HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-11-03; City Council; 11950; ANNUAL RECYCLED PRODUCTS PROCUREMENT REPORTd w 8 E 2 .. Z 0 4 6 $ z 3 0 0 CIW OF CARLSBAD - AGENB - BILL Qd AB# [Il c i 5 ' TITLE DEPT. MTG, 11-3-72 ANNUAL RECYCLED PRODUCTS DEPf UR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report CITY A CITY N PROCUREMENT REPORT ITEM EXPLANATION One of the provisions of Council Policy No. 49, a Procurenent Policy for Recycled PI ' is for the Purchasing Department to prepare an annual report on the City's usage of r products. A summary of the City's recycled procurement activities during 19s presented in the following report. EXHIBITS 1. Recycled Products Procurement Report. I 0 0 1991 -92 Recycled Products Procurement Report On September 3, 1991, the City Council approved Council Policy No. 49, i Procurement Policy for Recycled Products. One of the provisions of the policy is for ar annual report to be prepared by the Purchasing Department on the City’s usage o recycled products. A summary of the City’s recycled procurement activities during 1991 - 92 is presented in this report. Paper goods are the most prevalent recycled products purchased by the City Since July 1, 1991, the City expended 486 cases of copy paper. This recycled paper i: composed of 50% recycled fiber, including 10% post consumer waste. In addition tc recycled copy paper, twenty-six other recycled items are available through Purchasing’z Central Stores. Besides recycled off ice supplies, all City letterhead, envelopes and business cards are printed on recycled paper, with the recycled logo. The recycled paper used for letterhead, envelopes and business cards includes 15% post consumer waste. Each week the City Council agenda packets are printed on recycled paper and the City’s annual contract for speedy copying uses recycled paper exclusively, Departments use this contract for printing public works contract documents, manuals, reports and batch copying. Recycled plastic trash bags are used throughout the City by Facilities Maintenance and Parks Departments. During 1991-92, the City purchased 350 cases or 87,500 1 0 0 recycled plastic bags that are manufactured from 50% recycled polyethylene. The Parks Department purchased more than I 00 plastic trash receptacles during 1991 -92. While these barrels are not made of recycled plastic, they are reused thirty-gallon containers that have been cleaned, painted and diverted from the landfill. Also, plastic plan! containers are turned in to the nurseries when new plants are purchased, a credit is giver for the old containers, cutting down on the cost of the plants and again, keeping plastic out of the landfill. Another area where the City purchases recycled products is in the Fleei Operations division. At the present time, the use of recapped tires is limited to the largei trucks in the City’s fleet. However, last fiscal year, the City purchased forty-four (44; recapped tires at a savings of $100.00 per tire. Construction projects are included in the City’s recycled procurement program The use of recycled materials has been specified for the Palomar Airport Road project Approximately 22,500 cubic yards of existing asphalt and rock base is to be used tc make new base. Also, under review is an Engineering Department Standards changc that would allow the use of recycled asphalt and concrete for base materials in futurc roadway construction. At the present time, the Street Division reuses asphalt generatec in their maintenance programs for backfilling. One of the proposals being considerec by the staff of the Streets Division is to require recycled materials in the 1993-94 Stree Overlay contract. Plans are underway to provide for the application of 2000 k tons o 2 0 0 rubberized asphalt as a part of the 1992-93 overlay program. Rubberized asphalt, while more expensive ($50/ton vs $30/ton) uses old tires and extends the pavement life at least four additional years. As new and improved recycled products become availabe, departments will test, evaluate and make recommendations for purchase. At the present time, Fleet Operations is testing recycled oil, and Facilities Maintenance will be evaluating recycled janitorial paper products. Remanufactured cartridges for laser printers are presently being tested, Last year the City purchased over 130 new cartridges at a cost of over $1 0,000. If the remanufactured cartridges are satisfactory, the City will realize a $3,000 savings and we will keep the expended cartridges out of the landfill - hence a double savings. All the Cib departments are committed to continue to explore additional areas where recyclec products can be used and purchased in the future. The Council policy on the procurement of recycled products has been in place foi one year. It has worked very effectively on items that are ordered in small quantities. WE have not aJways been able to take advantage of the bulk pricing on recycled copy papei to stay within the 15% preference, not to exceed $1,000 per contract for recyclec products. At the present time there is a glut of virgin copy paper on the market and the price is the lowest it has been in fifteen years. This is a temporary condition; however with everyone looking for ways to save money, some agencies may go back tc purchasing virgin paper. Since the Council policy is to purchase and use recycled 3 Q 0 products whenever possible except when such use negatively impacts health, safety or operational efficiency, we will continue to purchase and use recycled paper in all copy machines. Our goal is to purchase and use copy paper with the most post-consumer waste (presently 23%). Occasionally, the recycled price may be more than 15% or exceed $1000. If the Council would like to raise these amounts or eliminate any preference, we can come back with an Agenda Bill and change in the Council policy mWr6 RUTH FLETCHER 4