HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-09; City Council; 12069; Report on Skateboard Committee ActivitiesdAv& - r Ci0l)Y OF CARLSBAU - ACiW A BILL v -= 1 AB # 12; Rh9 TITLE: MTG. 2/9/93 DEPT. H CITY MG DEPT. CM CITY AT RECOMMENDED ACTION: 7 REPORT ON SUTEBOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES 1. Receive status report on Skateboard Committee activities; 2. Direct staff to further explore the feasibility of the following sites for skateboardl Exhibit 1): + Site 1 - the parcel east of Fire Station #1 on Carlsbad Village Drive (ov + Site 2 - the two-acre lot on the corner of Elmwood Street and Laguna Driv + Site 3 - an open space area near the pump station on Carlsbad Boulevard Pardee Development); owned); and Street (City-owned); 3. Direct staff to explore the feasibility of a divided walkway to separate pedestria non-motorized vehicles on the blufftop; and 4. Approve the legislative approach to governmental immunity for skateboarding al ITEM EXPLANATION: i 3d a a0 G 9-4 OL) kcd 0 c) ly ao a)c do 21 .rl v u Gh 00 ow mm (da 34J 7 uz 8 .5 .A .. a aa, &dm H ma crl \a a\ \\ ad NN z 0 F 0 a g s 0 On October 20, 1992, the City Council appointed a Skateboard Committee comp concerned Carlsbad youth, parents, merchants and City Council and School representatives. The Council charged the Committee with reviewing where skatebos currently allowed in the city and where it is prohibited, and identifying possible sites fa skateboarders throughout the city including school sites. These issues arose when the was asked to consider prohibiting skateboarding in the public parking lot located at thl concern over the lack of alternate skateboarding sites prompted the City Council to f Committee. Skateboarding is currently prohibited in several downtown parking lots, including th State Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue, and in the fountain pa: on Grand Avenue (see Exhibit 2). Skateboarding is prohibited in these areas by an 01 adopted by the City Council on January 7, 1992. The ordinance was developed by : citizen’s committee appointed by the City Council on November 5, 1991 to address property owner’s concerns and safety issues related to skateboarding. The ordina prohibits skateboarding on private property open to the public in a general commerc neighborhood commercial zone or in the redevelopment zone where posted by the : owner. In addition, the City Council may adopt a resolution regulating or prohibiting of skateboarding on specified public property or public right-of-way. Since adoptio ordinance the City has prohibited skateboarding in the public parking area on Ocea south of Oak Avenue and prohibits skateboarding in the parking lot on the northeast ( Monday through Saturday. of Carlsbad Village Drive and Roosevelt Street. Public opposition to this prohibil Carlsbad Village Drive and Roosevelt Street between the hours of 8:OO a.m. and 6 e Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. la, 0 b? e Site Identification The Skateboard Committee has reviewed various sites throughout the city which may 1 by skateboarders. The Committee evaluated the existing City-owned parking lots in the area for possible use by skateboarders. Due to the concern among Village merchax regard to the available parking in the downtown area, staff is not recommending the de( of a parking lot for skateboarding. Alternatives for addressing parking in the Village 2 being addressed in the update of the Redevelopment Master Plan. Once the update oft is complete staff may wish to reconsider use of an existing public parking lot. Also incl this site review was the feasibility of utilizing Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) fi CUSD has adopted a policy prohibiting skateboarding, rollerblading and rollerskatin; CUSD school sites and property (see Exhibit 3). I School District officials have indica1 the District might reconsider the policy if funds were set aside to pay for damages tc property. Since neither CUSD or the City have funds currently appropriated for rep Committee is not recommending the use of CUSD sites or property. Issues related to liability have been analyzed. The City’s municipal liability insurance 1 provide liability coverage for low-hazard facilities only. (City exposure under the curre1 is $500,000.) Acceptable components of a low-hazard facility include: - Curbs - Benches - Mini-Banks (3’ or lower curved cement walls) - Slightly slanted snake-run trails - Open cement courts or riding grounds - Shallow dips The Skateboard Committee recommends that staff be directed to further explore the ft of several sites in Carlsbad for establishment of a low-hazard skateboard facility. Thc would be unsupervised and unsecured. These sites include: - the parcel east of Fire Station #1 on Carlsbad Village Drive; - the two-acre lot on the corner of Elmwood Street and Laguna Drive; ai - an open space area near the pump station on Carlsbad Boulevard at State Issues investigated in the feasibility analysis on these sites will include: - impacts of noise, litter and traffic congestion on surrounding property c - safety issues; - cost to lease property identified as Site 1; - facility construction costs; and - on-going maintenance and operation costs. In conjunction with this analysis, staff and the Committee will continue to look possibility of a public/private partnership. The Committee has already received a pre: from the former operator of the skate park at the Carlsbad Raceway. The operator e interest in working with the City to develop a skateboard facility. For example, the CI 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. Ja! 06 7 0 lease land at a minimal cost ($l/year) and the operator would construct and operate the No formal proposal has been received since a site has not been identified. The Committee believes there is a population in Carlsbad that uses skateboards, rollel rollerskates and bicycles as a form of recreation. The Committee recommends that th and Recreation .Commission and City Council consider these needs in the design of futurc Blufftoa Walkway The issue of skateboarding on the blufftop walkway was also addressed by the Ska Committee. The Committee recognizes that conflicts do exist between pedestria skateboarders, rollerbladers, bicyclists, etc. Therefore, it is recommended that staff be ( to explore the feasibility of a divided walkway along the blufftop to separate pedestria the other modes of transportation. Public Information Efforts The Committee is also working on an informational brochure to be distributed to skatek throughout the City and merchants in the Village area. The brochure will indicatt skateboarding is currently allowed, where it is prohibited and suggests ways to prevent a with pedestrians and motorists. The brochure will be given to Police Officers and mc In addition, Committee members will be applying for a grant from the Carlsbac Television Foundation to produce a video on safe skating. Legislation The Skateboard Committee asked the City Attorney to recommend several le approaches to obtaining governmental immunity from injuries incurred as a result of sk activities. After reviewing the alternatives, the Committee voted unanimously to recc the following approach: Amend Government Code Section 831.7 to add the word "skateboarding" (see (3) bel hazardous recreational activity as follows: in the area for distribution, The School District is also being asked to distribute the bl "(a) Neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable to any person who pa, in a hazardous recreational activity, including any person who assists the participi any spectator who knew or reasonably should have known that the hazardous rec activity created a substantial risk of injury to himself or herself and was voluntar place of risk; or having the ability to do so failed to leave, for any damage or property or persons arising out of that hazardous recreational activity. "(b) As used in this section, ''hazardous recreational activity" means a recreationl conducted on property of a public entity which creates a substantial (as distinguis a minor, trivial, or insignijkant) risk of injury to a participant or a spectator. 1 0 0 Page 4 of Agenda Bill No. k$O6 9 "Hazardous recreational activity" also means: "(I) Water contact activities, except diving, in places where or at a time when 1ifeg.u not provided and reasonable warning thereof has been given or the injuredpaq reasonably have known that there was no lifeguard provided at the time. "(2) Any form of diving into water from other than a diving board or diving plaqort any place or fiom any structure where diving is prohibited and reasonable I thereof has been given. "(3) Animal riding including equestrian competition, archery, bicycle racing or jl skateboarding, boating, cross-country and downhill skiing, hang-gliding, h 'I (Underline added). motorized vehicle activity, ofiroad motor cycling or four-wheel driving of any The City Council Legislative Committee has reviewed and approved this approach. Lewis has asked Assemblymember Morrow to sponsor this legislation in the current le1 session (see Exhibit 5). FISCAL, IMPACT: If Council concurs with the recommended action, staff will return with the follow estimates: Low Hazard, Non-supervised Skateboard facility: facility construction costs a Blufftop - walkway: cost to divide the walkway with striping; and on-going maintenance and operation; LeRislative approach: approximate staff time involved with this effort. The construction of a skateboard facility should be considered as part of the 1993, budget deliberations. EXHIBITS: 1. Site Location Map. 2. Village Area Skateboarding Prohibitions. 3. Carlsbad Unified School District Policy 3513. 4. Draft of Skateboarding Information Brochure. 5. Letter dated January 21, 1993 to Assemblymember Morrow. CA~IDI I I SITE \ 1 SITE 2 \ w I* IVlLLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE BOUNDARY NOT TO SCALE DRAW BY: SCOTT EVANS, CARLSEAD ENGINEERING DEPT. . :, . e m EXHIBIT * ,. . .. CARLSBAO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT r Carlsbad, California Business and Non-instructional Operations Policy 351 PROHIBITION OF SKATEBOARDING, " ROLLERBLADING. AND ROLLERSKATING Due to the damage to facilities and the possible liability to the District 1 the event of participant or other injury,, skateboarding, rollerblading, and rollerskatlng are prohibited an all Carlsbad Unified School District school sites and property. .. Appropriate signs lnforming the' public of the prohibition of skateboarding, rollerbladin , and rollerskating shall be erected at each Carlsbad Unified School Distr 3 ct school site and property. _I _. .. eaal Reference: I .Education Code: Po1 icy Review; January 22, 1992 Pol icy Adopted: January 22, 1992 Vehi cl e Code : gE:w & (f) ,- e w .. M 5: .- 2 8 a2 * m Y, B 4 * rr13 ZQ 8 hW = "23: 24 ad: ,fi 8 b4P f c9 '5 .z p? 0 '5 4 Y ,u 8 u2s '1 Pa a2 82." oh2 3 gz:5 E 0 e- I 4 k r. 0 l-4 c Ld ccc 8 32 zi @ ,::. ..:. ?,:::A :::::.:.> :a:: ::::..... ....... ........ ....... &; 2 ;;;;:: .... 2 88 y $$< ....... .... ..... :<<,. ;:::::i' - .:."i: Q\ ;:;:<s i- ........ .*/:>.. t;,.j ... ..: ;; 2 m II V > m k s ,s 0 a Q) a A4 m I E! 2 cl 8 u > d 2 2 c.4 II m II u > CA 5 2 - m cz u > :..:... :.:....: .:::;.>: :.... ..:. ..x::: n co ....... 62 @ .. ., $22 & ... ...... g? 0- g go .., $,gp$,g .. 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S*ddOO~~ 3 -"I a ;aa '3 9 p,:; i'l 6 <>*, s.; e, 80 M V) .e, ......... ........ & l=z *$ v) ......... .. ::.: d~ snsc ,am so og 2s.a n ........ .:. >. .>%. ..... a*..* :. [:.':, . /.,:. L P e ;;: s% E 0 .... a023 c' 23 ><. f 8 E% :$ a, R ,:: Q a, .:.:> .,. . :.:.:. :.::.. .. y ....... :.:.,: ............ .: .::a* ...... <x. :,,,: ~,.~~<,~:~':::.,.:.:.: ....... x-.: ......... .:..: .... 'r ........... - . ".- . L,\III"I I January 21, 1993 Assemblyman Bill Morrow 73rd State Assembly District 3055 Pi0 Pic0 'Drive Carlsbad, CA ' 92005 ' " Dear !P : As my staff discussed over the phone with your staff, the City of Carlsbad is requesting yc sponsorship of legislation that would make skateboarding a hazardous recreational activ This issue was raised in 1991 in response to occurrences of property damage, and pedestri skateboarder and vehicular traffic hazards reportedly caused by skateboarders- in downtown Village Area. After hearing public testimony about these hazards, the ( Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance which would allow skateboarding recreation and transportation, while at the same time allowing private property owner: protect their property. The resulting ordinance prohiiits skateboarding on private property open to the publi neighborhood and general commercial zones where signs,are posted. It also prohj skateboarding in two downtown public parking lots, and allows the City Council, resolution, to further prohiit skateboarding on public property upon the placemen appropriate signage. The problem which has., arisen as a result of these prohibitions is fewer areas in w skateboarders can practice their sport. In an attempt to provide safe recreati opportunities for our youth, the City Council appointed a citizen's Skateboard Comm to investigate possible areas for use by skateboarders. One of the overwhelming factc this investigation is liability. Existing law does not provide immunity for public agencies : skateboard activities. Assembly Bill 2487, sponsored by the League of California Citie? signed by Governor Wilson this past summer, provides that for skateboard facilities tha not supervised on a regular basis that are owned or operated by local public agencie: requirement to require persons riding skateboards therein to wear helmets and elbov knee pads may be satisfied if the local agency adopts an ordinance and posts signs 2 facility. However, it is the opinion of our City Attorney that this legislation doe . provide immunity from injuries incurred as a result of these activities. 1200 Carisbad VillaSe Drive - Carlsbad. California 92Q08-1C89 - (6: C) 43d-2 e e Assemblyman Nlorrow January 21, 1993 Page 2 The Committee asked the City Attorney to recommend several legislative approaches ti obtaining governmental immunity from skateboard activities. After reviewing th alternatives, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend the following approach: Amend Government Code Section 831.7 to include skateboarding as a hazardous recreationc activity as follows: "(a) Neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable to any person who participah in a hazardous recreational activity, including any person who mists the participant, ( to any spectator who kzew or reasonably should have known that the hazardoi recreational activity created a substantial risk of injury to himself or henelf and w( voluntarily in the place of risk, or having the ability to do so failed to leave, for a; damage or injury to property orpersons arising out ofthat hazardous recreational activi "(b) As used in thii section, ''hazardous recreational activity" means a recreation activity conducted on property of a public entity which creates a substantial ( distinguished from a minor, trivial, or hsigniflcant) risk of injq to a participant 01 spectator. "Hazardous recreational activity" also means: "(2) Water contact acdvhhs, except dfvhg in places where or at a he WJ lifeguards are not provided and reasonable warning thereof has been given or injured party should reasonably have known that there was no lifeguard provi at the time. .. "(2) . Any form of diving into water from other than a diving board or diving plaqo or at any place or fiom any structure where diving is prohibited and reasonr; warning thereof has been given. "(3) Animal riding, including equestrian competition, ' archery, .bicycle racing jumping, skateboarding, boating, cross-country and downhill skiing, hang-glia kayaking, motorized vehicle activiQ, of-road motor cycling or four-wheel dn' of any kind, ... " (Underline added). The City of Carlsbad is requesting your sponsorship of this proposal as legislation during 1993-94 State legislative session. me League of California Cities has indicated it woul able to support this legislation. If you agree to sponsor this proposal, the City Council City staff will assist you in any way we can. 0 w Assembiymnn Morrow January 21,1993 Page 3 Thank you for your consideration of this proposal, and I look forward to hearing from yc soon. Sincerely, .u.& ' CLAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS Mayor jw c: City Council .. City Manager City Attorney .. ,- a .' .............................................................. ................................................................................................ :A:$ .:.:.:. .:.:.:. .... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ....... ....... ....... .:.:.:. .... ... .... ... .... ....... # @ GT* :.:.:.: .:.:.:. zz 8 :.:.:.: 6 g g $q -a 2. .... ? (IQ .... .!.!.!. tz .:.:.:. .... er .. i... :: ..... e .... ... ..... 2; Vpl .z .... .... .... ... ... ;t s 8 3 !z ... ... ... 2 == .:.:.:. .... ... .... ... ,:.:.:. ... .... ...... ... .... ... .:.:.:. .... ... .... .,, ....... '.:.>: .:.:* (.> .... ... .... ....... .... 2 2 c, 0 a E g P. 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'j 1200 CARLSBAD VIUGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CAT,. 92008 , 21 OCTOBER 1992 DE4R MAYOR AND MENEBRS OF CITY COUNCIL, "ANK YOU FCR APPOINTING ME TO "3 SKAmOARDING COMMIm F0R.m CITY CF CARLSBAD. ALSO I THANK YOU AS A REPRZSENTATIVE OF TfE DOWN!KMN MERaS AND BUSImSSES WHO PFBSEVTED T-E PETITTION To YOU. WE; AFE APPFECIATIVE OF TIB ATTENTION TklE CITY HAS GIVF,N TO lllIS MATT%R AND FOR TkE ITOPERIiX,Y SON TO COME PARTIAL RELIEF FROM TIE SITUATION. AS A MEl"E3ER OF TH% COMMIm I LOOK FOWARD TO WORKING AND HELPING TEE COMMImE FIND "IE BEST SOLUTION FOR T3E2 PROBIXM, I WOULD ALSO REQUEST T-IAT THE COUNCIL ALLOW ME TO DESIGNATE DONALD AGATEP AS MY ALTERNATE ON TEE OCCASION THAT I WOULD BE UNABLE TO ATIlEND ANY OF THE MEETINGS. DONALD AGATEP IS A LAND USE AND PLANNING CONSUL,TANT AND PREYIOUSLY WASTHE DIRECTOR OF PL.ANNING FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. DONALD IS ALSO A DOWNTOWN WSI?ESS OwhTER AND LOCATED ADJACENT TO MY OFFICE AT 2956 ROOSEXFLT ST.. AGAIN 'EM YOU FOR. THE APPOIT\pIMENT. I LOOK FOWARD To WORKING FOR THE CITY AGAIN. 2956 Roosevelt St. Suite 3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (61 91 434-6259