HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-11; City Council; 12224; Housing Commission AppointmentsS' # c. 0 a a, R 0 u -m ow c, u) -d ald rl "I bl &lw F: a0 uc -4 d (( 4 ha ma, Qld Oh 55: Ea Gz a,& ea .d 3 b, .d u) e- 3 .d 03 ?I& d OD w5 0 32 an 'a - [R rd .i al+, 90 00 ap: .5 2 a. - a hG Q) E: a,?I 5 ab& "aE2 2%= a, 0-drl d u=roal 4JR a, qo s orlzrl maalld m hc, Q) hrl% 8 a,'& +sac, Sc, -a 6aGh oa,oa rb md cca,a,a, mchk B Ecr3 Qrl u -I"! u ..i h 4-t .rl G c3u Q)=1QE: soldrd :+ucz E vi mm mm \\ -la, 44 \\ mm ~, z .. 9 L a : 2 3 0 0 CI@ OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL AB#AL,&QL DEP' TITLE MTG. 5/11/93 CITY DEPT. RED. CITY HOUSING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt City Council Resolution No. 9 3 - IY I appointing seven (7) members to Housing Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION On April 13, 1993, the Carlsbad City Council adopted an ordinance amending Cha] 2.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to replace previous provisions for a Housing Redevelopment Advisory Committee with new provisions for a Housing Commissj The ordinance will be effective as of May 13, 1993. The Housing Commission will serve in an advisory capacity to the Housing Redevelopment Commission and/or City Council as either body may request on is! involving, but not limited to, the following: 0 establishment or amendment of affordable housing programs, policies regulations; establishment of affordable housing agreements; and, e review of affordable housing projects including project concept, affordab: objectives and requests for city participation or incentives. The Housing Commission shall consist of seven (7) members to include two (2) ten assisted by the Carlsbad Housing Authority, one (1) member of the Plan1 Commission, and four (4) citizens with experience and expertise within the field development, construction, real estate, social services, housing advocacy, plann architecture and/or finance. On April 23, 1993, an article appeared in the Blade Citizen encouraging local citi: to submit applications for the Commission. Also, the Housing and Redevelopr Department forwarded letters to various organizations, businesses and individuals invj applications. Attached, as Exhibit 2, is a chart which provides a summary of applicants and their related experience and expertise. Copies of the applications rece to date are also attached fclr City Council review. It is important to note that members of the new Housing Commission are subject tc Political Reform Act and must file Statements of Economic Interests. Each membe the Commission will be required to make a written disclosure of any direct or ind financial interest in any housing project or in any property included or planned to 1 ~ < e. 4 a n PAGE 2 - AB# I 2,227 included in any housing project. EXHIBITS: 1 - Resolution No. 9 3 - 1 7 L , appointing seven (7) members to the City of Cads1 Housing Commission. 2 - Summary of applicants with related experience and expertise 3 - Copies of applications \ d .. 1 2 3 e e RESOLUTION NO. 93-141 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING NINE (9) MEMBERS TO THE: HOUSING COMMISSION 4 5 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has declared that a Housing Commissic 6 7 8 9 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34291 is necessary for the implemen formation of various housing programs; and, WHEREAS, on April 13, 1993, the City Council adopted an ordinance 10 and Redevelopment Advisory Committee with new provisions for a Housing Co 11 Chapter 2.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to replace previous provisions for 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City oi 13 3.4 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 15 16 2. That after the initial term, the members shall serve four year tern 17 exception of the Planning Commission member who shall serve a two year tern: 18 3. That the initial term shall be three (3) years for four members; fou I’ 1 for four members and two (2) years for the Planning Commission member. 20 4. That the following persons are hereby appointed to serve as memt 21 Carlsbad Housing Commission for the terms noted above and approved by the Cil 22 23 Ill 24 111 California, as follows; 25 /// 26 , I// 27 28 , > " 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 9 Cheri Sat0 Marvin Peterson Bailev Noble Jenv Rombotis Doug Avis Edward Scarpelli Ofelia Escobedo Nancv Calverlev Kathleen Wellman PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting c X? /I Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 18th day of MAY , 1993 by the folk 1311 to wit: 14 I/ /I AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnil' 15 l6 // NOES: None I? I! ABSENT: None 11 AJ 2o I 21 22 23 Attest: 24 11 25 26 27 (SEAL) 28 \ e 0 EXHIBIT 2 < z s rncA rn ar OU *3 "z !$ z! s x 0 0 , z 8 !E? us !a 0 u .$ -8 &% 3 0 m M AL?5bd;cW BOARDI(S1 AND/OR CO"ISSIONI(SI ' .._ , APPLICATION FOR APPOMTMENT (Please print or type.) ::3 3 APR fib of 1 ( : '. r, ~0L's;I; NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: 'T 2. Fcqr; (New) Housing Commission NAME: John Jones . ADDRESS: 3044 (6) State Street CIFY: Carlsbad, California ZIP CODE: 97008 HOME PHONE: 720-0795 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Retired BUSINESS NAME: T. Jones Associates C BUSINESS ADDRESS: (Retired) WORK PHONE: "- U. S. Citizenship (required for'a/j appoinenencs) X Yes No Resident of Carlsbad @reference given to residents) x Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad {required for some commissions) Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board@) or Commission(s) on wh I wish to serve; I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Cit Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be inten/iewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a commit designated by the CityRuncil or at the request of an individual Council Membc X April 7,. 1993 (Continued on reverse side) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 4344 0 0 EDUCATION Grades 1 through. 12 Six months Business Education - Night School (Electronics) at Dayton University EXPERIENCE 1 - 45 years electrical contractor (Commercial/Residential) 2 - Some architectural experience (drawing and design) 3 - Planning of layouts (lots, sizes, draipage, water supply, electrical supply, gas and sewer) t WU'sORY ~fi~~~~~- 4 - Good common sense - COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 1 - Skateboard. Committees (I and 2) 2 - League of Women Voters 3 - Active in City Planning (participation and citizen input) 4 - Active in City Government (participation and citizen inpu 5 - Merchants' Association (Carlsbad Village)(powrvro~~] 6 - Workshops of many kinds (Parks R Rec., Planning Commissio. General City Planning, Traffic) I clfY PGF) (rrlrsr~'~ PLPR V~RK j ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS I know I can be of great assistance to this committee. I have at le st two of the preferred.qualifications,'i.e. con- tracting and&rchitecture] (minor amount, not AIA approved). I live in one of the quadrants and can visualize the needs of the area (North West Quadrant), , e i- 3 0 I s... - .": : i; -. C( 'i' y ,"? E - "L.2,fi'S GFf j O? ::;? ?" .. 3 & p: 2 .- ._ APPuCATION FOR APpo~ 5-5-93 r ; -,- 1.' (\ I ~ -- BOARD(S) AND/OR CO"ISSION61 -u 4i: . 1 T CLfiLSBA] (Please print or we.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: tJDU.S/MA E 5 hm 1551 on/. NAME: i!zMflLD P/cHHeD de CAOLY- ADDRESS: &B/o u.ug &. S&fKi!d . CITY: &&a SUB & ZIP CODE: 920D9 . HOME PHONE: d/J- 4"95%9 PRESENT OCCUPATION: P//EC4& 3u/Neg 0~"W BUSINESS NAME: GUEW 4A3'50C /A-/&s BUSINESS ADDRESS: /%?d/ dO&/k F/ k??/>O /10-74 (d , ~5 WORK PHONE: ?+36/- 75/0 U. S, Citizenship (required kv all bsopointments) .2ps - I+ Resident of Carlsbad @reference given to residents) x Yes r Registered voter in Carlsbad (requhd fw some ~ommlsslons) I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on ' I am willing to ilk financial disclosure statements as requlred by the State's or 1. am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a cor t the request of an individual Council Mer ,+y= r I wish to serve; Confllct of Interest codes; (Continued on reverse side) \ 0 0 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND of Ronald R. Kirchoff Mr. Kirchoff is a highly experienced and accomplished professional Builder/Develop backed by over 20 years of outstanding real estate performance. Ron has established a tract record of bottom line results and strong leadership qualities. 1 uses a team approach to develop projects resulting in his development teams receivi numerous industy honors including the coveted MAME, Target, Gold Nugget .and Builc of the Year Awards. As President and owner of Richland Homes, he recently acted as the General Partner the planning and design of a 372 single family unit project in Victorville California. Serving as Vice President of Kaiser Development Company beginning in 1981, he initia. and directed all residential development, land acquisition, planning, product desj construction, sales & marketing, and customer service in Rancho California. Ron 2 managed and coordinated adveriising and overall community image building for 7 rn: builders, and 12 different residential projects within Rancho California. Mr. Kirchoff was as President of R.M.A. & Associates, Civil Engineering, Land Plann firm in Orange County, California specializing in Residential, Commercial and Indust projects. Ron served as Vice President/Operations for Genstar Housing Partners, a Joint Vent Residential Financial Partnership, where he traveled the Western United States evalua. real estate projects. As Manager of Planning & Engineering, and Director of Operations for the Mission V Company for eight years, Ron worked in both the California and Colorado divisions. In capacity he delivered annually 1500 fully improved lots, and maintained over 3000 lo1 the development process during a period of intense demand, including Lake Mission V: a 150 surface acre full body contact lake. His is a veteran of the United States Navy and has resided in Southern California fo years. Ron and his wife Rose live in Carlsbad, California and have three grown childre: living in Southern California. , 0 Ronald R. Kirchoff 6810 Urubu Street Carkbrrci, CA 92009 (619) 438-9470 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND SUMMARY: A proven tract record of achievement and success in the Residential Home Building industry. A profit oriented problem solver who uses a team approach for project development. Recipient of many building industry awards including the coveted Gold Nugget, MAME, Target and Builder of the Year. Accountable for overall project profitability with annual sales of $45,000,000. FINANCIAL: Develops project feasibility studies, cash flows and annual capital expenditure forecasts. Creates divisional operating and construction budgets. Negotiates and approves contracts with lending, mortgage and escrow companies. Experience in special assessment district financing, using Mello Roos, Street Improvement Acts, Bond Financing and Special Assessment Districts. SALES & Directs design team in overall project design including land MARKETING: planning issues and product design criteria. Contracts for and approves final design for interior decorating of model homes and sales offices. Lead management team in creating a conceptual plan for a 1200 acre, multi-mixed residential community, applying Research Institute's "VAL'S" program, (Values, Attitudes, & Lifestyles). Manages project advertising and community public relations events. Developed major advertising programs to attract merchant builders resulting in accelerated land sales and joint development agreement for real estate projects. Coordinated advertising and overall community image for 7 major builders, and 12 residential projects. Responsible for the development of all collateral materials for product advertising and implementation of media placement schedules. Supervised design and construction of a 6,000 sq. ft. on-site information center. sophisticated market research data from the Stanford Ronald R. Kirchoff ?age 2 0 e Generated computer software for tracking and gauging result of the sales and marketing process including budget and media placement schedules. Hired/trained and motivated sales staff generating 350 sales per year. LAND PLANNING Responsible for land planning issues from initial concept GOVERNMENTAL through revisions of approved specific plans. Develops and retains on-going relations with government agencies for project approval and acceptance. Secured governmental entitlement on projects ranging from strip commercial to large master planned communities. Projects have been located in California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington and Colorado. Coordinated efforts of government agencies and private individuals to build schools, fire station, library, church and shopping centers within the projects. CONSTRUCTION: Managed annual construction budget in excess of $30,000,000. Establishes and maintains construction schedules. Directs purchasing and field construction operations to produce over 500 homes annually. Constructed recreation centers, golf courses, swimming pools and tennis courts. Directed major infrastructure and earth moving projects, including creation of a 150 surface acre manmade recreational lake. Responsible for all project landscaping, from design through acceptance by Home Owner Association or governmental agency for on-going maintenance. Controlled overall project appearance to guarantee best possible image to the buying public. Developed computer software for tracking the development and construction process, including budgets, customer service and new home warranty program. Licensed California Real Estate Broker 0 Ronald Kirchoff e I_ 6810 Umbu Street CarLrbari, CA 92009 (619)43&9470 .. 1989 - Present Ballew & Associates - Vice President Planninq/Architectu -. Director of business development. Provides management consultir services for new and existing projects. Responsibilities include evaluatir project performance. Designs and implements new marketing strategil and sales programs to .ensure success of new and/or existing troublc projects. 1981 - 1989 Kaiser DeveloDment - Vice President Builder/Develoc Engaged in all aspects of sales and marketing efforts for this 97,000 ac master planned community. Responsible for all residential developm( active, generating annual sales in excess of 45,000,000. Implement program to attract merchant residential builders and commercial prope developers to Rancho California, coordinated advertising and overall ima for 7 major commercial and residential builders. Directed property sales v\ full development entitlement and zoning for commercial, industrial, a residential. Negotiated lease and tenant improvements for commercial z industrial properties. 1979 - 1981 Ron W. Martin & Associates - President Civil Enaineer Directed civil engineering design and land planning projects for builc developer clients, securing the necessary governmental entitlement development. Provided engineering support for special assessment dist financing, including coast estimating and construction managem services. 1977 - 1979 Butler Housina CorDoration - V.P. Operations Builder/Develo Responsible for real property management and development operation 3 western states - California, Nevada and Washington. 1976 - 1977 Genstar Housina Partners - Vice President CaDital Joint Ven. Traveled Western United States evaluating real property for possible j venture agreements. Conducted proforma analyses for raw I acquisition, new housing developments and condo conversions. Actec Managing Agent for joint venture capital partners. 1969 - 1976 Mission Vieio ComDanv - Director of Operations Builder/Develc Director of Operations for projects in Mission Viejo California and Color: Managed operations for commercial, residential and recreational projel I_ 0 e Ronald ffirchoff 6810 Umbu Street Carkbad, C4 92009 (619)438-9470 Professional & Personal References Fred Richardson. Vice President Wells, Rich, Greene,West 2029 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067 (310) 447-8555 Doug Kulberg. President/Owner Kulberg, LTD 27710 Jefferson Ave Temecula, CA 92390 (909) 676-4646 Marcv L. Farenbauph. President Rosewood Escrow 41530 Enterprise Circle South, S-120 Temecula, CA 92590 (909) 676-3050 Warren Tornan. President/Owner The Toman Company 18002 Sky Park Circle Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 261-1212 Les Goodman. President/Owner Goodrnan/Hixson & Company 4330 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 727-0555 Sue Firestone. Presidedowner Design 1 Interiors Two Century Plaza 30th Floor 2049 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067 (310) 553-5032, ext 211 William Perlette. Owner Get Paged 27630 Commerce Center Drive, S-A Temecula, CA 92390 (909) 676-6166 AI Gobar, President/Owner Alfred Gobar Associates 721 Kimberly Placentia, CA 92670-6300 (714) 524-1000 John Ballew. President/Owner Ballew & Associates 1401 North Camino Real, S-10 San Clemente, CA 92672 (714) 361-7510 Jim Hogan, President/Owner H.R.P. Landscaping 3242 Halladay, Suite 203 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 557-5852 Harold Meyers. Vice Presidenl Kulberg, LTD Temecula, CA 92390 27710 Jefferson Ave (909) 676-4646 Todd Helrneke. President/& Vista Strategies P.O. Box 6151 Sun Valley, ID 83353 (208) 726-2332 Tern Stahl. Vice President Associated Design Services 3184 Airway Avenue, Bldg D Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 556-1601 Rex Kitter, President Pacific Soils Engineering 10653 Progress Way Cypress, CA 90630 (714) 220-0770 APPLICATION FOR APPOtNTMENT BOARD61 AND/OR COMMISSION(SI w &.kGnw& (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: em n/7 /SS/b+ - NAME: J- c cTzbLy elw4a7GJ / J ADDRESS: / x?o 69 LA Jo rt- CITY: c5+wzG69o ZIP CODE: 9 20 0 9 HOME PHONE: 72 7 PRESENT OCCUPATION:. sU,i Q/N cA W~~~f~rr~ F~~M'MHQR BUSINESS NAME: J azos". 53 A7 9prr?&cz BUSINESS ADDFEEL& G G-1 WORK PHONE: 72' 9 // U. S. Citizenship (required for all qywhtments) des N Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) 4es h / 3-08 0 , Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) As F I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on I I am willing to 4lto financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or ( I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a com e request of an individual Council Men I wish to me; Conflict d Interest codes; E: 477 (Continued on reverse side) "' 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434 0 e EDUCATION 3- y&-&n3 (c LLGLG EXpERlENCE 8 /& ( fl@- @e +y/4,4 04 4 ,ss ,-d + g tZA1Z #BOS/Y& / % EGD&&LBpeM=/Y7 f 3 &q2z4fZ YaGs-/sy fEJLrrc3 ZQ4.3 flE"WEL /SU&W /33&SfEA @L&-O fZZC.)Ll€"I CQf3-7 , 8 @ &NEZAct L6Y/-doa, &#f& /9"2L d0ry 2? ~+e==-xs3 5&z7,LJ,43&"- x-9- DRcrcLoFgv*le- p- LCKFK~EZ-~C (5 /W &a/& &megLc/&L 'P &S/~KN#AL I L APf?FLfW&-C o.d-e&% 53. m9-4G-45L 30 f ye+62-.=l COMMUNITY ACTlVlTlE ""JY gdzy c462c5b 0 /" cbAy/n&-Jz. c.c Y mEMd 7 ,c-d 63bLL5AD za C.5vk 25' + J CNdeZ- 75- Zn.3-s e-Z/ca / De" C&J7CS&&D &OW nS56=r4rt-+ BernGLo aras-aL3 L- ez&aJ- ')7EdrE&z /LJo&zD dF -PmL="d 6r cArlLs- 6f&5 &L& flk?~~~~Rac~~ ,. {~~/7~&7~o~~~ q&0d8ycE.j fiw,pVcg [ Qrs? cwfi/mhw> ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS / THNk / Lo.- &- 4 3"s /4-.*4/y5 ~w-- A %Is d m/3i,,ss fb4, I b- o 0 ;,li:"L; I, LJ .. ., ' ' :,IT i ir+..-.l,t\ -, \, p: F?.+'#S cFi &f+,z' y, '93 PH 6' c :: .T ..; f. -. ..- I , ": i;SLSf APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S1 AND/OR CO"ISSION(S1 53-43 " -w (Please p&t or type..) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: HOUSING COMMISSION NAME: D. Larry Clemens ADDRESS: 100 Tenth Street Clri: HOME PHONE: 619/755-2559 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Vice President/General Manaper Del Mar, CA ZIP CODE: 9'2014 BUSINESS NAME: Hillman Properties BuslNEsS ADDRESS: 2011 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 206. Carlsb; WORK PHONE: 619/931-1190 U. S. Citizenship (required for a// appointments) X Yes n Resident of Carlsbad @reference given to residents) YeS Xh Registered voter in Carlsbad. (required for some commissions) Yes -x h I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on c I am willing to file nnanclal disclosure statements as required by the State's or C I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a coml designated by City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men SIGNATURE: x&f-h r/JI DATE: ' 4bgh3 I wish to serve; Conflict of Interest codes: (Continued on reverse side) 0 e BIOGRAPHY D. LARRY CLEMENS VICE PRESIDENT/GENERAL MANGER HILLMAN PROPERTIES WEST. INC. Larry Clemens is vice president and general manager of Hillman Properties West, Inc. of Carlsbad, California. Headquartered in Newport Beach, California, Hillman Properties is one of the nation’s top-ranked developers. As vice president/general manager, Clemens oversees all aspects of development of Aviara, a $1 billion master- planned community being developed by Hillman in Soutl Carlsbad. Prior to joining Hillman Properties, Clemens served as v president of Hunt Properties, Inc., previous owner of the Aviara property. Clemens was responsible for administe: and coordinating all project stages including planning, engineering, concept design and government approvals. Before joining Hunt Properties, Clemens was founder ar chief executive officer of Utility Specialists, Inc., Califon first and largest utility consulting firm. As a majority stockholder/owner of the firm, Clemens was responsible all business decisions, marketing programs and political liaisons, 0 ,- e D. LARRY CLEMENS Biography Page Two Clemens was previously assistant to the president of San Diego Gas and Electric Company where he was responsit for company relations, inter-management, managerial assignments, California Public Utilities Commission affair community liaison. Clemens was the 1992 President of the Building Industry Association (BIA) of San Diego County, having served ei years on the BIA Board of Directors and a member sinct 1975. He is the 1993 Chairman of the BIA President’s Council and Chairman of the BIA Past Presidents. He a served on the Board of Directors of Housing @portunit Inc.; the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club; the Carlsbad Pal of the Arts Foundation and the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Clemens serves on the President’s Advisory Committee for the California State University - San Mar and is a past elected board member of the Leucadia COI Water District. In addition, Clemens was chairman of the San Diego Co Chairman’s Housing Committee; Construction Industry Federation (CIF); immediate past chairman of Political Policies Committee and Political Action Committee Boa Governors. and developer relations. He also served as the firm’s Clemens is a third generation San Diegan and holds a bachelor of arts degree from San Diego State University public administration and studied law at Western States School. Clemens resides in Del Mar, California. ### Rev: 1/ 13/93 0 0 __" ., . ,, .. / ' . . .. ,- -. /. ,, APPLICAnON FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S1 AND/OR CO"ISSION(S1 (Please print or type.) NAME@) OF BOARD@) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: *?f 0c7ji /In I 9~ /fy~p/e: /c Prn cfi J- A~L ,J cd- y' r', .n m I++ c ~ -~~ ~ ~~ /' NAME: Dctv fi ~,4~~/~~ J ~,./t- CJ ADDRESS: 2.26 7 ' L! -2 ,- U b,, ./ / CITY: Gc~~~II~/~Y~ ZIP CODE: 'in CTb HOME PHONE: c/q) .7j" .. c;o 20 PRESENT OCCUPATION: . (7 rd7 p/c / /? o #> /((/ CP BUSINESS NAME: C//Q 59 v L-0 5 %l BUSINESS ADDRESS: E)/*. 7 L. l; H? I. n c v'c. J)? a// WORK PHONE: 21- c q/3 U. S. Citizenship (required ford/ appointments) /Yes Nc Resident of Carlsbad @reference given to residents) Yes . P'N~ Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) Yes / NI I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on MI I wish to serve; I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as requlred by the State's or C Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a comn designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Meml SIGNATURE: G;;?, %A q*d. DATE: y- ;7 g - q3 (Continued on reverse side) 0 0. EDUCATION 24/42. L'L'3.Y.I. LC&.? . j,/!!4LLd " 6,- L4'4 7 & " &Z-c/ k L i ".fp /LZ+i&j d"Z" 1- /L&' p- 2- p+.pp- (ALPf-, c/ EXPERIENCE &AC>-a-2/ L*+d .. L' 7 .cc'z-;.r .. 2-J Ad P-3L.4u+ "u* J7.? flnLi L?.%/LJY 4 jL+ -p /5' LyL/)L;I , f&5,/ LL,2.-l+L/ m &&a/ .&.z -f=d .&"w.&c,). ,yz2 d Lkd "".Z4 yz.cepJ L' ,/l. fzr -,&44 G .,/z&LuL*&7 /t.x-yc4 P"t 2- p?L?iFJl&?yd 7 - &&&4 &vz4r-? &++? w I .he-> /7> wdd/ -4-f r2-S y.1' 7. /!4&L /LA4%&, J2 A'". &. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 4~2% d< /j&,G- d-2~' .&2& ,L pJ &.A:> A-dx .,A:.st,A..t CY A&/ ~{.,~'&/.+&~, *. A&" .4:..* z 2 7- Ly. /:'%2 - zzLLL.4; '7, L& ./ LCT744,Y -477 .,fw/LA7 '"7 2& Lp"" /<4 7 Jp;-w.4$'.-L* +CY &?+f p4 Jp+2& GY /r /Li &'A - 42 A+-ZW' \5 ,LpA 7 J-k- y#<>&bt' - flji?! dud &;.J& - /JY Q - h: f, c dy.L?cLt-) A'& ei-n'.' PAL* ,I ., ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS (? n ,//-/)7 bl; ,,x'J A< p /,,PAY* ,& G /E/+& . r J G. 4 €6, i;& €IL \ ct lldi d,./7Lk/ tiXii5-:272 30 Ai13 0 0 .. ~ APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD[S) AND/OR COMMISSION61 (Please print or type.) -2_ NAME(S) OF SOARD(S) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: CARLSBAD HOUSING COMMISSION NAME: ADDRESS: CIN: HOME PHONE: RONALD E. WYLIE - 40373 SAN'JIA CREEK DR. FALLBROOK, CA ZIP CODE: 92028 ."" [619] 728-6287 PRESENT OCCUPATION: ARCHITECT BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: SAME AS ABOVE WORK PHONE: - DESIGN HAUS ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATES, INC. [619) 728-6287 U. S. Citizenship (r(jqu/red for a11 appointments) XX Yes No Resident of Csrlskad (preference given to residents) Yes xx No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) Yes xx No I am familiar with !!-e responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on wh I am willing to flts flnanclrtl disclosure statements as required by the State's or CR Cmflld a? Interest codes: i am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a commit designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Membc I wish to !;ewe; SIGNATURE: DATE: (Continued on revetxe side) PLEASE SEE ATTACHED SUMMARY e 0 .. .. ~ .. . Ronald E, Wylie, Architect Principal, Design Haus Architectural Associates, Inc. cl"u EDUCATION... Ron Wylie received his Bachelor of Architecture from California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, California. While there he also received various honored recognitions €or his design work and won a national competition award for an innovative design proposal for a large scale retirement community coincidentially to be located in Escondido, Ca. & REDEVELOPMENT' AND URBAN REVITALIZATION... During his years in San Luis Obispo he worked with a local builder on several small scale development projects, -and was also quite involved with the design and planning for the much needed "redevelopment" of the downtown area. This area also included an adjacent creek bed and a major roadway directly infront of the San Luis Obispo Mission. This area and its related design studies would later become known as the "Mission Plaza Plan" as would ultimately become an overwhelming success story which would be studied and emulated by communities. throughout the west. CONSTRUCTION and INSPECTION EXPERIENCE ... @> During this time he also was employed by th.e United States Forest Service receiving most valuable experience not only in architectural design, but in both contract administration and construction inspection. All of which contributed to his insight and professional knowledge of the construction process and has led to a continued professional relationship with the Forest Service on many recreational and resort oriented projects. SETTLED IN SAN DIEGO IN 1969,.. Ron Wylie has pursued his architectural career here in the area for well over twenty years. During such time he has also been involved in the design and planning of many successful residential projects and communities throughout both San Diego and other growing areas in the southwest. 0 0 Resume' Page 2 .. - .. ." . . . .. - .. ~~ @ PROJECTS and CLIENTS,,, From "low-cost" starter homes, to mid-range, and "upper-end" products; projects have ranged from "single-family" homes, duplexes and triplexes, to 3 and 400 unit apartment or condominium projects, including some complete "new town" plans some even including "ski-resorts" complete with ski- facilities, others, water oriented with complete marinas and dock facilities. Developer clients with whom Ron Wylie has had personal experience, both large and small, include Kaufman and Broad, William Lyons Co., Jim Peters and Ponderosa Homes, Larwin and Kaiser Aetna. @ LICENSE AND FORMATION OF DESIGN HAUS ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATES Ron Wylie received his California State Architectural License 1973, and became a principal partner in his own firm in 1975 specializing in residential design on a "more personal" basis and small commercial projects. In 1979 Design Haus Architectural Associates was founded as a full-service architectural firm with a "Team Approach" to planning and design. The firm was incorporated in 1981 with Ron Wylie as President, and Principal Architect. @ ' AWARDS*** Also in 1975, Ron Wylie received an Award for the creative and innovative design and construction of his own home on a most limiting "25 ft." lot in the San Diego Area. The design of the home demostrated an extraordinary sense of space, privacy and creative use of the available lot area and was featured on the cover of "Sunset" magazine as a result of this award. Since its inception, Design Haus has successfulIy incorporated a high degree of design excellence into its work combined with an unusual balance of practical construction sensitivity and economic awareness. The firm received a 1982 "SAM" Award of Excellence for the design in the attached housing division. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY... During the 70's and 80's Ron Wylie "lectured" as an associate professor at the university for several years. The "Design of the Contemporary House" was among the courses he taught. He received a great deal of personal gratification associated with the high degree of positive response his course instruction received from both the students and his peers in the professional community. @ 0 0 . .. . Resume' Page 3 . .. . .. .~ @ SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AND WORLD'S RECORD... In 1983 as an effort to demonstrate that efficient and affordable housing can be both designed and built, here in So. Calif., "Design Haus" teamed up with the San Diego chapter of the California Building Industry Association (BIA), C.E. Wylie Construction (no relation), and several hundred other contractors, sub-contractors and their workers. Together, with many months of careful planning and refinement the "Team" successfully set a "World's Record" for the "Construction" of a creative, Design Haus conceived, 1500 s.f. home. The home was constructed from "the ground up", totally complete: painted, carpeted, lights on, landscaped and sprinklers on in 2 HOURS AND 50 MINUTES!. .. It was "field built" using construction practices and technologies that are standards of the industry. It was not outstanding design, exhaustive planning and fantastic coordination. It is very likely this achievement will be remain a "Record" for some time to come. "pre-fab" nor factory built, It represented simply 42 MODULAR AND FACTORY BUILT PRODUCT DESIGN ... Several "low-cost", and, or "factory-built" projects which were designed by Design Haus were most innovative, and were either built or planned for the "Indio-Coechello" Valley area. These design, solutions were exceptional in that they provided for "homes" that looked like "homes"; and did not carry the "look" and stigma of "temporary" or "factory-built" with them. 0 "HIGHER END" PROJECTS... Other Quality housing projects include beautiful developments completed many successful projects which would be classified as being "upper-end", some located in the Rancho Santa Fe area, designed for Gene Klein and others, several in the Palm Springs area for Freeman Development Co., J. Franks Development and others, and several others planned, approved but not as yet built in the general Lake Arrowhead area. located throughout the San Diego area, The firm has also (9 VARIED PROJECT TYPES ... To date, in addition to a large background in housing of all types as well as "developer oriented" merchant built programs, Design Haus has a great deal of expertise in the planning and design of commercial shopping centers, office and industrial parks, resort and hotel projects, apartment and condominium developments, as well as commercial renovations. 0 0 .. ." . . Resume' .. . Page 4 Ron Wylie has been personally responsible for the planning and processing of design oriented projects located not only throughout Southern California, but also in Central and Northern California, Arizona, Alaska, Colorado, Utah, and T'exa s. COMMUNITY SERVICE AND APPOINTMENTS... @ While in located in the San Dfego area Ron Wylie served several terms as a member of the Pacific Beach Community Planning Group. During the ~O'S, Ron Wylie was appointed by San Diego City Councilman Mike Gotch's Office to the as a respresentative to the "Project Design and Planning Review Committee" for San Diego's SANDOR PROJECT, a major scale "Trash to Energy" project which was being proposed jointly by ' the City, County at large, and Private Sector. Ron Wylie was voted to Chair this committee and contributed greatly to the shaping of the committee into one of review and "Positive Inpu t ". The project was eventually abandoned by the "Signal Group" in the face of layers of California bureaucracy and mounting public fear and opposition to the project. During the same general period Ron Wylie also served as Architect and Advisor to a local community group "Friends of Tecolote" in facilitating the conceptual design of a desired "Visitor's Center" for their natural park area. Soon after. relocating to San Diego's "North County": Fallbrook, he was appointed to the Fallbrook Design Review Board on which he has now served several years. He was also named a member of the Pic0 Promenade Citizens Advisory Committee which laid the groundwork for the development of a Master Plan for the eventual creation of a "Linear Park and Waterway" which will be the "jewel" of downtown Fallbrook in years to come. RELATED REGISTRATIONS AND MEMBERSHIPS... @ Ron Wylie is also a member of the N.C.A.R.B., a national registration board, and, is also licensed in the State of Arizona. Over the years due to his strong interest in the construction of projects with which he has been involved, Ron Wylie has also acquired a building contractor's license in the State of California. 0 0 . .. Resume' Page 5 .. .. . a UNIQUE ARCHITECT As an accomplished "design" architect, Ron Wylie is somewhat unique, in that he particularly enjoys working with his hands, and has especially enjoyed the time he has put in "swinging the hammer". He takes great pride in his understanding of building environments which others will enjoy and prosper in for years to come. construction, and the time he has spent actually designing and , 0 * .. .. .. . . ." . . .. RESUME' COVER - DESIGN HAUS ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATES, INC. RONALD E. WYLIE, Architect President Principal, Practicing Architect, Planner, Construction Manager Ron Wylie's background is firmly founded with his several of his younger "formative" years having been spent working with and being trained by the U.S. Forest Service, Dept. of Agricultu're. During these years he was employed "on" the Angeles National Forest, however he spent much of his time working directly with the "Regional" office, Dept. of Architecture and Planning located in San Francisco. During his term he was directly involved with many areas of "Land Use" Planning, evaluation, design, development, management, and maintenance. On the "Angeles" he worked the rugged mountian terrain as a tean member on survey crews. He also was trained and responsible f the master planning of various "facility developments" including not only the building, site circulation and access, but the planning and engineering for the complete Utility System Design foi entire sites. This included roads, trails, drainage structures, and bin-wall designs, electrical, telephone, both gasoline and propane facilities, septic design, and often even included not only the water storage and distribution system design (for both domestic, service and fire) but also even the evalution, planning and design for the provision of the "Source of the Water" itself. He was also involved in the design, planning, construction inspection, and "follow-up" / and evaluation of many recreation buildings, visitor centers and "multi-purpose buiidings, restroom facilities, firestations and "bunk-houses" for "fire-teams", residences, "gas and oil canopies", as well as several road building, grading and paving, drainage structures and "heli-port" projects. After leaving the employ of the Forest Service, he maintained his relationship with the "Forest Service" and certainly retained the strong influences which he had picked up there during his years c employment. Because of this fondness for the "mountians and the forest" and, both the beauty and challenging work one can find there, Ron went on in following years always anxious to not only spend almost all available vacation time in the "Forests and Mountians", but also to pursue any job that presented an opportunity to work there even though his architectural practice had become located in the San Diego area. 0 0 Resume Page .2 .. . .. .. . Design Haus was retained directly by the Forest Service to providc the Construction Documents for two small Recreation and "Visitor Information Pavillion" / Pole-type structures which were constructed in the Laguna Mountains on the "Cleavelend National Council to design a major lodge type / multi-purpose building in the Big Bear area on the "San Bernardino National Forest". Forest", Ron Wylfe was later retained by the Angeles Girl Scout He also personally developed and prepared the master plan and all related studies for a small destination resort located just south of Yosemite on the "Sierra National Forest". The resort operator(s) had hopes of "growing" with tremendous redevelopment ambitions that did not initially appear to be "in-line" with the apparrent direction of local Forest Service directives. Several meetings, discussions and sketches opened a dialogue that led to a most successful commonality of goal and purpose. After the completion and Forest Service Approval of the master plan, Ron assisted the resort permitee in the preparation of a "Final Development Plan Document" which was in keeping with the approved "Master Plan" and was subsequently approved and adopted by both t Forest Service and the resort. Today the resort is beautiful, and tremendously successful as it i well into its "growth" and redevelopment mode and is proving to be a real asset to the area. Early in his professional practice as a Principal in his own firm, Ron worked with the "Young Life" staff in the development of the Concept Master Plan for the "Oakbridge" Sports Camp now located near Romona, Ca. Ron's firm was responsible not only for the master planning and design, and its subsequent County Approval, bu the firm also came up with the name "Oakbridge", the Logo for the Camp, and all the related Letterhead, stationary, etc. Today the Camp is a well recognized success and is indeed an asset to the youth of our area. Ron also personally worked with ncommitteen members in San Diego with their respective and somewhat diverse or "fractionalized" dreams related to a "Natural Park Visitor's Center" for the Tecolote Canyon Park located in the City of San Diego. After planning and preparation, Ron with his background with the "Park and Forest Service" and related visitor and recreation facilities, together with his personal design and "sketch" abilities was able to in just one meeting listen to the committee's input and then "sketch-out" the design that they had all been looking for. e e Re-sume' "- Page 3 .~ With the group's enthusiastic approval, he Chen went on and prepared a finished, colored architectural rendering which received unanimous acclaim from the committee and was then presented to anc received approval by the City Council. Ron has master planned and designed many other recreation and resorts which include complete new-town and related ski-resort facilities at Park City, Utah; Breckenridge, Colorado, and China. Peak, California. As Architect and Principal of Design Haus, Ron has also been involved in several other large resort and, or "Hotel" projects of significant scale including the "Fountains Resort" in Phoenix, Arizona; the "Kona Kai Resort", San Diego, Ca.; the "Radison, and the Santa Clara Inn". As "Founder" and Principal of Design Haus Architectural Associates, Inc. Ron found himself responsible for the Public Relations and Management of an approx. 20 person firm plus all related each of the projects with which the firm was involved. Many involved (as discussed) if not Federal Agencies and Approvals, certainly City and or County agencies, or even a combination of all. Many projects have often been of a nature that made them of "concern" to many; and therefore involved careful planning, coordination and presentation to the "community at-large". Ron is very experienced in the planning and preparation of exhibits and materials for such presentaions; and is very comfortable and successful in making such presentation's before groups of all sizes. After twenty combined years of being both an Architect and Principal in one's own firm, you become quite experienced in making either "Firm or Project Presentations" before selection committees, City Councils, reviewing boards, staff meetings, public hearings, or other large audiences. For several years, Ron was a "Part-Time several varied design courses which added to his "comfort" with speaking in-front of groups, and, which he enjoyed very much. For many years Ron has served on local Community Planning Groups listening to and reviewing the presentations of others regarding planned development(s) or other concerns, and this, combined with his served on other "steering" or selection committees has also given him a particular insight into how such presentations are "received" and what often makes them successful (or not). Todays, Ron's affinity to the mountains and hillsides still persists; and he and his wife have settled in the "Sandia Creek Valley" of the north Fallbrook/ Temecula area in the hills along the County Line between San Diego and Riverside Counties. The views from the office windows are of the hillsides, the oaks, horses and the birds native to the area. consultants and advisors, but also .the P.R. and coordination of instructor and lecturer at San Diego State University teaching 0 0 Resume' Page 3 Ron shares with many a concern for the select planning and preservation of the natural resources, wildlife and beauty of our region. A native Southern Californian, raised in the "foothills" area, 'he and brush fires, and the threat of insensitive development and "Lo, is acutely aware and concerned about the challenges facing our region related to water, and water storage, the threat of forest Angelesation" and loss of our natural resources and wildlife. An increasing population bringing with it increased congestion, increasing numbers of autos, polution and development, without an increasing level of public awareness related to the care and concern releated to the threats to our native and natural resourc is most dangerous and truly threatening to us all, our quality of life and the future of the region for generations to come. Its not too late, however, in light of the influx in population(s) which our region is now experiencing, creative and competent planning, management and education must be implemented immediately with energies and commitments which exceed what we've seen in mos recent years. Please see attached "outline resume"' material for specific licenses, degrees, and experience. If I can answer any further questions, please call directly: (619) 728-6287. . Ronald E, Wylie, Architect, Planner, Principal Design Haus Architectural Associates, Inc. 0 0 . .. .~ RE3UXE' - DESIaN HAUS ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATES, INC. RONALD E, WYLIE, Architect President Principal, Practicing Architect, Planner, Construction Manager EDUCATION California State Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo, Ca Graduate 1969 Bachelor of Architecture LICENSES California #C7521 Arizona #18038 NCARB #I18446 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS SCARAB National Architectural Fraternity COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANI~TIONS Past Chairman of the Architectural Review Committee for the San Diego SANDER PROJECT Past member Pacific Beach Community Planning Committee Past member San Diego/ Pacific Beach City School Faciliites Utilization Committee Member Fallbrook Community Architectural/ Design Review Committee Member Fallbrook Rotary Club EXPERIENCE 1979-Present Design Haus Architectural Associates, San Diego,CA President Principal partner responsible for design and project development. Project Designer and Principal In Charge for: . Lodge/ dormitory and Multi-purpose building Camp Osito Rancho, Big Bear, Ca . Preliminary Architectural Design and' Council/ Fund-Raising Present ation Material, Natural Park: Visitors' Center, Tecolote Canyon, San Diego, Ca . Jurupa Community/ .Childcare and Seniors' Center Jurupa, Riverside, Ca a 0 - .. .. . Preliminary Master Plan and Design Studies Community Center/ Multi-Purpose Building/ Offices and Support Facilities Eucalyptus Park, Chulavista, Ca . Preliminary Architectural Design Studies Gymnasium/ Multi-Purpose Building Avalon Park, Jurupa, Riverside, Ca . Community Center Building and Recreation Facilities, Rancho del Rayo, Rancho Santa Fe,Ca . Restroom/ Locker Building, Heritage Park, Fountain Valley, Ca * Master Planning and Architectural Design/ Construction Documents: Destination Resort/ Hotel, the "Fountains Hotel", Phoenix, Az Complete Hotel with full conference/ banquet Facilities, Restaurant/ Bar, Kitchen and full Service Facilities including Offices, House- Keeping, Childcare, and Recreational Facilities . Master Planning for Expansion and Redevelopment Kona Kai Hotel, San Diego, Ca . Approved "Master Plan and Final Development Plar Miller's Landing Resort, Lodging- Cabins, General Store, Marina and Boat-House, U.S. Forest Service, Dept. of Agriculture Sierra National Forest, Wishon Cove, Bass Lake,( 1977-1979 Richards, Wylie and Switzer, Architects Vice-president, Design Principal partner responsible for the architectural Design and Master Planning of many large industrial commercial, residential, recreational and mixed-use projects located in both San Diego and Breckenridgc Colorado areas. 1974-1977 Wylie and Ellis, Architects Principal Partner Responsible for the design and production of many development oriented and residential projects, including the "Approved" Master Plan, Concept Development, "Name and Logo" Design for "Oakbridge" Recreational Youth Camp and Educational/ Training Facilities, San Diego County, Ca 0 0 1969-1974 Huxley- Thoryk, Architects/ Paul Thoryk and Assoc. designer, draftsman, project coordinator hired as a designer/ draftsman, moved to position project planner, designer and coordinator for many large scale development oriented projects including "new-towns", commercial and professional office complexes, and many "mixed-use" residential/ commercial projects throughout California, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Florida and New York. Became an associate partner with firm before leaving in 1974. 1964-1969 U. S. Forest Service, Dept. of Agriculture Surveying, Engineering, Architectural Design Facilities/ Sys tems Design, Construction Inspection Angeles National Forest, Pasadena, Ca Regional Offices, San Francisco, Ca Various positions of resposibilty involved with a large variety of projects including many recreational and "camp-type" facilities, educational and support service facilities, fire stations, offices, residences, visitor centers and pavillions, lodging and "bunk-houses", 1961-1964 Los Angeles City Schools, Youth Services Division Playground Director Responsible for the planning and implementation of both "After-School" and "Summer-Vacation" youth programs at various elementary schools throughout the district. FACULTY & LECTURE POSITIONS San Diego State University, San Diego, Ca. Associate Professor Department of Art, School of Professional Studies Architecture: "the Contemporary House" Design: "Visual Presentation" design principles, drafting, perspective, rendering. e e ~~ . .~ . .. Ronald E, Wylie, Architect After receiving a Bachelor of Architecture from California State Polytechnic University in 1969, Ron Wylie moved to San Diego where he began his architectural career and later opened his own practh in 1974. In 1978 he adopted the name "DESIGN HAUS ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATES" expressing his personal belief that successful architecture is infact the bringing together of many related "design disciplines" in a professional association in order to best meet the design challenge. This should produce a successful design solution which is respective and representative of the needs and desires of the client and his or her individual project rather than being a "heavy handed design statement" which too often is simply the "signature" of the architect or other designer at the expense of the client. Ron's practice has been generally involved with residential design and development throughout the past 25 years. Projects have rang from individual private residences to many large-scale "merchant- built housing and multi-family developments, hotels and destination resorts. He has served on several community design review boards and has been an associate professor at San Diego State University where he taught the design of a "Contemporary House" for several years. He has also past experience and training as a building inspector and project admistrator. He has personally been involved in construction, construction management, and does enjoy working wit1 his hands "shaping"various building and construction materials into both "Art and Architecture". He holds a contractor's license and has "built or developed" several homes for he and his wife in the past. They are currently involved in the "rebuilding and restoration" of a eighty year old home located on one of the original historic ranches in the Fallbrook area. . 0' 0 .; L 2' _. 6: ,' -,< d; F 'e<. ' .-. x\ v,. ** s;. . ''*\ , :y *" . :* . e?: , V' .. . ." .. .. ,I. . ..._ <_ ",i ',,," - ,f7" .: .,~ ' ,-;.",i Jr' ,# '? \;. \ ~ .. 2. .. .. + <.. . ." x. '. c. I. .. i. . .r 1 ..-j -~ ' ~,. i.. '. ,..". . *..-,"- , .. ,' c. " - , c c. ' .Y"W. design haws " ~__ architectural associates, in ...""" ___ ."_"" ___--- April 30, 1993 Mr. Evan Becker City of Carlsbad 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B Carlsbad, CA 92008-2389 (619) 434-2810 Housing and Redevelopment Director, Dear Mr. Becker, Thankyou very much for the invitation to submit an application for an appointment to the Housing Commission. I appreciate your remembering me and 'trust that therein is a "vote of confidence". Coming from you it is very gratifying to be thought of on occasions such as these. I also have a great deal of respect and acknowledged admiration for the work and accomplishments of the Carlsbad Redevelopment ,Agency. Carlsbad seems to be at the forefront of "pace- setting" quality when it comes to community redevelopment and as such has become a beautiful example for others to follow. I understand that all of this does not happen either "overnight", or without hard work and the dedication of many. I am very interested in discussing further the possibility of serving on your commission; and thereby need to learn more of the requirements of same. In the meantime, I have completed the application, and .have also enclosed one of my brochures which might further explain more of my background and experience. If there are any questions or thoughts regarding any other possible areas in which I may be of service, please do not hesitate to call. (619) 728-6287 SinmYz+ Ronald E. Wylie, A chitect 40373 sandia creek drive, fallbrook, ca 92028 (619) 728-6287 0 0 i; ;Ti-. ;: ; .. .- ; , C1-i Y Ct.E$.rS tjy r i~;: , (C.Y", 2 L" p.7 -.:::. 5- 5-43 '73 My 3 Pt.l 4: 13 - m4 pum APPUUmON FOR Appow c~T': !;-: cawam - WLcWGL BOARD(S) AND/OR CO~SSION(S] (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: I/ . .,& j'//(// /,;: /-c r' w L-. /< c-;n/7 m/., 2L-A A J f ,x 1 < 2" 22 /&%"? 1 ,- / ,' I g&/// /- L2F, 7 1 / d-//- ADDRESS: 2 53 ,> T/?/vT fl C f I - I. i 4"r//Q .- CQ'kF Y 1 A CITY: -z4/-3 I' 7 ZIP CODE: ,yZ C.6 c- HOME PHONE: - $.q& 7 PRESEM OCCUPATION:'/?^^,.^/^^ fiwG~ v BUSINESS NAME: NYA BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: A1 /k7 U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) des Nt Resident of Carlsbad @refemme given to residents) A- N( Registered voter in Carlsbad (reqvired for some comm;ss;m) Gves N1 ;.7 z7 l' / / I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on v I wish to me; I am willing to IUa financial dbclosure statements as required by the State's or C Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a comn designated by the City CounFH or at the request of an individual Council Mem' SIGNATU (Continued on revem side) * 0 EDUCATI 1- 4 ':le e c? L, /!, cj,/ G, /A, c c? c- . 7 I 1 -bq?/~ . _, 1 c- PC; c.& 5<?2 6- /,.!#/,/ 7 &,u/" Ct c // /". c /q c. /-&y p c;: li. - c / EXPERIENCE P, 3' An/%/ &95fl. / f?2"ir-+p? L/( 3 /qZfL'T n&&L:4g" p<F3/yy7 - ,. / &,k?/-Z-.,p+. 5 yC>L 2. COMMUNIN ACTIVITIES /h?Q-/,y 6 c / ", +. Q4d1bf/7p6 ?/ 127 CRm- flc 3&4Q ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS ES, lid LL 1 ti kbaL ,+. ., ,. .. 4"';J J3 a e 0 ,L - .. . . ::L’L.L~ ; ._.. ri r;;::.; r.i-.:,- <I.!’( ,J,.,.-I,hi c‘ c.1 t if. s-3-93 -(%“lua APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT c 9 7 --. r - -+ 2% <. i- , * .. 1’; 8.:; !$! 2 BOm(S] AND/OR CO~SCJON(S~ ci.T’f ij:? s;$F,LSBAI (Please print or type.) NAME@) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Housing Commission NAME: JAY E. LEVINE ADDRESS14927 Lorna Court CllY: Carlsbad, CA ZIP CODE: 92008 ., HOME PHONE: 729-8448 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Attorney BUSINESS NAME: JAY E. LEVINE. Attomy at Taw BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2740-B RoosevPlt S-lnhad; PA WQ WORK PHONE: 720-1171 U. S. Citizenship (reqthed for all appointments) x Yes Nc Resident of Carlsbad @reference given to residents) X Yes Nc Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commiss;ons) X Yes Nl I am familiar with the responsibiliti& assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on H I wish to serve; I am willing to ilk flnanclal disclosure statements as required by the State’s or C Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a comn designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Councii Meml SIGNATURE: WGDATE: April 27, 1993 (Continued on reverse side) 0 0 EDUCATION 1971 B.S. Us Military Academy at West Point. 1979 J.D. McGeorge School of Law, VOP. 1980 LLM, Tax U of Denver. EXPERIENCE 13 years experience as an attorney in the areas of business, real estate finance, corporations and real estate law. COMMUNIN ACTIVITIES First Vice President, Carlsbad Girls Club. ADDITIONAL INFCRMATION OR COMMENTS 0 0 . .. lf*L:,,r! .(.-:; i c-””,“ ---.. SjT;’ CLL~F: 3 Qi-i-ii 93 <E;Fz 29 p>j 4: 2 s-5-73 APPLICATToN FoR APpoINTMENT CjTy CF r;ARLSBA - += BOARD(S1 AND/OR COMhlrSSIONCS] (Please pn3t or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: (‘?gd,tbfl./ /d~(p3 c &tr /PI/ Jf/ c CJ NAME: ADDRESS: 42/./7 =/6 &WL CIN: .ZIP CODE: 920 Of . HOME PHONE: I PRESENT OCCUPATION: d&d~W BUSINESS NAME: /ed &*J thllmwd - dAdu M hdld 6USlNESS ADDRESS: f,8 YflJ! /.h fci, (36dd?&d fd f>d(/’ WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for d/ eppointments) /Yes - I- Resident of Carlsbad @reference given to residents) & yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) w Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on I wish to me; I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State’s or Confllct of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a con designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Me DATE: 47 I‘ /yqg (Continued on revefse side) 0 0 EDUCATION ,;/ j& J*( !&&/p ,To& {‘ !.%%!id ( &q- &p?.cL &“?fyl.-;‘ - /yp/ pp&//dfl4 f(4- l+ Qw Pa.._h+ /$&JLdd IYFY I’ .I. L&y[ y&‘/ rJf/k --,I / , J &+ &,2$&44?J cd.6 4 &,g pw-J { 5 IC Y 5.3. r&qu & 3- v/wd.d P IC EXPERIENCE z A269 &&& 4.d &%b/y f@~-7 1 - /L L&.&drd)id && if!Z?f&ti- J LhF4 F - &e y &!d+ r_,, &/ or- &J j”; &“8f /$&& ./bp.&ut f$ &L&J h/’pw””L J0.J &kt p J&#& J&J = - f&&/ ./? A//? ,@u& 0 )”L14” * E& 4 McJw { &&@ z fpd J&,/f\& A& At /@jffl%cd&J &@/?- L&4. cu4- 42 J& hqh/&( $hi 9’ Lz- e ~.d&w, e..- J 3 f &tJ- COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES %;A6+ 4 egd(7 I- &J(&dG 4 (>JJd 22- - Ex6 - 6 b* /(+ &‘,4 TAL &&{(&&! - Jrn” /$i&- - Lqu& J@Jhrn .h(-uJbL j Lr &/ + -If?/- 7.@hu $i +aArf &kA#- . /%I+ UJ 4. p ;,3AJf i; &Ap$/@+ hw 31 h!M J& &/4‘L h CG +-IPT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS (* &&l+ ,2 2 &hW- - +q&#&hJ &b(i&T - d* &WIT hALillJTl*d * 4 & cm.qey yh [,b/W +h, LAJL &(F- Jl . &e Of hifl“7- + &? pJF4 ck/IIJ. Adna (7d&bhl ’._ ” J& [ 9 /z.g- k/j$ AP L&Ad (uffi C -J F+” /I/ Puffp &/- dd‘L (-6(f \ bc/dcC -0 h&tw & gn/ #d@dd b/& YQd @ (?@bkhdfl Lnc&d, && J// /bp.’/..-i “i’l L Jqi& .) @c .hfJ A *?n&&i!l d LVhf /[ de u ILL c 4 I,. / t 7 XP h d;;“p pwq &JFJf--’ $” 0 e , . - ,.. A ~~..~, ~. . " .2: P L<-.?..> t,\l'y ~:.,>rlix 3 -rc,4- y2ry :LL J c? 21. Q y'\4 b: 2 1 s-5 43 APPLICATION FOR APPOlNIMENl@ "' '" - -> $.RLSDbQ -" c\T 'I c';r i. " BOARD61 AND/OR CO"lrSSIONG1 (Please print or w.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: b4#a k2?%Wim,A L NAME: fvdfijM4 GYy/WJ - 3/VW€ ? ADDRESS: 3308 mdm& ai L?kT CIU: &?A ZIP CODE: 990 ufl HOME PHONE: h/ci - 7aS -3307 BUSINESS NAME:* P-A~ PmmuhbA J&- BUSINESS ADDRESS: 356g d@D/n/C- -z,C '@&ad WORK PHONE: &/9/ c/3+ %J?d PRESENT OCCUPATION: d/Rt;t7uq / U. S. Citizenship (required for a// appdnments) x yes NI Resident of Carlsbad pefemme given to reslctentsj iy Yes N1 Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some cmmks/ons) )( Yes N I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Boafd(s) or Commission(s) on v I wish to serve; I am willing to ate flnancial disclosure statements as required by the State's or C Confllct of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a comr designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Mem SIGNATUR ATE: h-1 d6 t /YZ (Continued on reverne side) m i W EDUCAT'oY *""B 9Ae-I &GLy.c% +, H-2 QU -trl -0-i evw Ah97 &> -fi7/ 4- /Aez. 4 -x&@&, -c3 &4c&zi& -& A%& A 73z&c& 4S&j7 & -dA EXPERIENCE Q' 4- .% e. w -- &&'a -"A --&a - @"&/&& "fid9 C2-z- "@"fl&4 si eafwe$k + &?+ Lz2zza+-i..r4: COMMUNIN ACTlVlTlES aw &d moak-k&A ,Q&/!p& d- &d&& 2e m deadenakqo&"G &d"M" &. 77- -6 "a /ma-P &a& Lz&?&P -dLA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMEN Wd fa H%3 .Ah"i"t paf s L! &A -,&& -. c. wdt efYl"- 8" ""S"--r .f /v!!&d w 4&&%4 Av ' edflk ,42 T P-" &ka&eL&&- & @a &?5 &dfV - 6 m />S, 5-5- $73 APPLICATION FOR APPOMTMENT $2 :':?28 A;'! 5:: "&A e M BOARD(S1 AND/OR COMMISSION(S) ' ' c SARLS; I, (Pleose print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Housing Commission ~ NAME: Nancy J. Calverley TDRESS: 7611 Primavera Way Y: C arlsbad ZIP CODE: 92009 - 8737 VE PHONE: 436-0628 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Housing Director BUSINESS NAME: Revisions Resources BUSINESS ADDRESS: 7611 Primavera Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009-8237 WORK PHONE: 436-8052 U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) xx Yes I+ jent of Carlsbad (pre~rmco ghn to residents) = Yes r Fiegistered voter in Carlsbad (required fw some commissions) = Yes r I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Boardis) or Commission(s) on I wish to me; I am willing to IUo financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or 1 Conflfct 04 Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a corn designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Mer SIGNATURE: DATE: April 26, 1993 (Continued on reverse side) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 43 8 0. EOUCATIOY Texas Tech University, 1964-1968 I attend all private(BIA),City, County, State, and Fede (HUD,RTC) seminar on affordable housing and financing. California Real Estate Brokers license California Contractors license EXPERIENCE I am currrently Housing Director for ReVisi.on Resources, a r profit community based housing development corporation. We currently active in providing affordable housing in numerous cit throughout San Diego County including over a hundred units Retirement Residence" a comprehensive guide to the retiren facilities in San Diego County. We are the .local hous coordinator for AARP and are responsible for numerous outre programs in the area. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Carlsbad. We authored and published "Carefree Living: Choosir In the last 14 years that I have lived in Carlsbad I have L active in the local PTA, the La Costa Youth Organization and E past member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and San Diegt Board of Realtors. .As a representative for the Noncrofit Hous Foundation I was appointed to the Carl.-- .i "Dens Bonus/Inclusionary Housing Ad Hoc Committee". ADDITIONAL INFORMATlON OR COMMENTS Prior to joining Revision Resources I worked for eight years commercial real estate in coastal north county. I specialize< office leasing and land sales. Our offices were located Carlsbad. I currently sit on the "Transportation & Land Use Committee" in Diego and have attended all of the "San Diego Inclusionary Hour Task Force" meetings. I have also attended all of the meet: involving affordable housing by both the Carlsbad Plan] Commission and the Carlsbad City Council. * e e E "i -r 4/26-93 APPLICATION FOR APPONIXENT -7, '- ., 7 - M BOARD(S1 AND/OR CO"ISSlON(S) '. d 4- 22 r cn W U -cbL*/h.ccR (Please print or type.) * NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: i3 rA --q -3 c-1 IV c3 " - -c I - .. 0 - City of Carlsbad - Housing Co- .. NAME: Shirley J. Cole ADDRESS: 1252 B- Aventlm CIN: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: - 5 PRESENT OCCUPATION: :des azenry - BUSINESS NAME: North Comty T.if e1 ~JIP, Tnr - BUSINESS ADDRESS: - f V~~.~.EUI 1 z (kpan~ide WORK PHONE: 726-6396 U. S. Citizenship (required for all eppornments) Resident Of Carlsbad @&3rem8 gh to r8Sidenb) .. x Yes N' x. Yes N Registered voter in Carisbad (required for sohe commissions) x Yes N I am familiar with the responsibiliti& assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on v I wish to serve; I am willing to iflo nnanclal disclosure statements as requlred by the State's or C Confitct of tnterest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a comr designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Merr DATE: April 23, 1993 (Continued on reverse side) e * i EOUCATIOY University of Redlands - B.A. in Business Management San Diego State University - Undergraduate studies in sociology/psychology. EXPERIENCE As the Executive Director of Lifeline, I have recognized the demand for ho services, particularly to low and moderate income residents. The followin I have developed in response to the demand of low income residents in Nort 1984 - Established the only shared housing program 'in North County. 1985 - Set up emergency shelter program with local hotels donating nights 1988 - 1992 - Operated the Inclement Weather Shelter in'life Threatening C 1990 - Established Housing Services for low income residents of Carlsbad 1 FoMMVNlW AcnVlks 1991 - Began' program for housing services to newl: Lifeline has received funding through the McKinney Act, that is specifica: in crises. all Cities in North County, located at the Vista Armory. CDBG fundin migrants in North County, paid for by Unit, ' to the homeless. This includes supporting our Dia de Trabajo contract. I continue to participate on Boards and Councils that address the shortagl income housing. These include: Emergency Resources Group (set up to dis FEMA dollars) , North County Directors Council (a collaboration and inform sharing of all social service agencies in North County), United yay Board North County Homeless Tasks Force. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS I am a native of San Diego County, yith the last 12 years is a home owner Carlsbad. I am a landlord, and have gained experience working with the g building department. I am responsible, for service contracts with the County of San Diego, Sta and Cities of Escondido, Oceanside, Poway, Vista, and Carlsbad, I write require regular research on what dollars are available for social and ho, I have been a manager of social service programs for the last 20 years. is a partner in a local sailboat rigging shop. I have two daughters attl in Carlsbad. I- 1' - +"5-*3 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OCA -i .; 1; BOARD(S1 AND/OR COMMISSIONKl ;? -. . I, .. - -- i3 . :-r - E&&& .n c (Please print or type..) 5 r r; -*. NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: g cn Q c m -7. 3 COMM !SSic>ri NAME: RoblAU3 G. 'WL1rZi6bi ADDRESS: '2730 dzFFEKSON ST. k1.7 CITY: CAstssAQ ZIP CODE: .?Z008 HOME PHONE: kid 720-0349 PRESENT OCCUPATION: ~~L i-tWirti GmLWC7PNd PRrvATT ~AcCTlci BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (requird for all appointments) J Yes Nc Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) J Yes N1 Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) J Yes N I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on M I wish to serve; I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or C Conflict. of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a comrr designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Meml SIGNATURE~-ZLJ.- DATE: 4.- S- 'i 3 (Continued on reverse side) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (619) 434 0 0 EDUCATION 5.A. .,PI.A. CUJD W.D. CANDIDATE. m. ~NI\I&~zSINOF ~IUMANIS~~C %!)OB, DEtM&R, CA . EXPERIENCE €w€xl~~ wmKrfdC wrM I4c"e Vrmv ILL AS cud(= Di-Cne OF A CRISlS Csm= wm 6 - CUGZ6WW doplce mD APLPCAi€ WmS mm rEN-RL $"f. CQMMUNlTY ACTIVITIES c4u-lA HO" wsr& G2-mof4 N- ~~CoAU,Or\l FOR THE. ff0" Vlsm HO" WSiJS - c=&-w== HoMarasTi4S)c ti3izc~ rnCINl% HOM"m3K - ~Orri3cG3As?3c~€GlCWRtFlANr\lI* COM", MENTAc -Awl" mDc~~u~~ro~aL-rPiSkFO~ON~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENm PmE 8eE 45-5- 'pe9t* - CO" I"fA7)O.N mAeo(f4G w-ym PlJP CO"UNITY =avrc& eCPIERlW~ ..? '~9: -_ I' e 0 1- Resume Ronald G. Thurlow, M.A., MFCC 2730 Jefferson Street #I7 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (61 9) 967-4475 or (619) 729-0508 (6 1 9) 720-0348 page 1 of 2 Appointed Position Housing Commissioner, City of Carlsbad Community Service Involvement Present 0 Member, Board of Directors, California Homeless and Housing Coalition, 0 Member, Advisory Board, Campaign for a Fair Share, 0 Member, San Diego County Regional Task Force on Homelessness 0 Chair, North Coastal Coalition for the Homeless, 0 Vice-Chair, Vista Homeless Census Board, 0 Member, Social Concerns Committe, Pilgrim UCC Church Volunteer therapist for free clinic in El Florido, Mexico Past 0 Vice-Chair, North Coastal Regional Planning Committee, Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA San Diego, CA Oceanside, CA Vista, CA Carlsbad, CA Mental Health Advisory Board, Encinitas, CA Oceanside, CA Encinitas, CA United Church of Christ, Los Angeles, CA Carlsbad, CA 0 Member, Oceanside Homeless Task Force, 0 Consultant, Encinitas Homeless Task Force, 0 Member, Southern California Social Concerns Commission, 0 Vice-president, Democratic Club of Carlsbad-Oceanside, Professional License Marriage, Family and Child Counselor License #MFC 25189, granted May 12,1989 Professional Association Member in good standing of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. e 0. Ronald G. Thurlow, M.A., MFCC page 2 of 2 Education Ph.D. Candidate in Counseling Psychology The University for Humanistic Studies, Del Mar, CAI 1989 M.A. Degree in Counseling Psychology, with Emphasis in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling The University for Humanistic Studies, Del Mar, CA, 1986 B.A, Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, with Emphasis in Humanistic Psychology The University for Humanistic Studies, Del Mar, CAI 1985 Other Education and Training Solana Beach, CA 1985 Seventy hours of hypnosis training, IN Katz, Ph.D. 1984 180 hour Counseling Practicum, Santa Monica University, Santa Monica, CA 1977 to In-Services, Trainings and Workshops on issues related 1992 to Psychology, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Hornelessness and Housing, and many others. Employment 7/90 to County Mental Health, Oceanside, CA present Homeless Outreach/Advocacy 6/89 to Family Practice Associates, Carlsbad, CA present Private Practice (Proprietor) 11/86 to Turning Point Crisis Center, Vista, CA 7/90 Senior Coordinator 7/85 to Spear Clinic, Carlsbad, CA 11/86 Counseling Practicum 6/85 to Southwood Psychiatric Hospital, Chula Vista, CA 12/85 Mental Health Counselor 5/79 to Association for the Retarded, San Diego, CA 5/82 Residential Counselor 11/77 to Eastern Nebraska Office of Retardation, Omaha, NE 5/79 Residential Counselor Personal Information Birthplace: Poland, Maine Birth date: August 20, 1943 Marital Status: Married Health: Excellent a *@ CITY' OF OCEANSIC e 0 1- de.$ zifP,a,T@ RICHARD V GOODMAN riOUSiNG DIRECTOR HOUSING DEPAR' April 12, 1993 Bud Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis? It is my understanding that Ron Thurlow is submitting application to serve on Carlsbad's new Housing Commission. 1 great confidence I enthusiastically recommend him for . position. I have known Ron for a number of years and have worked with extensively on the North Coastal Housing Coalition. Ron chaired this group since its inception and has been the key pl in bringing social service providers together to deal with home issues. I have known Ron to be a very compassionate person wi thorough knowledge of the homeless population and their needs think he will do an excellent job in addressing the broad spec of issues dealing with homelessness to affordable housinc general. I would be happy to discuss Ron's application for position with you or any other candidate with whom I mighi acquainted. RVG: arm Warmest regards, -3dL c;bJ" DICK GOODMAN Housing Director NEVACA STREET ANNEX 300 NORTH HILL STREET OCEANSIOE. CA 92054 (6 1 91 e 0 .- -@ REGIONAL TASK FORCE ON THE HOMELESS Mary Coladcco, Ph.D. Travelers Aid Sociery Co-Chair Supervisor Leon L. Willims County of San Diego Co-Chair Mayor Susan Colding City of San Diego Supervisor John MacDonald County of San Diego Apr i 1 7, 1'3'33 Dawson Dowty United Way of San Diego County Mayclr C:l aude Lsw i s David Janssen 1:: i t y !:I f C:ar 1 shad County of San Diego Jack McGrory City of San Diego :I:ar 1 sb ad , 1::A '32 L !I)e ~~~:H:~ C:ay L5.b ad 12 i l l age j)y " Glenn Allison Episcopal Community Services Dear P?ayor Lew i 5: David Allsbrook Cenm City Development Corporation Mary Case St. Vincent de Paul Village Pam Hall San Diego Community Foundation Larry Johnson United Way of San Diego County Aurelia Koby S.D. Consortium & P.1.C. Juri Kolker City of Escondido Victor Kops PhD. Cenual City Association Chris Kuebler La Job Presbyterian Church Tom Leslie San Diego City Homeless Coord. Jim Lundgen SERiJobs For hgrcss. Inc. Dan Marcus South Bay Community Services Dennis Martin&, Ph.D. Professor. Palomar College Elizabeth Morris San Diego City Housing Commission Larry Murnane Aaomey, Peterson & Price I understand that the !City !:If Larlsbad is establis inq a housing ~:c~mrnissicm tc! address the need for affordable housi,nq. In yuur cctrisiderat icln of qual f ied candidates tu serve on this important 1:ornmctn i bctard, I would 1 ike tct suppcvt the credentials ctf Ron Thur 1 ow. Mr. Thurlow is particularly knowledgeable with the heusing needs of the very lclw incclme individuals. He has wclrked professicmally with homeless popula- t iclns, and is an active and resourceful chairpersc of the Nclrth Ccunty Coastal Coal it ism for the HlrlmE less. In additian, MY. Thurlaw represents the coast a1 commun it ies as a boar d member cm our Reg ic a1 Ta5k Force csn the Hclmele=s. Mr. Thurlrllw has been a tireless and articulate supporter ctf prcqrams fclr low income populaticlns, and has regularly demunstrated a talent fnr reachj cumrnm ground in grmups with diverse Iopinictns and objectives. He has much to contribute to the new housing cummission's potential far meeting the tm challenges accclmpanying affordable housing. *". a. Mary Niez Interfaith Shelter Network Dave Owen San Diego County Fann Bmu Gabriel Rodriguez S.D.County Housing & Cmnty Dcvl Art Stevens FAS~ county Cod. for the ttomeless Georgia Tate S.D. County Dcpl Social Services .. __i y. Gincerely, Le rank Lan ervi. Pr c8.j ec t I3 i r ec t ,ztr [kc 0.d.t Henry Tarke, LCSW S.D. County Dept. Health Services Ron Thurlow N. Coastal Coal. for the Homeless Robert Van Keum Viemam Veterans of San Diego 655 Fourth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 239-4800 FAX (619) 239-8010 - Frank hderville Project Director Supported through the County and City of San Diego and the United Way of San Diego County I- o #\'L 1s I 0 (0 2 >W,j .e3 amdg sf $kut pi€?p JOHN MACDONALD SUPERVISOR, FIFTH DISTRICT (619) 531-5555 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ROOM 335, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-2470 April 9, 1993 Claude E. Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: It is with a great deal of pleasure that I am recommending Roi Thurlow for membership on Carlsbad's Housing Commission. I have known Ron in conjunction with his leadership of the No: Coastal Coalition for the Homeless as well as his involvement with the County's Homeless Team. He is an excellent chairperr and conscientiously fulfills his commitment to the Coalition. Based on this, I am confident that, if selected, he will be a productive member of Carlsbad's Housing Commission. Sincerely, - Lenore Averell Administrative Assistant 0 m Lf'210-43 " APPLICATION FOR APPOlN" - VI& BOARD(S1 AND/OR COMMISSION61 (Please pd or type..) L1 2, :z -. * ... ~ " " . .. .. -.._ 8." -t . ?-.. , .. ;.-, 43 .- 1- _.. XI 2 r-4. sz &= - NAME@) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR cCX"ISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: HOUSI'FJG COMMISSION NAME: OFELIA E. ESCORF.~ ADDRESS: 161 1 JAMES DUVE CIN: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: (619'). 729-4030 PRESENT OCCUPATION: SELF-EMPLOYED MARKET-DELI BUSINESS NAME: LOLA'S MARKET AND DELI BUSINESS ADDRESS: 3292 ROOSEVELT STREET WORK PHONE: (619) 434-2191 U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) x Yes N Resident of Carlsbad wetereme gm to resjdents) x Yes N Registered voter in Carlsbad (twdmd IW me cmmissiomj x yes - N I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on \r I wish to sewe; I am willing to IW flnanclal dkclosure statements as required by the State's or C Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications ,for appointment by a comr designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Mer SIGNATURE: &lk!L%U DATE: 4- 262- 93 (Continued on a 0- EDUCATlOY AA Degree from Carlsbad Oceanside College in Commerce Certificate from UCLA in Contract.Management Certificate from Orange Coast College in Small Business Ad Various Business courses from different night schools. Real Estate courses from Lumbleau School of Real Estate Graduate of the Leadership 2000 EXPERIENCE Worked for Beckman Instruments in their Purchasing and Production Control and Sales Department. Worked for Hunts Foods in their Export Department Worked for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics in various Departments, including Administration, Facilities, Logistics, and Contracts Management Owner-0 erator of a Market Deli COMMUNITV ~CTIVITIES Community Part.ner for Centro de Informacion (City Library Hispanic ~iaison on the St. Patricks Catholic Church Past( Council president of Barrio Carlsbad Association Member of the North County Latinals Association ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ORSOMMEND 5--5"-93 0 A 0 APPLICATfON FOR APPOINTMENT " BOARD(S1 AND/OR CO"ISSION(S1 -u (Please pd or typt?.) 0 L -4 4. "' I - - L" .. ;P 23 r v, 2- €3 NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: a3 Housinr; Commission ~ NAME: Thomas M. Mazzocco ADDRESS: CITY: HOME PHONE: (619)729-3031 PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: P.O-Box 4487 Carlsbad, CA 92018/5650 ~1 Cgmir WORK PHONE: (619)438 - 4774 1734 Bonita Lane Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 92008 business owner/partner Aaircare / It's All About Clean Air lnc. Suite 140, Cz U. S. Citizenship (lequired fw all eppdntments) x Yes I Resident of Carlsbad (preference given lo residents) x Yes 1 Registered voter in Carlsbad (rt@md for some commissions) x Yes I I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the 80ard(s) or Commission(s) on ' I wish to me; I am willing to file flnancfal disclosure statements as required by the State's or ( Conflict of lnterea codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a corn1 designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men - &-,44 / 1- " /A - (Continued on revefse sv SIGNATURE~M , p/z 9/y 9 'A 0 EDUCATION BS Business,Administration,University of Arizona Majors: Human Eesource, Labor Law EXPERIENCE Aaircare/It's All About Clean Air Inc., O;;lier/?artnzr, Manuf of air cleaning and purification systems H.G.Fenton, San Diego, Human Resource Manager, Cr~nstruction materials supplier and: developer Industrial Relations Manager, Labor Relations Mailager, Gover Programs Manager and Person:;c!'- Manager for this national and international construction firm gunc't Corp, Tucson,AZ, held positions of Secretary-Tresurer, COMMUNITV ACTlVlTlES Past President & Board Member Youth Sports-Pop Warner Footbz President Carlsbad High School .Athletic Booster Club Member Carlsbad High School Site Committee ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENm I ,, - 443 -9 3 APPLICATION FOR APP0IN"ENT - " BOARDCS) AND/OR COMMISSIONCSI (Please print or type..) .c .A 0 <A " .-. "i -- I: :x .-. L _...) 7% r- ." c, 1-I I c_ \". _..- NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: ..* - fn 1 Housing Commission w- P-r - NAME: Mignon Bowen ADDRESS: 2290 Nob Hill Dr. CITY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: 729-1021 .. PRESENT OCCUPATION: Housewife BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for all appoiitments) x Yes No Resident of Carlsbad @reference given to rasidents) x Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (ruquired for some commissions) x Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Boardis) or Commission(s) on Mi I am willing to fb financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Cit I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a commii d designated .by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Memb I wish to serve; Conflict of Interest codes; c- SIGNATURE: & I &&LJ DATE: 4/22/93 (Continued on reverse side) .* 1200 Cgrlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 (61 9) 434-2 e 0 I. - EDUCATION 1945 B.S. - University of Kansas school of Business; Beta Gamma sigma honorary society: Award: "Most Distinguished Graduate". 1948 MBA - University of Kansas. 1949 - University of Chicago School of Business; Fellowship; Ph.D. candidate in Public Finance. EXPERIENCE (Instructor in Economics and Accounting, University Of Kansas* paid Work (Statistical assistant, Municipal Bond Youse, Chicago- 1945-1952 (Statistical assistant, Actuarial Consultant, Seattle- (Statistician, Trans-World Airline, Kansas City* COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 1972-92 Local League of Women Voters, President, Vice President, Board membe Carlsbad Unit Chair. 1976 "Carlsbad Know Your Community" study chair (study qualified Carlsbac with League of Women Voters of U.S. to take action on local goverx affairs) . 1976-78 League of Women Voters of San Deigo County, President. 1978-82 League of Women Voters of California, Board of Directors (Land Use I 1991-93 "Housing Affordability and Funding" study chair for local League. 1982- MiraCosta Community College District Governing Board, President, Vic 1990 "Form of City Government in Carlsbad" study co-chair for local Leagl President, Committees' Chair. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS . ... . Additional service on many local, state and national boards and committees, c Carlsbad Unified School District Citizen Committees; Carlsbad Caring Resideni housing); Carlsbad Northwest Quadrant Citizens Committee; California Departmc of Health Services Advisory Committee on Statewide Hazardous Waste Facility I Criteria; U.S. Bureau of Land Management Advisory Committee. ,:qp"- .&7& 4. L7ClW73 / J * APPLICATION FOR APPOlNllENT BOARDEI AND/OR COMMISSIONCQ ~~a3-93 -+ -u (Please print or we.) c3 52c < :-? NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Y x -+ .. :7 .-.. "3 ..- .<T Ld (& / J&i,i /Wd4424I~& / /7 I- > ! ,pmyz/Ld.424-@ z- %o - gcd " ,/J I i7 -+$ NAME: e,/ d'&, w c ADDRESS::^^ . CITY: [&.$&&& - ZIP CODE: 6 q@p HOME PHONE: dGq- // //p/ PRESENT OCCUPATION: ~u/&&-&-/ , BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) x Yes ri Resident of Carlsbad beference given to residents) ic Yes If Registered voter in Carlsbad (req~hd for some commissions) ,d Yes h / 0 ,. /Ad-/de - h22F? &*A/kJ ,a /- I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on 1 I wish to serve; I am willing to Io flnancial disclosure statements as required by the State's or ( Conflfct of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a corn1 designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men SIGNATURE: / fl/J,,u; L ,A [ 4 :' DATE: dA9 4 9; h Gs (Continued on reverse side) 0 e .- EDUCATION - q>~& fl ,~&pd &i,p#i/&, L’ EXPERIENCE - ,/~~Lp/#~~~ d - 4~~ &??gdd4L d 24c. 75 Y - / 9L&z 42 &&&gg4A &d./-r/ !)I @m ,g “g 7 i,’ ,/// - Y. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES &did & / &/LL@~ p~f-Gm ,& U*dLL +</ 7~J7L.q’L&~,< L- / &ppg, J/a -&p f’ L4&&f.””/. .$f/jdt! mf% e yA&&f u e L 4” @Z, & &d/&;y-d7kh ir ~>>ILh/Zz2?,~/ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS 0 0 Cy H-73 APPLlCATION FOR APPOINTMJWT / - Ld % . BOARD(S1 AND/OR CO"ISSION(Sl (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHIFH INTERESTED: - .. m), oc- &JWt?@J3 - &.Ob5 fN(i. ('?I " 1A/1 .- r NAME: Y yo i;lcs " ADDRESS: ' 3 fy 4 Do id 303e CITY: C-,ARl56/3;Q c A I ZIP CODE: 9% 4F HOME PHONE: q3i - 8/ 44 PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: - ? U. S. Citizenship (required fora~ appoiitments) J Yes 4 Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) J yes NO Registered voter in Carlsbad (requhd for some commissions) J yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on'wni I wish to serve; I am willlng to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Cit Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be intetviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a commit designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Membc SIGNATURE: .. & @b DATE: %\! f; I44f (Continued on reverse side) W W C'TY Or ':!9:.cg~? EDUCATION H27 7 3 €0 51 '93 /+I6 I.. SLL?~~ 1 CARP, i d,, 6 kep/q7& f /yd pj c P,,d E5rp:Jyf DU mre 5s & R p 14 \/p fiR* EXPERIENCE Fd 1 I c 1 A r\ L e- Ply Z\uibplip LJ- % j:fii~ beef/ ( /)( The iIlj QLW4iL \ fk COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 4f-L x ( *{ 6- E s, 1, 9 hRVc (Be fd N cjefiX5 ($ prl-" fin/ fit kmer! )r s 0 f cfi, /ksio-!? . 5 Crm Tu KA id I by @t 4,hc p& dc P' ii a[vl @en QCX 6 f @pRl/h ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENn /Trm~- b<Xt ih /c4nls . I: by I( f LW.5 r ,tJ bc,nlc 6 fhpRD - 12 OQ CA-G'SQ T Prm 6' ??of? ,o /3: J$/{ l~6UW 15 Fw] c A A/C nl )id/ A h" TQ 6 Ill TIPL T(l 5.M 4 Af- 2.j: /I (d6- bit ic 4 - ( {,/ Cap /;bkD+ '4.' Y 0 0 IlOD IW AVENUE GARWAD, CAUCORNU gpool Om& el rhr citv Ck& TI 161 3-N-73 a#@ af Qkhbrrb " A -caE/ucR (Plcrrrr prfrrt or typa.1 Wqs) OF BarWr(S) WOR cemrsran(sl IN MfcH 1Urmsm: LNfg$#$fs &, #bp#.,&. . . . h ME: AOIIAISS i CfTY: ' . CLWdht~ CH LIP EOOf: 2 WE M€: PQ$LWT QtWlLATIQM: hfl%!p . . I). - , . " BUS IN&$ WL: rnY?w/l .##He /a BUS iNEJs #&RES& 6JQRK mE: U.S. Cttlrmrh4p (tqufred for all 4~lnt~att) Reridert af 'Cwttbid (prtfrwncr qlvrn te rrsidmtt) Reg4rtrrrd voter In Cwkbrd (rlqufMd for soam cmltrfonr) J*r 9 1 UII fWl)liAt' Ufu th #YttpbntibwhS aSSi(ihd f@ th$ kaI'd(S) QF ~~!$OfC I wash t@ HIW: 1 4m ~1.11 Qng ta pmidr rqui rad $trtr#atr l f Wlsofratlrd tr Q Bead or Cami ta tinmela1 d4rc'iosurrs 1 am will4ng to ba inCrruhWd rrgrrdlng 115~ qusllfdCltlOnl for 8p intwit 1 drtfgnrtad by the Ctty Counc$gbr rt the raqulrlt of m MWl 80 url Councdl MTE: 9 4 " SENT 51 . nso YIYU R.CLICI.IL+".. I ,bm7 I . _- v-_~ __ .- . e. 0 - ~3% - .L 9~9u UJWI 4 NHZELHQH COWA2Wl Bulrdrr man Repramnkatfvm for Dimgo County. ~sspznalibaa for rmidenttal and auIci-Qamily 7 orighbthn and' Ntalyafcl, mFA, mWC and FN#II bpBi14ar coatraitl Punrlnmsr. bsrPbterrad Cmmmial, aasll&i-istrpily and nm-~wwm oUb#irOSioaa and doGu3n~1t~th3 packaqmm to lender6' spaigicatir ~3s89~bdait laam ~OP davalaaerlo and InweBt;Qr#c Breparcd I PaUOPCNTZAL HCJRWGE SERVICIO CQRTWWTOH, Mansqeff of the San 0 xtWag%ment of tlle 8an Diego branch including btMha85 dwahpm branch/BUiLdW BepUtmWtc Rsa~nSi$h for dWelQwBmt loran oriqimtian an8 poaeseinq ef ~nrrp~ and wnvmtional %e FIRST PZNAOICZU HoRTGAQE r5tERVXCE CORPORMXQRI BufSbller for the coapanirr FM~A forward cmmitment product. Ad brrilbWs Waugh Fron/VA Saut proceaeing ana aerpervimad.S8n E Suedivisfan precsrrsoinq of individual barrawam laancl. ~srsor #old in pi nina amth perla, buiidrr ceumi&amnta mmuntfnq t %@pree@Ult8tiVr~ ir.8~~8ibla iQr d6VrbOpa.nk e* bU%Par'bU€J.d aillfan dallarr, rarning I$@@ in fswGe#s gf $499,009~ I KASNW E$Tifd&I$WBNT, lHCa,, Owner and Freeideat - Inxifdrra drwloprrr oi oihgla tmbily homes in the state of MBPI(~~C~UCIBI Rasponsibh 2sr land development, canatmation and arrd, f h8nohg for ~On~~~Gfian and OCalS Of thm 0Wi~n~'IEI $?kdUck FRXC@HIQNE e SCARPEW13, MC,# mar BROI Euercutive vice Prarri &alar mCg aarrkethg of Building aaterialrr, hardware and pi equipment. Raspnstbilbtiert inckuded bus%nems Bavalgpmnt of be~sigraeb and &valepea a nat$anal srrkstlng program for one c milZiOn t& L6 aiUion tn gme aaPsr E' n E~EM than twta ysur8, (Isvrloped HatiQnsl and ~ahadiclun oaalrketra car a Brtazt-up rn national nranubaetwer at 8 rubetmtial profig to she cw invst#tora. M!GWl%8, devsbpmnt and kddlil'h$ of n&tfWWkh Baler Wgani2ll PaZ%Uf&otkurhlg Qkhntr taking thio tsfi* 8at Old mnUfa&UZ'@t f tut@tQ hl$at trei'Itlf1Lr wip8llnt. HUks BOOn OUkpBQd PkUX copmcity, prdpltatlnq a ealr art tkr gtap94p mnpany to II 1 R/V c1?* A.CI\UA I LLLLW Iw f 8 4- U-jn * * % 6 &ma t I m 0" "' . " \ - RESUBdB SWARD 3, SCARPIIwII saR=== 71&+'86 - Pmaent WIMvm "I HORTGAGP:r S#C. I President. larhbliahad June 19# National BU& GI$ LEL ZCJIZ~ priar to the banha mrnrge~ with ~a~i l)ank Ot Sa8 Pi-6, W. lacllrpsllf is tha rolr srtbck hePbar an Prerfdrnt of Weetarn xutuaa mgtgags, X~C, gins& Pu llmtspt me aompny has bsrn vezy swercsrrriul hoking an rvstsqo 02 f lniLlloa dotlare a ymar wf residential om cannnrrdaL real PB lws. nPa ysatsr aq6 Mr. Saarplli expanded hia company bokr purps~a 02 buytn Waa and milainq rwidentia& aub&ivierlancr, date tba cempany a as hen h!volved in mix 8Uch venturer far a I of two hundred and sixty-five heme$ t~preeebrttfng I toea1 valt OVW ri%ty -tW milli8n iaOllll2'8. Three progoctim hay= @an ~umpj With net prof ita Of BWQB mill1M dollar8 I 0116 [AWt ib \ canrwtion wfa antfcipatfon of campretion by harr end IQB~) r@mhim i8 in ppoCaB8 fag $ha1 slap &@prtWU* %n abeif UWtlern Mutual Mortpagr, Ins, aircurad rll, dobt financing fer of thm nix pmjlrctr in aam4ms ~f fszty-oana aillion ria0111 motern Mutual Wortqaqe is an expmrirnaad Mcxtqagr Brekmrage rebrdlslenting mer seventy leRbor8 nationwide am an app: aorrarpandmnt oz agbart. W* Scmrplll'hi for tha ~~w~ of wPChat;pjlnq hi0 Ptvi@i.cn aativttioe to mlum ewlty iJoin?i wntum par-rrhipa fa= NATIOU DANX OP LA JOLLQ'REAL ESTATE LEHPXN(I DIVXSIOH, Man build^ I,O~UI mpartmant including bwinmrr devmfopmnt, @rlgfnation af Cormtruetion and pernensnt lome far remiden e#aprwrcrlsI srnd ~~Iki-ftdly bane, prtwlrcriaq nwl undemltin =jar lmne, The dspartramt, a p8rt af We banerr martgage ]lo diVi$iozl, me =e 1Bank'a mt proiitabla division. WZNMQR MORTGAGG CQRFOqATProW, Manager of +ha San W8nah)'BuiUar Eoan Lkpartmmt e ~+&porrarb~&s fur dtrvollqqen nanagmert sf tha San Dim0 branch including bursineas drveloy loan ora hatfon act pmrrslq og mt&ditr%rion ham 1 Responoib I for procamin and anaLywrPs a$ brokared ~rmnref wlti4laiLy and muMiviS P WI cbrmtruatisn IQ- for ram1 r developxa anel fnvmtars. Further rerrpgndbllitiem Ineluded dWe1opnutOt of secenaary mark& ILOU~BI)(L tor majer loans. ". . . - -, ~~-. -. .- ~- 0- e , 4 6 UB5. U#IVERSAt, Chairaadn of the Board sf blraetora ~asmaq mnufacturing, warketfng and sale of the CoaPanPm ~QUIB pr6dU*6 tM6ugh CI dirwct sale Wrhtihg iOtw 05 6ppraxiUt 16,000 indepsndsnt Uiatrfbutorr I Aa Wahaging Oiratoz, incrra malea in ttra firat turlva manam fmm ita than higheat nont higher* iavw;l et aonaay sales VOL~ gor mltaay mgia CDsliPsnt: OParldwldr, Awardad Kmaging Direcket aP $he Yeaz award in 1973 HuPlfnr One dirtxibuzor, mzlb-cibe, Ylcsllda,~ Wagic Coarmetics, Inc 1972 and 1972. ib lumbar af the company'l RourSd Tabla, Presiden: Club, CISahaan% Club, mard of Dlrr~tar~s Club and 01 bistfibrtkor, mrldwibtr, to achieva hiqhaflt sales level award, St( Holder,'* Club. Dh'WtOr / HOlidlly MIgfa CoHBetica Italy, SPA, BaBmn8ibla for 1rwI Qt 9a(lu,floo&J CI high ol $5,900,400, in me ninth manm, ' HIGH SCHOOL TBACSBR OF XH@J&TRJAL UT8. Taught bui Pdlng trac including hpp. wnstmetion, cabinet 'aakfnlp' md arrchitectur &awings SC!4WH.U, #E&EI(I??$, MIIRXNO. Presfdant. Ham rrmadelhq and cust bcm4 bui idwar 0 aiamaKm b. 8, -re - 8tato tfnivrrsisy of Hew Ysrk. Soccndary Educrrtia n.s. mea * Hofmtra Wfverritty, Hmpatrrad, 'WW Yark. amcondar 8chwl AdnSni$krrt;ian, 60 port-graduate oredfta - Hofastru Universiey, Faminqda Graduate of Lleaderehip bynanfcm, Mlnd bynamfae, lalar bynaahil XlWti%U+e.Di '1cIGhllOlCrgY 8nd Xn SWVh CPUrSbP. mBtitUt85. - Rc~ .BY:xERBx TEECOPIER @ ; 5- 6-93 1I:~EiQPl ; qf T Q3-3 790 .. t Paat Wmident ai the No* County Biviaion ai the Sari pi Btr#abarr CatWwnia suilUing Xnd~atpy Mmcirtiozh 6 datfonal p Chairman of the Building Indue-bry 15rslnocxintlen Finance emutittee two aonstreutiva twm: 1980 P 1981. Diroetur af the Wr2h County Oivirian ai? the San biqa Built xnduatry ASswiatim, serving from leal to WP, Co-Ch8i~an of mlti Builder Bond Steering c-ittn, s0n ~1 Bui%d$nq Xndustry iasociationc Building 1IIUWtr)c &B&O@i8tl.OBs R~ildlmrs ARSmiatioa, 197910991 L Conaultmt WUlCi Wilder Bond Rmndhq Director or Carlebad Muoation Peundation. ~hrirorsn af the San pisgo Building ~ndustry msacietian BU~ FaUilitf8S sign Pr", nrearbar Finance Camittea - city OP carlsbaa, Hembar Rotary rnt+mnationat 1871 to Proront. Presidak*.RoUtZy 'Club of Ct~lrbsrd 1981/1932 I % to southern nlifarnia Builber-brsvrlomm. Unltbd Way1)UD ValunCe~a tammte hnd Waer 1~~6 ~amlqrt. Vtce-Preridsnt HQS~~G~ of the ~orth coaot community Qaatreaah, Mombet Cf43i3ornia Wort;qagu E)rokmrr Aaroeiation, California Rea3 Wtate Bragar 0 e 5-6 - 73 .; x,-u&-: ,_ i '2. , ' i - " ' " -u Lit -.!-'I 1 ?! J, ... C:'K'S $-I\ GLY; q? :.:y -5 Pi3 11: 25 c).~" := ~:.;,RLssAD MPUCATION FOR AppOm -8 ._I I .. . BOARD(S1 AND/OR CO"ISSION(S1 (PZease print or type.) NAME@) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: I \,C9i9G I Ih(;? e-. h4, V%l~~~ib'u\. NAME: sed R\mves - ADDRESS: -2d L#G OH# a& CITY: CQ~C~ &.Qb ZIP CODE: ?ao Q r HOME PHONE: 7&9- 0 7// PRESENT OCCUPATION: ad c 'Nab *: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE; 7a9-03// U. S. Citizenship (required for ell appoiniments) des . r\ Resident of Carlsbad @reference &-en to residents) LA- " ff Registered voter in Carlsbad (quid for some commissitms) /G?S b I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on T I wish to serve; I am willing to Ilk flnanclal disclosure statements as required by the State's or ( Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a com designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men 7 SIGNATURE: Ik.$S<dL DATE: 3"a - 73 '\.a (Continued on reverse side) w 0 EDUCATlON /Jm @&" w9 p. 0 f tQssy7 EXPERIENCE /9at &zO.AQ~GL ~p 2, QegF/geL. 4p I', kM94" ' &MB&/E' DZ-G/SM @2- @/3.+zw/~ Q.L% /s n ~fi COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES &@~d~ like T&/s @b'//Im/SG/OA 70 E&* 49-d / te..r€&7@e- /W7b &fi/Ho@;7& /&fi>, / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS 17tM s& kehe6a &AD AS ~au / ' C~,M See jggLPs CzpQg&fldE fo /aa p"4L 4 L?&.s- eW-Q &7&9&w/SS/& , . 0 W , -27 LA93 - d- "d APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD61 AND/OR CO"ISSION[S1 (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: I4003 I rC)L cOmmas1oh) ass1 st~ii hv the Car1 qhdhhOllqlnn NAME: Marvin E Peterson ADDRESS: 3090 Jefferson house c-1 CITY: Carlsbad Ca. ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: (619) 720 9035 PRESENT OCCUPATION: retired BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: 720 9035 U. S. Citizenship (required for a11 appoineents) x Yes Resident of Carlsbad @rek?rence given to residents) x Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (requked for some commissions) - x Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comrnission(s)..on I wish to serve; I am willing tcr.flIe financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Confllct of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a cor designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council ME .,f7 SIGNATURE: * /JP DATE: 5"- / - ., 3 / (Continued on reverse side) U w W EDUCATION EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS *@ 467 e@ .I pic bJb p"l+ RGr\Qa e4# pm OIRECT~R OF R~F~MG ~socl~no~ Mfi3 uVcf3 lh, CaRc30AQ FOR AWvr 6 VRS. Live0 1~ 3.a. c, FOR 25 Va3. VERY Itd76'?L=37Eo IN HOOSlUG COMMIS~IO~ e m . .. . ~. . .... ?I LadZ: y t:, @tTY CLL* .!. . I Cr;i{'$ ;;Y:":" I LU- 27-7/93 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT 93 ?;I.; -7 pp~ 12: 05 e \T\/ c,~. CARLSaAD k BOARD/S) AND/OR CO"ISSION( (Please print or type..) NAME@) OF BOARO(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH ~NT~EXED: b&lL&-?y/ Lk-.ltLn-C.,&A& " -. I. 'f //&;-ti L\ /I NAME: //k -4A L/' 0 ADDRESS: ?c r(f fi'&<?Yhq 9 HOME PHONE: y3 9" c(Rcr7 PRESENT OCCUPATION: fl2dkd r" BUSINESS NAME: BA .-A/L"+f 3 CAM/ BUSINESS ADDRESS: ,5-70' c &&- 4. e424 WORK PHONE w- my3 U. S. Citizenship (required for a~ qopdments) 4eS N CITY: /&tdYk?[ ZIP CODE: TACO f Resident of Carlsbad (preference giwwr to residents) rf Yes b I\ Registered voter in Carlsbad (regvlred for some commi=jons) /' Yes - I am familiar with the responsibiliti& assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on \ I wish to serve; I am willing to file flnanclal dkclosure statements as required by the State's or I Confllct of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appqintrnent by a corn designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men .-, SIGNATURE: ibd#mA $- flfi;d DATE: 3 -- L y73 .-, SIGNATURE: ibd#mA $- flfi;d DATE: 3 -- L y73 (Continued on reverse side) C e ,/ ' & 1 &/LC& fL:4kA EDUCATION g/'d$& ~PZ L," L-F // 9 [/( c, H -7LL4387 /% 7 - (171 lL7 L%Z&-, L- LdYCd~ Ir /9 76 - H7; if / ,, 7 fl7/&L&T&?p Lz&:sd 1 I if pL&wL-/ ~hl/zz%+7. i rV fl7 L Lq Lw& kt+( 1 -, /%77 -/&""-f / /I.x-LzLL.zd c " EXPERIENCE &L.;?& ! /&/y T-& - yuh - 1971'ILaI'LLC lB f?A. %.e/ 4. e- /f"& /?7L - @qMh2/ Ch+vJ ~pzd&~d%&pf - /W-y COMMUNITY ACTIVlTlE ... L/L?&k&& lm - ;&X&& # &. l.b4kwh '$I[ '<e4 LA7 pph &. 7 ,, P~~~~2fq 4 -$&&& b? $-ixpwA"a; B.3 .x pfldi- &+I.& / /&vL&&& ~C-M.-L""l - && L&- + Fu.-./+ P v L&L74& /?v? __""" ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS - G,Tb,/ - "if+ 9 Ad2 ha -7 r -A J .&m 4 ,y A" f,n L& J L%zm 6?m I-L.dL'( L9 L.cm 4- '< 0 0 .~ '. 1200 ELM AVENUE . .. . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Aibc: .- ,-TEI ZIT y [3'[, !=E Gft: Office of rhe City Clerk Q3 ~!AY -7 FW 12 d. ..,-.: Mitg of aarlsbnb .CjTY SF' t"kRLS[ s-7/73 - w BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISSION (SI APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT e (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BoARD(S) AND/OR COmISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: GdP/3 hc4 &&A "7 &9Arn,T5/04 . .. NAME : ADDRESS: ?Y?/ L(&?&A?fl,W- 5.9 CITY: '&,$&J ZIP CODE: & HOME PHONE : 7a9-37r;rZ c- A,5SCPA fl. GLAf.i - PRESENT OCCUPATION: I BUSINESS NAME: -X /+>/e/ +/%md~zA$ <eFt/,+x r BUSINESS ADDRESS: R?c9 c d2.5 <# p'//n fl,rn&d &7 P2375V WORK PHONE: Y3 3-rndf U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) /Yes Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) y/ Ye: Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comissions) - J Ye! L/ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commissiol I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commi! I am willing to be interviewed reggrding my qualifications for appointment b! designated by the City Council. or at the request of an individual Council I wish to serve; to f i nanci a1 dl sclosure; S IGNATURE : /&J 12 DATE : &k 3 (Continued on reverse side.) u W 0 EDUCATION ~yr/;:e I."./+ %/ <+A'.. i fi,,n+> I\ ~G;-;J b/$ /> &f&.+&.;t L@,dj&z/ /4/Y..f5.& &L4 c+ 4 .<I /* 5?h-- /K,/&L, 4/Af-..fl Ld%f R ,4 Ap?L, ,h &f,&,J , .."*'.IJ..r A*J../nJC/p EXPERIENCE B ' A- bi*fl(> A/A& L&!;3/%b- 4; ' r ,,cn ,- /&&&. fiAY7- bp.*-fli%n , &Z..AE (1/;"6 fih*L;c / &&+J ~/+A"/ &P 1L=;.rpr&D/- 5 /J. L*cf. 6>:?%: .-r ,:/&4. f //&;P;-m z: / /&J &/- z %Am-/'.,&299/7kp+ !&wrA /.nr,k &X?, /&./e/??J/2Y"e 7 CWNITY ACTIVITIES ,&jJ G: <. .r' g@&, L&%J &Y &:iL LA4 &j/; fiQ,hf/ &A &,$&/ d+J f &/;. Lba' Lmkd Lvr 2A* y/& h,WP,/ 74% k& /ji;.r,-J/n*/nXcr @&Ahl..A &re"?* on Wk'd,," /A&- KA7L.4 &A fl7 ? t y AW)ITIONAL INFORMATION OR CMENTS -2 AL my Y4-J ALh-ffF en +x. 'f /ss??kf , rkl m/& sfl ykey z WWM *c4h./&f /"y //LC, rdjvsr&L,. 9n:Jmy hU9AC.ff + Ai/+ 4 pff,,d I/ kLi~ J~;~ A~ b /;,,/A A+J+ in dpp~~a~ 5-6/43 'APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(SI -+ :u ., - LT 2 -j -.: / -, - . ?: .-..: j ,., '. .. ., (Please prinr or type.) L-, 1: NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: & 5 c " " /J - a. T=&G%ULl?= h,T\-k3>o\TL/ 1 1 7 NAME: m d &a & . Am&-- ADDRESS:Aq '59 &V \LA Au = CITY: "L5- ZIP CODE: qZcuoFk HOME PHONE: - 7-79- 53G\ PRESENT OCCUPATION: n ~AL 5 L r, L a~ ~c-tc )~cDt TA~T BUSINESS NAME:- BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: 4?%-+C?iih U. S. Citizenship (required for a// appointments) dyes - N( Resident of Carlsbad ([)reference given to residents) /Yes Nc Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) /Yes Nc I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on w I wish to serve; yc+ I am willing to fib finalncial disclosure statements as required by the State's or C Conflict of Interrest codes; q E+ I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a comm designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Memr SIGNATURE: Q=?AE: t-/l LY A: tGj 9 2-> (Continued on reverse de) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434, e 0- EDUCATION - h e OI2” Gi-sw-Ay - “,Ls-e&Ty & zAb\FQa-w\&.!3”-, LqQf LA. A. STWOI=- Ctsba-\qT\) - 5- tst-a S’TA-= u uI Urz” G”h0A-f \ c\ry .tm=Sto- - EXPERIENCE C\F/ & - - \ci7\- \4qa - -*“az v. 5. Ub-1. W75-\97% pb.Chwreti =ovs”.-sr \q+7 ”7 .- COMMUNITY ACTlVllm L \~*TL= CWA-Ga 6 pQc> WA”=e - ~ZLL;~W &5- -0” C&L” & ”cwtzs &OT “a . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS (Ir 0 L 5-7-53 CITY CC C' A?'.?! Mny 1 9 n3 r1.1 91 ' - cavlyaWesi -APPUCATION FOR APPOINTNENT -GLUA .~- - NOARD(S1 AND/OR COMMISSION61 (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD@) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: HOUSI~C, COMWISSIOId (9. TKPJA~~ As5 t .ST€.B 'BY cARLS@AO /I Ami NAME: KElT~ I - MELOY ADDRESS: 2 $4 8 TEFF, CSOh) i3 '501 CITY: CAR L3 l?ho ZIP CODE: 92008 PRESENT OCCUPATION: em-\ RED MW TARY BUSINESS NAME:^-) I P HOME PHONE: - 729 - 9553 BUSINESS ADDRESS: Ll /A WORK PHONE: 13 /A U. S. Citizenship (requ;red tar d/ eppalntments) x Yes N Resident of Carlsbad I@refereme given to residents) Ayes - F Registered voter in Carlsbad (WUM for some ~ommissions) % Yes r I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on ' I am willing to Ma financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or i Conflld of Inkerest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a com designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men I wish to-ser~e;, SIGNATURE: v, .j.,Lk,k?(ly DATE: (Continued on reverse si.&) w 0 EDUCATION EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY ACTtVlTlES PA" MEnnB€R OF HRAC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS . 5-7-73 -% BOARDG) AND/OR COMMISSXON(S) "U APPUCATION FOR APPOINTMENT =La CD -4 z- 4 7.3 42 .-n I c ;\ >* - -2 - r- mr P( Q( - 4 - (Please print or fype.) - NAME@) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN, WHICH INTERESTED: Q LLds /I-, 4 ,, 7 ~~ ~ "a. " NAME: &t&-&-j- 2% VI4 lit ADDRESS: z-sors d /.PC eAsC4dP" ' CITY: Q +Ieih54 3 ZtP CODE: c/Ud (2 , HOME PHONE: xk,Q ~c - 0/67 PRESENT OCCUPATIQN: J" ~ fi/5d'bflbb' MHr) 4 6 ZL: BUSINESS NAME: 4 4 c, 4r" 4<.~p*,,+lt: BUSINESS ADDRESS: -722 4~dc v/evF 3;~. 6 SJom &/A ,, P# 2 . r WORK PHONE: xfdsz/ - -13L5 U. S. Citizenship (required for a// appointments) J yes N Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) / yes N Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) J yes n I am familiar .with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on \ I wish to serve; I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or ( Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be intervig ding my qualifications for appointment by a corn1 designated by6 ity CouhciJ,,or at the request of an individual Council Merr / SIGNATU *\kg/ c,; ~ i,/ c- DATE: 5 -7- 75 (Continued on reverse side) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 (61 9) 43 w EDUCATION c; ,2AcLLa7c.c\ f l.l~-li c- .LC \30c.\- t :I ~;-2~,~ .ab+.),)jp ii LC +nGpFz "i -{ f\ -; -,{ '<, ,q -[ tt a' c AT-q G&o: -l<> F- t"C GL! \C\ ii c y L- I& .3<? 1'4 b.4 x<><; f-) c .; ,\ i-. ". - . .-.- . " "... *c .- t"& \C<\iC,-> \ lC. ,p, ,c < b'' I I t+ I-/ f p,,<\ ~.~ -E - 1-p cz L lec,e . 7.. . .. c3 L:3c > Lt~cA1n-c -:x A , .r\ . \ 0 -"I ~w~~~~~-i L<..\S;C . _" - EXPERIENCE -. "-- " \ c\;. \ c.*qL.)c-t~ T L-4 p ltiW iocc,'<; ~ \ 1, LL\\ ry . "5 c c <.i ? i--c ILT.., Tz V$.@A&& *>US\fl% ,y- /- "Cc;iEr-!';-n-CL. - . ", 5 hr-1 L' ria4 e pcsc d .\TO I r? c G C-G q$ cs Cb rn g,q c c -a irrt -EO a2 35 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES I @LT'I<~? . m t~t+ ~arr~se~di Li i-6 t' ~aiq~ s .~\c.T\\\I (II PC'~ u> 'i ra "6 G\?~~CU~S -r -hQZ;Pc( ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS -..P"" .." ""- 1 "" .. -,". . . , C.. , &A*. If?- &mA 1 .*"'I . ..-I- . "". . , I .'i : // y;j i!mui"PORBI . .. . c:, ) Lf /-!'A;;),,, ' """. " (PkRSr prinr or tpe.) ~(s;,) or; BQARO{S) kNYOR COMMISSIQN(S) IN WHICH IWERESTED: Q &UPU,FN7 " WE!, wmz ADDRESS:=& .&-ip LPPA ig Q. Lfr/ CIV: ' 6- d ZIP COOE: 9rlUQg . HOME PHONE: PREY~NT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: -_ v c WORK PkkINE: 4 U. S. CXizwhip ~nau~n~w.r1wma4 " - \ - Yes No DA'IE: rh,/L ~ * (Cantinucd oto ryvcm side) 0 I w - " 6 * @ a B ~~~~~~~~ A7 52 e&hJe u T&X&-Y rnfia-IAGE4 ,. mm /i%QN& "- 8 m 7 .. 8' E "I --: -i :,:A . APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT %- 4 <3 - - 541-93 BO.ARD/S) AND/OR CO"ISSION(S) P" x- i-" cn mr: -w (Please print or type.) PP 0- NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR Co~MlssloN(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Carlsbad Housing Commission NAME: Douglas M. Avis ADDRESS: 2641 Ocean Street .. CIN: Carlsbad,, CA. ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: ___ (619) 434-9970 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Real Estate Devwnt BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: - P.O. Box 9000-266, Carlsbad, CA. 92018 Benchmark Pacific WORK PHONE: (619) 931-1677 U, S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) x .- yes r Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) X' / Yes r X Registered vote, in Carlsbad (requlrsd for soma commissions) Yes F I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on 1 I wish to serve; : I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or ( Conflict of lntercest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a corn designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Men SIGNATURE: DATE: " 5/Mw (Continued on reverse. side) @ 0 ,-.. c A EDUCATION B.S. , San Diego State University, 1970 1 EXPERIENCE. President , Benchmark Pacific (See attached brochures) > .. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Councilman, Cit:y of Oceanside, 1976 - 1980 Planning Commissioner, City of Oceanside, 1973 - 1976 Chairman of the Board, North County Transit District, 1977 - 1980 Affordable Housing Task Force, City of Carlsbad, 1992 - 1993 Member of the Board of Directors, Carlsbad Bops & Girls Club, 1990 tc ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS Please see attached letter .. Q ** - I .. May 10, 1993 Mayor Claude rlBudll Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92008 RE: Carlsbad Housing Commission La Costa Ranch House PO. Box 9ooo-266 Carlsbad CA 92009 FAX 619/931/1946 619/931/1677 Dear Mayor Lewis: Please find enclosed my application for a position on the newly structured Housing Commission. I am very excited about the prospect. of working with the City Council to help implement the recently approved ordinance. As I am active in the Real Estate Development Industry in Carlsbad, I feel I can offer a practical, business perspective to the commission. My experience in development, finance, and construction of real estate projects could prove to be valuable as Carlsbad begins its tenuous journey towards making affordable housing a reality. Please give my application consideration as you select this Commission. It represents a willingness to work hard for the best interests of Carlsbad. Sincerely, Doug Avis DA:ta C: Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director Evan Becker, Housing and Redevelopment Director I NB a l .I, ". June 29, 1993 .-. .. . . " - .-. TO: CITY CLERK FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECT0 v MINUTES CLERK FOR HOUSING COMMISSION MEETINGS Housing and Redevelopment Staff has scheduled a special meeting of the new Hous Commission for Thursday,, July 29, 1993 at 6:im in the City Council Chambers. We wc like to request that a minutes clerk be assigned'to this meeting. Also, staff is suggesting that regular meetings of the Co~mmission be held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:OO beginning in August, 199:3. We will need a minutes clerk on an ongoing basis to attend Housing Commission meetings. If you have any questions or comments regarding this request, please contact myself or Del Fountain at X 2935. Thanks, EVAN E. BECKER <#y*".~" &q" "Z d 4%-