HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-12-08; City Council; 11984; 1992-93 OPERATING BUDGET (REVISED)-. - - D w !E 8. 4 ;b z 0 0 a 6 2 3 0 0 t- <:x' 7 -f AB # //I 5'gf TITLE: DEPl MTG. 12/8/92 1992-93 OPERATING BUDGET - REVISED CITY DEPT. F1N CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Ca OF CARLSBAD - AGEW BILL t Adopt Resolution No. 92 -3 53 eliminating 42 positions from the budget. revising the 1992-93 Operating Budget ai JTEM FXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad 1992-93 Operating Budget for the General Fund has be impacted by two economic forces resulting in a reduced revenue forecast for t year. First, the State balanced its 1992-93 budget by utilizing 9% of municir property tax revenues statewide which equates to a loss of $1.2 million f Carlsbad. The state also took the City share of cigarette taxes and trailer coach lieu fees. The total impact of the state actions to Carlsbad's General Fund reven is $1.25 million. Second, the economic recession has resulted in reduced reven projections for both property tax and sales tax totaling a loss of $1.3 million. T total revenue reduction to the General Fund is $2.6 million which results in revised 1992-93 revenue projection of $39.5 million. Budgeted expenditures have been revised to insure a balanced position at the e. of the fiscal year. The revised General Fund budget totals $39.5 million, whi represents a reduction of $2.6 million or 6.2% from the adopted 1992-93 budgl All departments participated in developing their revised budgets which will ha varying impacts on service levels. Although all facilities will retain the sar operating hours, the City will generally experience a greater loss of flexibility responding to needs and rendering services. The revised budget includes unfunding an additional eighteen (1 8) positions. TI brings the total unfunded positions to forty-eight (48), resulting from bud2 reductions occurring over the past two years. Staff recommends that forty-two (4 of the unfunded positions be eliminated from the budget. Fortunately, conservati management of program staffing levels throughout the years has resulted eliminating only those positions which were vacant. Thus, no lay-offs will necessary to accomplish the staff reductions. It is anticipated that 1993-94 will again be a slow year for revenue growl resulting in the continued effort to reduce expenditures and programs. In additic recent reports have indicated that the State may once again be faced with bud2 deficits, both in the 92-93 and the 93-94 fiscal years. If they look to lo( government to help solve these deficits, Carlsbad will be required to take furth action to insure its own fiscal solvency. These actions may include progri eliminations and/or revenue enhancements. a 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 11, ?8Y Staff recommen.ds that the City Council adopt the revised 1992-93 operating bud$ of $39.5 million, as well as the revised general fund staffing level of 457 indicated in the attached Exhibits to the Resolution. FISCAL IMPACX: The fiscal impact of the revised General Fund Budget is detailed in the attach schedules. RECOMMENDED ACI'ION: Adopt Resolution No. 9 *- 3 s3 eliminating 45 positions from the budget. EXHIBITS: 1. revising the 1992-93 Operating Budget a Resolution No. 9 a-353 adopting the revised operating budget for 1992-5 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a RESOLUTION NO. 9 2 - 3 5 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 92-177, REVISING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has adopted Resolution No. 92-177 on June 16, 1992, which established the City of Carlsbad 1992-93 Operating Budget; and, WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined that actions taken by the State and the recession require revising the 1992-93 Operating Budget; and, WHEREAS the City Council has reviewed the proposed revisions to the General Operating Budget for fiscal year 1992-93. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That Exhibits A through C attached hereto and incorporated bj reference herein, amend Exhibits B, C and D of Resolution No. 92-177. 1 /// i /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// I' 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 e 2. That the amount designated as the revised 1992-93 budget in Exhibit B is hereby appropriated to the department for which it is designated, and such appropriation shall be neither increased nor decreased except as provided in Resolution No. 92-177. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 8th day of DECEMBER, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: 1 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city Clerld (SEAL) I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' m e EXHIBIT CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1992-93 AD 0 PTE D BUDGET REVISED REVENUE SOURCE 1992-93 BUDGET CHANGE LGENERAL FUND TAXES h PROPERTY TAX $15,500,000 13,200,000 (2,300,000) SALES TAX 9,700,000 9,500,000 (200,000) TRANSIENT TAX 3,200,000 3,200,000 FRANCHISE TAX 925,000 925,000 TRANSFER TAX 200,000 200,000 TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU 18,000 0 (18,000) TOTAL TAXES 29,543,000 27,025,000 (2,518,000) LICENSES AND PERMITS_ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 450,000 450,000 BUSINESS LICENSES 975,000 975,000 LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 425,000 425,000 OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 300,000 300,000 TOTAL LICENSES 81 PERMITS 2,150,000 2,150,000 STATE SUBVENTIONS ClGARElTE TAX 60,000 0 (W1000) VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,300,000 2,300,000 HOMEOWNERS PROP. TAX REIMB. 300 ,000 300,000 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,660,000 2,600,000 (60,000) CHARGES FOR SERVICB PLANNING FEES 750,000 750,000 BUILDING DEPT. FEES 325 ,000 325,000 ENGINEERING FEES 1,000,Ooo 1,000,Ooo ZONE PLAN FEES 15,000 15,000 WEED CLEANING 35,000 35,000 AMBULANCE FEES 220,000 220,000 RECREATION FEES 750,000 750,000 OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 325,000 325,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,420,000 3,420,000 FINES WORFEITURES 375,000 375,000 INTEREX 1,700,000 1,700,000 NTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES_ 1,900,000 1,900,000 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES_ 306,435 306,435 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 42.054.435 39.476.435 /2.578.000) EXHIBIT B 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 REVISED BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1992-93 REVISED DEPARTMENT BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER (1 1,840) PUBLIC IN FORMATI ON (2,349) CITY CLERK (2,200) INFORMATION SYSTEMS (18,700) CITY ATTORNEY (76,601) CITY TREASURER PURCHASING (24,050) HUMAN RESOURCES (59,310) RISK MANAGEMENT (25,819) TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT (293,2061 PUBLIC SAFETY FINANCE (38,000) RESEARCH OFFICE (34,337) BUILDING INSPECTION (54,234) POLICE (389,490) FIRE (1 29 , 1 90) TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY (572,9141 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMIN (32,149) GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION (60,500) ENGINEERING (233,765) PLANNING (50,040) GROWTH MANAGEMENT (2,000) HISTORIC PRESERV COMM (500) TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES (378,9541 MAINTENANCE UTI LIT1 ES AD MI Nl STRATION (58,741) STREET MAINTENANCE (248,126) FAC I LIT1 ES MANAGEMENT (467,202) TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAlNT TOTAL MAINTENANCE (774,069) e e CITY OF CARLSBAB 1992-93 REVISED BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1992-93 REVISED DEPARTMENT BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE LIBRARY (56,667) SISTER CITY PROGRAM (6,490) PARKS AND RECREATION (1 97,544) SENIOR CITIZENS PROG (1 0,570) TOTAL CU LTU RE/RECREATION (282,611) CULTURE/RECREATION CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM (1 1,340) NON - DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE BEACH PARKING AUDIT DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS (3,500) LEASES ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRACT HOSP GROVE PAYMENT (80,000) GOLF COURSE (44,800) PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE HIRING HALL STREET LIGHT COSTS (CITY) BOND SERVICES TREE MAINT COSTS (CIW (5,000) TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL (1 33,3001 SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND (2,fi,O54) CONTINGENCIES (1 42,946) TOTAL GENERAL FUND (2,578,000) APPROPRIATION FROM FUND BALANCE FOR MAJOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE 373,702 e e e EXHIBIT >/ CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 POSITIONS ELIMINATED ADMINISTRATION - 6 TOTAL CULTURE AMD RECREATION - 6 TOT Clerk Typist I Librarian I1 Account Clerk I1 Messenger Business License Representive Clerk Typist I1 Storekeeper Park Maintenance Worker I (2) Compensation Technician Principal Recreation Supervisor Management Analyst PUBLIC WORKS - 4 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY - 4 TOTAL Street Maintenance Worker I (: Senior Management Analyst Equipment Mechanic I Fire Prevention Officer 111 Police Records Clerk Police Services Aide (2) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - 22 TOTAL. TOTAL POSITIONS FUMLNAED = 4 Building Inspector I11 (2) Technician (2) Clerk Typist E Clerk Typist I1 Geographic Id0 System Tech Word Processing Operator Assistant Traffic Engineer Senior Construction Inspector Associate Civil Engineer (3) Assistant Civil Engineer Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician I1 Growth Management Manager Senior Planner Associate Planner (2) Assistant Planner Senior Management Analyst TOTAL GENERAL, FUND POSITIONS I(AFTER ABOVE ELIMINATION) = 45