HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-16; City Council; 12118; AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTION OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSm- G 0 *d m' M a ..c u 0 rn 3 0 .d h a 3 C u c) a a a a u u -1 0 0 a, P. E.- Ll Q)[o SA cba a a aJM oo GrH as ao rlH G *d bKJ u -4 om aa -d E 0 Fla, ?a om vu 2 > s a ea re a. 3 % 9 % .. Z 0 6 4 d - i! s 0 Cw OF CARLSBAD - AGENe BILL / TITLE: AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTION OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS; APPROVE THE COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTPLAN; APPROVE THE NEWPROJECTPROPOSAL REVIEWPROCESS FOR CDBG PROGRAM YEAR 1993-94 AB# 1 aJ 1% CITY P CITY h MTG.';: - I b - q3 DEPT.L RECOMMENDED ACTION: AUTHORIZE staff to distribute "Request for Proposals" for the 1993-94 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds; APPROVE the 1993-94 Community Development Plan; and, APPROVE the revised proposal review/ funding recommendation process. ITEM EXPLANATION: The city of Carlsbad has once again received notice that it is entitled to a new allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for fiscal year 1993-94.1 receive these funds, the City must submit a "Final Statement of Proposed Projects" to HUD by June 1, 1993. In order to develop Carlsbad's 1993-94 CDBC program, staff is requesting the following three actions from the City Council: 1) authorization to distribute the "Request for Proposals"; 2) approval of the proposed 1993-94 Carlsbad Community Development Plan; and 3) approval of a new project proposal review/funding recommendation process. The total amount of funding available for allocation to eligible projects during the 1993-94 CDBG program year is $499,319. This figure includes $1 3,738.00 which is available for reallocation from previously approved projects; these funds are available as a result of projects which were completed with a surplus of funds. The completed projects include: Boys & Girls Club Sprinklers ($5,399.85), Maxton Brown Park ($2,163.30), Oak Street Improvements ($1,098), Grand Avenue Sidewalk ($2,694)' Pedestrian Access Ramps ($379), and Program Administration ($2,004). The primary objective of the CDBG program is to assist low and moderate income persons/households. The funds may be used for projects that meet 3 least one of the following three broad National Objectives: I. 2. 3. Provide benefit to low and moderate income persons. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where no other financial resources are available to meet such needs. j @ @ PAGE 2 AB# lx.,\l% Each proposed project should also meet at least one (1) local community development objective. The local objectives for the Carlsbad CDBG program are outlined in the attached "Community Development Plan" (Exhibit 1). As required by federal regulations, the proposed plan identifies the City's community development and housing needs as well as specifies both short-term and long- term community development objectives. The I 993-94 Community Development Plan expands the previous year's plan (1992-93) to include the following two (2) objectives: 0 Provide assistance to organizations which directly benefit children, the elderly, disabled persons and the homefess. Provide assistance to organizations which help non-homeless persons witt- special needs such as the elderly, frail elderly, persons with mental, physical and developmental disabilities, persons with alcohol or other drug addictions, persons diagnosed with AIDS and related diseases. The above additions were made in order to ensure that the Community Development Plan is consistent with the previously approved Carlsbad Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). For program year 1993-94, staff is proposing a new process for the review and prioritization of project proposals for funding recommendations. As outlined in Exhibit 3, the new process requires staff to 1) make a basic eligibility determination: 2) to evaluate each proposal according to pre-established criteria; 3) rank each proposal based on a 100 point-system; and 4) submit the list of ranked proposals to a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding Committee for funding recommendations. The recommendations of the Funding Committee will be presented to the City Council for consideration and final approval. In past years, the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee (HRAC) has reviewed the various CDBG project proposals and made funding recommendations to the City Council. This was an appropriate action when most of the proposed projects/services were located within the Village Redevelopment Project Area. However, a majority of the projects are now either located outside the Village Area or provide services on a city-wide basis. The program is changing to reflect the needs of the entire community. Therefore, staff believes it is appropriate and necessary to also change the project reviewlfunding recommendation process. As outlined in Exhibit 3, staff suggests formation of a "Community Development Block Grant Funding Committee" to serve on an "as needed" basis only. This type of committee appeared to work quite well last year when used for making funding recommendations for community services (within the General Fund budget). 0 @ PAGE 3 AB# I&, I 1% Staff is recommending that the Funding Committee consist of seven (7) member and include the following representatives appointed by the City Council: Senior Commissioner; Parks and Recreation Commissioner; Tenant of Section 8 Program; and four citizens-at-large (one from each quadrant of the City). This Funding Committee would review all project proposals and make funding recommendations to the City Council. It is staffs recommendation that the City Council approve, by minute motion, the ”Request for Proposals”; the 1993-94 Community Development Plan; and, the nev project proposal reviewjfunding recommendation process. FISCAL IMPACT: Federal regulations for the CDBG program allow the City to use a maximum of 20% of the annual allocation for 1993-94 administrative costs. Administration of the CDBG program can be fully funded by use of the federal funds. EXHIBITS: 2 - Request for Proposals for Carlsbad’s 1993-94 CDBG Program City of Carlsbad’s 1993-94 Community Development Plan $E’CCr* AT 31: :;1::: 1 - 3 - CDBG Proposal Review/Funding Recommendation Process qlEsu6” ’ coa As mG^Y 0 0 EXHIB CIN OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN The City of Carlsbad is committed to using Community Development Block Grant funds fc projectslservices which meet at least one of the three broad national objectives for the program The national objectives are: 1. 2. 3. Provide benefit to low and moderate income persons. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Meet other community development needs having a particulary urgency because existin conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the communi? where no other financial resources are available to meet such needs. In addition to meeting the broad National Objectives, the City of Carlsbad will give priority to ani project/service that also addresses at least one of the local Community Development Objectives The Community Development Objectives are: 1. Provide direct benefit to law and moderate income persons through the provision c maintenance of affordable housing units or housing related services for Carlsbad. Provide assistance to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal Cod( violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing affordable housing units. Provide assistance to public service providers which meet the basic needs (food, clothing shelter, health) of low and moderate income persons/households. Provide assistance to organizations which directly benefit children, the elderly, disablec persons and the homeless. Provide assistance to organizations which help non-homeless persons with special needs such as the elderly, frail elderly, persons with mental, physical and developmenta disabilities, persons with alcohol or other drug addictions, persons diagnosed with AIDS and related diseases. 2. 3. 4. 5. These community development objectives were developed based on a significant communi8 need for additional affordable housing units for all segments of the population based on thc guidelines for affordablity that have been established by the State of California and are based on County median income. The Housing Element of the City of Carlsbad General Plan identifies the community need for affordable housing units for very low, low and median income persons/households. The City of Carlsbad Housing Element is hereby incorporated by reference into the Community Development Plan to indicate community need for affordable housing. In addition, the California Housing Assistance Strategy (CHAS) identifies the programs that will assist in meeting the goals for additional affordable housing and the provision of services for lower and moderate income persons/households for the City of Carlsbad for the next five years (1 991 -1 995). The CHAS is hereby incoporated by reference to indicate the housing assistance goals for the City of Carlsbad. CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DWELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1993-94 1. INTRODUCTION Funding for the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is authoriz under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383. T program provides grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties to develop vfat urban communities through the provision of decent housing, a suitable living environment a by expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. The amount of each entitlement grant is determined by statutory formula which uses sevel objective measures of community need, including the extent of poverty, population, housir overcrowding, age of housing and growth lag in relationship to other metropolitan areas. Entitlement communities, such as the City of Carlsbad, develop their own programs and fundir priorities. However, maximum feasible priority will be given to activities which meet at least 01 of the local community development objectives and at least one of the three broad natior objectives for the program. II. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT The City of Carlsbad is eligible to receive CDBG funds on an annual basis. In order for Carlsbz to receive the grant, a list of community development objectives must be developed along wi an outline of proposed projects. The City of Carlsbad must also certify that it has followed s approved Comprehensive Housing Assistance Strategy (CHAS) and that not less than 70% the CDBG funds will be used for activities that benefit low and moderate income persons. Lo and moderate income guidelines are based upon household size and a chart is attached for yo1 reference. 111. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The total amount of CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Developmer estimated to be available for Carlsbad in 1993-94 is $499,319. This figure includes $1 3,738 whic has been reallocated from previously approved projects which were canceled or were complete with a sufplus of funds. The City of Carlsbad has no program income from previous CDB( Entitlement program years. 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite 6 - Carlsbad, California 92008-2389 - (61 9) 434-281 0/281 1 0 0 In order to develop a 1993-94 CDBG program which meets the needs of the low and modera income population, Carlsbad requests assistance from members of the community. Citize participation is critical to the success of the Carlsbad CDBG program. Therefore, we ar encouraging all community members to consider the needs of low and moderate income person within Carlsbad and submit an application for a proposed project(s) or service, for consideratio by the City Council at a future public hearing. Activities that can be carried out with CDBG funds may include, but are not limited to: publi service activities, acquisition of real property, relocation and demolition, rehabilitation c residential and nonresidential structures, construction of public facilities and improvements an1 conversion of schools for eligible purposes. In addition, CDBG funds may be used for activitie relating to energy conservation and renewable energy resources. Assistance may also b provided to profit-motivated businesses to carry out economic development activities whic benefit low and moderate income persons/households. The types of activities that generally are not eligible for CDBG funding include: buildings for tht general conduct of government, political activities, income payments, construction of nev housing and other facilities offering 24-hour care. The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG funds to finance projects and services whict provide direct benefit to low and moderate income residents. Every project proposed for tht CDBG program must address at least one of the three broad National Objectives for the program The National Objectives are: 1. 2. 3. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where no other financial resources are available to meet such needs. In addition to meeting the National Objectives, every project proposed for CDBG funding must meet at least one of the local Community Development Objectives which are: 1. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons through the provision of affordable housing units or housing related services for Carlsbad. Provide assistance to prevent of eliminate residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing affordable housing units. Provide assistance to public service providers which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, health) of low and moderate income persons/households. Provide assistance to organizations which directly benefit children, the elderly, disabled persons and the homeless. Provide assistance to organizations which help non-homeless persons with special needs such as the elderly, frail elderly, persons with mental, physical and developmental disabilities, persons with alcohol or other drug addictions, persons diagnosed with AIDS and related diseases. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 0 It iS the intent of the city to only approve CDBG-assisted projects which do not result in tt displacement of low/moderate income persons from their homes. Therefore, all persor submitting project proposals to the City should consider the displacement impact upc low/moderate income households. IV. SUBMISSION OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS All persons, organizations, agencies, etc. wishing to submit an application for fundin consideration under the CDBG program must obtain a "Funding Proposal Form" from the Ci of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department, 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B, Carlsbac CA 92008. Interested persons may request a Funding Proposal Form by calling (61 9) 434-281 1 All project proposals must be submitted to Karen Sauer prior to 4:OO p.m. on April 2,1993 at th following address: CITY OF CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 2965 ROOSEVELT STREET, SUITE B CARLSBAD, CA 92008 A schedule of applicable hearing dates and other significant meetings will be mailed to a1 persons submitting a proposal for consideration. V. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS If you have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbad 1993-94 CDBG program ma) contact Karen Sauer at (619) 434-2818, between 8:OO a.m. and 5:OO p.m., Monday througt Friday. e a COMMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM INCOME LIMITS 1993-94 HOUSEHOLD SIZE MAXIMUM INCOMEREAR 1 $23,150 2 $26,450 3 $29,750 4 $33,050 5 $35,700 6 $38,350 a $40,950 8 $43,600 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING PROPOSAL 1993-94 e The following information must be completed by each person/agency/organization interested in being consi for CDBG fundina. Please type or print clearb. 1. Title of Project: 2. Name of Contact Person: 3. Name of Agency: 4. Project Name: Address: Address: City: City: State: State: Zip Code: Zip Code: Telephone No.: ( ) Telephone No.: ( ) 5. Non-Profit I.D. Number 6. Requested Funding Amount: (if applicable): 7. Project Description: 8. Describe how many low and moderate income persons will benefit from project. Desc number of Carlsbad residents to be served. Describe how your project will benefit chilc seniors, the disabled, persons with special needs or affordable housing: 9. List current and anticipated funding sources (public & private) for the proposed project. Did you receive CDBG or General Fund monies from the City of Carlsbad in 1992? additional CDBG funding be required in future years for the project? 10. I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best 01 knowledge. Signature Title Date Date Received: Eligibility Determination; e e EXHIBI CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM PROPOSED APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS 1993-94 PURPOSE To set forth procedures to be used for allocating the annual City of Carlsbad Communi1 Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement funds. BACKGROUND: Each year the City Council is entitled to receive funding from the U.S. Department of Housing l finance projects and/or services which benefit low and moderate income persons/household: within the community. Over the years, the number of requests from local service agencies fo CDBG funding have increased and it has become more difficult to select the projects ant determine the funding levels. In an effort to facilitate the project selection and funding allocatior process, the following procedures have been established for the CDBG program. OBJECTIVE: The intent of this process is to streamline the CDBG funding allocation procedures anc implement specific proposal evaluation criteria which can be used to assist in the selection o projects for funding on an annual basis. This process describes the CDBG application process outlines the review process for CDBG project selection and funding recommendations; and, summarizes the public hearing requirements. A Community Development Block Grand Funding Committee will be established to review and make recommendations to the City Council on funding levels for each of the eligible projects submitted by local service organizations andlor city departments. PROCEDURES: The following procedures outline the steps to be used by City staff in making recommendations for allocation of the CDBG funds on an annual basis: 1. Interested persons, non-profit organizations, city departments and others may submit proposals for CDBG funding on the appropriate application form. A public notice in a local newspaper of general circulation will indicate how to obtain an application and the due date for all proposals. Upon receipt of proposals/applications for funding, City staff will evaluate each application for completeness. Additional information will be requested from the applicant if necessary. Applications which are found to be complete will be reviewed for basic eligibility purposes per HUD regulations. Urban Development, through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, tt 2. 3. Proposals which do not meet the basic eligibility criteria will not be evaluated further by staff. Applications which are complete and receive a basic eligibility determination will be further evaluated for ranking purposes. All eligible proposals will be evaluated to determine the extent to which each projecVservice meets the national and local e e (Carlsbad) objectives for the CDBG program. Each proposal will subsequently be rank attached as Exhibit A. Each application will be evaluated in order to assign rating points for the following criteri a. Level of resident participation in proposed proiect/service: The City will gh greater consideration to projects/services which provide a higher level of servic to Carlsbad residents -the more Carlsbad residents served, the more points, 25 points total b. Decrree to which proposed proiect/service meets the local Communi1 Development Obiectives for Carlsbad's CDBG program: Greater consideration w be given to projects/services which meet one or more of Carlsbad's loci objectives for the CDBG program. The number of points will increase dependin upon the total number and types of objectives met by the propose projectbervice. 25 points total Proximitv of service office or Droiect location to Carlsbad: Projects located, a services provided, within the city limits of Carlsbad will receive more points thai a project located in some other city. 20 points total Leveraqe/Match of CDBG funds: Applicants will receive points based on th degree to which they propose to use the CDBG funds to leverage other source of projectlservice financing or provide matching sources of funds. 10 points total Level of Darticipants which have a household income within the lower income ranqe (0% to 80% of countv median): Applicants will receive points based on thc degree to which they provide benefit to lower income households. E projecVservice which provides benefit to households at 50% of county median wil receive more points than one that benefits households at 80% of county median 10 points total Deqree to which proposed proiect/service meets more than one national obiectiw for the CDBG prooram: The applicant will receive 10 points if the proposec projectlservice meets more than one (1) of the national objectives for the CDBG program. 10 points total according to specific evaluation criteria as outlined below. The criteria evaluation form 4. b. c. d. e. 5. Staff evaluation of the proposals will be based on a "point system." The proposals will be ranked according to the total amount of points received during the evaluation process, 0 0 The maximum points possible for each proposal is 100. Following the eligibility determination and ranking of proposals based on the prc established criteria, all of the CDBG proposals will be forwarded to the Communi Development Block Grant Funding Committee for review and funding lev! following representatives to be appointed by the City Council: Senior Commissione Parks and Recreation Commissioner; Tenant of Section 8 Program (very low incom representative); and four citizens-at-large (one from each quadrant of the City). The CDB( Program Administrator will serve as staff liaison to this committee for the purposes ( considering the funding recommendations for this program. Applicants for CDBG funding will be given the opportunity to make a formal presentatio to the Community Development Block Grant Funding Committee during a public hearing The public will also be given the opportunity to comment on the proposed projects. 8. The Funding Committee will review staff recommendations and then makl recommendations for funding levels, based on the "ranking" of each proposal. Thl Funding Committee's recommendations will be presented to the City Council for fin: action. 9. The proposal evaluation information, staff recommendations and the fundin( 6. recommendations, The Committee will consist of seven (7) members and will include t). 7. recammendations made by the Funding Committee will be submitted to the City Counci for consideration by May 15, The City Council will consider the recommendations of the Funding Committee during a public meeting. The City Council may accept the Committee's recommendations as submitted or alter them as necessary to meet the needs of low and moderate income persons within the community. Following City Council action, a final statement including the list of selected projects and funding amounts will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by June 1 for final approval. 10. 11. CRITERIA Level of resident participation in project or service Degree to which proposed project/ for CDBG program service meets the local objectives Proximity of service office or project location to Carlsbad Leveragematch of CDBG funds Level of participants which have household income within the lower income range Degree to which proposed one national objective for the CDBG program projectlservice meets more than Total MAX. POINTS POSSIBLE TOTALPOINTS RECEIVED 25 25 20 10 10 10 100 * 0 Y COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF FUNDS AVAILABLE 1993-94 $ 76,800.00 $1 02,400.00 $332,800.00 Available for Public Service Activities Available for Program Administration Available for Public Improvements, Pub Facilities, Rehabilitation, etc. May not t used for Program Administration Public Service Activities. Available for reallocation from projec: which were completed with a surplus ( funds. $ 13,738.00 $525,738.00 Total Funds Available: 1993-94 j-J(>S'ribDYig By s7hFF 63-7- rn€2-?--/~~ 0; 3--/b-93- & e e 1 1992-93 URBAN COUNTY FUNDS RECOMMENDED ALLOCATiON $ 19,702.00 For Public Service Activities $ 6,717.00 For Program Administration $481,032.00 For Public Improvements, Pub1 Facilities, Rehabilitation, Aff ordab Housing, etc. May not be used f Program Administration or Public Servic Activities. $507,451 .OO Additional Funds Available: 1992-93