HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-25; City Council; 12244; 1993-94 Operating & to Buildout CIP BudgetL* Cv OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL J? k: I - I \Y AB # 1% 29 y DEPT, TITLE: * MTG, 5/25/93 1993-94 OPERATING BUDGET AND 1993-94 TO CITY l DEPT. FIN BUILDOUT CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET cl~y 1 I I I ii ai .rl tl a, 5 u Q) [r) tl 0 w LCI U cd v) z u c) Q) .d k a a d cd U $4 0. am am Ma a 4 5; 4 a 4G Lila, -d 1 w- ac 9" arz; bl *I4 bo us4 aid 82 v cdv 44 -d .rl P us Ga 1 vu 00 m \ a rn hl 1 u-l .. z 0 F 0 U d z 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACT19N; Accept and file report. Set public hearing for June 15, 1993. I'EM EXPLANATION: The total proposed budget for 1993-94 is $91.4 million which represents a decrease of $8 million or 8.4% from the 1992-93 adopted budget. Revenues for 1993-94 are estimated $111 million which is $30.4 million or 38% below the estimated revenues for 1992-93. fl Operating portion of the budget totals $72.5 million with projected 1993-94 revenues contain $39.7 million of estimated revenue for 1993-94. This year, the budget process will be taking place in two steps. The first step is the revit and adoption of the budget proposed as of May, 1993. Step two will begin when the Ci is certain of the impact the State will have upon its revenue stream. It is estimated that t potential loss to the State is between $1.5 and $4 million. Once the impacts are &own: new budget will be formulated and presented for review. The General Fund portion of the budget contains $39.4 million in recommend expenditures and are down $2.1 million from the current 1992-93 budget. Project General Fund revenues for 1993-94 total $39.2 million resulting in a budget which balanced with current revenues and through the use of $190,000 from the fund balanc Projects planned for expenditure from the fund balance include the renovation of the 0 Street office facility at $125,000 and $65,000 in capital outlay spending. Reven projections show an increase of 2.4% or $920,000 over the current 1992-93 project1 receipts. $71.4 million. New appropriations for Capital projects are proposed at $26 million a1 I The relatively flat revenue forecasts for 1993-94 have resulted in few changes to plann expenditures. The proposed budget contains the same levels of service that Carlsbad h adjusted to over the past three years, which include, for example, less watering in pa areas, user maintenance of playing fields, elimination of the Neighborhood Wat newsletter, and a street sweeping schedule of once every month. In addition to the fofl two positions that were eliminated during 1992-93, one additional position has bel eliminated and five are unfunded in 1993-94. The recommended General Fund bud2 contains a $593,000 contingency account. The Water District Operating budget totals $12.1 don, up $96,000 from the curre 1992-93 budget. The current District estimates for 3.992-93 spending is $10.6 million water sales are down due to conservation and an unusually wet rainy season. Water rat charged by the Metropolitan Water District and County Water Authority will increase in Jr and are reflected in the 1993-94 budget. As a result, the Water Board will be consideri raising the Carlsbad Municipal Water District rates. The Sewer Enterprise has a proposl budget of $4.6 million, which is nearly identical to the current 1992-93 budget. Revenu for the Sewer fund are estimated at $4.3 million and include the assumption that a ra increase will be implemented. The Redevelopment operations budget totals $628,000, down $151,000 from the adopt1 1992-93 budget. Payment on Redevelopment bonds of $1.1 million is also included, as wc as $106,000 for Low and Moderate Income Housing. x e' 0 x PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL 12; 2'44 The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) calls for a 1993-94 appropriation of $26 millio to fund twenty-nine projects. Revenues total $39.7 million and include the assumption thi Community Facility District bonds will be issued to complete the $11.2 million Sou1 Carlsbad Library, and that $3 million in bonds will be issued for the D Reservoir I1 Watc District project, Also, an additional $1 million in Public Facilities Fee is scheduled fc appropriation for Poinsettia Park and $1.6 million in Community Facility District funds fc the Interchange at 1-5 and Poinsettia. Bond payments are scheduled for the expansion I Encina Phase lV at $1.1 million and Water Certificate of Participation payments of $1 million. One of the City Council's goals is to annually evaluate fees and charges for services conjunction with the budget. Staff has reviewed and is presenting several options tl Council may wish to consider. 1. After review of the fee schedules, staff is recommending that fees and charges for services remain at their current levels with only minor modifications. There are six new fees proposed; three from within the General Fund and three from the Water District. Also included are recommendations for increasing one general City fee, the annual Municipal Code Supplement Service. Reductions were made in instances where the fee exceeded the cost of the service. 2. Staff also recommends that the City Council raise fees, which by ordinance designate that fees can be raised in conjunction with increases in the Engineering News Record (ENR) construction cost index. This application applies to both the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) and the Sewer Capacity fees. Applying the ENR to the "IF results in an increase of $6.00 per average daily trip to the new rate of $83.00 per average daily tr;p. The Sewer Capacity fee increases by $157 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) to $1,767 per EDU. 3. Since Council may wish to review development related fees from another perspective, staff has looked at the subsidy levels from a categorical basis. Development related fees were broken down into one of five categories based on the size of development (small, medium and large), day care, and non-profit status. The non-profit related fees have the highest subsidy level at 92.8%, while the fees placed in the large approximately 37%. Should the Council wish to move closer 'to the goal of greater cost recovery, steps can be taken to increase various categories of development related fees. size project related fees category have the lowest subsidy level at Additional revenue which may be recognized by implementing the options identified ab01 is difficult to ascertain. This is because development levels are very low within the City, an it is doubtful that by raising any number of the recommended fees will result in measurable figure. Council will have the opportunity to review the 1993-94 Operating and Capit; Improvement Program Budgets as well as the Fees and Charges for Services at the first WOI .. @ 0 v PAGE THREE OF AGENDA BILL 19, a44 session on May 25, 1993. Selected City staff will be making presentations while others will be available for questions. A public hearing is scheduled for the meeting of June 1 1993 when the Council will receive input from interested citizens and groups wishing 1 comment on the proposed budget. EXHIBITS 1. 1993-94 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets. 2. May 17, 1993 memo to City Manager regarding Fees and Charges for Services. 3. Fee Schedule - Development Related Fees, General Ciry Fees and Charges, Develol ment Related Water District Fees, and General Water District Fees and Charges. W @ 0 m - City of Carlsbad May 17,1993 TO: HOlNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager 1993-94 BUDGET I am pleased to submit to you the proposed 1993-94 Operating and Capital Improvemer Program Budgets for the City which total $98.4 million. Revenues for 1993-94 ar projected at $1 1 :l .O million. General Fund revenues total $39.2 million with expenditurf scheduled at $39.4 million. The difference of revenues to expenditures is made up throug the use of $190,000 in fund balance for meeting limited capital outlay needs, and to fun the major building maintenance project of renovating the Oak Street office building. Tk budget message which follows will focus on operating revenues, expenditures, an important issues :facing the City in the forthcoming 1993-94 fiscal year. Detailed discussia of the Capital Budget may be found in the section detailing the Capital Improvemer Program. Overview As the City of Carlsbad entered the 1990's, budgeting and planning for programs h: become a more challenging process each year. The trial has been to match expenditurt with a continuously declining revenue base. Not only has the weak economy played a pa: in reducing the C~ity's normally growth oriented revenue stream, but the State of Califomj has persistently looked to Cities for help in balancing their budget, The result has been constant exercise of balancing expenditures with slipping revenues. The 1992-93 budget year alone found the City of Carlsbad preparing and revising i General Fund bu'dget a total of three times. While the Council adopted a balanced budgc beginning July l:, 1992, the economy affected revenues, and the State balanced its budgc using revenues relied on by the City. These impacts resulted in the need to reduce 1992-5 programs by $2.:3 million. As the revenues were reviewed again in January, 1993, it w: apparent that the economy was still weak, and again expenditures were tapered back, th time by $1.6 million. 1 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 434-286 * 0 0 I The most significant action the City took as expenditures were reduced was to eliminat a total of forty two (42) positions from the budget. At that same time, five (5) positior were unfunded. Service level declines that have occurred are most apparent in the City Parks. Watering in park land passive areas has been eliminated, tennis court lighting h been reduced, and maintenance of ball fields has become a user responsibility. 0th~ service level reductions include the elimination of the Neighborhood Watch newslette reduced litter control, and a curtailed street sweeping schedule from biweekly to once eac month. Further, the Library book budget was reduced, and training for police and fire sta has been cut resulting in offering only mandated education. As we head into l993-94, the revenue picture looks much the same as the current 1992-9 revenues, resulting in a flat forecast for next year. Budgeted expenditures for 1993-9 have been held at levels reached during the cutbacks implemented throughout the pas There are no new programs or positions contained in the 1993-94 proposed budget; in fac one position has been eliminated and five positions remain unfunded. Projects that ha\ been deferred continue in that status and staffing of vacant positions is periodical? reviewed. It is important to recognize that this budget represents the first step in arriving at balanced budget for 1993-94. It is almost certain that when the State balances its budge cities will again become a target for needed revenues. It is anticipated that Carlsbad's lo! will be in the range of $1.5 to $4 million. When the losses are known, the budget will 1 reformulated, and will look quite different from that presented within. It is indeed like: that the State's budget balancing actions will also affect the Redevelopment Agency an the Water District. Budgetarv Policitz The most important goal in preparing the budget is to balance revenues again expenditures. A balanced budget is so important, that the City revised its revent estimates downward by $3.8 million, or 10% during the 1992-93 fiscal year. The: revisions have brought the City to its present point where revenues are projected to t relatively flat as we enter 1993-94. The flat revenues provided the forum for developir the policies that were used to develop the budget that is presented to the City Council. 1, II General Fund Revenue Comparison (In Millions) (1 $39.9 $42.1 $38.3 $39.2 The table above provides a picture of the revenue progression for a three year period. 1 can be seen in the second box, we started 1992-93 rather optimistically with a $42 million revenue :projection. Results of the impacts of the State budget and the econon forced a downward change to a 1992-93 revised estimate of $38.3 million. As we entl 1993-94, the $39.2 million revenue projection can be considered flat at a 2.4%, ( $920,000, increase over the 1992-93 revised figure. 2 0 e * As budgets have already been cut back to match 1992-93 estimated revenues, the goal preparing 1993-94 budgets was to keep expenditures at their current level. Departmer prepared 1993-94 spending plans with the following guidelines: b No mew positions, ,programs or services. b Budgets were allowed to increase by the amount necessary to accommodate stc increases. b Capital outlay needs could be addressed within the budget request. b Increased costs were required to be offset by reductions elsewhere such that tl bottom line would be equal to, or less than, the 1992-93 budget amount. b Increases in Data Processing charges were allowed in recognition of a one tir savings realized in 1992-93. b Assess:ments for the Worker's Compensation and Liability Insurance Sc Insurance Funds were reallocated resulting in increased costs to some,progran and decreased costs in others. The total amount allocated was the same during: 1992-93, which resulted in no revenue increases for either fund. b Wherever possible, maintain existing service levels. The use of these guidelines resulted in a recommended 1993-94 Operating Budget of $39 million. This budget includes the elimination of one position, and the placement of fi Fund payment to the Golf Course. A Council Contingency account of nearly $600,000 included in the budget to address unanticipated emergencies or unforseen program need positions in the mlhded category. The recommended 1993-94 budget reflects no Gene1 Two significant cost increases needed to be absorbed in the 1993-94 budget as the Cj recognized a one time savings during 1992-93. First, as mentioned above, Data Processi charges increased by approximately $200,000, in order to maintain a prudent fund balanc Second, the Hosp Grove debt payment was increased by approximately $75,000 in ord to accommodate the regular annual payment. Also included in the proposed budget are amounts necessary to provide full year fundi for the Assistant City Attorney and the Compensation and Benefits Manager, which h been reduced to partial funding in 1992-93. Additionally, three Police Officers which WE unfunded during the February budget reduction, are funded in 1993-94. 3 e, 0 . Revenue The table below shows the total operating and capital revenues the .City anticipa receiving for 1992-93, as well as those estimated for 1993-94. REVENUESUMMARY BY FUNCTION (In Millions) PROJECTED FUND !z-93 GENERALFUND $383 SPECIALREVENUE 6.4 ENTERPRISEFUNDS 14.7 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6.1 REDEVELOPMENT 1.8 I 'i ESTIMATE Q 93-94 i $392 ? 6.5 g . .> $ 17.4 $ 1.8 g 6.4 2 DIFFERENCE AS%OF PROJECTED $0.9 23% $0.1 1.6% $2.7 18.4% $0.3 4.9% $0.0 0.0% TOTAL, OPERATING $67.3 1 $71.3 z $4.0 5.9% -3 ............................................................ CAPITAL $13.3 $39.7 $264 1985% 'GRAND TOTAL, . $80.6 $111.0 $30.4 37;7% Revenue estimates indicate that the City will receive a total of $111 .O million, a 37.; increase over the current year projections.' The majority of the increase can be attribul to the capital funds which contain an increase of $26.4 million over the projected 1992- revenues. Approximately one third, or $14.2 million, of the capital revenue will come from 1 issuance of bonds. Another third or $13.5 million of the capital revenue comes fron combination of grant and Transnet funds. Capital revenue received as a result of grow within Carlsbad totals $2.7 million, and represents 6.8% of the total. General Fund revenues are of particular interest as these resources fund basic City sed such as Police, Fire, Libmy, Street Maintenance and Park and Recreation programs. 7 receipt of these revenues also provides a representative picture of the local economy. 7 table on the following page shows a summarized outlook for the major General Fu revenues. In spite of the loss of $1.2 million in Property Taxes to the State during 195 93, these revenues continue to provide the largest single source of income for the Ci The projection of $13.2 million for 1993-94 represents 33% of the total General Fu revenue. It is anticipated that the increase in Property Tax revenues will be limited to 1 2% increase in assessed rates as provided within Proposition 13. The projection incluc no additional growth in Property Tax revenues due to increased property transactions higher valuations on property. The 1993-94 estimate also does not reflect any actions behalf of the State which may reduce Property Tax revenues. 4 c e 0 .* SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO THE GENERAL FUND (In Millions) PROJECTED ESIT DIFFERENCE AS%OF 1m-93 PROJECTED PROPERTY TAX $12.9 $ $0.1 0.8% 13.0 OTHERGENERALFUND 12.9 z 32 x. $0.0 0.0% . TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 32 $ 9.8 $0.5 5.4% SAL= TAX 93 .* $03 2.3% . TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $383 $0.9 2.3% $132 5 Sales Tax revenue is the second largest revenue source and is estimated at $9.8 million 1993-94, an increase of 5.4% or $500,000 over the projected 1992-93. The estim; considers that the Price Club will be in operation for the first full fiscal year beginning 1993-94, which will add six months of sales tax revenue to the base. Interestingly, 1 1993-94 estimate of $9.8 million is just above actual sales tax revenues of $9.4 millj received during 1990-91, reflecting flat consumer spending over the past three years. The last significant General Fund revenue is the Transient Occupancy Tax which estimated at $3.2 million for 1993-94, the same as the 1992-93 projection. It anticipated that the slow economy will keep travel to Carlsbad at its present level. Development within Carlsbad has continued at a slow rate resulting in 1993-94 reven estimates that are identical to those of 1992-93. Examples of development related reven include Engineering Fees estimated at $1.0 million, Planning Fees at $750,000 a Building Department Fees at $225,000. There are two revenues which contain projected increases over 1992-93. First, Recreati Fees have been increased by $50,000 due to the implementation of the Kreuger House p school program. Second, Other Fees and. Charges contain an increase of $20,000 anticipation of more weed abatement activities resulting from high rainfall volumes duri the winter of 1993. The Portfolio Management Fee is a new revenue in 1993-94, whi will be assessed to other funds for the City Treasurer's investment efforts, and be based the value of the investment. All other General Fund revenue estimates are flat with 1 expectation of a slow economic recovery. Special Revenue Fund revenues total $6.5 million which is $110,000 or 1.6% greater th those projected for 1992-93. Types of functions supported within Special Revenue Fur include programs funded by grants such as Housing Assistance - Section 8, Maintenar Assessment Districts, and Gas Tax Street Maintenance. Enterprise Fund revenue for 1993-94 is projected at $17.4 million, an increase of $: million or 18.4% over 1992-93 estimates. Enterprise Funds are similar to a business that rates are charged to support the operations which supply the service. Examples Carlsbad Enterprises include the Water District, Sanitation Services, and Solid Wa Management. - 5 0 0 .I Water District revenues show an increase of 18.5% or $1.9 million. The majority of t increase, $1.8 million or 22%, is reflected in the higher cost of purchasing water fr( Metropolitan Water District and the County Water Authority. The Water District rever projection for 1993-94 anticipates a $1.70 per unit increase. Sanitation Enterpr revenues are up approximately $300,000 or 7%, and reflect a 2% rate increase. necess; to absorb the increased cost of Encina Plant services. Internal Service Funds show an estimated revenue of $6.4 million for 1993-94, an incre, of $300,000 or 4.9%. Internal Services provide services within the City itself and inch programs such as the self insurance funds for Workers Compensation and Liabi Insurance, as wd as Data Processing and Vehicle Maintenance. Departments pay to 1 the services provided by these funds. The Internal Service Fund demonstrating the larg revenue increase is the Data Processing Fund, up $194,000 or 38%, which is due to single year use of fund balance to offset operating costs. Redevelopment revenues are estimated at 1992-93 levels of $1.8 million. The increment on property values has not exhibited any signs of growth over the past t years, and is expected to perform similarly in 1993-94. Emenditures The combined 1993-94 budget totals $98.4 million and is broken down as shown belc Budgeted operating expenditures for 1993-94 total $72.5 million which represent: decrease of $2.4 million or 3.2% from the current 1992-93 budget, while capj expenditures are up $7.3 million, or 39.2%. BUDGET SUMMARY (-In Millions) FUND BUDGET Ip BUDGET lFFERENcE %CHANGE 92-93 93-94 j F.' GENERALFUND $41.5 ENTERPRISE 17.6 6.6 SPECIAL REVENUE 6.9 $39.4 $725 TOTAL $74.9 1.8 REDEVELOPMENT 2.1 6.9 IN'EFWAL SERVICE 6.8 17.8 1 :< ($2.1) ' .-5.1% ($0.3) - 4.3% $0.2 1.1% $0.1 1.5% ($0.3) - 14.3% ($2.4) -3.2% CAPITAL $186 $25.9 b $7.3 39.2% GRAND TOTAL $93.5 $4.9 5.2% .............................. The General Fund, as shown on the table, shows a $2.1 million, or 5.1%, decrease fr 1992-93 to 1993-94. The General Fund can also be compared using 1992-93 estima 6 e 0 c presently operating under a plan to save as much as possible. The estimated expenditurf for 1992-93 total $38.7 which are $700,000 lower than the proposed budget of $39, million. Balancing the 1993-94 General Fund budget entailed the use of various strategies whic are profiled below. F Five (5) positions, three of which are in the Library, are not funded. The remainir two unfunded positions are in the Utilities and Maintenance Administration ar Street Maintenance programs. The unfunded positions are vacant and represent I layoffs of existing staff. It is estimated that this effort reduced the budget 1 approximately $225,000. b One vacant position was eliminated from with the Recreation program. Efforts 1 reduce expenditures through a reorganization resulted in an effective method t reducing staff while maintaining service levels. Approximately $50,000 was save in this effort. b The budget for the administration of the City's Workers Compensation and Gener; Liability Self Insurance programs has been transferred from the General Fund to tk appropriate Internal Service funds. This will enable the General Fund to recognii a savings of approximately $200,000 this year as the Insurance fund balances W; be used. This is a one time savings and costs to user departments will need to 1 increased in 1994-95 resulting in higher rates. Charges to user departments j 1993-94 have been kept at 1992-93 levels. b The recommended budget contains spending of $190,100 from the General Fun balance. Capital outlay purchases totaling $65,100 are slated for use of fun balance. The Oak Street office facility remodel at $125,000 is also recommende for funding out of the fund balance. Both of these expenses can be considered on time endeavors, that will not be recurring from one year to the next. b No new positions have been added. b This is the second year that alternate funding sources have been used for sorn former General Fund programs. Police Asset Forfeiture funds now support th DARE and Juvenile Diversion programs and branch library operations will be funde by the CLSA grant. This effort reduced the General Fund portion of the budget E approximately $465,000. The use of fund balances and grants to support day to day operations, as discussed abow cannot occur on a prolonged basis as these resources are not reliable. Should the criteri for receiving grant funds change or be eliminated all together, the General Fund will neel to be considered as a funding source for these programs. 7 a 5 Most of the service level impacts have been identified with each budget reduction the Ci has implemented. The proposed 1993-94 budget does not contain service level reductio1 of the magnitude already accomplished. Flexibility in providing services, both to tl citizens and within the organization remains limited. Fortunately, this budget maintai . ' the current library and swimming -pool operating hours. Additionally; no reductions safety services are needed at this point. While this budget may not include impacts striking as those which have occurred, we are anticipating a change for the worse whr the State decides how much of their revenues will come from cities. As a result, the budget process may be viewed as a two step procedure €or 1993-94. TI first step will entail adopting the budget as presented within; and maintains the sar service levels as the budget with which we have been operating throughout most of 199 93. The second step will occur once the state determines the method by which they w balance their budget and the impact on City fiscal resources is known. Service levels a~ budget. Special Revenue Funds, show a decrease in anticipated spending of approximate $300,000 or 4%. The Tree Maintenance and Street Lighting Maintenance Assessme District budgets reflect decreases while the Median Maintenance budget contains a sm; increase. Should the budgets be increased, and higher assessments needed, notici requirements outlined in SB1977 would be required. This bill became effective on Janua 1 , 1993 and requires that any increase in assessments must be noticed by mail. TI written notice must be received by each parcel owner at least 45 days prior to the S~COI public hearing. As the Street Lighting and Median Assessment Districts have approximate 34,000 parcels and the Tree Assessment District has 13,000, the noticing task is significant undertaking. The City was able to keep the assessments at the same levels those used during 1992-93 through the use of fund balances. It is unlikely that this optic will be available next year as the balances are depleted. Another Special Revenue Fund, the Community Development Block Grant Entitleme (CDBG), shows an increase of 52% in its budget in anticipation of implementing a char back program. Presently, the CDBG program does not charge capital projects f administrative time. The new budget contemplates that effective timekeeping procedw will enable administrative time to be charged directly to capital projects. On implemented, revenues generated through capital project chargebacks will augment t administrative revenues allowed within the CDBG program. The. additional budget1 expenses are reflected by the addition of one more position to this program. This is n a new position, yet provides the benefit of shifting staffing costs from the Redevelopme Agency budget to CDBG. Enterprise Funds, as a group, show a budget increase of $200,000 or 1.1%. Although appears that the Water District budget of $12.1 million is nearly identical to the 1992" budget, a more meaningful comparison can be made between the 1992-93 Estimat Expenditures of $10.6 million and the proposed budget. By comparing these two figurc an increase of 14% or $1.5 &on results, of which the majority is the cost of purchasi water for sale to users. program will need to be thoroughly reviewed and adjusted in order to arrive at a balancl 8 e e .. Internal Service Funds show an increase of $100,000 or 1.5%. The increase in Vehic Replacement is offset by reductions in Workers Compensation and Health Insurance. TI increased budget for Vehicle Replacement is the result of deferring purchase of vehicles f the two previous years. The 1993-94 budget proposal includes funding for purchas r postponed for the prior two years, plus the purchase of the scheduled 1993-94 vehicle The Redevelopment Agency budget has decreased for 1993-94. by $300,000. The decrea is the result of reducing the operating budget in conformance with City budget guidelinc as well as transferring the funding for the equivalent of one and one half positions to bo Housing and CDBG. Even with the reduced Redevelopment budget, the General Fund w provide $80,000 of additional financial support in 1993-94. SUmmaW The City and community alike need to be aware of the impact on revenues that the Statc budget balancing actions may have upon the City. The State continues to face shortfa in its revenues, and .it .is anticipated that this will result in a loss of revenues for the Cil although the amount is not known. As a result, Carlsbad will be preparing a second 199 94 budget that will balance with the revised revenues. Carlsbad's 1992-93 budg absorbed several increased costs in order to offset State budget balancing actions whi include payment to the County for Property Tax Administration fees and Booking Fec The 1992-93 budget also suffered a decrease of Property Tax, Cigarette Taxes and Fine a Forfeiture revenues to the State totaling $1.4 million. The combined affect of past sta actions to Carlsbad's 1993-94 budget totals approximately $2 million. Actions the Sta takes this year may result in a potential loss of revenue to Carlsbad in the millions dollars. The budget does not attempt to deal with this contingency other than to recogni that there is a direct threat to our community. While 1993-94 represents a challenging year financially, the City will strive to maintain t: quality and variety of services which have come to be expected by the residents a3 businesses of Carlsbad. No new programs or services are proposed. In this difficult budget year the cooperation of all departments and City staff was critic to creating a successful operating plan. This document is a reflection of the dedication a efforts of these members of Team Carlsbad. Their support is critical to the Citfs ultima success. We offer them all our thanks for a job well done. This example of teamwork w be repeated in the months and years to come as the State of California and econon conditions continue to challenge the fiscal strength of the City of Carlsbad. 2- RAYMOND R PATCHF.TI' City Manager 9 * 0 . CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1992-93 UNRESERVED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1.1992 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE30.199: I GENERAL FUND E 9,490,108 38,275,000 . 38,657,614 ' (474,000) 8,633,494 ............................................ .................. ............................................................ i .... i....;.... ...... i.... ............................................................................................... I SPECIAL REVENUE b; ...................................................................................... POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE HOUSING - SECTION 8 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG - ENTITLEMENT nli ~A~EROPE~~i~~~~ ................................................................................ RECLAIMED WATER SEWER OPEWTIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT [ INTERNAL SERVICE ;c: WORKERS COMP SELF INSUR ............................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... LIABILITY SELF INSUR HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT DATA PROCESSING 1,689,793 137,730 86,173 2,006,725 254,113 40,182 646,700 331,502 360,280 0 0 3,654,587 0 2,606,570 98,580 683,767 2,051,445 1,305,242 (1 38,623) 2,206,654 61 1,939 485,Ooo 2,573,000 95,000 1,190,000 575, I 40 256,300 690,000 112,000 140,000 213,000 75,000 10,066,o0o ~IOOO 4,160,000 140,000 656,000 735,000 1,785,000 1,317,000 1,090,000 51 3,000 208,766 2,575,692 60,000 1,430,000 586,000 254,000 598,000 220,OOO 300,000 178,500 64,771 10,647,794 782,210 4,241,384 163,400 655,000 973,000 1,850,000 1,267,952 177,376 687,894 I ,966,02 135,031 121,17: 1,766,721 243,25: 42,48: 738,701 223,502 200,28( 34,50( 10,22! (23,500) 3,049,29: (380,21( (32,500) 2,492,68f 75,18( 500,OOO 1,184,76; 1,813,44! 1,240,24: 30,m (59,571 3,119,27( 437,04! -ENT ................................. op~~~iBicjB .............................. i ..... .....;.... i .... ............................... i...... ............................ ...; ,.,.; ....; ............................ :.: 501,121 50,000 736,274 300,000 1 14,847 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,897,893 395,000 106,383 2,186,51(3 DEBT SERVICE 261,232 1,355,000 1 ,1 37,938 (300,000) 178,294 [TOTALOPERATING NNDS $30783,713 $67.343.440 . $68,559,948 $0 $29,567,20E I .. 10 0 0 * CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1993-94 PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1993 REVENUES MPENDINRES TFWNSFERS JUNE 30,1994 I GENERAL FUND Appropriation From Fund Balance z .8,633,494 39,195,000 39,195,000 (80,000) .................................. . . , . . , . . . , . . , . . , . . , . . , __ , __ , __ , . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i:. : ........................... .............................................................................................................................. 190,100 8,363,391 L FoEc~x8sa ~~~~~~R~~ HOUSING - SECTION 8 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE GAS TAX , TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 1,966,027 135,038 121,173 1,766,725 243,253 42,482 738,700 223,502 200,280 ~l500 10,229 460,000 2,608,000 126,000 1,220,000 575,140 256,500 696,300 112,000 170,000 21 8,000 110,Ooo 21 5,620 2,566,695 123,500 1,219,500 574,746 , 274,103 742,706 267,950 293,980 183,197 1 18,764 2,210,40i 176,342 123,672 l,767,22f 243,647 24,87! 692,29r 67,552 76,30( 69,30( 1,46f I ENTERPRISE I3 ~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,049,293 11,925,000 12,114,038 RECLAIMED WATER (38021 0) =Woo 91 7,160 SEWER OPERATIONS 2,492,686 4,453,000 4,553,386 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 75,180 151 ,000 186,617 2,860,25! (368,37( 2,392,30( 39,56: c *oRKERscoMpsE~~,.~suR ........................................................ . ..... . ...._. ../_ ....... ..... ....... ..... . ..... . ..... ................... _..._. ../. . _.... . ..... . ..... ...": 1,184,767 656,000 846,836 993,931 LlABlLlTYSELF INSUR HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT DATA PROCESSING 1,813,445 846,000 1,240,242 1,785,000 (59,575) 1,350,000 437,045 707,000 3,119,278 1,032,000 951,552 1,950,000 1,308,495 1,174,287 675,488 1,707,89: 1,075,24: (18,07( 2,976,99 468,55; I REDEVELOPMENT ................................................................................ ~~~~~1~~~ ,.))f:.) X .:.:.:.):.:.i:.:. ....................................... X .t):.:.:,:.:. :,<: 11 4,847 a,OOo 628,455 470,000 1,39: LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 2,186,510 395,000 106,376 2,475,13, DEBT SERVICE 178,294 1,340,000 1,094,550 . (390,000) 33,74 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS . $29,567,205 $71,360,940 $72,473,101 $0 $28,455,043 11 e 0 . CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1992-93 UNRESERVED PROJECl BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANC FUND JULY 1,1992 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30, ' 2,689,860 144,Ooo 439,190 0 2,394 CAPITAL CONSTR - OTHER AGENCIES 0 2,296,081 2,252,856 0 4: PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 9,030,675 6Ml000 1,954,263 500,000 8,19€ ZONE 5 PARK FEE PARK DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC IMPACT PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 1,596,310 27,000 3,257,993 260,oOo 0 0 1,622 0 (500,000) 3,017 3,050,907 175,000 1,680,987 0 1,544 2,722,720 93,000 0 0 2,815 SEWER CONSTRUCTION TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 1 1.2Q6.808 645,066 I ,316,741 0 10.62E 965,100 30,m 468,020 0 527 7,542 2,020,000 1,647,081 0 38C TRANSNET/BIKE GOLF COURSE PUBLIC ART (1 % FUND) STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LTR CREDITEONE 19 0 0 =,m 0 (3C 1,271,781 607,200 425,442 0 1,452 =,= 8,000 134,634 0 177 105,566 6c4000 60,259 0 1 OE 81 4,428 192,Ooo 350,000 0 65€ 3,959,283 100,Ooo 304,210 (2,204,874) 1,55C 0 0 0 0 CDBG 0 341,057 341,057 0 COMMW FACILITIES DlSTR #1 6,723,551 2,770,000 1,721,269 o 7,772 WATER DISTRICT RECLAIMED WATER 76,592 10,000 460,549 0 (372 MAJOR FACILITIES 6,645,399 785,000 2,066,852 0 5,362 REPLACEMENT REDEYELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BONDS 7,316,969 2,000,000 2,346,275 0 6,97[3 2,820,459 85,Ooo 188,785 0 2,77e REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 302,001 0 84,218 0 21 i - TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $64,958,336 $13,268,338 $1 8,272,702 ($2,204,874) $57,745 I 12 'e 0 .I FUND CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1993-94 1992-93 1993-94 PF BALANCE ESTIMATED CARRY - NEW TOTAL E JULY 1, I993 REVENUES FORWARD APPROP APPROP. JUE 1 CAPITAL FUNDS .............................................................................................................................................. :.:. :?: , ,$: G~~ERAL ~~~i~~.~~.~~~~~~~~~ ....,...._. 2,394,670 CAPITAL CONST - OTHER AGENCIES PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE ' PARK DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC IMPACT PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE ENCINA SEWER CONSTRUCTION TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGWAY TRANSNET/BIKE ISTEA GOLF COURSE PUBLIC ART (1 % FUND) STATE G WNTS COUNTY GRANTS 43,225 8,196,412 1.623.31 0 3,017,993 1,544,920 2,815,720 0 10,625,061 527,080 380,461 (309oo8) 0 1,453,539 177,758 105,307 656,428 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1,550,199 LTR CREDITEONE 19 0 CDBG 0 COMMIY FACILITIES DlSTR #1 7,772,282 WATER DISTRICT RECLAIMED WATER (373,957) MAJOR FACILITIES 5,363,547 REPLACEMENT 6,970,694 REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BONDS 2,716,674 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 21 7,783 ~,~ 0 332,472 34,ooo 57,870 981,509 0 20,m 933,522 3,100,000 3,400,000 340,500 162,727 5o,O00 9,462 1,720,400 0 =,m 0 651,325 17,329,667 4,849,552 3,379,627 2,050,000 QOOo 5,000 1,562,248 43,225 4,570,974 0 18,932 636,271 1,119,959 0 1,015,568 242,560 347,606 340,492 79,637 121,632 1,437,577 49,891 1,436,479 651,325 7,454,640 4,465,595 3,910,640 2,541,976 2,580,175 135,710 946,200 2,508,448 1,345,000 0 150,000 350,000 100,000 20,000 3,133,016 0 555,000 0 162,717 0 0 41 3,816 0 0 0 0 13,056,482 5,915,974 0 168,932 986,271 1,219,959 20,000 4,148,584 242,560 902,606 0 162,717 79,637 121,632 1,851,393 0 1,436,479 0 651,325 20,511,122 0 4,465,595 4,284,105 8,194,745 1,444,591 3,986,567 0 2,580,175 0 135,710 I TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $57,749,098 $39,677,633 $34,763,112 $25,960,927 $60,290,431 $ 13 0 0. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1990-91 TO 1993-94 1992-93 1990-91 1991-92 ESTIMATED 1992-93 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL $1 52,809 154,640 $1 58,020 $1 59,368 CITY MANAGER 478,423 629,556 722,372 661,272 PUBLIC INFORMATION CITY CLERK 46,055 21,462 0 25,832 26,993 16,142 26,200 28,700 CITY AlTORNN FINANCE CITYTREASURER PURCHASING HUMAN RESOURCES 422,166 =,m 357,444 368,463 937,753 1,005,644 850,210 897,678 70,812 76,476 85,645 85,380 352,051 374,035 302,723 371,029 901,999 777,916 756,512 775,984 RESEARCH OFFICE 356,856 285.919 0 159.72f3 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 61 3,489 374,003 355,674 373,364 RISK MANAGEMENT 21 4,356 193,144 186,908 198,326 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 4,573,762 4,303,739 3,801,708 4,105,122 PUBLIC SAFEPl POLICE 8,666,082 9,046,661 8,705,722 8,798,924 FIRE 6,516,673 6,600,451 6,770,775 6,835,306 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 15,182,755 15,647,112 15,476,497 15,634,230 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMIN 517,588 =a583 503,186 483,553 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 2,228 121,072 135,084 257,840 ENGINEERING PLANNING 3,249,812 3,601,762 3,422,190 3,738,175 1,747,594 2,109,878 2,032,490 2,062,923 GROWTH MANAGEMENT 230,989 105,860 105,662 109,963 HISTORIC PRESERV COMM 5,727 4,215 4,750 5,572 BLOCK GRANT ADMlN 22,154 0 0 0 BUILDING INSPECTION 955,607 827,222 831,994 835,998 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 6,731,699 7,323,592 7,035,356 7,494,024 MAINTENANCE UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION 360,719 336,172 327,730 349,944 STREET MAINTENANCE 1,815,093 2,400,618 1,809,298 1,947,852 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 1,077,715 1,132,069 1,137,275 1,443,400 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT 290,119 331,871 277,733 340,525 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 3,543,646 4,200,730 3,552,036 4,081,721 %INCR ( 3 92-93 E 1993-94 $ TO BUDGET $, 93-94 E $ 8 167,678 8 5 749,306 8 13 05 17680 I: , .::: -38 15 -100 452,974 8 22 1,001,512 8 11 101,386 8 18 .351,653 i -5 752,926 # -2 .:< 0 p .:z - 1 00 387,553 g 3 o$ :.:. -100 3,982,668 8 -2 i.. - 9,024,662 8 2 6,878,196 *{ $ 1 $ 15,902,858 0 .... ~ .:.: __ $$ x: 585,433 $ 3 267,692 $ 21 3,170,458 $$ -15 1,976,501 8 -4 105,791 $$ -3 3,550 2 -36 :.:.: .:.:. :s 14 * 0 n CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1990-91 TO 1993-94 %INCR ( 1992-93 3 92-93 E 1990-91 1991 -92 ESTIMATED 1992-93 8: 1993-94 $ TO DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET $93-94 E CULTURURECREATION .:.:. .. . ... ... CULTURALARTS PROGRAM 263,992 258,194 227,692 239,883 $ 7 2,#,857 LI BFiARY 2,493,216 2,473,401 2,362,160 2,315,992 $ $$ 233,980 j$ -2 SISTER CIN PROGRAM 17,246 18,674 10,500 11,642 10 , 250 is .;: -11 PARKS AND RECREATION 3,976,606 3,893,171 3,498,636 3,512,448 3,488,605 # -0 SENIOR CITIZENS PROG 236,978 235,536 244,797 252,122 257,275 # 2 TOTAL CULTURURECREATION 6,988,038 6,878,976 6,343,785 6,332,087 6,473,967 g 2 i.. - NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNllY PROMOTION 220,375 194,634 21 5,000 302,809 75,000 COMMUNITYASSISTANCE 82,430 . 98,530 75,000 75,000 X: .:.: 0 36 , 000 BEACH PARKING 0 36,000 36,000 $ -32 205,000 # 0 HIRING CENTER 0 w000 80,000 80 , ooO :z .::: 0 AUDIT 15,650 33,875 =,000 39,100 38 , ooO i3 .g 23 200000 , PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE 83,906 165,828 185,000 162,000 LEASES 1 13,541 21 0,000 130,500 130,500 $ -100 0 GOLF COURSE 740,000 =,m 565,200 8 10 813,600 HOSP GROVE PAYMENT 876,585 307,050 735,975 735,525 iir .j: -2 g $2 87,000 2 -33 DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS 24,877 23,742 26,500 26,500 g 5 10 29400 P ;* ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRACT 78,106 82,036 109,650 111,150 $ 8 . 18,400 BOND SERVICES 0 10,215 16,900 16,900 # 0 66,140 TREE MAIN COSTS (ClTv) 96,700 81,297 66,140 66,140 g 0 28,000 STREET LIGHT COSTS (CITY) 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 :.:. - 1 00 ()$ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 30,000 50,000 ; 0 112,000 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2,360,170 1,235,207 2,335,865 2,424,824 $ -26 1,788,540 :::: - ..._ - SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,380,070 39,589,356 38,545,247 40,072,008 8 . -3 38,791,271 .i_ - DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETSAVINGS ' 1,293,733 1 ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,- i CONTINGENCIES 0 0 1.12,367 1 12,367 593,829 $ 428 2; - TOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,380,070 39,589,356 38,657,614 41,478,108 39,385,400 $ -5 ..:..;.:..:; ....... : ........ 'i. - ....................... ..A ............................. 15 e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1990-91 TO 1993-94 1992-93 1990-91 1991 -92 ESTIMATED 1992-93 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACNALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET r ~;~~~~ UCE ASSET FC)'RFEIWRE"""' 89,354 342,002 208,766 479,823 HOUSING SECTION 8 1,899,849 2,114,752 2,575,692 2,611,894 AUDIO VISUAL INSURANCE 86,696 58,232 60,OOo 66,452 TREE MAINTENANCE 436,750 478,797 586,000 679,886 GAS TAX 599,077 140,004 1,430,000 1,130,426 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 154,107 204,577 254,000 269,296 STREET LIGHTING 560,339 568,039 598,000 784,719 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 3 6,447 220,000 300,ooo STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) 120,725 155,050 300,000 302,391 SENIOR NUTRITION 177,716 172,518 178,500 178,594 CDBG ENTITLEMENT 64,368 55,851 64,771 77,895 5... 2 .. .. c ::'.""".. >,I :::"" g ......... ...~A~ .... .... ~~:.:~Ej:~~~i~~~~~~:::x.;.:.: .... ......... .................... .......................... . _L 8 385 1 o9 ,I 9,629,098 10,647,794 12,018,226 RECLAIMED WATER 0 0 782,210 840,870 SANITATION OPERATIONS 3,843,088 4,059,425 4,241,384 4,537,050 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 20,140 100,134 163,400 243,500 ............................................................................. WO;#KE#~~~~P'S~~I~SCIPAW%E'" 1,208,183 706,408 655,OOO 1,0%,769 LIABILITY SELF INSURANCE 282,320 603,308 973,000 850,ooo HEALTH INSURANCE 1,381,892 1,650,116 1,850,000 2,130,906 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1,214,666 1,217,610 1,267,952 1,298,297 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 494,634 187,661 177,376 800,413 DATA PROCESSING 712,784 744,614 687,894 697,284 qj ............................................ .'<&.gmy,,Ns.. ~.:.'.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.:.: .................................................. .:.:. ~.~.;.;.;.~.~.~.~,;.~.~,~.c~.~ .............. :;.:.:.:.:.:.:.~ 721,188 650,934 736,274 831,311 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 3,819 98,113 106,383 1 12,525 DEBT SERVICE 1,132,353 1,133,328 1,137,938 1,137,938 - " %INCR 1 2 92-93 E 1993-94 $93-94 1 BUDGET E TO 215,620 2: 3 -5: 3s 2,566,695 z -1 123,!jOO 1,219,500 $ 8E $ 7 574,746 $ -l! :.:. 274,103 s 1 742,706 8 -5 267,950 2; g -10 293,980 # -2 183,197 8 2 118,764 8 52 12,114,038 $ 9 917,160 i 0 4,553,386 $$ 0 186,617 8 -23 846,836 $ -18 951,552 # 11 1,g5o,ooo $ -8 1,308,495 1,174,287 3 C $ -3 675,488 $ 46 628,455 106,376 $ -24. $ -3, 1,094,550 1 -5. ..... .............................. .......................................................... ............................ n., ..................... I TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $62,969,230 $64,666,374 $68,m,948 $74,893,573 $72,473,101 -3. 16 e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1990-91 TO 1993-94 1990-91 FUND ACTUALS - ............................ w ....~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~s~ ........ .......................................................................................................... 493,728 CAPITAL CONST - OTHR AGNCIES 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 4,416,423 PARK DEVELOPMENT 2,681,514 TRAFFIC IMPACT 223,034 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 393,184 0 SEWER CONSTRUCTION 1,587,117 TRANSNET/LOCAL 213,235 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 524,834 TRANSNET/BIKE 0 ISTEA 0 GOLF COURSE 527,104 PUBLIC ART (1 % FUND) 85,558 STATE GRANTS 202,675 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 14,346,746 LTR CREDITKONE 19 0 CDBG 173,501 CMMW FACILITIES DISTRICT #1 0 COUNTY GRANTS 0 WATER DISTRICT -RECLAIMED WATER 0 -MAJOR FACILITY FEE 0 -REPLACEMENT 497,300 REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS -TAX INCREMENT BONDS 469,036 -REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 154,601 1991 -92 ACTUALS 384,613 0 1,549,523 8,230 173,543 58,294 0 1,614,083 9,420 931,761 0 0 147,850 29,811 407,849 360,829 0 31 3,479 871,035 0 73,855 2,668,093 988,416 568,045 678,450 1992-93 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 439,190 2,252,856 1,954,263 0 1,680,987 0 0 1,316,747 468,020 1,647,081 =,008 0 425,442 134,634 60,259 304,210 0 341,057 1,721,269 =Am 460,549 2,066,852 2,346,275 188,785 84,218 %INCR ( 92-93 E 1992-93 1993-94 TO BUDGET BUDGET 93-94 E 440,367 2,296,081 1,918,883 0 162,000 941,497 0 1,150,000 200,001 120,500 848,060 0 0 0 526,602 94,308 0 253,500 8,646,000 I 162,717 0 41 3,816 0 0 0 13,056,482 114 -100 -29 116 -89 100 172 -100 360 -100 -21 -100 -100 51 0: 51,000 oi o~ -100 377,125 4,284,105 g 1035 587,500 1,444,591 2 145 0 03 0 O$ ............. .......................... ............................ .............................. TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $26,989,590 $11,837,179 $18,272,702 $18,613,424 $25,960,927 39 17 * 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 TAXES PROPERTYTAX $13,512,000 $12,900,000 $13,160,000 2.02% 260,000 SALES TAX 8,723,000 9,300,000 9,800,000 5.38% 500,000 TRANSIENTTAX 3,078,000 . 3,200,000 3,200,000 0.00% 0 FRANCHISE TAX 881 ,000 925,000 925,000 0.00% 0 TRANSFER TAX 207,000 150,000 150,000 0.00% 0 TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU 24,000 0 0 0.00% 0 TOTAL TAXES 26,425,000 26,475,000 27,235,000 2.87% 760,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 219,000 250,000 250,000 0.00% 0 BUSINESS LICENSES 91 1 ,000 975,000 975,000 0.00% 0 LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 303,000 2oWoo 200,QOO 0.00% 0 OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 295,000 3oc4000 300,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 1,728,000 1,725,000 1,725,000 0.00% 0 STATE SUBVENTIONS VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,134,000 2,300,000 2,300,000 0.00% 0 OTHER 356,000 300,000 300,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,490,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 0.00% 0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES 671 ,000 750,000 750,000 0.00% 0 BUILDING DEPT. FEES 230,000 225,000 225,000 0.00% 0 ,ENGINEERING FEES 2,248,000 I ,ooo,ooo I ,ooo.000 0.00% 0 AMBULANCE FEES 226,000 220,OOo 220,000 0.00% 0 RECREATION FEES 712,000 750,000 800,000 6.67% 50,000 OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 519,000 375,000 395,000 5.33% 20,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4,606,000 3,320,000 3,390,000 2.11% 70,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 31 3,000 250,000 250,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST 2,058,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 1,916,000 1,900,000 1,850,000 -2.63% (50,000) PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT FEES 0. 0 145,000 100.0046 145,000 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES =,000 305,000 300,000 - 1.64% (5,000) TOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,876,000 38,275,000 39,195,000 2,40% 920,000 ::j: ..... ..i. 18 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF N 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 w: ::::~:~:~:~~:~~:~~:~k:~~:~,:~:~:::~:::$k:~k:~.:~ :.A /.; . ..... ..,.; . _...; ..... . ..,.; ..... . i... ....................................................... . ...... : ................................. : i...,.. :$k .'. POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES 1,752,508 425,000 400,OOo -5.88% (25,000) INTEREST 96,203 60,000 60,OOO 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,848,711 485,OoO 460,oOO -5.15% (25,000) HOUSING - SECTION 8 INTEREST 10,297 8,000 8,000 0.00% 0 FEDERAL GRANT 1,339,902 2,565,000 2,600,000 1.36% 35,000 TOTAL 1,350,199 2,573,000 2,608,000 1.36% 35,000 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE INTEREST 5,091 5,000 6,000 20.00% 1 ,OOo INSURANCE FEES 57,838 90,m 120,000 33.33% 30,000 TOTAL 62,929 95,000 126,000 32.63% 31,000 GAS TAX GAS TAX REVENUES 1,099,184 1,100,000 1,130,000 2.73% 30,000 INTEREST 79,429 90,oOo 90,m 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,178,613 1,190,000 ' 1,220,000 2,52% 30,000 TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 5,254 9,m 9,000 0.00% 0 TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 456,530 500,000 500,OOO 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 81,200 66,140 66,140 0.00% 0 TOTAL 542,984 575,140 5751 40 0.00% 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST 7,788 1,300 1,500 15.38% 200 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 21 7,829 255,000 255,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 225,617 256,300 256,500 0.08% 200 STREEF LIGHTING INTEREST 33,016 20,000 20,m 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL wJoo 66,000 74,300 12.58% 8,300 STREET LIGHTING FEES 663,268 6OwJo 6@A@Jo 0.00% 0 MlSC REIMBURSEMENT 4,150 4,000 2,000 -50.00% (2,000) TOTAL 744,434 690,oOo 696,300 0.91 % 6,300 19 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED ' AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF N 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 BUENA VISTA CREEK CHNL MAINT z INTEREST 17,738 12,000 12,000 0.00% 0 BUENA VISTA FEES 97,872 1 00,000 100,Ooo 0.00% 0 TOTAL I 1561 0 112,000 112,000 0.00% 0 STATE GRANTS INTEREST 19,237 20,000 20,000 0.00% 0 GRANTS 132,371 120,000 150,000 25.00% 30,000 TOTAL 151,608 140,000 170,000 21.43% 30,000 SENIOR NUTRITION GRANTS 103,246 103,Ooo 103,000 0.00% 0 DONATIONS 67,271 110,Ooo 11 5,000 4.55% 5,000 TOTAL 170,517 21 3,000 21 8,000 2.35% 5,000 CDBG ENTITLEMENT GRANT REVENUE 75,200 75,000 110,000 46.67% 35,000 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 6,466,422 6,404,440 6,551,940 2.30% 147,500 .:.:. :.:.: ... ... 20 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJEGTED ESTIMATED AS 46 D\FFER€NG€ REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 9 :.:.: ('. : ..... .... .:.: :$ :.:. v....,.. ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... WATER OPERATIONS RECONNECT FEES INTEREST WATER SALES READY TO SERVE CHARGES PLAN CHECK FEES METER CONNECTION FEES LATE CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS 10,785 356,015 5,335,631 1,523,291 97,499 26,365 303,754 136,351 9,000 70,000 8,200,000 1,570,000 20,000 25,000 82,000 90.000 10,000 70,000 10,020,000 1,570,000 25,000 35,000 85,000 110,000 11.11% 0.00% 22.20% 0.00% 25.00% 40.00% 3.66% 22.22% 1,000 0 1,820,000 0 5,000 10,000 3,000 20,000 TOTAL 7,789,691 10,066,Ooo 11,925,000 18.47% 1,859,000 RECLAIMED WATER INTEREST 0 2,000 5,000 150.00% 3,000 WATER SALES 10 400,000 6gwoo 72.50% 290,000 INTERGOVERMENTAL 0 0 234,000 100.00% 234,000 TOTAL 10 @,W -,000 131.09% 527,000 SEWER OPERATIONS INTEREST 209,107 100,000 100,000 0.00% 0 SERVICE CHARGES 3,836,423 4,000,000 4,300,000 7.50% 300,000 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 7,842 15,000 8,000 . -46.67% V,OOO) PRE-TREATMENT CHARGES 0 40,000 40,000 100.00% 0 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 305,849 5,000 5,000 0.00% 0 4,359,221 4,160,000 4,453,000 7.04% 293,000 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST 10,916 1 ,000 1 ,000 0.00% 0 GRANTS 120,213 , 74,000 m000 8.11% 6,000 RECYCLING FEE 39,244 =,000 70,000 7.69% 5,000 TOTAL 170,373 140,000 151 ,000 7.86% 11,000 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 12,319,295 14,768,000 17,458,000 18.22% 2,690,000 :.:.: ..... ... ... 21 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 ' ,PROJECTED 1993-94 { ............................................................ WORKERS' COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 109,383 40,000 44,400 11 .00% 4,400 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 736,732 616,000 61 1,600 -0.71 % (4,400) TOTAL 846,115 656,000 656,000 0.00% 0 LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 134,987 75,000 76,300 1.73% 1 ,a INTERDEPARTMENTAL 948,760 660,ooo 769,700 16.62% 109,700 TOTAL 1,083,747 735,000 846000 15.10% 111,oOo HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST 89,327 60,000 60,000 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,444,037 1,400,000 1,400,000 0.00% 0 REIMBURSEMENTS =,- 325,000 325,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 1,802,268 1,785,000 1,785,000 0.00% 0 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1 ,I 60,332 1,292,000 1,321,000 2.24% 29,000 MISCELLANEOUS 40,084 25,000 29,000 16.00% 4,000 TOTAL 1,200,416 1,317,000 1,350,000 2.51 % 33,000 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL 843,795 975,000 924,000 -5.23% (51,000) INTEREST 119,093 80,000 =w00 3.75% 3,000 SALE OF PROPERTY 16,990 35,000 25,000 -28.57% (10,000) TOTAL 979,878 1,090,000 1,032,000 -5.32% (58,000) DATA PROCESSING INTEREST 38,426 17,000 17,000 0.00% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 689,421 496,000 6w000 39.11% 194,000 TOTAL 727,847 51 3,000 707,000 37.82% 194,000 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6,640,271 6,096,000 6,376,000 4.59% 280,000 ,+:. 8:: .. . 22 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 OPERATIONS OTHER 29,800 30,000 30,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST TOTAL 53,500 20,000 15,000 -25.00% (5,000) 83,300 50,000 6,0oo -10.00% (5,000) LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG TAX INCREMENT 31 7,675 320,000 320,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST TOTAL 107,275 75,000 75,000 0.00% 0 424,950 =,ooo =,000 0.00% 0 DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT 1,270,700 1,280,000 1,280,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST 29,100 75,000 60,000 -20.00% (15,000) TOTAL 1,299,800 1,355,000 1,340,000 -1.11% (1 5,000) TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS 1,808,050 1,800,000 1,780,000 -1.11% (2o,ooO1 I TOTAL OPERATING $67,110,038 $67,343,440 $71,360,940 5.97% $4,017,500 ..... ..... ...r z 23 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 GENERAL CAPITAL CONSTR CAPITAL CONST - AGENCIES PUBUC FACILITY FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PARK DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC IMPACT PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE ENCINA SEWER CONSTRUCTION TRANSNEF/LOCAL TRANSN€r/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE ISTEA GOLF COURSE PUBLIC ART (1 % FUND) STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LTR CREDIT/ZONE 19 CDBG CMMTY FACILITIES DISTRICT #1 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITIES -REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS -TAX INCREMENT BONDS -REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 264,651 0 811,215 62,279 525,180 382,443 670,163 0 1,011,319 42,737 1,172,549 0 0 60,537 17,108 294,193 208,370 1 ,000,011 0 313,479 2,753,788 0 989,437 1,840,177 138,070 53,512 144,Ooo 2,296,081 =woo 27,000 =,000 175,000 Woo0 0 645,000 30,0oO 2,m,oOo 0 0 607,200 8,000 60,000 192,000 1 00,000 0 341,057 2,770,000 10,Ooo 785,000 2,000,000 sooo 0 200,000 0 332,472 w000 57,870 981,509 0 20,000 933,522 3,100,000 3,400,000 340,500 162,727 =,Ooo 9,462 1,720,400 0 30,000 0 651,325 17,329,667 4,849,552 3,379,627 2,050,000 40,000 5,000 38.89% 100.00% -46.38% 25.93% -77.74% 460.86% - 100.00% 100.00% 44.73% 10233.33% 68,3296 100.00% 100.00% -91 27% 18.28% 2767.33% -100.00% -70.00% 100.00% 90.97% 100.00% 100.00% 330.53% 2.50% -52.94% 56,000 (2,296,081) (287,528) 7,000 (202,130) 806,509 (93,000) 20,000 288,522 3,070,000 1,380,000 340,500 162,727 (557,200) 1,462 1,660,400 (192,000) (70,000) 0 310,268 14,559,667 4,839,552 2,594,627 50,000 (450oOl 5,000 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $12,611,218 $13,268,338 $39,677,633 299.04% $26,409,295 24 0 0 CIN OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENTAND ClASSlflCATlON - REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED 1 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 CITY MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR ASSISTANT TO CIN MANAGER SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST SECRETARY TO C. MANAGER 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 7 7 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT CITYCLERK 1 I , MINUTES CLERK 1 1 SECRETARY I1 1 1 STEM CLERK I1 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I1 1 1 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 6 6 0 DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1 1 PR0GRA"EWANALYST 1 1 MlCAO COMPUTER SPECIALST 1 1 TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 4 4 0 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 10 0 PROGRAMME~OPERATOR 1 1 CITY AlTORNEY 1 1 ASSISTANT CrrYATTORNEY 1 1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARYTO C. ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL CITY AllORNEY 5 5 0 FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 4 4 ACOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNT CLERK I1 ACCOUNTING OFFICE ASSISTANT AUDITOR 2 -2 2 2 1 1 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 14 14 0 25 e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED 1992-93 (UNDER) .... f& :::" :,": ..... ~. , '.'.'Y+ <~~~.,.~..~:~~~.<~~:<~~<:~~~~~~~~~~~~: '. . RISK MANAGER ' . .. . ... . .~..... :)~.~~~~<~~~~~~~~~.::..~,:...:,:~.~,.:, 1 1 SECRETARY II 1. 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 PURCHASING OFFICER 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 BUYER 2 2 MESSENGER 1 1 TOTAL PURCHASING 5 5 0 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MGR EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT SECRETARY I1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLERKTYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 7 7 0 , .. I . ~ ... .. ... ... ... , .). y...,:.,.x<. j.,:px:p$y..*.) ..,...,.., :.. ......... ,........,. ) ,,, .. , !$& <y@#y$$p.~..:$. </ .... y ...,.... *.<,.%..e...< ..:..: ..,.,. ~~~~~;.~.~~...:~;~~.~.~.:.~.~.:.~.~~:~~~ ,... :.:.,.~~~~~~~~~~:~.:.~.:.~ ADMINISTRATION POLICE CHIEF I 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST I 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 3 3 0 OPERATIONS POUCE CAPTAIN 1 1 POUCE LIEUTENANT 4 4 POLICE SERGEANT 6 6 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 12 12 POLICE OFFICER 30 30 TOTAL OPERATIONS 53 53 0 INVESTIGATIONS POUCE LIEUTENANT 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR WUCE OFFICER 6 6 POLICE OFFICER 4 4 SECRETARY I 2 2 TOTAL INVESTIGATIONS 14 14 0 VICE NARCOTICS POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER I 1 POLICE OFFICER 1 1 TOTAL VICE NARCOTICS 3 3 0 26 * @ CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED TECHNICAL SERVICES POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 1 RECORDS SUPERVISOR 1 1 COMMUNICATION OPERATOR I1 13 13 POLICE RECORDS CLERK II 5 5 PROGRA"EFUOPERAT0R 1 1 CRIME PREVENT TECH I I SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTALTECHNICAL SERVICES 25 25 0 DARE PROGRAM SENIOR POUCE OFFICER 1 1 POLICE OFFICER 1 1 TOTAL DARE PROGRAM 2 2 0 TRAFFIC POLICE SERGEANT SENIOR POLICE OFFICER POLICE OFFICER 1 1 1 1 5 5 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL TRAFFIC 8 8 0 TOTAL POLICE 108 108 0 #$- ~ r, (~.:..~,.~..~~~~:~:..~~~,~ :;x :$& : :pyx?&',.W*x*~., , $....,...p.. .$?& <~~~~~~~~ .,.A 'y..<.q A. A,.:<.. > .,.. <.>..,+:. .) FIRE CHIEF A. .,. A. .% .... .. . . , .. , 1 1 FIRE BAlTAUON CHIEF FIRE CAPTAIN FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST FIRE ENGINEER FIRE FIGHTER PARAMEDIC-FIRE FIGHTER SECRETARY I1 SECRETARY I FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II TOTAL FIRE 4 4 18 18 4 4 18 18 9 9 21 21 1 1 1 1 3 3 80 80 0 . . . . , .. , . . . . . . . . .. . ,, :~ , :, , ? , . .. .. ..:. 'r.c<.v .............. >:.:.:..A>.> .......A ..*.,,.(.,. i , . .: : ,:. , ..~*?.~.~~~.*:~~:*~:~~.~~~:~~~**:~~:~: ~..,...: .....:.:...:,.~...~,.~ ,&<&:.:A*,.*<.<: .,.,....,..., PRINC BUILDING INSPECTOR BUILDING INSPECTOR II BUILDING INSPECTOR I CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 4 5 1 1 0 -1 1 0 -1 1 2 1 1 1 PERMIT CLERK 2 2 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 11 11 0 COMMUNITY DEVEL DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY I1 1 1 RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER 1 1 TOTAL GOMM Dl3 ADMINIST 5 5 0 27 e @ " CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNELAU3CATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OV€N 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM COORD 1 1 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION I 1 0 CITY ENGINEER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 1 1 TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 4 4 0 PRINCIPALCONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 1 1 SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 2 2 CONSTRUCTDN INSPECTOR II 6 6 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 9.5 9.5 0 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 0 ' ' ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 6 6 0 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 4 4 0 TOTAL ADMlNlSTRATlON 40.5 40.5 0 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCWTE CIVIL ENGINEER 0.5 0.5 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 1.5 1.5 0 PLANNING DIRECTOR ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST PRINCIPAL PLANNER SENIOR PLANNER ASSOCWTE PLANNER ASSISTANT PLANNER PLANNING TECHNICIAN I PLANNING TECHNICIAN II GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN SECRETARY II 1 1 1 2 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 3 3 TOTAL PLANNING 23 23 0 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY DIRECTOR ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST SECRETARY I1 GRAPHIC ARTIST ACCOUNT CLERK I1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 TOTALADMlNlSTRATlON 6 28 6 0 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED CIRCULATION SENIORCIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 LIBRARYASSISTANT ll 1 I LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL CIRCULATION 3 3 0 REFERENCE SERVICES SENIOR LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN II LIBRARIAN I I I 2 3 1 0. 1 -1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL REFERENCE 5 5 0 GENEAOLOGY/LOCAL HISTORY SENIOR LIBRARIAN 1 1 TOTAL GENEAOLOGY 1 1 0 CHILDREN’S SERVICES SENIOR LIBRARIAN 1 1 LIBRARYASSISTANT II 1 1 TOTAL CHILDREN’S 2 2 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES SENIOR LIBRARIAN 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 2 2 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 4 4 TOTAL TECHNICAL 7 7 a COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT SENIOR LIBRARIAN 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 TOTAL COLLECTION DEVEL 2 2 0 MEDIA SERVICES MEDIA SERVICESMANAGER 1 1 TOTAL MEDIA 1 1 0 ADULT LEARNING SENIOR LIBRARIAN 1 1 CLERKTYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADULT LEARNING 2 2 0 BRANCH LIBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 TOTAL BRANCH 2 2 0 TOTAL LIBRARY 31 31 0 ARTS MANAGER 1 1 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 3 3 0 29 0 1) Clpl OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 1992-93 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED .. ~~~~ *c .. . -4 '""''...':.'~...~~. .*VT,. " ADMINISTRATION PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 0.6 0.6 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 I CLERKTYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 4.6 4.6 0 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 0.6 0.6 PARK SUPERVIS~R 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 11 11 0 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 1 1 ' ' 'TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 18.6 18.6 0 TREE MAINTENANCE PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR . PARK SUPERINTENDENT PARK SUPERVISOR TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 2 2 TREE TRIMMER II 3 3 TOTALTREE MAINTENANCE 6.3 6.3 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 1 1 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1.5 1.5 0 RECREATION OPERATIONS RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER 3 3 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL RECREATION OERATIONS 4 4 0 RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR II 3 3 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 1 2 1 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 2 0 -2 TOTAL RECR. FEE SUPPORTED 7 6 -1 AQUATICS AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL AQUATICS 1 1 0 SENIOR PROGRAM SENIOR COORDINATOR SECRETARY I 1 1 1 1 SITE MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 46 45 -1 30 e e CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED ...... . ,. .~ .,,....,......... .. .. r . ...Y ..: ....: V..V 4.. ......................... .,. a 9, I I .. : (1 I I , . .. "y,:Ay ,.x>.,: .,.,..,. .:,:~.:,*,:,,,:,:~,,:,:,,~:~.,.:~.,~,:.!.:,:.!.:,:.!.,,:~::~: ,.;&&V*:+.%<:&&:; ADMINISTRATION UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DIR ASST UTlUMAlNT DIR MGR OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS SECRETARY I1 SECRETARY I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I1 1 1 TOTAL ADMINBTRATION 6 6 0 STREET MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0,5 0 -03 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERV 2 2 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 6 6 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPT 1 1 .'STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 13 11 -2 MAIMENANCE WORKER I 1 3 2 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 23.5 23 -0.5 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 0 0.5 0.5 STREET LIGHTING ELECT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR ELECTRICIAN I1 ELECTRICIAN I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0.5 0.5 I TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 3.5 3.5 0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTSUPT BUILDING MAlNT SUPERV SENIOR BUILDING MAlNT WORKER BUILDING MAlNT WORKER I1 BUILDING MAlNT WORKER I CUSTODIAN II . CUSTODIAN TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE I I 1 I 1 1 9 15 1 I 1 I 2 .I 1 8 -1 15 0 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ASSTU&M DIWFLEET MAIMSUPERT 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 3 3 ACCOUNTCLERK II 1 1 TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 6 6 0 TOTAL UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE 54 54 0 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING & REDWELOPMENT DIR 0.5 0.25 -0.25 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 1.25 - 0.75 CLERKTYPIST I1 1 0.75 -0.25 SECRETARY II 1 0.75 -0.25 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 4.5 3 -1.5 " 31 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER -1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1 993- 94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED AFFORDABLE HOUSING HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 -0.25 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 0.25 0.25 TOTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING 1 1 0 HOUSING HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER HOUSING SPECIALIST I MANAGEMENT ANALYST SECRETARY II 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.25 0.25 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1.25 0.25 TOTAL HOUSING 4 4.5 0.5 BLOCK GRANT HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 0 0.25 0.25 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 0.5 0.5 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0.5 0.75 0.25 TOTAL BLOCK GRANT 0.5 1.5 1 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 10 0 . . . . . . . . . . .:. :i: ,,,. . . . ... . . . . . . . , . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. #is+ :i*h,;,j .,...: ....A. ..A :.:.: ..v. %...%...%... ....A%.... : ,..‘ i Q : ~,.,~~.~~.~~.~~~~~~~ GENERAL MANAGER 1 1 DISTRICT ENGINEER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 1 1 OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCRTE ENGINEER 3 3 CONSTRUCTDN/MAINT SUPERVISOR 1 1 CONSTRUCTION/MAINT WORKER I 2 2 CONSTRUCTION/MAINT WORKER II 1 1 ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT II 1 1 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 0 1 1 ACCOUNTINGTECHNICIAN 0 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I 1 1 ACCOUNTCLERK II 3 1 -2 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 111 1 I ENGINEERING SECRETARY 1 1 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 1 1 FACILITY MAl,NT LEADWORKER 1 1 METER SERVICES WORKER I 2 2 METER SERVICES WORKER II 4 2 METER SERVICES WORKER 111 0 1 1 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROLTECH 0 1 1 RECEPTIONIST 1 1 RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERKTYPIST II I 1 SERVICE COORDINATOR 1 1 SR CONSTRUCTION/MAINT WORKER 1 1 SR SYSTEMS OPERATOR 1 1 STOREKEEPER 1 1 -2 32 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENTAND CLASSIFICATION , REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1 993- 94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGEl ALLOCATED WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR I SYSTEMS OPERATOR II VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 3 3 1 1 SR VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 TOTAL CMWD ADMINISTRATION 44 44 0 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TOTAL CMWD - RECLAIMED WATER 1 I 0 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT I 1 SANITATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 METER READER/REPAIRER II 2 2 UTILITY MAINT WORKER II 3 3 unm MAINT WORKER HI 2 2 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR II I 1 UTILITYSYSTEM OPERATOR 111 1 1 TOTAL CMWD - SANITATION I1 11 0 TOTAL CMWD 56 56 0 522 521 -1 1993-94 UNFUNDED POSITIONS: NO. OF POSITION: POSITIONS Managment Analyst (Library) 1 Library Assistant II 1 Library Assistant I 1 Assistant Urn Director I Street Maint Worker II I TOTAL 5 33 0 a il H d 128 SA >!3 Z? :tj u? :! 3 H Ei 382 2>n q LE 0-I gi23 .o 3 g 3 ui OQ d V- gg 88 ” md 01 88 e 5 .- 888 $33 QQ Q q y 2 - c c PP g;xgg 2 !?I P 5 5. 8. 8’; $eEz @ ii6 3- FiS8 Et r si ne !i si $ ~.Q-QQ.Q-Q-Q-Q-Q~~-Q-Q~Q-~-Q-Q-~-gQ~Q-%~-~ lu ek z %H~~g$QB~~fgS~9~~s~a~8~ U $=s c.i m“r - z n 9 B a ow gg ~~~~~~~~nnn0~0nn~aaaaan wkeepuekkg&&&kk8 $$ 2. ommmmm~ a zzzzz 9 5; pq 5 0) !$;&; gooxw “fsgE y 8 0 E.% a $ d$“’ “23 @g2 pa g8g3 EO$ ma ii ;53d iq 9385 Ej % 5 a I $ P g (nu 01 z* Io* $$ aw EE P B !% %f $E sa $% aa kkij ww uu sa: PP 5 bo Ql g$$; 3 2 an;$~$$gob 0 s3q$$q$;; *an h&&m;;; ~dSdSSd5”’” 3mpmrnrnrn~~%%~ a =xX%$$$dg$g ~wYaa4~Losz 888::gg1Il1 llllllk~kk ~-I~==~nZnnZ 8ffff3%%3339 l?%3% s 5% ‘B z [i ’!$ g 3; 2z z: ax 0 0 3 P., 3'5 j Eq uz 39- :is 040 3 o+ $! - z w 9 ii a 3 0 e 0 + 8 88 88? a 88 8 8 88 8 Q 88 g g gg Y+ $ Q 5.F >!! :? 8 :? 8 8 :y 8 zg 8 8 44 6 $8- ,Q5 2 :go @g Nm -N !i d - N- - N " Sb gib( 0- E 5 c Pi .- d 2 PI ss' ui z $8 8 N- 3 H %l$ ~9n kg :q uz ig2 3g zp Y 8 an : ggggggpggg w bi 888g888888 Q883:Q QQQ a si dl6 N- gsQ3og NNmN !$5 s k 2 U ew z-# $ii 8kkZ$$Q$k Wkkk+k nnnsn noL eeg e - n 02 b?i t t 9 k 9 - - f E 8 w~ 5 gi 0) ::E 2 B $Ed $$E p $ ggu 2 40 i:& ;~gp;'"" B 5 3q$iEks:::- i"gi$zgzUQ& nzss;s$p., iggEy6p:8gQ qg;$E::i$s -n i!'uw~E~~s BB"*9@ [[[Eoczn HWd -1 EW Scs 22e F 0 E LE a 0 qr3:" qppgg5zo8yz uwa u I 'g>-lgBP zbBH ~~~~9ig~~z~ nnzEzooo ;$:::fa zzzzdaLgk ggggqKg$gg 44442888E': ,800 L aaaao-1-1-1>8 kl $2 g h I H 0 0 .- 0 * - gg8ggg8.ggggE Iqiz88P?.~!Eq 7 e a +H Bg B 58 3 88 Q i v) gggw !g33$ - 8 8 f s 8% 5;; g >E Z? 2: Q E? 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Q 8: ;;f 8 2 - 8 e - E3 E 5 H -In. =. $22 ~~%,_N=~"2N","222~~~~~~ +: a 888888g898888898g8g88g~.89~. ! z-zlOO zzv)v)ziO8zzInv)In In0 0 T k z U aw q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F z a v) v) a u4 0 W $pj & ee ZW> fdW 2zu~oon a gg Pz53aS z 0 $$ s z $ ss g gg s 3 !$ip 2 ~gzzz~~?~~~~~€~~~~pp~p~~~~~~ 09 imwgq$ v)UIov) g~$$u&9z$$$~$$$c+ g9 -ov) 15s wzkg 4!fsrss3335gB aaa-iwww ~a t;+ 8_8_dgggg5 ~zzzzz~~~~~~j,333~~~~~~ s9,U;S,U;S2 ~~llllillllllllllilllillllil aaaaoSoooooo8888d~dd~~~~~~ 98 3z33399%' 8,8998898888988~8~~9~9~88~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu k $9 33 cncn w E%? CVN E 0 mm CV m ?1) @ 3 f. oi$ ~?IZP T ?Z ;sz 040 o+ 'F ti G w z 9 k 2 U 5 JY) wB usga 8 $2 8!#$~5 9 Egnpg:Epni! Oaaw g!agggg adsU 333 ~~ZE~ nnzbb t p%3!$&~s $gg,qgE=g: $kk@ FPEB 5 g mqa35$ q k 6 i$f #$tM:sss 5g;i; w~~aa~gg$~~z J_rtZI Suu. "tna w3zoo-=~co~AJJA W_Z+L I g%EH $:YrlllJ pqZZ5252888 mmmm uuuuulLYYYYl- .@m$g$$$igg$ EEEEzEEEEEs w3w222235555 2aaaaooooooooo z $1 88 /I 8 fff p pj z~:ps SiiqaoJF U pgE 3Hs g up $e e au :: wpoyzz o$oQQ ;;eeeo'gaoo uammml I gggzggggggg k e @ p N. $ - m .- si i .e 7- r zg 9 .t! *t! 3f iq 21 .- :% ET Q XfJ Q 8 88 8 $i Q) $e hr 8 8 88. % d $ gg $ d Q 8 rd Q Qk s $5 h W ~~Q~~~%~~QQseQQQ~~Q~~~~~~~~~~. P~~~~~~~~d~~~~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 4z@i-; h. .- 6 0- m' I. 'm' 2 k 2 a g#l-EP +z gq& $3 8 3s g g 5g $ Q p {p "WLLCYU aouFz ~g~~u~~&&&k&&e~8~~e 08Oat-O~O ze l-I-I-I-I-l- $ c7'D fZ P 5 i 5 a 9 v) P w l- 2 a8 0 E :iy a d 4 !i W a [ 2 'X Sa v) 88 <sir 3$i~ <w p b$ w t 252 ~~rrrrlrssrr~~~~~~gg~~~~~ IIIIII~dJ~dJ rJ!$ls '~~~ssssassss~~~~~~~~~wW~v)~ ~~~~~~~~$~~~-~+oooooo nnkk882 zph (08 ,__"nenssennPs$$, :ggs:q ik; d39 p~popppppgpppooo~l-~q~ ZZZZZZZZZZZ3Z%a pgG $L~ss~~~Zesss~aaaa1Z~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~sssssssssoooooo~<~ IZ Og~~zauauaaaau~~~~~+>'~ $$iw o8wwSY8808000tttt00~~~~~SS~ !j2i z pgggggggg n 0 m~)moooooo PO!! :z Ck e @ il 88 88 $8 gg 88. 8 !e- '3 g 8 le 9 - 883 88. gaj 8s rc ai Y) zf8 $ Ziii .- 8 >t8 9 a" *b 8 27 8 28 s- 88 ?i$ oi 2q ET 8 iq 58 $- z Hm & ?Yo 3q us s2 qp ;f, 88 8-g N. 8 88 8- 8g D r 88 $$ 88 $E- 88 gg 854 gg 88 rod $3- s"8EN-g g b COCO Ei g#g 0 B ". g?:rqg z 3:s 5 Y) Ssak- 2 !2 $5 oa b t-~~~~$fsg$5~~~~"~%~~~~~~N~~~ Ul ~~8~88~8~8%888~8.8.~88~~~8.8g88.~ v z FF *-e4 (0 s k U a 6 l 0w-r sq88 0 $22 gzgg a& 0 g ;;~,,,,~~~8,,~~~~~~~~~~, UUUI-A k'UU UA<U E p E 88 I m 6,t- 5 $2 !x 52 0 wo ;;s; '$ !z Ulw zt t$!&d dddd dtp+++$gg zp $bb$y0 a"8888 !,@EZ,,$S6 wqg$$@@pd~~ b$n $iiz88Q- ##a %Ut "-~e~~~ss~~~~~p~e~~.aQ~~~~~ ~-mS~~88&&~IFIFLn1~~~~~~0~~~ n~~~PUlm*~~=mmmm~~~~aa~a€€~Ulw ~q~~~~~~~~~om~~oooo aabttl ~~4iP%Z<<9949999" ~~IoooooooonaP~~~~~~~~~~~ noaaa pi E il z I gi8.i v2s sek~ 2 Db ~3 u H 77 0 ~~~q~~rnn-""o~~"asee55... ~~~;~~~~88z0000=E;m'aaamma~a $2+ a,ttq.g8ZZZog3=u uuUlUlEEss85g533g@@ UE ;%2z2 k x IOmb '056 $EZ?S% 5$$ $a%%: mmmm 8 psszp55 mmmmm33W c @ .. : k 3 c U g P E YO Y E 4, 42 ~g~~g~zz 3 $ p3i! 35, yyzz xxxx $ne Egiiioo fwbt888 gYuubb 84::::wwww I II *I @U""+Ern "opggb >x"-qnd WQZZZ rd> CCii "Pkkkk8888E EEsQii$ii~ cokna~w55t >gggazZ++ $tgggg::r:* ~[~~~yszz~ ~aaaua u~gek:,nw ~a:4<aa<s 8 gtttqtg s'hhbgg2g 2_12_1ZZZ+ E wwww a. IIII urns 0888889I190 5; aaau a.3998ou IaYY$$' z83ss3COCOCOm2 ~~aaaa~~ggii e g Qc++ i?KE$zggm a~zaammamg s v)rnrnrn++~33 111111111.2 O !? $9,SlPftH 9333311% $%$%$$tx% j e 3 H p 3E!j 338 uH ?$a 02 gg2 se ? i I ! 9 k 5 nnbta m $3 as II 33 II 8fi ?T EE me ww s= if 44 55 NHU39 og88ggQ N’dNrJ? Y) E 9 62 E !pq oq& Uk@o Y 0) p%az$ 8 guowge ZU I%BrnO $ g;;g5#2 fi 0 04 ‘“kg2 mqJ $ @&r f 5q224f dX OOdC c ,-%g%z= ~ 1 88 1 0 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT yF~i:g:.$c$cJ$g~ ~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~:~~ . ...:.... . .. . . . ..: :.:.:: ... :.:. ../. ..................................................... : .................................................................................... ... .. ,.. . . .. ... ... .. . ... ......... .. . . . . . ... ....... ... .,................. ..... . ..... i..... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 193 .GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 832,422 PUBLIC. FACILITIES FEE 3,625,438 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,623,310 PIL AREA 1 NW 1,613,314 PIL AREA 2 NE 495,419 PIL AREA 3 SW 198,525 PI1 AREA 4 SE 71 0,735 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 908,649 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 1,695,761 ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST 9,609,493 TRANSNETAOCAL 284,520 TRANSNETNIGHWAY 32,855 TRANSNETBIKE (370,500) ISTEA TDA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS 606,537 GOLF COURSE 808,702 PUBLIC ART 55,126 REVENUE 200,000 332,472 34,000 18,004 7,716 32,150 981,509 20,000 933,522 3,100,000 3,400,000 340,500 162,717 220,400 50,000 9,462 EXPENDITURES 946,200 1,345,000 150,000 350,000 100,000 20,000 3,133,016 555,000 162,717 220,400 ENDING 86,222 2,612,910 1,657,310 1,631,318 495,419 56,241 742,885 1,540,158 1,595,761 7,409,999 3,384,520 2,877,855 (30,000) 606,537 858,702 64,588 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 13,720 30,000 43,720 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 LETTER OF CREDIT - FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT 90,073 5,000 95,073 TAX INCREMENT BOND 136,499 40,000 176,499 STATE GRANTS (1,332,270) 1,500,000 193,416 (25,686) CDBG (857,382) 651,325 (206,057) CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR 292,642 17,329,667 13,056,482 4,565,827 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER (4,849,552) 4,849,552 -MAJOR FACILITY 1,452,907 3,379,627 4,284,l 05 548,429 -REPLACEMENT 4,375,098 2,050,000 1,444,591 4,980,507 * TOTAL 22,052,041 39,677,623 25,960,927 35,768,737 47 0 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT ................ .......................................................................................................... ~~~~~~~-.:~.'s,~~~~~~~~:~~~~:~.~~~:~~~~~~~ BEGINNING ............... :::::::::::.:.:. ........................................... .........I.. ........................................................................ ............................................................. <. .......................................... ................. ................................................................. FUND . BAL 7/1/94 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING .. GENERAL CPTL CONSTR PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3.SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST TRANSNETLOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA 86,222 2,612,910 1,657,310 1,631,318 495,419 56,241 742,885 1,540,158 1,595,761 7,409,999 3,384,520 2,877,855 (30,000) 630,000 465,066 45,000 45,010 23,148 16,718 16,718 181,732 602,000 1,071,866 71 6,222 620,000 2,457,976 1,702,310 1,676,328 51 8,567 72,959 759,603 440,000 1,281,890 1,595,761 602,000 7,147,148 1,334,717 100,000 3,284,520 2,877,855 (30,000) SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF BONDS PUBLIC ART ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LETTER OF CREDIT - Z19 L/C FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND STATE GRANTS CDBG CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY -REPLACEMENT 606,537 858,702 64,588 43,720 95,073 176,499 (25,686) (206,057) 4,565,827 548,429 4.980.507 ,, 450,000 450,000 173,650 780,187 14,000,000 14,000,000 858,702 64,588 43,720 95,073 176,499 (25,686) (206,057) 9,730,417 8,000,000 6,296,244 3,530,400 4,282,048 (203,219) 2.050.000 4.244.200 2.786.307 ,. ,, ,, TOTAL 35,768,737 33,031,725 39,958,355 28,842,107 48 0 e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . , . . . , . . , , . , , . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . yE;m ~~~~$-~~,iaaiii:iiliiiiiFi . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . , . . , . , . . . . , , . , , , , , . , , . . . . . , . . , . . . , , . , . . , . . , . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11.1 Ill.lll.tl. ....... ........................ ........................ ... 1.1..1.11.1.. . ...... ......................... ............................((.(... BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/95 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 71 6,222 716,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF BONDS PUBLIC ART ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 L/C FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND STATE GRANTS CDBG CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY 2,457,976 1,702,310 1,676,328 51 8,567 759,603 1,281,890 1,595,761 1,334,717 3,284,520 2,877,855 (30,000) 780,187 858,702 64,588 43,720 95,073 176,499 (25,686) (206,057) 6,296,244 (203,219) 875,350 58,000 90,020 64,300 72,016 36,008 290,548 1,334,160 4,450,000 630,000 182,300 250,000 4,447,155 991,787 2,100,000 72,016 240,000 1,317,739 100,000 3,600,000 630,000 250,000 626,250 15,863,000 2,265,707 1,233,326 1,760,310 1,766,348 582,867 795,6 I 1 1,332,438 1,595,761 1,351,138 7,634,520 (722,145) (30,000) 962,487 858,702 64,588 43,720 (531,177) 176,499 (25,686) (206,057) (5,119,601) (1,477,140) -REPLACEMENT 2,786,307 2,050,000 5,234,016 (397,709) TOTAL 28,842,107 15,821,644 32,298,728 12,365,022 49 0 .. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAllABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/96 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 71 6,222 71 6,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST TRANSNETLOCAL TRANSNETjiIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF BONDS PUBLIC ART ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LETTER OF CREDIT - Zl9 1,233,326 1,760,310 1,766,348 582,867 795,611 1,992,498 1,595,761 1,351,138 7,634,520 (722,145) (30,000) 962,487 858,702 64,588 43,720 1,791,544 86,000 108,024 70,730 147,890 39,866 424,345 1,618,835 3,245,000 3,435,000 191,450 720,000 2,304,870 1,846,310 1,874,372 653,597 13,775 134,115 835,477 1,990,000 (236,217) 1,595,761 1,805,832 1,164,141 100,000 10,779,520 2,712,855 (30,000) 1,153,937 858,702 64,588 . 43,720 LE FIELDSTONE 2,375,000 2,375,000 REDEVELOPMENT (531,177) 564,741 33,564 TAX INCREMENT BOND 176,499 176,499 STATE GRANTS (25,686) (25,686) CDBG (206,057) (206,057) CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR (51 19,601) 4,001,179 (1,118,422) WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY (1,477,140) 1,418,773 3,774,850 (3,833,216) -REPLACEMENT (397,709) 2,050,000 1,743,972 (91,681) TOTAL 12,365,022 21,565,377 12,523,429 21,406,971 50 0 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1993 TO BUILDOUT ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES ............................................................ ........................................ 'YEARr'S;i'gi~~-98i;j.,:.: 5.j i ;j \: :; ~.,.~~~~~:~:~~~:~~~~~,~'~~~:~.~ ; : +Li.j$$ ........... ........... ................................. ........................ _..:. ........:.:... ......... : ,:.:,,,. .............................................................................................................................................. BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/97 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 716,222 716,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 2,304,870 1,528,765 2,962,000 871,635 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,846,310 86,000 1,932,310 PIL AREA 1 NW 1,874,372 135,030 2,009,402 PIL AREA 2 NE 653,597 . 47,582 701,179 PIL AREA 3 SW 134,115 205,961 340,076 PIL AREA 4 SE 835,477 65,586 901,063 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE (236,217) .477,923 240,000 1,706 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 1,595,761 1,595,761 ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST 1,164,141 1,699,335 7,391,529 (4,528,053) TRANSNETLOCAL 1 0,779,520 300,000 500,000 10,579,520 TRANSNETjiIGHWAY 2,712,855 2,712,855 TRANSNETBIKE (30,~O) (30,000) ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS 1,153,937 201,025 1,354,962 GOLF BONDS 858,702 858,702 PUBLIC ART 64,588 64,588 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 43,720 43,720 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 L/C FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT 33,564 656,250 689,814 TAX INCREMENT BOND 176,499 176,499 STATE GRANTS (25,686) (25,686) CDBG (206,057) (206,057) CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR (1,118,422) 4,186,004 3,067,582 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY (3,833,216) 1,728,373 1,280,986 (3,385,829) -REPLACEMENT (91,681) 2,050,000 243,996 1,714,323 TOTAL 21,406,971 13,367,834 12,618,511 22,156,294 51 0, 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/98 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 718,222 716,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 871,635 18,32541 6 28,558,250 (9,361,199) ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,932,310 740,000 700,000 1,972,310 PIL AREA 1 NW 2,009,402 1,239,704 2,380,000 869,106 PIL AREA 2 NE 701,179 1,562,490 2,263,669 PIL AREA 3 SW 340,076 2,081,602 2,421,678 PIL AREA 4 SE 901,063 506,684 1,407,747 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,706 5,065,658 3,830,000 1,237,364 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G 1,595,76 1 1,595,761 ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST (4,528,053) 14,721,698 7,034,200 3,159,445 TRANSNET/LOCAL 10,579,520 1,500,000 6,085,000 5,994,520 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF BONDS PUBLIC ART ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LETTER OF CREDIT - Z19 L/C FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND STATE GRANTS CDBG CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR 2,712,855 (30,000) 1,354,962 1 , 1 28,700 858,702 64,588 43,720 689,814 176,499 (25,686) (206,057) 3,067,582 18,067,378 2,712,855 (30,000) 2,242,500 241 ,I 62 858,702 64,588 43,720 689,814 176,499 (25,686) (206,057) 43,000,000 (21,865,040) WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY (3,385,829) 20,088,533 13,116,678 3,586,026 -REPLACEMENT 1,714,323 10,250,000 1,810,702 10,153,621 TOTAL 22,156,294 95,277,863 108,757,330 8,676,827 52 0 0 .’ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT ............................................................................................. ~~~~~:~:~;:~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~.~:~~.~~;~~ :; ............................................................... ............................... ........................................................................ .................................................................................. ................................................................................ ........................................................................................... .................................. ....................................................................................................... ............................................................... BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2003 REVENUE EXPENDITURES .. GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 716,222 4,843,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE (9,361,199) 48,843,899 23,218,015 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,972,310 3,898,815 5,850,000 PIL AREA 1 NW 869,106 2,914,076 3,350,000 PIL AREA 2 NE 2,263,669 4,573,016 6,741,289 PIL AREA 3 SW 2,421,678 3,026,051 5,406,427 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,407,747 1,565,062 2,970,000 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,237,364 17,490,412 14,798,000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAtN’G 1,595,761 300,000 ENCINA SEWER BONDS 6,882,560 6,882,560 SEWER CONST 3,159,445 40,279,210 30,195,482 TRANSNETLOCAL 5,994,520 . 6,020,000 6,200,000 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 2,712,855 1,600,000 TRANSNETBIKE (30,000) ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS 241,162 GOLF BONDS 858,702 PUBLIC ART 64,588 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 43,720 LETTER OF CREDIT - Z19 1,687,500 1,687,500 4C FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT 689,814 TAX INCREMENT BOND 176,499 STATE GRANTS (25,686) CDBG (206,057) CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR (21,865,040) 48,000,000 14,500,000 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS ENDING 5,559,222 16,264,685 21,125 433,182 95,396 41,301 2,809 3,929,776 1,295,76 1 13,243,173 5,814,520 4,312,855 (30,000) 241,162 858,702 64,588 43,720 689,814 176,499 (25,686) (206,057) 1 1,634,960 -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY 3,586,026 55,503,135 11,843,005 47,246,157 -REPLACEMENT 10,153,621 10,250,000 937,144 19,466,477 TOTAL 8,676,827 257,376,736 134,879,422 131,174,141 53 0 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT .>:.:.:.: ....:. .,.:...... ...... .... . ................... ........................... .,.::,... ..... . .... . ..... . :.. ... ..... ...:...: .............................. .A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , GRAND TOTAL$ &kiyE&$s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....... ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . , .. . . , . . . . . . . .... ., ..,. ...,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL TOTAL FUND EGlNNlNG BAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 832,422 5,673,000 946,200 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 3,625,438 72,162,512 59,523,265 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,623,310 4,947,815 6,550,000 PIL AREA 1 NW 1,613,314 4,549,868 5,730,000 PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST TRANSNETLOCAL TRANSNETjiIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE ISTEA TDA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS 495,419 198,525 710,735 908,649 1,695,761 9,609,493 284,520 32,855 (370,500) 606,537 6,341,266 5,557,953 2,262,074 24,909,127 622,000 6,882,560 61,658,626 18,615,000 8,435,000 340,500 162,717 1,300,400 1,080,000 1,877,l 25 6,741,289 5,715,177 2,970,000 21,888,000 400,000 622,000 6,882,560 58,024,946 13,085,000 4,155,000 162,717 1,300,400 1,080,000 2,242,500 GOLF BONDS 808,702 14,000,000 14,000,000 PUBLIC ART 55,l 26 9,462 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 13,720 30,000 LETTER OF CREDIT - Z19 1,687,500 1,687,500 IJC FIELDSTONE 2,625,000 2,625,000 REDEVELOPMENT 90,073 1,225,991 626,250 TAX INCREMENT BOND 1 36,499 40,000 STATEGRANTS (1,332,270) 1,500,000 193,416 CDBG (857,382) 651,325 CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR 292,642 105,761,800 94,419,482 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER (4,849,552) 4,849,552 -MAJOR FACILITY 1,452,907 86,640,629 40,847,379 -REPLACEMENT 4,375,098 30,750,000 15,658,621 TOTAL 22,052.,041 477,148,802 366,996,702 54 ENDING 5,559,222 16,264,685 21,125 433,182 95,396 41,301 2,809 3,929,776 1,295,761 13,243,173 5,814,520 4,312,855 (30,000) 241,162 808,702 64,588 43,720 689,814 176,499 (25,686) (206,057) 11,634,960 47,246,157 19,466,477 131,124,141 0 0 May 17,1993 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Senior Management Analyst - Finance 1993-94 ANNUAL REVIEW OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERvICF,S One of the City Council's goals is to review fees and charges for services on an annual schedule conjunction with the budget adoption process. City Council last implemented fee increases in Jur 1992. The basis for increasing fees was threefold; 1) the David M. Griffith Report of Fees, Charg and Revenue, 2) Council's goal of assessing charges to recover City costs and, 3) staf recommendation that fees be raised to keep pace with inflation. These grounds continue to apI as the City Council reviews fees during the 1993 budget cycle. Staff from the fee assessing departments reviewed the City's current charges and has ma recommendations for several new fees and one increased fee. With these few exceptions, st: recommends that fees remain at their current levels. The effort to compile all City fees and charg into one document led to expan-ding the listings and identifying fees that were not previou: included. , This effort will insure that the annual review is as encompassing as possible. This report will provide an overview of the annual fee evaluations and the resulti recommendations. DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES Planning The Planning Department reviewed the fees that pertained to their activities and is recommendi that no increases or changes be implemented. Tl& recommendation is based upon the local mark and surveys of other Cities, which shows that Carlsbad's planning fees are in the higher ranges Ennineering The Engineering Department also recommends that the current fees remain at their present leve Plan and document processing is at a low level and the economy is not receptive to higher fef One new fee is recommended for implementation - an oversize load fee which would be assess1 when using City streets to transport oversize loads. The recommendation is to assess the oversi load fee for either one trip at $15.00 or an annual permit fee for $60.00. .It is recommended that four fees be decreased to insure that the charge assessed does not exce the cost of providing the service as established in the David M. Griffith's report. These fees a identified in the table on the following page. " I e 0 Capital Fees Tied to the F&n& News Record "IF - Residential $157.01 $1,767 per EDU $1,610 per EDU Sewer Connection $2.01 $33 per avg. daily trip $31 per avg. daily trip TIF - Commer/Industx . $6.01 $83 per avg. daily trip $77 per avg. daily trip Water District The Water District also reviewed the fee schedule and recommended that the encroachment fc I and engineering service fees be included in the fee schedule. These development related fees wz adopted in Ordinance Numbers 39 and 40, by the Water Board on August 4,1992. These have nc been included in the Water District schedules. GENERAL QTY FEES - Fire Fire is recommending that all existing fees remain at their present levels. They are furtI recommending that one new fee be implemented, a fire alarm nuisance charge. The fee is intend to serve as an incentive for responsible parties to correct fire alarm system deficiencies or situatia that result in recurring nuisance alarms and unnecessary responses by emergency personnel a equipment. The fee would be assessed upon building owners who have failed to comply w directions from the Fire Department to correct the deficiencies and upon contractors w continually fail to take necessary precautions to prevent accidental signaling of a fire alarm. T recommended fee of $110 represents an average of operational cost incurred in response accidental or false alarms. City Ordinance currently allows the Fire Department to recol operational costs of this type of response. I1 a 0 Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation staff has reviewed the fee schedules and is recommending that no chang be implemented. They have suggested that the schedule detailing facility rental fees be includc in the packet to insure that they are reviewed annually. The four page schedule has been include Other Fees One fee is recommended for an increase: the charge for the annual Municipal Code Suppleme Service to $50.0.0. This represents an increase of $20.00 over the current rate. The Informatic Systems Director has indicated that the number of ordinances modified has been rising steadi resulting in higher printing costs. A $50.00 charge will insure a greater level of cost recovery. The Library has reviewed the fees and recommends that existing fees be added to the current 1 as they have been in effect for several years. Examples include the library video fines of $1 per d: interlibrary loans of $.SO each and book reserve of $.SO each. These fees have been’ included 1 the General City Fee Schedule. Water Fees The Water District will be reviewing the water rates in a separate presentation to the Water Boa Water staff however, has recommended several new charges and, increased fees, which include wai meter deposits for construction meters, up $50.00 to $500, and service turn ons for new accoun up $10.00 to $25.00. -Construction meters cost approximately $500 each; the increased fee I-, more closely.attain cost recovery. A turn on for a new account requires an employee to go to t site of the meter, which is estimated to cost about $25.00 in time and supplies. Also recommended for increase is the fire hydrant lateral and assembly, and fire detector later Presently these are charged with a $2,500 deposit, which is retained by the Water District, with t difference in actual costs assessed through a subsequent billing. The additional billing has be confusing to the assessee believing that the deposit was all that was required. A. review of t billings shows that the average additional charge is approximately $2,500, and when combined wj the $2,500 deposit, results in a total of $5,000. It is recommended that the deposit be deleted, a: that instead, a fee of $5,000 be assessed for a fire hydrant lateral and assembly, and a fee of $4,5 for a fire detector lateral be implemented. Three new charges are recommended and include a backflow preventer charge at $2.50 per mon per account. These devices require annual inspections and costs can be recovered through t billing. The Water District has been anticipating this charge, and has a line item on the bill identify the cost with the service. The second new charge is for a same day water turn c Normally water is -turned on the day after a request is made, as the location can be placed intc worker‘s route. When a same day ~“II on is requested, a worker must be taken off their rou The $20.00 recommended charge will offset these costs. The third new charge recommended is after hour water turn on. In this case, a worker who is off-duty is called in to turn on a custome water that has been shut off. Expenses incurred include overtime, as well as equipment use. It recommended that the charge of $60.00 be implemented to recover these costs. I11 0 0 SUBSIDY LEVEL ANALXSIS .In an effort to -categorize the fees in a manner that could assist in making fee policy decisions, tl development related fee schedule was organized into five different groupings. The placement staff. The five groups are: .: I .. the various fees.within the groups was reviewed by both Engineering and Planning Departme 1) Day care related fees 2) Non-profit related fees 3) Small and/or single family related fees 4) Medium size project related fees 5) Other and large size project related fees The group with the smallest number of entries was for Day Care, while the Other and Large Si Project Related Fees contained, the most entries. Non-Profit Related Fees benefitted from t highest City subsidy level at 93%, followed by Day Care Related Fees at 90%. The group receivi the lowest level of subsidy was the Other and Large Size Project Related Fees at 37%. Subsi levels for Small and/or Single Family Related Fee projects averaged 78% and Medium Size Projc Related Fees at 51%. Categorizing the fees in this manner shows that the large size project receiving a smaller City subsidy and is closer to paying the full cost for the service provided. This .type of analysis can be of benefit as the City attempts to move closer to full cost recovery. summarv The recommendations contained within this report were made to recover the cost for providint service, and to effectively provide a link with the tost of the service and benefit to the us1 Although completed nearly two years, the David M. Griffith Report on Fees, Charges and Reven continues to provide the basis for establishing the relation between costs and fees. Recommend fees do not exceed the cost of providing their service, although in some cases fees are equal to less than the actual cost. Where necessary, fees were reduced so as not to exceed the cost providing the service. Although it would be ideal to fully recover the City's cost of providing any one service, it important to understand the impact of a full cost recovery policy upon the users. City subsidy services can meet one or more of several goals. First, lower costs can permit an identified gro or individuals to participate in services they might not otherwise be able to afford. Secol although fees are-used to recover some City costs, an effort is made to avoid placing the cost compliance out of the reach of most people. Third, fees can be used to encourage or discoura certain activities. For example assessing higher fees for increased water usage can encoura conservation. As can be seen, full cost recovery is not always the desired goal. -A- DEBRA J. Attachments Iv e 0 City of Carlsbad Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 Fee Description Additional Planning Inspections (first lnsp included in plan check fee) Adjustment Plaf Administrative Variance - Single Family Administrative Variance - Other Appeal - City Council - Single Family Appeal - City Council - Other Appeal - City Council - City Engineer’s Decision Appeal - Planning Commission - Single Family Appeal - Planning Commission - Other Building Permit Fees (Based on state fee schedule) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit Bridge & Thoroughfare - per Single Family Unit Bridge &Thoroughfare - per Condominium Unit Bridge & Thoroughfare - per Apartment Unit Bridge &Thoroughfare - all other -‘per Avg. Daily Trip Certificate of Compliance Construction Change Review - Minor Construction Change Review - Major Coastal Development Permit - Single Family Coastal Development Permit - Other CUP CUP - Amendment - Regular CUP - Amendment - Non-Profit CUP - Extension - Regular CUP - Extension - non-profit CUP - Non-Profa DayCare Permit DayCare Permit - Extension Design Review - Preliminary Review - Major Design Review - Preliminary Review - Minor Drainage Fees Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet Easement or Offer to Dedicate or Improve EIA - All Others EIA - Single Family EIR - 1 through 4 Acres EIR - 5 through 19 Acres EIR - 20 Acres and up EIR - Addendum EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) Encroachment Permit (After Installation) Engineering Variance - Minor Engineering Variance - Major Environmental Monitoring Fee (Base + acutal cost) Final Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) Final Tract Map (Base fee + $5 per Acre) Fire Protection System Installation -Automatic Sprinkler Systems - See Schedule for Rates Total Propoked 1992-93 Note A Fee Fee Cost 50 490 490 1,079 1 20 120 1,218 120 120 616 490 490 893 120 120 1,007 430 430 652 250 250 1,186 340 340 415 50 50 (3) (3) 530 530 424 275 275 500 55 55 500 125 125 1,238 120 120 2,700 55 55 631 400 400 631 80 80 934 935 1,Ooo 934 2,500 2,500 2,700 400 433400 150 150 514 300 600300 150 150 500 230 240 234 22.00 22.00 31 8 31 8 424 900 55 55 (3M4: 30 200 200200 30 30 30 30 30 1,088 220 220 1,321 220 5,510 5,510 12,290 2,210 2,210 4,924 2,210 2,210 6,221 220 500 275 275 10,237 10,500 10,235 ( 50 150 150 150 160 160 160 85 85 85 100 100 loo 50 50 2.124 1.m 1,580 3,081 2,760 2.760 0 V 0 City of Carlsbad Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 Fee Description -Fire Alarm Systems - See Schedule for Rates -Other Fixed Fire Systems - See Schedule for Rates Fire Repeated Inspection on New Construction Fish & Game Fee - Negative Declaration Rsh & Game Fee - EIR Future Improvement Agreements General Plan Amendment - 1 Acre or less General Plan Amendment - 1 to 5 Acres General Plan Amendment - 5 Acres and up Grading Permit - (See Schedule for Rates) Grading Plan Check - (See Schedule for Fiates) Growth Management Fees - As established by Council Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family Hillside Dev Permit - Other Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other Improvement Agreement Extension Improvement Inspection Fee (See Schedule Below) Improvement Plan Review (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Information to Planning Cdmmission - Single Family Information to Planning Commission - Other Inspection Overtime (On Request) Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check Landscape Inspection - Same as lmpvt Construction lnsp Lighting Plan Checks - (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Major Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Minor Master Plan (Base Fee + $15 per Acre) Master Plan Pre Submit Master Plan Amendment (Minor) Master Plan Amendment (Major) (Base Fee + $1 0 per Acre) Monumentation (Cash deposit as required) Notice Fees - Based on Cost to Provide Notice Oversize Load Permit - 1 trip Oversize Load Permit - Annual Park In-Lieu Fees - (See attached schedule) PD or Condo Revision - 4 or less PD or Condo Revision - 5 to 50 PD or Condo Revision - 51 or more PD Fievision - Non-Res - 4 or less PD Revision - Non- Res - 5 to 50 PD Revision - Non-Res - 51 or more PD or Condo - 4 or less PD or Condo - 5 to 50 PD’or Condo - 51 or more PD - Non-Res - 4 or less PD - Non-Rss - 5to 50 PD - Non-Res - 51 or more VI 0 .F Note Cost 2,218 2,650 1992-94 7 40 1,275 875 80 1,200 1,200 Proposed 7 1,275 1,200 1,200 I I 6,047 I 2,500 1 2,500 I (4) (4) 542 1,028 1,126 857 791 340 (3)(4: (3)(4: ~,091 1,518 1,733 0 5,531 2,642 26,533 6,249 3,947 15,456 (NeN (Ne&) (4) (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (4 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1) - I 599 2.786 6.1 92 1,315 3,243 7.298 1,914 6,613 11,022 1,705 5,551 10.504 120 400 80 350 340 120 41 0 100 5,531 1,700 10,475 3,750 1,700 3.860 I cost 0 I 0 250 2,000 5,510 575 3,000 6.600 440 4,000 11,022 440 5,510 10,504 - 120 400 80 350 340 120 41 0 100 5,531 1,700 10,475 3,750 1,700 3,860 cost 15 60 250 2,000 5,510 575 3,000 6.066 440 4,000 11,022 440 5,510 10,504 e 0 City of Carlsbad Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 Total Proposed 1992-99 Fee Description 600 600 2.245 Planned Industrial Permit (6) Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified Fee Fee Cost Note Planned Industrial Permit - Amendment m400 400 Planning Commission Determination - Single Family 2,650 50 50 Reapportionment Fees for 191 1 Act Assessment Diitricts - Application plus amt for ea new parcel 450 450 Reappottionment Fees for 191 1 Act Assessment Districts - Per Application 280 280 388 Quitclaim of Easement 50 50 50 Public Facilities Fees Agreement (3) Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value 120 120 250 Preliminary Plan Review (Single Family Exempt) 230 230 388 Preliminary Review - Minor 1,100 1.100 2.499 Precise Development Plan - Amendment 1,700 1.700 3,899 Precise Development Plan (4) Planned Local Drainage Fees 70 70 1,108 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) 70 70 893 Planned Development Final Map - Major (50 or less) 25 25 209 Planned Development Final Map - Minor (4 or less) 830 830 2,819 Planning Commission Determination - Other 220 220 Redevelopment Permit (Minor) Site Development Plan Revision (Minor) 5,530 5,530 9.215 Site Development Plan (Major) 2,775 2,775 5,992 (2) Site Development Plan (Minor) 175 175 561 Sign Program 30 30 32 Sign Permit 5,000 5,000 5,000 (9) Sewer Lateral Installation 4" and 6 1,767 1.61 0 (5) Sewer Capacity School Fees - (Set by School Districts) 40 40 97 Satellite Antenna Permit 224 Right of Way Permit - Utilii (By Contract) 90 90 224 Right of Way Permit - All other Non-Utility 90 90 224 Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees 35 35 224 Right of Way Permit - Single Family 500 500500 Reversion to Acreage 80 100 80 m Research lime (By Written Request) - Per Hour 800 800 1,384 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Major) 80 80 356 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Minor) 1,400 1,400 5,603 Redevelopment Permit (Major) 150 150 1,836 (2) 4,162 475 475 Site Development Plan Revision (Major) 6,727 1,150 1,150 Special Use Permit 1.073 280 280 Special Use Permit - Flood Plain 1,283 1,150 1,150 Special Use Permit - Flood Plain, Coastal High Hazard Area 350300 300 Special Use Permit Amendment - Flood Plain 1,208 820 820 Special Use Permit Amendments - All Other 1,072 13,5OC 13,500 22,534 Spkic Plan - More than 25 acres 5,7OC 5,700 21;970 Specific Plan - 5 to 25 acres 1,75C 1,750 35,075 Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres 6,2OC 6,200 12,068 Specific Plan Amendment (Major) 1,700 1,700 4,371 (2) Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) 225 225 7 1 - I I I I I I I I I I ) 1 - VI1 0 a City of Carlsbad Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 r - Fee Oescription Street Light Energizing Fee (See table below) Street Name Change Street Sign Deposits (As Required) Street Vacation Structure Relocation Tentative Map ,Revision - No PD - 5 - 25 Units or Lots Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 26 - 100 Units or Lots Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 101 or more Units or Lots Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee Tentative Parcel Map 1 yr Extension Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 1/4 orginal Fee Tentative Tract Map RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units Tentative Tract Map RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - $2,500 base + $1 00/lot or unit over 5 (whichever is greater). $7.500 base + $%/lot or unit over 50 (whichever is greater). $2,500 base + $1 00/lot or acre over 5 (whichever is greater). $7,500 base + $1 00/lot or acre over 50 (vihichever is greater). Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units - Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - Tentative Tract Map Extension - 5 to 25 Tentative Tract Map Extension - 25 to 100 Tentative Tract Map Extension - 101 or more Traffic Impact Fee - North / South Carlsbad - Residential Cost Per Trip Traftic Impact Fee - North / South Carlsbad - Commercial/lndust Cost Per Trip Variance (Single Family) Variance (Other) Water Service Connection Fees - (Set by CMWD) Waste Water Discharge Permit Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acres Zone Change - 25.1 or more acres Zone Code Amendment - -_ - - &t6 (3) (5) (5) I I L - 3 - - Total cost 339 490 267 3,987 4,782 6,281 1,611 365 3,413 7,472 3,413 4,033 295 374 427 1,573 1,762 112 2,532 2,675 2,680 3,181 ,- - 1992-93 Proposed Fee P Fee 120 120 490 1,150 180 180 490 365 365 1,611 1,611 2.350 2,350 1,425 1,425 1.150 1,050 2,630 1,050 2,630 1,050 2,630 2,630 1,050 240 225 225 240 260 260 77 77 31 31 280 280 575 575 25 280 280 25 850 850 2,175 2,175 1,150 1,150 (1) - Based on number of.units or lots whichever is greater (2) - Minor Residential Development - Defined as - 50 or fewer units or lots, Whichever is greater Minor - Other Uses - Defined as less than 2 acres (3) - No change recommended - Previous council action establishing fees remains unchanged (4) - See attached schedule for rate table (5) - Fee Increases based on Annual Change in Engineering News Record as Established by Council by Ordinance. (6) - Any Permit Amendment not identified assessed at 50% of original cost 0 - Research Fee = Minimum $25.00 to Maximum $1 00.00 based on hours to completion. (8) - Fees set by State Statute. VI11 0 0 " City of Carlsbad Park In-Lieu Fws Value Fee Quadrant Per Unit Per Acre District 1 - NW 195,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,755 Attached (4 units or less) 1,463 Attached (5 units or more) 1,170 Mobile Home 1,034 District 2 - NE 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1,050 Mobile Home 91 9 District 3 - SW 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1,050 Mobile Home 91 9 District 4 - SE 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1,050 Mobile Home 91 9 The Park Fee ordinance establishs a method of determining park land values in each quadrant I City of Carlsbad Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Existing Fee Area Per Unit 1 0 2 0 3 3,808 4 1,686 5 2,658 6 200 7 2,273 8 0 9 2,878 10 1.196 11 1.630 12 4,445 13 2.858 Council will be adopting revised drainage fees as part of a new master drainage study. This study is currently being reviewed by the Engineering Department, A IX 0 e Grading Plan Check Fee Schedule Base Fee Plus Per I I Grading Plan Check - 100 CY or less 100 - Grading Plan Check - 101 to 1 ,000 CY Grading Plan Check - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 1.300 80.00 1000cy Grading plan Check - 10,001 to 100,OOO CY 2,100 80.00 1 0,Ooo CY - 500 80.00 100 CY Grading plan Check - 100.001 CY to 200,WO CY 2.900 80.00 10,OOo CY .Grading Plan Check - 200.001 CY or more 3.700 80.00 100,Ooo CY Grading Permit Fee Schedule Base Fee Flus PW Grading Permit - 100 CY or less 25 - - Grading Permit - 101 to 1 .OOO CY 75 10.00 100 CY Grading Permit - 1,001 to 10,000 CY I 75 52.50 1000Cy Grading Permit - 10,001 to 100,OOO CY 700 60.00 10,000 CY . Grading Permit - 100,001 to 200,000 CY 1,300 180.00 10,000 CY Grading Permit - 200,001 CY or more 3,l 00 300.00 100.000 CY Improvement Plan Review L Gost of Improvements Fee $0 to $2o,OOo 6.0096 - $200 Minimum $20,000 to $50.OOO 5.00% - $1,206 Minimum $50,000 to $100,OOO 4.00% - $2,500 Minimum $100,000 to $250,000 3.50% - $4,000 Minimum $250,000 to s5oo,o0O 2.75% - $8,750 Minimum $500.000 to $1 ,000,000 2.25% - $13,750 Minimum over $1 ,000.000 1.50% - $22,500 Minimum (Improvement Wan Check Fees are based on the current Ci of San Diego unit prices. Thii includes the cost of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, asphalt or concrete paving. storm drains, etc.) -I Improvement Construction Inspection Fee Cost of Improvements Fee $0 to $250,000 5% - $250 Minimum $250,001 to $750,000 4.5% - $1 2,500 Minimum $750,001 to $2,000,000 4.0% - $33,750 Minimum $2.000.001 to $5.000,000 3.5% - SO.000 Minimum $5,000,001 and over 3.0% - $175.000 Minimum I Street Light Energizing Fee I WatEs Lumens Fee 70 5.800 45.00 + $73.35 per light 100 150 200 250 9,500 16,000 2z000 30,OOO 63.00 + $73.35 per light 86.00 + $73.35 per liiht 110.00 + $73.35 per light 140.00 + $73.35 per liiht Abovefeesarethecostfocenergidngeschatreetlightfw18months. Ratesshownasof5/15/93andare charged at cost as rates change. F:\USERSWEVRLWUOIOTCFnS X 3 !@ City of Carlsbad Sewer Connection Fees General Connection Fee All Areas 1,767 Plus Local Sewer Fees shown Below Sewer Service Fee Bv Area Fee Current Area A 279 Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F 491 407 785 803 879 I Area G 76 Area H Area I Area J Area K Area L 51 4 285 982 1,981 776 I Area M 38 XI @ @' CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES AND CHARGES MAY. 1993 Total Fee Description Hydraulic Analysis Only Reclaimed Water Landscape Review Preliminary Potable Water, Reclaimed Water, Sewer Analysis Review Encroachment Permit Penalty (Failure to Obtain Permit) Encroachment Permit Cost Note Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Improvement Plan Review Under $80,000 - Base + 1% of Construction Costs Between $80,OOO - $200,000 - Base + .7% of Construction Costs Between $200,000 - $500,000 - Base t 45% of Construction Costs Between $soo,OOO - $so0,000 - Base + ,3596 of Construction Costs $so0 and over - Base + Calculated on a Project Basis . Easement Document Processing and Recording (mimimum $1 Sa) Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Speciiications (Cost for each) Service Installation Fees 1 ' Water 2"Water 2" Lateral with two 1" Services 2" Lateral with three I " Services Fire Hydrant Lateral and Assembly (1) Fire Detector Lateral (1 1 (1) 92-93 fee is a $2,500 deposit with supplemental billing to make up cost difference. - 1 -. - 1992-9: Fee 50 100 500 200 200 400 800 1,400 2,250 2,800 150 20 800 1 ,ooo 1,500 7,500 2,500 2.500 7 II - Proposed Fee 50 100 500 200 200 400 800 1,400 2,250 2,800 150 20 800 1 ,OOo 1,500 7,500 5,000 4,500 - I - Fee Amoun 0.N O.O( 0.a 0.N O.O( 0.a 0.N 0.N 0.a 0.a O.O( O.O( 0.N 0.N 0.N O.O( 2,500.0( 2,000.0( t ~ ~~ XI1 - e $, CrrY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES MAY. 1993 Total cost cost Abandoned Vehicle Abatement - Actual Administrative Cost General City Fees Amoun Fee Fee Cost Note Fee Description Fec Proposed 1992-93 Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Band Call 500.00 500.00 Ambulance Fees 120.00 Appeal - Housing and Redevelopment Commission N 120.00 120.00 Appeal City Council - Miscellaneous 200.00 200.00 Ci Council Agenda Subscription - Set by Ci Manager 2.00 2.00 Cii Clerk - Certification Charge (per document) 350.00 350.00 City Clerk - Full Council Agenda Packets (per year) 20.0c 50.00 30.00 Ci Clerk - Municipal Code Supplement Service (per year) 150.00 150.00, Ci Clerk - Municipal Code Books (Cost for Each) 200.00 200.00 Cabaret Dance Permit 30.00 30.00 Business License - Sign Painter ' 30.00 30.00 Business License - Priiate Police/Patrol/Watch Service 30.00 30.00 Business License - Motion Picture taking First Day 25.00 25.00 Business License - Fee for Listing of Businesses 25.00 25.00 Business License - Base Fee (No change in other fees) 30.00 30.00 Bond Search 1 .00 1 .00 Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer 3.00 3.00 Bicycle Licenses N 120.00 Copies - each 0.15 0.15 Emergency Response Billings - DUI At Cost At Cost Fire - Nuisance Alarm (New) 1 10.00 110.00 11o.oc Fire Use Permit Fees Cii Council Minutes Subscription - Set by Ci Manager Public Assembly - Candles or Other Open flame Ni 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Combustible Fiber Use and Storage N 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Dust Production Nl 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Compressed Gases Nl 40.00 40.00 40.00 - Welding Hazardous Materials and Processes Nl 240.00 240.00 240.00 - Fireworks Display or Special Effects NI 240.00 240.00 240.00 - Carnivals and Fairs N/ 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Tents Temporary Use N. 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Assembly N 40.00 40.00 40.00 - Haz-Mat Use and Storage 160.00 160.00 160.00 N, - Dry Cleaning 160.00 160.00 160.00 Nl - Motor Vehicle Repair 160.00 ' 160.00 160.00 N. Hazardous Installations - Medical Gas Dispensing System NI 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Refrigeration Equipment NI 240.00 240.00 240.00 - High-Piled Combustible Storage NI 120.00 120.00 120.00 - Combustible Storage Facility NI 120.00 120.00 120.00 - Industrial Ovens Nl 160.00 160.00 160.00 - flammable Finishes Nl 160.00 160.00 160.00 XI11 .e \I) CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES MAY, 1993 Fee Description flammable and Combustible Liquids, Gases and Aerosols - Use - Dispensing - Storage - Tanks Fire User Fees - Weed Abatement (charge per parcel) Fire - Routine Fire inspection for Business Fire - Failed Business Inspection Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Equipment (per item, per day) Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape Library Fines (.IO per day per item) Library Fines - Juvenile (.05 per day per item) Library Fines - Video ($1 -00 per day per item) Library interlibrary Loan Library Lost or Damaged Items: Barcode Library Card Book or Audio Item - List Price Videotape - 20% of list price (covered by insurance) Library Online Searching Fees (Actual Cost for Direct Line Charges) Library Presearch Fee for Online Searches (Per Search) Library Book Reserve Police - Alarm Permit Police - False Alarm Fee - Second Occurance Police - False Alarm Fee - All Additional Occurances Police - False Alarm Fee - Businesses - During Business Hrs Police - Fingerprinting Fees Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer - Determined by Finance Dir Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer with Vehicle - Determined by Fin Dir Police - Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge Police - Report Fee (Free to Victim) Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre Publications - As Determined by the Ci Manager Returned Check Fee Special City Services - Billed at Cost Special Events - Minimum Filing Fee - One Street Special Events - Traffic Variance / Minor - 5 or fewer interesctions Special Events - Traffic Variance / Major - 5 or fewer intersections Solid Waste Fee (AB939) 1 .I% of Basic Trash Rate Note (1 1 (2) (2) (2) - - . Total Amour, Fee Fee Cost Fec Proposed 1992-93 80.00 N 80.00 80.00 80.00 h 80.00 80.00 80.00 N 80.00 80.00 80.00 N 80,w 80.00 80.00 40.00 80.00 0.00 85.00 80.00 5.00 0.50 0.1 0 0.05 1 .OO 0.50 80.00 0.00 40.00 5.00 0.50 0.1 0 0.05 1 .00 0.50 I I h 1 .oo 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 5.00 0.50 30.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 5.00 At Cost At Cost 12.00 10.00 200.00 5.00 0.50 30.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 5.00 At Ccst At Ccst 12.00 10.00 200.00 , N 15.00 15.00 25.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 0.1 3 0.1 3 XIV 6 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES MAY, 1993 Total Fee Fee Cost Note Fee Description Fee Proposed 1992-93 Arnouni General City Fees - Parks & Recreation Non-resident Fee - Instructional Classes and Daytrippers 3.00 Agua Hedionda 10.00 10.00 Non-resident Fee - Youth Sports (per person) 3.00 3.00 Non-resident Fee - Open Play Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton 3.00 Annual Fee - Resident - Power Boats & Jet Skis Sailboats Over 8' 30.00 30.00- Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Sailboats over 8' 35.00 35.00 Annual Fee - Resident -Board Sail/Boats under 8 & Passives 15.00 15.00 Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Board/Sail Boats & Jet Skis under 8' & Passives 17.50 10.00 Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Decal 17.50 10.00 Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal 5.00 5.00 Daily Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Over 8' 6.00 6.00 Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Use & Vessels Under 8' 3.50 3.50 Daily Fee - Resident - Passive Use & Vessels under 8 12.00 12.00 Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats 8t Jet Skis Over 8 8.00 8.00 Recreation and Safety Center Facility Rental Fees - See Schedule A Aquatics Per Admission - Youth & Teen 22.00 22.00 City Classes - Parenvnfant thru Adv Pre-School - Res 30.00 30.00 City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res 22.00 22.00 City Classei - Adult/Te.en - Learn To Swim - Res 25.00 25.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res 17.00 17.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res 82.00 82.00 (3) Season Discount - Family - Non-Resident 72.00 72.00 (3) Season Discount - Family - Resident Season Discount - Adult - Non-Resident '60.00 60.00 (3) Season Discount - Adult - Resident N, 2.75 2.75 Per Admission - Adult - Non-Resident 1.75 1.75 Per Admission - Adult - Resident 1 .00 1 .OO Ci Classes - Parentllnfant thru Adv Pre-School - Non-Res 30.00 30.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res 17.00 17.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res 3.00 3.00 Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non- Res 4.00 4.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res 22.00 22.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res (3) - Non-resident Fee in addition to fees charged residents of Carlsbad. (2) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.050 (1) - Library fines will remain unchanged 11.00 11.00 Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard /Supervision etc. - Per Hr) 1.90 1.90 Use Agreements - N.C.A. - (per lane per hr) 1.80 1.80 Use Agreements - C.U.S.D. (per lane per hr) 32.00 32.00 Rental - Exclusive Use - Commun*ty/Non-Profit (Per Hr) 80.00 80.00 Rental - Exclusive Use - Commercial/Corp (Per Hr) N 33.00 33.00 Individualized lnstr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Non-Res (per hour) N 25.00 25.00 Individualized lnstr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Res (per hour) N 25.00 25.00 Individualized lnstr - Basic Swimming - Non-Res (per hour) N 17.00 17.00 Individualized lnstr - Basic Swimming - Res (per hour) 40.00 40.00 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (Monthly Fee) 30.00 30.00 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res (Monthly Fee) 30.00 30.00 (3) 70.00 70.00 xv e Q CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FEE SCHEDULE SERVICE FEES AND CHARGES MAY. 1993 Total 'I 2.5, 2.50 0 New Backflow Preventer Charge (per month, each account) Utility Fees - Water Services 0.0 0.15 0.1 5 Photo Copying per Sheet 0.0 5.00 5.00 Blueprinting of Standard Size (24" x 36'7 Improvement Plan Sheet (Cost for each) 0.01 20.00 20.00 Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (Cost for each) General Service Fees Amoun Fee Fee Cost Note Fee Description Fee Proposed 992-93 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 5/8" meter 5.50 5.50 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3/4" meter 5.60 5.60 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1" meter 5.70 5.70 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 112" meter 6.20 6.20 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2" meter 5o.oc 500.00 450.00 500.00 Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters 60.a 60.00 0.00 60.00 New Water Service Fee - After Hour Turn-on 20.a 20.00 0.00 20.00 New Water Service Fee - Same Day Turn-on (Not Scheduled for That Day) 20.00 20.00 Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment 10.0( 25.00 15.00 Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on 1.30 1.30 Water Use Base Rate Per Unit 1.15 1.15 Conservation Rate (I -7 units of water) (cost per unit) 29.70 29.70 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 8" meter 26.50 26.50 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 6' meter 24.60 24.60 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 4" meter 20.00 20.00 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3" meter 16.80 16.80 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2 1/2" meter 13.60 13.60 Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee 50,Oo 50,Oo Water Meter - Construction Meter Relocation Utility Fees - Sewer Services .X).c€ 20.00 0.00 20.00 Minimum Monthly Charge Group V - Institutions/Schools. 3.34 3.34 Group IV - Commercial - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 2.1 1 2.1 1 Group 111 - Commercial - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 1.61 1.61 Group 11 - Commercial - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 13.06 13.06 Group I - Residential - (Flat Rate) 13.06 13.06 - Elementary School - rate per hundred cubic feet 0.29 0.29 - Junior High School - rate per hundred cubic feet 0.58 0.58 - High School - rate per hundred cubic feet 0.87 0.87 - Boarding School - rate per hundred cubic feet 4.35 4.35 Group VI - Large Volume Users - Beckman Micro Operations - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feed - Culligan - Minimum'plus rate per hundred cubic feet 4.28 4.28 1.30 1.30 - Hughes Aircraft - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 1.25 1.25 XVI e 0 ci of carlsbed Fire Protection System Installation Fees Pian Review .Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Commercial System 40 - Tenant Improvement $80 +.75/spklr - Residendial system 40 Fire Alarm Systems - I to 10 Devices -11 ormoreDevices 40 minimum 40 +$l.OO/device Other Fwd Fire Systems - Haod and Duct 40 l-wm** 1 ; - special chemical Agent - Standpipe - Paints r Booth - I ir Inspection Fees No. Cost 6 at $40 each 3at 40each 80 lat #each $320 +.75/spklr 160 lat 40each 2at 40each lat 40each 2at 40each lat 40-h 2at 40each 2at 40each - l; 1' 1 20 + 1 .OO/device 120 120 XVII . ,-, . *' 6. 0 FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIONS REGULAR OPERATION HOURS Hardinq/Calavera/and Staqecoach Communitv Centers Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. to 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a.m. to 4:OO p.m. Safety Center Conference Rooms Fox/Palowski Mtg. Rooms Monday - Friday 2:00 p.m. - 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. E.O.C. Mtg. Room Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. - 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. Fees are based on, an hourly rate, with a two hour minimum (except ball fields) other than regular operation hours. An extra staffing fee of $7.00 per hour is required for all recreation usagf CATEGORIES FACILITIES Hardi ng Community Center Audi tori um Recreation Hal 1 Mu1 ti -Purpose Room Kitchen A B C D E ""- N/C $10 $15 $20 $40 N/C 10 15 20 40 N/C N/C 10 15 20 N/C N/C 5 10 15 Stagecoach/Calavera Community Centers Gymnasi um N/C 10 20 30 45 Act i vi ty Room N/C 10 15 20 40 Mu1 ti -Purpose Room N/C N/C 10 15 20 Kitchen N/C N/C 5 10 15 Safety- Center Fox Meeting Room N/C 7 12 17 25 Pal ows ki Meet i ng Room N/C 7 12 17 25 Emergency Operating Center N/C 7 12 17 25 Levante Center N/C N/C 10 15 20 Heritage Hal 1 N/C N/C 10 15 20 Granary N/C N/C 8 10 15 Scout House N/C N/C 8 10 15 XVIII 4 ' 1' ... -' - 0 0 . CATEGORIES A B C D E PARKS ""- Holiday - Gazebo Area N/C N/C 5 a 10 Stagecoach/Calavera - Picnic Area N/C N/C 5 a 10 Magee Park - Open Area N/'C N/C 3 5 8 La Costa Cartyon - Upper Area N/C N/C 3 5 8 Laguna Riviera - Picnic Area N/C N/C 3 5 8 BALLFIELDS Chase, Pine, Stagecoach, Calavera Day Use Lights Levante, Safety Center, Fuerte Day Use Only N/C N/C 5 5 7 N/C N/C 13 13 15 N/C N/C 5 5 7 TOURNAMENTS - ($200 deposit required) Field plus Bases N/C N/C 5 5 7 Lights N/C 7 13 13 15 Snack Bar N/C N/C 5 a 10 Field Preparat i on N/C 15 15 15 15 TENNIS COURT (Tournaments Only/Daily Fee) Carlsbad High School N/C N/C 20 30 40 Stagecoach/Cal avera N/C N/C 15 20 25 Laguna Ri vi era N/C N/C 10 15 20 NOTES : 1. There is a two-hour minimum for the use of facilities, parks and meeting I except for ball fields which can be rented for one (1) hour. Fees will I pro-rated for less than one hour. 2. Day Use for the softball fields and the tennis courts is from 8:OO a.m. dark. An additional amount is charged for lights. 3. Building rentals include use of tables, chairs, P.A. and kitchen faci' when appropri ate. 1/89 XIX ./ -.I -I e 0 CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS AND FEES Each appl i cation wi 11 be reviewed by the Recreation Supervisor and cl assi fi into a group depending on the type of organization and the intended use. 1 the facilities. The classifications are listed in order of priority wi classification "A" first, classification "B'l second, etc. The City attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a 1 imited numt of facilities. Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reasc a priority system for use had to be established. Parks and Recreation Department's activities have first priority for the use A. Parks and Recreation activities; Co-sponsored activities; other Ci departments. Examples: Friends of the Library, Carlsbad Book Fair B. Non-profit.mganizations (non-paid management); Carlsbad residentnc for-profit, civic, social organizations and any organizati sponsoring a public forum or candidates night. Exampl es : Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth Organization, Bobby Sc Little League, Boy Scouts, Lions Club C. Carlsbad resident not-for-profit, civic, social organizations (pt management); educational institutions; resident recreational. Examples: Boy's and Girl's Club, School District, lindsay Proper Management Association D. Locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located the City of Carlsbad; resident religious; resident political candid; use for fund raisers; non-resident not-for-profit civic and SOC' organizations; resident private parties. Examples; North County A,A, t Y,M*C,A* l resident religious i pol i ti cal groups E. Resident commercial, business, profit making organization, nc resident private party activities. Exampl es : Carlsbad Inn, non-resident parties, weddings receptions xx . -e. *- e e b F. Non-resident commercial, business, political, profit making i religious organizations. Examples: Trade shows, company training, meetings, seminars IN ORDER TO QUALIFY AS CLASSIFICATION "8" OR "C" NON-PROFIT USER, ' ORGANIZATION MUST MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1. The organization must be registered as a not-for-profit corporation w the State of California, or, if not registered with the State, must h a constitution or by-laws which clearly state that the objectives of organization are of a non-profit, non-commercial nature. 2. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, 51% of which must 3. The organization must submit the following: Carlsbad residents. a. If incorporated, submit State incorporation papers and by-laws; if incorporated, submit constitution and by-laws. b. Financial verification of organization's exemption from income t (Department of the Treasury form 990 may be used.) An up-dated cl will be required by October 1st of each year. c. A signed statement verifying item "2" above. m 0 9 City of Carlsbad Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 Categorized for Subsidy Analysis Total % Fee Description Note Cost Subsidy DAYCARE RELATED FEES DayCare Permit 89.9% 1,238 Average Subsidy 89.5% Daycare Permit - Extension 89.0% 500 NON-PROFIT RELATED FEES CUP - Amendment - Non-Profit 91.4% 934 CUP - Extension - non-profit 92.8% Average Subsidy 95.6% 2,700 CUP - Non-Profit 91.3% 631 SMALL AND/OR SINGLE FAMILY RELATED FEES Administrative Variance - Single Family Appeal - City Council - Single Family Appeal - Planning Commission - Single Family Coastal Development Permit - Single Family EIA - Single Family EIR - 1 through 4 Acres General Plan Amendment - 1 Acre or less Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family Information to Planning Commission - Single Family PD or Condo Revision - 4 or less PD Revision - Non-Res - 4 or less PD - Non-Res - 4 or less Planned Development Final Map - Minor (4 or less) Planning Commission Determination - Single Family Preliminary Plan.Review (Single Family Exempt) Right of Way Permit - Single Family Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres Variance (Single Family) PD or Condo - 4 or less Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres Average Subsidy MEDIUM SIZE PROJECT RELATED FEES EIR - 5 through 19 Acres General Plan Amendment - 1 to 5 Acres PD or Condo Revision - 5 to 50 PD or Condo - 5 to 50 PD Revision - Non-Res - 5 to 50 PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 Planned Development Final Map - Major (50 or less) 1 Specific Plan - 5 to 25 acres Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 26 - 100 Units or Lots "Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 5 - 25 Units or Lots , Tentative Tract Map Extension - 5 to 25 - (1 1 . (1) (1 1 (1 1 - 1,186 1,007 1,218 514 1,321 6,221 2,218 857 1,028 1,518 599 1,914 1,315 1,705 209 2,650 250 224 35,075 1,573 2,532 il i I 4,924 2,650 2,786 6,613 3,243 5,551 893 21,970 4,782 3,987 295 78.9% 88.1 % 90.1 % 70.8% 83.3% 64.5% 45.9% 90.7% 88.3% 92.1 % 58.3% 77 .O% 56.3% 74.2% 88.0% 91.7% 52.0% 84.4% 95.0% 88.9% 78.1 % 82.2% 55.1 % 54.7% 28.2% 39.5% 7.5% 0.7% 92.2% 74.1 % 70.2% 71.2% 18.6% XXII e 9 City of Carlsbad I Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 Categorized for Subsidy Analysis I Fee Description Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units - Tentative Tract Map RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units Tentative Tract Map Extension - 25 to 100 Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acres $2,500 base + $l.OO)lot or acre over 5 (whichever is greater). $2,500 base + $lOO/lot or unit over 5 (whichever is greater). Average Subsidy OTHER AND LARGE SIZE PROJECT RELATED FEES Additional Planning Inspections (first lnsp included in plan check fee) Adjustment Plat Administrative Variance - Other Appeal - City Council - City Engineer's Decision Appeal - City Council - Other Appeal - Planning Commission - Other Building Permit Fees (Based on state fee schedule) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit Certificate of Compliance Coastal Development Permit - Other Construction Change Review - Major Construction Change Review - Minor CUP CUP - Amendment - Regular CUP - Extension - Regular Design Review - Preliminary Review - Major Design Review - Preliminary Review - Minor Drainage Fees Duplicate Tracing Fees -' Final Parcel Maps - per sheet Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet Easement or Offer to Dedicate or Improve EIA - All Others EIR - 20 Acres and up EIR - Addendum EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) Encroachment Permit (After Installation) Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) Engineering Variance - Major Engineering Variance - Minor Environmental Monitoring Fee Final Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) , Final Tract Map (Base fee + $5 per Acre) (Base + acutal cost) r " - Note (9) (3) (3) (3) (4) - " - Total % Cost Subsidy 3,413 3,413 69.2% 69.2% 374 39.8% 2,675 68.2% 50.6% 50 41 5 652 616 893 1,079 234 429 600 500 2,700 934 631 500 300 0.0% 18.1 % 34.0% 80.5% 45.1% 54.6% -2.6% 7.6% 50.0% 70.0% 7.4% -7.1 % 36.6% 45.0% 81.7% 30 0.0% 200 0.0% 30 0.0% 1,088 79.8% 12,290 55.2% 500 45.0% 10,237 -2.6% 100 0 .O% I 50 0 .O% 160 0.0% 85 0.0% ~ 150 0.0% 2,124 25.6% 3,081 10.4% XXIII e 9 1 City of Carlsbad 7, Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 Categorized-for Subsidy Analysis Fee Description Fire Protection System Installation Fire Repeated Inspection on New Construction Fish & Game Fee - EIR Fish & Game Fee - Negative Declaration Future Improvement Agreements General Plan Amendment - 5 Acres and up Grading Permit - (See Schedule for Rates) Grading Plan Check - (See Schedule for Rates) Growth Management Fees - As established by Council Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other Hillside Dev Permit - Other Improvement Agreement Extension Improvement Plan Review (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Information to'PIanning'Cammission - Other Inspection Overtime (On Request) Landscape Inspection - Same as lmpvt Construction lnsp Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check Lighting Plan Checks - (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Major Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Minor Master Plan Amendment (Major) (Base Fee + $1 0 per Acre) Master Plan Amendment (Minor) Master Plan Pre Submit Master Plan (Base Fee + $15 per Acre) Monumentation (Cash deposit as required) Notice Fees - Based on Cost to Provide Notice Oversize Load Permit - 1 Time Oversize Load Permit - Annual Park In-Lieu Fees - (See attached schedule) PD or Condo Revision - 51 or more PD or Condo - 51 or more PD Revision - Non-Res - 51 or more PD - Non-Res - 51 or more Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) Planned Industrial Permit Planned Industrial Permit - Amendment Planned Local Drainage Fees Planning Commission Determination - Other Precise Development Plan Precise Development Plan - Amendment Preliminary Review - Minor Public Facilities Fees Agreement . Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value Improvement Inspection Fee (See Schedule Below) - - Note (8) (8) (4) (4) (3) (4) (3) (4) (New) (New) (4) (1) (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (6) (4 (3) - L XXIV Total % Cost Subsidy 40 0.0% 80 58.7% 6,047 0.0% 542 791 55.8% 1,126 0 .O% 340 64.5% 444,091 1,733 76.3% 0 5,531 2,642 15,456 3,947 6,249 26,533 6,192 I 1,022 7,298 10,504 1,108 2,245 535 2,819 3,899 2,499 388 50 I 0.0% 35.7% 75.0% 56.9% 40.0% 60.5% i i .O% 0 .O% 17.8% 0.0% 93.7% , 73.3% 25.2% 70.6% 56.4% 56.0% 40.7% 0.0% a a 9 City of Carlsbad " Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 Categorized for Subsidy Analysis I Fee Description Quitclaim of Easement Reapportionment Fees - 191 1 Act Assessment Districts - Per Applctn Reapportionment Fees - 191 1 Act Assessment Districts - Base + Per Parc Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Major) Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Minor) Redevelopment Permit (Major) Redevelopment Permit (Minor) Research Time (By Wriien Request) - Per Hour Reversion to Acreage Right of Way Permit - All other Non-Utili Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees Right of Way Permit - Utility (By Contract) Satellite Antenna Permit School Fees - (Set by School Districts) Sewer Connection Permit Sewer Lateral Installation - $2,500 deposit Sign Permit Sign Program Site Development Plan Revision (Major) Site Development Plan Revision (Minor) Site Development Plan (Major) Site Development Plan (Minor) Special Use Permit Special Use Permit Amendment - Flood Plain Special Use Permit Amendments - All Other Special Use Permit - Flood Plain Special Use Permit - Flood Plain, Coastal High Hazard Area Specific Plan Amendment (Major) Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) Specific Plan - More than 25 acres Street tight Energizing Fee (See table below) Street Name Change Street Sign Deposits (As Required) Street Vacation Structure Relocation Tentative Map Revision - No PD -. 101 or more Units or Lots Tentative Parcel Map 1 yr Extension Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee Tentative Tract Map Extension - 101 or more Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 1/4 orginal Fee Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - $7,500 base + $lOO/lot or acre over 50 (whichever is greater). $7,500 base + $25/lot or unit over 50 (whichever is greater). Tentative Tract Map RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - Traffic Impact Fee - North / South Carlsbad Note :€!I (7) , (5) (2) (2) (2) (3) (5) xxv Total % rn 1,384 356 5,603 1,830 80 500 224 224 224 97 42.2% 77.5% 75.0% 91.0% - 25.0% 0.0% 59.8% 59.8% 58.8% 32 561 6,727 4,1 62 9,215 5,992 1,073 1,208 1,072 1,283 350 12,068 4,371 22,534 6.3% 68.8% 82.9% 88.6% 40.0% 53.7% 73.9% 32.1 % 79 .O% 10.4% 14.3% 48.6% 61.1% 40.1 % I 339 I 64.6% 1 490 267 6,281 365 1,611 427 0.0% 32.6% 62.6% 0.0% 0.0% 39.1 % 4,033 34.8% 7,472 64.8% 1. I I I 4 I 0 * d City of Carlsbad .. Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees May, 1993 Categorized for Subsidy Analysis Total % Fee Description Note Waste Water Discharge Permit Water Service Connection Fees - (Set by CMWD) Zone Change - 25.1 or more acres Zone Code Amendment -Automatic Sprinkler Systems - See Schedule for Rates -Fire Alarm Systems - See Schedule for Rates Variance (Other) I cost 1,762 112 2,680 3,181 0 I 7 Subsid 67.4% 77.7% 18.8% 63.8% -Other Fixed Fire Systems - See Schedule for Rates Average Subsidy I 37.3% I (1) - Based on number of units or lots whichever is greater (2) - Minor Residential Development - Defined as - 50 or fewer units or lots, Whichever is greater Minor - Other Uses - Defined as less than 2 acres (3) - No change recommended - Previous council action establishing fees remains unchanged (4) - See attached schedule.for rate table (5) - Fee Increases based on Annual Change in Engineering News Record as Established by Council by Orc (6) - Any Permit Amendment not identified assessed at 50% of original cost, (8) - Fees set by State Statute. (7) - Research Fee = Minimum $25.00 to Maximum $100.00 based on hours to completion. 1 XXVI