HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-06; City Council; 11920; PROHIBITION OF SKATEBOARDING IN THE PUBLIC PARKING LOT AT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE AND ROOSEVELT STREET.7 - 6' Lv. - m 4 -4 cd u a a, &I 0 w v) al u 5 c g a, a, m W c\I a cn 4 n 0 N k P a, 0 u 0 c) w 0 z 2 -4 u a, a, .c u u 0 T! g 2 3 .rl C 4J c) 3 a, k u u 3 .c a, H .. N m \ a \ 0 4 CBY OF CARLSBAD - AGWA BILL 6: I AB # - DEPT TITLE: PROHIBITION OF SKATEBOARDING MTG. 10-6-92 CITY IN THE PUBLIC PARKING LOT AT CARLSBAD DEPT. CM VILLAGE DRIVE AND ROOSEVELT STREET CITY I I 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. q2.-303 prohibiting skateboarding in the public parking lot located at Carlsbad Village Drive and Roosevelt Street. I ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 7, 1992, the City Council adopted Ordinance NS-188 approving ar amendment to the Carlsbad Municipal Code to prohibit skateboarding in certair areas of the City. The ordinance allows the City Council to "...adopt a resolutior regulating or prohibiting the use of skateboards on specified public property 0: public right-of-ways upon the placement of appropiate signs," The parking lot on Roosevelt Street near Carlsbad Village Drive is a City-ownec parking lot. The Police Department has received complaints regarding noise profanity, littering and vandalism by skateboarders in this parking lot. Exhibi 3 contains a letter and petition from merchants and customers in the downtow area detailing the problems they are experiencing with skateboarders in this lot However, because Skateboarding is not currently prohibited in this lot, the Policl Department cannot legally require skateboarders to leave the area. The attached resolution prohibits skateboarding in this parking lot. The origin: ordinance adopted by the City Council prohibited skateboarding in the publj parking lots located on State Street and Grand Avenue, and on State Stree between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue, and in the Split Pavilion. I addition, the City Council recently adopted a resolution prohibiting skateboardin in the parking lot and sidewalks adjacent to the Split Pavilion on Ocean Stree EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 42- 302 prohibiting skateboarding in the public parkin lot located at Carlsbad Village Drive and Roosevelt Street. 2. Location map. 3. Letter and petition to Mayor Lewis dated August 10, 1992. 2 0 6 a 4 5 2 3 0 0 1 f I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a e RESOLUTION NO. 9 2 - 3 0 7 \ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, PROHIBITING SKATEBOARDING &D ROOSEVELT STREET N THE PUBLIC PARKING LOT AT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE \ WHEREAS, Lh e City Council recognizes the potential for propeq damage a1 traffic safety hazards ca sed by skateboarding; and \ WHEREAS, the Ci Council may regulate or prohibit of skateboards ( $,, /""4 specific public property or pu 'c right-of-ways by resolutlpn; and \ ;4s, \ i, WHEREAS, there is an ent need to prohibit skateboarding 1 in the pub: parking lot located at Carlsbad Villag Drive and R4osevelt Street, du o safety hazarc NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES0 'VED by thekity Coundil &the City of Carlsba i '\ i! f \ \ \ i \ fi c\ \\ \/ California, as follows: ;+j ', i \ \ 1. That the above recitptions are e and correct. I I d!! 2. That upon adoption! of this res lu Yn and the placement of appropria signs, skateboarding shall bei proFbited in e pu 'c parking lot located at Carlsb; Village Drive and Roosevelt street. i/ / 7, I i '"0 \\ PASSED, APPROVED; AND' ADOP D at a re&g meeting of the city Count of the City,of Carlsbad, CaGomia on the day Q \ I 1992, by the llowing vote, to wit: AYES : \I i / I\, \\ /, j \ NOES; \> \I ABSENT: \I \ a i i!: ATTEST: CLAUDE A. LEWIS),, Mayor ! \>x '\ '\ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk i / (SEAL) \ ” - 6 1, i - -. - . . . . 0 0 I ..- “_.”_ N CI .- d r W x .- \ -c * - + '4 1- 4 0 Mayor C.A. "Bud" Lewis City Courrcil City af Cwlsbad 1'200 Carlsbad Village Drive Csrlsbsd, CA, 32008 RE: Skateboarders on Downtown Parking Lots 0 Exhibit Mayor Lewis: We are writing this letter on behalf of the undersigned mefnhers of the dowfrtown business cotmmunity. Since the construction of the City's parking lots on Rciosevel between Car-lsbad k'illage drive and Grand A~te within the irnrrrerjiat-e vicinity of ?hi Housing &, Kedeveioprment office, skateboarders have continued to use this area ill Notices ti signs have been posted ststing prohibition of use for skate-boarding pur However, ?Re posted signs have been vandalized, removed & tsst re-installed. This parking lot was purchased and improved to serve as parking facilities for The iiiiiage, businesses, guests, atid clients. The area tis):";' is B "SKATE-BOARDERS HAb Unfortunately, tnarry of the skate-boarders are rud~r, profane, abusive and ebrasive Patroriage in the City's parking 101s include females, seniors h visitors to the dow and as such, shcruld not have to deal witti this situation. The continued intrusion b Skate-boarders not only pre?;ents citizens d visitors from tlsing the property; but creates a risk of physical danger& liabilit-y for those who park their cars and WAY property in the area. Therefore, we reccrnirnend posting the adjacent pedestrian a Observation of individuals illegally using the facility indicate t-tstlt they are uf le: leave exterrsive litter, and in fact, drive cars t-u these at-em. We have repeatedly notified the Redeatielopment Office and the Police Depsrtmerrt 1 problem; however, the nuisance has not subsided nor t-he activity heen ~:urtailed. It appears tu the undersigned, the Palice Department has taken a "driw-by slap uti or so, theti return in force. Sews1 suggestions have been offered bg people signing this petition which coirld in solving the problem. The suggestions include: wrist" attitude. Ottce B Police Officer Bt-t-iasies, +-he skate-hoarders disperse for 1, 1) E1irninat.e the narrow curb islarids in the parking lot & replace them with protective bollat-ds sitmilat- to those in the Koosecielt Street median. 2) Re-install aandal proof signage in the parking tot &. Paint sigtlsge ot-1 paw surf aces. 3) Confiscate ttie offet-rder's skateboard and return only after a letter ties bet received ft-om the parents arid payment of EI $25.00 fine. Reclaimstion crru at the Police Department. “ 0 0 + - Letter to t-tayor C.A. “Bud” Lewis re: SkateBoarders Allg 10, .- ‘i Page * 2 I 4) Designate other more remote parking areas for after busitless hour skstebC1; use, i.e. the City Parking Lot on State Street & Oak kve. or within school pal lots. It is our belief that this situation on a City facility creates a potentially dangereo li belw problem. Mflyor Lewis, your considered sttefrtion to this issue is aDDreciated. cc: City Cout-icii Members Ci tg Manager Comrnuni tg Developrnent Director. Carlsbad Police Department Redevelopment Director Please submit any response tu 2956 Roosevel t St, Suite *3 - -.. %' b e a \2 - Letter to Mayor C.A. "Bud" Lewis re: SkateBoarders 8 I' Aug 10, 1992 .4 Signed I 6. 30 ADDRESS rm5-g ~CfUc" 4 +Y 7 24- I 3 aT6@my# Y 7 9-2" 2cr 5b ", 7 .q - q r R rnfF li r/ e c7- #5 - - 243-6 gm raj.&l f- S6 :#- $- aq 5 (7, 'Q I' ,&> .<i *' \>[ A>< +I &, -44ffUh)A? cw <-x": c- ,I \ KL05;$ [,F,C/7" /. qjr 2q&- &uegi,,57- L" *e CflL-4 a-eb5- <+d"e S-h&? P&RL*-b ///WE M, 5 60 /zAa/tZ&L[LI/Ll/C~ f& . aSouA&oUU*CpCp%k " * p'lry TArrq'~ yf, , &w. I CW Iflp-l Klj rmc\ - qTqT-- PA Le/ / fiutvs b&L %.e?, RJ& A& 1 PS.^ ( ,F , - .e 0 4 -Donald A..Agatep & Associates " I P City & Rcgio~ral Pla111rir1g Corrsdturrts . .. c3GT 5, tq 'M\Iu" \"L" {ZiTy tC3"utL l2Ez: ~~A"Axr- hc-rtu\-s:y 1 -5" ",Lc&G... MkQcz L-p.3, t ==sgur3;tT 57 - Lah, LU '&L,P" e= 5TAd .RE~~.A~Z-DATLC>G - LV T-cc-,AxF5 .CI/A"A&,uq .eu TlAe It<? \ 3, P-tLcJ- 4-v7 AT i=rZlsr=b4- utLLAG;6;~ E Tzoo" '"i - v=A%cs -= 4 ~V\,05.10 "L, F3"4 Wrl -A= EzsczGG" 0- ""-c(3" - . .. .. \ L&cs t VI";,T" \'LrJSxc3m&-6Ly = " T4k-r cw fhz=nu\-y c53-c ,7" -vG3LL7 *:-"<, .. fhbb FbG ~E-~TL-', Pru-, UOT -0- tbt~t3- wv h 41dGa GbuO, .. d(t3 *c7 Uc37 bG ,&u.oe tu 7XAaE CtY-f 1 A-0w Ta,- A-l7rlTU\>S 1- -r-k- -o-r3TowL* &QP&7er&rS e ~~~o''3- 'Ra".r- As 4 WAOL-, Jlr-Y -0 uE . .. .. E -=tS-- Y"GL -5- =b 5"-,ba5 \ tu TtJ-E- L" * nw- 2Yj6 XuuscI*dI Slrra Ibst 0,IJcc Dux 590 Cltrlsbutl b Cirl~urllitr 92U0,S 0 (619) J3d-1056 -. -w ... A 0 e &&?&?qw 6, 1 2 LJJ PERSONAL SERVICE LAUNDRY POST OFFICE BOX 545 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ?$c5 j @ CC #- B&L@d A-g""Jvw (-7y.L&4&, 4g,$ &/fl&iG +L4 4/ Ld" 640 c5 flyd @<Q,' Ly-&=;, y&*&*fl3 562- @cflLA&&fh& oA@Od* &/X &'4 ec/P'Z+ d- &/+a@-.& g 4 "i""--&1>d3 /LJk&&&aldd&L., , ~ ~-~ @&<Pd&d 62&Jer /OA2A, @fld&&k9-dU4 /&9Ld" tlmp+&w&Qlp L%L d&2&4 &A F *u., &dL-k-&22 I l&J- a4L L+&L;r-!& &A.df.&& &- //-A&< q-&LLfi L/&&??&@. @4-. L+UL&&, km%LmL& [&WU ma fl&&UU& 9 L&l&/ & -LC&&.- "-&d/ && p&&d & A-d-jdk alwa L"fk24&AA y& - a\- ~+zwLk?&:/ Jd -WELL g y4- y244fC -fw e&&#, * ) Q-"&/JJ!- @LQF B& 9*P?[HZL& +&D-<.&JP c- L &ed &&&<lgJ, YL, p J""" &P/&kA "3 d2- 8 8 255 <.- ?- d'' kA& (i" y&o/)dLTm aA%) I @ >LY->> = a 0 I 7: t *- 1 EQDKINS PLAGE FOR HAIR 2356 Rooeecelt St. Cai;&&, Ca. g2ggg October G, 4992. Lye have had a continueing probkn with the Ghat2boarder3 in t17p_ pal+jng lot on it@ 8l)uth jl& of our eatabiiahment. Tiis pt-obirrn deais b4ij-1 Wier uaing the enirance to u-~e park4 ioi to &ale tkow cat-@ in jeopardy of being hit from bfrhind by otter car5 travelinn on Roaswdt &et. Many aiide right nut in fmnt af a moving car and that it vvil! stop far !hem. %pep cu&~era care are nnt quite into the lot .with a large portion of there car protruding into t;-~e atreet. If something ian't done customera are aenior citizena and they h3ve compiained of this aa well as putting thier cat;? at risk to iiying skateisoat-us. Tiey aiao ieei very iriumiciaieci bq' %E &rea and iooka ii-ey reciwe irom the young people &IC) at-= skatboarding In !!x lot. "z fee! kis ic OT:E of E-:= buaiest parkir:g !cia in t!-:e city it was built for cars lets keep it for cars. a~rn-ac~ hr.~ rlninn an tholi -I + thamnnhma in rlannsr nf ih= para nn;-nirLr* irh fk= Inf zr,ri =,Ian b-u I+ YY, YVY, Yy .,"I, *e YY " 8-3 pew. u *&I I IY.-I..-Y .' s .nYS ,>x-* "3 .I IC "US v YY. I ..I 'U I. .." .. 'L. I-. Y. .%. -I"- y.dL GjJg~uo-lETe ?,aye piad tii ,i"- .g&"Ti gtijpa ifi ai;iiiu" &&b~ay~eit bii;-iii gegi-fi iG feel ;-q c.fi j& ab0i-d +his $*$e ahall !-#we an aeci&:nt ;Ed ibis city ;**ill i;r&at;ly be a:-;E.d. ,&aI-;t haff of Q:J- TH#+jK- iiiiii WE STAFF f?F Bf)EK!NS MAUREEN JORDAN GVfiiEFi I I i ! I i I I I AI3 11,920, DATED 10/6/92 N.E.CORNER CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE ROOSEVELT ., .. s- .-; - ' 4 + ~ I I w w AI3 11,920, DATED 10/6/92 N.E.CORNER CARLSBAD VILLAGE DFUVE ROOSEWLT - ( rv; I 7 . *' li -* ". "..I - -~~~__ - --~ """" - ~__ --- ~- ". -~I_ . ~~. __ _~"~ "" ~~ __~ " ~ ."""" _."_ I I, k > . " - - ~~-~ "- . ~ -__~"_ ______ ~ ~~~~ "~.. ~ . . .. ,. w w "" " -1 .I * .- .. " . . . .I.. "^ r . - ""-_ " ~. . . ,* =- -1 r- __ . _. - . 1 . ._. . . ... " ~ , :_ 1, ~ I I 1 4 I I I' I i I, - I( i i i *?a ~~ ~ -, .. . _- --- .- - -"-":~""~ "" . . ." " ""_~ .- - "_" " " " . - i I 1 - " .. . __~ ~. . - -.-- -----___-_ "_ . . "" - "". .. - "." - -. ". 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