HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-19; City Council; 12040; 1994 Park bond initiative proposalDirect staff to pursue grant funding potential under a proposed 1994 Bond Initiativc ITEM EXPLANATION: The Planning and Conservation League (PCL) of Sacramento has initiated a movement to create a 1994 Bond Act. The PCL is a 27 year old environmental lobbying organization which has been responsible for creating and passing legislatior which enhances (in part) parks and open space. The PCL was in fact responsible fc the formation, language and passage of the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Parklan Conservation Program (Proposition 70/ 1988 Park Bond Act). As a result of the successful passage of Proposition 70, the City of Carlsbad has, or will soon receive a total of approximately $600 thousand dollars in grant funds for 1) Carrillo Ranch (Historic Preservation - $400,000), 2) Hosp Grove (Park Development/Per Capita Program - $172,000) and 3) Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris program ($21,000). The PCL recently distributed a "1994 Bond Act proposed project information form". Due to a three day turn around period between notification and receipt of the project form and the application deadline, the time required for review and approva by the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council would have resulted in a missed opportunity for possible grant funding. Consequently, for preliminary consideration, staff submitted a request (Exhibit 1) for project funding for the Carrillo Ranch of 3 million dollars for master planning, community park development and continued restoration work. The principle reasons the Carrillo Ranch project was submitted by staff was: 1. The Carrillo Ranch has been a past recipient of grant awards from Bond Act! and has therefore established a credibility and popularity as a funding project and would be looked favorably upon by a selection committee. The Carrillo Ranch project has a support group (Friends of Carrillo Ranch and Historic Society) which could lend support for the collection of signatures to get this Bond Act on the ballot. This element was critical to the PCL in terms of successful passage of the initiative. Based upon previous requests to the Council and subsequent Council discussions, the City Manager has requested staff pursue grant opportunities for the Carrillo Ranch. 2. 3. request (Exhibit 2) of 10 million dollars for the acquisition of real property to aid Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trails. Paramount in their decision for this request was the lack of available City funding to acquire necessary connective PAGE 2, AB #-4D W real estate in order to complete the proposed Greenwaydtrail system as identified ii the City’s Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. Acquisition would also aid in the presence of wildlife corridors as emphasized in current City habitat management planning efforts. On December 16, 1992, City staff attended a meeting hosted by the County Parks and Recreation Department to discuss several hundred project requests throughout San Diego County. The purpose and ultimate goal for the meeting was to gain a majority of support for a limited number of specific projects within San Diego County which would be funded if the proposed Bond Act passes. At the conclusion of the meeting, the two (2) projects submitted by the City of Carlsbad had received priority status and were recommended as projects to be funded and specifically identified within the language of the bond initiative, however the amounts of the original funding requests were reduced. Although still preliminary at this time, the proposed funding and project language tc appear in the proposition is: City of Carlsbad, San Diego County e $ 1,500,000 For the continued restoration, structure stabilization? master planning and community park development of the Carrillo Ranch currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places. e $ 3,000,000 For the acquisition of real property for the purpose of preservation and conservation of Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trails within the City of Carlsbad in accordance with the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan and current City habitat management planning efforts. Staff is requesting approval of the Council to proceed with this potential grant funding opportunity and will continually update the City Manager’s office and City Council, as to the status of this proposed initiative. FISCAL IMPACT State Budget At this time the initiative is anticipated to authorize between $1.5 and $1.9 billion in General Obligation Bonds to finance projects. These bonds will be obligations of tht State’s General Fund, requiring $100 to $170 million per year in debt service payments once all bonds have been issued. Typically the State issues the full amoun of the authorized bonds over a series of years rather than in a single lump sum. PAGE 3, AB #-4Q w State General Obligation Bonds differ from local government General Obligation Bonds in that the State bonds do not create a new revenue source to fund the repayment of the debt. All debt service payments come out of existing State genera fund revenues, thereby reducing the amount of general fund revenues available to support other programs. A General Obligation Bond issued by a local government would be accompanied by an increase in the property tax for that jurisdiction which would be sufficient to cover all debt service costs. This tax increase provides the agency with the means to repay the debt without taking funds from other operation: This initiative places the City in the unusual position of possibly benefiting from an initiative that would cause the State to spend more money from the General Fund, thereby increasing the budget problems for the State in future years. In the past thc State has taken revenue from local government to balance the State’s budget deficit And, according to the recently unveiled Governor’s budget, the State will again attack local government revenues in 1993-94. Using past history as an indicator, each $100 million increase in the State deficit could potentially cost the City of Carlsbad $15,000 in general fund revenue taken by the State to balance the budget. This amount may increase or decrease depending on how the State divides the burden in future years. A position the Council might consider is one that encourages the groups advocating this bond initiative to provide both a spending and funding plan with their proposals By asking these advocates to consider both sides of the equation the Council is sharing the burden of making government responsible for its actions to all the people. This position would be taken with the knowledge that it is significantly mor1 difficult to get a proposition passed if it includes a tax or fee increase. However, approval of a bond measure that takes funds from other programs on a state wide basis without considering the impacts of these reductions will only aggravate an already serious financial situation for state and local governments. Bond Act Proposal: Although this proposed bond act is in its initial stages of development, the actual legislative language has yet to be finalized. However, at this time, the two (2) specific projects (Carrillo Ranch and Real Property acquisition) will net the City of Carlsbad $1,500,000 and $3,000,000 respectively for each project if the Bond Act were to be approved. Although the City of Carlsbad will not be required to provide matching funds for this particular grant award, all state and local governments whicl buy or improve property with bond funds may be required to pay additional costs to operate or manage those properties. Funding for these projects through the Bond Initiative would not become available until 1995 and typically the project performance period for the expenditure of funds extends for five (5) years. Total funding for the 10.2 acre Carrillo Ranch is identified in the 1992-93 CIP Budget at $2,250,000. Two hundred fifty thousand ($250,000) has been allocated foi master planning in 1994-96 with $2,000,000 in development funding scheduled for 2002+. Bond funds could be utilized to augment or enhance C.I.P. funding in accordance with the same scheduling. PAGE 4, AB #* c/o w The City’s Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) has recommended a General Obligation Bond as a method to generate funding (in part) for necessary acquisition to complete the Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridorsmrails system. Bond funds for this program could decrease or enhance thr amount of funding necessary for a General Obligation Bond. Project funding ($3,000,000) could also aid in acquisition of property for the proposed habitat management plan. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Project Information Form - Carrillo Ranch Project Information Form - Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridorsmrails Program w ;$ 1994 BOND ACT PROPOSED PROJECT INFORMATION FORM Fill out this form completely and legibly. m (do NOT fax) this form and the attachment5 and enclosures to Lynn Sadler, Planning and Conservation League, 916 J Street, Suitc 61 2, Sacramento, California 9581 4. The deadline is November 20, 1992. Project Name: Carrillo Ranch 50-word (+ or -) description of project: Rehabilitation Proiects and Park Planning an( Development of the Citv owned Carrillo Ranch which is acknowledged on the Nationz Reqistrar of Historic Places. Special values include: completes trail, etc.) Historic Site Project lies in this/these county/ies: (endangered species, serves low-income communit) San Diego Nearest town/city: Carlsbad Do they support the project? Amount to fund project: This amount will Yes $2,500,000 (Two million five hundred thousand) begin a new project* completed the project. (check one) X continue a project* *Where will the money come from to complete the project? Preservation, Citv of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program Budget. Total cost of project, start to finish: This amount was determined by State Office of Histori Approximatelv $4,000,000 appraisal of fair market value letter from seller indicating price below fair market value X other. Explain: Staff estimates based upon $1 35,000 per acre plus building preservatic costs. What urgency is there about this project? adobe structures. Who opposes this project? Nobodv Uraencv associated with preservation EXHIBIT 0 w If project includes acquisition, who are the willing seller(s)? Is this project part of a master or overall plan? Which local entities have jurisdiction? What agency/ies has agreed to acquire and/or maintain? What group is suggesting this project? N/A Yes Citv of Carlsbad Citv of Carlsbad Name: Citv of Carlsbad Address: 1200 Carlsbad Villaae Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (61 9) 434-2825 Fax: 1619) 434-1987 What ONE individual is authorized to act on behalf of the group? Name: Keith Beverlv Title: Senior Manaqement Analvst Address: 1200 Carlsbad Villaae Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Evening: 942-01 12 Day Phone: 161 9) 434-2825 Fax Phone: 161 9) 434-1 987 Car Phone: What other groups in your area are working on this project? Friends of Carrill Ranch, Carlsbad Historical Societv. Any additional information we need to include: WITH THIS FORM include a map of your proposed project. A regular road map wi handdrawn lines is adequate. Include any other brochures, pictures, newsclips, etc. th could help us with our promotions. RETURN THIS FORM TO THE PLANNING AND CONSERVATION LEAGUE, 926 J Stre( Room 61 2, Sacramento, CA 9581 4 NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 20. 1992. ' ELEMEI CITY OF CAR1 GENERAL PI SuClv crntcn ~ALL~I~LO CAn COUnlnT MOA NORlE ZONE 19 (AVIARA) * COMMVMTY PARK fi FUTIJRE COMWTY PARK SPEClAL USE AREA 0 FUTURE SFEClAL USE AREA @ SPECIAL RESOURCE ARm AY~VL~ tm I OCTOBER 16, 1990 w 0 1994 BOND ACT PROPOSED PROJECT INFORMATION FORM PROJECT NAME: City of Carlsbad Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildlif Corridors/Trails Program 50 WORD DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The City of Carlsbad is fortunate to have a number of natura resources, including three coastal lagoons and a significant amour of high quality wildlife habitat. Over the past two years, tk City has spent over $500,000 in the preparation of a comprehensil open space plan for the future. This plan consists of t\ components, the ODen SDace and Conservation Resource Manaaemer Plan (OSCRMP) and the Habitat Manaaement Plan (HMP). The OSCRMP defines in specific terms, the objectives and actio1 required for the City to achieve a comprehensive and integratt open space system by the time the City is substantially built oul The HMP is a special technical study for the OSCRMP which providi an inventory of habitat lands in the City and establishes Preseri Planning Areas for large, connected blocks of native habitaf Specific location criteria for open space lands of the OSCRMP ai HMP have been established (see below). The purpose of this request is to fund the acquisition of Habit; Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trails in a portion of the Cis (see attached map). The protection of these lands is essential large enough habitat areas are to be preserved and the essenti connectivity between the larger open space areas of the City are be achieved. Criteria . The location criteria for greenways/wildli corridors/trails have been established in the OSCRMP (s attached). The larger areas of habitat land to be acquired wou be selected based on the following criteria taken from the HMP. parcel would be eligible for acquisition if it meets two or more the following criteria: 1. The property is located within Preserve Planning Area #2 the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan. 2. The property scored 100 points or higher in Total Habit Value/Sensitivity on Figure 9 of the Biological Resources a Habitat Analysis. 3. The property is necessary to provide a connection betwE parcels that are already part of the preserve system or are the process of being acquired. The property is necessary to add additional width (up to 1,1 ft.) to a trail/greenway in order to provide greater benei EXHIBIT 2 4. .- 0 w for wildlife movement. 5. The property is necessary to buffer parcels that are alread part of the preserve system from adjacent urban development SPECIAL VALUES INCLUDE: There are four special values of this project. First is it proximity to the coast. Urban development has destroyed fragmented, and degraded most of the native habitat within 5 mile of the coast in San Diego County. The habitat lands in Carlsba represent one of the last opportunities to preserve an example c intact, functional ecosystems within a coastal community. Second, the proposed greenway/wildlife corridor system will assis in the protection of several endangered, threatened or candida1 species in the City, by providing an opportunity for necessai connectivity between the larger habitat areas. The wildlii corridors are essential in maintaining biodiversity of species, i well as enabling the City to provide a large enough ecosystem fc endangered, threatened or candidate species to regenerate. Th: project will assure that wildlife corridors connect with othc already preserved habitat lands, including the City-owned La1 Calaveras and the University of California's Dawson-Los Monc Ecological Reserve, as well as assure connectivity between futui preserve areas. The third special value of this project is the mix of habitat typ which will be preserved. The project area contains some of t best remaining unprotected stands of high quality habitat near t coast in San Diego County. The habitats found in this area inclu coastal sage scrub, southern mixed chaparral, riparian scru native grassland, and oak/sycamore woodland. These habitats a home to a number of sensitive species of plants and animals, ma of which currently have no protection. Therefore, this is n merely a single species preserve but a virtually complete ecosyst that includes all of the key habitat types in their natur association with each other. The opportunity to preserve such example of the historic landscape this close to the coast cannot allowed to slip away. Fourth, the greenway corridors will also provide opportunities f key trail connections within the City, as well as link the Ci with the regions' recreational trail system. The proposed traj of this project are unique in that they provide views of the coas and provide an opportunity for people to be exposed and learn ab<: a variety of vegetation and wildlife types. It is imperative tf. this opportunity to connect vital open space areas not be lost< PROJECT LIES IN THIS COUNTY: San Diego NEAR TOWN/CITY: Within the City of Carlsbad. w a DO THEY SUPPORT THE PROJECT? Yes, the City of Carlsbad is the proponent of the project, with tl- support of a variety of local environmental organizations ar property owners. / Ir AMOUNT TO FUND PROJECT: I $10 Million dollars for a grant to the City of Carlsbad fc acquisition of approximately 97 acres of Habitat Land: Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trails within the Northeast quadrai of the City of Carlsbad, as shown on the attached map, . accordance with the recommendations of the Carlsbad ODen SDace ai Conservation Resource Manaaement Plan (OSCRMP) and the Habit; Manaaement Plan (HMP). I!\ E I.? t , 3 I,:, ', THIS AMOUNT WILL BEGIN A NEW PROJECT* I' X CONTINUE A PROJECT* COMPLETE THE PROJECT *== WILL THE MONEY COME FROM TO COMPLETE T PROJECT? *The funds requested will pay for a portion of the lands necessa to acquire the Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trai system as outlined in the Carlsbad ODen SDace and Conservati Resource Manaaement Plan (OSCRMP) and the Habitat Manaaement P1 (HMP). Additional funds will be needed for further acquisitio and, to make necessary improvements to these lands, such a environmental enhancements and trail improvements. For the open space components of the OSCRMP, the City anticipat seeking voter approval of a General Obligation bond or pursue 0th funding sources to finance these improvements. Further funding wi be necessary to maintain the lands acquired. The City anticipat amending its existing Lighting and Landscape Maintenance Distri to accomplish this maintenance or will pursue other methods procuring funding for ongoing maintenance and monitoring. For the HMP component of this project, the primary mechanism f generating funding is a mitigation bank in which developmc projects will be required to contribute to the acquisition of t preserve areas. Other financing and acquisition mechanisms i also being explored, including transfer of development right special financing districts, and other debt financing technique Funding for management will come from several sources, includ~ annuities established by developers who provide mitigation la1 grants, donations, and possible formation of a maintenal assessment district. Although the program is feasible utilizing these mechanisms a101 w a funding from the proposed 1994 bond act would allow the acquisitio of important corridor and buffer lands that would not be acquirec otherwise. TOTAL COST OF PROJECT, START TO FINISH: Estimated Cost of acquisition and improvements: THIS AMOUNT WAS DETERMINED BY APPRAISAL OF FAIR MARKET VALUE $35 Million LETTER FROM SELLER INDICATING PRICE BELOW FAIR MARKET VALUE X OTHER. EXPLAIN: Land values have not been appraised for acquisition of open spac lands for this project. For the OSCRMP, land values have bee estimated based on recent land sales. Cost estimates were prepare by Economic Research Associates, June 1992 (OSCRMP) . For purpose of HMP cost estimates, recent land sales values of $100,000 $300,000 per acre have been used. At the time of actua negotiation of land sales, the City will negotiate the bes possible price based on the fact that some lands are nor developable, the recession has lowered land values in Souther California, and purchasing complete ownerships may result in low€ cost per acre to the City. WHAT URGENCY IS THERE ABOUT THIS PROJECT? Currently, the City of Carlsbad plans to finance a large portion c the ODen SDace and Conservation Resource Manaaement Plan (OSCRMI through a general obligation (G.O.) bond, and Habitat Manaaemer Plan (HMP) through Mitigation Banking, It is anticipated that tl City will seek voter approval of the G.O. bond in the Fall of 199: General Obligation bonds have historically had less than a 5( passage rate. Due to the low passage rate of these bonds, the Cil must actively pursue other sources of financing for these essentii Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trails areas. Withoi G.O. bond funds or another funding source, there will be large gal in the Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trails systei and inadequate widths of wildlife corridors will result in tl system. securing funding for the Habitat Lands/Greenways/Wildli Corridors/Trails, the City may lose its opportunity to obtain t necessary components of the Habitat Lands/Greenway/Wildli Corridors/Trails system. It is therefore essential that the Ci obtain alternative funding sources immediately to ensure that the lands are protected. Should pending development proposals be approved prior WHO OPPOSES THIS PROJECT? To our knowledge, no one opposes this project. The Habit Management Program is overseen by a broad-based advisory gro consisting of representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildli Service, California Department of Fish and Game, loc 0 w environmental organizations, and local land owners and developers The program enjoys the support of all participants because il preserves habitat not by 88taking88 the land in a regulatory way bud by involving the property owners in the process and offering fai: compensation. Additionally, the Open Space Advisory Committee oversees the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Pla (OSCRMP) . IF PROJECT INCLUDES ACQUISITION, WHO ARE THE WILLING SELLER(S): The proposed project is for acquisition of Habitat Lands Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trails. Although the project ha established specific criteria for locating the Habita Lands/Greenways/Wildlife Corridors/Trails, the precise propert boundaries for future land acquisition have not been established Although specific parcels have not been identified as yet fo acquisition, all major property owners have been informed regardin the City proposal and have agreed in concept to the plan. IS THE PROJECT PART OF A MASTER OR OVERALL PLAN? WHICH LOCA ENTITIES HAVE JURISDICTION? Yes, this project is part of Carlsbad's ODen SDace and Conservatic Resource Manaaement Plan (OSCRMP) and Habitat Manaaement Pla (HMP). These two programs establish future priorities for ope space and habitat land acquisition in the City. They will guid open space planning through buildout of the City. The City c Carlsbad has sole jurisdiction over the project area. WHAT AGENCY HAS AGREED TO ACQUIRE AND/OR MAINTAIN? The City of Carlsbad will be the acquiring agency for the present Formation of a local conservancy or land trust is being considers Othc to hold title and/or manage land for habitat value. ownership and management entities are also being considerec including California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish ar Wildlife, regional (San Diego County) conservancy, or a nationz organization or conservancy. WHAT GROUP IS SUGGESTING THIS PROJECT? NAME : City of Carlsbad ADDRESS: 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92009 PHONE: (619) 438-1161 FAX PHONE: (619) 438-0894 WHAT ONE INDIVIDUAL IS AUTHORIZED TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THE GROUP' NAME: Michael Holzmiller TITLE: Planning Director ADDRESS: 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92009 .- e w DAY PHONE: (619) 438-1161, ext. 4430 FAX PHONE: (619) 438-0894 WHAT OTHER GROUPS IN YOUR AREA ARE WORKING ON THIS PROJECT? A number of other cities or organizations in San Diego County mz be working on similar projects outside of Carlsbad. In particulai the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is coordinatir a Multi-Habitat Conservation Program to assist other jurisdictior in the northern portion of the county to prepare plans similar I Carlsbad's. The Carlsbad plan and the SANDAG plan are ful: consistent, with the mutual goal of providing a sub-regional systc of preserves and corridors across the northern part of the counl from the ocean to Cleveland National Forest. In addition, the Open Space Advisory Committee and the Habit, Management Plan Advisory Group, (City Council appoint( committees) , work with City staff, consultants, and the communi. on the development of these plans. ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WE NEED TO INCLUDE: All land acquired specifically for habitat purposes will protected in perpetuity by a conservation easement or simil mechanism and will be managed for the benefit of wildlif especially sensitive species, by an organization dedicated to t protection of wildlife. The citizens of Carlsbad strongly support the City's open space a habitat planning efforts. Citizens are very active in the planni efforts, and as a result the City Council has appointed citizens two open space planning committees (the Open Space Adviso Committee and the Habitat Management Plan Advisory Group). addition the City has spent over $500,000 in general fund monies this effort. The City has a Growth Management Program whi includes open space as one of eleven essential public facilitie Because of this support, a state bond measure to acquire open spa and habitat lands in Carlsbad would certainly receive overwhelrni approval by local voters.