HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-25; City Council; 12252; CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EAST WIDENING PROJECT NO. 3166+ i c9 0 CT a. 9 3 z 0 F 0 a 6 z 3 8 /- ‘- CIy OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL r.i z DEPT. HC AB # 12: 25 2- TITLE: CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER DEPT. ENG RECOMMENDED ACTION: MTG, 5/25/93 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EAST WIDENING CITY AT1 CITY MGI PROJECT NO. 3166 City Council authorize City Manager to approve a contract change order increas imported borrow by 30,000 cubic yards for the Palomar Airport Road East Widen Project No. 3166. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 5, 1993, construction began on the Palomar Airport Road East Widening Projl Shortly after initiation of clearing operations, representatives of the Fish and Wildlife Sen sighted a California gnatcatcher crossing the easterly end of the project. The staff 1 notified to restrict the contractor’s operation and reinitiate biological surveys of the ai The updated surveys have identified a nesting pair of gnatcatchers north and east of intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive. Based on discussion with Fish and Wildlife, a 1OA Permit will be required to modify habitat area. Redesign of the project in the nesting area will be required. Dur processing of the 1OA Permit, no taking of habitat will be allowed. The impacted ai provides approximately 40,000 cubic yards of fill material needed to maintain progress the project. The inability to obtain fill material would seriously impact the construct progress resulting in significant delay. In order to avoid those delays, staff recommending increasing imported borrow for the project to 30,000 cubic yards at estimated net cost of $152,400. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS: Staff reviewed several alternatives to the proposed action in developing I recommendation: 1. SusDend Work in ImDacted Areas Until Permit Obtained This option would prevent a significant fill area from being completed which is v to installation of utilities on the critical construction path. The length of the de is indeterminate at this time, but could be several months. It is likely that even M the permit, up to 20,000 cubic yards of fill will be lost to mitigation efforts to proti the habitat. Redesian the Palomar Airport Road Profile to Reduce Fill Reauiremei This option would reduce the costs of the earthwork, but increases engineering E survey cost by $25,000 to $40,000. This option would require negotiation o significant change in the work with the contractor and likely involve a two to thr week delay. The contractor has not been cooperative in the execution of chan orders and would likely frustrate this process. It is staff’s opinion that the ris involved in this approach outweigh the potential cost savings that might accrued. 2. I f e e Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 12: 2 5 2 L FISCAL IMPACT The original contract amount for Project No. 3166 was $6,454,807.52. The Cou previously authorized a contingency of $968,000. Change orders to date amoun $66,548.85. The proposed change order will increase the imported borrow to 30,000 CI yards at $7.50 per yard, or a total of $225,000. This will be offset in the future reductions in grading quantities at $2.42 per cubic yard, or a total of $72,600. The impact to the contingency fund will be $1 52,400. Remaining contingency fund to date be $676,451.1 5. SUMMARY ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $6,454,807.52 CONTRACT CONTl NGENCY $ 968,000.00 PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDER 66,548.85 CURRENTCHANGEORDER 225,000.00 CONTINGENCY BALANCE $ 676,451.15