HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-18; City Council; 12230; APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TO SUPPORT JPA CONSULTANT SERVICES3 2 z o i= o 4 d 5 0 0 <-% cw OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL L ' -, AB # J2.2-30 TITLE: MTG. 05/18/93 APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS DEPT. U&M TO SUPPORT JPA CQNSULTANT SERVECES RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. c13- lioappropriating $10,000 from the Solid Waste En Fund for Carlsbad's portion of consultant services desired by the North Coun~ Waste Management Agency. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 4, 1992, City Council adopted a resolution which authorized the R execute the North County Solid Waste Management Agency Joint Powers Ag (JPA) with the cities of Escondido and Oceanside. The PA was formed in an consider innovative and progressive approaches to solid waste manage] cooperation with other cities. Since that time, disposal of solid waste has become more uncertain. The Couni Diego accelerated the long-standing flow control issue, and the expansion of Marcos landfill is still in question. As a result, pressure has increased to alternative disposal options. At its April 14, 1993 meeting, the PA agreed tc Request for Proposals (WP) for consultant services to complete the followinl Preparation of a Request for Proposals for securing solid waste b processing and disposal options as alternatives to the San Diegc Solid Waste System; Assistance in evaluating the reliability, technical and fiscal ade alternative disposal proposals received in comparison to the CUI anticipated County of San Diego solid waste disposal options; i Assistance to the Joint Powers Agency in negotiating with \ toward obtaining a contract for alternative solid waste t processing and disposal. 1. 2. 3. This RFP was sent to the firms of Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson (HFH) and G Brkkner & Bratton (GBB), as both firms are experienced in this line of - complete copy of the RFP is attached as Exhibit 2. Both HFH and GBB submitted proposals. Staff preliminarily reviewed the prop recommended further review and selection of a firm to complete Task 1 on May 10, 1993 meeting, the PA representatives decided to interview the f request that each JPA representative ask their City Council to approve an appi of $10,000 to cover the cost of the consultant services. A final decision to pro Task 1 will be made by the JPA at its May 21, 1993 meeting. e 0 PAGE 2 OF AB# J2! 630 FISCAL IMPACX: The estimated cost of the recommended consultant services is approximately $2 (Task 1 only). Representatives of the three member cities have agreed to divi expense equally, and request from their respective Councils $10,000 to cov expense and any contingencies. The cost for consultant services to accomplish a tasks is estimated to be $60,000. Funds for Task 1 are available in the Solid Enterprise Fund. The Solid Waste Enterprise Fund is funded through gra available, and the AB 939 fee of 1.1% of the residential and commercial solic services rate. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Resolution No. 9 3 - J 5 ' Request for Proposal for Consultant Service to Prepare a Proposal I Alternative Disposal Services. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 93-150 A RESOLUTEON OF THE (=TTy COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALFORNM TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE SOLID WA!3E ENTERPRISE FUND FOR CARLSBAD'S PORTION OF COSTS IN- BY THE NORTH COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the CITY OF CARLSBAD is a member of the P Solid Waste Management Agency (Agency), a joint powers authority Wit1 Escondido and Oceanside; and WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that consultant necessary to accomplish the task of soliciting alternative refuse disposal 1 WHEREAS, member agencies have agreed to share the consultant services equally; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. $10,000 shall be appropriated in the Solid Waste En PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Cound i 1 Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 18th day of MAY I the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nyc NOES: None ABSENT: None C ATTEST: (SEAL) 0 0 NORm mU"Y SUUD WASIS MANAG- AGM April 21, 1993 Harvey Gershmann Gershmann, Brickner & Bratton Corporation 2735 Hartland Road Falls Church, VA 22043-3537 Re: Request for Proposal (WP) for Consultant Service to Prepare a Proposal Seek Alternative Refuse Disposal Services The North County Solid Waste Management Agency, a Joint Powers Agency cor representatives of the Cities of Carlsbad, Escondido and Oceanside, is soliciting propc two firms that have extensive solid waste management knowledge. The agency is proposals from the consultants for the following three (3) tasks: 1. Preparation of a Request for Proposals for securing solid waste processing and disposal options as alternatives to the San Diego Coi Waste System: 2. Assistance in evaluating the reliability, technical and fiscal adc alternative disposal proposals received in comparison to the CL anticipated County of San Diego solid waste disposal options; and Assistance to the Joint Powers Agency in negotiating with vendor( obtaining a contract for alternative solid waste transport, proce disposal. 3. It is the Joint Powers Agency's intention to pursue the above stated tasks in consistent with the draft policies of the Agency, which are contained on attache1 Staff to the Agency has considered a number of specific issues that need to be addri in the preparation of the RFP. as well as the evaluation of responses. These topic Disposal Sen-ices - What will be the method(s) for disposal? Where place? Should both short and long term options be considered? T capability of the proposing firm in providing full support to our nee Exhibit * 0 0 * Transfer and Transportation - The RFP must address the method b! y the respondent firm uill dcd uith the transfer of trash to its ultirn3tC site. Will it participate in providing transfer capability in the local c( or will the Agency be responsible for local transfer? Guarantees required so that contracts are in place for transportation to the ultima1 site. Additionally, information relating to the cost for such transport be evaluated, including transfer costs and possible host fees that assessed along the route. Rate stability is of utmost concern to the d Liability and Legal Issues - Definitive answers will need to be regarding any new liabilities being assumed by the agency to deposit in landfills elsewhere. Additional information is needed regarding aspects of interstate commerce (should interstate transport be involvt as other legal issues. Financial capabilities - We will need to be assured that the responden financially capable of meeting the obligation they are assuming contract. * * * Technical CapabiliF - The Agency will need to determine thc capability of the respondent proposal, specifically relating to th quality of the proposed landfill and processes used to remove hazar from the waste stream prior to disposal. Attachment 2 outlines the desired contents for each of the Requests for PI Attachment 3 outlines the evaluation cntena. Proposals must be submitted and received no later than Ami1 28. 1993 at 3:OO P. to be considered. In order to expedite the processing and review of those PTO~OS; copies of the proposal shall be submitted to each of the following agencies: City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Frank Mannea Assistant City Manager City of Escondido Civic Center Plaza 201 North Broadway Escondido, CA 92025-2798 Attention: Jack Anderson Deputy City Manager City of Oceanside 300 North Hill Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Attention: Dana Hield %%itson, Deputy City Manager e 0 The Agency reserves the right to make an award without negotiations proposers should submit their best price initially The agenc) also resmes thc right a contract to those proposers determined to be most advantageous and detsrmtned to Agency's best interest, price and other factors considered. This Request for Proposal does not commit the North Count): Solid Waste Man For this re; Agency to award a contract or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a prc response to this request. The Agency reserves the right to accept or reject any or all I received as a result of ths request; to negotiate with any qualified proposer or to canc or in its entirety this request for proposal if it is determined to be in the best intere5 Agency. Thank you for your interest in this project. Frank 7dd Mannen Assistant City Manager City of Carlsbad 1;- dl /- / ,--I ,' &'I - &( -&---- Jack Anderson Deputy City Manager i/ City of Escondido // - >/, 4_ rJ$](Qkb Dana Hield Whitson Deputy City Manager City of Oceanside DHW:ms Attachments: 1. Draft Policies for North County Solid Waste Management Agenc: 2. Contents of Proposals 3 /&G??Y&Z8d ck?/re/?3 0 0 ATTACI- DRAFT POLICIES FOR NORTH COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCY 1. Recognize that solid waste management requires a regionally coordinated : that encompasses both short and long term objectives, with a view toward minimizing costs to the rate payers while also complying with regulatory i environmental statutes. Continue cooperation and dialogue with the County of Sari Diego and other 2. county cities in seeking a regionally oriented solid waste system that F representative decision making, reliability, equitable sharing of costs and cc solid waste processing and disposal options. Pursue development of a subregional plan for the North County area that i ~ith and can be integrated with a regional solid waste system, but, at the would allow North County Cities to secure a range of alternative disposal options in the event that a cooperative countywide s: imple mented. Explore a variety of solid waste disposal opportunities pursuant to the N subregional plan, considering cost effectiveness, environmental suitabilit] compliance with State and Federal mandates, and both short and long ter Make all disposal opportunities developed through the Joint Powers Age1 to all other agencies in San Diego County, either through a regionwid through the PA. Retain maximum flexibility to pursue future solid waste processing technologies which would minimize environmental impacts andor mode projected tipping fees. Minimize potential liability for both the PA and its member agencies. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. e 0 ATTACH5 CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL, 1. The Statement of Work - State understanding of the requirements to be accor State general experience, capabilities and approach for each task. Demonstra understanding of the nature and scope of work to be performed and its relati the Agency’s needs. 2. Experience and Support - Demonstrate, through experience of the subcontractors and/or through personnel employed by the company, a comp knowledge of solid waste disposal requirements. Task Methodology and Management - For each task list specifically and separ intended methodology, that is, what you are going to do and how you are g it. Management Structure, Including Subcontractors - Demonstrate willingness appropriate resources to the proposed work with appropriate diligence. Dc proposed assignment of work and overall contract management. Personnel Qualifications - Provide resumes for the key management and p 3. 4. 5. personnel proposed for use on thls project. 6. List of Projects of Similar Size and Scope - Submit a description of your in the management of similar programs within the last 5 year period, in name(s) of the agency, point of contact, and the dollar value of each such Disclosure of Business Relationships - Please indicate any past or curre relationships With any of the Member Agencies or potential s dispodprocessing contractors that could provide reason to question tk performance of the consultant. Technical Proposal - The techcal should enable the Agency to thorougl whether the proposal meets the agency’s requirements. The proposal s specific, detailed and complete as to clearly and fully demonstrate that the 1 thorough understanding of the agency’s requirements and the knowledge tc needs. Samples of Previous Reports - At least copy of a similar type rep demonstrate the fm’s ability to provide the required senices. 7. 8. 9. 0 0 Contents of Proposal Page 2 10. References - List title, name, address, area code and telephone number for at (3) references of projects as similar to this one as are available. Indicate the project performed for each of these references and the year in which it W~S I Pricing Proposal - Provide a separate price schedule which will remain I period of 120 days from the date of the proposal deadline. Costs shal supported by such supplemental materials as are necessary for full docu Costs should be further broken down by each of the three (3) specified tasl Proposals shall include all travel, lodging, transportation, hourly wage rate: expenses incidental to this proposal. However, travel, if any will be separa and displayed. 11. e 0 ATTACH! CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS 1. 2. Understanding of the problem and soundness of approach. Organizational structure and capability to complete project in timely and effective manner. Personnel qualifications and technical resources. 3. 4. Management and organization. 5. Performance record. 6. cost. 7. Interviews - The Joint Powers Agency reserves the right to interview any o uho submit proposals to assist in the selection process.