HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-06; City Council; 11922; Open Space Advisory Committee Annual Report\B # r/,C,aa- TITLE: ITG. lo -&I -4% BEPT. PLN OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1991-92 ANNUAL REPORT CIT. -OF CARLSBAD - AGENL-, BILL IECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Council ACCEPT the Open Space Advisory DEPT. HD.‘ CITY ATTY CITY MGR. + Committee 1991-92 Annual Report as documentationthatthe Committee is adequately fulfilling their charge as directed by the Council. ITEM EXPLANATION On June 19, 1990, Council created and made appointments to the nine-member Open Space Advisory Committee. The principal charge to this Committee is to work with staff to address a number of unresolved open space issues, including the Completion of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP). In addition, one of the charges of the Council to this Committee was to report annually on its work. This is the Open Space Advisory Committee's 1991-92 Annual Report. The Annual Report of the Open Space Advisory Committee documents all work that was completed by the Committee from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992. It includes a summary of all items reviewed; review of master plans, specific plans, and open space boundary adjustments acted upon; summary of work in progress: and, all Committee-approved/accepted motions (see Exhibit "A1', Excerpt From Annual Report). The report indicates that the Committee continues to make excellent progress toward fulfilling the charge directed by the City Council. With the Council acceptance of the OSCRMP on September 1, 1992, most of the final decisions regarding open space have been made. In the upcoming year, the Committee will continue to coordinate its open space planning efforts with the efforts of the Habitat Management Planning (HMP) Group; provide input regarding the integration of the OSCRMP into the Open Space and Conservation Element: and, continue to review the open space component of master plans, local facilities management plans, and major general development projects for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Element and the OSCRMP. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT The preparation of an annual report and its acceptance by the City Council does not constitute a project requiring review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS 1. Exhibit llA1' - Excerpt From Annual Report 2. Open Space Advisory Committee Annual Report (previous~dis&ributed) EXHIBIT A ANNUAL REPORT OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE City of Carlsbad June 30, 1992 Open Space Advisory Committee Members Courtney E. Heineman, Chairman Fay 0. Round, Jr., Chairman (6/90-6/92) Clarence Schlehuber, Vice-Chairman Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Matthew Hall Homer B. Hupf Kip K. McBane Alan Recce Kim Welshons staff Michael J. Holzmiller, Planning Director Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Teresa Woods, Associate Planner Anita-Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Val Dinsmore, Secretary Consultarlts Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd Dave Wilcox, Economic Research Associates Bill Anderson, Economic Research Associates Keith Gilfillan, Dudek & Associates Anita Hayworth, Advanced Sciences, Inc. Tom Johnson, Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates Elizabeth Byers, The Trust For Public Lands 1. II. III. Iv. ‘V. VI. VII. VIII. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*.......*.......*.............. COMMITTEECHARGE . . . . . ..a......................... SUMMARY OF ITEMS REVIEWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REVIEW OF MASTER PLANS, SPECIFIC PLANS, LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT PLANS, AND PROPOSED OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WORK IN PROGRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMITTEE APPROVED/ACCEPTED MOTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 1 Open Space Advisory Committee Work Plan Appendix 2 Committee Minutes Appendix 3 Open Space Boundary Adjustment Monitoring Log 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 11 Appendix 4 Bibliography of Reports and Handouts I. INTRODUCI’ION In July 1989, the 15-member Citizens’ Committee for Review of Carlsbad’s Open Space Plan and Programs completed its report to the City Council. This report contained recommendations for additional studies and analysis regarding open space and growth management standards; possible amendments to the Open Space Ordinance; the fiscal and physical feasibility of a trail system; the finance, acquisition, and maintenance of an open space and trail system; the development of an Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan; and the creation of an Open Space commission. One of the principal recommendations of the original 15-member Citizen’s Committee was that an Open Space Commission be established. On June 19, 1990, Council created and made appointments to a nine-member Open Space Advisory Committee. The principal responsibility of this Committee is to work with Staff to complete certain unresolved issues identified by the 15- member Citizen’s Committee, which include the completion of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. One of the charges of the Council to this Committee was to report annually on its work. This is the Open Space Advisory Committee’s second annual report. At the end of the Committee’s three year tenure, the Council may extend the tenure of the Committee or may establish a permanent Open Space Committee or Commission. II. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN The Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) will primarily be the implementation program for the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. It represents the final step in the preparation of a fully integrated Element. One of the duties of the Open Space Advisory Committee is to complete the OSCRMP. In April 1992, a draft of the OSCRMP was completed. The Planning Commission considered the OSCRMP on May 20,1992, and unanimously recommended its approval, including certain modifications suggested by staff. These changes were adopted by the Open Space Advisory Committee on May 28, 1992. The OSCRMP establishes open space definitions; includes an open space inventory; establishes an open space classification system; recommends open space goals, objectives, and policies; contains a Citywide action and implementation plan; establishes action and implementation strategies for each of the City’s twenty-five Local Facilities Management Zones; contains cost estimates for implementing the OSCRMP; and includes recommendations for a Carlsbad Trail System. The firm of Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT) was selected to assist the Committee and Staff in the preparation of the OSCRMP. A number of other organizations joined WRT in the preparation of the OSCRMP including Economic Research Associates and Fieldman Rolapp for economics and finance; Advance Sciences, Inc. for environmental review; Dudek and Associates for engineering analysis; and, The Trust for Public Lands regarding pre-acquisition services and the potential for establishment of a local land trust. III. COhdMITl-EE CHARGE The charge of the Open Space Advisory committee incudes the following: 1. Provide input and make advisory recommendations to the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, other commissions, boards, and committees as deemed necessary, and the City staff on the implementation of the Report of the Citizens Committee to Study Open Space. This includes completing tasks 2 and 3 of Phase I and all of Phase II of the Work Plan for implementing the Report which was approved by the City Council on December 19, 1989. 2. Review and comment on staff reports dealing with the open space section of Local Facility Management Zone Plans, Master Plans, and Specific Plans. The purpose of this review is to ensure that the plans are meeting the open space use, maintenance and acquisition priorities for the affected portion of the City and that criteria are established for the subsequent review of development projects. 3. Provide input and recommendations on other open space matters when requested by the City Council. Other matters may include recommendations for acquisition, use and financing strategies. 4. Act in an advisory role regarding decisions affecting open space. Actions of the Committee are advisory only and do not bind, restrict, or substitute for any of the discretionary or legislative authority of the City Council or it’s appointed Commissions. l-v. SUMMARY OF l-I-EMS REVIEWED The Open Space Advisory Committee met regularly from July 1991 through June 1992. The full committee met ten times over the year and held four 2 separate workshops on the draft OSCRMP. Additionally, the subcommittee to review the open space inventory and draft consultant recommendations created in 1990, continued to meet regularly throughout the year. The Committee meetings focused on issues related to the preparation of the OSCRMP. Presentations and discussions ensued on the following topics: 1. Establishment. of Open Space priorities .at a Citywide level and on a Local Facilities Management Zone basis. 2. 3. Development of an open space inventory. The types of open space acceptable in meeting the Growth Management open space performance standard. 4. 5. 6. Open space classification system. Open space definitions. Financing options for trails and other open space in the City: park-in- lieu fees; public facility fees; Mello-Roos community facility district; Citywide assessment district; general obligations bonds; certificates of participation; utilities user tax; mitigation banking; Williamson Act; tax increment financing; commercial lease revenue; and grants. 7. 8. Regional trail connections. Trail segment alignments based on biological and engineering analysis. 9. Uses permitted on the Carlsbad Trail System. As of May 1992, the Committee has completed its work on the draft OSCRMP. The draft OSCRMP was reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission on May 20, 1992. It is anticipated that the draft plan will be considered by Council in July of this year. 3 V. REVIEW OF IbUWIER PLANS. SPECIFIC PLANS. LOCAL FACILlTY MANAGEMENT PLANS, AND PROPOSED OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY ADJU!tXMENTS The Committee reviewed a total of four Local Facility Management Plans, Master Plans, Specific Plans, and general development projects. The projects reviewed include the following: * Alta Mira Park * Larwin Park * Lake Calavera Golf Course * Evans Point The open space component of the Evans Point project was reviewed for consistency with the tentative trail alignments of the trails feasibility study and proposed open space priorities of the draft OSCRMP. No portion of the 128.1 acre site had been designated for open space. Under the Evans Point project, 59.4 acres would be set aside for open space. This area would include the trail segments identified in the Trails Feasibility Study. VI. WORK IN PROGRESS Over the past year, the Committee worked to complete the draft OSCRMP. The draft plan was completed in May 1992. The following is a description of current work in progress by the Committee. * The Committee continues to coordinate its open space planning efforts with the efforts of the Habitat Management Plan Advisory Group. A new liaison from the Open Space Advisory Committee (Courtney E. Heineman) has been appointed, replacing former Chairman Fay 0. Round, and will continue to attend the regular meetings of the group. * The Committee will work with staff to incorporate the OSCRMP into the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. * The Committee will continue to review Master Plans, Specific Plans, Local Facilities Management Plans, and major general development projects for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Element and the OSCRMP. 4 * The Committee will address equestrian use for portions of the Carlsbad Trail System as soon as consultant funds become available. VII. COMMlTIEE APPROVED/ACCEPTED MOTIONS All minutes are attached as Appendix 2. Julv 25. 1991 1. Minutes of June 27, 1991, were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept WRTs Trail System Report as amended by Committee members and City Staff, pending revisions and further review by the Committee. Aunust 22. 1991 1. Minutes of July 25, 1991, were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Encinitas trails proposal and to send the proposal back to staff to evaluate the planning issues and to bring the analysis back to the Committee at a future meeting. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the 1990-91 Annual Report as modified by the Committee. 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the revised trail report as modified by the Committee. Sentember 26. 1991 1. The minutes of August 22, 1991, were approved as amended. October 29. 1991 1. The minutes of September 26, 1991, were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the trail system ‘maps, the trail system archaeological review with comments, and amendments made to the maps. 5 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Local Facilities Management Zone Plans open space action priorities as amended and proposed by the Chairman, Fay 0. Round, Jr. 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the revised text, for the existing open space map, constraints open space map, existing open space context map, and also for the conceptual future open space map. 5. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that the presentation and action on what should count toward meeting the 15% Open Space performance standard be sent back to the subcommittee for further discussion, and then returned to the Committee. ’ 6. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the updated version of the open space categories and definitions. November 21. 1991 1. The minutes of the October 29, 1991, meeting were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to defer action on trail revisions to the December 1991 meeting. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the revised Open Space Definitions as amended. 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the revised open space categories and definitions listing as corrected. December 19, 1991 1. The minutes of the November 21, 1991, meeting were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the trails plan as modified by the biological study. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the preliminary approach to open space priorities for each Local Facilities Management Plan zone. 6 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that either the City or any affected Homeowner’s Association be given the opportunity to request a review of any privately owned trail(s) to determine whether public use of the trail(s) warrants acquisition by the City and inclusion in the Carlsbad Trail System. 5. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that the General Plan open space should be recorded as separate parcels from the developed parcels of projects. 6. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to include the additional wording for the growth management 15% open space performance standard in the draft Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Januarv 23. 1992 1. The minutes of the December 19, 1991, meeting were approved. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the proposed Evans Point project including the designated open space as outlined by Senior Planner Don Neu. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept in concept, the proposed financing program for the open space and trail programs. 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to continue the discussion of references to an Arboretum in Zone 18 to the January workshop. 5. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to defer the discussion and action on proposed equestrian use of the Carlsbad Trail System until after the scheduled workshops. Februarv 20. 1992 1. The minutes of the January 23, 1992, meeting were approved. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section II, Introduction of the draft OSCRMP. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve pages 8-l 1 and Appendix A of the draft OSCRMP. 7 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that page 27, C.21, be revised to reflect that it was part of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan, and not a part of the Element. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the conceptual open space and conservation maps which would now be consistent with the General Plan, and which include the protection of open space, and would be subject to further changes of the map. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Section IV Cost Estimates and Implementation. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to amend page 26, C.9, adding private open space areas that are not available to the public without some monetary or other consideration should not receive credit toward meeting the 15% open space standard. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to modify page 31, C.l, to read “The City shall establish a Citywide interconnecting trail system, primarily pedestrian oriented, but for bicycles where feasible. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Section IV Goals, Objectives, and Policies in its entirety. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to defer action on the Amendment of page 8, the paragraph prior to Category 1, adding “any specific area of open space may fall into one or more of these categories” to the end of the paragraph. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept pages 35-55 excluding the matrices on pages 36 and 37. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section V Citywide Action and Implementation Plan. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept Appendix F and Appendix G. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zones l-10, with minor changes. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zones 12, 13, and 14 as corrected. 8 16. A motion was made, seconded, and carried directing staff to bring back the language regarding liability that can be included in all of zones with trails. 0 17. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zones 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22. 18. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zones 24 and 25. 19. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Appendix C, E, and I. March 26. 1992 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The minutes of the February 20, 1992, meeting were approved. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept Zone 11 with corrections. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Zone 15 text as amended, with staffs proposed trail alignment. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zone 18. as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zone 23 as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Title Page, Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the Executive summary. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept Section II, The Open Space Setting, as amended under Category 3G. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Section III, Goals, Objectives, and Policies, as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section IV, Citywide Action and Implementation Plan. 9 11. !12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section V, Local Facilities Management Zone Action and Implementation Plan. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section VI, Cost Estimates and Implementation, as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section VII, Carlsbad Trail System Issues. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section VIII, Plan Implementation Issues. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section IX, Definitions and References, with the elimination of number 6, on page 257. A motion was made, seconded, and carried approving the Acknowledgements. A motion was made, seconded, and carried approving the Appendices. A motion was made, seconded, and carried approving the draft letter to Mayor Lewis as corrected, and authorizing staff and the subcommittee to forward the document to the Planning Commission and City Council. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to add the proposed wording as read by the Chairman to page 14 of the document. May 28. 1992 1. 2. The Minutes of March 26, 1992 as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to elect Courtney Heineman as the new Chairperson for the Committee. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to elect Clarence Schlehuber as the new Vice-Chairperson for the Committee. 4. ‘A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the changes to the draft OSCRMP as proposed by staff and accepted by the Planning Commission. 10 5. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to appoint Courtney Heineman as the new HMP representative. * Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan Workshops January 27, 1992 January 28, 1992 January 29, 1992 January 30, 1992 NO ACTION TAKEN. VIII. CONCLUSION With the assistance of Consultants and staff, the Open Space Advisory Committee has completed the time consuming task of preparing the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. The Committee, along with the subcommittee, composed of Heineman, Round and Welshon, worked diligently over the past two years to complete the OSCRMP. Additionally, the Committee continued to review projects being processed by the City for consistency with open space policy. During the upcoming year, work of the Committee will focus on integrating the recommendations of the OSCRMP into the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan; coordinating the recommendations of the OSCRMP with the Habitat Management Plan (HMP); addressing the question of equestrian use of portions of the Carlsbad Trail System; and, monitoring implementation of Open Space policy. At the end of June 1993, the three year tenure of the Committee will expire and a determination will be needed as to whether the Committee should be retained. 11 ATTACHMENT TO: '~ AB /Ill,922 DTD 10/16/92 SEPTEMBER.15, 1992 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1991-92 ANNUAL REPORT Attached please find a copy of the Open Space Advisory Committee 1991-92 Annual Report. A presentation on the activities of the Committee, during the 1991-92 year, will be scheduled for an upcoming Council meeting. Attachment OPEN CITY OF CARLSBAD SPACE AbVISORY COMMITTEE 1991- 92 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMHTEE City of Carlsbad June 30, 1992 - * . . September 8, 1992 The Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is with pleasure and some measure of pride that I submit the 1992 Annual Report of the Open Space Advisory Committee, in accordance with the ordinance which established the committee back in 1990. The Council has already received the document on which the committee, the very talented staff and the able consultants labored throughout the year--the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. The man who chaired the Committee through the sometimes arduous process of crafting the plan, Fay Round, indicated that he felt the plan would take its place alongside the Growth Management Plan as a unique testament to the City’s efforts to make Carlsbad a leader in developing policies to enhance the quality of life in the community. At the risk of seeming immodest, the members of the Committee strongly support that contention, - - I would like to digress long enough to pay tribute to Mr. Round’s unique qualifications for leading the committee through the process of drafting and, we hope, perfecting the Resource Management Plan. Because of his familiarity with the City’s planning process, his understanding of the needs of both the community and developers and his patience and dedication throughout the many hearings that helped to shape the document, he was the ideal leader. Mr. Round did not consider the job of the committee completed, nor do the members of the committee and the dedicated staff with whom we work. There is still the matter of achieving compatibility of the forthcoming Habitat Management Plan and the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Furthermore, the two must be integrated into an updated and revised Open Space and Conservation Element for the City’s General Plan. These tasks will occupy the attention of the Open Space Advisory Committee in the months to come. In addition, there is the task of monitoring open space policy, reviewing Master Plans, Specific Plans, Local Facilities Management Plans and major general development projects for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Element and the Resource Management Plan. The year beginning July 1, is the final year authorized by the City Council’s enabling ordinance for the Open Space Advisory Committee. At the end of that time, it will be up to the Council to decide whether or not the Committee’s charge should be renewed or the committee should be allowed to pass into oblivion. We on the Committee hope that by the end of the coming year, the value of our group as an ongoing part of the City government will have been amply demonstrated. The Committee is very grateful to the City Council for unwavering support and guidance in its efforts. We look forward to the substantial tasks that lie ahead, particularly in supporting the 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-l 576 - (619) 438-l 161 - - - - 1992 OPEN SPACE ANNUAL REPORT TO MAYOR LEWIS AND CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 8,1992 PAGE TWO Council any way possible to implement the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan and the soon-to-be-revised Open Space and Conservation Element. The Committee has enjoyed its part in what it hopes will prove to be a significant contribution to the stature and well-being of the community. Sincerely, COURTNEY E. HEINEMAN Chairperson, Open Space Advisory Committee Enclosure - - - - - - - - - - \ - Open Space Advisory Committee Members Courtney E. Heineman, Chairman Fay 0. Round, Jr., Chairman (6/90-6/92) Clarence Schlehuber, Vice-Chairman Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Matthew Hall Homer B. Hupf Kip K. McBane Alan Recce Kim Welshons staff Michael J. Holzmiller, Planning Director Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Teresa Woods, Associate Planner Anita-Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Val Dinsmore, Secretary consultants - -- - Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd Dave Wilcox, Economic Research Associates Bill Anderson, Economic Research Associates Keith Gilfillan, Dudek & Associates Anita Hayworth, Advanced Sciences, Inc. Tom Johnson, Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates Elizabeth Byers, The Trust For Public Lands - - - - I. II. w. Iv. V. VI. VII. VIII. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*. COMMITTEE CHARGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY OF ITEMS REVIEWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REVIEW OF MASTER PLANS, SPECIFIC PLANS, LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT PLANS, AND PROPOSED OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WOti IN PROGRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMITTEE APPROVED/ACCEPTED MOTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 1 Open Space Advisory Committee Work Plan Appendix 2 Committee Minutes Appendix 3 Open Space Boundary Adjustment Monitoring Log Appendix 4 Bibliography of Reports and Handouts 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 11 - -- I. INTRODUCXION -- - ._- - -- -- -- In July 1989, the 15member Citizens’ Committee for Review of Carlsbad’s Open Space Plan and Programs completed its report to the City Council. This report contained recommendations for additional studies and analysis regarding open space and growth management standards; possible amendments to the Open Space Ordinance; the fiscal and physical feasibility of a trail system; the finance, acquisition, and maintenance of an open space and trail system; the development of an Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan; and the creation of an Open Space commission. One of the principal recommendations of the original 15member Citizen’s Committee was that an Open Space Commission be .established. On June 19, 1990, Council created and made appointments to a nine-member Open Space Advisory Committee. The principal responsibility of this Committee is to work with Staff to complete certain unresolved issues identified by the 15- member Citizen’s Committee, which include the completion of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. One of the charges of the Council to this Committee was to report annually on its work. This is the Open Space Advisory Committee’s second annual report. At the end of the Committee’s three year tenure, the Council may extend the tenure of the Committee or may establish a permanent Open Space Committee or Commission. II. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RFSOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN The Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) will primarily be the implementation program for the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. It represents the final step in the preparation of a fully integrated Element. One of the duties of the Open Space Advisory Committee is to complete the OSCRMP. In April 1992, a draft of the OSCRMP was completed. The Planning Commission considered the OSCRMP on May 20,1992, and unanimously recommended its approval, including certain modifications suggested by staff. These changes were adopted by the Open Space Advisory Committee on May 28, 1992. The OSCRMP establishes open space definitions; includes an open space inventory; establishes an open space classification system; recommends open space goals, objectives, and policies; contains a Citywide action and implementation plan; establishes action and implementation strategies for each of the City’s twenty-five Local Facilities Management Zones; contains cost estimates for implementing the OSCRMP; and includes recommendations for a Carlsbad Trail System. 1 - The firm of Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT) was selected to assist the Committee and Staff in the preparation of the OSCRMP. A number of other organizations joined WRT in the preparation of the OSCRMP including Economic Research Associates and Fieldman Rolapp for economics and finance; Advance Sciences, Inc. for environmental review; Dudek and Associates for engineering analysis; and, The Trust for Public Lands regarding pre-acquisition services and the potential for establishment of a local land trust. III. CO- CHARGE The charge of the Open Space Advisory committee incudes the following: - -- - - -- 1. Provide input and make advisory recommendations to the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, other commissions, boards, and committees as deemed necessary, and the City staff on the implementation of the Report of the Citizens Committee to Study Open Space. This includes. completing tasks 2 and 3 of Phase I and all of Phase II of the Work Plan for implementing the Report which was approved by the City Council on December 19, 1989. 2. Review and comment on staff reports dealing with the open space section of Local Facility Management Zone Plans, Master Plans, and Specific Plans. The purpose of this review is to ensure that the plans are meeting the open space use, maintenance and acquisition priorities for the affected portion of the City and that criteria are established for the subsequent review of development projects. 3. Provide input and recommendations on other open space matters when requested by the City Council. Other matters may include recommendations for acquisition, use and financing strategies. 4. Act in an advisory role regarding decisions affecting open space. Actions of the Committee are advisory only and do not bind, restrict, or substitute for any of the discretionary or legislative authority of the City Council or it’s appointed Commissions. Iv. SUMMARY OF ITEMS REVIEWED The Open Space Advisory Committee met regularly from July 1991 through June 1992. The full committee met ten times over the year and held four 2 - - - separate workshops on the draft OSCRMP. Additionally, the subcommittee to review the open space inventory and draft consultant recommendations created in 1990, continued to meet regularly throughout the year. The Committee meetings focused on issues related to the preparation of the OSCRMP. Presentations and discussions ensued on the following topics: 1. Establishment of Open Space priorities at a Citywide level and on a Local Facilities Management Zone basis. 2. 3. Development of an open space inventory. The types of open space acceptable in meeting the Growth Management open space performance standard. 4. 5. 6. Open space classification system. Open space definitions. Financing options for trails and other open space in the City: park-in-‘ lieu fees; public facility fees; Mello-Roos community facility district; Citywide assessment district; general obligations bonds; certificates of participation; utilities user tax; mitigation banking; Williamson Act; tax increment financing; commercial lease revenue; and grants. 7. 8. Regional trail connections. Trail segment alignments based on biological and engineering analysis. 9. Uses permitted on the Carlsbad Trail System. As of May 1992, the Committee has completed its work on the draft OSCRMP. The draft OSCRMP was reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission on May 20, 1992. It is anticipated that the draft plan will be considered by Council in July of this year. 3 - V. REVIEW OF hM!TlXR PLANS, SPECIFIC PLANS. LOCAL FACILlTY MANAGEMENT PLANS, AND PROPOSED OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY $iDJ-Ums The Committee reviewed a total of four Local Facility Management Plans, Master Plans, Specific Plans, and general development projects. The projects reviewed include the following: * Alta Mira Park * Larwin Park * Lake Calavera Golf Course _ * Evans Point - - - The open space component of the Evans Point project was reviewed for consistency with the tentative trail alignments of the trails feasibility study and proposed open space priorities of the draft OSCRMP. No portion of the 128.1 acre site had been designated for open space. Under the Evans Point project, 59.4 acres would be set aside for open space. This area would include the trail segments identified in the Trails Feasibility Study. VI. WORK IN PROGRESS Over the past year, the Committee worked to complete the draft OSCRMP. The draft plan was completed in May 1992. The following is a description of current work in progress by the Committee. * The Committee continues to coordinate its open space planning efforts with the efforts of the Habitat Management Plan Advisory Group. A new liaison from the Open Space Advisory Committee (Courtney E. Heineman) has been appointed, replacing former Chairman Fay 0. Round, and will continue to attend the regular meetings of the group. * The Committee will work with staff to incorporate the OSCRMP into the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. * The Committee will continue to review Master Plans, Specific Plans, Local Facilities Management Plans, and major general development projects for consistency with the Open Space and Conservation Element and the OSCRMP. 4 * The Committee will address equestrian use for portions of the Carlsbad Trail System as soon as consultant funds become available. - - VII. COMMlTEE APPROVED/ACCEPTED MOTIONS All minutes are attached as Appendix 2. Julv 25. 1991 - 1. Minutes of June 27, 1991, were approved as amended. - 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept WRT’s Trail System Report as amended by Committee members and City Staff, pending revisions and further review by the Committee. August 22. 1991 - - - 1. Minutes of July 25, 1991, were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Encinitas- trails proposal and to send the proposal back to staff to evaluate the planning issues and to bring the analysis back to the Committee at a future meeting. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the 1990-91 Annual Report as modified by the Committee. 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the revised trail report as modified by the Committee. Sentember 26, 1991 1. The minutes of August 22, 1991, were approved as amended. October 29. 1991 1. The minutes of September 26, 1991, were approved as amended. - - 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the trail system maps, the trail system archaeological review with comments, and amendments made to the maps. 5 - - - 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Local Facilities Management Zone Plans open space action priorities as amended and proposed by the Chairman, Fay 0. Round, Jr. 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the revised text, for the existing open space map, constraints open space map, existing open space context map, and also for the conceptual future open space map. 5. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that the presentation and action on what should count toward meeting the 15% Open Space performance standard be sent back to the subcommittee for further discussion, and then returned to the Committee. 6. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the updated version of the open space categories and definitions. November 21. 1991 -- - - 1. The minutes of the October 29, 1991, meeting were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to defer action on trail revisions to the December 1991 meeting. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the revised Open Space Definitions as amended. 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the revised open space categories and definitions listing as corrected. December 19. 1991 1. The minutes of the November 21, 1991, meeting were approved as amended. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the trails plan as modified by the biological study. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the prelirninary approach to open space priorities for each Local Facilities Management Plan zone. 6 - - - - -- - 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that either the City or any affected Homeowner’s Association be given the opportunity to request a review of any privately owned trail(s) to determine whether public use of the trail(s) warrants acquisition by the City and inclusion in the Carlsbad Trail System. 5. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that the General Plan open space should be recorded as separate parcels from the developed parcels of projects. 6. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to include the additional wording for the growth management 15% open space performance standard in the draft Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Januarv 23, 1992 1. The minutes of the December 19, 1991, meeting were approved. 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the proposed Evans Point project including the designated open space as outlined by Senior Planner Don Neu. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept in concept, the proposed financing program for the open space and trail programs. .-- 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to continue the discussion of references to an Arboretum in Zone 18 to the January workshop. - - - 5. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to defer the discussion and action on proposed equestrian use of the Carlsbad Trail System until after the scheduled workshops. Februarv 20. 1992 1. The minutes of the January 23, 1992, meeting were approved. - 2. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section II, Introduction of the draft OSCRMP. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve pages 8-11 and Appendix A of the draft OSCRMP. 7 - 4. - -- - 5. 6. 7. 8. -- - - - - 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that page 27, C.21, be revised to reflect that it was part of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan, and not a part of the Element. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the conceptual open space and conservation maps which would now be consistent with the General Plan, and which include the protection of open space, and would be subject to further changes of the map. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Section IV Cost Estimates and Implementation. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to amend page 26, C.9, adding private open space areas that are not available to the public without some monetary or other consideration should not receive credit toward meeting the 15% open space standard. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to modify page 31, C.l, to read “The City shall establish a Citywide interconnecting trail system, primarily pedestrian oriented, but for bicycles where feasible. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Section IV Goals, Objectives, and Policies in its entirety. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to defer action on the Amendment of page 8, the paragraph prior to Category 1, adding “any specific area of open space may fall into one or more of these categories” to the end of the paragraph. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept pages 35-55 excluding the matrices on pages 36 and 37. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section V Citywide Action and Implementation Plan. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept Appendix F and Appendix G. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zones l-10, with minor changes. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zones 12, 13, and 14 as corrected. 8 - - - 16. A motion was made, seconded, and carried directing staff to bring back the language regarding liability that can be included in all of zones with trails. 17. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zones 16,17, 19, 20, 21, and 22. 18. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zones 24 and 25. 19. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Appendix C, E, and I. March 26, 1992 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The minutes of the February 20, 1992, meeting were approved. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept Zone 11 with corrections. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Zone 15 text as amended, with staffs proposed trail alignment. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zone 18 as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Zone 23 as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Title Page, Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the Executive Summary. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept Section II, The Open Space Setting, as amended under Category 3G. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve Section III, Goals, Objectives, and Policies, as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section IV, Citywide Action and Implementation Plan. 9 - - - - 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section V, Local Facilities Management Zone Action and Implementation Plan. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section VI, Cost Estimates and Implementation, as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section VII, Carlsbad Trail System Issues. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section VIII, Plan Implementation Issues. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt Section IX, Definitions and References, with the elimination of number 6, on page 257. A motion was made, seconded, and carried approving the Acknowledgements. A motion was made, seconded, and carried approving the Appendices. A motion was made, seconded, and carried approving the draft letter to Mayor Lewis as corrected, and author-king staff and the subcommittee to forward the document to the Planning Commission and City Council. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to add the proposed wording as read by the Chairman to page 14 of the document. May 28. 1992 1. 2. The Minutes of March 26, 1992 as amended. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to elect Courtney Heineman as the new Chairperson for the Committee. 3. A motion was made, ‘seconded, and carried to elect Clarence Schlehuber as the new Vice-Chairperson for the Committee. 4. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the changes to the draft OSCRMP as proposed by staff and accepted by the Planning Commission. 10 - - - - - 5. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to appoint Courtney Heineman as the new HMP representative. * Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan Workshops January 27, 1992 January 28, 1992 January 29, 1992 January 30, 1992 NO ACTION TAKEN. - VIII. CONCLUSION .- .- - - With the assistance of Consultants and staff, the Open Space Advisory Committee has completed the time consuming task of preparing the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. The Committee, along with the subcommittee, composed of Heineman, Round and Welshon, worked diligently over the past two years to complete the OSCRMP. Additionally, the Committee continued to review projects being processed by the City for consistency with open space policy. During the upcoming year, work of the Committee will focus on integrating the recommendations of the OSCRMP into the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan; coordinating the recommendations of the OSCRMP with the Habitat Management Plan (HMP); addressing the question of equestrian use of portions of the Carlsbad Trail System; and, monitoring implementation of Open Space policy. At the end of June 1993, the three year tenure of the Committee will expire and a determination will be needed as to whether the Committee should be retained. - - - - 11 - APPENDIX 1 OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE WORK PLAN OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE WORK P&M - PHASE I 1.1 Revise and amend Open Space Ordinance NO. 9795 to: - 1.2 - 1.3 1.4 1.5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) More precisely define lands considered as undevelopable; Define the word significant: Include specific conditions and restrictions on non-residential development; Provide for all lands set aside as open space that can be mapped, be zoned open space: Include provisions so at the time of discretionary approvals any land set aside for its habitat or scenic value shall have an appropriate easement placed on it for resource protection: Provide for zone plans, major development applications and applications involving potential linkage to address trails and trail interconnection opportunities on proposed plans; Provide for any grading, grubbing, or clearing of vegetation in undeveloped areas be required to obtain' City permits approved by the Planning Director; and Develop formal procedures for adjusting the boundaries of any open space area shown on the map. Develop precise definitions of the various forms of open space including visual corridors, ecological preserves, lagoons, beaches, canyons, hillsides, wetlands, agriculture, aquaculture, active parks, passive parks, railroad corridors, greenbelt buffers, etc. Consider establishing a policy to address the degree of improvements permitted in areas designated open space (active vs. passive use issue). Determine the credit to be applied to major powerline easements when they are enhanced or improved and provide key links in the trail system. Determine the credit to be applied to private golf courses when significant visual benefit is determined. - ,.- ._ _- - 1.6 Determine the credit to be applied to land area that otherwise qualifies for measurement towards the standard, but which is not available without some monetary or other considerations for use by the general public. PHASE II 2.1 Complete an inventory of open space resources. 2.2 Develop demand estimates, space standards and service area criteria for all forms of open space, conservation, scenic highways, and recreation in the City. 2.3 Establish methods for preserving open space. 2.4 Recommend areas of existing open space which should be considered for enhancement and preservation to improve its habitat, visual or physical values, including cultural and educational enhancements. 2.5 2.6 Recommend refined design standards for improvements to open space areas including the trails system. Establish a standard to apply to land next to sensitive areas that will designate a percentage of land that should be used as a buffer. Include this provision in the open space ordinance.. 2.7 Consider the establishment of new standards for all types of open space and park and recreation uses. 2.8 Identify scenic routes to public open space with sensitivity to increased traffic in residential areas. 2.9 Identify and recommend for acquisition, protection, and preservation, visually attractive or high quality natural areas, or natural areas visible from public gathering places. 3.1 Recommend priorities for open space acquisition. 3.2 Rocomtend the best financing mechanism for open space and conservation resources. 3.3 Recommend a specific program for acquiring and financing open space. 3.4 Recommend a specific program for acquiring and financing public access to open space areas. - 3.5 Recommend a program to facilitate private donations as a funding mechanism. - - - .- - .- 3.6 Recommend a detailed implementation program (including, finance, acquisition, management, phasing, and administration) for open space and conservation resources. 3.7 Recommend a program to coordinate the City's open space efforts with those of other affected agencies. 3.8 Recommend an implementation program for the trails system, based upon the existing trails feasibility study. arb c:os.mem a. Recommend groups of trail segments which would logically form major trails implementable as common phases. b. Recommend revised cost estimates for the trails system. c. Recommend a specific funding program for acquisition, construction, _ maintenance, and administration of the trails system. d. Recommend a development schedule for all tasks necessary to implement the trail system. .- APPENDIX2 COMMITTEEMINUTES MINUTES Meeting of: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: JULY 25, 1991 Place bf Meeting: Utilities & Maintenance Conference Room I. CALL TO ORDER: - Fay Round, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 307 P.M. ROLL CALL: - - - Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr. Kim Welshons Kip McBane Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Alan Recce Absent: Clarence Schlehuber Matt Hall Staff Members Present: - - r- 2 - Dennis Turner, Principal Planer Terri Woods, Associate Planner Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Staff from Wallace Roberts & Todd Present: Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd Others Present: Jack Henthorn, Henthorn & Associates Doug Avis, Fieldstone Ms. Kindle, League of Women Voters - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE JULY 25,199l PAGE 2 II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 27, 1991 (7-O) (SCHLEHUBER 81 HALL - ABSENT) WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: Page 4, V, first paragraph, deleting the word “fields” on the first & second sentence. Page 5, changing the motion by adding the word “recreational” after the words “open space” . iii. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Doug Avis asked that he be added to the mailing list for receiving the Open Space packet since he was one of the representatives for the Habitat Conservation Committee that was formed by the City, which retained Michael Brandman Associates, to complete a program leading to the development of a Habitat Management Plan of all the land in the City that is held privately and publicly. Mr. Avis briefly added that Carlsbad was way ahead in the habitat planning process, and would keep this committee informed of their progress with this plan. IV. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE PROPOSED TRAIL LINKAGES WITH THE CITY OF ENCINITAS Terri Woods, Associate Planner, stated that this item would be continued to the meeting of August 22, 1991. V. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE FOLLOWING CITYWIDE TRAIL SYSTEM ISSUES: 11 CHANGES TO THE TRAIL SYSTEM AS PRESENTED IN THE TRAILS FEASIBILITY STUDY: 2) REVISED TRAIL SYSTEM COST ESTIMATES; AND 31 TRAIL SEGMENTS AND TRAIL DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd, with the aid of a slide show presentation, introduced the trail system and trails feasibility study for a better understanding of issues in terms of interpreting the results of the engineers study of the trails feasibility study. Mr. Rookwood, stated that Dennis Turner and he had spent sometime out in the field with the intent of trying to depict some of the more distinctive features of Carlsbad. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE JULY 251991 PAGE 3 I- -- .-- I- - e.-. -- ,.,- - -- Kim Welshons, suggested that a date be added to Agenda Item V (WRT Trails System). Mr. Rookwood, summarized the Trails System as written by WRT, which was part of the packet. Mr. Rookwood, stated that the Trails Feasibility Study was completed in August of 1990. Mr. Rookwood added that the system was both physically and fiscally feasible with acquisition costs estimated at $450,000, and improvement costs estimated at $3,300,000. Mr. Rookwood further added that the Council directed staff to prepare an open space program, and part of that was to include a trails system. Mr. Rookwood stated that the work plan for this project included 1) review of the engineering feasibility of the proposed system; 2) review of the construction’and improvement cost estimates; 3) review of the breakdown of the trails system into individual segments which could be realistically conceived and planned for as units, to organize the implementation of the system; 4) review of the phasing and development schedule for the trails system; and 5) review of the environmental impacts of the proposed trail system, including suggested design and planning requirements to avoid significant impacts. Mr. Rookwood added that the environmental impacts would not be known until Michael Brandman prepares the Citywide habitat mapping, which is anticipated for sometime in mid-September. Mr. Rookwood stated that a detailed review of the engineering feasibility and improvements cost estimates for the trails system as projected in the Trails Feasibility Study, had been conducted by a team of civil engineers. Mr. Rookwood stated that the following recommendations for changes to the trail system based upon their engineering and cost estimates suggestions were: 1) the engineers found that the general construction costs for trails in the Trails Feasibility Study were acceptable; they were also in agreement with the estimates made on the staging area improvements; 2) recommendations were made regarding revisions to the cost estimates for construction as far as difficult engineering problems such as road crossings and stream crossings; 3) cost estimates for a number of features which were not included in the Trails Feasibility Study including a bridge over the railroad line to connect to the Maxton Brown corridor and bridges to cross lagoons alongside the railroad corridor, made it difficult to compare the estimated total improvement costs of the trails system in the Trails Feasibility Study and the revised engineering study prepared by Dudek and Associates. Mr. Rookwood, added that additions/changes in cost estimates between the Feasibility Study and the engineer’s report were made to the following trail link numbers: 1) Link #l, #3, #4, #7, #8, #9, #ll, #13, #14, #15, #18, #38, #40, #46, #47, #48, as described in the Trails System (Agenda Item V). - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE JULY 25,199l PAGE 4 Mr. Rookwood also added that each of the changes required some response in terms of trails planning and budgeting which were recommended to the following trail links: #l , #2, #4, #7, #8, #9, #l 1, #13, #14, #15, #18, #38, #40, #46, #47 #48, as described in the Trails System (Agenda Item V). In conclusion Mr. Rookwood added that the total original cost was $2,632.250 and the total revised cost is $2,794,250. Mr. Rookwood also indicated that in the Trails Feasibility Study, a distinction was made between trail costs the City would incur, and those that would be borne by future development as a condition of subdivision approval. Mr. Rookwood added that the same analysis changes to costs might be expected in light of the review by Dudek to Link #4, #7, #8, #9, #ll, #13, #14, which totaled to a $81,100 change to minimum public cost, as described in the Trail System (Agenda Item V). During committee discussion, it was recommended that the term “Minimum City of Carlsbad Cost” be used instead of “Minimum Public Cost”. It was recommended that a title search be performed for the property across the Caltrans property. Committee query ensued regarding costs for trail improvements within park sites which were assumed to be covered by the park improvement budget as it related to the Calavera Golf Course. Kim Welshons, questioned as to who was going to be responsible for putting in the trail adjacent to the golf course, and whose budget it would come out of, and if it was part of the entire golf course package. - Mr. Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, felt the golf course issue should go back to the Council for clarification purposes. Mr. Rookwood, WRT, indicated that what was written in their Trails System report on page 5, second paragraph, was a misrepresentation and incorrect and should be reworded to indicate that trails should be represented as part of the overall package of improvement costs associated with the golf course, not with parks. -- - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMillEE JULY 25, 1991 PAGE 5 Fay Round, Chairperson, recommended that Link #48 (San Marcos Creek) which was the existing bridge not be torn down, but rather left in, this would save the City approximately $250,000. Paul Rookwood, indicated that if one applies all of the changes to the cost estimate figures in the Trails Feasibility Study, then the revised minimum City of Caclsbad cost for the improvements of the trail system would be around $2,300,000. Mr. Rookwood indicated that these costs did not include the acquisition costs which were originally about l/2 million and that these would be looked at again. Mr. Rookwood concluded that the total cost would be around $3,000,000 for the total minimum City of Carlsbad cost, whereas it was closer to $4,000,000 when it was last presented to the Council in the Trails Feasibility Study. Fay Round, Chairperson, felt that trail segment nos. 23 & 24 be pulled from the feasibility study as the proposed demonstration project, and felt that Arroyo La Costa would be a good replacement demonstration project. Paul Rookwood, recommended that the committee be provided with the latest plans for Arroyo La Costa for their review. Fay Round, felt candidates for demonstration projects be included in the report. Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, indicated to the committee that until a funding mechanism was available, a demonstration project would not be discussed. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT WRT’S TRAIL SYSTEM REPORT AS AMENDED BY COMMIITEE MEMBERS AND STAFF MEMBERS, PENDING REVISIONS AND REVIEW AGAIN BY THE COMMITTEE. (7-O) Jack Henthorn, Henthorn & Associates, recommended that precise alignment of Link #30 be determined at a later date. Vi. DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL GRANT SOURCES There was no discussion on this subject. - - - .- MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMilTEE JULY 25, 1991 PAGE 6 Vii. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Items not on the Agenda None. Viii. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of July 25, 1991 was adjourned at 7:05 P.M. (7-O) Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. MINUTES L- -- - - MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: AUGUST 22,199l PLACE OF MEETING: UTILITIES & MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE ROOM I. CALL TO ORDER Fay Round, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr. Kim Welshons Kip McSane Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Clarence Schlehuber Absent: Matthew Hall Alan Recce * Staff Members Present: Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Terri Woods, Associate Planner Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst/Growth Management Staff from Wallace, Roberts & Todd Present: Paul Rookwood, Wallace, Roberts & Todd Others Present: Pat White, League of Women Voters Mike Wells, City of Encinitas Mary Mosier, City of Encinitas Trails Committee - - - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMl7lEE AUGUST 22,lQSl PAGE 2 II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1991, (6-O) (SCHLEHUBER ABSTAINED) (HALL & RECCE ABSENT) WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: Page 1, others present, Ms. Kindle should be Ms. Pat White, League of Women Voters. Page 4, 3rd paragraph, 2nd line should read between trail costs the City would probablv incur, and those that were anticipated to be borne by.... Page 4, 5th paragraph should read: “It was recommended that a title search be performed for the property across from the Caltrans l-5 propertv. adiacent to the Aaua Hedionda Laaoon. Page 5, third paragraph, after the last sentence add a new sentence to read: After further discussion it was determined that it was Dossible that certain portions of the secondary trails network within the Arrovo La Costa DeveloDment could function as a demonstration project for the trail svstem. Page 5, paragraph 6,2nd line should read: ‘I... mechanism was available, a demonstration project could not be selected. Ill. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC No comments from public. IV. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE PROPOSED TRAIL LINKAGES WITH THE CITY OF ENCINITAS Mary Mosier discussed regional linkages for trails as an important goal for the City of Encinitas. With the assistance of wall maps, Ms. Mosier began discussing six possible trail linkages between Carlsbad and Encinitas. Mike Wells, City of Encinitas, discussed desired trail connections with Carlsbad at proposed Encinitas segments 1 A, 16, 2, 3, 4A, 5 and 6, pursuant to a wall exhibit. Dennis Turner expressed some concerns about the proposed new links with respect to recent project approvals which might preclude the links. - -- - - - - - - - _- -- MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE AUGUST 22,199l PAGE 3 Mr. Rookwood questioned Mike Wells about implementing the trail segment along El Camino Real and what the trail improvements would be. Mr. Wells stated that the preferred improvements would be an 8’ wide trail with a minimum 4’ wide improvement in areas of existing development. The majority of the trail would be 8’ wide and pulled back from the highway. Mr. Rookwood questioned Mr. Wells about the Equestrian use of trails. Mr. Wells stated that Encinitas would prefer that the connecting linkages with Carlsbad be available for Equestrian Use. Mr. Round noted that we probably would not want to encourage Equestrian Use into the City of Carlsbad, because we are not really set up for Equestrian Use. Mr. Wells stated that segments 6, 4A and 48 were essential Equestrian links to maintain the continuity of trails in the City of San Marcos, and the County of San Diego. Mr. Round questioned whether recent project approvals in the area of proposed trail links may have precluded such trail linkages. Mr. Turner responded that he would have to research approved maps as he did not process current development projects. Mr. Turner noted that an overriding objective of the original trail committee was to provide links to the adjoining cities. Mr. Round stated concern about projects currently being processed which could prevent the proposed linkages with Encinitas, especially proposed Segment 48. Mr. Turner discussed the status of the trail system with respect to City Council approvals. He stated that Council approval was contingent upon completing the management plan, and particular, developing financing mechanisms to pay for acquisition, construction, and maintenance of trails. Mr. Wells restated that the essential equestrian links as proposed, would be segments 4A, 48 and 6. He noted that link 6 was crucial as it linked Encinitas with the County, OMWD property and eventually San Marcos and Elfin Forest. He noted that San Marcos and Elfin Forest trails were important Equestrian Trails. - - - - - - - - - - MINUTES’ OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE AUGUST 22,199l PAGE 4 Mr. Wells also noted that Segment 3 was an important Equestrian link but not as important as 4A, 48 and 6. The Committee then discussed the implications of including Equestrian links in the City’s Trail system. Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold questioned Mr. Wells about Encinitas’s timeline for trail implementation. Mr. Wells responded that there was not a clear timeline identified, but that rather it was the City of Carlsbad’s timeline which was important because they did not want to lose out on the possible regional connections. Mr. Round agreed, but stated concern about bringing the level of knowledge on these trails up to where we are on the rest of the trails. He noted that additional time and money would be required to include the trail segments. Mr. Rookwood stated that the new trail system segments would have to be analyzed for the physical environmental, and fiscal feasibility. He also noted that we would need to look at recent project approvals and property ownership to determine feasibility. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE ENCINITAS TRAILS PROPOSAL AND TO SEND THE PROPOSAL BACK TO STAFF TO EVALUATE THE PLANNING ISSUES AND TO BRING THE ANALYSIS BACK TO THE COMMIITEE AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE UPCOMING MEETING. (6-O) (HALL-RECCE ABSENT) X. DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE SCHEDULING OF THE SEPTEMBER 26. 1991 MEETING TO THE SAFETY CENTER AT 630 P.M. The committee discussed the possible scheduling of the September 26, 1991 meeting to the Safety Center at 6:00 PM. Mr. Round summarized the proposed agenda for the September meeting. Mr. Round noted that the emphasis of the September meeting would be on prioritiiing open space within zones and taking public testimony on the open space concepts. Mr. Round asked if the committee would agree to meet at 6:00 P.M. at the Safety Center for this special meeting. The committee agreed on the meeting time and place. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMll-l-EE AUGUST 22,199l PAGE 5 _- *- - - E -- XI. DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE RESCHEDULING OF THE OCTOBER MEETING The committee discussed future meeting dates, and decided on the following: OCTOBER OCTOBER 29 (TUESDAY) NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 21 (THURSDAY) DECEMBER DECEMBER 19 (THURSDAY) V. PRESENTATION OF OPEN SPACE PRIORITIES FOR THE FULLY COMMITTED @ONES l-7.12.19. & 24) AND NON-COMMITTED (ZONES & 20- 231 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES. Mr. Rookwood discussed the open space priorities working document, that was distributed at the meeting. He briefly discussed the approach being used by staff and the subcommittee to prioritize open space. Fay Round commented that the term “committed” should be changed. It was decided after some discussion that the subcommittee should come back to the full committee with a new term. Mr. Rookwood explained the concept of creating an open space matrix for prioritizing open space by local facility management zone. Mr. Rookwood noted that in October the matrix would be coming back as an action item. Mr. McBane questioned the use of the 15% performance standard for open space and asked whether the 15% would be enough to accomplish the open space priorities. He stated that the 15% issue needed to be evaluated. Mr. McBane also stated that the Citywide perspective on prioritizing open space was missing from the approach described by Mr. Rookwood. He further commented that the Citywide priorities were very important and should be an initial consideration of all. Mr. Rookwood responded that the Citywide perspective had not been overlooked. That the Citywide perspective would be articulate upfront in the text of the document being prepared. Mr. Rookwood stated that the development of open space priorities was an iterative process. That the summary sheets were only working documents. Further, Mr. Rookwood commented that until all open space details were worked out, and the committee was comfortable with the conclusions, he wouldn’t expect the committee to take action on the package of recommendations. - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE - AUGUST 22,lQQl PAGE 6 -- Mr. McBane stated concern about using the term “priority”. He felt that the term should be changed to “goal”. The committee discussed several possible word changes and decided to ask the subcommittee to come back to the full committee with a recommendation. Mr. Rookwood discussed the idea of establishing *erformance standards or guidelines for some of the open space types for meeting the recommended priorities. Being no more discussion, Mr. Round asked all committee members to contact him no later than September 10, 1991 with additional comments. - -- *- - VI. BENEFICIARY PAYEE REVIEW Mr. Rookwood summarized the beneficiary payee analysis. He noted that this report would be a useful tool for the project when determining the nexus for selected implementation measures. Mr. Round suggested that an additional column be added to the report to include nationwide or statewide benefit. The committee briefly discussed the report. VII. DISCUSSION & ACTION ON THE DRAFT OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE ANNUAL REPORT Mr. Round questioned whether changes could be made to the draft document. Ms. Woods responded that changes could be made now or changes could be made later if committee members wished to call her with the modifications. Mr. Round noted that he had a few changes as follows: Page 1, first paragraph, beginning with the second to last sentence, should read: “This is the Open Space Advisory Committee’s first Annual Report. At the end of the committee’s three year tenure, the Council may extend the tenure of the committee or establish a permanent Open Space Committee or Commission.” Page 4, item #5. There should be a colon after City and semi-colons after each financing option. - - _- _.- -- - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE AdVlSORY COMMIITEE AUGUST 22,lWl PAGE 7 Page 5, at the end of the Work In Progress Section, there should be a discussion of the committee interaction with the Habitat Management Group. This discussion to be prepared by staff. Ms. Welshons requested that the boundary adjustment log be changed by putting a + sign in front of the Net Acreage changes for each project, as well as in front of the Total Net Acreage Change. BEING NO FURTHER CHANGES, A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE ANNUAL REPORT AS MODIFIED BY THE COMMITTEE. VIII. REVIEW AND ACTION ON THE REVISED WALLACE ROBERTS &TODD TRAIL SYSTEM REPORT Mr. Round asked if any action was needed that evening. Mr. Rookwood responded that an action wasn’t required now but soon. The Committee discussed the revised Trails Committee Report. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE REVISED TRAIL REPORT AS MODIFIED BY THE COMMITTEE. XII. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of August 22, 1991 was adjourned at 7:05 PM (7-O). Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. MINUTES - MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIME OF’ MEETING: 300 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: SEPTEMBER 26,199l PLACE OF MEETING: CARLSBAD SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER I. CALL TO ORDER Fay Round, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 690 P.M. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr. Kim Welshons Kip McBane Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Matthew Hall Alan Recce Absent: Clarence Schlehuber Staff Members Present: Michael J. Holzmiller, Planning Director Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Terri Woods, Associate Planner Don Rideout, Sr. Management Analyst/Growth Management Patty Cratty, Sr. Management Analyst Staff from Wallace, Roberts & Todd Present: Paul Rookwood, Wallace, Roberts & Todd MINUTES ’ - Page 5, last paragraph, changing the word “articulate” to “articulated”. Page 7, 5th paragraph, after the words “responded that”, deleting the word “an*. 111. PRESENTATION ON THE BACKGROUND AND STATUS OF THE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN -- -- - Fay Round, Chairperson, gave a brief background on the Open Space Committee. Mr. Round indicated that back in 1988, the City Council appointed a 1SMember Citizens Committee to take a look at the overall issue of open space within the City of Carlsbad. The committee met over a period of about one and a half years and indicated that one of the recommendations was that a new committee be formed. Mr. Round indicated that the g-Member Open Space Advisory Committee has been meeting for about 15 months, and one of the things that the City Council asked the committee to do was to submit an Annual Report at the end of each year. Mr. Round stated that the Annual Report was completed, and was tentatively scheduled to go before the City Council on October 8, 1991. OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 26,199l PAGE 2 II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1991, (7-O) (SCHLEHUBER ABSENT) WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: Page 3, 4th paragraph, after the word “linkages” adding “6, 4A and 48”. Page 4, 6th paragraph, adding a “comma” after the word “physical”. Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, with the aid of overheads, gave a brief presentation on the background and status of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Mr. Holzmiller discussed some of the key events and dates of items that occurred over the past several years. Mr. Holzmiller indicated that in 1988, the City Council appointed the 15-Member Citizens Committee to Study Open Space. Mr. Holzmiller indicated that two of the issues the City Council directed this committee to review included 1) to make sure all of the plans, programs and policies regarding open space were providing adequate protection for existing open space, and providing a good plan/framework for future open space, and 2) look at the existing Open Space and Conservation Element, and propose an update to it. Mr. Holzmiller stated that the 15-Member Citizens - - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMM~~EE SEPTEMBER 26,199l PAGE 3 Committee met for 7 months (December 1988 to July 1989). During that time this committee came up with a number of recommendations which went before the City Council, and in September of 1989, the Council accepted the report and referred it to staff for consideration. Mr. Holzmiller indicated that in December of 1989, the City Council approved the staff prepared workplan for considering the recommendations of the Citizens Committee, and one of those recommendations was to appoint an on-going Citizens Committee to deal with open space issues. Mr. Holzmiller also noted that the City Council adopted a new Open Space and Conservation Element in September of this year, which was practically adopted verbatim as recommended by the original 15-Member Citizens Committee. Mr. Holzmiller, highlighted the four major policy emphasis areas that are in the new Open Space and Conservation Element. 1) Protection of Open Space; 2) Open Space Linkages; 3) Balancing both - Passive or Natural Open Space, with Active or Developed Open Space uses; 4) Implementation Plan - Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Mr. Holzmiller discussed the major components of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan - 1) Detailed inventory of all the existing open space in the City and mapping all of those areas; 2) Establishing priorities for all future open space; 3) Development of Acquisition Programs, based on existing City ordinances; and 4) Development of detailed financing plan. In conclusion, Mr. Holzmiller stated that staff was now at the point of establishing priorities for open space and would be moving into acquisition and financing plans, as soon as the priorities were established. Mr. Holzmiller continued that the City had started a process where staff would be comprehensively updating the entire General Plan. Mr. Holzmiller concluded that although the Open Space and Conservation Element had been recently updated, through this General Plan process, it would be re-reviewed again, which would allow 1) the Open Space and Resource Conservation Management Plan to be incorporated into the Open Space Element, and 2) allow for more public input. IV. PRESENTATION SUMMARIZING THE COMMIl-l’EE’S CURRENT DIRECTION WITH RESPECT TO ESTABLISHING OPEN SPACE PRIORITIES IN THE CITY Paul Rookwood, Consultant, Wallace Roberts and Todd, gave a presentation on the committee’s current direction with respect to establishing open space priorities in the City. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE - SEPTEMBER 26,199l PAGE 4 - Mr. Rookwood, stated that following a considerable joint effort with the City, and the Open Space Advisory Committee, a series of priorities for open space in the City had been established. Mr. Rookwood stated that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss those priorities and receive public testimony on general priorities for open space throughout the City, and also to receive input regarding any specific resources in the City which residents would like to see included in the open space system. Paul Rookwood, indicated that some of the key recommendations made by the original 15-Member Citizens Committee included: 1) Increase public access open space and to study the implementation of the trail system in the City of Carlsbad; 2) accumulate large areas of open space, and particularly to use linkages to connect those open space areas; 3) to preserve natural open space areas for use as buffers around valuable natural resources: and 4) make sure that cultural and educational amenities are developed within the open space system. Mr. Rookwood, gave a slide presentation, introducing some of the types of open space that already exist in the City of Carlsbad and briefly discussed the history of open space planning. Mr. Rookwood, with the aid of an overhead presentation, discussed the planning process and how some of the priorities were formulated. Mr. Rookwood indicated that open space categories were prioritized both at a Citywide level and on a Local Facility Management Zone basis for each of the facility management zones and referred to the wall map exhibits. Mr. Rookwood indicated that defining priorities for open space in the City involved a wide variety of tasks, but two steps were particularly critical: 1) Preparing a map of open space areas in the City which were already protected as open space; and 2) defining what additional are& in the City needed protection by a range of existing regulatory measures. Mr. Rookwood indicated that new mapping was currently being prepared to analyze the regulatory constraints and also indicted that they were using the City’s Natural Resource Inventory Map to guide the understanding of the distribution of protected areas until the new mapping was completed. Mr. Rookwood stated that existing regulatory protection was summarized in matrix form (Matrix 4 - Open Space Protection) which correlates the various types of open space to regulatory protection mechanisms. Mr. Rookwood explained that the shaded boxes on the matrix indicated which mechanisms protect each of the open space categories (as outlined in the handout dated September 26, 1991. - - -.- MINUTES OPEN SPACE Ai3VlSORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 26,199l PAGE 5 A question was raised as to why the golf course (as shownon Matrix 4) was not shaded in any of the categories listed, and why there wasn’t any type of protection listed under the development of a golf course, and why the golf course was one of lowest priorities Citywide. Mr. Rookwood, indicated that golf courses are not protected except if they are zoned open space in the City. He further noted that golf courses were not a priority because the market would regulate whether golf courses should be built. - .-- Mr. Rookwood, added that the open space priorities were summarized in Matrix 6 (Future Open Space Action Priorities) where open space categories were prioritized both at a Citywide level and on a Local Facility Management Zone basis (the City is divided into 25 Facility Management Zones to assist in long range planning). Mr. Rookwood stated that it was important to remember when reviewing these priorities, that the open space resources which were already protected did not show up as action priorities and referred to the wall map exhibits. . Mr. Rookwood, stated that the Open Space System Map (which was on display) was conceptual, and it illustrated the draft open space action priorities and that neither the priorities nor the map were the final Droduct or represented fixed recommendations. V. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Fay Round, Chairman, opened up the meeting for public testimony. The following public testimony was taken verbatim. WOMAN, NO NAME: Felt that if this actually comes into being, it is a wonderful, fantastic plan. I think that the people that have spent the time on this should be applauded for their work and their caring for the environment, and I’m thrilled to see it. DON COX: My question is on the southern edge, north side of Batiquitos Lagoon. Right now Hillman has run the path up to the next project, which is Broccato, which will carry it to l-5. Getting across l-5 now is a problem, and then you get on that property on the other side, which was just bought out by Japanese interest, are we in good shape on continuing that path to the ocean, or is that in doubt because of the change in ownership? - - “-- - -- - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 26,199l PAGE 6 Paul Rookwood, responded that we can’t cross the freeway. In fact a great deal of time was spent when the Trails Feasibility Study was prepared exploring ways in which we could cross the freeway. The constraint was CALTRANS. CALTRANS would not give the permission/approvals necessary to construct a trail. DON COX: The pedestrian crossing over i-5, where l-5 goes down from the existing shoulders on either side, CALTRANS at that time, was listening favorably to that proposal. Michael Holzmiller, responded that staff had looked at both alternatives going underneath the bridges and then going over the freeway, and the cost would be the biggest problem in going over the freeway, even if we could get CALTRANS approval. Right now the position is, that we are probably not going to be able to directly go across the freeway. However, when the Brocatto project was approved, the Council did discuss that, and they required that the Brocatto project give an easement all the way to the edge of l-5, keeping open the possibility. ’ So we do on both sides of the freeway have an easement that goes up to the right-of-way of the freeway. Fay Round, Chairperson, indicated that it was intentionally arranged to keep the trails system natural, trying to reduce costs, as far as saving areas so that it could work. -- -- -- CATHERINE DAUGHERTY: I’m here to represent the Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation. I would like to complement the committee, and I think you’re all headed in right direction. I’m here to urge you to please give passive recreation your highest priority. She handed out some materials. ANN WELTY: I’m speaking here on behalf of Project Future. My mother is unable to attend, she is out of town. (Read the attached letter). LIZ ECKE: I’m here to represent Carltas Company, which is the owner of the flower fields. I just wanted you to think about it one more time, what you are clearly trying to create by preserving that land. Putting agricultural land in open space is not necessarily always the best way to preserve agriculture, because open space, does in fact, restrict some of the uses of agriculture and can make it more difficult to keep in agriculture, so like, maybe something in open space is not necessarily going to preserve agriculture. So, if what you are trying to preserve are ‘the flower fields, this might be premature, although you are thinking financially. Those flower fields hopefully will be viable for some period of time to come, but if what the City of Carlsbad wants to do is preserve agriculture, or they want to preserve the flower fields, I think you need to focus in on that, because if what you want to do is preserve the flower fields, you are going to have to - - - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE SEPTEMBER 26,199l PAGE 7 have some contingency in the plan for how you are going subsidize agriculture of those flower fields because they will not be able to continue at the cost of water, labor, assessments, so ail I’m saying is you need to focus on what your trying to do. By calling it open space you are not necessarily helping agriculture, and by zoning it open space, it’s not going to be preserved. Fay Round: What is a better zone? LIZ ECKE: Right now it’s non-residential reserve is what most of it is. I’m not saying that it shouldn’t, I’m just also saying that if you have open space you can’t have structures on it. So if you want to preserve it for agriculture, and say flower fields aren’t viable any more, but greenhouses would be, we would not be able to use the open space to have green houses, so then you have cut out the viability of agriculture. So you can’t have what you could in fact could have had agriculture, but now that you zoned it open space you couldn’t have agriculture. The other thing, as you all know, any agriculture is not a public access open space area, and if that is one of your priorities, that isn’t one. RAMONA FINNILA: I too applaud what this committee has done so far. However, I see alot of work for you in the future, I hope that your enthusiasm stays on a high level. I very much appreciated the presentation by Mr. Rookwood, it was very good. I hope that when you are considering the trails that you will not overlook the possibility of putting in some walkways over water. I know the Chairman made the comment that your trying not to make this an expensive project because of it being swallowed by the Council in its entirety. I do want to call your attention to areas such as up in Marin County where a whole new area of open space has opened up to people, simply by putting in wooded walkways over wetlands, over marshlands that was not accessible before at all to people for walkers, bird watchers, etc. I also want to say that it is extremely important, I feel, that the linkage for the trail system be emphasized how important it is for several little creature survivors, squirrels, rabbits, and so on. Everybody now knows that it is one way to ensure that the little animals stay alive by linking areas, and also, I would hope that you use that selling point for continuous trail system in Carlsbad, and lastly, I want to say that I think we still have to be very careful of wetland preservation and priorities because of the federal government seeking less restrictions on them. TOM AVERILL: I live in Vista. I’m here representing The Friends of Lake Calavera. I’ve been involved with the City in dealing with leaving areas in its natural habitat, its natural state. National Geographic carried a big article last summer on it, greenbelts and greenways going across the U.S. One area that is lacking attention for leaving it in its natural open state is Zone 14, which is now being quoted as being planned as a golf - - - - -- - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 26,199l PAGE 8 course: I hope the open space committee looks at this, in conjunction with the trail link system which the planning looks very good for the use of ail areas in the City. But this particular area according to Mr. Holzmiller on the slide, the direction of the committee here is the protection of open space, which yes, the golf course does fall under open space, but further on that, he stressed that natural space and greenways are the major emphasis of this committee, and I assume greenways is not meaning between a pin and tee. I assume they mean a greenbelt. That is a very big distinction because there are 2 very different stat& of land. The second spot on Mr. Holzmiller’s slide was open space linkage greenways. The 3rd one was balance between active and passive open space. The slide presentation showed one natural space area, Hosp Grove. As opposed to many developed land areas such as the baseball fields, that is, yes part of the open space, but is not an area left natural where someone can easily walk to or walk through, and enjoy nature with plants and animals right close to them, and not at a distance by viewing them. I really think that the City needs, if they are planning these things at the state they are now, that they should also look in the past of how in the 1982 Parks & Rec. Element it stated that this area should be used for natural and passive recreation, and since the City has moved they have spent a million dollars on planning a golf course that has not been formally approved, and the open space committee should hopefully have enough insight to see that. They should be able to stress in forms of this specific natural open space for everything that offers with the City to be able to mitigate other areas, and be able to link up this part with the trail system. ALAN KINDLE: Representing Friends of Carrillo Ranch, a California Educational Corporation. The word history seems to be gobbled by the word cultural, and the point that we would like to make tonight is briefly --- don’t forget we are dealing with the City’s historic sites, for whi’ch open space can serve as a buffering and protection with respect to protection, I would mention Carrillo Ranch which has been discussed off and on. Five years ago, the City of Carisbad designated Carrillo Ranch as an official historic site. For some reason, this fact never seems to get into some of the planning and discussion from what we see. This is an important fact for the open space committee and other groups that are dealing with these planning issues that we would like Carrillo Ranch referred to a designated historic site, and be treated as such. MIKE HOWES, HOFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES: Spoke on behalf of several property owners, Mr. Howes discussed his concerns as outlined in the attached letter from HPA, and distributed the letter from HPA, along with a letter from The Villages of La Costa, addressing their concerns, both dated September 26, 1991. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - SEPTEMBER 26,199l PAGE 9 - - SALLY COX: I don’t think this is quite the right forum for what I have. This is a petition that was passed around regarding open space as it pertains to Alta Mira Park. There is a great concern about the traffic problems that Price Club is going to create on Paseo del Norte and the entrance for Alta Mira Park has been changed from further east to Paseo del Norte, and the terrain of that piece of property is very steep and full of ravines. This is a petition that says that the signers strongly support a nature oriented park with open spaces, outdoor cultural events, rather than a sports complex, and I would like to know to whom this should go to. Fay Round, I think it would be good for us to at least get a copy of the petition to know where your group is coming from. It may be more appropriate to take it to Parks & Recreation Commission as well. SALLY COX: Should I make copies of this and submit it to your office, would that be appropriate? Kim Welshons: Why don’t you give it to Mr. Holzmiller, and he should pass it on to Dave Bradstreet for the Parks & Recreation Commission. - TOM AVERILL: I have a question about Matrix 4, and why none of the codes came under the golf course, and why the golf course is not controlled by any agency. - TOM AVERILL: Is the trail open next to the Batiquitos Lagoon? Paul Rookwood: It was my understanding that it was. TOM AVERILL: Asked about the colored wall map, particularly the yellow area which were in Zone 14, you stated that this is an area where you can be most creative with what you can do with that area. Fay Round: Explained that this report is not the concrete report. - RAMONA FINNILA: The priority list confuses me only in the sense of whether they prioritize according to the area you want protected or acquired or some of them prioritizing because they need both. - RAMONA FINNILA: Will there be any type of policing of open space, and who will be protecting this open space? How is this committee going to be an enforcer, or are you going to delegate enforcement through someone else in the City? - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 26,1991 PAGE 10 Discussion ensued as to whether,. and who was going to be policing the open space. VI. ADJOURNMEh By proper motion, the meeting of September 26, 1991 was adjourned at 7:45 PM (7-O). Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. - - - MINUTES MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMl?TEE TIME OF MEETING: 500 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: OCTOBER 29,199l PLACE OF MEETING: UTILITIES 81 MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE ROOM I. CALL TO ORDER Fay Round, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 305 P.M. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr. Kim Welshons Kip McBane Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Matthew Hall Clarence Schlehuber Absent: Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Alan Recce Staff Members Present: Michael J. Holzmiller, Planning Director Terri Woods, Associate Planner Don Rideout, Sr. Management Analyst/Growth Management Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Staff from Wallace, Roberts & Todd Present: Paul Rookwood, Wallace, Roberts & Todd - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 2 II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF -- SEPTEMBER 26, 1991, (5-O) (DAHLQUIST-BURSVOLD, SCHLEHUBER, RECCE & MCBANE ABSENT), WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: - Page 2, Ill, second sentence, changing the words “one and a’half years” to “7 Months”. - Page 7, Ramona Finnila, 5th paragraph, changing the word “your” to “you’re” and the word “swallowed” to “dls-allowed”. Page 10, VI, Adjournment, changing the vote “7-O” to “8-O”. - _- - -- - Ill. There IV. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Nere no comments from the public at this time. PRESENTATION ON PROPOSED TRAILS FOR ALTA MIRA PARK, LARWIN PARK, AND LAKE CALAVERA GOLF COURSE Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator, Parks & Recreation Department, with the aid of wall map exhibits, gave a brief presentation on the status of the proposed trails for Alta Mira Park, Larwin Park, and Lake Calavera Golf Course, as it related to the Open Space Trail Plan. 1) Alta Mira Park: Mr. Steyaert indicated that the Alta Mira Community Park was listed in the 90-91 CIP, development had begun, and negotiations with the park designers were in process. Mr. Steyaert stated that the concept was only preliminary, and would be refined once the consultants were on board. Mr. Steyaert added that staff was trying to fit in alot of active ball fields, play fields, a tennis complex, a community center, open space areas and passive areas throughout the park. Mr. Steyaert also added that this park would be built in phases, the first phase being the mass grading of the entire site, and the installation of amenities would follow. Mr. Steyeart further added that a trail would be going through the park, through the passive area, and connecting down through the canyon. - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 3 2) - - -- -- - - - - r- - 3) Larwln Park: Mr. Steyaert indicated that the plan for Larwin Park was developed by Van Dyke Associates in January of this year, and was based on some recreational amenities that staff was trying to accomplish on the site based on City standards. Mr. Steyaert added that there was alot of opposition on this park because of the impact to the neighborhood, proximity to the homes, and because of the intensity of the development of the park. Mr. Stayeart stated that there was concern about the electromagnetic fields, and because of the steepness of the site, the cost was relatively high. Mr. Steyeart stated that because of those issues, staff had decided to redesign the plan with an alternative plan. Mr. Steyaert indicated that in an attempt to address the issues and concerns, a new plan had been developed, which was a conceptual level elan, which was being refined. Mr. Steyaert also indicated that the intensity of the park was scaled down, creating a generally passive type park, which was less developed, protecting the coastal sage, and cutting down the grading, and the uses were pulled further away from the power lines. Mr. Stayeart indicated that this plan would be coming before the Parks & Recreation Gommission sometime in November, and would then go forward to the City Council for their direction. Mr. Stayeart depicted where the trails would be located on the wall map exhibit. Lake Calavera Golf Course: Mr. Stayeart stated that the EIR was out for public review, and Army Corps permits had been applied for. Mr. Steyaert stated that after certification of the EIR, permits from the Department of Fish and Game would be secured. Mr. Stayeart noted that the plan would be going fonnrard to the City Council in November for an update and direction of issues, such as the overall design, financing options, water resources, and access to the site, etc. Mr. Steyeart depicted the trail system with the aid of a wall map exhibit, and indicated that in terms of the trail system, a primary staging area had been provided, along with temporary and permanent access areas. V. PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON FINAL TRAIL SYSTEM REVISIONS Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd, passed out revised map sheets nos. 21 & 23. Mr. Rookwood indicated that the revised set of 23 maps were updated versions of those . found in the Trails Feasibility Study and that modifications included a response to the engineers study which the committee reviewed earlier, and also the additional trails requested by the City of Encinitas. Mr. Rookwood added that the biological study was being undertaken at this time for the determination of any biological impacts. In terms - - - - - - - -- - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 4 of the archaeological review, Mr. Rookwood stated that the intent of this review was to ensure that adequate professional advise was taken to ensure that the trail didn’t impact the sensitive archaeological resources that existed. Fay Round, questioned whether there would be any additional improvement or maintenance costs necessary for the joint use of equestrian and hiking trails. Mr. Rookwood responded that the evaluation of that issue had not been taken. Mr. Rookwood stated to the committee that the new linkages added in during the process would not be subject to the same level of engineering review. Kim Welshons, inquired about Map No. 5, as to whether or not the proposed shopping center at the corner of El Camino Real and Tamarack, where the link double-backs, would interfere, or be affected by the proposed development. Mr. Rookvvood responded that if development is occurring in a place where trails have to be implemented, the development plans should incorporate the provision of those trails. Kip McBane, inquired about the existing link that goes beyond, halfway to the High School that is not shown on the map (Map No. 5). Mr. McBane felt the link would be useful if it extended to the High School because of the heavily traveled route to the High School and shopping mall. Kim Welshons inquired about Map No. 6, Calavera Hills, as to whether or not potential future maps would show the tentative outline of the trail that was identified by the Park staff. Kim Welshons inquired about the location along the south shore of Batiquitos Lagoon (Map No. 16), where one side of the road is going to have a bike lane. Ms. Welshons questioned about which side the bike lane would go in on, and if a trail would also be included there, and what was tentatively planned for this area. Terri Woods, Associate Planner, responded that the trail is proposed to be located offsite, on the south side. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 5 Fay Round, Chairman, opened up the matter for public testimony. - - Dan Shelley, property owner, inquired about Map Nos. 21, 55(A) & 56(A), as to whether or not a desiltation basis would be developed at the east end of the property, and felt there was a problem with the trail crossing Ranch0 Santa Fe Road, connecting to Link 54. Mr. Shelley also expressed concern about a stop signal not being proposed anywhere near that area. Mr. Rookwood indicated that Link 55(A) had resulted from the City of Encinitas. - Dan Shelly, added that Link 56(A) was shown as going to the south, and that the City of Encinitas did have existing trails on the west side of Ranch0 Santa Fe Road, and felt that perhaps that is what they wanted it to match up with. Terri Woods, responded that Link 56(A) was proposed on the west side of Ranch0 Santa Fe Road. Dan Shelly stated that Link 54 was family owned property, and felt it was well aligned, and realistic, but felt this trail, and Link 55 should not be labeled as equestrian trails. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, representing Ranch0 Verde, questioned if Link 57(A) would remain as a pedestrian or bike trail, or, if this link would also become an equestrian trail. Mr. Howes indicated that the property owners of Ranch0 Verde were not aware of the request, and didn’t know how they would feel about an equestrian trail, but expressed no problem with the link. Dan Shelley, indicated to the committee that he was a member of the Encinitas Trails Committee, but appearing/speaking as a private citizen at this meeting. Heidi Coates, representing the horse people in Carlsbad, felt strongly about having equestrian trails throughout the City of Carlsbad. Jim Hicks, representing Robinson’s Ranch, (Map No. 5), inquired if the beginning of the trail was proposed for the intersection of Pontiac and Tamarack. Mr. Rookwood responded that the trail would be located along the top of the manufactured slope, on the south side of Tamarack. - - - - - - - - - -- MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 6 Lucia Sippel, representing the Kelly Family, expressed concern regarding the trail across the ridge of their property in Zone 8. Chairman Round closed the public testimony. Kim Welshons, inquired about the location of a trail on Map No. 9, at the top left hand corner, as it related to the access to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and if it would be following the edge of the lagoon, or if it would be located above the property. Mr. Rookwood responded that he would have to refer back to the feasibility study to recall this issue. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE TRAIL SYSTEM MAPS, THE TRAIL SYSTEM ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW WITH COMMENTS, AND AMENDMENTS MADE TO THE MAPS. (7-O) VI. PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON THE OPEN SPACE PRIORITY SUMMARIES Fay Round, Chairman, indicated to the committee that in reference to this matter, the subcommittee had met prior to this meeting, and one of the questions that resulted was to finalize the detailed zone-by-zone description of what existed in each zone, what the future priorities were, and essentially what the zone-by-zone descriptions would be, which would eventually be integrated into the Resource Management Plan. Mr. Round stated that there would not be any action necessary on this item at this time, and were only here for direction of what should be taken for each of the zones. The following proposed changes to the summary of the City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan, dated October 16, 1991, were made by the subcommittee: ZONE 10: Deleting the wording: “As such, alignment of the greenway In the middle of any future development which would preclude such views would not be considered to meet the Intent of the open space plan. The entire greenway corridor described above should be designed and Implemented so as to mlnlmlze disturbance to any existing native vegetation. Any future planting along the greenway should focus on the use of native, drought tolerant plantings. In this way the function of the corridor as a wlldllfe corridor will be enhanced.* - - - MINUTES . OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 7 _- Mr. Round indicated that the subcommittee, unanimously, felt that this wording be deleted because it would probably apply not only to Zone 10, but to several other zones throughout the City, so this should be pulled out of Zone 10, and make it a general comment for the entire City. The following paragraph was to revised to read as follows: “- - - - - - ZONE 11: “All future land use in the Zone may be affected by the Ranch0 Santa Fe Road widening scheme. If the scheme goes ahead, a portion of the zone north of San Marcos Creek may be dedicated as an open space preserve to mitigate coastal sage scrub Impacts of the road widening. Additional open space actions In the Zone will focus on achieving a number of trail connections. In particular, safe access around the rim of San Marcos canyon and a number of connections with adjacent City’s trail systems are priorities.” The last paragraph of Zone 18 was revised to read as follows: ZONE 18: “The Carrillo Ranch constitutes a potentially significant cultural and educational resource node In this area of the City. Conservation and Interpretation of the Ranch Is clearly a high priority for the Zone.” Fay Round, Chairman, opened,up the matter for public testimony. Glen Rick, UBC Homes, owners of Zone 18, one of the Carrillo Ranch parcels. Mr. Rick indicated that they had a proposed revision to the Master Plan, and had just received notice from the city that their package was complete, and were now getting into the EIR phase of the analysis. Mr. Rick asked if the committee would take into consideration, the fact that they had proposed their dedication of open space, which far exceeded the required 15’30, and in addition, had also called for trails, which link to the rest of the system that is before the City now. Mr. Rick indicated that their concern was with the exhibits and text that the advisory committee was setting up. Mr. Rick indicated that they would hate to try to reconsider why they dedicated the areas that they did, when in fact those were the end result of a long process, both with the City in a cooperative effort, and between everyone as landowners. Mr. Rick stated that he understood that Ms. Woods had seen the package, but did not know in what depth she had analyzed it, but asked if the subcommittee of the advisory committee would please, since the project is in process at this time, take that effort into account, and perhaps revise the exhibits as they are sent to the Planning Commission to reflect their proposal. - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 8 Fay Round inquired if any of the specific changes in the wording in Zone 18 of the summary violated anything that UBC Homes had proposed. Glen Rick, indicated that the primary language had to do with the arboretum, and that had been revised to their satisfaction. Fay Round indicated that as a second part to this item, wording would be discussed that would be based on the maps, and would open up the matter again for public input at that time for any input on how the maps should be used. Jim Hicks inquired about the riparian areas in Zone 14, Robertson Ranch. Lucia Sippel inquired about the wording regarding the ridgeline as outlined in Zone 8 of the summary. Mrs. Sippel indicated that Cannon was not on a ridge. Marvin Sippel questioned about how the trails were being acquired, constructed and maintained, as far as the financing was concerned. Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, from a conceptual standpoint,indicated that the trail needed to be dedicated and build as much as possible as part of the open space standards that were already in place, and would try to get the property owners, in order to meet their open space requirements, to dedicate as much as possible, and build a trail, but at this time, Mr. Holzmiller stated that staff wasn’t aware of how it would be financed, or where it would not fit into the open space standards. Fay Round, Chairman, closed the public testimony. Kip McBane, inquired about Zone 1, status of the proposal to acquire more open space in the northwest quadrant area. Kip McBane inquired about the changes made to Zone 18 of the summary, and recommended that this section be reviewed to address the issue of Carrillo Ranch being designated as a historic site. Committee query ensued in reference to Zone 18 of the summary regarding Carrillo Ranch as a historic site. - - - - - - -- MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 9 A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPTTHE FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE PLANS OPEN SPACE ACTION PRIORITIES AS AMENDED AND PROPOSED BY THE CHAIRMAN. (7-O) Fay Round, Chairman, indicated that the subcommittee had revised the Memorandum, dated October 16, 1991, regarding the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan, second paragraph (For the Conceptual Future Open Space Map), which would physically be placed on the map, to read as follows: “The “Future Open Space” shown on this map is intended to graphically and conceptually depict the City of Carlsbad’s open space priorities and objectives. The precise configuration of future open space will be determined when individual areas of the City are planned for In detail. A different configuration of future open space may be accepted provided it is shown to conform with and implement the City’s open space objectives.” A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT THE REVISED TEXT, FOR BOTH THE EXISTING OPEN SPACE MAP, CONSTRAINTS OPEN SPACE MAP, EXISTING OPEN SPACE CONTEXT MAP, AND ALSO FOR THE CONCEPTUAL FUTURE OPEN SPACE MAP. (7-O) VII. PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON WHAT SHOULD COUNT TOWARD MEETING THE 15% OPEN SPACE PERFORMANCE STANDARD Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd, commented that the only type of action they requested on this item from the committee tonight was that this matter be forwarded to the subcommittee for further discussion. Mr. Rookwood referred to Matrix 6 - Future Open Space Action Priorities (Exhibit X), and indicated that this item represented a substantial change in the way the City considered what could be considered to be the 15% standard. Kip McBane inquired about the priority status of school grounds as shown on Matrix 6 (Exhibit X). Fay Round, Chairman, stated that this issue would be coming back to the committee with more detail. - - - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 10 For clarification purposes, Kip McBane recommended that when this item was returned to the committee, that a statement be included indicating what is being achieved, defining what being a priority was, and to what use it would be put. Homer Hupf, inquired about how a developer would use school grounds as part of the 15% open space. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED THAT THE PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON WHAT SHOULD COUNT TOWARD MEETING THE 15% OPEN SPACE PERFORMANCE STANDARD BE SENT BACK TO THE SUBCOMMilTEE FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION, AND THEN BE RETURNED TO THE COMMI-ITEE. (7-O) VIII. PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON THE OPEN SPACE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Mr. Round, Chairman, stated that this item had been seen by the committee before, and would be subject to change. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE UPDATED VERSION OF THE OPEN SPACE CATEGORIES AND DEFINITIONS. (7-O) XI. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON POSSIBLE APPOINTMENT OF A COMMITTEE MEMBERAS REPRESENTATIVETOTHECARRILLO RANCH SUBCOMMITTEE Kip McBane was nominated by the committee to serve as the representative on the Carrillo Ranch Subcommittee. X. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Fay Round, Chairman, stated to the committee that the Open Space meetings would remain as presently scheduled (5:00 P.M., in the Utilities & Maintenance Conference Room). Kim Welshons, stated to the committee that the next meetings were scheduled for November 21, 1991, December 19, 1991 and January 23, 1992. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE OCTOBER 29,199l PAGE 11 XI. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of October 29, 1991, was adjourned at 6:45 PM (7-O). Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. MINUTES - - - - MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIME OF MEETING: SO0 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: NOVEMBER 21,199l PLACE OF MEETING: UTILITIES & MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE ROOM I. CALL TO ORDER Fay Round, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:07 PM. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr. Kim Welshons Kip McBane Courtney Heineman Clarence Schlehuber Alan Recce Absent: Matthew Hall Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Homer Hupf Staff Members Present: Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Terri Woods, Associate Planner Don Rideout, Sr. Management Analyst/Growth Management Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 29,199l (54) (DAHLQUIST-BURSVOLD, RECCE, HALL & HUPF - ABSENT) WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: Page 2, 1st paragraph, show “McBane” as being present, not absent. Page 3, 1st paragraph, after the words “relatively high” adding the words @to grade.” MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 21,199l PAGE 2 Page 4,3rd paragraph, adding the word ‘under” before the word Yaken”; 8th paragraph, deleting the word “hills’ and adding the word “Lake”; last paragraph, changed to read: “Terrl Woods, Associate Planner, responded that a trail has been proposed by the City of Encinltas on the south side of Batiquitos Lagoon but not along La Costa Avenue.” Page 5, 2nd paragraph, changing the word “basis” to “basin”., and adding *however, one did exlst at the Intersection of Ollvenhain Road and Ranch0 Santa Fe Road.” to the end of the paragraph. Page 7, last paragraph, changing “UBC Homes” to “UD Homes” throughout the text as necessary. Page 8, 7th paragraph, changing the word “build” to “built’. Fay Round, Chairman, stated to the committee that during the last week of January, a series of 4 workshops had been scheduled for public input on an individual, zone-by- zone basis, as follows: Monday, January 27, 1992 - 5:00-7:00 PM; addressing Zones 9, 74, 75, 76, 17 & 18. Tuesday, January 28, 7992 - 5:Oc)-7:OO PM, addressing Zones 70, 17, 12, 79, 23 & 25. Wednesday, January 29, 1992 - 5:00-7:00 PM, addressing Zones l-8, 73 & 24. Thursday, January 30, 1992 - 5:00-7:00 PM, addressing Zones 20, 27, & 22. Mr. Round concluded that action would be taken at the regular committee meeting of February 27, 1992. Ill. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Terri May, 3622 Adams Street, Carlsbad, spoke of her concern regarding equestrian trails and the SDG&E easement roads behind El Camino Real in Carlsbad. Fay Round, Chairman, indicated that in 1988, the previous Open Space Committee held several public meetings, and at that time there wasn’t any input from the public regarding equestrian trails, and since that time, provisions were not made for equestrian trails in the City until tne City of Encinitas approached the City with a request that the trails in the southern portion of the City, which would link with the City of Encinitas, also be allowed for equestrian use. Mr. Round stated that the City agreed with the request from the City of Encinitas, but at this time none of the other trails were being proposed for equestrian - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 21,199l PAGE 3 use, and recommended that if anyone felt that a specific trail should be proposed as an equestrian trail should let the committee know. - - Mr. Round indicated that SDG&E easements were avoided except where a vital link in the overall trail system was needed due to concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMF). Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, added that he was staff to a group in 1989-90 when the final trails feasibility study was prepared, and he attempted to speak to all organized horse groups in north county, and in speaking to the leaders in those groups, the consensus was, that there were only a few individual users of the potential horse trails in Carlsbad, and that the need was for links to a regional system. Terri Woods, Associate Planner, stated that the issue of equestrian trails had been discussed with the consultant and added that several links simply would not accommodate horses at all because of the grade, economics of engineering the trails for horses, and because of the additional erosion problems on the steep slopes. Ms. Woods further added that there would also be the possibility of additional annual costs for the purposes of maintenance and liability. Fay Round, Chairman, felt that if there were specific trail links, that could be accommodated, that they be brought back to the committee for review and consideration. Kim Welshons, recommended that a meeting be scheduled between Terri Woods and Ms. May to discuss her concerns/issues regarding equestrian trails. Linda Withers, inquired about the validity of an article she read in the newspaper regarding equestrian trails in Carlsbad. There being no other persons desiring to address the committee on this topic, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. - IV. PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON TRAIL REVISIONS BASED UPON THE k BIO - - Terri Woods, Associate Planner, with the aid of a wall map exhibit, gave a brief presentation on the trail revisions based upon the biological analysis of the trail impacts. Ms. Woods indicated that the analysis was based on the mapping of the sensitive habitat which was prepared by Michael Brandman Associates. Ms. Woods stated that significant impacts could occur to the California Gnatcatcher and other sensitive species, and these impacts would require re-routing the trail system in order to avoid affecting these species. Ms. Woods further added that impacts to other plant and animal species considered - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 21,lSSl PAGE 4 sensitive, but without legal status could occur, and although it was preferable to avoid impacts, no mitigation was required, such as the orange-throated whiptail, San Diego horned lizard, chocolate lily, etc. Ms. Woods explained Table A - Summary of Potential Impacts and Suggested Mitigation Measures for the Carlsbad Trails Plan, which listed the link number, biological resource, nature of impact and the mitigation measures. Ms. Woods stated that the only links that would be significantly impacted were Link No. 47, which would impact primarily Coastal Sage Scrub, and Link No. 25, which crosses a riparian area, which may require bridging over the riparian area to limit impacts to the habitat. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO DEFER THE ACTION ON THIS ITEM TO THE MEETING IN DECEMBER. (6-O) v. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE REVISED OPEN SPACE DEFINITIONS THE FOLLOWING CHANGES WERE MADE TO THE OPEN SPACE DEFINITIONS: PAGE 1: AGRICULTURE: Changing the word ‘cultlvatlons” to “cultivation”. PAGE 3: GATEWAY: Revised to read as follows: “An area of varying dimension within the viewshed of a major entrance route Into or within the City.” PAGE 4: LINK OR CORRIDOR: Adding the word “Some” before “Examples”, and deleting the “comma (,)’ after “recreation areas”. NATURAL OPEN SPACE: Changing the date from “Nov. 15, 1991” to “Nov. 15,188O”. It was recommended that the definition of “LINK OR CORRIDOR” become two separate definitions, in two separate locations, with the exact definition. PAGE 5: OPEN SPACE: It was recommended that the changes made to this definition also be reflected in the Open Space Classification System prepared by Wallace Roberts & Todd. PAGE 8: OPEN SPACE MAP: It was recommended that this definition be returned to the committee at a later date for further review. PAGE 9: SCENIC CORRIDOR: Duplicate definition, delete one. - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 21,lSSl PAGE 5 PAGE 10: STAGING AREA: Revised the last sentence read as follows: “Facilities provided may Include parklng, picnic tables and benches, and trail use, safety and interpretive signage.’ TRAIL: Deleting the letter “b” at the end of the sentence. It was recommended that the definition of “STEEP SLOPES OR HILLSIDES” become two separate definitions, in two separate locations, with the exact definition. - - - - - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED ACCEPTING THE REVISED OPEN SPACE DEFINITIONS AS AMENDED. (6-O) VI. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE REVISED OPEN SPACE CATEGORIES AND DEFINITIONS LISTING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES WERE MADE TO THE OPEN SPACE CLASSIFICATION CATEGORIES: Adding Coastal bluffs and clifts; forests and Groves; and Watershed lands to page 2 of the Open Space Inventory Groupings, as listed on page 1, category 1. CATEGORY 3: It was recommended that b.v) include the wording “other uses of a trail”. It was recommended that under b.iii) Special Resource Areas, the term ‘beaches” also be included. lt was recommended that the term “beaches” be added as g.iii). It was also recommended that staff find out the location of beaches and recreational amenities. CATEGORY 4: For clarification purposes, it was recommended that Ecological, Culture - Zoologic Garden and Education - Ecologic Study and Educational Value, be reviewed for consistency. It was also recommended that the definition of “RIDGELINE” be returned to the committee for further review. CATEGORY 5: It was recommended that c.i) & c.ii) be indented. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE REVISED OPEN SPACE CATEGORIES AND DEFINITIONS LISTING AS CORRECTED. (6-O) MINUTES. OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 21,lSSl PAGE 6 - VII. DI t -- Terri Woods, Associate Planner, for informational purposes, stated that the upcoming agenda in December would be a lengthy one, and because of the length, it would go beyond the 7:00 time frame. - It was recommended that letters regarding the upcoming workshops be sent out to the committee members that were absent at this meeting. VIII. ADJOURNMENT - By proper motion, the meeting of November 21, 1991, was adjourned at 6:35 P.M. (6-O) - Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA FtAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. - - - MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIME OF MEETING: SO0 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: DECEMBER 19,199l PLACE OF MEETING: UTILITIES & MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE ROOM I. CALL TO ORDER Fay Round, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 508 PM. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr. Kim Welshons Kip McBane Courtney Heineman Clarence Schlehuber Matthew Hall Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Homer Hupf Absent: Alan Recce Staff Members Present: Terri Woods, Associate Planner Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Consultants Present: Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd Bill Anderson, ERA II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21,1991(5-O-3) (DAHLQUIST-BURSVOLD, HALL & HUPF - ABSTAINED) (RECCE ABSENT), WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: PAGE 2: Fifth paragraph, deleting the words “on an individual, zone-by-zone basis” and adding the words “on the Draft Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan”. Fifth paragraph, correcting Tuesday, January 28, 1992, to address zones l-8 & 13 & 24 and Wednesday, January 29, 1992, to address zones 10, 11, 12, 19, 23 & 25. - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE DECEMBER 19,lSSl PAGE 2 - Last paragraph, deleting the words “since that time” and adding the words ‘and therefore,” PAGE 3: First paragraph, last sentence, adding the word “they” after the words “equestrian trail”. - - - Fifth paragraph, was revised to read as follows: “Fay Round, Chairman, felt that if there were specific trail links that could be accommodated, they should be proposed to the committee for review and consideration.’ Sixth paragraph, deleting the words “her concerns/issues regarding equestrian trails” and adding “Ms. May’s interests in equestrian trails”. Last Paragraph, second line, deleting the words ‘based upon the” and adding the words “necessary as a result of the’ and adding the words ” in two segments” after the words “re-routing the trail system”. PAGE 4: - First paragraph, was revised to read as follows: “sensitive, but without legal status could occur. She mentioned that although it was preferable to avoid impacts, no mitigation was required for species such as the orange-throated whiptail, San Diego horned lizard, chocolate lily, etc.” Second paragraph, adding the word “and” before the words “which may require bridging”. PAGE 5: Paragraph VI, correcting the word “clifts” to “cliff”. Ill. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC - Chairman Round, recommended that Terri May’s letter be included as an agenda item on the upcoming agenda in January. Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. - Terri May, expressed her thanks to the people that responded to her letters, and also thanked Ms. Woods for returning her calls and updating her on this matter. Ms. May added that she would like to get together with Ms. Woods, and perhaps a small group of people to discuss the trails and roads at issue. - - - - - -.-. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE DECEMBER 19,lSSl PAGE 3 Chairman Round suggested that this group of people get together prior to the meeting in January so that input could be received at that meeting. Mr. Round also recommended that this group of people also attend the individual workshops where the desired equestrian trail segments would be discussed. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, indicated that he had submitted a letter to Ms. Woods from the Zone 18 property owners, Mr. Howes, speaking on behalf of the property owners of Zone 18, indicated to the Committee that the property owners had concerns about the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan recommendations for Zone 18. Mr. Howes indicated that the property owners were particularly concerned with the references to the arboretum. Mr. Howes noted that at a previous meeting, the Open Space Advisory Committee voted to delete the references to the arboretum in the Resource Management Plan Summaries. Mr. Howes indicated that the property owners would like all references to the arboretum deleted. Mr. Howes also indicated that the Resource Management Plan discussed a flood hazard area, which according to the property owner’s map wasn’t a flood hazard area. Mr. Howes also noted that in Zone 18, a complete EIR was being prepared. Mr. Howes also expressed his concern about the proposed wildlife corridor which would cross the proposed alignment of Melrose, and questioned what that was based upon. After some discussion among the committee members, it was recommended to the Chairman that staff respond to the property owners of Zone 18, and that this item be placed on the January agenda for discussion. There being no other persons desiring to address the committee on this topic, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. IV. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON TRAIL SYSTEM REVISIONS BASED UPON THE BIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF TRAIL IMPACTS - - Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd, stated that he had spoken with the biologist regarding segment 25, and that they felt this segment did not have to be bridged because project design could accommodate the trail. Mr. Rookwood stated that with respect to trail segment no. 49, the biologist felt they would not be able to determine whether or not that trail segment could go in or not, until more research could be done regarding the mitigation requirements for the Ranch0 Santa Fe Road widening. Mr. Rookwood felt that if Link No, 47 could not be constructed, it would not reduce the viability of the Citywide trail system. - A MOTION WAS MADE AND ‘SECONDED TO ADOPT THE TRAILS PLAN AS MODIFIED BY THE BIOLOGICAL STUDY (8-O) (RECCE ABSENT) -- --. - -- -- -- -- MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE DECEMBER 19,lSSl PAGE 4 V. PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON OPEN SPACE PRIORITIES FOR EACH LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN (LFMP) ZONE Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd, briefly explained the draft text of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan which, included a report outlining the layout to be used for the final Resource Management Plan. Mr. Rookwood stated that the draft included the discussion (both in summary and in full) of the proposed open space action priorities. Mr. Rookwood added that the implementation text was not included at this time, but anticipated that a discussion of implementation would be included for each zone, which would ultimately add sections to both the summary and . the full zone-by-zone discussion. Mr. Rookwood also stated that a revised zone-by-zone Future Open Space Action Priorities matrix had also been included. Chairman Round recommended that under Section V, Citywide Action and Implementation Plan that “Citywide Trails System” be changed to ‘Carlsbad Trail . System”. It was noted that under Section VI, Zones 24 and 25 were inadvertently left out of the outline, and should be included. Mr. Rookwood stated that the wrong paragraph had been included in the Zone 9 Summary. Mr. Rookwood added that this section was slightly amended in a previous version based on the input that was received at the public workshop held in September. Mr. Rookwood stated that the wording was clearer in the subsequent version and would be replaced. Mr. Rookwood concluded that the matrix at the beginning of the zone-by-zone discussion, and the text within each zone were in the process of being refined at the moment by the subcommittee and Wallace Roberts & Todd, and that the matrix and text would be brought back to the committee in January and February, 1992. Chairman Round asked the committee for their comments on the zone-by-zone text. Homer Hupf recommended that in the Zone 11 Summary, that the word “scheme” be replaced with the word “project”. Mr. McBane felt that agricultural uses in Zone 1 were not adequately addressed. Mr. McBane recommended that additional language be added to strengthen the policies for maintenance of agricultural uses. Chairman Round recommended that if the committee had any more questions or comments regarding the open space action priorities for any of the Local Facility Management Plan Zones to please contact Courtney Heineman and let him know. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMlll’EE DECEMBER 19,lSSl PAGE 5 - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED THAT THIS PRELIMINARY APPROACH TO OPEN SPACE PRIORITIES FOR EACH LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE - BE ADOPTED AT THIS TIME. (8-O) (RECCE ABSENT) VI. PRESENTATION ON FINANCING STRATEGIES FOR THE PROPOSED OPEN SPACE AND TRAIL SYSTEM - - .I- -- Bill Anderson, ERA, briefly explained the financing strategies for the proposed &Open Space and Trail System. Mr. Anderson stated that they would be taking the approach of analyzing the implementation opportunities and the cost on a zone-by-zone basis. Mr. Anderson handed out a matrix, which he indicated was an example of what their intent was, which would be prepared for each zone, and would identify the primary priorities and refer directly to the text and corresponding matrix. Mr. Anderson explained the open space zone action priorities, ownership/administrative responsibility, incremental city open space ownership, which consisted of acres and form, estimated incremental city cost, which referred to acquisition, improvements and maintenance, primary funding source and lastly, the protection method. Mr. Rookwood, for clarification purposes, stated that they would not be assuming any of the Parks & Recreation Department budget items for this document, although Parks is a subset of Open Space, it had already been taken care of in a separate budget process. -- - After a lengthy discussion among the committee members, it was recommended that the City Council investigate the acquisition of the Pannonia neighborhood trail by entering into a lease agreement for that particular segment, because it was heavily used by a great number of citizens in the City. Matt Hall, expressed great concern regarding the costs associated with the maintenance of open space areas. -- Due to committee query regarding acquisition costs, improvement costs, maintenance costs, funding sources and protection methods relating to the trail & open space area, it was recommended that perhaps a citywide policy statement be adopted to address these types of trails, - -- A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED THAT EITHER THE CITY OR ANY AFFECTED HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION BE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO REQUEST A REVIEW OF ANY PRIVATELY OWNED TRAIL(S) TO DETERMINE WHETHER PUBLIC USE OF THE TRAIL(S) WARRANTS ACQUISITION BY THE CITY AND INCLUSION IN THE CARLSBAD TRAIL SYSTEM. (8-O) (RECCE ABSENT) - - Paul Rookwood, inquired whether open space parcels should be held in common by a homeowner’s association or be separated as individual parcels. -- - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE DECEMBER 19,lSSl PAGE 6 A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED THAT THE GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE SHOULD BE HELD AS SEPARATE PARCELS FROM THE DEVELOPED PORTIONS OF PROJECTS. (8-O) (RECCE ABSENT) VII. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON WHAT SHOULD COUNT TOWARD MEETING THE 15% OPEN SPACE PERFORMANCE STANDARD - Terri Woods, Associate Planner, recommended to the committee that the additional wording for the Growth Management 15% Open Space Performance Standard be added to the draft Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan as outlined in the handout included in their packet. Ms. Woods stated that the committee could take action on the 15% performance standard policy at a subsequent meeting. - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO INCLUDE THE ADDITIONAL WORDING FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT 15% OPEN SPACE PERFORMANCE STANDARD -IN THE DRAFT OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN. (7-O) (RECCE & MCBANE ABSENT) VIII. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - Terri Woods, Associate Planner, stated that the meeting on January 23, 1992 would be held at the Safety Center at 5:OO PM and the meeting on February 20, 1992 would be held at Aviara Oaks Elementary School, 6900 Ambrosia Lane at 5:OO PM. Kim Welshons, stated that the Leo Carrillo subcommittee would be meeting on Friday, December 27, 1991. IX. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of December 19, 1991, was adjourned at 7:00 P.M. (5-O) (Recce, McBane, Schlehuber & Hall Absent) Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. MINUTES MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: JANUARY 23,1992 PLACE OF MEETING: SAFETY CENTER I. CALL TO ORDER Fay Round, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:ll PM. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Kip McBane Fay 0. Round, Jr. Clarence Schlehuber Kim Welshons Alan Recce Absent: Matthew Hall - Staff Members Present: . Terri Woods, Associate Planner Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Don Neu, Senior Planner Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Consultants Present: Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd Bill Anderson, ERA Dave Wilcox, ERA II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A, MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 19,1991, AS SUBMIITED (7-O) (HALL & RECCE ABSENT). III. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. - - - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE JANUARY 23,1992 PAGE 2 Bill Daugherty, briefly spoke in reference to the Zone 18 Master Plan. Mr. Daugherty noted that Carrillo Way had been moved to the southern end of the property. Mr. Daugherty expressed his concerns about the coastal sage scrub habitat which had been disturbed in Zone 18, which had been listed as a Gnatcatcher habitat area. From a habitat standpoint, Mr. Daugherty, recommended that the coastal sage scrub be pulled into riparian communities, and into a cohesive corridor system that would allow wildlife to continue to exist. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, Carlsbad, stated to the committee that almost all of the area in Zone 18 had been decimated, and only a small area had been cleared for agriculture. Mike. Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, stated to the committee that the proposed Master Plan being prepared for Zone 18 showed substantially more open space than the open space shown that evening. Mr. Howes also indicated that a complete EIR would be prepared addressing the impacts of any grading that had occurred in the past for agriculture, and it would also evaluate the potential wildlife corridors. Mr. Howes, speaking on behalf of the Zone 18 property owners, asked that Item 7, Discussion of References to an Arboretum in Zone 18, be continued to the workshop so that the property owners would have an opportunity to participate in that discussion. Mr. Howes also noted that in reference to Item 8, Discussion and Action on Proposed Equestrian Use of the Carlsbad Trail System, the property owners of Zone 18, 7 and possibly 10, had no proposed plans for equestrian trails going through their projects. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, expressed his concerns in reference to Carrillo Way. Mr. Ladwig stated that Carrillo Way had been moved in response to City Staff asking to look for an alternative alignment for Carrillo Way, but that there were two alignments being addressed. Katherine Daugherty, Arboretum Foundation, had questions in reference to the arboreta, as it was referenced on page 4, category 4, of the Draft Comprehensive Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Ms. Daugherty inquired why the arboretum was listed under category 4(e), instead of 4(a), and also indicated that she did not understand what “independent facility” meant. Ms. Daugherty indicated that they always proposed that the arboretum would be a part of the City and owned by the City. Dolores Welty, Project Future, inquired why the open space plan had no area set aside for agriculture. Ms. Welty further added that it was her understanding after attending the project meetings that there was always an indication that there would be a continuation of agriculture within the City. There being no other persons desiring to address the committee, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMIITEE JANUARY 23,1992 PAGE 3 Kip McBane recommended to the committee that aerial photos would be useful for Zone 18. - - - - Ms. Woods indicated to the committee that if she was able to obtain aerial photos for Zone 18, she would make them available to the committee at the workshop. Ms. Woods indicated that although the additional grading in Zone 18 was not an issue for the committee, that action on this matter would still be pursued by the City. IV. PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON THE PROPOSED EVANS POINT PROJECT Don Neu, Senior Planner, with the aid of a wall map exhibit, gave a brief presentation on the Evans Point Project. Mr. Neu indicated that the 4 issues most relevant to the committee were: (1) Presently no portion of the 128.1 acre site was designated as General Plan Open Space, or zoned open space, and the project proposes designating as General Plan Open Space and zoned as open space, 59.4 acres; (2) The project will provide 26.5 acres of performance standard open space for LFMP Zone 24, but is only required to provide 15 acres of performance standard open space, and the result is the provision of 11.5 acres, over and above, the required performance standard open space for the entire zone; (3) Pursuant to the EIR, open space areas are all connected to provide viable habitat for wildlife, and an undercrossing has been required under proposed Street C to provide a connection between the chaparral habitat and the riparian habitat. in addition, the project circulation system has been redesigned to minimize barriers between open space areas; and, (4) A trail system has been incorporated into the project which is consistent with the Carlsbad Trails Feasibility Study. In conclusion, Mr. Neu stated that the project design complied with all adopted and proposed open space requirements, and it was staffs opinion that the project be recommended for approval. Mr. Neu added that the project had been scheduled for Planning Commission on February 19, 1992, and would then go before the City Council. Ms. Welshons requested that the Kelly Barn issue been clarified. Mr. Neu indicated that through CEQA the barn was determined not to be a historically significant structure. Mr. Neu also stated that this issue had gone before the Historic Preservation Commission approximately 6 times, and ultimately, a report had been prepared at the applicant’s direction, which dealt with the cost of rehabilitating and relocating the structure, and because the structure was not deemed historically significant, and the cost to rehabilitate was great, it was determined by the commission that the barn did not need to be preserved. Mr. Neu commented that the commission requested the applicant to consider making a donation to fund a historic project in the City. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE JANUARY 23,1992 PAGE 4 Committee query ensued regarding the additional open space and habitat issues on the proposed Evans Point project. Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd, stated to the committee that the Evans Point plan was very responsive to the types of open space the committee was looking for, such as including the greenway, trail system, and the inclusion of the trail view points. In conclusion, Mr. Rookwood felt that this plan gave all of the components the committee was looking for, and additionally, would be providing more open space than required. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED EVANS POINT PROJECT INCLUDING THE DESIGNATED OPEN SPACE AS OUTLINED BY SENIOR PLANNER, DON NEU. (8-O) V. BRIEF PRESENTATION ON THE INCOMPLETE DRAFT OF THE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd, with the aid of a wall map exhibit, briefly explained the Draft Comprehensive Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (Administrative Draft dated l/l 7/92). Mr. Rookwood explained that the document was an incomplete draft, and indicated that some of the section not included in this document were the trails component and the implementation section. Mr. Rookwood noted that these sections would be included in the upcoming revised draft. Courtney Heineman inquired if the committee’s revisions to Zones 19-25 were included in the draft document. Mr. Rookwood responded that the revisions to Zones 19-25 were not included, but were in the process of being amended. Kim Welshons, inquired if the maps indicated which zone each trail would be located in, and also noted to the committee that all of the maps were still referring to the “Citywide Trails System” which had been changed at the previous meeting to reflect “Carlsbad Trail System”. SINCE THIS ITEM WAS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. - - ..- -- - - .- - - -- -- - VII. DISCUSSION OF REFERENCES TO AN ARBORETUM IN ZONE 18 MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE JANUARY 23,1992 PAGE 5 VI. PRESENTATION AND ACTION ON THE PROPOSED FINANCING PROGRAM FOR THE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Bill Anderson, ERA, with the aid of an overhead presentation, briefly discussed the proposed financing program for the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Mr. Anderson explained the cost estimates and implementation issues as outlined in Section VII, page VII-I, of the Draft Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Mr. Anderson stated that Table VII-l presented a summary of the costs and that the costs would be incremental to the City’s budget, and were not the total cost for the Open Space System. Mr. Anderson explained that the costs not included were 1) Costs associated with open space which was already preserved/maintained by the City and private owners; 2) costs which the Parks & Recreation Department had already budgeted or planned to incur; 3) costs incurred by other agencies such as the State: 4) costs associated with the Habitat Management Program’s recommendation; and 5) private maintenance costs for future homeowner maintained open space. Mr. Anderson stated that the estimated acquisition costs, improvements and maintenance costs were estimated for the open space system as a whole and for each local facilities management zone. Mr. Anderson further explained Table VII-2, which presented the proposed budget program for the open space and trail operations and maintenance. Mr. Anderson indicated that the budget would cover the open space and trails which the City would maintain. Mr. Anderson further explained the general implementation approaches taken for each facility management zone and the recommended implementation/financing strategies that were ‘considered for trails and open space. In conclusion, Mr. Anderson explained the zone specific recommendations taken for each open space element within each zone. Dave Wilcox, ERA, briefly explained the General Obligation (GO) Bond process, which would be required to be placed on a ballot requiring 2/3’s vote of the people. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED, TO ACCEPT IN CONCEPT, THE PROPOSED FINANCING PROGRAM FOR THE OPEN SPACE AND TRAIL FINANCING PROGRAM. (8-O) A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO CONTINUE ITEM VII TO THE WORKSHOP. (8-O) - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE JANUARY 23,1992 PAGE 8 ‘VIII. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON PROPOSED EQUESTRIAN USE OF THE CARLSBAD TRAIL SYSTEM A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO DEFER ITEM VIII UNTIL AFTER THE SCHEDULED WORKSHOPS. (8-O) IX. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Kim Welshons stated to the committee that the subcommittee for Carrillo Ranch had met on December 27, 1991, and they had recommended that the elementary school be placed adjacent to the ranch property, but that it would also require the review of several other commissions. Kim Welshons, stated that she would be resigning from the Parks & Recreation Commission due to her appointment to the Water Commission on January 21, 1992. Ms. Welshons also stated that Courtney Heineman had been appointed to the Parks & Recreation Commission. X. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of January 23, 1992, was adjourned at 7:20 P.M. (8-O) (Hall Absent) Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED, - -- - -- -- MINUTES MEETING OF: TIME OF MEETlNG: OPEN SPACE ADVjSORY COMMITTEE 300 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: FEBRUARY 20,1992 PLACE OF MEETING: AVIARA OAKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I. CALL TO ORDER Fay Round, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 305 PM. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Kip t&Bane Alan Recce Fay 0. Round, Jr. Clarence Schlehuber Kim Welshons Absent: Matthew Hall Staff Members Present: Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Terri Woods, Associate Planner Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Consultants Present: Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd II. APPROVAL OF .MINUTES )I A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 23,1992, AS SUBMIITED (5-4) (HALL, RECCE, SCHLEHUBER & MCBANE ABSENT). III. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee on items not included on the agenda, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. - -- - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE FEBRUARY 20,1992 PAGE 2 IV. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE DRAFT OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN a. SECTION I: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THERE WAS NO ACTION TAKEN ON THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. .cli*.I .stiM6w-& amt .Bkti ~ccr;:.~~~~~~qgi~~~ .: ..: . . .,,: ,,..: b. SECTION II. INTRODUCTION Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee on Section II, Chairman Round closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT SECTION II (644). (SCHLEHUBER ABSTAINED) (HALL AND MCBANE ABSENT). C. SECTION Ill. THE OPEN SPACE SEITING It was recommended that pages 12-22 be deferred to the meeting of March 26, 1992. Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee on Section Ill, Chairman Round closed the public hearing. Homer Huph pointed out that the page number was missing on page 14 of Section IV. A MOTION AS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE PAGES 8-11 AND APPENDIX A. (7-O) (HALL & MCBANE ABSENT). d. SECTION IV. GOALS. OBJECTIVES AND POUCIES Page 26, C.20 and Page 27, C-21, C.22 and C.23 were discussed. lt was recommended by Ms. Woods that C.21 on page 27 be revised to reflect that it was part of the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan and not part of the element. Ms. Woods stated that Page 26, C.20 of this section referred to what was already approved as constrained land, and C.22 was the trails program. - - -- -- - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20,1992 PAGE 3 ~~Mi;?e;mu~~~~r~‘:~~~ :. . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Rookwood stated that the large wall map exhibit as shown, was incorrectly titled and should be labeled as the “Conceptual Open Space and Conservation Map”. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED THAT PAGE 27, C.21, BE REVISED TO REFLECT THAT IT WAS PART OF THE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN, AND NOT A PART OF THE ELEMENT. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, spoke in support of the Conceptual Open Space and Consen/ation Map being an exhibit not formally adopted as part of the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. Homer Huph inquired what the problem would be if it were part of the General Plan. Jack Henthorn, Jack Henthorn & Associates, inquired about the Objectives, page 24, 8.8. Mr. Henthorn felt that the text should acknowledge that an open space area could serve several functions and credit should be given for each function, and felt the text should be revised to read: 70 plan for and deslgn open space of its various specific functions as opposed to considering open space as having a single general function. A single open space element could possibly provide multiple open space functions’. Jack Henthorn indicated that the text on page 80, C.2, was redundant since the Growth Management Program already contained restrictions relating to constrained lands. Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, exptained the concept of the General Plan Amendment process. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE CONCEPTUAL OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATlON MAP WHICH WOULD NOW BE CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN, WHICH INCLUDES THE PROTECTION OF OPEN SPACE AND WHICH WOULD BE SUBJECT TO CHANGES ON THE MAP. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) - - - - _- - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20,1992 PAGE 4 There being no one else desiring to address the committee on Section IV, Chairman Round closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE SECTION IV. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO AMEND PAGE 26, C.9, ADDING PRIVATE QPEN SPACE AREAS THAT ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC WITHOUT SOME MONETARY OR OTHER CONSIDERATION SHOULD NOT RECEIVE CREDIT TOWARD MEETING THE 15% OPEN SPACE STANDARD. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) Kip McBane inquired about the language on page 27, C.23(3), and on page 31, c-1. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO MODIFY PAGE 31, C.1, TO READ “THE CIN SHALL -ESTABLISH A CITYWIDE INTERCONNECTING TRAIL SYSTEM PRIMARILY PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED BUT FOR BICYCLES WHERE FEASIBLE.. (84) (HALL ABSENT) A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE SECTION IV IN ITS ENTIRETY. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO AMEND PAGE 8, THE PARAGRAPH PRIOR TO CATEGORY 1, ADDING ” ANY SPECIFIC AREA OF OPEN SPACE MAY FALL INTO ONE OR MORE OF THESE CATEGORIES TO THE END OF THE PARAGRAPH. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO TABLE THE ABOVE- REFERENCED MOTION UNTIL THE MEETING OF MARCH 28,1992. (8-O) (HAU ABSENT) lt was recommended that any specific changes that were being proposed be submitted to Ms. Woods 2 weeks prior to March 26, 1992. 8. SECTION V: CITYWIDE ACTION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Chairman Round recommended that action be held on the matrices on pages 36 & 37 until after the finaliration of all the zones. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT PAGES 35-55, EXCLUDING THE MATRICES ON PAGES 36 & 37. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE FEBRUARY 20,1992 PAGE 5 Kip McBane expressed his concerns and opinions on several issues he felt uncomfortable with and which he felt were not addressed in the Comprehensive Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Committee query ensued in reference to the issues raised by Mr. McBane. Renata Mulry, Bexen Press, requested that the committee members identify themselves. - - -- - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED ADOPTING SECTION V. (7-l) (MCBANE) (HALL ABSENT) Chairman Round recommended that action on the Trail System, pages 55-63 be deferred until the meeting of March 26, 1992. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT APPENDIX F 81 APPENDIX G. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) f. SECTION VI: FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE ACTION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Chairman Round recommended that pages 64-73, Summary of the Zones, be deferred until the meeting of March 26, 1992, and that discussion only be held on the individual zones. Chairman Round indicated that there were still some uncertainties on Zones 11 and 15. Ms. Woods recommended that no action be taken on Zone 11 at this time. Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. ZONE I; Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, made corrections to page 96, changing Village 5 to read as Wllage S, and also under the Trail System section, Mr. Howes pointed out that Trail Segment 15 did not go through Zone 7, and also on page 99, changing Village 5 to read as “Village S’. ZONE 9: Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, expressed his concerns under the Greenways (3c) section, where it pertained to “adjacent to or close to the right- of-way in order to take advantage of viewe out over the ocean”. - -- - -- -- - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20,1993 , PAGE 6 Terri Woods recommended that the last sentence on section Greenways(3c.) be changed to read ‘adjacent to, close to, or within the right-f-way in order to take advantage of views out over the ocean.” ZONE 11 Zone 11 was deferred to the meeting of March 26, 1992. A MOTJON WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE ZONES l-10, WITH MINOR CHANGES. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT) 13 ZONE Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, pointed out that the last sentence on page 122, under Forestry/Agriculture/Aquaculture (2a.), was incorrectly written. it was recommended that the last sentence be changed from ‘The Williamson Act lands are designated as permanent open space” to 7ho 39 acre flower fields are designated as permanent open space.” A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE ZONES 12,13 & 14, AS CORRECTED. (8-g) (HALL ABSENT) 15 ZONE Zone 15 was deferred to the meeting of March 26, 1992. ZONE 18 Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, speaking on behalf of the property owners of Zone 18, recommended that Zone 18 be continued to the meeting of March 28.1992. Catherine Daugherty, suggested that the wording from the Summary of last September be used as it related to the Arboreta. Ms. Daugherty read excerpts from the 1987 Historic Preservation Minutes. Chairman Round recommended that copies of all the information Ms. Daugherty had pertaining to the Arboretum be provided to Ms. Woods for the subcommittee’s review. - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 2O,lH2 PAGE 7 Kip Mcbane proposed that staff create language under the primary open space action priorities, and be reviewed at the next meeting in reference to the subcommittee that was preparing the recommendation for the improvement of use of the 10 acre Carrillo Ranch. Kim Welshons spoke in opposition of Mr. McBane’s proposal. Ms. Welshons indicated that that committee was not the sole body that makes the decisions on the ranch. Ms. Welshons stated that this matter would be going to the Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission & Historic Presentation Commission, and that committee would not be making the final recommendation, and making reference to it would not be accurate. Chairman Round recommended that Zone 18 be deferred until the meeting of March 26, 1992. ZONE 19 Paul KJukas, Aviara, inquired about the acreage under the General Plan Land Use. Terri Woods recommended that the wording on page 148, under the General Plan section be changed to read: “The Aviara Master Plan and the City’s General Plan designates land uses through the zone.” - - - - - Paul Klukas, Aviara, recommended that page 145, Trails (8d.), third sentence be changed to read: “A handlcapped-accessibie trail should connect from the western staging area to the outdoor classroom’. ZONE 24 Jack Henthorn, Jack Henthorn & Associates, recommended that page 147, Zone Open Spaoe Status, that text should include wording similar to the Zone 18 language, that acknowledges a Specific Plan and EIR are in process. Mr. Henthorn also recommended that on the same page, under the section of Development Status, that the text be revised to reflect the submission of several tentative maps for review by the City. Mr. Henthorn recommended that page 149, under the Implementation Approach section, that the text be revjsed to reflect the City’s responsibility for liability of the trails and public open space and adding a last sentence to this section to read: “Trails and pubilc open space maintenance and liability costs will be funded by city wide assessment? Ms. Woods, responded that the above change would be made on all of the zones with trails. - - - -- - - Chairman Round recommended that this section be worked out with staff. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20,1992 PAGE 8 - V. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED DIRECTING STAFF TO BRING BACK THE LANGUAGE REGARDING LIABIUN THATCAN BE INCLUDED IN ALLCF ZONES WITH TRAILS. (9-O) (HAU ABSENT) ZONE 21 Jack Henthorn, Jack Henthorn & Associates, requested that page 151, under the section Primary Open Space Action Priorities, Greenways (3c.); Trails (3d,), be revised to read: “The alignment of Poinsettia Lane is in the conceptual design stage. Flexibility should be given within this zone for use of setback along Poinsettia Lane for trails and greenway purposes. This may be necessary to resolve conflicts with small, fragmented ownership patterns similar to those found in Zone 20. ZONE 23 Chairman Round recommended that Zone 23 be deferred to the meeting of March 26, 1992. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE ZONES 16,17,19,20, 21 & 22 (9-O). (HALL ABSENT) A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE ZONES 24 625 (9-9) (HALL ABSENT). DISCUSSION OF INFORMATiONAL ITEMS - Terri Woods stated to the Committee that Paul Rookwood would be leaving the country around March 3 or 4th and would not be returning until the plan was before the Planning - Commission and City Council. - Clarence Schlehuber stated to the committee that Matt Hall had very serious health problems within his family and, therefore has not been able to be present at these meetings. - Terri Woods recommended to the committee that a schedule would have to be established for Planning Commission and City Council. _-- Kim Welshons recommended that staff prepare a draft letter which would accompany the document so that work could begin. - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20,1992 PAGE 9 -- Paul Rookwood, Wallace Roberts & Todd, recommended that action be taken on Appendix C, E, & I. ..- A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE APPENDIX C, E 4 I (8-O) (HALL ABSENT). -- Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee, Chairman Round closed the public hearing. VI. ADJOURNMENT BY PROPER MOTION, THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20,1992, WAS ADJOURNED AT 8:35 P.M. (8-O) (HALL ABSENT). Respectfully submitted, . MICHAEL J. HOUMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. MINUTES ’ - - - MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: MARCH 26, 1992 PLACE OF MEETING: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTOFFICE (U/M CONF.ROOM) I. CALL TO ORDER Fay Round, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. ROLL CALL Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Matthew Hall Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Fay 0. Round, Jr. Kim Welshons Absent: Kip McBane Alan Recce Clarence Schlehuber Staff Members Present: - - - - Terri Woods, Associate Planner Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary Consultants Present: None. Ii. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 20, 1992, AS SUBMIlTED (5-O-l) (HALL ABSTAINED, RECCE, SCHLEHUBER & MCBANE ABSENT). Ill. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one desiring to address the committee on items not included on the agenda, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARCH 26,1992 PAGE 2 IV. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE DRAFT OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN Fay Round, Chairman, recommended that Agenda Item IV, f. Section V., Local Facilities Management Zone Action and Implementation Plan be moved forward so that action could be taken on the 5 zones that were deferred to this meeting. f. SECTION V: LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE ACTION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Zone 11 Terri Woods, Associate Planner, recommended that the following changes be made to Zone 11: Page 128, under Major Developments, that a sentence be added to the end of the last sentence to read: “including the majority of non-residential property in the zone owned by MAG Property.” Page 129, under Hazardous Areas (5a.) the sentence “dramatic cliffs which can be a safety hazard” be deleted, and replaced with the words “steep slopes.” Page 130, second paragraph, the word “Additionally” be deleted, and replaced with the words “As part of development of this area,*. Page 130, under Trails (3d.), the sentence that reads “San Marcos Canyon has been considered an “Attractive Nuisance” by the current owner, and does pose liability Issues should the proposed trail segments be implemented around the rim of the canyon.” be deleted. After the sentence ‘I.... should be the responsibility of the City of Carlsbad” the following sentence be added “or such other organizatlon as may deemed appropriate by the City such as a conservancy agency associated with the Habitat Management Plan.” Page 130, first paragraph, first sentence’, deleting the word *across*, and replaced with the words “under or across”. Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. - - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARCH 26,1992 PAGE 3 Ruth Besecker, Fieldstone/La Costa, expressed her thanks to the committee and staff for their consideration of their comments on Zone 11. - There being no one else desiring to address the committee on Zone 11, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT ‘ZONE 11 WITH CORRECTIONS. (6-O) (MCBANE, RECCE & SCHLEHUBER, ABSENT) -- Zone 15 _.- Terri Woods, Associate Planner, stated to the committee that she had discussed Zone 15 with one of the property owners. Ms. Woods stated to the committee that she had received a letter from Russell Grosse Development that afternoon recommending changes to the alignment. Ms. Woods, with the aid of a wall map exhibit, (Conceptual Open Space Conservation Map) indicated what was proposed by Russell Grosse Development and noted that the proposal would not only change the trail alilgnment in Zone 15, but would change the trail alignment in Zone 5 as well. Ms. Woods indicated that the biologist had not looked at these changes. Ms. Woods stated that staff could support the general trail alignment change in Zone 15, but could not support realigning the trail in Zone 5. Ms. Woods pointed to the wall map exhibit and discussed where the trail should be aligned. Ms. Woods recommended that wording be added to the text in Zone 15 to read: “At the tlme a project Is submitted, if the City determines that a change in the trail alignment In Zone 5 would work, then a change In the alignment should be considered.” - - - - Ms. Woods, depicted on the Conceptual Open Space & Conservation Map which alignment would be eliminated, and dashed out the recommended alignment on the map. Courtney Heineman inquired why Russell Grosse Development had proposed the trail alignment going into Los Monos Canyon Preserve. Committee query ensued in reference to the Open Space & Conservation Map. , Ms. Woods, recommended that wording be added to the text to read: “If the environmental review shows that the allgnment In Zone 5 would accommodate movement to the east, that staff would be willing to move the alignment in Zone 5 as well.” - - -- MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMI’TTEE MARCH 26,1992 PAGE 4 Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one else desiring to address the committee on Zone 15, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT ZONE 15 TEXT AS AMENDED WITH STAFF’S PROPOSED TRAIL ALIGNMENT. (6-O) Zone 18 Terri Woods, Associate Planner, indicated that there were numerous typos, which would be corrected before the final document was distributed. Ms. Woods recommended that the following changes be made to Zone 18. Page 162, under Museums/Arboreta/Zoologic/Botanical (4e.), second to the last sentence, after the words “(dated June 18, 1988), the following wording be added “,as the foundation does not own the property in Zone 18,” Page 164, under Scenic/Cultural/Educational (4a.), Museum/Arboreta/Zoologic/Botanical (4e), first sentence, adding the word ‘Yhe” before “Carrillo Ranch”. Page 165, Table 24, under 4e., under future Open Space, it should read as “B”, not “A”. Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, indicated that he had met with the property owners of Zone 18, and indicated they felt comfortable with the wording as written. Catherine Daugherty, President of the Arboretum Foundation, expressed her concerns about category 4e., being changed from “A” to “SI) (futurh open space). Gus Olson, 6434 Camino Del Parque, Carlsbad, Member of the Board of Directors, Carlsbad Arboretum, inquired about the logic behind the changes of classification for the Museum/Arboreta categories from an “A” to “B”. Mr. Round, Chairman, for clarification purposes, stated that this category had not been changed from “A” to ‘B”, but that Museum/Arboreta had always been a secondary priority, category “B”, and that the “A” was a typographical error. Mr. Round noted that both categories “A” and “B” qualify for the 15% open space standard. - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARCH 26, i992 PAGE 5 There being no one else desiring to address the committee on Zone 18, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE ZONE 18 AS AMENDED. (6-O) Zone 23 - -- Terri Woods, Associate Planner, distributed a letter she received from Carlsbad Partners outlining some of their concerns. Ms. Woods indicated that she had responded to them in writing because of the difficulty she had in reaching the property owner. Ms. Woods indicated that the property owner’s major concern was that staff was developing minimum constrained land for Zone 23, and other zones as well, by estimating the acreages of constrained land, as well as the 15% land in the zone. Ms. Woods indicated that she recommended amending the primary open space priority section by adding a clarification that developing minimum constrained lands was not the intent of the Plan and also added to each of the tables a change that read “The acreages in this table are not to be used to establish “minimum” constrained land acreages for any zone.” Page 184, under Plant/Animal Life Habitat (la.) etc., second to the last sentence add “and not to be used to establish “minimum” constrained land acreages for this zone.” - Page 184, second to last paragraph, delete (Plant/Animal Life/Habitat (la.) as it is a duplication. - Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. - There being no one else desiring to address the committee on Zone 23, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE ZONE 23 AS AMENDED. (6-O) - Terri Woods, Associate Planner, recommended to the Committee that a full committee meeting take place on April 9th to discuss a issue which surfaced in Zone 10, if staff could not resolve the issue. - - - - -- - - - -- MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE MARCH 26, 1992 PAGE 6 Ms. Woods assured the committee members that all of the inconsistencies, typos, format, etc., would be corrected in the final document. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE TITLE PAGE, TABLE OF CONTENTS, LIST OF FIGURES & LIST OF TABLES. (6-O) Kim Welshons recommended that the Acknowledgements be moved up to the front of the document. a. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Fay Round, Chairman, inquired about the footnotes and recommended re-labeling Table 3, Page 18, to read: “Total Constrained plus Existing Open Space” and Table 1, Page iii to remain as is. It was also recommended that the section numbers and page numbers be changed. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. (6-O) b. SECTION I. INTRODUCTION No action was necessary on this item. This section was previously adopted at the February 20, 1992 meeting. C. SECTION II. THE OPEN SPACE SETTING It was recommended that an addition of IV) Other, under Category 3g be added to page 6, eliminating no. 6 on page 257, and approving pages 7-20 for the subcommittee’s review. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT SECTION II, THE OPEN SPACE SETTING, AS AMENDED UNDER CATEGORY 3G. (6-O) d. SECTION Ill. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Fay Round, stated to the committee that the page numbering was incorrect beginning with page 23, and also contained several typos. For clarification purposes, Ms. Woods, recommended that a sentence be added on page 29, C.9, at the beginning of the paragraph after the words “Land area that” to read: “is part of the Citywide Open Space System and which otherwise”. - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARCH 26, 1992 PAGE 7 Terri Woods recommended adding the words “such as a trail or greenway” after the words “open space priority” on Page 29, C.11. Terri Woods further recommended that the same wording be added to Page 29, c.12. Fay Round, Chairman, recommended that on Page 30, C.21 and C.22 that the wording from Page 14 which reads: “A General Plan Amendment will not be required to specifically site the conceptual components of this plan. A General Plan Amendment will be required if any component of the conceptual plan is deleted.” be added to these two sections as well. Terri Woods, Associate Planner, recommended that the wording on Page 36, C.3 be deleted, and on Page 37, C.9, that a sentence be added to the end of the paragraph to read: “Unless a General Plan Amendment is approved to amend such a trail segment.” Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no one else desiring to address the committee on Section III, Chairman Round closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE SECTION Ill, AS AMENDED. (6-O) e. SECTION IV: CITYWIDE ACTION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Chairman Round pointed out that the matrices were inconsistent with the text and tables, and needed to be clarified. Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates & Jack Henthorn, Henthorn & Associates, recommended that the term “prudent avoidance’ on page 69, Powerline Corridors, be clarified. There being no one else desiring to address the committee on Section IV, Chairman Round closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT SECTION IV. (6-O) MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARCH 26, 1992 PAGE 8 - - - - f. SECTION V. LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE ACTION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Zone _ 7 Terri Woods, -Associate Planner, recommended changes on page 108, changing the acreages on the table for open space from 165 acres in residential to 611 acres, changing open space from 18 acres to 165 acres. Zone 10 No changes at this time, but may have to come back at the tentatively scheduled meeting of April 9, 1992. Zone 20 Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Jack Henthorn, Henthorn & Associates, indicated that they felt confident that the they had obtained the flexibility they wanted, and thanked staff for their cooperation and the opportunity of being able to make the necessary adjustments. There being no one else desiring to address the committee on Section V, Chairman Round closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT SECTION V WITH CHANGES. (6-O) 9* SECTION VI: COST ESTIMATES AND IMPLEMENTATION Terri Woods, Associate Planner, recommended that the text on page 244 be moved to page 199, before the section, Recommended Implementation/Financing Strategies, but that the second paragraph on page 244 be kept in its present location. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT SECTION VI, AS AMENDED. (6-O) h. SECTION VII. CARLSBAD TRAIL SYSTEM ISSUES - Fay Round, Chairman, pointed out that there were still some sections missing on page 220 that had to be inserted. - - - - -- -- - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMI’ITEE MARCH 26,1992 PAGE 9 Ms. Woods indicated that these sections would be included in the final document, and all the maps would be changed to reflect the new alignments. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT SECTION VII. (6-O) I. SECTION VIII. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT SECTION VIII. (6-O) i= SECTION IX: DEFINITIONS AND REFERENCES MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADOPT SECTION IX, WITH THE ELIMINATION OF NUMBER 6 ON PAGE 257. (6-O) k. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chairman Round pointed out several typos that needed to be corrected. Kim Welshons, indicated that under the Parks & Recreation Commission that Ramona Finnila and Jack Frasier should be spelled correctly. Per Kim Welshons, Chairman Round, also recommended that the Acknowledgement section be moved toward the front of the document. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED APPROVING THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. (6-O) I. APPENDICES Terri Woods, Associate Planner, recommended that under Category 3: g., a number “Iv” be added as “Other”. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE APPENDICES. (6-O). Ms. Woods indicated that on Appendix C, the City Engineering Department recommended that grading on slopes less than 3 to 1 be changed to 5 to 1. - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMilTEE MARCH 26,1992 PAGE 10 - V. DISCUSSION OF DRAFT LElTER OF INTRODUCTION FOR THE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN. FROM THE COMMilTEE TO THE CITY COUNCIL. - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED APPROVING THE DRAFT LETT’ER TO MAYOR LEWIS AS CORRECTED, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF AND THE SUBCOMMllTEE TO FORWARD THE DOCUMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL (6-O). Terri Woods, Associate Planner, passed out the proposed wording for the text on Page 14. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED ADDING THE PROPOSED WORDING AS READ BY THE CHAIRMAN TO PAGE 14 OF THE DOCUMENT. (6-O) - q&m ~~~l;;_ij~E~~,~@~~3’~.’ PM; :....::.:; ..:. . . . . . . .: VI. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON RECOMMENDED USES FOR CARRILLO RANCH - -- NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ON THIS ITEM. -- - Keith Beverly, Parks & Recreation, briefly discussed the recommended uses for Carrillo Ranch. VII. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON POSSIBLE RESCHEDULING OF THE APRIL COMMITTEE MEETING TO APRIL 9.1992 OR APRIL 16.1992. It was recommended that a tentative meeting be held on April 9, 1992, and if the meeting was not held, the next regular scheduled meeting would be on May 28, 1992. VIII. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Terri Woods, Associate Planner, indicated that the consultant for the General Plan (MIG) recommended that a public forum be held in 4 areas, one of which was open space. Ms. Woods stated that this forum would be an educational program on the open space program for the citizens of Carlsbad, which would be held sometime in June or July. This program would inform the citizens about what was being done for open space, such as the trail system, and where open space would be. Comments received would be looked at through the General Plan update, and not through the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADilSORY COMMllTEE MARCH 26,1992 PAGE 11 IX. ADJOURNMENT - - - - - -- BY PROPER MOTION, THE MEETING OF MARCH 26,1992, WAS ADJOURNED AT 6:35 P.M. (5-O) (MCBANE, RECCE, SCHLEHUBER & HALL, ABSENT). Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. - - - DRAFT - MINUTES _.- ^.- MEETING OF: OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIME OF MEETING: 300 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: MAY 28,1992 PLACE OF MEETING: UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE ROOM - I. CALL TO ORDER - Fay Round, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. ROLL CALL -- Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: - Matthew Hall Courtney Heineman Homer Hupf Fay 0. Round, Jr. Clarence Schlehuber Kim Welshons - - Absent: Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Kip McBane ’ Alan Recce Staff Members Present: Dennis Turner, Principal Planner Terri Woods, Associate Planner Anita Ramos-Bonas, Secretary II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF MARCH 26, 1992, AS AMENDED. (5-O-l) (SCHLEHUBER ABSTAINED). Ill. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC - Chairman Round opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. - There being no one desiring to address the committee on items not included on the agenda, Chairman Round declared the public testimony closed. - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE MAY 26,1992 PAGE 2 IV. ELECTION OF THE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON FOR 1992-93. - Chairman Round announced to the committee that because he was moving and would no longer be a citizen of Carlsbad, opened up the nominations for a new Chairperson. Mr. Round proceeded by nominating Courtney Heineman as the new ‘Chairperson. - - - A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPOINT COURTNEY HEINEMAN AS THE NEW CHAIRPERSON FOR THE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (6-O) Chairman Round further continued by opening up the nominations for Vice-Chairperson,. and nominated Clarence Schlehuber as the new Vice-Chairperson. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPOINT CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER - AS THE NEW VICE-CHAIRPERSON FOR THE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (6-O). Fay Round expressed his appreciation to the committee members for a job well done, and turned the meeting over to the new Chairperson Courtney Heineman. Courtney Heineman, Chairperson, briefly expressed his appreciation and thanks to Fay Round, as well as to the committee members for a job well done, and continued with the agenda. V. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED CHANGES, IF ANY, TO THE DRAFT OSCRMP. Terri Woods, Associate Planner, passed out the memorandum, which contained staff’s recommended changes to the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan, which was accepted by the Planning Commission on May 20, 1992. Ms. Woods briefly discussed the changes as outlined in the memorandum, which is attached hereto, and made a part hereof. For clarification purposes, Ms. Woods, indicated that in reference to Zone 18, (Carrillo Ranch) that the detailed description of the zone noted that the ranch house was recently listed on the National Register. Ms. Woods noted that the entire 10.5 acre site with all 17 structures and buildings had been listed on the National Register, and recommended that the text be corrected to reflect this. There being no further discussion on the proposed changes or comments from the public, Chairman Heineman closed the public hearing, - - - - MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMllTEE MAY 28,1992 PAGE 3 A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE CHANGES AS PROPOSED BY STAFF AND ACCEPTED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. (6-O) VI. UPDATE ON THE CITY’S HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN Terri Woods, Associate Planner, indicated to the committee that Fay Round was the current representative on the HMP Committee, and because he would soon be leaving Carlsbad, a new member would have to be appointed, who would keep the committee informed on all pertinent matters. A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED APPOINTING COURTNEY HEINEMAN AS THE NEW HMP REPRESENTATIVE. (6-O) - Ms. Woods indicated to the committee that the next HMP meeting was scheduled for June 11, 1992, at 3:00 PM, at the Calavera Hills Community Center. Ms. Woods briefly updated the committee on the progress being made by the HMP Advisory Group. Ms. Woods stated that this group had mapped all of the vegetation and sensitive species in the City, and developed a methodology for determining preserve design, and after reviewing all of these areas they had assigned a rating system to each of the areas. Ms. Woods stated that this system was set up in order to rate the preserve areas, and the information had been sent to SANDAG, wherein this rating system had been applied by the computer. Ms. Woods commented that the potential preserve planning areas were developed through this methodology and a draft report had been prepared describing the potential preserve planning areas. Ms. Woods stated that at the next HMP meeting the group would be reviewing the document and would be asked for their input. V. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Clarence Schlehuber inquired if a monthly meeting would still be necessary. - Terri Woods indicated that there would not be a meeting in June, but perhaps there would be one in July. - Ms. Woods further indicated that the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan was tentatively scheduled before the City Council on July 14, 1992. Kim Welshons inquired if an annual report would be due at the end of the fiscal year. Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, stated to. the committee that Kip McBane had called him and wanted him to express his thanks and appreciation to everyone on the committee. MINUTES OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MAY 28,199i PAGE 4 Kim Welshons expressed her thanks to Fay Round, and to all of the committee members, and requested that a group picture be taken after the meeting. Terri Woods indicated that she was the City’s representative on the North County Regional Trails Committee, and one ,of the things they had been working on was a logo for the regional trails of north county, and reported that the City of Carlsbad’s Logo had been selected by the North County Regional Trail Committee. Ms. Woods passed out the logo for the committee’s review. VI. ADJOURNMENT BY PROPER MOTION, THE MEETING OF MAY 28,1992, WAS ADJOURNED AT 5:35’ P.M. (6-O) (MCBANE, DAHLQUIST, RECCE - ABSENT). Respectfully submitted, . MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director ANITA RAMOS-BONAS Secretary MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. - - - - - - -- - - - MINUTES f-PEN SPACE & CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN WORKSHOP TIME OF MEETING: 5:OO P.M. DATE OF MEETING: Monday, January 27, 1992 PLACE OF MEETING: Utilities & Maintenance Conference Room Fay Round, Chairman, opened the Workshop at 5:OO P.M. Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr., Chairman Kim Welshons Courtney Heineman Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Clarence Schlehuber, Vice Chairman Staff Members Present: Terri Woods, Associate Planner Chairman Round stated that this was not a regular meeting and explained that the workshop would be conducted based upon assumptions that everyone in attendance was aware of what has been going on over the past four years and discussions would be about specific zones. Terri Woods, Associate Planner, described the concept of greenways, where the trails would be, and how the wording for the minimum greenway width would be changed to take into consideration that sometimes it would have to be narrower. She covered the issue of equestrian links and asked for feedback from property owners, particularly in Zones 14 and 15. Ms. Woods also explained that the intent was not to fragment properties and, as a result, they would be looking at a realignment of the trail near Sunny Creek. Ms. Woods also covered the issue of the greenway running north/south through Zone 9. She recommended that the language for the greenway and trail be more flexible. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 9 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. - MINUTES Gpen Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 27, 1992 Page 2 Brian Murphy, 7220 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, representative of Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation described their plans for developing their property in this zone. He discussed the trails and indicated that Ms. Woods had covered his concerns about the greenway. He mentioned that the developer was planning a staging area which would have access to the trails. Regarding his concern about the width of the greenway, he suggested that the Committee look at the excess right of way on Carlsbad Boulevard. Chairman Round explained that the description of the greenway width could be modified. He noted that in some cases trails may have to go along major roadways. _- Mr. Murphy showed where Kaiza would build a trail system. A distinction was made between primary and secondary staging areas, and clarification was made regarding equestrian trails for the area. Chairman Round indicated the Committee would probably recommend to the City Council that they should get input from the property owners whose properties have the trails going through them. - -- Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 14 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. _- - .- - Heidi Coats, 1285 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, said that she was concerned that the proposed trail around Calavera Golf Course required users to utilize Oceanside streets to go around Lake Calavera. She indicated that people using the trail wanted to go through the country, not the City of Oceanside. Ms. Woods stated that the proposed trail around the golf course was designed specifically for pedestrians. Chairman Round discussed the Habitat Management Plan and explained what was happening with the golf course. He suggested that the Committee recommend to the City Council that they take no action on the golf course project until the Habitat Management Plan was completed. In response to Ms. Coat’s question, Chairman Round stated that the Committee was not in the position to endorse or stop the golf course, and that if it did not go through, they would look into alternate trail opportunities. A member from the audience asked about the possibility of having an alternate trail plan, and Chairman Round replied that they would have to see if the golf course proceeded before looking into other possibilities. - Mr. Heineman pointed out that if the golf course did not go through, it would be difficult to get .trails in the area and explained why. - Lucia Sippel, 1287 Vera Cruz, Carlsbad, wanted to know what the relationship was between the trail and the gnatcatcher, and which had priority. She was informed that biological studies had been done on the trail, and Ms. Woods indicated that a few trail alignments were - gz & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 27,1992 Page 3 modified. Ms. Sippel asked for clarification as to whether or not the property owner would determine where the trail would start and leave on the property, and Chairman Round mentioned that it was not a black and. white issue. In response to Ms. Sippel’s question about how the trails will be maintained, Chairman Round said they should be maintained by a citywide assessment district. - -- - - - - - Ms. Coats asked about the existing trails and the gnatcatchers, and Ms. Dahlquist-Bursvold responded to her question. Ms. Woods confirmed that the project EIR would govern where the trail would go, and Chairman Round reiterated that the Committee was providing the framework for proposed trail linkages. Mr. Jim Hicks, 2910 Managua Place, Carlsbad, spoke on behalf of the Robertson family who owns the ranch in Zone 14 and also a small area where he owns a piece of property in Calavera. He expressed concern about some of the language in the draft plan and suggested a softer approach. He mentioned that the area was a prime one for views. He discussed drainage and a wall that might have to be built and indicated that they would be losing a lot of footage as a result of easements in the area. Mr. Hicks mentioned the riparian habitat which was created as a result of the drainages in the area. Ms. Woods said that decisions would be made at the time of the specific project review and that a portion of the drainage area could be utilized for the greenway. Mr. Hicks mentioned that Zone 14 already met Growth Management open space requirements and inquired about the reimbursement for additional open space. Discussion followed on the possible purchase of land for trails and open space. Ms. Woods asked Mr. Hicks to provide her with the specific wording changes that needed to be m;,Je to the draft plan for Zone 14. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 15 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Rusty Grosse, 5858 Centerpede Road, Carlsbad, expressed his opposition to a trail going through the zone since the intent was to develop it as a gated community and that he was not interested in having any linkage at all in the zone. Chairman Round explained that they would welcome creative input from the developer and that they could not just blot the trail or greenway out in this zone. Ronald Schwab, 5200 EI Camino Real, Carl&ad, represented a developer in the area. He indicated he would like to meet with the Committee and Ms. Woods to show his plans and also explained that he had some ideas on what could be done, but it depended on how Mr. - gyw & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 27,1992 Page 4 Grosse developed the land. Chairman Round asked whether he had any problems with an equestrian trail, and Mr. Schwab responded that there would be liability problems and explained why. In response to Ms. Dahlquist-Bursvold’s question about the golf course, Mr. Schwab described how it was being changed. A member of the audience wanted to know more about liability for the trails, and Chairman Round indicated that the City of Carlsbad was liable. Ms. Sippel mentioned that they would like to be included in private meetings with other landowners. Terri May, 3692 Adams, Carlsbad, asked about the possibility of the homeowners being responsible for liability, and Mr. Schlehuber explained why that was not possible. Chase Coleman, 5855 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, indicated that he lived next to Mr. Grosse and that the trail was incompatible with the area. He mentioned that even though they fought Mr. Grosse for a long time, they did approve the development as a gate guarded development. Ms. Woods explained that they were instructed to come up with a citywide open space trail system and that no zones could be excluded. Otherwise they would run into similar problems with other zones. - - Another member of the audience asked if her property was part of the trail, and Mr. Coleman explained that it was difficult to tell by the map. One of the members of the audience complimented the Committee on their hard work. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, 2386 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, explained that the open vacant lots shown as small individual lots in this zone should be removed. He pointed out that it would be a significant problem to amend the tentative maps. Bill Hofman, Hofman Planning Associates, concurred with Mr. Howes. Inez Yoder, 7738 Madrilena Way, Carlsbad, asked that the small lots be removed. More discussion was held on this issue. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 16 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Ted Chang, 3575 Canyon Street, Carlsbad asked whether the trails discussed at the last General Open Space meeting had feasible access, and Ms. Woods replied that all accesses were feasible. Chairman Round indicated that if Mr. Chang had any changes to the wording, he should contact Ms. Woods. -- - - - MINUTES . Gpen Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 27,1992 Page 5 Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 17 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Kathryn Daugherty, 2600 La Golondrina, Carlsbad, suggested that the trail should go near a stream. Ms. Woods clarified that the change had already been made in the new map. Randy Getty, Security Pacific Bank, discussed the major linkage coming down through Buffalo Canyon. He mentioned there was not any planning yet but that it would probably have to be moved. Chairman Round talked about the flexibility of the greenway alignment. Mr. Heineman reiterated the necessity to remain flexible, and Mr. Getty said that he just wanted to go on record with his comments. Mr. Hofman followed up on Mr. Getty’s comments and mentioned that it would be fine- tuned at the project level. He suggested the inclusion of that wording. Chairman Round commented that the map the Committee started with was quite different from the current map. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 18 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Chairman Round discussed the sub-committee’s work on this issue and explained staffs caution regarding endorsing the arboretum. He stated that they did not want to endorse anything before the proper process took place, but at the same time, they did not want to shut. the door on it either. He indicated that he wanted to recommend to the Committee the possibility of an arboretum or a museum and suggested adding “a museum” to item 4(e.) on open classifications and making it a secondary priority on the matrix. Ms. Daugherty discussed her problems with the categories on page 2 of the Plan and listed those categories that pertained to an arboretum. She also pointed out that on page 20 it stated “It is not recommended that the City actively pursue a major facility of this type, nor that such facilities would generally be given credit under the growth management open space requirements. ” and felt that this was contradictory. There was some more discussion about the concern and Chairman Round stated that the Committee would revise the language. Ms. Daugherty discussed the classification 4(e.) on page 20 and said this was the same as category 4(a.) on page 18. Mr. Heineman discussed the two classifications and Ms. Daugherty pointed out that the priorities were different. - - - .- -- - -- L- -- -- -- - MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 27, 1992 Page 6 Joanne Michael, 3134 Avenida Olmeda, Carlsbad, asked for clarification regarding the museum and arboretum and the priorities associated with the classifications, and Chairman Round e.’ $ained that the earlier drafts were different from the current ones. Ms. Woods explained this in more detail. Ms. Daugherty asked about the unanimous vote for an arbotretum and Ms. Woods clarified that an arboretum was voted on by the Open Space Advisory Committee, but that the Committee did not endorse a specific site for that arboretum. Ms. Daugherty referred to the wording on page 92, ” . . .no formal application has been made to the City, and as of this writing, the City has taken no action on the proposal.” She explained that unless you owned the property, you cannot make a formal application and that was why her organization did not submit a formal application. Mr. Schlehuber mentioned that at this point they were discussing the general concept rather than determining where a museum or an arboretum would be located. Ms. Yoder indicated that it was better not to mention the arboretum at all rather than to say that the Committee was not endorsing it. Ms. Daugherty raised her concern about the wording “major independent facility” mentioned on page 20. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, represented property owners and discussed a letter previously submitted which recommended a number of changes. He indicated that the property owners did not want the arboretum. Chairman Round asked if they had any problem with the possibility of category 4(e.) in this area which encompasses an arboretum, a museum and zoological’ and botanical facilities, and Mr. Howes said’ that this was the first reference to it. He also discussed his concerns with the previous submittal. Chairman Round referred to the potential.flood hazard mentioned on page 92, 5(a) and Ms. Woods indicated that it was deleted from her draft. Mr. Howes asked about the culverts underneath and Chairman Round read the paragraph. Ms. Woods then explained it and indicated how she changed it in her version to remove the culverts altogether and the EIR would make the determination regarding wildlife crossing design. Mr. Howes mentioned another letter from one of the property owners regarding a proposed equestrian trail system in Zone 18. Ms.. Woods confirmed that it was never really proposed. The letter was submitted. Kirk Von Puttkammer represented Scripps Memorial Hospital and said that he hesitated to comment on the Plan until he reviewed the changes made. Ms. Welshons stated that she reported back to the Committee on the Carrillo project and Chairman Round asked Mr. Von - MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 27,1992 Page 7 Puttkammer to let Ms. Woods know of any recommended changes to the wording on Zone 18. Mr. Von Puttkammer expressed his feeling that other zones should share in the culture. Mr. Hicks asked about the status of SDG&E’s easements, and Chairman Round indicated that because of the concerns about Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s), they would try to avoid trails within the easements wherever possible. If they needed to use the easement to complete a segment, then they would use it. Ms. Woods provided more detail and Jim asked about the minimum’greenway width. Chairman Round informed him that the minimum was 100 except where other factors dictate differently. Rob Kennedy, Jack Henthom & Associates, 5431 Avenida Encinas, Suite G, Carlsbad, wanted to know the definition of “prudent avoidance” and Ms. Woods explained it. Mr. Hofman suggested the possibility of a survey to see if the ‘people were interested paying for the trails, and Ms. Woods described the preliminary survey that was conducted for the General Plan Update. She indicated that if it went to a General Obligation (G.O.) Bond they would have a pollster conduct another survey. Ms. Daugherty mentioned that the wording on page 20 needed to be revised, and Chairman Round responded that the Committee would look into it. The Workshop ended at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, .- Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk - - ^- - c- -- - - -- “- OPEN SPACE & CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN WORKSHOP TIME OF MEETING: 5:OO P.M. DATE OF MEETING: Tuesday, January 28, 1992 PLACE OF MEETING: Utilities & Maintenance Conference Room Fay Round, Chairman, opened the Workshop at 530 P.M. Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay Q. Round, Jr., Chairman Rim Welshons Courtney Heineman Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Clarence Schlehuber, Vice Chairman Staff Members Present: Terri Woods, Associate Planner Chairman Round explained that the workshop was not a scheduled meeting. He indicted that they were there to get input from the audience and that the Committee would assume that those in attendance were aware of what had been going on over the past few years. ZONE 1 Terri Woods, Associate Planner, pointed to Zone 1 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Mike Howes, 4467 Gladstone Court, Carlsbad, spoke on behalf of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. He explained that the trail should be placed in accordance with the Local Coastal Plan and Ms. Woods responded that the trail was located adjacent to the Lagoon. Ms. Woods pointed out Zone 2 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Chairman Round emphasized that the map was a conceptual map and that it was not cast in concrete. A.J. Scott asked for detailed information on the location of the trail in Zone 2. - - -- - ._- - MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 28,1992 Page 2 Delores W&y, 2076 Sheridan Road, Leucadia, represented Project Future and asked about the percentage of open space in the City. Chairman Round informed her that the information was listed in the draft plan by zone. Ms. Welty mentioned that the 15% open space was not locked in concrete and discussed Orange County’s requirements for 50% open space. She suggested that the City could change the requirements. Further discussion was held about the percentage of open space that would be included in the entire plan and how much open space there would be at buildout of the City. Ms. Welty asked whether there was a map of existing open space according to the current general plan and Ms. Woods responded that there was. Chairman Round also indicated that some cities included three miles into the ocean as part of their open space calculations. Mr. Scott wanted to know if some open space categories were not included in the Open Space acreage totals, and Mr. Heineman clarified that some of the open space types listed were not counted toward meeting the Open Space Standard in the City. Mr. Scott read the definition of open space and talked specifically about the golf course in Zone 14. Chairman Round reminded him that Zone ,14 was covered the previous evening. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 3 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. There were no comments on this zone. ZONE 4 - Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 4 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. There were no comments on this zone. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 5 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. There were no comments on this zone. - Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 6 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. A member of the audience asked for clarification of where the trails and greenways were in the zone and it was explained. There were no further comments on this zone. . - Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 28, 1992 Page 3 Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 7 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Ms. Woods mentioned concerns received in a letter regarding this zone in which several issues were raised. She indicated that George Haviar, Lyon Company, indicated that he would be present at this meeting to discuss his concerns. Ms. Welty asked for clarification about the different groups that were concerned about open space, and wanted to know what the open space priorities were for the zone. Chairman Round explained in detail the history behind the preparation of the Plan. In response to a newspaper article written by Ms. Welty, Mr. Heineman outlined the priorities that were covered in the report and indicated that all recommendations of the original Open Space Committee had been fulfilled. Ms. Welty asked about the gnatcatcher habitat issue, and Mr. Heineman responded that it was discussed the previous evening, and briefly described the issues. -- Inez Yoder, 7738 Madrilena Way, Carlsbad, asked about the original Gpen Space Committee and Chairman Round explained that the original committee was not able to gather all the information within their time frame, so the new committee was appointed to tie up loose ends. He emphasized they were not coming up with a brand new plan but were fulfilling the recommendations of the original committee. Ms. Welty thanked Mr. Heineman for keeping the trail system. Mike Howes reserved the right to speak if Mr. Haviar did not show up at the meeting. ZONE 8 , Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 8 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Ms. Woods pointed out the trails at the request of Lucia Sippel, 1287 Vera Cruz, Carlsbad, and stated that the details about the alignment would be worked out when Cannon Road was designed. Ms. Sippel inquired about getting to the wetlands and wanted to know about the sewer line on the northwest side of the Lagoon. Chairman Round discussed the trail system and explained that the trail was analyzed by biologists and engineers. gz & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 28,1992 Page 4 -- Ms. Sippel talked about the section of her property between Cannon Road and the bluff and mentioned that there may be problems getting a trail in that area. Chairman Round indicated that thej ried to make the trail alignments as flexible as possible. -- More discussion was held regarding trails and the flexibility of siting trail alignments, and Ms. Sippel pointed out that the general feeling was that they do not want trails to go where walkers would have to go into the woodlands. Ms. Sippel asked about switchbacks on the trails and Ms. Woods responded that where areas were extremely steep, they would recommend a different design criteria which could include the use of switchbacks. Ms. Sippel expressed her concern about people going straight down a hillside and suggested that they avoid switchbacks if they could. Alan Kelig, 4912 Via Vera Cruz, Carlsbad asked about the north side of the wetland area and wanted to know about a fence at that location. Chairman Round explained that when the State was involved, and the trail was sited close to a riparian habitat, they would ask for a short fence and explained why. - Mr. Kelig asked whether the trail would go along Cannon Road next to the wetland or on the other side. Ms. Woods replied that the EIR for the extension would dictate where to put it. In response to Mr. Kelig’s question about the width of the trail, Ms. Woods explained that in some areas trails could be less than 10’ wide, but that would be determined on a project-by- project basis. Mike Howes pointed out an inaccuracy on the map where there were two areas designated as open space that should be developable. Ms. Woods agreed to check it out to see if there were any errors. Mr. Kelig wanted to know how far Zone 8 went into the canyon and Ms. Woods pointed it out on the map. ZONE 7 (continued) - - George Haviar, William Lyon Company, 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, La Jolla, indicated that he was the sole developer in the area. Since Mr. Howes identified the inconsistencies with the g&n and white areas, he did not repeat them. He indicated that he sent a written letter to the Committee with some other points that he had discussed with Ms. Woods, but he did not think there was anything that could not be resolved. Mr.. Haviar mentioned that one of the most important issues was the eucalyptus grove. Ms. Woods indicated that the requested revisions were okay except for the reference to the greenway and explained that the kference was made through all the zones. -- - - Mr. Haviar discussed his December 31st letter with Ms. Woods regarding the issue of eucalyptus trees and that the main body of the trees would be kept in tact but a few trees could be taken out. MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 28,1992 Page 5 Mr. Haviar discussed the equestrian trails and indicated that he did not have any objections to them but that he was concerned about homeowner associations and homeowners as to whether they would be burdened with the maintenance of the trails, and he indicated that they should be located far enough away from development to avoid a visual impact. Chairman Round discussed the previous comments about equestrian uses in the City. He suggested that equestrian uses be looked into again at a later date. Mr. Heineman commented that there were only two equestrian trails currently planned within the City. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 13 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. - - _- - _- - Chris Calkins, 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100, Carlsbad, suggested that based upon Mr. Howes’ earlier observation with regard to the map, wording should be included on the map and within the text of the Plan to describe the limitations of the map. He indicated that he did not understand the small open space area.at the northeast comer of the zone and the little triangle down at the bottom. Ms.-Woods pointed out the areas on the map. Mr. Calkins mentioned that it was an odd piece to consider as a habitat since it was drainage, and discussed what was being done to clean it out on a regular basis. Chairman Round mentioned that the Department of Fish and Game did not care how it got the way it was, and Mr. Calkins said that it did not have the characteristics of a habitat. Ms. Wood explained the mapping of the vegetarian area and how it was done. Mr. Calkins also referred to the upper right hand comer and questioned the constraints. Ms. Wood responded that the area mapped contained slopes over 40%. Other items that Mr. Calkins covered included how the flower fields were to be preserved. He referred specifically to page 75, Agriculture (2a.) and the viability of it long-term in the City. He said that it would be important to include language which would reflect other policies within the City to support the viability of the flower fields, such as water policies. Mr. Calkins indicated that there should be an integrated City policy which would include policies on water, particularly linkage with reclaimed water system, and policies relating to the ability to sell or market products on site (land use policies). At Chairman Round’s request, Mr. Calkins indicated that he would submit a letter with recommendations. - MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 28, 1992 Page 6 Another issue that he raised was with regard to the use of Land Trusts to manage agriculture lands. He suggested that the language should be changed to encourage privatization of the agriculture uses. Chairman Round requested that Mr. Calkins provide the Committee with other wording that would better reflect his concerns. 24 ZONE - Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 24 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. .- - - - _- Mike Howes, Hofman Planning & Associates, 2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite .120, Carlsbad discussed several letters sent to the Committee and made specific reference to a January 2nd letter in which a number of changes were recommended. Ms. Woods explained that all the changes were not incorporated in the draft plan yet. He mentioned that there were no commercial uses slated for that zone. Regarding the trail system, he indicated that the discussion on the staging area and Kelly barn were no longer appropriate. Mr. Heineman mentioned that this was changed in a revised draft. Mr, Howes discussed the priorities of the greenways and the staging area. He indicated that the plant/animal life habitat was already included in the Evans Point open space plan. He read the last sentence and explained that since the zone was in the Coastal Zone, development was prohibited on slopes over 25%. He suggested taking out the protection of the area outside Zone 24, and Chairman Round agreed that it should be delete& Mr. Howes mentioned that there were no school site in the zone and that reference to school grounds should be deleted from Zone 24. Chairman Round indicated that it would be deleted, Kim Welshons thanked Mr. Howes for the suggestions in his letter. - Ms. Welty asked about status of the word “arboretum” and asked if it was being deleted. Chairman Round assured her that the Committee was trying to leave the door open to include it, but that the Committee was not in a position to endorse it. The Workshop ended at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk - MINUTES _-- OPEN SPACE & CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN WORKSHOP TIME OF MEETING: 590 P.M. DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, January 29, 1992 PLACE OF MEETING: Utilities & Maintenance Conference Room - Fay Round, Chairman, opened the Workshop at 5:02 P.M. -- Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr., Chairman Kim Welshons Courtney Heineman Shirley Dahlquist-Bursvold Homer Hupf Staff Members Present: - Terri Woods, Associate Planner Chairman Round explained that the Workshop was not a regularly scheduled meeting. He indicated that the purpose was to get input from the audience and that they were operating under the assumption that everyone in the audience understood the background of the Plan and where it was going. - Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 10 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. -- -- Bill Hofman, Hofman Planning Associates, 2386 Faraday, Carlsbad indicated that representatives from Fieldstone would be attending the meeting and asked that Zones 10 and 12 be deferred until they arrived. Chairman Round mentioned that another gentleman would be arriving to discuss Zone 19. It was agreed to defer Zone 10 until later. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 11 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Dan Shelley, 905 Olive Crest Drive, Olivenhain, asked about the equestrian trails and Chairman Round rephed that since they had not heard from landowners, and additional studies would be necessary, they did not want to hold up the Plan and would recommend that it be looked into as a follow-up program. MINUTES Open Space % Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 29,1992 Page 2 In response to Ms. Welshons’ question about Mr. Shelly’s interest in the trail, he indicated that he had a piece of property that he did not think should be utilized for equestrian use. ZONE 1Q - Zone 10 was reopened again. Doug Avis, Fieldstone, 667 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, had comments regarding the gateway concept. -- Chairman Round discussed the gateway concept and, in particular,, how it might be a special transition from one community to the other. - Mr. Avis pointed out two areas of entry into the project and discussed the area off El Camino Real. He said that a public opinion poll revealed people did not know when they were in La Costa so they planned to create monument&ion in their development. He did not want the entrance statement to be precluded, and Terri Woods, Associate Planner, explained that the proposed plan would not preclude such an entry statement. - - - - Mr. Avis discussed the greenway and explained that the proposed greenway/trail concept was developed from an old master plan which was being redone. He indicated that there was a problem with the proposed greenway from a biological standpoint. Chairman Round stated that the map was not cast in stone and explained why the greenway was being placed where it was. He indicated that it could be moved at the master planning level, and said that while they would like to see a 100’ width minimum, it was not always possible and that the linkage was the more important issue. He indicated that the linkage should be there - from the greenway to the trail. He quoted the second paragraph on page 65 and suggested that they would add “when possible” at the end of the first sentence. Dennis Cunningham, Planning Systems, 2111 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 100, Carlsbad, indicated that he did not see any reference to the proposed school in the zone. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 11 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Mr. Avis commented that flexibility was very important and expressed his concerns that when a project was planned in 20 years, flexibility of siting greenways/trails could be lost by the new planners. Chairman Round discussed the previous draft open space map which was more specific and explained why it was necessary to have a map. Mr. Heineman indicated that the map was strictly conceptual. Chairman Round said that greenways and trails were flexible within a project as long as they entered and exited the property approximately where shown on the map. Mr. Avis expressed his severe concern about the map and referred to a letter sent in that regard. He indicated that it was necessary to include on the map that it was conceptual. - - MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 29,19!92 Page 3 -- Mr. Avis asked about the trail along the greenway, and Ms. Woods clarified that in this _ instance they would probably just have to accommodate the 20’ trail easement because of the amount +;, i constrained lands. Chairman Round asked Mr. Avis if he would prefer the trail to be moved from the northern end of the zone to cross somewhere to the south, and Mr. Avis responded that he would. Ms. Woods suggested that they add the wording to include the intention of the trail and where it might be located. - Mr. Avis expressed his concerns about including land along San Marcos Creek in the trail/open space system since they were trying to keep people off the property because of liability concerns. Mr. Avis stated that they would prefer the area not be an attraction and further that the trail be deleted unless the City took title to the property and took over the liability. Ruth Beasacker, Fieldstone explained the location of the access points to the Creek. Ms. Woods stated that she would have to speak to staff including the Risk Manager, with regard to the liability problem. Mr. Avis discussed the old agreement with La Costa and the City and explained the history and why Fieldstone still held title to the area. Ms: Woods said she would list the issues that have to be resolved when, and if, the City takes over responsibility for the Canyon. Mr. Avis stated that the City should take it over. Mr. Avis talked about open space easements and indicated that they negotiated with SDG&E to get rid of one of the utility easements and that it will be combined with another easement so changes will be made. Chairman Round reiterated that they just wanted to make a linkage where it made sense. Mr. Avis also said that the trail system was created by using the old open space plan and that they would be revising that plan. He indicated that they would probably be making the actual physical connection for people to get to it. - - Mr. Avis quoted the last paragraph on page 68 and asked that the wording *as a part of the design of the project” be added the sentence “It is possible that a portion of this area may be set aside as a preserve for the gnatcatcher.” Chairman Round suggested that they add the wording “as part of the development of this area” and Mr. Avis concurred. Mr. Avis asked about proposing stalls for horses and Chairman Round explained that the equestrian use request came from the City of Encinitas. Mr. Avis expressed concern about the nuisance associated with horses. Mr. Avis also expressed concern about the mix of equestrians and pedestrians on the same trails, particularly from a liability standpoint. Ms. Woods explained that the trails would be dedicated in easement to the City of Carlsbad and the City would assume liability for the trails. - M1lVU’I-B Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 29, 1992 Page 4 Mr. Hofman asked for clarification of the wording regarding 100 width of a greenway and asked if property was adjacent to an existing trail area, if that adjacent area could be included in the calculation. Ms. Woods explained how it would work. Mr. Maurie, Mag Properties, indicated that he owned land in Zone 11 and said that because of the proposed rerouting of Ranch0 Santa Fe Road, they would be impacted. He indicated that the master plan for the La Costa undeveloped area, Zones 11 and 12, was done in 1984, and that the City will require relocation of Ranch0 Santa Fe Road, which will call for amendments. - -- - - Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 12 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Mr. Avis stated that the Arroyo La Costa project was at the final map stage and that most problems were resolved. He questioned the small open space areas, and Chairman Round stated that this was an issue at a previous Workshop. Mr. Avis said the area would be owned by the homeowner association and he did not believe it should be General Plan Open Space. Ms. Woods clarified that it was only part of the system that they want. Chairman Round said that it was one of the policy issues that would be discussed at the Committee meeting next week and that they could possibly take the small open space areas off the map. Mr. Avis mentioned that he did not want the oak woodland area mapped General Plan Open Space. Mr. Avis was concerned what would happen when they take the Plan to the voters. Ms. Woods responded in detail. Mr. Avis indicated that the General Plan Open Space should be what was approved with the project. Mr. Avis also made some general comments. He indicated that he was opposed to the map, even though Chairman Round expressed concern that it would be hard to visualize the open space and trail system without any type of map, and Ms. Welshons suggested wording that could be included on the map. Mr. Avis explained that he felt the map could lead to wrong conclusions. Mr. Avis indicated that it was necessary to be flexible in dealing with the habitat issue. Chairman Round restated the time frame constraints and explained that this Plan would probably be put on the shelf until the Habitat Management Plan was completed, and then both plans could be merged. Mr. Avis also discussed the issue of financing, and said that he was concerned that new fees would be set to pay for the trails. Chairman Round explained what would happen with regard to the financing. Mr. Heineman pointed out that it would be wrapped together in one package. Ms. Woods explained that if the entire plan was not approved, that a scaled down plan could be approved. Mr. Avis indicated that the City should be willing to take ownership of property and shield homeowners from liability. - - - - - L- - -- -- -- ^- MINUTES Gpen Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 29,1992 Page 5 Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 19 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Chairman Round explained that the changes had not been made to the text for Zones 19 through 25 yet. Mr. Paul Klucas, Planner, Aviara, 2011 Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad, indicated that on page 97, under Public Parks/Recreation Areas (3b.), that the community park site had been dedicated. He discussed the paragraph Trails (3d) on page 98 and indicated that there would be an open classroom. In response to Ms. Welshons’ question about parking, Mr. Klucas drew a diagram on the chalkboard and pointed out where the trails and parking areas were located. Mr. Klucas described what trail amenities were planned in the area, particularly the two picnic areas and the outdoor classroom and mentioned that there will be handicap access to the open classroom but not to the entire trail. Ms. Welshons wanted to know if it was necessary to mention that there were different property owners, and Ms. Woods said that there were similar situations in other zones and it would not be necessary. Mr. Klucas mentioned that the proposed greenway went through the site planned for affordable housing. He indicated it would not be a problem if it went through the large park area. Ms. Woods commented that the proposed greenway trail did go through the site. ZONE 23 Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 23 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Dennis Cunningham, representing Carlsbad Partners, indicated there were no planning documents on this property. He asked for clarification on the width of the riparian corridor. A discussion was held about the horse trails in Encinitas, and Ms. Woods pointed out that all trails in Encinitas were considered equestrian. Chairman Round indicated that the Committee was not endorsing an equestrian trail and that the proposed trail system would be dirt. Mr. Cunningham asked for an explanation of the wording under Greenways (3c.) and Trails (3d.) on page 108 for the sentence “This portion of the alignment would probably not require use of discretional open space such as the growth management 15% open space requirement. ” Chairman Round indicated that if the trail went through a riparian area with proper fencing, etc., it would not get credit because it was already constrained. There would have to be a planning buffer next to it in order to get credit. - Fp & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 29,1992 - Page 6 - Mr. Cunningham mentioned the greenway in Encinitas and asked about the secondary staging area by the red barn. Ms. Woods replied that it would have parking and a kiosk. - ZONE - Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 25 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. There were no comments on this zone. The Workshop ended at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk - - -- - - OPEN SPACE & CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN WORKSHOP TIME OF MEETING: 590 P.M. DATE OF’ MEETING: Thursday, January 30, 1992 PLACE OF MEETING: Utilities & Maintenance Conference Room Fay Round, Chairman, opened the Workshop at 590 P.M. Open Space Advisory Committee Members Present: Fay 0. Round, Jr., Chairman Kim Welshons Courtney Heineman Staff Members Present: - Terri Woods, Associate Planner -.- - Chairman Round explained that the Workshop was not a regularly scheduled meeting. He indicated that the purpose was to get input from the audience and that they were operating under the assumption that everyone in the audience understood the background of the Plan and where it was going. 20 ZONE Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 20 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Jack Henthom, Managing Consultant, mentioned that a specific plan was being put together for Zone 20. He indicated there were 40 different ownerships in the zone. He mentioned that there were a number of conflicting and competing goals required to achieve with regard to the Plan. - - He indicated that there was a common misconception as to what the specific planwas recommending with regard to open space. He spoke about two levels of analysis, and that the EIR would make the determination. He said that the current exhibits proposed complied with the City’s open space mapping. Mr. Henthom applauded the Committee’s efforts, especially along Poinsettia Lane. He mentioned concern about the maintenance obligation and the potential acquisition costs associated with the trail system. While he was aware of the General Obligation (G.O.) Bond that may be proposed, he expressed concern about the previous reliance on vacant property - - MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 30, 1992 Page 2 -- owners to pay for trails when they were developed. He stated that as a result, many small property owners were impacted. He also wanted to know what would happen if the G.O. Bond dl,- not go through. Chairman Round explained that this was a qualify of life issue and the Committee’s recommendation would be to take the Plan to the voters. - - - - -.- - Mr. Henthom asked what happened it if did not pass, and Chairman Round explained that the Committee identified that the City should approve the entire package. He also mentioned that if it did not pass; a scaled down plan could be adopted instead. Ms. Woods, Associate Planner, discussed how this would work. Mr. Henthom expressed concern that he heard from property owners that it would be okay as long as the City recognized that the total burden should not be on the property owners. He discussed another issue regarding the impact of the density yield on the property. Ms. Woods said that it would not affect the density yield and explained how it would be done. She explained the concept of the greenway and discussed constrained lands which make up a good portion of the overall open space system. Mr. Henthom indicated concern about the small ownerships within the zone and spreading out the open space requirements equitably. Chairman Round wanted to know if they explored internal financing mechanisms for the zone, since there were so many property owners, and Mr. Henthom replied that they evaluated it but it was a problem to generate sufficient funding on the front end. He indicated that the property owners were cooperating and explained some of the things that they looked at. Ms. Welshons asked how many people in the audience were from Zone 20 and a good portion of the people raised their hands. Ms. Welshons pointed out that all the corrections were not made to the draft plan yet. She summarized the procedures and mentioned that she wanted the people to be satisfied at this stage, and was concerned about comments coming back again later on in the process. Mr. Henthom mentioned that he would have any additional comments to Ms. Woods by the middle of next week. Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, 2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120, Carlsbad discussed a letter that he submitted to the Committee dated January 30, 1992. He reviewed the issues raised in the letter including Zone Open Space Status where the text should be revised to read “It should be noted that the Zone 20 Specific Plan along with a draft Environmental Impact Report is currently in process. This specific plan and the recommendations of the EIR will define the general pattern of open space in this zone.” MINUTES - Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 30, 1992, Page 3 - With regard to the General Plan, he said that it should be revised to include the new park acreage recently purchased by the City and that the wording “acres are floating acres for school” should be added. Under Major Developments, he indicated that the text should be revised to read “The only approved major development in this zone is the Cobblestone Sea Village, which has an approved tentative map. The Zone 20 Specific Plan covers most of the remaining property in this zone.” Under Development Status, he stated that the draft EIR was in process and several tentative maps had been submitted to the City. In response to Chairman Round’s question, he said that the tentative maps may require more work. Mr. Howes indicated that his last two comments were in connection with the trail system. He discussed the alignment coming through constrained area and staffs concern about power lines. He indicated that he was at the property today and noticed that the two trails were 300 yards apart running north/south and suggested possibly realigning the portion along Poinsettia Lane. - Chairman Round asked for more information on the development on Poinsettia Lane and Mr. Howes responded that it was heavily landscaped. Ms. Woods explained the reason for the trail being located where it was on the map, particularly that it was a scenic hike and a nice loop. Chairman Round asked if they did what was suggested, locating the trail within the utility easement, would that be okay? Mr. Henthom mentioned that he had no problem with that. - Chairman Round explained the City’s policy concerning Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s) and Mr. Henthom explained that since the easement was 150’ wide, a person could possibly walk in the area and still be 75’ away from the power lines. Mr. Rob Kennedy; Jack Henthom & Associates, 5431 Avenida Encinas, Suite G, Carlsbad presented information on the EMF’s. Renata Mulrey, Be&on Press, asked if they were talking about bringing the trail down to the freeway by the railroad tracks. She explained that she was on the board of directors of the homeowner’s association in that area, and that they were never contacted about the possibility of a trail going in there. Chairman Round explained that sidewalks would just be used and- that the trail would not go through any developments. - Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, discussed linkage between the park in Zone 20 and the park in Zone 21, and said that one of the concerns was a minimal disruption to homeowners. He expressed concern about going into the canyon because of expense and environmental issues. He indicated that if the western linkage was deleted and the eastern linkage became unfeasible, they would not be able to link the two parks. - - - MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 30, 1992 Page 4 Chairman Round wanted to know if the area adjacent to the two canyons was developed yet, and Ms. Woods indicated that an approved project was-located to the north. Chairman Round expressed confidence in the consultants and indicated that if the trail was shown on the map, it was feasible. Mr. Howes asked about the water tanks and wanted to know why it was designated as open space. Ms. Woods replied that it was Water District property and that there were water reservoirs in the area but it was not designated as General Plan Open Space. Mr. Jim Hicks, 2910 Menagua Place, Carlsbad, discussed two parcels of land in the xone owned by Mr. Roache (30 acres) and Mr. Shindler (10 acres). He mentioned they were impacted by the SDG&E easement and that because of the complexity in planning this particular area, it was important to get trail space and open space determined early in the process. He indicated that they would like to leave some of the detailed delineation of the habitat boundaries open due to further environmental studies. Mr. Hicks said they should try and avoid small ownerships and explained what was left of the properties after the environmental studies. He indicated that Messrs. Roache and Shindler would be sending letters to Ms. Woods. He also mentioned that the SDG&E easements collected a lot of trash. Mr. Turner indicated that there were 20’ wide easements for the trail and that motorized vehicles would not be able to use trails. Mr. David Thompson, 7040 Rose Drive,’ Carlsbad, asked Mr. Hicks how the property owners felt about their acreage being cut. Mr. Kennedy discussed a letter requesting the City to use “prudent avoidance” in areas of power lines. Ms. Woods mentioned the direction by the City with regard to the power lines. Mr. Kennedy spoke about the issue in detail and Mr. Turner talked about.quantifying the strength of the electromagnetic fields. Mr. Pat Kelly, 2770 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad described where he owned property and mentioned that his property would be crisscros& north/south and east/west by the trail. He discussed the drainage channel and indicated that his property was down to 50% usable land. He mentioned that he thought the trails were a good idea but that the City should not be allowed to overburden property owners with the requirements. He stated that he already had over 15% open space on his property. Mr. Kelly explained that it would be difficult to get through the property. Chairman Round discussed the minimum requirements. He said’ the trail was adjacent to the greenway and already had a 100’ minimum width through it. He suggested that the trail could border it. - - - -- _- _- “_- MINUTES Open Space & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 30,1992 Page 5 Ms. Woods discussed buffers and said that the property owner could get credit for a trail within a buffer area as long as the buffer was not considered constrained land. Mr. Kelly said that he thought the trail should-go along the drainage channel. Mr. Turner pointed out there was a question of how to get across Kelly Drive. If it could be worked out, he suggested that the trail could be looped around. Ms. Woods pointed out that a more detailed analysis of the trail would have to be done at the time of specific project review. Chairman Round said they would take another look at the trail, since it looked like they originally had the trail in one place and shifted it due to biological concerns. ‘He also wanted to know how it was covered in the EIR, and Mr. Henthom explained that it was not really covered but was regarded as a highly biological area and described it in detail. Ms. Woods asked Mr. Henthom to find a better trail alignment to the park, and Mr. Turner explained the two goals in connection with it. - Mr. Kelly said that he did not have a problem with the trail going through the property as long as it did not take an additional 100’. - - - I- -- - Chairman Round explained that any input would be appreciated. Ms. Woods mentioned that if these issues were not ironed out by the time the Plan was submitted, there would be flexibility to locate the trail and greenway during the specific plan review. Mr. Ron McKinney, 6525 El Camino Real wanted to know how wide the greenway and trail system was and Chairman Round responded to his query. Mr. McKinney talked about the Poinsettia area and wanted to know about 100’ on their side. Chairman Round explained that was why there were exceptions to the width rule. Mr.- McKinney pointed out his property and indicated that it was 5.2 acres. He mentioned that if the trail went in as planned, small property owners in the area would lose almost everything that they had. Mr. Henthom, in response to Ms. Welshons’ query, indicated that they were concerned and explained the problems associated with the alignment of Poinsettia.’ He indicated that the one acre parcel next to Mr. McKinney’s property was probably gone. In response to Chairman Round’s query, he indicated that the City would purchase land at fair market value. Mr. McKinney mentioned they would have to buy the entire property because he would not be able to do anything with what was left. Mr. Henthom indicated that they had greenhouses in the area and that the surrounding area did not have anything on it so he suggested that they move the greenway where there was not anything on it at the present time. Chairman Round indicated that they would look at it. - -- - - - *... - TF & Conservation Management Plan Workshop January 30, ’ 1992 Page 6 Mr. Turner discussed the Poinsettia Lane roadway alignment and trail and said they would prefer to have the trail away from the road alignment. He indicated that minimal impact to property owners would be to put it along the road. Mr. McKinney agreed with it and his wife made a few comments concerning the impact on their property. A member of the audience mentioned her property but Mr. Henthom indicated that it was not related to the open space issues but was really more of an EIR issue. Chairman Round stated that since it would not affect the Open Space Plan being discussed at the Workshop, there was no need to talk about it at the present time. Ms. Woods pointed to the Zone 21 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Mr. Henthom mentioned that no one should have objections to the proposed plan and that there were 20 property owners in the zone. Ms. Woods pointed to Zone 22 on the map, and Chairman Round described it. Mr. Don Agatep, Planner, Lusk Co., 2956 Roosevelt, Carlsbad, discussed where the proposed trail came down to the railroad tracks and suggested that Carlsbad Boulevard ‘would be a better location for the trail. Chairman Round indicated that they already made changes to reflect such a trail alignment. Ms. Wood indicated that the documents would state the preferred alignment was Carlsbad Boulevard, if possible. She indicated that there were difficulties and mentioned the regional issue of using the corridor for bikes, etc. ’ Mr. Agatep expressed concern that the connection across the Poinsettia Bridge might not work and explained why. Chairman Round replied that where there was an opportunity to cross the freeway, the Committee had to take advantage of it. The Workshop ended at 6:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, - Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk APPENDIX 3 OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT MONITORING LOG - OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT MONITORING LOG -- - - - O.S. MAP PROPOSED O.S. NET PROJECT NO. PROJECT NAME ACRES MAP ACRES ACRE COMMENTS CHANGE MP 177(B) Aviara Phase II 7.9s 23.380 + 15.430 11/15/90 OSAC CT 90-15 Aviara Planning Area 24 0.68 OS.010 +04.330 04/25/91 OSAC CT 91-6 Tienda De La Esquina 0.092 00.235 +00.143 04/25/91 OSAC CT 91-3 Evans Point 0.0 59.400 +59.400 01/23/92 OSAC Total Net Acreage Change ~~~~~~ TW:vd OSMONLOG.TBL - - APPENDIX 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF REPORTS AND HANDOUTS - BIBLIOGRAPHY OF REPORTS AND HANDOUTS AEP Statewide News, Power Play, Summer 1991 - APA Journal, Land Use Planninq and Wildlife Maintenance: r-,idelines for Conservinu Wildlife in an Urban Landscape, , immer 1991 Blade-Citizen, Foundation Proposes a Pedestrian Boardwalk at Laqoon, 1991 - BNA California, Radiation, Concern Over Electromaanetic Fields Mav Spawn New Lesislative Pronosals, February 4, 1991 - Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation, Articles of Incorooration of Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation -- Dudek and Associates, Carlsbad Trails Feasibilitv Studv Enaineerinq and Cost Review, July 3, 1991 - Economic Research Associates, Areas of Benefit and Responsibilitv,. August 9, 1991, Economic Research Associates, Potential Grant Sources, July 25, 1991 Los Angeles Times, Suit Claims Cancer Link to Power Lines, May 30, 1991 The Herald (Monterey), Electromaanetic Fields, May 5, 1991 c- The Nature Conservancy, The Frasment Connection, July/August 1991 The Public Garden, Whv A Botanical Garden?, January 1989 The Public Garden, Whv Acauire Buffer Land?, April 1988 - - - -- -