HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-12-15; City Council; 12004; STATUS REPORT STREETSCAPE PHASE VL STATUS REPORT STREETSCAPE PHASE V h w 0 VI City Council receive status report on Streetscape Phase V, approve minor revisions and aut staff to meet with merchants concerning construction staging and timing. ITEM EXPLANATION: a, u 3 G -4 E i m W a -4 a, Streetscape Phase V is the final project to implement the Downtown Enhancement Prograi was approved by the City Council in late 1987. This portion of the project completes constr of the Carlsbad Village Drive (CVD) portion of the project from Washington Street to Pi0 Pic0 Key features of the project include: w -d a 2 g 0) cd -4 u a a Raised landscaped median island from State Street to Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Installation of traffic signals on Carlsbad Village Drive at Jefferson and Roosevelt Si Modification to signals at State and Harding Streets. Signals will be interconnected. Carlsbad Village Drive will be widened at Harding Street to accommodate I movements. A storm drain will be installed in CVD from State Street to Jefferson Street. 2. 3. 0 L) a, k 1 w w (0 5. Special street design features include: 4. a U a, Replacement planting with Magnolia street trees. Replacement of street lights with gas lamp style lighting fixtures. Installation of light boflard markers at each intersection crosswalks. Replacement sidewalks incorporating a full brick paver treatment bet Washington Street and Madison Street. Between Madison Street and Pi0 Pic0 I a patterned concrete system will be utilized with a two-foot brick paving Special paver crosswalks are proposed for every street intersection. Public art features have been proposed for the southbound freeway ramps 5 -a a, k z a a cd. n rlrn -4 d u *I+ ccd 1u OQ) va c\l adjacent to the curb. rn 4 QI \ \ c\l 4 z 0 surrounding Rotary Park. ‘i= 0 a 6 8 z 3 I e e Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. ld,Ot?’7c- Design Modifications Based on construction and maintenance experience with the earlier phases of Streets construction costs can be reduced approximately $250,000 and the work accelerated by up to months with the following revisions: 1. Delete crosswalk bollard lighting. 2. 3. Delete crosswalk paver systems from Madison Street, Jefferson Street and Harding S Delete full-width sidewalk tiles from the block between Roosevelt and Madison Street! replace it with the concrete tile strip pattern. Replace Magnolia Tree planting in the block between State Street and Roosevelt Stree Queen Palms. 4. Median Island Installation On several recent occasions, the cost effectiveness and safety of the proposed median islands been questioned. The median islands are a key aesthetic feature of the program and are v public safety, particularly in the block between Interstate 5 and Harding Street. Attached forth Council’s information is a memo from the City Traffic Engineer concerning the traffic aspects 1 median island. No modifications to the current approved design are recommended. Arts Element As outlined previously, the current project includes major art features designed by James Hi at the southbound on and off-ramps to Interstate 5 and at Rotary Park. The Rotary Park fe includes an entry gazebo like structure, benches, a mosaic medallion, a compatible parkii entrance feature extending between State Street and the railroad. The proposed freeway features are located within CALTRANS right-of-way. As can be seen the attached correspondence, CALTRANS refuses to permit this structure on their property. In the attached memo from the Arts Director, alternatives for dealing with the art feature discussed. In order to not delay the project further, it is recommended that the estimated va the current art features ($80,000) be set aside for a future project compatible with the re Redevelopment Master Plan. Status of Right-of-Wav Acauisition Approval of this phase of Streetscape included direction from the City Council to atten accommodate U-turn movements at the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and Harding t In order to accomplish this requires the acquisition of five parcels of right-of-way. To date, of those parcels have been obtained. Parcels outstanding are the Carl’s Jr. frontage and [ Petroleum frontage located at the northeast corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Harding S 0 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. /d;004 Should staff be unable to negotiate obtaining these final easements, it would be necessary to one of the following actions: 1. Eliminate consideration of U-turns and construct within existing rights-of-way. 2. Staff would return to City Council in the future should negotiations reach impasse. Status of Plans, Specifications and Estimates The plans and specifications are substantially complete for the original project. These docur will have to be revised to reflect revisions. If the recommended changes are approved, it wil several months to complete the revisions. Given other scheduling constraints, the soone: project could go to construction would be the Fall of 1993. Funding will be required to cor the plans for bid advertisement. Design contract revisions will be negotiated following the public information program when thc construction phasing and detour plans have been completed. Construction Staginu Plan In order to better control the activities of the contractor, to encourage the early completion of v improvements and to expedite completion to the greatest extent possible, a three- construction program is proposed. This program is shown in detail on the Exhibit 2 attachc Key features of the proposed program are: 1. 2. Acquire or condemn needed additional rights-of-way. Construction from west to east. A 12 week detour of westbound traffic to Grand Avenue at the beginning of the j facilitate storm drain and crosswalk construction. One-way designation of State Street southbound during the detour phase. Restriction of parkway improvement work easterly of Harding Street until all improver between Washington Street and Harding Street are complete. Sidewalks in front of stores in the State Street to Roosevelt Avenue block will be ren and constructed after 6:OO p.m. 6. The contract will include bonuses for early completion and penalties for late comple It is proposed to review this program in detail with downtown merchants prior to finalization Construction Schedule Streetscape construction is estimated to take approximately eight months to complete, givf proposed staging plan and previously recommended design revisions. 3. 4. 5. MAJOR EVENTS Village Faire Holiday Season San Diego Marathon Carlsbad 5000 Village Faire Summer Season DATE November 7, 1993 December, 1993 January, 1994 April 2 & 3, 1994 May 8,1994 June, July, August 1994 e Page 5 of Agenda Bill No. 12!004 Funds are available in the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program as follows: *Includes construction engineering and contingency based on current design. EXHIBITS : 1. Location map. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exhibit 2 - Construction Staging Plan. Exhibit 3 - Construction Schedule Options. Memo dated November 23, 1992 from Traffic Engineer Letter dated July 3, 1991 from Caltrans regarding proposal to install monument sig Carlsbad Village Drive (formerly Elm Avenue). Memo dated November 17, 1992 from Arts Manager. 6. LOCATION MAP LEGEND AREA TO BE IMPROVED r PROJECT NAME PROJECT+ El STREETSCAPE PHASE 5 3347 .- 0 0 EXHIBIT 2 STREETSCAPE PHASE V PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION STAGING PLAN STAGE 1 - 16 WEEKS (LAST 4 WEEKS OVERLAP WITH STAGE 11) Intent: Completion of all improvements on Carlsbad Village Drive (CVD) from Washingtoi through the Roosevelt intersection as early in the project as possible and still allov the contractor sufficient working area to maintain reasonable productior Generally, construction to proceed from west to east. All concrete removals anc replacement on north and south sides of CVD between State and Roosevelt shal be accomplished after 6:OO p.m. Temporary pedestrian access to businesse: shall be maintained at all times. City to pay contractor $1,000 per calendar day for early completion of work required in the 12 week detour phase of Stage I. Contractor to be assessec $1,000 per calendar day as liquidated damages for each day in excess of the 1: week detour of Stage I in which required work is not complete. Traffic: Carlsbad Village Drive will be closed to westbound traffic from Harding tc Washington Street and will be detoured to Grand Avenue for a 12 week period During this detour one eastbound lane will be maintained on CVD. Eastbound lef turn pockets on CVD at Madison, Jefferson, and Harding to be reopened a: median curb and slot paving is completed. The detour will allow for only one wa! southbound traffic on State Street between Grand Avenue and CVD. Upor completion of the storm drain and intersections at State and Roosevelt, ont westbound lane on CVD will be reopened to traffic and two way traffic restored or north/south streets. Streets closed to through traffic on State and Roosevelt soutk of CVD during final 1/4 intersection construction and reopened to two way traffic at end of 12 week detour. Construction Synopsis: b b b b b Storm drain installed from AT&SF Railroad to Jefferson Street Median Islands constructed from State Street to Harding Street Intersections constructed at State Street and Roosevelt Street Street lighting, traffic signal, and irrigation undergrounding installed. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, and pavers constructed/installed on north and soutt sides of CVD from Washington Street to Roosevelt Street and on the nortt side to Harding Street. a e Page 2 Exhibit 2 b Signal construction on CVD at State and Roosevelt to be complete an( operating by end of Grand Avenue detour (City to furnish all poles an( anchor bolts for gJ intersections). Construction Phasinq: 1) Construct storm drain including laterals and structures starting at AT&SI Railroad tracks and ending at Jefferson. Start median island AC removals and follow with north curb/gutter an( sidewalk concrete removals at Roosevelt concurrent with start of storn drain work and proceed to Harding. Median island AC removals tc precede north side concrete removals on a block by block basis. Immediately after storm drain work clears State Street, start concretc removals on north side between Washington and Roosevelt and medial island between State and Roosevelt. Removal of concrete on south sidc between Washington and Roosevelt shall be done immediately afte installation of median curb between State and Roosevelt. Intersection removals at State and Roosevelt will commence as storm draii work clears State Street. Complete 3/4 intersection restoration of concretc and paver improvements at State and Roosevelt within 8 weeks of start c storm drain work and complete the remaining 1/4 of intersection within ai additional 4 weeks. Construct north curb/gutter and median curb between Washington an( Roosevelt. Immediately upon completion of median curb between Statc and Roosevelt remove south side concrete between Washington an( Roosevelt and construct south curb and gutter. Construct remaining nortl curb and gutter and median curb to Harding upon completion of curbin! between Washington and Roosevelt. Median curb east of Roosevelt to bl constructed prior to north curb and gutter when feasible. Install future traffic signal detector loops and overlay north and south side of CVD from west project limit through Roosevelt intersection immediatel upon completion of Roosevelt intersection concrete (3’ wide hot mix A( ramp on building paper on east side of east crosswalk PCC at Roosevelt: Install street light, traffic signal, and irrigation undergrounding immediatel after curbing between Washington and Roosevelt and then continue Sam on north side and median to Harding. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 0 !@ Page 3 Exhibit 2 8) Construct walk sub-slab and install pavers on north and south sides of CVC between Washington and Roosevelt and then proceed with walk and paver: on north side to Harding. Install irrigation and landscape on north and south sides and mediar between Washington and Roosevelt and then continue to proceed witt north side and median installation to Harding. 9) STAGE II - 4 WEEKS (OVERLAPS WITH STAGE I) Traffic: One lane in each direction must be maintained on CVD at all times. Construction Svnopsis: b Construction of median island improvements between Harding an( Pi0 Pico. This stage will begin when westbound traffic is restored tc CVD. STAGE 111 - 19 WEEKS Traffic: One lane of traffic in each direction shall be maintained at all times on CVD. Construction Svnopsis: b Construct remaining north and south side improvements including aspha overlay and final signing and striping. This stage begins upon completioi of all median island landscaping. Remaining north side improvements tc be started first. 0 @ EXHIBIT 3 STREETSCAPE PHASE V - SCHEDULE OPTION ANALYSIS Option 1 Start construction May 3, 1994, and complete by January 3, 1995; detour to Granc Avenue in place from May 3, 1994, to July 26, 1994. Advantages: 1) Detour misses May 2,1994, Village Faire and construction limited to soutt side of CVD for November 7, 1994, Village Faire. Construction limited to south side of CVD between Roosevelt and Pi0 Picc during Christmas season. 1994 Marathon and Carlsbad 5000 are relatively unaffected. 2) 3) 4) WEATHER Disadvantages: 1) Detour in place from Spring through mid summer. Option 2 Start construction September 13, 1993, and complete by May 16, 1994; detour in placc September 13, 1993 through December 6, 1993. Advantages: 1) Construction misses summer season. 2) 1994 Marathon, Carlsbad 5000, and May 8, 1994, Village Faire relativel) unaffected. Disadvantages: 1) 2) Detour interferes with Christmas season. Construction on north side of CVD moving to south side during Christmas season. Detour interferes with November 11 , 1993, Village Faire. 3) 4) WEATHER 0 0 Navember 23,1992 TO: CITY ENGINEER FROM: Traffic Engineer STREETSCAPE PHASE V: MEDIANS ON CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE Improvement plans for the last phase of the downtown streetscape project incorporate raised medians on Carlsbad Village Drive (CVD) between State Street and Pi0 Pic0 Drive to provide a positive separation of traffic. A median is a desirable element of an arterial having four or more lanes and these medians are proposed to improve capacity and reduce conflicts between roadway through traffic and vehicles entering and exiting a driveway or intersection. In other words, the purpose for the medians is primarily related to safety by the elimination of mid-block turns and the resulting interferences. A secondary benefit will be the enhanced aesthetics of the downtown area by adding landscaped open space within the roadway. Carlsbad Village Drive is designated as a secondary arterial on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The subject segment of roadway is striped with four traffic lanes, two in eact direction, left turn lanes at the intersections and a striped median in the center of the roadway This configuration is typical of a secondary arterial roadway in Carlsbad, although bicycle lanes are included on other arterial locations. At the intersection of Madison Avenue/CVD, the project proposes to construct mediar channelization that would accommodate left turns from CVD to Madison, but would prohibit traffic on Madison from crossing CVD from one side to the other. A similar median will be constructec at the entrance to Poinsettia Plaza shopping center (Big Bear entrance) to prohibit crossing traffic from one side of CVD to the other. Due to the proposed median channelization at this location the Motel 6 and Big Bear driveways will function as right-in/right-out driveways, with left turns permitted from CVD into the Big Bear driveway and the Motel 6 driveway. As stated, the primary reason for the raised medians on Carlsbad Village Drive will be to separate opposing traffic and minimize turning conflicts to reduce the number of collisions that are occurring. For instance, the road segment from Harding Street to the southbound off-ramp o Interstate Highway 5 has a very high number of collisions each year. The total number o collisions in each block along Carlsbad Village Drive for this year and the previous five years is shown in Exhibit A, attached. It can be observed from the exhibit that there have been 16 mid-block collisions this year in tha segment. Of this number, almost 70% were right angle type collisions. These collisions havc been a result of two primary causes: 1. Westbound or eastbound vehicles on CVD attempt to turn left across two opposing traffic lanes into a driveway. Vehicles exiting a driveway on either side of CVD attempt to cross two traffic lanes tc make a left turn to proceed westbound or eastbound. 2. 0 e November 23, 1992 STREETSCAPE PHASE V: MEDIANS ON CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE Page 2 A raised median would eliminate many of the turning conflicts at all locations on Carlsbad Village Drive and thus reduce the number of collisions. Other types of collisions that have occurred, such as rear-end collisions, would not be eliminated by a raised median. Because driveways and alleys intersect CVD in numerous locations along the entire project length, conflicts occur in other segments that sometimes results in a traffic collision. A raised median in these locations will also help reduce certain types of collisions. Overall, it is expected that traffic safety will be enhanced on Carlsbad Village Drive from construction of the medians. One of the important elements of Streetscape Phase V will be the construction of a traffic signal at the intersections of Jefferson Street and also Roosevelt Street. Upon completion of these two new traffic signals, each intersection along CVD from State Street to Pi0 Pic0 Drive will be controlled by a traffic signal, except for Madison Street that will have median channelization as previously discussed. Some concerns have been expressed by the public that a raised median on Carlsbad Village Drive will negatively impact the travel of emergency vehicles such as a fire truck or paramedic unit. The concern has been raised that vehicles on CVD stopped at a red indication at a signalized intersection will impede the progression of the emergency vehicle and, as a result oi the raised median, the emergency vehicle will also be stopped and forced to wait for a greer light. To facilitate the movement of fire trucks or paramedic units through signalized intersections throughout the City of Carlsbad, an emergency vehicle pre-emption device (Opticom system) is installed on each traffic signal. An emitter in each emergency vehicle transmits optical energy to the traffic signal from a distance up to 1,800 lineal feet. The traffic signal reacts to this emittec light and turns the traffic signal indication to green for the emergency vehicle. All other directions at the intersection have a corresponding red indication. Emergency vehicle response time alonc Carlsbad Village Drive will not be reduced as a result of constructing raised medians. XL+-TflJ,& ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Traffic Engineer RTJ : j b 0 e TABLE A MID-BLOCK COLLISIONS CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE - STATE STREET TO PI0 PIC0 *From January 1, 1992 through October 30, 1992 PETE WILSON, Gc e e STATE OF CWFORNlA - BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AN0 HOUSING AGENW . DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 11, P.O. BOX 85406, SAN DlEGO 92186-5406 (619) 688-6674 July 3, 1991 ILECEIVED Mr. John J. Cahill Municipal Projects Manager City of Carlsbad JUL 11 19’32 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Dlv\s\oN MU N\C\PAL PROJEcTs Dear Mr. Cahill: After further review of your proposal to install monument signs at Elm Avenue, we have essentially come to the same conclusion we did previously. That is, the signs as proposed would constitute fixed objects in an area which is otherwise clear, and they would compete for drivers’ attention with essential traffic control devices. For those reasons we cannot issue the City an encroachment permit for their construction within the State right of way. At your request, we considered the suggestion that the City indemnify the State from liability for the installation through some type of agreement. This would be an acceptable process, as long as there were no concerns with breaches of our safety policy. As long as the proposed installation is in conflict with the safety policy we cannot allow the installation, regardless of agreements which would attempt to shift liability away from the State. Sincerely, STUART Jud HARVEY 7 Deputy District Director Maintenance and Operations * 0 November 17, 1992 Exhibit to Agenda Bill No. TO: CITY ENGINEER FROM: Arts Manager PUBLIC ART COMPONENT FOR STREETSCAPE PHASE V Phase V includes two public art elements, both by San Diego County artist James Hubbell. One element consists of two entryway sculptures at 1-5 and Carlsbad Village Drive. Cal-Trans has refused permission to construct the artwork in that location. Since the pieces are site specific, they would not be constructed elsewhere. It is the Arts Commission's recommendation that the funds allocated for the artwork in that location be placed in the public art fund to be used for different public art in the Redevelopment area. The Engineering Department has estimated that the cost of the entryway markers is $40,000. There is a very small concrete marker which will be placed in the median as you enter the Redevelopment area on Carlsbad Village Drive heading west. "City of Carlsbad" will be in letters similar to those used in the marker at the North end of Carlsbad Boulevard and will be lighted. This marker remains in the plans. The second element of public art is located at the entrance of Rotary Park. Preliminary work has been completed on this piece. The preliminary design indicates a gazebo-like structure of benches and semi-circular fences on each side of the entrance. There are also low fences on either side of the entrance. The low fences are designed to be used at the entrances to all the city parking lots elsewhere in the Village. They are to be painted blue/green, the same color as the tile used throughout the downtown. If the artwork is to be used at an entrance to Rotary Park, there is still a lot of sitework to be done and the plans would need to be developed more fully. The artist has included a second tile medallion in the sidewalk at the entrance to Rotary Park, still to be designed. The Housing and Redevelopment Director would like to see the public art projects planned around the "opportunities" recommended by the present consultants for the Master Plan. Because of the time lapse from 1987 to 1992 and because the Rotary Park plans are not complete, it would seem appropriate to ask City Council the following before proceeding further: Is this project something City Council would like to process through to completion? a) b) If so, would Council like to have it included in Phase V now? Would Council like to continue it to be constructed after Phase V is completed? The Arts Commission does not want to lose the chance to place art in the Redevelopment area. The Commission is also interested in responding to the need of the Redevelopment area and therefore would like to set the funds aside for a future project. Engineering has estimated the cost of this element to be $40,000. If Council wishes to proceed with implementing James Hubbell's artwork at Rotary Park, the recommended procedure is to take the preliminary design back to the Arts Commission for e @ a November 17, 1992 CITY ENGINEER/Public Art - Streetscape Phase V Page 2 reapproval. There is currently only one Arts Commissioner who was serving at the time the preliminary design was initially presented and approved. If the Arts Commission reapproves the preliminary design, an accurate model will be made and the proposed project model and concept will be presented to Risk Management and other appropriate departments for review to assure code compliance and to reduce liability. The model and elevation drawings will then be displayed in three locations and will include a rendering of the proposed work in its site and context. It will also be announced publicly. The Arts Commission will meet to review the proposal materials, model, departmental input, and public comments. The Commission will vote to recommend to accept, modify or reject the design. If the City Council wishes not to proceed with this artwork and eliminate it from the Streetscape, the funds would be set aside to use for public art in the Redevelopment area at a later date. Total funds are $80,000. CONNIE BEARDSLEY