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 Table 2-1 ZONE 22 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS AM) SOURCES OF FUNDS I (C ont hued) I FACILITY AREA I I RESPONSIBLE FOR FINANCING I FACILITY SOURCE OF FUNDS I A I B I C I D I E I NOTE 7.0 FIRE FACILITIES CNone requiredl 8.0 SCHOOL FACILITIES School Fees __________---__--_----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. FF I 9.0 OPEN SPACE Devel oper DD-DD FF- 10.0 SEUER FACILITIES 10.1 54n Tnnk Line (VC 16) Sewer Connection Fee F- 11.0 WATER FACILITIES t 11.1 (A) 12" - Poinsettia Ln. D eve 1 oper =Do 11.2 (8) 10- - Carlsbad 61. Developer 0- 11.4 (Dl 12" - Palunar Airport Rd. Developer D- Notes: For the definition of Facility Areas, see Section 1.2 of text and Figure 1-1. discussion of financing method and guarantee. guarantee the financing of facilities. C : D : F : S : - : Facility is not required for this area. (a) 11.3 (C) 12Y - Avenida Encinas Deve 1 Oper D ___-______-_________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also text for a detailed This table provides a surmary of actions required to Facility Area C is built out. Participation in the City of Carlsbad CFD No. 1. Developer construction or dedication; or execution of an improvement agreement. Payment of applicable developnent inpact or other fee. This facility is conpleted, or financing guarantee is otherwise satisfied. 1 Requirement to construct Poinsettia Lane overpass at ATSF railroad has been satisfied for Facility Area D through a 1982 agreement betueen the City and Lusk-Occidental. discussion. See text for additionat 2-3 - W CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES Required Facilities The following facilities are required: Estimated Cost Las Palmas Purchase $2,500,000 Safety Center Phase I1 3,695,000 New City Hall 23,100,000 Total $29,295,000 The same facilities are required for all zones in the City including Zone 22. There are no Specil Conditions specified in Zone 22 LFM Plan. Source of Funds The City’s Capital Improvement Program includes the above facilities. The source of funds Public Facilities Fee collected at issuance of building permit. Portions of Safety Center Phas I1 and New City Hall will be funded through Carlsbad CFD No. 1. Financing Guarantee Participation in Carlsbad CFD No. 1 satisfies the financing guarantee for the facilities includc in the CFD. Payment of Public Facilities Fee shall satisfy the financing obligation of pnva development for the remainder of City Administrative Facilities. 2-4 I 0 e I LIBRARY FACILITES I Required Facilities The following facilities are required: Estimated Cost North Library - Remodel $4,000,000 Library - Buildout 5,060,000 South Library Land Acquisition/Design 4,006,000 Construction 10,700,000 Total - $23,766,000 The same facilities are required for all zones in the City, including Zone 22. There are I Special Conditions specified in Zone 22 LFM Plan. 1 1 D I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 Source of Funds The City’s Capital Improvement Program includes the above facilities. The source of funds Public Facilities Fee collected at issuance of building permit. Remodelling of North Library ar construction of South Library will be funded through Carlsbad CFD No. 1, Financing Guarantee Participation in Carlsbad CFD No. 1 satisfies the financing guarantee for the facilities includc in the CFD. Payment of Public Facilities Fee shall satisfy the financing obligation of pnva development for the remainder of Library Facilities, as long as the Growth Management Prograi Performance Standard for libraries is met. I 2 -5 w w WASTEWATER FACILITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan: The following actions shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to emure adequate wastewater treatment capacity through the year 2000: 1. Monitor Encina Treatment Plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. Actively pursue acceleration and phasing of treatment plant Phase IV 2. expansion to provide adequate capacitye 3. The six member agencies shall form an agreement to maximize the utilization of available treatment capaciy at Encina WPCF. Source of Funds The source of funds for sewer line upgrades and expansion of treatment capacity is the sewe connection fee collected by each district. Financing Guarantee Payment of sewer connection fee shall satisfy the financing obligation of private development fo Wastewater Facilities. 2-6 I a I PARK FACILITIES 1 Required Facilities I The following Special Conditions are contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan: The City of Carlsbad and John D. Lusk and Sons are committed to a recorded agreement dated June 17, 1982, that recognizes a 725-unit credit for Park-in-Lieu fees for fiture development (see Appendix A-Z).' This agreement mwt be taken into consideration when determining the projected revenuesfrom projects in Park District 3 toward the development of future parks in Park District 3. Mitigation of the projected Park District 3 deficiency involves the City of Carlsbad 's adopted Capital Improvements Program and the provisions of the adopted Zone 19 Local Facilities Management Plan in conjunction with the specijk requirements contained in the Zone 22 Plan. Exhibit 34, page 75, Phasing of Park Facilities with Mitigation2 shows how conformance with the adopted parks standard is projected to occur through Zone 22 buildout. The measures outlined below will emure that Zone 22'sportion of the proposed mitigation will occur CIS outlined. A. I i 1 R I I I I I I I 1 N Special Conditions for Zone 22 I. All residential development shall pay Park-in-Lieu fees (unless exempt by prior agreement) and Public Facility Fees for Park District 3. * * *3 Following the adoption of Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22, the City has complet the acquisition of the 42-acre site of Alta Mira Park, and the developer of Zone 19 has dedicat land for the community park in that zone. In addition, the City has budgeted funds from t Public Facilities Fee and received a letter of credit from the developer of Zone 19 i I ' Appendix A-2 has not been reproduced in this Plan. * Exhibit 34 has not been reproduced in this Plan. 3 Other special conditions are no longer applicable. See discussion below. 1 2-7 w w construction of park improvements. As a result of these actions, Special Conditions A.2 and A.: have been satisfied. In particular, a Parks Agreement is no longer required from any develope in Zone 22. New development in Zone 22 is subject only to Special Condition A. 1, i.e. paymen of Park-in-Lieu and Public Facilities Fees. Estimated Source status1 Facility - cost of Funds Est. Ye2 LAND ACQUISITION 4.1 Alta MIra - 42 ac. -- -- Complete 4.2 Zone 19 Community Park - 24.25 ac. -- -0 Completec IMPROVEMENT 4.3 Alta MIX - Ph. I $3,087,000 PFF 1992- 199: 4.4 Alta Mira - Ph. II/Comm. Center $6,900,000 PFF 2002+ 4.5 Zone 19 Community Park - 15 ac. $1,687,500 Developer of 2002 + 4.6 Zone 19 Community Park - 9.25 ac./ $4,250,000 PFF 2002+ Zone 19/PFF Community Center Source of Funds All park land needed to serve future development in LFM Zone 22 has been acquired, and financing for their construction has been assured through collection of Public Facilities Fees and through the parks agreement executed by the developer of LFM Zone 19. Improvement of Alta Mira Park and the community park in Zone 19 are incorporated in the City’s Capital Improvement Program (1992-93 to Buildout). No additional sources of funds are required. 2-8 I 0 I 1 I I i I I I I 1 I I I’ I I I t Park land has already been acquired for Alta Mira Park and for the community park in Zone 1 However, it should be noted that there is an existing 1982 Agreement among the City, Occiden Land, Inc., and John D. Lusk & Sons which affects land located in Facility Area D. (A copy the agreement is included in Zone 22 LFM Plan.) Under this agreement., the develope obligation to acquire patk land has already been satisfied for a development of up to 725 dwelli units. Thus, even if additional park land were needed to meet the park requirements, a develoi of any land in Facility Area D would not be required to fund acquisition of additional park lar unless cumulative development in Facility Area D exceeds 725 units. Financing Guarantee Payment of the Public Facilities Fee satisfies the financing guarantee for construction of Alta Mi Park and the community park in Zone 19, as long as the Growth Management Progra Performance Standards for parks are met. I I 2-9 w w 1 DRAINAGE FACILITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan: Prior to approval of any Development Permit within Zone 22, the Developer shall pay the current drainage area fee established at the time of issuance of a Development Permit. Also, the Developer must enter into an agreement to pay any drainage fees established in the forthcoming Master Drainage Plan. Phase A Drainage facilities will be provided a~ the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Financing: There is no special financing required for Phase A. Phase B Special Conditions: Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs first, for any development in Zone 22, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing the construction of the following Phase B drainage facility must be adopted: The storm drain system proposed parallel to the railroad tracks up to and including the proposed desilt basin shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. 2- 10 I w w I 1 B 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 2-1 1 I I Financing: The cost of the storm drain system proposed to serve Phase B is estimated to be $l,041,OOO. This system is to be cfinanced by the developers in Phase B requiring the need for it, I Phase C Special Conditions: Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Financing: There is no special financing required for Phase C. 1 Specifically, the LFM Plan identifies the following drainage facilities as required to suppc development in drainage basin B of Zone 22: Estimated Facility Location cost 5.1 (A) 48" RCP Parallel to railroad tracks on east side $ 81,000 5.2 (B) 60" RCP Crossing railroad tracks 39,000 5.3 (C) 60" RCP Parallel to railroad tracks on west side 220,000 5.4 (D) 66" RCP Parallel to railroad tracks to west side 35 1,000 5.5 (E) 72" RCP Parallel to railroad tracks to west side 123,000 5.6 (F) 84" RCP From railroad tracks to Ponto Drive 169,000 5.7 (G) Desilt Basin North of Batiquitos Lagoon 58.000 Total: $1.04 1 .OOO The above group of facilities is identified as Facility "DA" in the draft City of Carlsbad Mas1 Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan (City of Carlsbad, 1992). For definiti of drainage basin boundaries, see Figure 2-1. Source of funds and financing requirement i discussed following this figure. --- d,F. .. - . ‘&X. - -... >? \* .:;, Lt :<::I( gq349gr: % ah;a pffj3g “$2 $$g x $3 !+ p;i 4 5 *. N c-r h) 3 G Y tm (D . CI t4 N i ii i cn k =; E M W tp W I B I Facility 5.1 (A) 48" RCP Special Condition Phase B Estimated Cost $8 1,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Reimbursement Drainage Fee Fund Responsible Area D, E r Facility 5.2 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement Responsible Area (B) 60" RCP Phase B $39,000 Developer Improvement agreement D, E Drainage Fee Fund Facility 5.3 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement 1 I 1 Responsible Area (C) 60" RCP Phase B $220,000 Developer Improvement agreement D, E Drainage Fee Fund Facility 5.4 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement Responsible Area @) 66" RCP Phase B $35 1,000 Developer Improvement agreement D, E Drainage Fee Fund Facility 5.5 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement Responsible Area r I 9 1 (E) 72" RCP Phase B $123,000 Developer Improvement agreement D, E Drainage Fee Fund Facility 5.6 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Responsible Area Reimbursement (0 84" RCP Phase B $169,000 Developer Improvement agreement D, E See below Facility 5.7 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement I 1 I Responsible Area (G) Desiltation Basin Phase B $58,000 Developer Improvement agreement D, E See below w CIRCULATION FACILITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan: The proposed mitigation is divided into the categories established under the phasing portion of this section. The mitigation as presented below will ensure that the adopted pe@ormance standard will be maintained through buildout of Zone 22. It should be understood that all cost estimates presented in this Plan are preliminary in nature and will needfirther refinement as the actual scope of work, utility needs and right-of-way dedications are detemined. Special Conditions-for Zone 22 A. Prior to the issuance of any development permit within Zone 22, detailed intersection graphics depicting existing and buildout conditions as well as detailed cost estimate, shall be submitted and approved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The required intersection graphics are for those. intersections identijkd as being impacted by 20percent or more of tranc generated from this Zone. Prior to the recordation of thecfirstfinal map, issuance of a grading permit or issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs first, for any development in Zone 22, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing the construction of the following circulation improvements must be adopted: B. Improvements Needed Now None. Improvements Needed Bv 1989 1) Avenida Encinas - Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane a) Graded to secondary arterial standard width. b) Construction of four lanes. e) Signal modijkations. 2-20 0 W I >I I I 1 1 c d) Intersection improvements ot: I) 2) Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia. Avenida Encinas and Palomar Airport Road. Estimated Cost: $1,376,063 Comdetion Date: 1989 Improvements Needed By 1990 e 1) Palomar Airport Road Interchange 1 to include: Palomar Airpon Road over I-5 shall be widened to prime arterial standards a) Width to accommodate: I) 6 through lanes. 2) Installation of traflc signals at both on and oflramps. Widen to four lanes to major arterial standards between I-5 and Avenida Encinas. Dual left turn lanes at both on and ofrcunps. I I I 8 4 li I b) c) Estimated Cost: $8, OOO, OOO Completion Date: 1993 21 Interim ImDrovements a) Palomar Airport Road - E5 Northbound Off-Ramp to 100 Feet East Widen south side of Palomar Airport Road by 12 feet and construct temporary A. C. berm to add an eastbound lane to accommodate a "jive " right turn from the I-5 northbound of-ramp. b) Palomar Airport Road/I-S Install interim trafic signals at the northbound and southbound of- I ramp junctions. Estimated Cost: $1 70,000 1 Completion Date: 1990 Improvements Needed By 1993 1) Poinsettia Lane/I-S Interchange I I I I a) Widen overpass to four through lanes, plus dual left-turn lanes to the north and southbound 1-5 on-ramps. Widen the two-lane of- ramps to three lanes. 2-2 1 w m b) Concurrent with the I-5 overpass widening, widen to provide separate right-turn lane for the eastbound to southbound turn to the westbound turn from the I-5 southbound 08-ramp. (Curb reconstmetion and possible additional right-of-way will be needed for these improvements). I-$ southbound on-ramp, and a separate lane for the souihbound io Estimated Cost: $5,767,62 7 Completion Date: 1993 Poinsettia Lane/I-5 Northbound and Southbound Off-Ramps a) Estimated Cost: $1 20, OOO Completion Date: 1993 Poinsettia Lane - Avenida Encinas to I-5 a) 2) Install interim traflc signals during overpass widening. 3) MotSifL tra$’ic signal to accommodate street and overpass widening, providing two east/west through lanes and a dual le$ turn westbound to southbound, Estimated Cost: $20,000 Completion Date: 1993 Improvements Needed Q 1995 1) Palomar Airport Road - Avenida Encinas to Carlsbad Boulevard Widen and add two lanes to ultimate four-lane major arterial standards, including railroad bridge and intersection improvements at Palomar Airport Road and Carlsbad Boulevard. Estimated Cost: $3,600,000 Comp Ietion Date: 1995 Poinsettia Lane - Avenida Encinas to Carlsbad Boulevard Widen and add two lanes to ultimate four-lane secondary arterial standards, including railroad bridge. Estimated Cost: $1,500, OOO Completion Date: 1995 2) 2-22 I I I, ’ ma ma 1 Improvements Needed @ 2000 None. Improvements Needed 3 Buildout 1 t None. 0 Source of funds and financing requirement are discussed below. I I I I I 1 1 b 4 I I I 1 I 2-23 Facility 6.1 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement Responsible Area Avenida Encinas From PAR to Poinsettia Lane B (1989).1 $2,986,400 Developer/TIF/Encina Administrative Agency Improvement agreement B, D See below me me >'. 1 1 1 I Segment 1 $ 933,300 Segment 2 1,38 1,800 Segment 3 671.300 Total $2,986,400 I Source: Rick Engineering, 4/30/91 These estimates do not include costs of land acquisition, traffic signals, engineerin bonds or fees. 0 Source of Funds I D of Zone 22. This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in Facility Area B The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (1992-93 to Buildout) includes 1 construction of Avenida Encinas - South of Palomar Airport Road ($525,000). The C shall contribute this amount to the improvement of Segment 1 or as reimbursement to 1 developer or developers constructing the facility, to the extent that sufficient TIF fur are available. On July 9, 1991, the City Council approved an agreement between the City and 1 Encina Administrative Agency (EAA) regarding the widening of Avenida Encinas alc the frontage of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, which is a part of Segmi 1 as defined above. Following this agreement, EAA deposited $622,000 with the C in order to fund the widening. If this widening has not been initiated by 1 commencement of the first development in Zone 22, then the City shall contribute t amount to the improvement of Segment 1 at the time of construction. I I 1 1 4 I I I I 1 Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in Facility Area B or D of Zone 22, this facil shall be constructed; or an acceptable security instrument shall be provided to the Cj or an improvement agreement shall be executed. 1 Reimbursement The principal property owners in Facility Areas B and D, The Lusk Company : Sammis Carlsbad Associates, Inc., will fund and construct this facility. If the facilic to be constructed without the use of CIP or Encina Administrative Agency fu discussed above, the owners shall enter into a reimbursement agreement with the Ci 1 2-25 ww e- Allocation of financing responsibility and reimbursement between the owners shall alsc be addressed in the reimbursement agreement. In general, the cost allocation is anticipated as follows: - Lusk Sammis Segment 1 71.1% 28.9 % Segment 2 0% 100% Segment 3 100 % 0% Cost allocation for Segment 1 is based on gross land area. If the City’s or Encinz Administrative Agency’s contributions to Segment 1 are made after construction, the) shall be reimbursed to the two 0-wners in the same proportions as the initial cos1 allocation. 2-26 I I I Facility 6.2 I-SIPoinsettia Lane Interchange Special Condition B (1993).1, 2, 3 Estimated Cost $1 1,163,000 Source of Funds Carlsbad CFD No. 1 Financing Guarantee Participation in CFD Reimbursement Not applicable Responsible Area A, B, D, E * Facility 6.3 Special Condition Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement Estimated Cost Responsible Area Widening of Poinsettia Lane/ATSF Overpass B (1995).2 PFF Fee payment A, B, E Not applicable $2,000,000 1 I 1 Facility 6.4 Special Condition B (1990).1, 2 Estimated Cost $10,500,000 Source of Funds Carlsbad CFD No. 1 Financing Guarantee Participation in CFD A, B, D, E Reimbursement Not applicable I-YPalomar Airport Road Interchange Responsible Area Facility 6.5 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement Responsible Area PAR from Carlsbad Blvd. to Avenida Encinas B (1995).1 $4,000,000 PFF Fee payment Not applicable A, B, D, E Wo @. 1I * I I FIRE FACILITIES I Required Facilities 1 I Source of Funds ' None is required. None is required. There are no Special Conditions contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan. Financing Guarantee i I I I I 8 1 I 1 I 1 I None is required. I 2-3 1 WeJ mw SCHOOL FACILITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan: A. Special Conditions No special conditions are necessary at this time. However, conformance with the adopted school pe formanee standard will be a prerequisite of any conditioned to pay school fees in accordance with the requirements of the Carlsbad Unijkd School District. development within the Zone. All development within Zone 22 will be B. Financing School Fee collection for the construction of ofl-site school facilities is the only current financing mechanism apparent per the General Plan. No school facilig projects are proposed at this time within Zone 22. If the revised School Location Plan indicates a need for school sites within the Zone, then compliance with the pe?formance standard shall be through a combination of land dedication and school fees. Source of Funds School facilities will be funded through collection of school fees. Financing Guarantee Payment of school fees shall satisfy the financing requirement of private development for this facility. 2-32 mo me L IJ ' I I OPEN SPACE FACILITIES 1 Required Facilities 1 The following Special Conditions are contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan: 1. All fiture development within this Zone shall be required to show how it contributes to meeting the open-space performance standard over and above meeting all other criteria standards and development regulations and that the development does not preclude the provision of per$ormance- standard open space at buildout of Zone 22. Open-space compliance will be monitored annually and as individual projects are reviewed within this Zone. Prior to the approval of any development within this Zone, the Planning Director shall be required to jnd that the development does not preclude the provision of per$ormance-standard open space at buildout of Zone 22. 1 I 1 I I 2. 3. I Source of Funds I 1 Financing Guarantee 1 Funding for open space shall be provided by private developers. No specific financing guarantee is required. I I 1 I I 1 2-33 WFY ww SEWER FACILITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan: A. PhaseA 1. Special Conditions Sewer facilities will be installed as required by the City of Carlsbad. 2. Financing There is no specialfinancing required for Phase A. B. Phase B 1. Special Conditions Sewer facilities will be installed as required by the City of Ca rls bad. 2, Financing There is no special financing required for Phase B. For definition of sewer phasing boundaries, see Figure 2-2. Source of Funds Non-master plan facilities required by the City will be provided by private developers. Fmancing Guarantee No specific financing guarantee is required. 2-34 , I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 n I I I 1 I i I I - 4 B E El - 0 SQ 6 2 m W m P4 m !2 0 N + m a L bo a iz I) ,. .. .~ ww w= WATER FACILITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in Zone 22 LFM Plan: A. Special Conditions for Management Zone 22 All development within Zone 22 shall pay the required connection fees. B. Financing The existing water facilities for Zone 22 currently confonn to the adopted pegtomanee standard. The four proposed waterlines are anticipated to be constructed concurrent with the development requiring the need for them to maintain conformance to the adopted pe@ormance standard. Estimated costs of the four proposed waterlines are as follows: Facility A I2 n Line Poinsettia Lane (I ,500 LF) $54,000 B 10" Line Carlsbad Boulevard (I ,500 LF) 125,000 C 12 N Waterline Avenida Encinas (300 LF) 10,800 D 12 * Palomar Airport Road (1,OOO LF) 40.000 Total $229,800 The proposed water distribution system for Zone 22 is shown in Figure 2-3. Source of funds an financing requirement are discussed following this figure. 2-36 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1. *I k -0 wo m B + z 0 CA i 3 0)- - Q B s E rv e4 0 N 3 rv Q) t 3 om iz - 6 9. -2 6 - ca a a; sz c= alzu u aw a=; 073- 0 o< m"- - e2 5 6CO Facility 11.1 Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Responsible Area Reimbursement Special Condition (A) 12" Line - Poinsettia Lane B $54,000 Developer Improvement agreement D Not applicable Facility 11.2 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement 1 I I Responsible Area (B) 10" Line - Carlsbad Blvd. B $125,000 Developer Improvement agreement A Not applicable Facility 11.3 Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Reimbursement Special Condition Responsible Area (C) 12" Line - Avenida Encinas B $10,800 Developer Improvement agreement B Not applicable Facility 11.4 Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Responsible Area Reimbursement 1 1 1 @) 12" Lie - Palomar Airport Road B $40,000 Developer Improvement agreement A Not applicable