HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-13; City Council; 12161; REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE TENTATIVE MAP FOR CT 85-09 VISTA SANTA FE AREA B-, b Adopt Resolution No. 93- q I map for Carlsbad Tract 85-09, Vista Santa Fe Area 6. granting a one year extension of time for the tc ITEM EXPLANATION: California Pacific Homes of San Diego have requested an extension of time for C Tract 85-09, Vista Santa FelArea B, a 102 single family unit project. The project is in Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) Zone 11, south of Calle Ba approximately 0.5 miles east of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The tentative map was originally approved on September 10, 1985 in accordar City Council Resolution 8169. The project was then tolled until certificatior Citywide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) was completed. On c 1991 the CFD was completed and tolling of the tentative map expiration date had As a result of this, City staff informed the applicant that Tentative Map 85-09 woul on January 31,1993. Currently the final map cannot record until a guaranteed funding source is sec the facilities specified in LFMP 11. During the previous three years the affected owners have pursued formation of Assessment District No. 91 -01 for the specific facilities. As stated in the applicants tentative map extension request letter, the e of time is necessary to allow sufficient time for the Assessment District formation map to record. Staff concurs with the applicant that the previously stated delays, and Assessment District 91 -01 formation did delay the process so that requiren obtaining a final map could not be met. Therefore, staff is recommending requested tentative map extension be granted. The applicant has executed an Agreement for Waiver of Prohibitions Ag, Imposition of Conditions which is on file in the Engineering Department. Thc conditions of approval of Planning Commission Resolution 2448 and City Resolution 81 69 are still applicable to the project; however, Engineering Conc 56 and Planning Condition Nos. 4, 9 and 11 have been deleted. To stay in conformance with the General Plan, current City Ordinances and Si 19 new conditions have been added to the project, as included in the Resolutic tentative map extension. A summary explanation of these new conditions is a This condition holds the City harmless against any claim brought against the City. This condition states that the applicant shall compl requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge E Systems Permit. These two conditions involve specific grading rec regarding offsite grading permission and submitta report prior to grading or building permit issuancc Condition A Condition B Conditions C & D Facilities Zone Local Facilities Management Plan Net Density Growth Control Point Special Facilities - 11 - 11 3.2 - 2.97 - C.F.D, No. 1 e 0 1 PAGE THREE OF AGENDA BILL NO. /a, I (Q I t EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 9 3 -9 1 granting a one year extension of time for the tl map for CT 85-09, Vista Santa Fe Area B, with previous plus additional COI of approval included therein. 3. Letter requesting extension. 4. City Council Resolution 81 69. Planning Commission Resolution 2448. These are attached as Exhibits to Resolution No. 93-91 (see Exhibit 2 above). . 6 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 d4 I nt3uLw I IUlY NU. 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIlY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE MAP NO. CT 85-09NISTA SANTA FE AREA B SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the Clty Council of the City of Carlsbad on, September 10, 1985, Resolution No. 8169 approving with conditions Tentative Map No. CT 85-09; and WHEREAS, Tentative Map No. CT 85-09 was tolled and as a result of tolling Tent No. CT 85-09 would have expired as of January 31, 1993; and WHEREAS, the applicant is diligently pursuing those acts required to obtain a and WHEREAS, the project can be found to be in conformance with the General PI; City ordinances and current City policies with the imposition of additional conditions WHEREAS, the applicant has consented to the imposition of such condition agreed to comply with them; and WHEREAS, both the applicant and the City wish to extend the map subject to i upon the additional conditions. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City oi California as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That with additional conditions contained herein the design and imprc the subdivision are consistent with the General Plan, Titles 20 and 21 of the City ( Municipal Code, and any public facility or development policies in existence at this That Tentative Map No. CT 85-00 is hereby extended for one year u 31,1994, subject to all of the conditions contained in Exhibit 2 previously adopted or 10, 1985 as the conditions of approval for this project and attached hereto and tl additional conditions: 3. A. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City an1 officers, and employees from any claim, action or proceeding agains its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or null an the City, the Planning Commission or City Engineer which has bt against the City within the time period provided by Section 66499.31 \i . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e Subdivision Map Act. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Nationa Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall pr management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be by the City Engineer prior to approvtil of the final map, issuance of building permit, whichever occurs first. No grading shall occur outside the limits of the project unless a gradir easement or other written agreement acceptable to the City is obtainc owners of the affected properties. If the applicant is unable to obtain t or slope easement, no grading permit will be issued. In that case thl must either amend the tentative map or change the slope so grad; occur outside the project site in a manner which substantially confc approved tentative map as determined by the City Engineer and Planni Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever comes report shall be prepared and submitted to the City of Carlsbad. If the indicates the presence of potential fossil bearing material then a st possible significant impacts on paleontological resources under the the Planning Department. Scquentialbj, the Developer's Engineor shall do the following: 1. ii. B. C. D. phased program, on file in the Planning Department, shall be undertal E. Prepare colored reclainicd water usa area map and submit tot Department for processing and approval. Schedule a meeting with the District Engineer for review, cc approval of the preliminary system layout usago (G.P.M. - E.C potable, reclcimed and swer systems prior to the prc improvement plans. F. This project is approved upon the expressed condition that building not be issued for development of the subject property unless the \ serving the develcpment determines that adequate water service facilities are available at the time of application for such water servic permits will continue to be availabla until time of occupancy. This f placed on the final map. Payment of $4,131.00 to the Oljvenhain Municipa! Wziter District balarpe of the capacity fee insta:ltnorrt applicable to this project. Thi and payab:e within 30 days fcl:ovring the approval of the extension of map. The developer shall provide ths City wilh a reproducible 24" x 36", I the tentative map as approved by the Planning Commission. Tho 1 shall reflect the conditions of approval by the City. The map c submitted to the City Enr;irloer and approved prior to building, gradi or improvement pian submlttsl, whichever occurs first. Prior to final map approval tho applicsnt shall pay all current fees required. I G. H. 1. 2 1 L L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 J. This project is also approved under the express condition that the apl the public facilities fee adopted by the City Council on July 2, 19 amended from time to time, and any development fees established I Council pursuant to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Cod ordinance adopted to implement a growth management system of fa improvement plan and to fulfil the subdivider's agreement to pay facilities fee dated February 25, 1993, a copy of which is on file with tht and is incorporated by this reference. If the fees are not paid this app not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project v The following note shall be placed on the Final Map. "Prior to issi building permit for any buildable lot within the subdivision, the prop shall pay a one-time special development tax in accordance with the C Resolution NO. 91 -39". K. L. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation required t 11 Local Facilities Management Plan approved by the City Council c 23, 1988, incorporated herein and on file in the Planning Departme future amendments to the Plan made prior to the issuance of buildin The applicant is aware that the City is preparing an in-leu and/or hou fee program as an alternative to the inclusionary requirements stipulai 3.6b of the Housing Element. If in the development of the in-lieu impact fee program, it is determined by the City Council in or consistency with the Housing Element of the General Plan as well as with Section 66473.5 of the Government Code (Subdivision Map Ac project is subject to either fee and building permits have not been applicant or 'ts successors in interest shall pay whatever fee that is r in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. If required fees s this application will not be consistent with the General Plan and appi project will be void. Prior to approval of the final map for any phase of this project, the al] enter into an agreement with the City to provide this project's propor of the City's total obligation for low income housing units or to i whatever housing requirements are adopted by the City Council to irr inclusionary housing programs of the Housing Element. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or fac payment of any fees in lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imf on this project are challenged this approval shall be suspended z Government Code Section 65913.5. If any such condition is detei invalid this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determ project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and irrigation plai be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to the grading or building permits, whichever occurs first. The developer shall install street trees at the equivalent of -foot in all public street frontages in conformance with Ci of Carlsbad Sta trees shall be of a variety selected from the approved Street Tree L M. N. 0. P. Q. 3 1, ). L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 R. All landscape plans shall be prepared to conform with the Guidelines h Department. Prior to final qccupancy, a letter from a California licensed landscap shall be submitted to the Planning Director certifying that all landscapin instaUed as shown on the approved landscape plans. That the Agreement for Waiver of Prohibition Against the Imposition of submitted per the landscape plan check procedures on file in thc S. 4. upon the Approval of an Extension of a Tentative Subdivision Map between Califo Homes Incorporated and the City of Carlsbad signed by California Pacific Homes Ir on January 8, 1993 on file in the office of the City Engineer is approved, and tt authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City. 5. That this extension is approved in reliance upon said agreemenl challenge to or failure to perform said agreement or the conditions of this resolution this approval void and the map shall not be final. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad 1 held on the 13th day of APRIL , 1993 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: Council M ATTEST: ALmA h L. wuikii~iii-~ (SEAL) 4 I c I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo' 8169 ' RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A 103 LOT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CT 85-9) AND 102 UNIT LA COSTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN (LCDP 85-1 ) ON 35.4 ACRE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY II)CATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE CALLE BARCELONA AND CALLE ACERVO INTERSECTION. APPLICANT: VISTA SANTA FE, AREA "B" WHEREAS, on July 10, 1985, the Carlsbad Plannin Commission adopted Resolution No. 2448 recommending to t Council that Tentative Tract Map (CT 85-9) and La Costa Development Plan (LCDP 85-1) be approved; and CASE NO: CT 85-9/LCPD 85-1 - 2 m l2 August 20, 1985 held a public hearing to consider the j Z~ZE 15 Or< li (LCDP 85-11: and ,io 4 5 CT 85-11, PUD-86, Vista Santa Fe; 3nd CT 85-6 POD-80, Daon Southwest. These projects will add a substantial amount of 1 its design capacity. These four projects have been conditic i with hteKKehted conditions insuring that Rancho Santa Fe 6' 4. Condition No. 43 is revised to read as Eollows: 1 2 developers of La Cwta Master Plan neighborhoods SW 1, 2, 3 and SE 16 and 17 coordinating the time schedule for constru of Rancho Santa Fe Road between Ollvenhafn Road and La Cost 5 6 7 "67. The actual construction of Rancho Santa Pe F from Olivenhain Road to La Costa Avenue as required by the Council pursuant to these conditions of approval shall be completed before the occupar,cy of the first house to be constructed in this subdivision." lo 11 1 I 10th day of Sepw , 1985 by the following vote, to wi' AYES : COUncil bknbers Casler, Kulchin an;l Chick - 1 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 I* e @ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2448 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANRING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL FOR A 103 LOT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND 102 UNIT LA COSTA DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE CALLE BARCELONA AND CALLE ACERVO INTERSECTION. APPLICANT: VISTA SANTA FE, AREA "B" CASE NO: CT 85-9/LCDP 85-1 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain prope That portion of Lot 9 of Rancho Las Encinitas, in of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califc according to the Map thereof No. 848, filed in tP of the County Recorder of San Diego County wit: has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; ai WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 12tl June, 1985, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescri to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing an I 19,/ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all E desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fact relating to the Tentative Tract Map and La Costa Developn Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RGSOLVED by the P1Z Commission as follows: I (A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct (R) That based on the evidence presented at the public the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT 85-9/LCDP on the following findings and subject to the follow conditions: /I// //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 e P Findings: 1) The project is consistent with the City's General Plan the proposed density of 2.88 du'slacre is within the dl range of 0-4 du's/acre specified for the site as indic the land use element of the General Plan. 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and densi the development since the site is adequate in size and to accommodate residential development at the density posed. 3) The project is consistent with all City public facilit icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, ensured tha final map will not be approved unless the City COL finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, the Planning Commission has condition that a note shall be placed on the final that building permits may not be issued for the pr unless the City Engineer determines that sewer sei available, and building cannot occur within the pr unless sewer service remains available, and the PI Commission is satisfied that the requirements of 1 public facilities element of the general plan have met insofar as they apply to sewer service for th: project. b) School fees will be paid to ensure the availabilii school facilities in the San Dieguito School Dist. Also, an existing school agreement between the La Land Company and the Encinitas School District wi adequacy of elementary school facilities. The dedication of park land or the payment of par' fees are required as a condition of approval. All necessary public improvements have been provil will be required as conditions of approval. c) d) I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e) The applicant has agreed and is required by the i of an appropriate condition to pay a public facil fee. Performance of that contract and payment of will enable this body to find that public facilit be available concurrent with need as required by General Plan. f) Assurances have been given that adequate sewer fo project will be provided by the Leucadia Water Di The proposed project is generally consistent with the development standards and regulations of the La Costa Plan. The proposed project is compatible with the surroundi residential development on the General Plan. 4) 5) land uses since surrounding properties are designated PC RES0 NO. 2448 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e 6) The proposed project and .the proposed public improveme consistent with the La Costa Waster Plan and the Publi Facilities phasing section of the La Costa Master plan 7) This project will not cause any significant environmer impacts and a Prior Notice of Compliance has been issL the Land Use Planning Manaqer on March 22, 1985 and ax by the Planning Commission on June 12, 1985. Conditions: 1 ) Approval iS granted for CT 85-9/LCDP 85-1, as shown o Exhibits "A" - "F", dated February 19, 1985, incorpor reference and on file in the Land Use Planning Office Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. 2) This project is approved upon the express condition t final map shall not be approved unless the City Counc as of the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. 3) This project is approved upon the express condition t building permits will not be issued for development o subject property unless the City Engineer determines sewer facilities are available at the time of applica such sewer permits and will continue to be available time of occupancy. This note shall be placed on the map. 4) This project is approved upon the express condition 1 applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as requii City Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on : the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, according to the agreement executed by the applicant payment of said fee, a copy of that agreement, dated 22, 1985, is on file with the City Clerk and incorpoi herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as pro1 this application will not be consistent with the Gent and approval for this project shall be void. 5) The applicant shall dedicate land to be located in S Park pursuant to the existing parks agreement betwee Costa Land Company and the City of Carlsbad. 6) The applicant shall provide school fees to the San D I School District to mitigate conditions of overcrowdi of building permit application. These fees shall be the fee schedule in effect at the time of building F application. Also, the applicant shall comply with requirements of the existing school agreement betwee Costa Land Company and the Encinitas School District -3- j //// PC RES0 NO. 2448 1 2 3 ~ 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 a 0 7) Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance w sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applica ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuan 8) Water shall be provided by the Olivenhain Municipal WF District . 9) The applicant shall prepare a reproducible mylar of tl site plan incorporating the conditions contained herei site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Li Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building pel 10) The applicant shall establish a homeowner's associati corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions. CCCR's shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Planning Manager prior to final map approval. 11) The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and tion plan which shall be submitted to and approved by Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of buildin permits. 12) A 500' scale map of the subdivision shall be submittc Land Use planning Manager prior to the recordation oi final map. said map shall show all lots and streets and adjacent to the project. 13) All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a health1 thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debr' 14) Any signs proposed for this development shall be des conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and shall review and approval of the Land Use Planning Manager installation of such signs. architecturally integrated and concealed from view 2 15) All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, j 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, to Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satis the Land Use Planning Manager and Building and Planr ~irector 16) The applicant shall submit a street name list consis the City's street name policy subject to the Land Us Manager 1 s approval prior to final map approval . //// //// //// ///I PC RES0 NO. 2448 -4- l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 e m 17) The project shall provide bus stop facilities at locat trict. Said facilities shall at a minimum include a 'r free from adverhising, and a pole for the bus stop sic bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to detract from the basic architectural theme of the pro- said design shall be subject to the approval of the L Planning Manager and North County Transit District. 18) The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land in the sales office at all times, and/or suitable alt to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager. 19) All sales maps that are distributed or made available public shall include but not be limited to trails, fu existing schools, parks, and streets Building identification and/or addresses shall be plz all new and existing buildings so as to be plainly vi from the street or access road; color of identificatj addresses shall contrast to their background color. 21) Manufactured slopes along the rear lot lines of lots 292, 296, 297, 298, 314, 317 and 318 shall be varied to 3:l where possible to the satisfaction of the Lani Planning Manager. subject to the satisfaction of the Xorth County Transi 20) ' 15 16 17 I.8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22) Prior to issuance of any building permits, the appli shall submit a detailed fence plan for all fences fo approval of the Land Use Planning Manager. At a min solid wood or block fences shall be placed between u along side property lines. 23) Recreation areas shall be expanded to the satisfacti the Land Use Planning Manager. Lots 336-341 shall be redesigned so that they will r on Calle Barcelona. 19,124) 1 Engineering Conditions : 25) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior tc commencement of any clearing or grading of the site 26) The grading for this project is defined as "control ing" by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Munici: Grading shall be performed under the observation of engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordi inspection and testing to ensure compliance of the the approved grading plan, submit required reports Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 11.06 0 Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1 -5- //// PC RES0 NO. 2448 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0 a 27) Upon completion of grading, the developer shall ensure "as-graded" geologic plan shall be submitted to the Ci. Engineer. The plan shall clearly show all the geology exposed by the grading operation, all geologic correct measures as actually constructed and must be based on tour map which represents both the pre and post site g This plan shall be signed by both the soils engineer a engineering geologist. The plan shall be prepared on or similar drafting film and shall become a permanent No grading shall occur outside the limits of the subdi unless a letter of permission is obtained from the own 28) the affected properties, A separate grading plan shall be submitted and approve separate grading permit issued for the borrow or dispc if located within the city limits. All slopes within this project shall be no steeper th; Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to anj proposed construction site within this project the de7 shall submit to and receive approval from the City En( for the proposed haul route. The developer shall corn] all conditions and requirements the City Engineer may with regards to the hauling operation. The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this project to prevent any off siltation. The developer shall provide erosion contrl measures and shall construct temporary desiltation/de Engineer. The basins and erosion control measures sh shown and specified on the grading plan and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 1 the start of any other grading operations. Prior to 29) 30) 31) 32) basins of type, size and location as approved by the 19 removal of any basins or facilities so constructed th served shall be protected by additional drainage faci slope erosion control measures and other methods requ I! 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall n the temporary basins and erosion control measures for of time satisfactory to the City Engineer and shall 2 their maintenance and satisfactory performance throug deposit and bonding in amounts and types suitable to Engineer. Additional drainage easements and drainage structures provided or installed as may be required by the Counl Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the Cil neer a The developer shall pay the current local drainage a] prior to approval of the final map for this project ' construct drainage systems in conformance with the M( Drainage Plan and City of Carlsbad Standards as requ the City Engineer. 33) 34) -6- PC RES0 NO. 2448 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 e 0 35) The owner of the subject property shall execute a hold harmless agreement regarding drainage across the adjac property prior to approval of the final map for this p The drainage system shall be designed to ensure that r resulting from a 10-year frequency storm of 6 hours or hours duration under developed conditions, is equal tc than the runoff from a storm of the same frequency and duration under existing developed conditions. 24 hour storm durations shall be analyzed to determine detention basin capacities necessary to accomplish the results. Prior facilities may satisfy this requiremer The developer shall make an offer of dedication to thc for all public streets and easements required by thest conditions or shown on the Tentative Map. The offer made by a Certificate on the Final Map for this prole land so offered shall be granted to the City free and all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the Ci Streets that are already public are not required to b rededicated. 36) Both 6 37) 38) Direct access riyhts for all lots abutting Calle Acer be waived on the final map. 39) Plans, specifications, and supporting documents for i improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction of Engineer. Prior to approval of a final map, the Sub( shall install, or agree to install and secure with ax 15 16 17 security as provided by law, improvements shown on tl tentative map and the following improvements to City to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: A. Full width street improvements on Calle Barcelon: collector street standards from Rancho Santa Fe the centerline of Calle Acervo. l8 I B. Full width street improvements on Calle Acervo t 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 boundary. C. West half plus 12 feet street improvements on Ca Acervo to collector street standards from the ce of Mission Estancia to the northerly limits of C boundary. D. Half width plus 12 feet street improvements on P Estancia to secondary arterial street standards centerline of Rancho Santa Fe Road to the Centel Calle Acervo. E. Construct a full width street barricade per staI drawing M-9.1 at the southerly end of Calle Ace] F. Install street lights along all street improvemc G. Sidewalks H. Curb and Gutters I. Wheelchair Ramps PC RES0 NO. 2448 -7- e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I' a 0 J. Street Striping K. Street Trees L. Water Improvements M . Sewer Improvements N, Storm Drain ImproverLents These improvements shall be constructed within 12 mont final map approval. 40) Street right-of-way for Calle San Blas as shown on the tentative map is specifically not approved. Calle Sar shall have a 56 foot right-of-way west of the intersec Avenida Anacapa and Calle San Blas. Sidewalks shall L installed on both sides of the street. 41) "The east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be widenc striped to provide a separate southbound left turn lar Calle Barcelona. The widening and/or striping shall f approximately 600 feet north of the intersection and approximately 400 feet south and shall be designed to satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall bc concurrently with the improvement of any portion of C, Barcelona. Similar widening and/or striping shall be Rancho Santa Fe Road at the intersection of Mision ESi the time Mision Estancia is constructed." 42) Within nine months after tentative map approval, deve shall have commenced construction of Rancho Santa Fe : between Olivenhain Road and Mision Estancia. Construt these improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be cc within fifteen months from tentative map approval. 43) "The developer shall sign an improvement agreement an for half street improvements at the intersection of R Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road at the time Rancho Road is improved." "A fully actuated traffic signal shall be designed an 144) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 installed at the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road Calle Barcelona at the sole expense of the developer. post a bond for the signal at the time of final map a for the first phase of the subdivision. The develope install the signal at the time the City Engineer dete the intersection meets warrants for the signal. This condition covers a signal for the three-legged inters shown, on Exhibit "A". If Mision Estancia West is cc prior to the need for a signal, the City will provide incremental increase in the cost for the four-legged intersection by fees or agreements." 45) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulz design requirements of the respective sewer and watei regarding services to the project. developer shall enter traffic signal improvement agre PC RES0 NO. 2448 -8- I l4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e 6) All concrete terrace drains shall be maintained by the homeowner's association (if on commonly owned property individual property owner (if on an individually owned An appropriately> worded statement clearly identifying responsibility shall be placed in the CC&R's. 47) Should the developer decide to final map and develop p out of numerical sequence with the approved phasing as on the tentative map all conditions required of the pr phases shall be completed unless otherwise approved b) City Engineer and the Land Use Planning Manager. 48) The Subdivider shall provide separate sewer, water, gz electric services with meters to each of the units. 49) Some improvements shown on the Tentative Map and/or rt by these conditions are located offsite on property wl neither the City nor the subdivider has sufficient ti. interest to permit the improvements to be made withou acquisition of title or interest. The subdivider sha conform to Section 20.16.095 of the Carlsbad Municipa 50) All plans, specifications, and supporting documents f improvements of this project shall be signed and seal Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Each she be signed and sealed, except that bound documents may signed and sealed on their first page. Additionally sheet of each set of plans shall have the following certificate: "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for I project, that I have exercised responsible charge ovc design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of i Business and Professions Code, and that the design ii consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined t only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, o responsibilities for project design. (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) Firm: Address: City, St.: Telephone: BY Date : 1 - (Name of Engineer) ReCeE, NO, # PC RES0 NO. 2448 -9- I s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 I,8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e m 51) The developer shall provide the City with a reproducib copy of the tentative map as approved by the Planning Commission. The, tentative map shall reflect the condi approval by the City. The map shall be submitted to t Engineer prior to improvement plan submittal and shall x 36" in size and of a quality and material satisfacto the City Engineer. 52) Prior to recordation of any final map for this develop this project, the owner shall give written consent to annexation of the area shown within the boundaries of Tentative Map into the existing City of Carlsbad Stree Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. 53) Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire twer months from the date of City Council approval unless i map is recorded. An extension may be requested by the applicant. Said extension shall be approved or deniec discretion of the City Council. In approving an extei the City Council may impose new conditions and may rei existing conditions . 54) Fill slopes shall be setback from all streets so as tc provide sight distances as required by city standards shall include slopes fronting Calle Acervo on Lots 30 304. 55) Street grades on Calle Acervo shall be no steeper tha percent within 200 feet of the centerline intersectio 1) Calle Acervo and Calle Barcelona, and 2) Calle Ace Calle San Blas or to the satisfaction of the City Eng Developer shall, prior to final map approval, enter i agreement with the City for the developer to pay a tr impact fee for the developer's share of mitigating an future traffic problems at and near the intersection Camino Real and Olivenhain Road, and at or near the intersection of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue. interim fees to be collected, at the time of buildins issuance, shall no exceed $250 per single family hous nor $200 per multiple family housing unit. The amour fees shall be determined by the City Council based or traffic impact study to be undertaken by the City anc concluded within six months after approval of applicz tentative tract map. 57) Prior to final map approval developer shall agree to participate in an assessment district to finalize tht construction and/or reconstruction of Rancho Santa Fc from La Costa Avenue to Melrose Avenue. A letter frc applicant to the satisfaction of the City Attorney, to participate in this assessment district shall sat r equi-rement . 56) I I PC RES0 NO. 2448 -1 0- I 8 1 2 e 0 Fire Conditions 58) The project must be served by a water main system with 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 shall be operational prior to combustible building mal being located on the project site. I 63) Brush clearance shall be maintained according to the specifications contained in the City of Carlsbad Lands Guidelines Manual. 64) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishing I ' automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent to i project shall be submitted to the Fire Department for 2rior to construction. Police Department Conditions: 165) A revised architectural design for Plan 2 shall be SUI to and approved by the Police Department prior to the 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 11 ///I //// //// //// I//// //// I//// 'PC RES0 NO- 2448 -11- d c. . 11 2 !B W PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, he 7l ABSENT: Commissioner L'Heureux. 1 10 CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Chairma I I 16 I I LOCATION: VISTA SANTA FE AREA 99B99 East of Rancho Santa Fe, South of Calle Barcelona E; m a W w I p qp q?f '-'v u! F-? ? "A GQt-? >m December 4, 1992 1, -2 15 1992 Mr Lloyd Hubbs CITY OF CARLSBAD EN G 8. N EERi DIG R 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad CA 92009 GI'rY 0% CA RE: Vista Santa Fe, Area 'B' CT85-9, LCDP85-1 Dear Mr Hubbs, We hereby request a one year extension of time for Vista Santa Fe, Tentat Map CT85-9. The City has advised us that upon certification of the city wide Mello-Rc Community Facilities District on June 14, 1991 tolling of the expiration t ceased. January 31 , 1993. This project is located in Local Facilities Management Zone 1 I. As such, final map can record until a guaranteed funding source is secured for 1 facilities specified in the Management Plan. During the last three years i property owners have pursued formation of Assessment District No. 91 -1 guarantee the funding. The extension of time is necessary to allow sufficit time for the District formation and final map to record. Very truly yours, The City further advised tentative map CT85-9 would expire ED G/ja h cc: Sherman Harmer Craig Beam Ed Dominquez John Rick 322.6.3 \< IiI I-iOI EXt-