HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-13; City Council; 12160; ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR CITY HALL XERISCAPE PROJECTCw OF CARLSBAD - AGEVA BILL -="#-L <+ ".,i - - - * 4. TITLE: ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD AB # /J,/ 6 0 MTG, qy[3/ 'i 3 DEPT. .y*- CONTRACT FOR CITY HALL XERISCAPE PROJECT DEPT. CITY 1 CITY I I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION! Adopt Resolution No. 73-9 0 , approving Alternative #I, accepting bids and awardin! the Contract No. 2660 (CMWD) to Valley Coast Landscape Construction, Inc. in th amount of $41,806 for construction of the City Hall Xeriscape Project. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 12, 1993, the City Council approved plans and specifications an1 authorized the advertisement of bids for the City Hall Xeriscape Project. The general location of the project is around the front of City Hall where currently exist the turf area that has "browned" due to water conservation efforts. The work include low water use plantings, drip irrigation, decorative planter walls, a new walkway, roc work, a seating area, and other general landscape amenities. The project i "categorically exempt" from environmental review through CEQA (Class 1-H, th maintenance or alteration of existing landscape). On March 8, 1993, five (5) bids were received and opened. 1) Valley Coast Landscape Construction, Inc. $53,790 2) Wrisley Landscape $56,339 3) CGC Construction 4) Heffler Company, Inc. 5) Tarzian Landscape $67,300 $79,400 $81,400 I The low bid of $53,790 from Valley Coast Landscape Construction, Inc. exceeds th $42,000 construction budget by $1 1,790. z s L L a d z 3 0 0 $53,790 low bid $1 1,790 deficit -42,000 available funds In addition to the base bids received, staff included two (2) "additive alternates" in tt- plans. They were, 1) redesign of the City Hall entry (new steps and enriched pavins and 2) landscape accent lighting for the xeriscape project (as suggested by the Park & Recreation Commission). These "additive alternates" were included in the hopes thi the City would receive favorable bids. The low bid for the "additive alternates" WE ,$I 2,085 (City Hall entry) and $2,134 (lighting) for a total of $1 4,219 for both. Includir; these items would increase the total project cost as follows: I $53,790 base bid + 14,219 additive alternates $68,009 base bid plus alternates $68,009 base bid plus alternates $26,009 deficit (with alternates) -42,000 available funds 0 m PAGE 2, AB #- /a, /6 0 ALTERNATIVES: Because the low bid exceeds currently appropriated funds, the following alternative: were explored, Alternative #1 - Reduce the scope of the project and award the contract in thc amount of $41,806 (within the budget). The bid documents were prepared with "deductive alternates" so thc construction costs could be adjusted to meet the budget by eliminating specific items. Staff has reviewed the low bid and finds that the contract price can bt reduced to within the budget through a combination of eliminating certain desigr elements (i.e. portions of the decorative planter walls) and by having the par1 crew, rather than the contractor, perform two sections of the work (i.e. removz of the dead turf thatch and placement of the decorative boulders). This wi reduce the contract price by $1 1,984 and bring the project within budget. $53,790 low bid -1 1,984 deducts . $41,806 new contract price $42,000 available funds -41,806 new contract price $ 194 funds remaining Staff feels reduction of the project scope in this manner will not jeopardize thl integrity of the design or overall intent of providing a quality demonstratiol xeriscape project. (This alternative will provide all items as designed except thl City Hall entry and accent lighting.) Alternative #2a - Award the contract in the amount of the "base bid" at $53,791 and appropriate additional funds of $1 1,790. This alternative would provide all the design elements delineated in the plans an1 specifications with the exception of the "additive alternates" (City Hall entry anl accent lighting) but would require appropriation of additional funds earmarkel for other projects. Alternative #2b - Award the contract in the amount of the base bid plus th "additive alternates" for a total of $68,009 and appropriate additional funds in th amount of $26,009. This alternative would provide all the design elements delineated in the plans an specifications including the "additive alternates" (City Hall entry and accer lighting) but would also require appropriation of additional funds earmarked fc other projects. PAGE 3, AB #- JajW (3 w 1 Alternative #3 -Reject bids, redesign, and re-bid. This alternative would prolong the construction schedule and the redesign woull consist of eliminating elements of the project much in the same manner as i proposed in Alternative #l. In addition, there is an element of risk in that ne\ bids may or may not be lower than the original bids. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #I as it will meet the goals of the project, to provide high quality demonstration "xeriscape" project & will meet the budget as well. Time of completion for the project (Alternatives #1 , #2a or 2b) is 60 days after notic to proceed or end of June/beginning of July. FISCAL IMPACT (Recommended Alternative #I): Funds in the amount of $42,000 have been previously appropriated and ar available in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's "Conservation Prograi Account", which will cover the recommended $41,806 construction cost (Alternativ #I )- If the 'City Council selects Alternative #2a or #2b, additional funds will need to b allocated to the project. The CMWD has a current balance of $79,000 in tt- Conservation Program Account. Out of this fund, $42,000 has been appropriated 1 the Xeriscape Project. The additional funds have been allocated for other project including reimbursement to the San Diego Water Authority for the "Ultra Low-Flus Toilet Program" and the "Water Awareness Program" expenses. Therefore, in order 1 fund the additional cost of Alternative #2a or #2b, money would need to be reallocate within the CMWD Conservation Account and/or would need to come from Gener Capital Construction Fund which has an available balance of approximately $1.1 miliiol The fiscal impact of Alternative #3 (redesign/rebid) is unknown and would depend c the outcome of the rebid. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 3 -7 a I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3-7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 m e RESOLUTION NO. 93-90 A RESOLUTION OF’THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAC CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS, AND AWARDING CONTRACT NC (CMWD) 2660 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY HALL XERISCAPI PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californi: has determined it necessary and in the public interest to construct the Cit Hall Xeriscape Project; and WHEREAS, bids for the construction of said project have bee received and are on file in the office of the Purchasing Department; WHEREAS, the low bid received for the construction of sai project was submitted by Valley Coast Landscape Construction, Inc. in th amount of $41,806; and WHEREAS, a current appropriation exists in the amount ( $42,000 in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s Conservation Prograr account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ( the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council has determined it necessary an in the public interest to construct the City Hall Xeriscape Project. 3. That the City Council further determines that the bi submitted by Valley Coast Landscape Construction, Inc. for the constructio of said project is hereby accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk are herek authorized to execute a contract thereafter. I1 4 1 2 3 4 0 m 4. That an appropriation of funds in the amount of $42,000 fron the Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s Conservation Program Accour (501 -820-1 880-3346) has been previously appropriated and is available fo 5 6 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting c this project. 7 the Carlsbad City Council held on the 13th day of APRIL , 1988, by thc a following vote, to wit: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Nygaard, Finn NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchi 16 I/ ATTEST: 17 18 19 I ALETHA L. RAU (SEAL) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II