HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-15; City Council; 12268; 1993-94 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS ADOPTION OF REVISED FEES1 .- %F- A m +I' a, $2 -4 x. aJ aJ m W a a, a e! $i m rd n m 4 h I m 6\ a F: cd L N 4 h I m cn n d b m I rn 4 n 0 h 4 I m cn m g G .I4 0 u 7 rl 0 m 2 a a, +I Q a 0 (d rl *rl 2 5 V 0 m \ m Ln 4 \ \D OF CARLSBAD - AGE ax7 ,. AB # /Xi LCQ~ DEPl TITLE: MTG. 6-15-93 RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY DEPT. Fit4 CITY 1993-94 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS ADOPTION OF REVISED FEES 1. Hold public hearing on the City's 1993-94 Operating Budget and 1993-94 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program, and on the *6k"!;6n &f d "" 1 "..* .u eve opment &td ~d ~4~~al City fact. 2. Adopt Resolution No. r3 -1 90 adopting the final Operating Budget for 1993-94 and appropriating funds for the 1993-94 Capital Improvement Program. 3. Adopt Resolution No. 93 *! 71 adopting the Gam spending limit for 1993-94. 4. Adopt Resolution No. 9 3 -Iq5 setting development related fees. 5. Adopt Resolution No. 43-173 setting general City fees. ITEM EXPLANATION: z 0 5 a This item is established to allow the public an opportunity to comment on the City's proposed Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Budget, as well as the proposed fees and charges for services. The Council is encouraged to ask any questions related to the Budgets and fees that may still need clarification. Following the public hearing, the Council may adopt the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for 1993-94 and the revised fee schedule. The adoption of the 1993-94 operating budget represents the first of two steps the City will be taking to insure a balanced spending plan. The extent of the City's revenue loss due to the State's budget balancing actions is yet unknown, with estimates ranging from a loss of $1.5 to $4 million. Once known, Carlsbad's budgeting process will enter step two and be rebalanced using the revised revenue figures. Staff will report to Council the most up- to-date State budgeting impact information as it becomes available. The total proposed Budget for 1993-94 is $99.1 million, of which $72.7 million is the Operating Budget and $26.4 million the Capital Improvemenl Budget. The Operating Budget is 2.2% less than that adopted for 1992-93 while the Capital Improvement Budget is 23% lower than the neM appropriations for 1992-93. 6 z with one less position and no new programs proposed. A contingency 0 permanent positions. Continued fiscal constraints have resulted in a budge1 0 The recommended 1993-94 Budget reflects funding for 515 of the 52C 3 -4 a e k PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. I a, ~(FK '.. account totaling approximately $600,000 has also been included which is almost $500,000 less than the 1992-93 amount. The contingency account provides Council some flexibility to meet the demands for resources which may arise during the coming year. The recommended 1993-94 Budget includes $75,000 in funds for community service programs, and $205,000 for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau. The proposed budget for Sewer Operations is $4.5 million which is up $100,000 or 2.3% from the adopted 1992-93 budget. The increase is associated with budgeting the full value of depreciation. In order to implement the proposed budget, a rate increase of approximately 5% will be recommended to the Council in the near future. The rate increase will not only absorb the full cost of depreciation, but the increased costs for Encina Plant Services as well. Some minor accounting adjustments have been made to the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets during the review process. General fund revenues and expenditures remain the same, while total capital expenditures have increased by approximately $600,000. The changes have occurred in the scheduling of the Avenida Encinas street project. Additional information in the form of Issue Statements will be presented to the City Council on June Eth, as well as the responses received from the public at the workshop meeting. The 1993-94 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program totals $354.5 million and identifies 164 future projects. Twenty-nine projects are scheduled for 1993-94 appropriation at $26.4 million. Forty-nine percent of the spending will be from the Community Facilities District (CFD) at $13 million to fund the Library and Poinsettia/I-5 Interchange. CFD bonds will need to be issued to pursue the Library. Although construction of the Library in south Carlsbad contains an appropriation of funds in 1993-94, it has not been determined that operating funds will be available. As a result, it may be necessary to defer this facility's construction. Staff will be returning to the Council for further discussion of these issues. Total spending on Capital Improvement Projects could total $61 million as $35 million in uncompleted projects dl1 be cded forward into 1993-94. In addition to adopting the Operating Budget, the Council is also asked to adopt the Gann spending limit as required by Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. State law requires that the spending limit be presented with the Operating Budget. The spending limit for 1993-94 is $100,119,169, with appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" of $30,215,268. City staff has conducted an annual review of City fees and charges for services in conjunction with the budget process and recommends several - e Q PAGE THREE OF AGENDA BILL NO. ' x! ace t? changes in development related fees. .Two capital fees are recommended for increase based upon the change in the Construction Index published in the Engineering News Record: the Traffic Impact Fee and the Sewer Capacity Fee. One new development related fee is recommended, the oversize load permit, at $15 for one trip, or $60 for an annual permit. Four development related fees are recommended to be decreased, so that the charge does not exceed the cost of providing those services. Two new general City fees are recommended, the fire Nuisance Alarm Charge at $6.00 per hour. One general City fee is recommended for increase, the annual charge for the Municipal Code Supplement Service. FISCAL IMPACX The fiscal impact of the proposed Budgets is detailed in the attached schedules. EXHIBITS: 1, Resolution No. q 3- ' 7 0 adopting the final Operating and Capital * at $110 per failure, and a playing field lighting fee for non-profit league play Improvement Program Budgets for 1993-94. 2. Resolution No. 9 3- 19 I adopting the spending limit for 1993-94. 3. Resolution No. 93-1W- setting development related fees. 4. Resolution No. 93 - 173 setting general City fees. " + e. e - b June 14, 1993 TO: CITY MANAGER VIA: Finance Director v .' J FROM: Senior Management Analyst - Finance 1993-94 ISSUE AND INFORMATION STATEMENTS Attached, please find the Issue and Information Statements that have been developed response to various comments received during the 1993-94 budget review process. Th will be presented at the Council meeting of June 15 as part of the budget public heari and adoption item. n cQd&J/ DEBBIE NEVILLE r- e 0 - b Issue Statement I. - Golf Course Contribution - On June 6, 1989, a special municipal election was held than contained two propositior Proposition F, increasing the transient occupancy tax rate from 8% to lo%, was passed 1 vote of the people. Proposition G as passed by a vote of the people, approved tl expenditure of City funds for various construction projects from the General Fund in exce of $1 million. Since the election, the City's General Fund operating budget has contain an appropriation for a golf course that amounted to approximately 2% of the total T( estimated revenues. As a budget balancing measure, the proposed 1993-94 General Fund operating bud2 contains no funding contribution to the .golf course which amounts to a "savings" approximately $640,000. The Council may wish to continue golf course funding exercising any combination of the following options: 1. Direct staff to initiate like reductions in spending on other General Fund services programs. 2. Utilize the general fund balance. @ Defer the contribution until which time the golf course project needs additiol funds and provide those by implementing one or a combination of the abc Po options. 4 To date, $790,000 has been spent on golf course planning and design elements. As 6/30/93, a total of $1.3 million is available to spend on the golf course project. The C continues to pursue a variety of options surrounding the development of a golf facilic *. . t e e w Issue Statement - Beach Lifeguard Services - On May 19, 1992, the City Council reviewed an Agenda Bill in which the Parks ar Recreation Commission recommended 1) the establishment of a seasonal jet ski ar vehicular beach patrol and.that, 2) future plans be made to provide a lifeguard progra on the beach area from Oak Street north to the mouth of the Buena Vista Lagoo: Although no immediate implementation actions were taken, the Council directed staff tl 1) return with the issue at budget time so that it could be considered in the conte: of all other programs being proposed within the budget, and 2) provide information regarding the liability arrangement that would occur if tl City contracted with the State to perform lifeguard services at the beach area not above. Fiscal Issues The proposed 1993-94 budget contains recommendations for no new programs and kef spending and service levels at the existing 1992-93 rate. Should the Council wish to fu the lifeguard program, it will be necessary to make like reductions in spending on oil General Fund services and/or programs. It is estimated that the initial year start up c( for the jet ski patrol is $67,000 with subsequent year operational costs at $40,000. Funds required for contracting the beach lifeguard service through the State Departmf of Parks and Recreation would be approximately $220,000 for the first year and $130,0 for subsequent years. Liability Issue In a memo dated March 11,1993, the Risk Manager addressed the liability question a indicated that under existing conditions, there is no legal liability exposure to the City accidents occurring at this stretch of beach. If the City were to establish a lifegu program, the City's immunity to liability would then cease. Should the City contract n the State, the only way to mitigate liability is to require that the contract contain indemnification, or hold harmless clause for the City. Without such a clause, which wc shift the liability exposure to the State, the City would be assuming a liability exposure beach injuries/deaths which can result in claims of a devastatingly large magnitude. 0 e - Information Statement - Redwelopment Agency - ' Revenues to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency primarily come from the property t increment. Secondary are revenues generated from interest earned on fund balances. demonstrated on the chart below, the property tax increment revenue is estimated at $1 million for 1993-94, and must be allocated such that 20% of the revenue goes to Low a Moderate Housing. The remaining 80% goes toward the payment of debt service a Agency operations. CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1993-94 Estimated Revenues Property Tax Increment I=[ AF, 20% Set Aside 80% Remaining Low & Moderate Housing Debt Sew & Ops $150.000 Interest spread on 6aiancot TOM Atnnuc1 $1.8 miwkn The pie chart below demonstrates Agency expenditures which, similar to the revel allocation noted above, have with a few salient differences. First, the- Low and Moder Housing Administration is $105,000. Although this is less than the 20% allocation $320,000, the difference is placed into the Low and Moderate Housing fund balar currently $1.9 million, in order to implement the spending plan in the near future. addition to administration, the spending plan consists of five additional expense categor 1) housing construction, 2) acquisition, ,3) rehabilitation, 4) home buyer assistance, i 5) rental assistance. CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1993-94 Estimated Expendikves Low 8 Modonto Omliicn. ....... ......... ( slw*g -.a ........... ......... ................... <;;;ii;& ..................... ................... ........ Debt secvica 61% $1.094.550 TOW Expandihmr - $1.8 million Eighty percent of the property tax increment is allocated to the debt service. payment first priority, and second to Redevelopment operations. While tax increment revenue 1993-94 is sufficient to support the entire debt service payment, there are not adeql receipts to support all of the operational expenses. As a result, the General Fund wil loaning $80,000 to operations. Projections for June 30, 1994 indicate that the j balances for both debt service and operations will be depleted, which could result in hi; loans from the General Fund in 1994-95. 7 e e * Information Statement - Utility Rates - The 1993-94 proposed budgets for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) and tl Sanitation Operations Enterprise were prepared using rate increases that will 1 recommended to the appropriate governing bodies at a future date. Should the proposc rates be altered, budgets may be adjusted accordingly, or fund balances may be expende Trash rates will also be recommended for increase, and presented to the City Council a1 future date. The discussion below will outline the three rate increases. Water Rates Staff will be presenting a recommendation to the Water Board to increase the water ral for 1993-94 by approxhnately 35%. There are two reasons for the recommended increa! First, because the two agencies that provide the water commodity to Carlsbad are raisi the additional cost needs to be passed on through CMWD to the user. The Metropolit Water District of Southern California (MWD) is faced with the need to increase its wal rates to raise revenue for capital improvement projects. The San Diego Water Author (CWA) that purchases water from MWD will pass these rates onto Carlsbad, in addition assessing an increase needed to launch their own capital improvement program. T second portion of the recommended increase is needed to cover operating costs for CMV itself. As water use declined, due to abundant rainfall and effective water conservatic the costs of operating the District consumed a larger portion of the total expenses. Sewer Rates Staff will be recommending to the City Council a sewer rate increase of 5%, from $13. to $13.70 per month. This results in an increased cost of $.64 per month to the residenl user. The rates for commercial and industrial users would also be increased by 5% and i allow the Sanitation Enterprise to absorb the increased costs for Ehcina Pfant Services well as to fully fund depreciation of its assets. based on flow, strength and pretreatment costs. Implementation of an increased rate v Trash Rates Increased rates for trash removal are the result of implementing higher tipping fees, wh were approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 18,1993. The tipping fee will go fr $28 per ton to $43 per ton. The impact of the tipping fee increase will 0.n a residen unit will be to increase the monthly charge from $12.29 to $14.25 for trash removal. A. . * t 0 e Information Statement - Staffing Level History - The faltering economy combined with the actions the State has taken to balance its budg have put the city in a position of reducing its budget. One of the primary sources savings has been to reduce staffing levels, which have been closely monitored and adjusl over the past three years, The first budget balancing actions taken as a result of ebbing revenues occurred in 19! 91. Although the City Council adopted a budget that contained thirty-two new positio new and vacant positions were closely reviewed before filling and many were I unoccupied. Several of the positions added at the outset of 1990-91 have since be eliminated. The City began the 1991-92 budget year with a total of fourteen positions that w unfunded; this means that the positions were allocated, however, no funds were associa with the fourteen positions. Throughout 1991-92, these positions remained unfilled 2 as more positions became vacant, they too were not filled. By 1992-93, it became apparent that the recession was not a short term occdence : the number of unfunded positions grew to thirty as the budget was adopted. The 1992, budget was later readjusted following the actions the State took to balance its budget : recognition of a persistently sluggish economy. Budget saving measures included elimination of forty-two positions from the staffing allocation and the placement of positions in the unfunded category. As Carlsbad enters its fourth year of budgeting in recessionary times, the proposed 1993 budget eliminates one additional position for elimination and contains five positions on unfunded list. This results in a total funded.staffing allocation of 516 compared to 55# 1990-91. Although staffing has been a major source of budgetary savings, the City has been in position of implementing no layoffs. AU eliminated and/or unfunded positions I: occurred through effectively managing vacant positions, whether they were created thro turnover or not filling newly budgeted positions. t e e May 24,1993 TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Senior Management Analyst - Finance w 1993-94 NEW AND INCREASED FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES Below is the text I developed so that you may notice interested parties who have filed a writt request pertaining to new or increased fees or service charges. There will be a public hearing before the Carlsbad City Council at their meeting of June 15,19' concerning the addition of one new and two increased development related fees. Also propos is one new and one increased general City fee. Development related fees will be reviewed for the inclusion of one new fee; a permit processi charge to use City streets to carry an oversize load at a proposed rate of $15 for one trip, or $1 for an annual permit. Two capital fees will be reviewed for increase, the Sewer Capacity Fee a: the Traffic Impact Fee both of which, through Ordinance, may be increased by the change' in t Construction Index. in the Engineering News Record. The Sewer Capacity Fee is proposed increase by $157 to a total of $1,767 per equivalent dwelling unit. 'The Traffic Impact F for residential development is proposed to increase by $6.00 to a total of $83.00 p average daily trip, and for non-residential development an increase of $2.00 to a total $33.00 per average daily trip. General City fees will also be discussed and the Council will consider a new fee for a Fi Nuisance Alarm Charge at $1 10 per failure, as well as increasing the annual charge for i Municipal Code Supplement Service by $20.00 to $ 50.00. In addition to the above considerations, Council will also review development related fc on a basis of the amount of City subsidy in relation to the type and size of developmen The Water Board will be considering increasing two development related fees and addi three new general Water District fees. The development related fee the Water Board M considering increasing is the fee for a fire hydrant lateral and assembly, from a $2,58 deposit plus additional time billed to a flat rate, $5,000 installation charge. The f detector lateral would increase from a $2,500 deposit plus time billed, to a flat assessmc of a $4,500 charge per installation. General Water District fees will also be reviewed by the Board and include new charges j three existing services. These include a backflow preventer at $2.50 per month, same d water turn on at $20.00 and an after hours water turn on fee at $60.00. The data required by Section 66016 of the Government Code is available at the Fin= Department. + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ,24 25 26 27 28 0 e ' RESOLUTION NO. 93 - 17 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARJOUS DEPARTMENT FUNDS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed the proposed final Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for fiscal year 1993-94 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the final Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets. NOW, THEREFOM, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad entitled, "City of Carlsbad, 1993-94 Operating Budget and 1993-94 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program" as amended in accordance with Exhibits A through F attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, shall be and the same is hereby adopted as the final Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year 1993-94. 2. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for fiscal yea1 1992-93 are hereby adopted as the final .budgeted revenues for 1992, 93. /// I// rl 0 0 c 3. That the amount designated as total 1993-94 Budget request 3 2 I1 in Exhibit B is hereby appropriated to the department or fund for which it 3 4. Total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or 5 decreased except as provided herein. 4 is designated, and such appropriation shall be neither increased nor 6 7 decreased by the City Council by passage of a resolution amending the II budget. 8 9 10 5. That the City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manger may 11 where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated 12 authorize increases or decreases in an aappropriation for a specific purpose 13 for said specific purpose. 14 15 16 17 18 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget funds: a. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the City Council or City Manager 19 I as described below. 20 21 22 23 c. The City Manager may authorize transfers of fund: 24 between departments within the same fund in an amount up to $25,000 pe 25 transfer. b. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of fund: from account to account within any department. 26 27 /// /// 28 c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 d. The City Manager may delegate to department heads the authority to make budget transfers within their own departments. e. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account for Liability Insurance charges within a fund. f. The City Manager may authorize the expenditure oj funds for various purposes in amounts up to $25,000. Any expenditure 0: funds in excess of $25,000 will be governed by Section 3.28 of the Municipa Code. g. The City Manager may authorize change orders o public works contracts in' amounts not to exceed $ZS,OOO per change ordc if sufficient appropriated fimds are available. h. The City Council must authorize all transfers of fun( from the budgeted Contingency Account. i. The City Council must authorize any increase in tl number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the le1 identified in the final Budget. The City Manager may authorize the hiring temporary or part time staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by t controls listed above. 6. All appropriations for Capital Improvements Projects remaixi unexpended at June 30, 1993, are hereby appropriated for such cap: projects for the 1993-94 fiscal year. /// /// /// I/ 0 e c 7. A loan in the amount of $80,000 from the General Fund to the 1 2 Redevelopment Agency is authorized. The rate of interest to be assessed 3 shall be the variable rate based upon the annual average rate of return # 8. 1992-93 appropriations in the amount of $1,132,800 are 5 earned on the City's investment portfolio. 6 7 8 hereby continued into 1993-94 for the purposes shown in Exhibit F. All appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30,1993, are hereby continued into 1993-94 for such contracts or obligations. 9 10 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the CiQ 11 Council on the 15 th day of JUNE , 1993, by the following vote 12 13 to wit: 14 15 16 17 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Fir NOES: None ABSENT: None 18 19 ATTEST: 201 LkLNrn% 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (SEAL) i 28 0 e EXHIBIT * CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1992-93 UNRESERVED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JIJLY1,1992 REVENUES MPENDINRES TRANSFERS JUNE 30,199: I GENERAL FUND 2 9,490,108 38,275,000 38,657,674 (474,000) 8,633.4s .............................................................................................. I .. [SPECIAL REVENUE k ............................................................ ...................................................................... .... ......................................................... PbLiCE ASSET FORFEITURE 1,689,793 485,000 208,766 HOUSING - SECTION 8 137,730 2,573,000 2,575,692 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 86,173 . 95,Ooo 60,000 1,966,02 135,034 121,17: GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET UGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG - ENTITLEMEM 2,006,725 254,113 40,182 646,700 331,502 360,280 0 0 1,190,000 575,140 256,300 690,000 112,000 140,OW 21 3,000 75,000 1,430,000 =,OW 254,000 598,000 220,oOo 300,~ 178,500 64,771 1,766,7i 243.2: 42,G 738,7c 223s M0,2€ 343 10,2 I ENTERPRISE wxy..K.@EwTlaNs .......................... ...................................................................................................... ................................................ RECLAIMED WATER SEWER OPERATIONS SOUD WASTE MANAGEMENT I INTERNAL SERVICE woRKERscoMps~LFl.~suR.. ................ ; .............................. .. .................. i ............ ; ..... ...;:.> ..: :.:.:. :.::.:.: :.:.:.: .~. .................... .......................... UABlUlY SELF INSUR HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT DATA PROCESSING 3,654,587 0 2,606,570 98,580 683,767 2,051,445 1,305,242 (1 38,623) 2,M6,654 61 1,939 10,066,Ooo 402,- 4,160,000 140,m 656,000 735,000 1,785,000 1,317,000 1,090,000 51 3,000 10,647,794 782,210 4,241,384 163,400 655,000 973,000 1,850,000 1,267,952 177,376 687,894 (23,500) 3,049,2 (3802 (32,500) 2,4928 75.1 500,000 1,184,; 1,813,4 1,240,: 30,m (59,! 3,119,: 437, ' 1 REDEVELOPMENT ~~~~~i~~~:~::~~~:~~~:~~~~:~:?~.~~~.~,:~~~~~~.~~~:~~~~~:~~:~: ............................. 501,121 50,OOo 736,274 300,ooo 114 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,897,893 395,ooo 106,383 2,186 DEBT SERVICE 261,232 1,355,000 1,137,938 (300,000) 1 78 TOTAL OPEMTINQ FUNDS $30,783,713 $67,343,440 $68,559,948 $0 $29,56i b 0 0 c CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1992-93 UNRESERVED PROJE BALANCE ESTlMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALA FUND JULY 1,1992 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 3 (CAPTTALFUNDSi;i ........................................... ~ ..:.:,...,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . .G~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~C~~~ $ 2,689,860 144,m 439,190 0 2.: CAPITAL CONSTR - OTHER AGENCIES PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PARK DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC IMPACT PUNNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONSTRUCTION TFIANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNETlHlGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE GOLF COURSE PUBLIC ART (1% FUND) STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LTR CREDWZONE 19 CDBO COMM W FACILITIES DlSTR #1 YATFR DISTRICI RECLAIMED WATER MAJOR FACILITIES REPLACEMENT RFDEVFLOPMFKC TAX INCREMENT BONDS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 0 9,030,675 1,596,310 3,257,993 3,050,907 2,722,720 11,296,808 965,100 7,542 0 1,271,781 304,392 105,566 81 4,428 3,959,283 0 0 6,723,551 76,592 6,645,399 7,316.969 2,820,459 302,001 2,296,081 620,000 27,000 260,Ooo. 175,000 gwoQ 645,m wJ@J 2,020,000 0 607,200 8,000 60,OOo 192,OOo 1 00,Ooo 0 341,051 2,770,000 10,000 785,000 2,000,000 85,000 ,o 2,252,856 1,954,263 0 0 1,680,987 0 1,316,747 -9020 1,647,081 30,008 425.442 134,634 60,259 350,Ooo 304,210 0 341,057 1,721,269 460,549 2,066,852 2,346,275 188,785 84,218 0 ~,OOO 8, 0 1, (5W,WO) 3, 01 02 o la 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 (2,204,874) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $64,958,336 $13,268.338 $18,272,702 ($2,204,874) ! 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1993-94 PROJECTED PROJECTEC BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY1,1993 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30,19! 1 GENERAL FUND 8 8,633,494 39,195,000 39,195,OOO (mow Appropriation From Fund Balance ................................................... .............................................. ..................... ................................ ; ................ :.?.:.: ................ :.:.,:>.: ....................................... :~.:.:.~~:~~::~~~~~~~:~ 190,100 8,363,3! [SPECIAL REVENUE 3 pc)uc~';4ssET .>:::7:w,:* ;:.:.:. y,.:.: ::,;.: Fp :.:.:. ?.::.:<.::>.:.: F*#FEI~RE .:.:. :,?..:.: .:.:. ->:.:.::>:(-: ........................... .:.:. ~.. :.:.: ..-... :.:.:.r..;.:.:.:,~~.~. HOUSING - SECTION 8 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG - ENTITLEMEM I ENTERPRISE .......... .................................................................................................................. wA&('iR.6pEwT,oAs .......... ................................. .............. RECLAIMED WATER SEWER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT )WCE ~0~~~~~~~~~~~~ .................... 1~~~~~: LlABlLlTYSELF INSUR HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT DATA PROCESSING LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,966,027 135,038 121,173 1,766,725 243,253 42,482 738,700 223,502 200,280 34,500 10,229 3,049,293 138a.210) 2,492.686 75,180 1,184,767 1,813,445 1,240,242 (59,575) 3,119P78 437,045 11 4,847 2,186,510 460,000 2,898,000 126,OOO 1,220,000 575,140 256,500 696,300 11 2,000 170,000 21 8,000 110,ooo 12,249,OOO m,OOo 4,553,000 151,000 656,OOO 846,m 1,785,000 1,347,000 1,029,000 707,000 45,OOO 395,OOo 21 5,620 2,891,314 123,500 1,219,500 574,746 274,103 742,706 267,950 291,200 183,197 118,764 12,114,038 91 7,160 4,482,386 1 86,617 846,836 951,552 1,950,000 1,308,495 1,174,287 675,488 628,455 470,000 105,Ooo 2,210,4 141,7 123,e 1,767'2 243.1 24,s 692,: 67, 79, 69, 1 3,184 (m 2,tS 3! 99: 1,70 1,07 (2 2,97 4€ 2,4 DEBT SERVICE 178,294 1,340,000 1,094,550 (390,QQO) TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $29,567,205 $72,068,940 $72,722,564 $0 $28,9 e e CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1993-94 1992-93 1993-94 P BALANCE ESTIMATED CARRY- NEW TOTAL FUND JULY 1,1993 REVENUES FORWARD APPROP APPROP. J( 200,OOo 1,562,248 946,200 2,508,448 CAPITAL CONST - OTHER AGENCIES PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PARK DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC IMPACT PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE ENCINA SEWER CONSTFWCTION TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNflMIGHWAY TRANSNET/BlKE ISTEA GOLF COURSE PUBLIC ART (1 % FUND) STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTFWTS LTR CREDITEONE 19 CDBG COMMW FACILITIES DlSTFI tl WATER DISTRICT RECLAIMED WATER MAJOR FACILITIES REPLACEMENT 43,225 8,196,412 1,623,310 3,017,993 1,544,920 2,815,720 0 10,625,061 527,060 380,461 (=PC-) 0 1,453,539 177,758 105,307 656,428 1,550,199 0 0 7,772,282 (373,957) 5,363,547 6,970,694 0 332,472 34,OOo 57,870 981,509 0 622,ooo 933,522 0 Woo0 370,500 I 82,717 =,OOo 9,462 1,720,400 0 30.000 0 857,382 17,329,667 4,849,552 3,379,627 2,wo,000 43,m 4,570,974 0 18,932 636,271 1,119,959 0 1,015,568 242,560 347,606 -0,492 79,637 12f,632 1,437,577 49,891. 1,436,479 651,325 7,454,640 4,465,595 3,910,640 2,541,976 1,345,000 0 0 350,OOo 100,ooo 6zOOo 3,133,016 0 555,OOo 0 1 62.71 7 0 0 413,816 0 0 0 0 13,056,482 '0 4,284,105 1,444,591 43,225 5,915,974 0 18,932 986,271 1,219,959 622,OOo 4,148,584 242,560 902,606 340.492 1 62.71 7 79,637 121,632 1,851,393 49,891 1,436,479 0 651,325 20,511,122 4,465,595 8,194,745 \ 3,986,567 WEVFLOPMEFg TAX INCREMENT BONDS 2,716,674 40,OOo 2,580,175 0 2,586,i 75 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 21 7,783 5,000 1 3571 0 0 1 35,710 r ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ 1 TOTAL CAPITAL NNOS $n,749,098 $34,570,680 $34,763,112 $26,412,927 $61,176,039 e 0 EXHIBIT GIN OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1990-91 TO 1993-94 1992-93 1990-91 1991 -92 ESTIMATED 1992-93 BUDGET DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET 1993-94 rj :::: .. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................ ;.<... ........................ ;..,... ........................ ; .................................... ~ % :!E :* & %INCR 92-93 T( 93-94 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL $152,809 154,640 $158,020 $159,368 CITY MANAGER 478,423 629.556 722,372 661,272 PUBLIC INFORMATION CITY CLERK 46,055 21,462 0 25,832 26,993 16,142 26,200 28,700 17,680 $$ -: IF 0s -1( CITY ATTORNEY 422.1 66 394.m 357,444 368.m I 452,974 i : FINANCE CITY TREASURER PURCHASING 937,753 1,005,644 850,210 897,678 70,812 76,476 85,645 85,380 352,051 374,035 302,723 371,029 HUMAN RESOURCES 901,999 777,916 756,512 775,984 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 61 3,489 374,002 355,674 355,864 g -1 0 RESEARCH OFFICE 356,856 285,918 0 159,726 2 . 752,926 8 387,553 8 RISK MANAGEMENT 214,356 193,145 186,908 198,326 ‘2. 02 -1 $- TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 4,573,762 4,303,738 3,801,708 4,087,622 3,982,668 8- 3 3 $ POLICE 8,666,082 9,046,665 8,705,722 8,798,924 9,024,662 8 FIRE 6,516,673 6,600,450 6,770,775 6,835,306 6,875,589 $ PUBLIC SAFRY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFm 15,182,755 15,647.115 15,476,497 15,634,230 15,900,251 $ - i: - ::: ::.. - COMMUNJM DEVELOPMENT I$ COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMIN 517,588 =,= 503,186 483,553 585,433 $j GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 2,228 121,071 135,084 257,840 I 267,692 B ENGINEERING PLANNING 3,249,812 3,601,762 3,422,190 3,738,175 3,170,458 8 1,747,594 2,109,879 2,032,490 2,062,923 1 1,976,501 I# GROWTH MANAGEMENT 230,989 i 05,860 105,662 109,962 HISTORIC PRESERV COMM 5,727 4,215 4,750 BLOCK GRANT ADMIN 22,154 0 0 BUILDING INSPECTION 955,607 827,222 831,994 835,998 105,791 : 5’57: ~~- 3,550 4 0% ;< 819,293 3 TOTAL COMMUNrPl SERVICES 6,731,699 7,323,592 7,035,356 7,494,023 6,928,718 8 - :e - MAINTENANCE UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION 3 360,718 336,172 327,730 349,944 If 373,316 $ STREET MAINTENANCE 1,815,093 2,400,618 I ,809,298 1,947,852 1,443,400 m FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 3,077,715 1,132,069 1,137,275 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAIM 1,651,191 3 1,315,179 $ .v 290,118 331,871 277,733 340.525 374.834 #- TOTAL MAINTENANCE 3,543,644 4,200,730 3,552,036 4,081,721 ...... 3,714,520 fj - ........................................................ ::.: - 0 e c CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1990-91 TO 1993-94 %INCR 1992-93 2 92-93 1990-91 1991 -92 ESTIMATED 1992-93 ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET $93-94 BUDGET 1993-94 g T( DEPARTMENT % CULNRURECREATION LIBRARY 2,493,216 2,473,398 2,362,160 2,315,992 2,483,857 f CULTURALARTS PROGRAM 263,992 258,194 227,692 239,943 233980 B $2 - 9 :x SISTER CITY PROGRAM 17,246 18.674 10,500 1 1,642 10,250 $ -1 PARKS AND RECREATION 3,976,606 3,893,171 3,498,636 3,512,448 5 ,, 6 SENIOR CITIZENS PROG 236,978 235,536 244,797 252,122 257,275 8 3488 605 3: - TOTAL CULTURE/RECREATION 6,988,038 6,878,973 6,343,785 6,332.1 47 3 - 6,473,967 .1. - '. : - NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION 220,375 BEACH PARKING 0 COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS 82,430 HIRING CENTER 0 AUDIT 15,650 HOSP GROVE PAYMENT 876,585 GOLF COURSE 740,000 LEASES 11 3,541 PROPEM TAX ADMIN FEE 83.906 DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS 24,877 ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRACT 78,106 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STREET LIGHT COSTS (CITY) 28,000 TREE MAlNT COSTS (CITY) 96,700 BOND SERVICES 0 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2,360,170 194,634 18,000 80,530 65,000 33,875 305,970 329,800 210,000 81,296 23,742 82,037 28,000 81,297 10,215 1,544,396 215,000 36,m 75,000 80,000 36,000 735,975 565,200 130,500 185.OOo 26,500 109,650 30,000 28,000 66,140 16.900 \ 2,335,865 302,809 36,000 75,000 80,000 39,100 738,050 565,200 i 30.566 162,Ooo 26,500 111,150 50,ooo 28,000 66,140 16,900 2,427,349 SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,380,068 39,898,544 38,545,247 40,057,092 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGR SAVINGS 1,293,733 CONTINGENCIES 0 0 1 12,367 112,367 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,380,068 39,898,544 38,651,614 41,463,192 a 0 CIN OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE L 1990-91 TO 1993-94 DEPARTMENT 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUALS ACTUALS - ............................................................... PZ)C,%E.i6;SSET'FO'FiFElNRE ..... ...:.:.:.:.~:.:.~:.:~::mr:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.~:.:.r~~~ ................ 89,354 HOUSING SECTION 8 1,899,847 AUDIO VISUAL INSURANCE 86,696 GAS TAX 599,077 TREE MAINTENANCE 436,749 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 154,106 STREET UGHnN(3' 560,340 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 3 STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) 128,614 SENIOR NUTRITION 1 77,716 CDBG ENTITLEMENT 64,368 8: ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~::~.:~.:~~: I: 8,385,109 RECLAIMED WATER 0 SANITATION OPERATIONS 3,843,088 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 20,140 (: .......................................................... ..:.......... ........................................................ WCjFIKERSC0li;CTj"S'Ev INSUMME 1,208,i 83 LIABILITY SELF INSURANCE 282,320 342,002 2,114,752 =,232 140,004 478,796 204,577 568,039 6,447 155,051 172,518 55,852 9,629,098 0 4,059,425 100,134 706,408 603,308 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,381,892 1,650,116 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1,214,666 1,217,610 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 494,634 729,906 DATA PROCESSINQ 712,784 744,614 721,188 650,934 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNQ 3,819 98,113 DEBT SERVICE 1,132,353 1,133,328 1992-93 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 208,766 2,575,692 60,ooo 1,430,000 586,ooo 254,ooo 598,ooo 220,OOo 300,ooo 178,500 64,771 10,647,794 782,210 4,241,384 163,400 655,ooo 973,000 1,850,000 1,267,952 177,376 687,894 736,274 106,383 1,137,938 =-EL %INCR 8 92-93 7993-94 8 BUDGET 8 BUDGET $93-94 479,823 2,611,894 66,452 1,427,000 679,886 269,298 784,719 3oo,oO0 302,398 77,895 178,594 12,016,226 840,870 4,537,050 243,500 1,035,769 850,000 2,130,906 1,298,297 800,413 698,284 831,311 11 0,525 21 5,620 2,891,314 123,500 1.21 9,500 574,746 274,103 742,706 267,950 291,200 183,197 1 18,764 12,114,038 , 917,160 i 4,482,386 I 1 186,617 846,836 951,552 1,950,000 1,308,495 1,174,287 675,488 628,455 105,000 I 3 3 8 8 g $ $ ::r: ;:? 3 5 $ 3 is 3 26 8 B c c , .::. x -5! 1( 8! -1. -1 - -1 - 5 - - 1 ,1 37,938 \ , .1,%,5? B ~~..~~~.~.~~~~~~~~ 1 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $~,9n,114 $65,517,807 $68,559,948 $75,174,238 $72,722,564 a a r CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCUEDULE 1990-91 TO 1993-94 %INCR 1992-93 92-93 i 1990-91 1991 -92 ESTIMATED 1992-93 1993-94 TO FUND ACTUALS I CAPITAL FUNDS :~G~N~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~ 493,728 CAPITAL CONST - OTHR AGNCIES PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE PARK DEVELOPMENT ' TRAFFIC IMPACT PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE ENCINA SEWER CONSTRUCTION TRANSNET/LOCAL TWNSNET/HIGWAY TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA GOLF COURSE PUBLIC AM (1 % FUND) STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LTR CREDIT/ZONE 19 CDBG CMMV FACILITIES DISTRCT #1 COUNTY GWNTS ' WATER DISTRICT -RECLAIMED WATER 0 4,416,423 2,681,514 223,034 393,184 0 1,587,117 213.235 524,834 0 0 527.1 04 85,558 202,675 14,346,746 0 173,501 0 0 0 -MAJOR FACIUN FEE 0 -REPLACEMENT 497,300 -TAX INCREMENT BONDS 469,036 -REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 154,601 ACTUALS EXPENDITURES 384,613 0 1,549,523 8,230 173,543 58,294 0 1,614,083 439,190 2,252,856 1,954,263 0 1,680,987 0 0 1.31 6,747 9.420 931,761 0 0 147,850 29,811 407,849 360,829 0 31 3,479 871,035 0 468.020 1,647,081 30,008 0 425,442 134,634 60,259 304,210 0 341,057 1,721,269 350,OOO 73,855 460,549 2,668,093 2,066,852 988,416 2,345,275 568,045 188,785 678,450 84,218 BUDGET BUDGET 93-941 440,367 2,296,081 1,918,883 0 162,Ooo 941,497 0 1 .i56,066 Mo.001 120,500 848,060 0 0 0 526,602 94,308 0 253,500 8,646,000 946.200 ,s t F 02 1,345,000 3 m,m g 1w,m $ m,@o $$ o$ m,m $ o$ 3.133.016 g .g :? 3 162717 8 g .): 0s o# 0% 0% g 413,816 2 ;<: 13,056,482 ;:2 g 114 -101 -2 111 -a 1c li -1( 3 -1I - -1 -1 51 ,OOO O 1 ,_,,.,,,.I 0 .:e :& $ - 377,125 4,284,105 8 11 587,500 1,444,591 $ *, 0 02 0 0% . . . . . ... . . . .: .,.. ,,,, :,.:.j .,.,....:.:.: :>z .:.:.:.x.:.:.:.:.: ............ ... _*...... . . . . . . TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $26,989,590 $11,837,179 $18,272,702 $18,613,424 $26,412,927 e 0 EXHIBIT P CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED As% DlFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 -< 3 ..................................................... TAXES PROPERTYTAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT TAX . FRANCHISE TAX TRANSFER TAX TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU TOTAL TAXES $13,512,000 $12,900,000 $13,160,’000 2.0296 260,000 8,723,000 9,300,000 3,800,000 5.38% 500,000 3,078,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 0.00% 0 881 ,Ooo 925,000 925,ooO 0,0096 0 207,000 150,Ooo 150,OOo 0.0096 0 24,000 0 0 0.00% D 26,425,000 26,475,000 27,235,000 2.87% 760,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 219,000 250,000 250,oOo 0.00% ( BUSINESS LICENSES 91 1 ,000 975,000 975,000 0.00% 1 LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 303,000 200,000 200,000 0.00% 1 OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 295,000 300,000 300,000 0.00% .( TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 1,728,000 1,725,000 1,725,000 0.00% 1 STATE SUBVENTIONS VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,134,000 2,300,000 2,300,000 0.00% OTHER 356,000 300,000 300,000 0.00% 0.m TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,490,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES 671 ,ooO 750,000 750,000 0.00% BUILDING DEPT. FEES’ 230,000 225,000 =IO00 0.00% ENGINEERING FEES 2,248,000 1,000,000 1 ,000,000 0.0096 AMBULANCE FEES 226,000 220,oOo 220,OOo 0.00% RECREATION FEES 71 2,000 750,000 soo.000 6.67% =X OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 51 9,000 375,000 395,000 5.33% M,C TOTAL CHARQES FOR SERVICES 4,606,000 3,320,000 3,390,000 2.11% 70,C FINES AND FORF&RES 31 3,000 250,m 250,- 0.00% INTEREST 2,058,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 0.00% INTERDEPARTMENTALCHARGES 1,916,000 1,900,000 1,850,000 -2.63% (50, PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT FEES 0 0 145,OoO 1 w.m 145, ”---”--.- OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 340,000 305,000 300,000 -1 64% (5’ TOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,876,000 38,275,000 39,195,000 2.40% 9x e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF PI 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ................................................................................................................................ 5 , . . . . . . . . . . . . POLICE ASSET FORFEINRE ASSET FORFEITURES 1,752,508 425,000 400,000 - 5.88% (25,m INTEREST 96,203 60,000 60,000 0.00% ( TOTAL 1,848,711 485,oQo 460,000 -5.15% (25,001 HOUSING - SECTION 8 INTEREST 10,297 8,000 8,000 0.00% FEDERAL GRANT TOTAL 1,339,902 2,565,000 2,890,000 12.67% 325,W 1,350,199 2,573,000 2,898,000 12.63% ' 325,00 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE IMEREST 5,091 5,000 6,000 20.00% 1 ,a INSURANCE FEES 57.838 96.666 im,m 33.33% 30,a TOTAL 62,929 95,ooo 126,Ooo 32.63% 31,a GAS TAX GAS TAX REVENUES I ,099,184 1,100,000 1,130,000 2.73% 30,a INTEREST 79,429 90,000 90,000 0.00% TOTAL 1,178,613 1,190,000 1,220,000 4 2.52% 30,0 TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 5,254 9,000 9,000 0.00% TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 456,530 500,OOo 500,000 0.00% INTERDEPARTMENTAL 81,200 66,140 66,140 0.00% TOTAL 542,984 575,140 575,140 0.00% MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST 7,788 1,- 1.500 15.3896 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 21 7.829 255.000 255,ooo 0.00% TOTAL 22561 7 256,300 256,500 0.08% STREET LIGHTING INTEREST 33,016 20,000 20,ooo 0.00% INTERDEPARTMENTAL 44,OOo 66,000 74,300 12.58% 8 STREET LIGHTING FEES 663,268 600,000 600,000 0.00% MlSC REIMBURSEMENT 4,150 4,000 2,000 -50.00% c TOTAL 744,434 690,000 696,300 0.91 % ( 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF M 92-93 1992-93 TO .".~ REVENUE SOURCE . 1991 -92. 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 INTEREST 17,738 12,000 12000 BUENA VISTA FEES 97,872 100,000 100,000 0.00% TOTAL 1 15.61 0 112,000 112,000 0.00% BUENA WSTA CREEK CHNL MAIN 0.00% a C C STATE GRANTS 19,237 20,000 20,000 0.00% ( INTEREST GRANTS 132,371 TOTAL 120,000 150,Ooo 25.00% 30,w 151,608 140,000 170,000 21.43% 30,m SENIOR NUTRITION GRANTS 103,246 103,006 I m,m DONATIONS 67,271 110,000 11 5.000 170,517 21 3,000 218,000 TOTAL 0.00% 4.55% 5.00 2.35% 5,oc SENIOR NUTRITION " - __ * " - 4"II 0.00% 4.55% 5.00 5,oc 21 3,000 218,000 2.35% CDBC3 ENTITLEMENT GRANT REVENUE 75,200 75,000 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 6,466,422 6,404,440 6,841,940 6.83% 110,000 46.67% 3!5,0( 437,s e 0 CIN OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES RNENUE REVENUE OF PI 92-93 1992-93 To REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 -!$ ... ...........,. ............. :....,...it.. ...,......... n...... ../_ :.~.~.~.~i..~~.~..~.~.~~...~~,~~~~~~ WATER OPERATIONS RECONNECT FEES 10,785 9,000 10,000 11.11% 1 ,000 INTEREST WATER SALES 356,015 70,000 70,000 0.00% a 5,335,631 8,200,000 10,344,000 26.1 5% 2.1 44,OW READY TO SERVE CHARGES 1,523,291 1,570,000 1,570,ow 0.00% C PIAN CHECK FEES 97,499 2o.m 2moo 25.60% 5,w METER CONNECTION FEES 26,365 25,000 35,OOo 40.00% 10,ooc UTE CHARGES 303,754 82,000 85,000 3.66% 3,m MISCELLANEOUS 136,351 90.000 110,000 22.22% 20,m TOTAL 7,789,691 10,068,000 12,249,000 21.6996 2,183,oo RECLAIMED WATER INTEREST 0 2,000 5,000 150.00% 3900 WATER SALES 10 400,000 690,000 72.5096 290,0( INTERGOVERMENTAL 0 0 234,000 100.00% 234,M TOTAL 10 402,000 929,000 I31 .G9% 527,a SEWER OPERATIONS INTEREST 209,107 1 00,000 100,OOO 0.00% SERVICE CHAROES 3,836,423 4,000,000 4,400,000 10.00% m.0 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 7,842 15.000 8,000 467% r/J PRE-TREATMENT CHARGES 0 40,000 40,OOo 100.0% MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 305,849 5,000 5,000 0.0096 4,359,221 -4,160,000 4,553,000 9.45% 393( ' SOU0 WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST 10,916 1 ,000 1 ,OOO 0.00% GRANTS RECYCLING FEE TOTAL 120,213 74,000 80,000 8.1 1% 6, 39,244 65,OOo 70,000 7.6996 5, 170,373 140,ooo 151,ooo 7.86% 11 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 12,319,295 14,768,000 17,882,000 21.09% 3,114 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED Esnwm AS % DIFFER REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY92-93 1992-5 REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993- .................................................................................... az WORKERS' COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 109,383 40,m ~,4QQ 11,0096 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 736,732 616,000 61 1,600 -0.71 % ( TOTAL 846,115 656,ooo 656,000 0.00% LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 134,987 75,000 79,100 5.47% INTERDEPARTMENTAL 948,760 660,000 766,900 16.20% 10 TOTAL 1,083,747 735,000 846,000 15.1 0% 11 HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST 89,327 60,000 60,000 0.00% 1MERDEPARTMENTAL 1,444,037 1,400,000 1,400,000 0.0096 REIMBURSEMENTS 268,904 325,OoO 325,000 0.00% TOTAL 1,802,268 1,785,000 1,785,000 0.00% VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,160,332 1,292,000 1,318,000 2.01 % 2 MISCELIANEOUS TOTAL 4Qo84 25,ooo 29,oOo 16.00% 1,200,416 1,317,000 1,347,000 2.28% z VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL 843,795 975,000 921 ,000 -5.54% e INTEREST 119,093 wooo 83,OOo 3.75% SALE OF PROPERTY 16,990 35,000 25,000 -28.57% (1 TOTAL 979,878 1,090,000 1,029,000 -5.60% (€ DATA PROCESSIN0 INTEREST 38,426 17,OOO 17,000 0.00% INTERDEPAFKMEMAL 689,421 496,000 690,OOo 39.11% 15 TOTAL 727,847 513,000 707,000 37.8296 15 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6,640,271 6,096,000 6,370,000 4.4996 21 - 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % ’ DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 “92 1992-$3 1-44 PROJECTED 1W-04 -2 ........................................................ OPERATIONS OTHER 29,800 30,000 30,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST 53,500 20,000 15,000 -25.00% 6000) TOTAL =,= 50,000 45,000 -10.00% (5,000) LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG TAX INCREMENT 31 7,675 320,000 3M,000 0.00% 0 INTEREST 107,275 75,000 75,000 0.00% 0 TOTAL 424,950 395,000 395,Ooo 0.00% 0 DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT 1,270,700 1,280,000 1,280,ow 0.00% a INTEREST 29.1 00 75,000 60.666 -2e.6696. (4 5.m TOTAL 1,299,600 1,355,000 1,340,000 -1.11% (1 5,000 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS 1,808,050 1,800,000 1,780,000 -1.11% (20,oOc I TOTAL OPERATING $67,110,038 $67,343,440 $72,068,940 7.02% $4,725,50 - 0 0 GIM OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1993-94 - ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % DIFFERENCE REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE OF PI 92-93 1992-93 TO REVENUE SOURCE 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 PROJECTED 1993-94 -. .......................................... . ..,.. Vn. ..,...........,.. . ..... ..... ............,.. ...,......... ..... ../.... ............... .. GENERAL CAPITAL CONSTR CAPITALCONST - AGENCIES PUBLIC FACILITY FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PARK DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC IMPACT PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE ENCINA SEWER CONSTRUCTION TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANS,NET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE ISTEA GOLF COURSE PUBLIC ART (1 % FUND) STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISIRICTS LTR CREDIT/ZONE 19 CDBG CMMTY FACILITIES DISTRCT #1 264,651 0 81 1,215 62,279 525,180 382,443 670,163 0 1,011,319 42,737 1,172,549 0 0 60,537 17,108 294,193 208,370 1 ,000,011 0 313,479 2,753,788 144,000 2,296,081 =a000 27,000 260,000 175,000 93,000 0 645,000 30,000 2,020,000 0 0 607,200 8,000 60,000 192,000 100,000 0 341,057 2,770,000 200,ooo 0 332,472 34,ooo 57,870 981,509 0 622,000 933,522 555,ooo 370,500 1 62,717 50,OOo 9,462 1,720,400 0 30,oOo 0 857,382 17,329,667 38.89% 100.00% -46.38% 25.93% -77.74% 460.86% -100.00% 1 oo,oo% 44.73% - 100.00% -72.52% 100.00% 100.00% -91 .TI% 18.28% 2767.33% - 100.00% -70.00% 100.00% 151.39% 100.00% =,000 (2,296.081 ~ (287,528 7,000 (202,130 806,509 (93,000 622,000 288,522 (30,ooo (1,465,ON 370,50( 162,71‘ (sn,20‘ 1 ,a 1,660,4(4 (1 92,w c/O,OQ 51 6,32 14,559,66 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS - REClAlMED WATER 0 19,0oO 4,849,5% 1 oo,oo% 4,839,5! -MAJOR FACILITIES -REPLACEMENT 989,437 785,000 3,379,627 330.53% 2,594,6; 1 ,m,177 2,o0o,ooo 2,050,004 2.50% =,a REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS -TAX INCREMENT BONDS 138,070 85,ooo 40,000 -52.94% w,a -REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 53,512 0 5,000 5,a I TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS’ $12,611,218 $13,268,338 $34,570,680 260.55% $21,302,3 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNELAUOCATICINS FOR 1SZ-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMEN AND CUSSIFKXTION EXHIBIT D REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992- 93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED "" m . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ' . . .,. ' . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; &@$$$y MECUTIVE ASSISTANT 1 "_ 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 m .':g;?; % ,,&,;&& :. $&&&@{:&:$-?J CITY MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT (CITY MANAGER 1 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT 'TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY' TO C. MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY' II 1 1 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 7 7 "_ ADMINISTFIATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR ASSISTANT ClTy CLERK MINUTES CISRK SECRETARY I I STEW CLERK II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLERKTYPIST II 1 TOTAL INFCIRMATION SYSTEMS 6 6 0 "_ 1 DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1 1 PROGRAMklERlANALYST 1 1 PROGRAMhlEWOPERATOR 1 1 MlCFlO COMPUTER SPECIALST "_ 1 1 TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 4 4 0 TOTAL INFOWIAATION SYSTEMS 10 10 0 CITY ATTOFWM 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY AlTORNM 1 1 o EPUM crw ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY to C. ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY 11 1 "" 1 TOTAL crnw-roww 5 5 0 FlNANCE DIRECTOR ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST ACCOUNTANT ACOUNnNG SUPERVISOR ACCOUNT 1CLERK I1 ACCOUNTING omcE ASSISTANT AUDITOR 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 SECRETARY II TOTAL fl NANC E 14 14 CI " 1 "_~ 1 0 e CllY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNnALLOCATlONSFOR1992-93AND1993-44 BY DEPARTMENT AND wmnm REOUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 AUOCATEII WOGEi ALLOCATED RISK MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 PURCHASING OFFICER 1 1 SECRETARyl 1 1 BUYER 2 2 MESSENGER 1 1 TOTAL PURCHASING 5 5 0 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MGR EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCESANALYST HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT SECRETARY II CLERKrnST II TOTAL HUMAN RESOUXES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 0 1 1 ADMINISTRATION POUCE CHIEF 1 1 MANAGEMENTANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL ADMlNLSTR4TlON 3 3 0 OPERATIONS POWECAPTAIN 1 1 POWE LIEUTENAM 4 4 POWE SERGEANT 6 6 SENIOR POWEOFFCER 12 12 POWEOFFICER 30 34 TOTAL OpauTloNS 53 53 0 ImnmaATION8 -- 1 1 Po" 1 1 SENKw\#KIcEomCER 6 6 POUCEOFFICER 4 4 SECRErARYl 2 2 TOTAL IMlESnGATlONS 14 14 0 VICE NARCOTICS POUCE SERGEANT 1 1 SENOR POLICE OFFICER 1 1 POUCEOFFlCER 1 1 TOTAL WE NARcoTlcs 3 3 0 0 e CilY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CIASSlflCATON PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1m-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED TECHNICAL'SERVICES POLICE CAPTAIN POLICE SERGEANT COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR RECORDS SUPERVISOR COMMUNICATION OPERATOR I1 ,POLICE RECORDS CLERK II PROGRAMMEFVOPERATOR CRIME PREVENT TECH 1 1 1 1 13 5 1 1 BUDGET ALLOCATED 1 1 1 1 13 5 I 1 SECRETARY1 1 1 TOTALTECHNICAL SERVICES 25 2s 0 DARE PROGRAM SENIOR POLICE omcm 1 I WUCE OFFICER 1 1 TOTAL DARE PROGRAM 2 2 0 TRAFFIC POLICE SERGEANT SENIOR POLICE OFFICER POUCEOFFEER 1 1 1 1 5 5 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTALTRAFFK: 8 8 0 TOTAL POLICE 108 108 0 FIRE CHIEF 1 1 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF RRECAPTAIN RRECAPTAIN SPECIALIST FIRE ENGINEER RFE fl- PARAMEDIC-RRERGHTER SECRRARY II SECRETARY1 4 18 4 18 9 21 1 1 4 18 4 18 9 21 1 1 FIE PRRIENIK)N OFFicER II 3 3 TOTAL RRE 80 a0 0 PWNCBU##NQINSPEClOR 1 1 BUILONQ ImPECm? I BUILDNO INSPECTOR I CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II COOEENFOFlCEMENTOmCERI BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 4 5 1 1 0 -1 1 0 -1 1 2 1 1 1 PEmrrcLERK 2 2 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTK)N 11 11 0 COMMUNITY ONEL blWTa 1 1 SENIORWGEMMMW 1 1 MUNICIPAL PRQJECT MANAGER 1 1 RECEPTIONISTK'ASHIER 1 1 TOTAL COMM DEV ADMlNJS 5 5 0 SECRETARY II 1 1 e 0 CRY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNELALLOCATlONS FOR 1992-93 AN0 1993-94 BYDEPARTMENTAND CLASSlRCATlON REQUEST OVER 199243 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGR AUOCATED GWGRAPHK: INFO SYSTEM COOm 1 1 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFOPMATION 1 1 0 CITY ENGINEER ASSIST'CITY ENGINEER TRAmc ENGINEER PRlNClPALCML ENGINEER PRlNClPALCONSTWXTlON INSPECTOR SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTlON INSPECTOR II AsSOClATE CML ENGINEER ASSISTANT CNlL ENGINEER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALrsT MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT sEcR€rAm II WOFIO mESS OPERATOR II TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 1 1 1 4 1 2 6 9.5 2 6 1 1 1 4 40.5 .. 1 1 1 4 0 1 2 6 9.5 0 2 0 6 0 1 1 1 4 0 40.5 0 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOClATE CML ENGINEER 0.5 0.5 TOTAL GROW MANAGEMENT' 1 .5 1.5 0 PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALW 1 1 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 2 2 SENOR PLANNER 4 4 ASsOClATE PUNNER 5 5 ASSISTANT PLANNER 2 2 PLANNINGTECWlCUN I ' 1 1 PuNNlNaTEcHNlClAN II 1 1 ORApHlcTEcHNlCuN 1 1 WWP #Dcess OPERATdR II 3 3 sEcFlETARyn 1 1 TofK?uNNuw 23 23 0 UBRARY ADYlNlSriUTlON UBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTAW uw DIRECTOR 1 1 MANAGEMEMANALYST 1 1 SECRETAAY'II 1 1 AccouNTcLERK II 1 1 GRAPHICARTIST 1 1 TOTAL ADMlNlSTRATiON 6 6 0 0 0 CrrY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNELAUOCATiONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMEM AND GlASSlRCaTlON REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) . NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED 8UDGEl AUOCATED CIRCULATION SENIOR clRcuunoN SUPERV~SOR 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 3 3 0 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I TOTAL CIRCULATION I 1 REFERENCE SERVICES SENIOR LIB- LIBRARIAN II UBRARlAN I UBRARY ASSISTANT I TOTAL REFERENCE GENEAOLOGY/LOCM HISTORY SENIOR UBW TOTAL GENEAOLOGY CHILDREN'S S-ES SENIOR LIBRARIAN UBW ASSISTANT II TOTAL CHILDWS 1 1 2 3 1 1 0 -1 1 1 5 5 0 1 1 1 1 0 .1 1 '1 1 2 2 ,o TECHNICAL SERVlCES SENIOR UBRARIAN 1 1 2 2 4 4 7 7 0 UBRAWAN II UBRARI ASSISTANT II TOTAL TECHNICAL COLLECTION DEVELOWENT SENOR UBRARW LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 TOTAL COLLECTION DEVEL 1 1 1 1 2 2 ' 0 MEDIA SERVICES MEDIASERVICES MANAGDI TOTAL MEDIA ADULT m S" cLw<'1yp#cTu 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 TOTKAPVLTW~ BRANCH UBRARYSERMCESS~~ UBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 1 1 2 2 TOTAL BRANCH 0 TOTAL U- 31 31 0 ARTS MANAGER SECRErARYI TOTAL CULTURAL AflTs 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 0 , COMMUNlTY ARTS COOADINATOR .. e, CFTY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNELALLOCATQNS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CussmcmoN REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED ADMlNlSfRATlON . SR MANAGEMENT ANAlYST 1 1 PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERKTvp1ST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 4.6 4.6 0 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 0.6 0.6 PARK SUPERVlSoR 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 11 11 0 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 1 1 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 18.6 18.6 0 PARKS a mwmoN DIRECTOR 0.6 0.6 TREE MAINTENANCE PARKS & RECREATK)N DIFECTOR PARK SUPERINTENDENT PARK SUPrnSoR TREE TRIMMER WDWORKER 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 2 2 TREE TRIMMER II 3 3 TOTALTREE MAINTENANCE 6.3 6.3 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARKSUPERvlSoR 0.5 0.5 PARKMAlNENANCEWOWCERII 1 1 TOTAL MEDM MAINTENANCE 1 .5 1 .s 0 RECREATION 0PERATK)NS RECErmoNISTMHIER 3 3 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL RECRE4TON OERATlONS 4 4 0 RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED REWEATDNSUPERINTPIOPCT 1 1 AECWTION 8UPBMSC)R I1 3 3 Fo)II8UPEFMSORI 1 2 1 REcREA1IoN8pEcuusTI 2 0 -2 TOTALcIERFEESUppocnB> 7 6 -1 MIUAm AOUATICSUeaMSOR 1 1 TOTAL AOUATlCS 1 1 0 SENK)R PmGRAU SENK)RCOOFOINATOA 1 1 SECRETARY1 1 1 SITEMANAGER 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 TOTAL PAWCS & RECREATldN 48 45 -1 e 0 CRY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNELALLWATIONS FOR 1992-93 AN0 1SS3-94 By DEPARTMENT AND ClASSlflCATiON RMUEST OVEH 1992-99 W=R) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED WDGR ALLOCATED . ADMINISTRATION UTILITlES/MAINTENANCE DIR 1 1 ASST UTIIJUINT DIR 1 '1 MGR OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 SECRErARYl 1 1 CLERK NPlST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMlNBfRATlON 6 6 0 STREET MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNlCLAN I1 STREn MAINTENANCE SUPT STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERV STREETMAINTENANCEWOAKERIII STREETMAlNTENANCEWORKERII OS 0 -0.5 1 1 2 2 6 6 13 11 -2 ~NT'ENANCEWRKERI 1 3 2 TOTAL STREEl MAIWE 23.5 23 -0.5 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0 0.5 0.5 TOTALTRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINI"NCE 0 0.5 0.5 STREW UGHnNG ELEcTwclAN II 1 1 ElECmcIAN I 1 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0.5 . 0.5 TOTAL STRER UGHllNG 3.5 3.5 0 ELECT oPEmmore SUPEFMSOR 1 1 BUllDlNG MAINTENANCE BUILDBIG MAINTSUPT 1 BUILDING MAINTSUPERV 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAlNTWMER 1 BUILDING MAlNTWRKER II 1 BuILDffiMAlNrWwQRl 1 CusroOuN II 1 cusroow 9 TO1ALeoiLoHa MUPlCrPUNCE 15 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 8 -1 15 0 VEH"E AsstuuIo#MLEETwNTsuPERT 1 1 EQUIPMENTMECHANK: SUPERVISOR 1 1 EWIPMPCTMECHANK: II . 3 3 ACcouNrCLEw< II 1 1 TOTAL VEHICLE MAlNTENANCE -6 6 0 TOTL UflutlES/MALmE .!u 54 0 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMPrr DiR 0.5 0.25 -0.25 SRMANAGEMENTANALW 2 1.25 -0.75 CLERKMPlsT II 1 0.75 -0.25 SECRRARY II 1 0.75 -0.25 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ' 4.5 3 -1.5 e 0 CRY OF CARLSBAO PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFCAllON REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBEA 1993-94 1992-93 AUOCATED BUDGET AUOCATED AFFORIIABIE HOUSING HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 0.5 0.5 SR MANAGEMENTANMYST 0.5 0.25 -0.25 MANAGEMENT AMLYST 0 0.S 0.25 TOTAL AFF0W)ABLE HOUSING 1 1 0 HOUSING HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER 1 1 HOUSING SPECWST I 1 1 MANAGEMENTANALYST 1 1 sEcR€rARY II 0 0.25 0.25 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1.25 ' 0.25 TOTAL HOUSING 4 4.5 0.5 BLOCK GRANT HOUSING 81 REDEVELOPMENT DIR 0 0.25 0.25 SA MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 0.5 0.5 MANAGEMENTANALYST 0.5 0.75 0.25 TOTAL BLOCK GRANT 0.5 1 .5 1 TOTAL HOUSING 81 REooluoPMENT' GENERALMANAGER DISTRICT ENGINEER ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 0PERAmNssupEw~ENT SYSTEMSOPER4TlONSUPERVlSOA METER SK)P SUPERVISOR MANAGEMENTANALYST ASSoClATE ENGINEER CONSrnNIMUNTSUPERVtSQR coNsTRucTK)wNTwoRKERI CONsTWmoNIMUNTWOWQRII ENGlNEERINGOFFlCEASSlSTAHTII ~NllNQSUPERVlSOR AccuwlwlEcHNmAN KCOUNTCLER(1 ACCOUWcLEw<U pwNEE#wQ TECHMClAN 111 -8EK;mARY FACILITY W,NT LEADWRKER METERSEWICESHK)W<ERI MEtERSERVlCESWWQRII METERSEAVlCESWORKERIII CROSSCONNECllONCONLTECH RECEPTIONIST RECEPTIONISTICASHIER SECRETARY II CLERK TYPIST I1 SERVlCE COOW)INATOR SRCONSTRucnoWNT~~ SR SYSTEMS OPERATOR STOREKEEPER KXIIPMMOPERATdR 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 9 1 1 1 1 2 4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 -2 -2 1 1 CITYOFCARLSBAD 0 PERSONNELALLOCATIONS FOR 1992-93 AND 1993-94 . BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1992-93 (UNDER) NUMBER 1993-94 1992-93 ALLOCATED BUDGR ALLOCATED WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 1 0 -1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 3 4 1 VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 SR VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 TOTAL CMWD ADMINISTRATION 44 44 0 1 1 TOTAL CMWD - RECLAIMED WATER 1 1 0 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 SANITATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 MRER READER/REPAIRER II 2 2 UTILITY MAIM WORKER II 3 3 UTIUTYSYSTEM OPERATOR I1 1 1 VTluM SYSTEhl OPERATOR 111 1 1 TOTAL CMWD - SANITATION 11 11 0 UTILITY MAIM WORKER 111 2 2 TOTAL CMWD 56 56 0 1993-94 UNFUNDED POSITIONS NO. OF POSITION: POSITIONS Managment Analyst (Library) I Library Assistant II 1 Library Assistant I 1 Assistant UF1 Director 1 Stmet Maint Worker II 1 TOTAL 5 '4 L z X x LL1 .. 0 e EXHIBIT E r gg gagp~~a~aaa~a~a~~rr~~~~ 2s mmmmm 2 zazaz 3 6 P mi; si 3 ps3 3. 2 : !!I 3 $'oz 8 """J$ i i2 &3 %X jj&gpiiki 6 5: saj$psly2a~$f~~1 ff 8% m ",qi: Egg BH&:E lPq~~assrfpii~ii~~~gqg i.5 8 g !g g (Di 3m !$$?2 =(D(D(D~ 4~ss~~~l~~=s~~~~naazz~ 5 $91 jllBB 3 tiiBl,ifPti#ffl$ 0 i 3f a gq ill 8p 2 E 3 e 0 0 + 3 Q8. 38% 33 ll 8 3.e g83 sic ” 0. 8 g 8 8.8 g Q 88 I g $ Ph b rs 8 z$ 8 a- mc ioi rN 88 c n- c $? zE fX 3 8 c N- a: 3 3 Q Q f p 8 4 $i 8 il g g N- 5 4 c - 2s jli uz it$ a pzs 2 a !{ gK!i$vg?k VkiZE k8Y a d a 1 a Q) -I c ti - - W s g k! $8 ,y ? ~qlr I 4gk$+g!! i? ppq$ 5 %8SGsa ma lp3,rrfal iiii bk4:gGZ !! 5 3 3 f CI e 9 !$ ~~~sqaBs~$ BiB1qigB 6 ia S!iW$kY 3aLl E 9Js It Q)zsa %88!4,4;.a b:2+ 11msssu la1 P 8 P 0 e E ii 8p liii iE kg: s i! 3 92 88881$ 8 88 8 51 ig g + gP9gq """ 1 gp; $8 $ N'm .- B $1 !31 $ " 2 8. [[; 5 q ~@~#~$twvp ggg5~8~gg~gq fNI *l-rll)r(Y l e. kkkFgskekqezg :! i 2 dt I , i I I c 1 1 - n!! Ea gs3 ii /i!:wk[~ qg .r[ [$gAg4 U 5 b[Hi+ 2 $3 q~zL&$ Isllgges: 5 qj gg5 g E$&w! $;i aPi%$! 8 GpJu $8 mgfg p p f.$$$Et##jf$$$!j igzgs !J $9 ?i E P 0 e ID 0 0 gggw ‘8 333e!i - $ 8 g - 38 0 vi i 03- ne~,,,,,~~Y~naeePY~~~~~~Y~ eqYY D# 9 2% L 8299 nn a [ [ii li 1 en 23 $k&.i$$$$ ~5::q~$,leaidi $g“55- p $! ee ‘g .p! 38, ig 3pe e22 <113& 84~;q3e-B+ 3 v ““3F !!iiii@!!! 00 ddddwwww-33 ywrifeiigi G?$;EEq~~~l tt gP sa gI.lYgg lqiiji k $91 5 5PKE5 4‘ w 8 385 e ij. f f 88 f! i? r- c 8 88 ad 55 >! *I- Hi r 2: 3 Q Zi r i "23 @ 8. 4 8. $, i$?$ s "E i?fl 8-g tf' B .- 2" 4 $ g2g 0 @$.ti- g: E 63 g 2" %W 8 $3 t 3i a- G $8. 0 $2 "V) s b w. - d l$ 3 9 I B;i& 'P"4e"9Irga %p&M! d.H~BapBBBIIBa~ll~~ripp; 33 ?$it\ Ui ssz aaaaa aaaa bBBgg: $$ z883ipiJ ngdep3333s<s I I I I I I I I I ldgg %E 8 pz e w 3. @ 1:!pq9@z d$ Et#;;! I= 3 i donw +@EeEe@EEEp2e[ <<<c<<4<<< I I I I P%113+1481 3- *<=a Bl psl i Waw ! 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N' N- N m a, * g 9 ei i &i qqi ga 8s sls 3$ 4 aq 3dHS id u4 1 * e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAlWLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT yEAR 1 1”W.iiiii.:’:.+ :,:j::,..:j ;,:,. ::, ; . . . . . . .:.. . . .. . . . . BEGINNING FUND BAL 711193 REVENUE MPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 832,422 200,000 946,200 86,222 PUBUC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PI1 AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 sw PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST TRANSNETLOCAL TRANSNETA-IIGHWAY TRANSNETlglKE I SEA TDA SOG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF COURSE 3,625,438 1,623,310 1,613,314 495,419 1 79,593 710,735 908,649 1,695,761 9,609,493 284,520 32,855 (370,500) 606,537 1,373.902 PUBUC ART 56,126 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 113,720 LETER OF CREDIT - 219 LEllER OF CREDIT - FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT 82,073 TAX INCREMENT BOND 136,499 STATE GRANTS (1,332,270) COBG (651,325) CMMTY FACIW WSTR 317,642 WATER DlSTRlcT FUNDS -RECWMED WATER (4,839,552) -MAJOR FACIUM 1,452,907 332,472 34,OOO 18,004 7,716 32,150 981,509 622,000 933,522 555,000 370,500 162,717 220,400 50,000 9,462 30,000 5,000 40,oOO 1,500,Ooo 651,325 17,329,667 4,849,552 3,379,627 1,345,000 350,000 loo,o0O 622,000 3,133,016 555,000 162,717 220,400 193,416 13,056,482 4,284.1 05 2,612,910 1,657,310 1,631,318 495,419 187,309 742,885 1,540,l 58. 1,595,761 7,409,999 284,520 32,855 606,537 1,423,902 65,588 143,720 87,073 176,499 (25,686) 4,590,827 10,000 548,429 -REPLACEMENT 4,428,718 2,050,000 1,444,591 5,034,127 TOTAL 22,985,986 34,364,623 26,412,927 30,937,682 e e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAllABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT ...... ... yEm .$I 99Q ;:: $g,p:; ;;;?; ; ;x:;,: ;y;,? ;!:$:.:'$::; ;;,;:>;;, j ;, ;:,;2:;: i: ............................................................ .... ........................................................................................ -. ............................................................ BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/94 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSlR 86,222 630,000 716,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 2,612,910 465,066 620,000 2,457,976 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,657,310 *IO00 1,702,310 PIL AREA 1 NW 1,631,318 45,010 1,676,328 PIL AREA 2 NE 495,419 23,148 518,567 PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PUNNED LOCAL DRAIN'G ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST TRANSNETLOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF BONDS PUBLIC ART 187,309 16,718 742,885 16,718 1,540,158 181,732 440,000 1,595,761 7,409,999 1,071,866 7,147,148 284,520 100,OOO 32,855 450,OOO 450,000 606,537 173,650 1,423,902 14,000,000 14,000,000 . 65,588 204,027 759,603 1,281,890 1,595,761 1,334,717 184,520 32,855 780,187 1,423,902 65,588 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 143,720 . 143,720 LETTER OF CREDIT - Z19 L/C'FlELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT 87,073 ' 87,073 TAX INCREMENT BOND 176,499 176,499 STATE GRANTS (25,686) 25,686 CDBG CMMTY FACILITY DISTR 4,590,827 9,730,417 8,000,000 6,321,244 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER 10,Ooo 10,000 -MAJOR FACILITY 548,429 3,530,400 4,282,048 (203,219) -REPLACEMENT 5,034,127 2,050,000 4,244,200 2,839,927 TOTAL 30,937,682 32,455,411 39,283,396 24,109,697 " 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT yEm 5 :l;s:5 .I :I:= $::j (j :. ::.i ; j . j ; i . :.!; . { : , :. j ,; ... .)j j .. y; .: . i ;~ j .; ~ j : j:; i . ... , . ...... , . . . .... ..:.. ...:... ..,. , . ,. . . ., . .. . . . .: :. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . -. BEGINNING ..... . FUND BAL 7/1/95 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 716,222 71 6,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 2,457,976 875,350 2,100,000 1,233,326 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,702,310 =,m 1,760,310 PIL AREA 1 NW 1,676,328 90,020 1,766,348 PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW 518,567 64,300 204,027 72,016 582,867 276,043 PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST lRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGWAY TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF BONDS PUBLIC ART ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 759,603 1,281,890 1,595,761 1,334,717 184,520 32,855 780,187 1,423,902 65,588 143,720 36,008 795,611 290,548 240,000 1,332,438 1,595,761 1,334,160 1,317,739 1,351 ,I 38 4,450,000 100,000 4,534,520 3,600,000 3,600,000 32,855 630,OOo 630,000 182,300 962,487 1,423,902 65,588 143,720 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 L/C FIELDSTONE 250,000 250,000 REDEVELOPMENT 87,073 626,250 (539,177) TAX INCREMENT BOND 176,499 176,499 STATE GRANTS CDBG CMMTY FAClUlY DISTR . 6,321,244 15,900,000 15,863,000 6,358,244 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECWMED WATER 10,000 -MAJOR FACILITY (20321 9) 991,787 ' 2,265,707 (1,477,140) -REPLACEMENT 2,839,927 2,050,000 5,234,016 (344,089) TOTAL 24,109,697 30,874,489 32,226,712 22,747,473 0 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT ................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . ..... .... . ..... , .... :' >... :': ........................ .. ..,....,.... . .. :...: . : . . . . , ,...... . . . .. ... . . . . , . , . , ,. . .,. -. ...... BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/96 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 716,222 71 6,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 1,233,326 1,791,544 720,000 2,304,870 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,760,3 1 0 86,000 1,846,310 PIL AREA 1 NW 1,766,348 1 08,024 1,874,372 PIL AREA 2 NE 582,867 70,730 653,597 PIL AREA 3 SW 276,043 147,890 423,933 PIL AREA 4 SE 795,611 39,866 835,477 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,332,438 421,345 1,990,000 (236,217) PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 1,595,761 1,595,761 ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST 1,951 .lW I ,618.8!35 1.655,8!32 1.51 4.1 41 TRANSNETLOCAL 4,534,520 3,245,000 100,Ooo 7,679,520 . TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 32,855 3,435,000 3,467,855 TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS 962,487 191,450 1 $1 53,937 GOLF BONDS 1,423,902 1,423,902 PUBLIC ART 65,588 65,588 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 143,720 1 43,720 LETTER OF CREDIT - Z19 vc FIELDSTONE 2,375,000 2,375,000 REDEVELOPMENT (539,177) 564,741 25,564 TAX INCREMENT BOND 1 76,499 176,499 STATE GR'ANTS CDBC CMMTY FACILITY OlSTR 6,358,244 4,001,179 10,359,423 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACIUlY (1 ,,477,140) 1,418,773 3,774,850 (3,833,216) -REPLACEMENT (344,089) 2,050,000 1,743,972 (38,061) TOTAL 22,747,473 21,565,377 12,159,654 32,153,197 0 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAllABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT ................................... ............ YE*' .. 5 ~~~~.:~.,;.~:~~;~~~~~'~',::.'~ y,),, :: ',; .:.+.:.;..;.>; T.:.:,;:;,; ;,: j..:: ::: ... .. ...- ,.> :.:.i,.:.,.., .. :.:..: .. :. ........................ .............................. ......... ....... ......................................... .................................................................. BEGINNING FUND . BAL7/1/97 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 716,222 71 6,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 2,304,870 1,528,765 2,962,000 871,635 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,846,310 86,OOo 1,932,310 PIL AREA 1 NW 1,874,372 135,030 2,009,402 PIL AREA 2 NE 653,597 47,582 701,179 PIL AREA 3 SW 423,933 205,961 308,750 321,144 PI1 AREA 4 SE 835,477 65,586 901,063 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE (236,217) 477,923 240,000 1,706 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 1,595,761 1,595,761 ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST 1,514,141 1,699,335 3,391,529 (178,053) TRANSNETLOCAL 7,679,520 300,0oO 500,000 7,479,520 TRANSNETiHIGMAY 3,467,855 3,467,855 TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS 1,153,937 201,025 1,354,962 GOLF BONDS 1,423,902 1,423,902 PUBLIC ART 65,588 . 65,588 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 143,720 143,720 LETTER OF CREDIT - Z19 4C FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT . 25,564 656,250 681,814 TAX INCREMENT BOND 176,499 176,499 STATE GRANTS CDBG CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR 10,359,423 4,186,004 14,545,427 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY (3,833,216) 1,728,373 . 1,280,986 (3,385,829) -REPLACEMENT (38,061) 2,050,000 243,996 1,767,943 TOTAL 32,153,197 13,367,834 8,927,261 36,593,770 0 e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAllABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/98 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 716,222 716,222 PUBUC FACJUTES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G ENCINA SMR BONDS SEWER CONST TRANSNETLOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF BONDS PUBUC ART ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LETTER OF CREDIT - Z19 IJC FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND STATE GRANTS CDBG CMMTY FACILITY OlSTR WATER DISTRICT FUNDS . -RECLAIMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY 871,635 I ,932,310 2,009,402 701.179 321,144 901,063 1,706 1,595,761 (178,053) 7,479,520 3,467,855 1,354,962 1,423,902 65,588 143,720 681,814 176,499 14,545,427 (3,385,829) 18,325,416 740,000 1,239,704 1,562,490 2,081,602 506,684 5,065,658 14,721,698 1 ,~,OOo I .I 28.700 43,000,000 20,088,533 24,688,250 700,000 2,380,000 3,830,000 7,034,200 6,085,000 2,242,500 43,OOo,~ 9,116,678 (5,491,199) I ,972,310 069,106 2,263,669 2,402,746 1,407,747 1,237,364 1,595,761 7,509,445 2,894,520 3,467,855 241,162 1,423,902 65,588 143,720 681,814 176,499 14,545,427 7,586,026 -REPLACEMENT 1,767,943 10,250,000 1,810,702 10,207,241 TOTAL 36,593,770 120,210,485 100,887,330 55,916,925 0 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT .. .................................. ........................................ ,2003,+ j ;;; :j ;,:.;:; i.lj ;?.YQc, ;y;,> ;;z,;Fz ;;:; ; ;:,;j, ; ;::,:; ;; :.::. ,j ............. ........ ..... .. BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2003 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 716,222 4,843,000 5,559,222 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE (5,491,199) 48,843,899 23,218,015 20,134,685 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,972,310 3,898,815 5,850,000 21,125 PIL AREA 2 NE 2,263,669 4,573,016 6,741,289 95,396 PIL AREA 3 SW 2,402,746 3,026,051 5,406,427 22,369 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,407,747 1,565,062 2,970,000 2,809 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,237,364 17,490,412 14,505,000 4,222,776 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 1,595,761 300,000 1,295,761 ENCINA SEWER BONDS 6,882,560 6,882,560 SEWER CONST 7,509,445 40,279,210 30,195,482 17,593,173 PIL AREA 1 NW 869,106 2,914,076 3,350,000 433,182 TRANSNETLOCAL 2,894,520 6,O2O,OOO 6,200,000 2,714,520 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 3,467,855 l,6oo,o0o 5,067,855 TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS 241,162 241,162 GOLF BONDS 1,423,902 1,423,902 PUBLIC ART 65,588 65,588 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 143,720 143,720 LEER OF CREDIT - 219 1,687,500 1,687,500 4C FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT 681,814 681,814 TAX INCREMENT BOND 176,499 1 76,499 STATE GRANTS CDBG CMMM FACILITY DlSTR 14,545,427 48,OOO,OOO 14,500,~ 48,045,427 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -RECWMED WATER -MAJOR FACILITY 7,586,026 55,503,135 11,843,005 51,246,157 -REPLACEMENT 10,207,241 10,250,000 937,144 19,520,097 TOTAL 55,916,925 257,376,736 134,586,422 178,707,239 0 e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAllABLE .BALANCES 1993 TO BUILDOUT TOTAL FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CPTL CONSTR 832,422 5,673,000 946,200 5,559,222 PUBUC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G ENCINA SEWER BONDS SEWER CONST TRANSNETLOCAL TRANSNETjiIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE ISTEA TDA SDG&E COUNTY GRANTS GOLF BONDS PUBUC ART ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS LETTER OF CeEDIT - Z19 I& FIELDSTONE REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND STATE GRANTS CDBG CMMTY FACILITY DlSTR WATER DISTRICT FUNDS “RECWMED WATER -MAJOR FACIUTY 3,625,438 1,623,310 1,613,314 495,419 179,593 710,735 908,648 1,695,761 9,609,493 284,520 32,855 (370,500) 606,537 1,373,902 56,126 1 13,720 82,073 136,499 (1,332,270) (651,325) 317,642 (4,839,552) 1,452,907 72,162,512 4,947,815 4,549,868 6,341,266 5,557,953 2,262,074 24,909,127 622,000 6,882,560 61,658,626 1551 5,000 9,190,000 3703 00 162,717 1,300,400 1,080,000 1,877,125 14,000,000 9,462 j 30,OOo 1,687,500 2,625,000 1,225,991 wOOo 1 ,500,000 651,325 142,147,267 4,849,552 86,640,629 55,653,265 6,550,000 5,730,000 6,741,289 5,715,177 2,970,000 21 ,595,000 -,OOo 622,000 6,882,560 53,674,946 13,085,000 4,155,000 162,717 220,400 1,080 ,OOO 2,242,500 14,OO0,0OO 1,687,500 2,625,000 626,250 193,416 94,419,482 36,847,379 20,134,685 21,125 433,182 95,396 22,369 2,809 4,222,776 1,295,761 17,593,173 2,714,520 5,067,855 241,162 1,373,902 65,588 143,720 681,814 176,499 (25,686) 48,045,427 10,Ooo 51,246,157 -REPLACEMENT 4,428,718 30,750,000 15,658,621 19,520,097 TOTAL 22,985,986 51 1,219,269 354,483,702 178,641,553 1) 9 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS 1992-93 TO 1993-94 DEPARTMENT/PURPOSE ACCOUNT # Finance State Grant Repayment - 001-1990-2994 Monroe St, Widening Overpayment .. Economic Development Economic Development Activities 001-3030-xxx~ (available balance) Facilities 'Mananement Major Building Maintenance Computer Work Order System - Fire Intercom Systems Community Facilities District CFD Administrative Expenses 001-5320-2462 001-5320-2667 001-2220-3900 430-1340-xxxx (available balance) Solid Waste Entemrise Office Paper Recycling 520-6410-2660 No. County S~olid Waste JPA Consulting 520-6410-2479 Sanitation Office Fumiture/Equipment 511-6110-2551 Building Maintenance Supplies 511-6110-2610 Capital Equipment 511-6110-3900 Police Asset Forfeiture Capital equipment and special 121-m-XXXX supplies (available balance) Library Partnership for Change Grant 190-8209-XXXX Library Literacy Grant 180-8140-XXXX (available balance) CDBG 7 Community Contributions Fair Housing Survey 391-3540-2993 (available balance) 391-3540-3473 Gas Tax Chip Seal and Slurry Seal 152-5110-2412 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk 152-51 10-241 1 EXHIBIT AMOUh 1 1,4( 40,Ol 83,O 596 26,4 .6,0 25,O 10,o 998 14,6 28,a 200,c 20,c 33,c 85,( lo,( 400,( 125.( $1,132,1 4 li - . 0. 0 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. 93- 17 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNLA ESTABLISHING THE 1993-94 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITUTION AND STATE LAW 5 6 WHEREAS, Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution requires th 7 governments annually establish a limit on the appropriation of proceeds of taxe 8 and 9 10 11 12 13 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 15 16 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does here WHEREAS, State law requires that this limit be presented to the govemi body of each entity each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, State law also requires that this limit be published in a newspaF of general circulation to allow public response to the limit as adopted. 17 18 19 establish and adopt the 1993-94 appropriation limit of one hundred fillion, C hundred nineteen thousand, one hundred sixty nine dollars ($100,119,169) 20 21 /// computed in Exhibit A attached hereto. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /// /// /// /// /// I 1 I ll "a 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I.8 I 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 e 0 2. That the City Clerk is directed to publish this Resolution in a newspap of general circulation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a re@a meeting of the City Count on the 15th day of JUNE 1993, by the following vote, to wi AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila ~ NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: R &/,m7 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 0 @ GANN APPROPRIATIONS LtMlT The Appropriations Limitation imposed by Proposition 4 and modified by Proposition II creates a restriction on the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fisc year. The revenues which are subject to the Limitation are those considered "proceeds ( taxes." The basis for calculating the Limit began in fiscal year 1978-79 and is increasf based on population growth and inflation, The major change made by Proposition 111 allows the City to annually choose among tl following options for calculating its Gann Limit: b Growth in California per capita income, OR b Growth in non-residential assessed valuation due to new construction in the Ciq AND b Population growth of Carlsbad, OR b Population growth within San Diego County. The factors used to calculate the 1993-94 Limit were: w Population growth in the City of Carlsbad, AND b Growth in California per capita income. The formula is outlined below: 1992-93 Expenditure Limit (Recalculated to reflect non-residential growth) $95,323,2( Oh City Population Growth Growth in California per capita income Net Increase Factor 1.02, x 1.02 1 .os 1993-94 Limit (1989-90 Limit X Factor) $100,119,1 Current Appropriation of Proceeds of Taxes $30,215,2 The spending limit for the City of Carlsbad for 1993-94 is $100,119,169 w appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" of $30,215,268. The result. of the calculatj provides the City with an operating margin of $69.9 million. & cn q K .4 )I I=L zo n a m a cn I PC c) i u z 2 W tn Ft - n n cn n W W' 0 0 = n 0 LL 000 ILZZ " T3 )I 0 g. n c m 2 - U n 00 " UU n n a oi > 0 e * e l- cn 3 6 n tf cn 2 0 i E A - YJ 63 4 M a a 4 0.2 a cn 4 4 a a 4 e a a3 4 a a3 cn 4 a3 a3 a 4 5 Q3 03 7-4 CD 03 a 4 0 a3 - d < U > .I < c c u I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: c\2 0 a3 CD * 0.2 4 4 f ba * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 93 - 17 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING THE FEES FOR DEVELOPMENT-RELATED SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the authority to establish fees for City services; and WHEREAS, from time to time said fees are reviewed and evaluated to maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for City services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of providing development-related services; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to recover the costs for development-related services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the fees shown in Exhibit A attached hereto are fair and reasonable in relation to the services received; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearing and allowed for public comment on the establishment of said fees. /// /// /// /// /// /// ll I . , 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California that the fee schedule shown in Exhibit A attached hereto is hereby adopted and shall become the official fee schedule for development- related services for the City of Carlsbad. Any fee area not included in said list shall remain under the control of previous resolution adopted by this City Council. All fees shall become effective on August 16, 1993. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 15th day of JUNE , 1993, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnil NOES: None ABSENT; None ATTEST: LilLdtLB- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) I ? 0 0 EXHIBIT A Ci of Carlsbad Prapased Fee Schedule Development Related Fees June, 1993 TOM Proposed 1992-93 Fee Description Adjustment Plat 50 50 50 Additional Planning InspectrOnS (first Imp included In plan check fsa) A Fee Fee Cost Note 31 8 31 8 Bridge & Thoroughfare - per Apartment Unit 424 424 Bridge & Thoroughfare - per Condominium Unit 530 530 Bridge & Thoroughfare - per Single Family Unit (3) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit (3) Building Permit Fees (Based on state fee schedule) 490 490 1,079 Appeal - Planning Commission - Other 120 120 1,218 Appeal - Planning Commigskn - Single Family 120 120 616 Appeal - City Council - City Engineer’s Decision 490 490 a93 Appeal - City Council - Other 120 120 1.007 Appeal - City Council - Single Family 430 430 652 Administrative Variance - Other 250 250 1,186 Administrative Variance - Single Family 340 340 415 Bridge & Thoroughfare - all ather - per Avg. Daily Trip 22.60 22.60 Certificate of Complityce 234 240 230 Construction Change Review - Minor 500 150 150 Construction Change Review - Major 600300 300 Coastal Development Permit - Single Family 514 150 150 Coastal Development Permit - Other 433400 400 cu P 10,235 10,500 10.237 EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) 275 275 500 EIR - Addendum 5,510 5,510 12.290 EIR - 20 Acres ad up 2.210 2.210 4.924 EIR - 5 through 19 Acres 2,210 2,210 6,221 EIR - 1 through 4 Acres 220 220 1,321 EIA - Single Family 220 220 1,088 EIA - All Others 200 200200 Easement or Offer to Dedicate 01 Improve 30 30 30 Dupficate Tracing Fees - Fd Tract Map8 - per stmet 30 30 30 Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet (3)(4: Drainage Fees 55 55 300 Design Review - Preliminary Review - Mi 275 275 500 Design Review - Preliminary Review - Major 55 55 500 DayCare Permit - Extension 1 25 125 1,238 DayCare Permit 120 120 2.700 CUP - Non-Profit 55 55 631 CUP - Extension - non-profit 400 400 631 CUP - Extension - Regular 80 80 934 CUP - Amendment - Non-Profit 935 1,m 934 .CUP - Amendment - Regular 2.500 2,500 2,700 Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) 50 50 50 Encroachment Permit (After Installation) loo 100 100 Engineering Variance - Minor 85 85 85 Engineering Variance - Major 160 160 160 Environmental Monitoring Fee 150 150 150 Final Parcel Map (Minor Subdiii) 2,124 1,580 1,580 Final Tract Map (Base fee + $5 per Acre) 3.081 2.760 2,760 (Base + acutal cost) Fire Protection System Installalion -Automatic Sprinkler Systems - See Schedule for Rates 0 I . e e D w - - City of Carlsbad Proposed Fee Schedule Development Related Fees June, 1993 - Total 80 80 Future Improvement Agreements 875 875 875 (8) Fish 81 Game Fee - EIR 1,275 1,275 1,275 '(8) Fish & Game Fee - Negative Declaration 40 40 40 Fire Repeated Inspection on New Construction -Other Fud Fire Systems - See Schedule for Rates -Fire Alarm Systems - See. Schedule for Ratecl AI Fee Fee Cost Note FA Description I Proposed 1992-93 80 General Plan Amendment - 1 Acre 01 less 2,218 1,200 1,200 General Plan Amendment - I to 5 Acres 2,650 1,200 1,200 General Plan Amendment - 5 Acres and up 6,047 2,500 2,500 Grading Plan Check - (See Schedule for Fbs) (4) 542 Growth Management Feeg - As established by Council Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family 1,028 120 120 Hillside Dev Permit - Other ' 1,126 400 400 Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family 857 -80 80' Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other 100 100 0 Inspection Overtime (Qn Request) 41 0 410 1,733 Information to Planning Commission - Other 120 120 1,518 Information to Planning Commission - Single Family (3M Improvement Plan Review (flan Check) (See Schedule wow) ~,o91 (3)(4: Improvement Inspection Fee (See Schedule Below) 340 340340 Improvement Agreement Extension 350 350 791 Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check Landscape Inspection - Same as lmpvt Construction lnsp Lighting Plan Checks - (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Local Coastal Pian - Amendment - Major 5,531 5531 5,531 Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Mh 2.642 1.700 1.700 Master plan (8ase Fee + $15 per Acre) 26,523 10,475 10,475 Master Plan Re Submit 6,249 3,750 3,750 Master Plan Amendment (Minor) 3.947 1,700 1,700 Master Plan Amendment (Major) (Bate Fee + $10 per Acre) 15,456 3.860 3,860 Monumentation (Cash deposit as required) Notice Fees - Based on Costto Provkle We cost cat Oversize Load Permit - Annual (New) 0 60 Park In-Lieu Fees - (Saattaehrd~ule) (4) Grading Permit - (See Schedule for Rates) (4) oversize Load Permit - 1 trip 15 0 (Nw pDOrcOndOhhSkn-4~k8 5,510 5,510 6.192 (1) PD~Cond0~ion-51~morC, 2.000 2,000 2.786 (1) PD~CondoReviskn-5to50 - 250 = 599 (1) PDWi-NOn-Res-4orh 3.000 3,000 3,243 (1) PDRevision-Non-Res-5to050 575 575 1,315 (1) PDRevisii-Non-Rss-510r~ 6,000 6,000 7.298 (1) PDorCondo-4orlecu, 5,510 5,510 5,551 (1) 'PD-Non-Res-5to50 440 440 1,706 (1) 1 PD - N0n-W - 4~16~~ 11,022 11,022 11.022 (1) , PO or Condo - 51 u mor0 4,000 4,000 6,613 (1) PDWCond0-5to50 440 440 1,914 (1) PD - Non-Res - 51 or more 10,504 10,504 10,504 (1) , 0 - City of Carlsbad 0 Propokd Fee Schedule Development Related Fees June, 1993 - Tatd Proposed 1992-93 l% Description 600 600 2,245 Planned Industrial Permit (6) Permit Amendments Not Specifically IdenWkd A Fee Fee Cost Note Manned Industrial Permit - Amendment m 5!%m Planning Commission Determination - Single Family 50 50 Reappwtionment Fees for 191 1 Act Asmesment Districts - Applii plus amt for ea new parcel 450 450 Reappwtionment Fees for 191 I Act Assessment Districts - Per Application 280 388280 Quitclaim of Easement 50 50 50 Public Facilities Fees Agreement (3) Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value 120 120 250 Preliminary Plan Review (Single Family Exempt) 230 388230 Preliminary Review - Minor 1,100 1.100 2,499 Precise Development plan - Amendment 1,700 1,700 3,899 Precise Development Plan (4) Planned Local Drainage Fees 70 70 1,108 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) 70 70 893 Planned Development Final Map - Major (50 or less) 25 25 209 Planned Development Rnal Map - Minor (4 or less) 830 830 2,819 Planning Commission Determidon - Other 220 220 2,650 Redevelopment Permit (Minor) 1,838 150 150 Redevelopment Permit (Major) 5,603 1,400 1,400 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Minor) 356 80 80 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Major) 1,384 800 800 Research Time (By Written Request) - Per Hour 0 80 100 80 Reversion to Acreage 500500 500 Right of Way Permit - Single Family 224 40 . 40 97 Satellite Antenna Permit 224 Right of Way Permit - Utili (By Contract) . 90 90 224 Right of Way Permit - All other Non-Utili 90 90 224 Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees 35 35 Schod FWS - (Set by %hod Districts) Sewer Capactty 13,500 13.500 22.534 Specific Plan - More than 25 acres 5,700 5,700 21,970 Specific Plan - 5to 25 acres 1,750 1,750 35,075 Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres 6,200 6,200 12,068 Specific Plan Amendment (Major) 1,700 1,700 4,371 (2) Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) 225 225 1,072 special Use Permit Amendments - All Other 820 820 1,208 Special Use Permit Amendment - Flood Pldn 300 a300 Special Use Permit - Flood Piah. cosstd High Hazard Area 1,150 1.150 1.283 Special Use Permit - flood Plain 280 280 1,073 Special Use Permit 1.150 1.150 6.727 Site Development Plan Rewidcm (Msial 475 475 4,162 (2) Site Development plan Roviskn 0 5,530 5,530 9,215 Si Development Plan (Major) 2,775 2,775 5,992 (2) Si Development Plan (Minor) 175 1 75 561 Sign Program 30 30 32 Sign Permit 5,000 5,000 5.000 Sewsr Lateral lnstalhtion 4' and 6' 1,767 1.61 0 (5) 0 '0 Ci of Carisbad Proposed Fee Schedule Development Rehted Fees June, 1993 - F& Description Street Light Energizing Fee (See table bdow) Street Name Change Street Sign Deposits (As Required) street vacation Structure Rel~ation TentativeMapReviaion-NoPD-5-25Unitsor~ TentativeMapRevison-NoPD-26-100UnLorLds Tentative Map Revison - No PD - 101 or more Units or Lds Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee ~ TenEab've Parcel Map 1 yr Extension Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 1/4 orginal Fee Tentative Tract Map RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units i $2,500 base + $1 W/bt or unit over 5 (whichever is grecder). $7,500 base + $25/lot or unit over 50 (whichever is greater). $2,500 base + $1 W/l$ or acre -5 (whichever is greater). $7,500 base + $1 OO/lot or acre ow 50 (whichever b greatrr). Tentative Tract Map RES - 50 tx mtxa Lats tx Units - Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 5 - 49 Lob or UnL - Tentatlve Tract Map NON- RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - Tentative Tract Map Extension - 5 to 25 Tentative Tract Map Extension - 25 to 100 Tentative Tract Map Extension - 101 or mow Traffic Impact Fee - North / south Carisbad - Residential Cost Per Trip Traffic Impact Fee - North / South Carlsbad - Commercial/lndust Coat Per Trip Variance (Single Family) Variance (Other) Water Service Connection Fees - (Set by CMWD) Waste Water Discharge Permit Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acrtm Zone Change - 25,l of mo(8 acres Zone Code Amendment - Not# (3) (5) (5) - Coss i F" Fwlm i i Total 1992- Proposed 490 267 3,987 4.782 6,281 1.61 1 365 490 180 1,150 1,425 2.350 1,611 3E 490 180 1.150 1,425 2,350 1,611 365 3,413 1,050 1.050 7.472 2.W 2.630 3,413 1,- 1,050 4,033 295 374 427 1,573 1,762 2,630 240 225 260 77 31 280 575 2s30 I 240 225 260 83 33 280 575 1 .El fl fi 2.675 2,660 2,175 2,175 3,181 1,150 1,150 (1) - Based on number of units or lob whichever is greater (2) - Minor Residential Development - DeRned as - SQ or fewer units or Ids, Whichever is greatw Min"OtherUses-Defh.dar~lh~n2acres . (3) - No change recommended - Rrvbur council action establishing h remains -hanged (4) - Seeattechedschedulekr" (5) - Fee Increases based on Amud Change in Engineering News Record as Established by Councii by Ordinance. (6) - Any Permit Amendment nd kl.ntifkd assausd at 50% d origiil cost (7) - Research Fee = Minimum $25.00 io Maximum $100.00 based on hours to completion. (8) - fee^ set by Stabe Stahrt.. I 0 . City of Carlsbad Park In-Lieu Fees Value I Fee Quadrant Per Acre Per Unit District 1 - NW 195,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,755 Attached (4 units or less) 1,463 Attached (5 units or more) 1,170 Mobile Home 1.m District 2 - NE 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1.050 Mobile Home 91 9 District 3 - SW 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1,050 Mobile Home 91 9 District 4 - SE 175,000 Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575 Attached (4 units or less) 1,313 Attached (5 units or more) 1.050 Mobile Home 91 9 The Park Fee ordinance establishs a method of determining park land values in each quadrant 1 1 I I I I Ci of Carlsbad Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Existing Fee Area Per Unit 1 0 2 0 3 3,808 4 1,686 5 2.658 6 200 7 2,273 8 0 9 2.878 10 1,196 11 1,630 12 4,445 13 2.858 ._ Council will be adopting revised drainage fees as part of a new master drainage study. Thii study is currently being reviewed by the Engineering Department. 0 e 7 I Grading Plan Check Fee Schedule Base Fee Plus Per Grading Plan Check - 100 CY or less 100 - - Grading Pian Check - 101 to 1 ,000 CY 500 80.00 100 CY Grading Plan Check - 1.001 to 10.000 CY 1.306 86.00 1mCy Grading Pian Check - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 2,100 80.00 10,000 CY Grading plan Check - 100,001 CY to 200,OOO CY 2,900 80.00 10,OOO CY Grading Plan Check - 200,001 CY or more 3,700 80.00 1 00.ooo CY - Grading Permit Fee Schedule Base Fee Plus Per Grading Permit - 100 CY or less 25 - - Grading Permit - 101 to 1 ,OOO CY 75 10.00 100 CY Grading Permit - 1,001 to 10,OOO CY 175 52.50 loo0 Cy Grading Permit - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 700 60.00 10,000 CY Grading Permit - 100.001 to 200.000 CY 1,300 180.00 10,000 CY Grading Permit - 200,001 CY or more 3,100 300.00 100,000 CY - i Improvement Plan Review I L Cost of Improvements Fee 0 to $2o,ooo 6.00% - $200 Minimum S20,OOO to $50.OOO 5.00% - $1,200 Minimum $50,ooo to $lOo,OOo 4.00% - $2.500 Minimum $1 00,000 to $250,000 3.50% - $4,000 Minimum $250,000 to $500,000 2.75% - $8.750 Minimum $500,000 to $1 .OOo,o00 2.25% - $13,750 Minimum over $1 ,OOo.OOO 1.50% - $22.500 Minimum (Improvement Plan Check Fees are based on the current Ci of San Diego unit prices. This includes the cost of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, asphalt or concrete paving. storm drains, etc.) - improvement Construction Inspection Fee Cost of Improvements Fee so to 8250,000 5% - $250 Minimum $250.001 to s750.wo 4.5% - $12,500 Minimum $750,001 to $2,W,000 4.0% - $33,750 Minimum $2lOoo,001 to $5s,ooo,000 3.5% - $8O,OOO Minimum s.aaa.001 and over 3.6% - $175.666 Minimum I ~~ I Street Light Energizing Fee I Watts Lumens Fee 70 5,800 45.00 + $73.35 per light 100 9,500 63.00 + $73.35 per light 150 16,000 86.00 + $73.35 per light 200 22,OOo 11 0.00 + $73.35 per light 250 30,000 140.00 + $73.35 per light ! Above fees are the cost for energizing each atreet liiM for 18 months. Rates shown as of 5/15/93 and are charged at cost as rates change. F:\USWS\CXJfllRo48UEES J 0 City of Carlsbad Sewer Connection Fees General Connection Fee All Areas 1,767 PIUS Local Sewer Fees shown Below Sewer Service Fee Bv Area Fee current Area A 279 Area B 491 Area C 407 Area D -785 Area E 803 Area F 879 Area G 76 Area H 51 4 Area I 285 Area J 982 Area K 1,981 Area M 38 Area L 776 I 1 F:\USERWNROWEES I A' 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 q 0 RESOLUTION NO.93-173 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING FEES FOR GENERAL SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the authority to establish fees for the City; and WHEREAS, from time to time said fees are reviewed and evaluated to maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for City services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of providing general City services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the fees shown in Exhibit A attached hereto are fair and reasonable in relation to the services received; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearing and allowed for public comment on the establishment of said fees. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 4 3 1 2 '3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,I a *. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California that the fee schedule shown in Exhibit A attached hereto is hereby adopted and shall become the official fee schedule for the City of Carlsbad. Any fee area not included in said list shall remain under the control of previous resolution adopted by this City Council. All fees shall become effective on July 19, 1993. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of JUNE , 1993, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finni: NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTEN (SEAL) b 0 e EXHIBIT A Crpl OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE, 1993 TOM FW ' 1992-93P10pOd Fee Description 120.00 120.00 Appeal Ci Council - Miscellaneous 200.00 200.00 Ambulance Fees 500.00 500.00 Administrative Fee for 191 5 Act Bond Call Cost Cost Abandoned Vehicle Abatement - Actual Administrative cost General City Feea Amount Fee Fee Cost Note Appeal - Howring and Redevelopment Commission 120.00 120.00 Bicycle Licenses 3.00 3.00 Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer 1 .00 1 .00 Bond Search ' 25.00 25.00 Business License - Fee for Listing of Businesses 25.00 25.00 Business License - Base Fee (No change in ather fees) 30.00 30.00 Business License - Motion picture Wing First Day 30,w 3Q,w Busineks License - Private Pdice/P&rol/Watch Service 1 10.00 110.00 (New) Fire - Nuisance Alarm At Cost AtCost Emergency Response Billings - DUI 0.1 5 0.1 5 Copies - each City Council Minutes Subscription - Set by City Mansger Ci Cwhcil Agenda Subscription - Set by City Manager 2.00 2.00 City Clerk - Certification Charge (per document) 350.00 350.00 Ci Clerk - Full Council Agenda Packets @er year) 20.N 50.00 30.00 Ci Clerk - Municipal Code Supplement senrice @er year) 150.00 150.00 Ci Clerk - Municipal Code Books (Cost for Each) 200.00 200.00 Cabaret Dance Permit 30.00 30.00 Business License - Sin Painter 30.00 30.00 1 10.a Fire Use Permit Fees Public Assembly - Candles or other Open Flame 40.00 40.00 40.00 - Assembly 80.00 80.00 80.00 Temporay Use - Tents 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Fireworks Display or Special Effects 240.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Compressed (&see 40.00 40.00 40.00 - Welding Hazardous Materials and Processes 240.00 24.00 - Combustible Fiber Use and Soorage 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Flammable Finishes 160.00 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Haz-Mat Use and Storage 160.00 Hazardous lnstailations 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Motor Vehicle Repair 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Dry Cleaning 160.00 - CamNd~ d Fairs 240.00 240.00 240.00 - Dust Produ~tion 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Medical Gas Dispensing SYSm 160.00 160.00 160.00 - Industrial ovens 120.00 120.00 120.00 - Combustible Storage Facility 166.66 16Q.m 16Q.m - Fbfrigeration Equipment 240.00 240.00 240.00 - High- Piled Combustible Storage 120.00 120.00 120.00 4 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE, 1993 Total Amount Fee Fee Cost Note Fee Description Fee 1992-9SProposed flammableand Combustible Lk4Uki8, Ga8es and Aerosols - Use 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Storage 80.00 80.00 80.00 - Dispensing 80.00 80.00 80.00 Fire User Fees - Weed Abatement (charge per pard) 80.00 80,w 80,w - Tanks 80.00 80.00 80.00 Fire - Routine Fire Inspection for &winass (1 1 Library Fines (.lo per day per item) 0.50 0.50 Library Borrowing - Audio Viual Insurance fee - Per Vieo Tape 5.00 5.00 Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Equipment @er 'M, per day) 40.00 40.00 80.00 Fire - Failed Business Inspection 0.00 0.00 85.00 0.1 0 0.1 0 Library Fines - Juvenile (.05 per day per item) 0.05 0.05 Library Fines - Video ($1 .00 per day per item) 1 .OO Library Logt or Damaged ha: 0.50 0.50 Library lnterlibrsry LOM 1 .00 Barcode 1 .00 1 .00 Library Card 1 .00 1 .00 Vieotape - 2096 of list price (covered by insurance) Library Online Searching Feeg (Achrd Costfor Direct Une Charges) Library Presearch Fee for Online Searches (Per Search) 5.00 . 30.00 30.00 Police - Alarm Permit 0.50 0.50 Library Book Reserve 5.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - All Additional Occurances 50.00 50.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Bwinesses - During Business Hrs 100.00 100.00 Police - Fingerprinting Fees 5.00 5.00 Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer - Determined by Fme Dir Returned Check Fee Publication9 - As Determined by the City Manager 200.00 200.00 Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre 10.00 10.00 Police - Report Fee (Free to Vktim) 12.00 12.00 Poke - Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge AtCost AtCost Pdice - Hourly Cost per Pdke Officer Wfth Vehicle - Determined by Fin Dir At Cost At Cost 15.00 15.00 Sewer Service Chargu (4) Minimum MontMy Chargo , 13.06 13.06 Grwp I - Resklentid - mw) 13.06 13.06 Group I1 - Commercid - m plus rab per hundred cubic feet 1.61 1.61 Group 111 - Commercial - MHmum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 2.1 1 2.1 1 Group IV - Commercbl - Minimum plus rata per hundred cubic feet 3.34 3.34 Grwp V - Instihrtkns/S&ooIs - Elementary &hod - rat0 per hundrod cubic feet 0.29 0.29 - Junior High School - rate per hundred cubic feet 0.58 0.58 - High School - rate per hundred cubic feet 0.87 0.87 - Boarding School - rate per hundred cubic feet 4.35 4.35 - Beckman Micro Operations - Minimum plus rate pw hundred cubic feed 4.28 4.28 - Culliian - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 1.25 1.25 - Hughes Aircraft - Minimum plus rata per hundred cubc feet I .30 1.30 BodcorAudbldem-ustRice Police - False Alarm Fee - Second Occur- 25.M 25.M Group VI - Large Volume Users 0 e . CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSEDFEESCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE, 1993 Fee Description Special City Services - Billed at Cost Nota Special Events - Minimum Filing Fee - One Street (2) ' Speciel Events - Trdk Variance / Minoc - 5 or 6- interescths Specid EvenEe - Tr#k Variance I Major - 5 or few imnrr Solid Waste Fee (Am) 1 .l% of Bask Trash Rate General Ci Fees - Parks & Reueation Non-resident Fee - Instructional Classes and Daytrippers Non-resident Fee - Open Play Basketball, Vdleyball, Badminton Non-resident Fee - Youth Sports (per person) Agua Hedionda Annual Fee - Regi - Pow Boats & Jet Skis Sailboats Over 8' Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats & Jet Skis Sailboats over 8' Annual Fee - Resident -Board Sail/Boats under 8 & Passives I Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Board/Sail @oats & Jet Skm under 8 8 Passives Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Dd Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal DailyFee-Resid~-PowerBoats&JetSkisOvor8 Daily Fee- Non-Aesient- P0~BoatsLJetSkisOWf8' (2) (2) - Daily Fee - Residant - Passive Urn & V088d8 der 8' Daily Fee - N~n-Resident - Pssshre US^ &Vessels Und~ 8' Recreation and Safetv Center Facility Rental Fees - See Schedule A - I " " A Total FW Proposed 1992-93 Cast Amount Fee Fee 25.00 25.00 100.00 0.1 3 0.13 300.00 300.00 166.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 30.00 35.00 15.00 17.50 10.00 5.00 8.00 1200 5.50 6.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 30.00 35.00 15.00 17.50 10.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 9.50 6.00 I I I 0 0 CllY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES JUNE, 1993 Total Aquatics Amount, Fee Fee Cost Note Fee Description Fee C 1992-gSPropo8ed Per Admission - Youth &Teen 60.00 60.00 (3) Season Discount - Adult - Resident 2.75 275 Per Admission - Adult - Non-Resident 1.75 1.75 Per Admisskm - Adult - Resident I .oo I .oo Season Discount - Adult - Non-Resident 82.00. 82.00 (3) Season Disc~~nt - Family - Non-Resident 72.00 72.00 (3) Season Discount - Family - Resident 70.00 70.00 (3) Ci Classe~ - Beginner - Leamto Swim - Res 22.00 22.00 City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Sm’m - Res 25.00 25.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res 17.00 17.00 Ci Classes - Ad~lt/Tm - Learn TO Swim - Non-Res 30.00 30.00 city Classes - Parent(lnfant thru Adv Re-%hod - Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Ros 17.00 17.00 contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res 22.00 22.00 . ,City Cla~~eg - Puent/lrrfant thr~ Adv Re”SCh0d - Non- Res !3a.66 30.66 Contract Clm- - A~w X / Masters Swim (DAY Fee) - Res 3.00 3.00 Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non- Res 30.00 30.00 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Ros (Monthly Fee) 30.00 30.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res 22.00 22.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res 4.00 4.00 . Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (Monthly Fee) 40.00 40.00 Individualized lnstr - Basic Swimming - Res (per how) 17.00 17.00 Individualized lnstr - Basii Swimming ,- Non-Res (per hour) 1.90 1.90 Use Agreements - N.C.A. - (per lane per hr) 1.80 1.80 Use Agreements - C.U.S.D. (per lane per hr) 32.00 32.00 Rental - Exclusive Use - Community/Non-Profit (psr l-tr) 80.00 80.00 Rental - Exclusive Use - Commercial/Corp (Per Hr) 33.00 33.00 Individualized lnstr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Non-Res (per hour) 25.00 25.00 Individualized lnstr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Res @er hour) 25.00 25.00 Staff Costs - Ci provided services (Life Guard /Supervision etc. - Per Hr) 11.00 11.00 (2) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Sectkn 8.17.050 (3) - Non-resident Fee in addbn to toes charged residents of Carlsbad. (4) - Sewer Ratea are dadatad based on flow, strength and pretreatment requirements. (1) - Library fines will remain unchanged 0 e - ci of Carlsbad Fire Protection System Installation Fees Plan Total Inspection Fees Review Fee No. I Cost Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Commercial System 160 3at 40each 40 - Residential System 80 lat 40each 40 - Tenant Improvement $320 +.75/spklr 6at $40 each $80 +.75/spklr . Fire Alarm Systems - 1 to 10 Devices Other Fixed Fire Systems 120 +l.W/device 2 at 40 each 40 +$i.W/device - 11 or more Devices 80 lat 40each 40 minimum - Hood and Duct 140 2at 40each 60 - Halon 80 lat 40each. 40 - Special Chemical Agent 40 - Paint Spray Booth 120 2at 40each 40 - Standpipe 80 lat #each 40 120 2at 40each 0 e FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIONS - REGULAR OPERATION HOURS Hardinn/Calavera/and Stagecoach Communitv Centers Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. to 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a,m, to 4:OO p,ml Safetv Center Conference Rooms Fox/Palowski Mtg. Rooms Monday - Friday 2:OO p.m. - 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. E.O.C. Mtg. Room Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. - 1O:OO p.m. Saturday 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. Fees are based on an hourly rate, with a two hour minimum (except ballfields). An extl staffing fee of $7.00. per hour is required for all recreation usages other than regull operation hours. CATEGORIES FAQUTES Harding Community Center Auditorium Recreation Hall Multi-Purpose Room Kitchen StagecoachKalavera Community Centers Gymnasium Activity Room Multi-Purpose Room Kitchen Safety Center Fox Meeting Room Palowski Meeting Room Emergency Operating Center Levante Center Heritage Hall Granary Scout House - A- B- CD- E N/C $10 $15 $20 $40 N/C 10 15 20 40 N/C N/C 10 15 20 N/C N/C 5 10 15 N/C 10 20 30 45 N/C 10 15 20 40 N/C N/C 10 15 20 N/C N/C 5 10 15 N/C 7 12’ 17 25 N/C 7 12 17 25 N/C 7 12 17 25 N/C N/C 10 15 20 N/C N/C 10 15 20 N/C N/C 8 10 15 N/C N/C 8 10 15 0. PARKS Holiday - Gazebo Area - Picnic Shelter - Stagecoach/Calavera - Picnic Area Magee Park - La Costa Canyon - Upper Area Laguna Riviera - Picnic Area BALLFIEIl)S/SOCCER FIELDS Chase, Pine, Stagecoach, Calavera Day Use Lights Levante, Safety Center, Fuerte Day Use Only TOURNAMENTS - ($200 deposit required) Field plus Bases Lights Field Preparation Snack Bar TENNIS COURT (Tournaments Only/Daily Fee) Carlsbad High School StagecoacWCalavera Laguna Riviera e CATEGoRIES - A- B- C. D N/C N/C 5 8 N/C N/C 5 8 N/C N/C 5 8 N/C N/C 3 5 N/C N/C 3 5 N/C N/C 3 5 N/C N/C 5 5 N/C N/C 13 13 N/C N/C N/C 3 N/C N/C 5 5 N/C 7 13 13 N/C 15 15 15 N/C N/C 5 8 N/C N/C 20 30 N/C N/C 15 20 N/C N/C 10 15 E 10 10 10 8 8 8 - 7 15 5 7 15 15 10 .40 25 20 NOTES: 1. There is a-two-hour minimum for the use of facilities, parks and meeting rooms, for ballfields which can be rented for one (1) hour. Fees will not be pro-rated f than one hour. 2. Day Use for the softball fields and the.tennis courts is from 8:OO a.m. until da additional amount is charged for lights. 3. Building rentals include use of tables, chairs, P.A. and kitchen facilities appropriate. , 0 '0 1 CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS AND FEES - Each application will be reviewed by the Recreation Supervisor and classified into a grou depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The Parks and Recreatio Department's activities have first priority for the use of the facilities. The classificatior are listed in order of priority with classification "Aff first, classification "B" second, etc. The City attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number I facilities. Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priori system for use had to be established. A. Parks and Recreation activities; Co-sponsored activities; other Ci. departments. Examples: Friends of the Library, Carlsbad Book Fair B. Non-profit organizations (non-paid management); Carlsbad resident not-fc profit, civic, social organizations and any organization sponsoring a pub1 forum or candidates night. Examples: Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth Organization, Bobby Sc Little League, Boy Scouts, Lion's Club. C. Carlsbad resident not-for-profit, civic, social organizations (paid managemen private educational institutions, resident recreational. Examples: Boy's and Girl's Club, School District, Lindsay Propel Management Association. D. Locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the C of Carlsbad; resident religious; resident political candidate use for fund raise non-resident not-for-profit civic and social organizations; resident priv; parties. Examples: North County A.A., Y.M.C.A., resident religious and politil groups. E. Resident commercial, business, profit making organization, non-residc private party activities. Examples: Carlsbad Inn, non-resident parties, weddings or receptions F. Non-resident commercial, business, political, profit making and religic organizations. Examples: Trade shows, company training, meetings, seminars e e I IN ORDER TO QUALIFY AS CLASSIFICATION "B" OR "C" NON-PROFIT USER, TH ORGANIZATION MUST MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: A 1. The organization must be registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the Staf of California, or, if not registered with the State, must have a constitution or b; laws which clearly state that the objectives of the organization are of a non-profi non-commercial nature. 2. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, 51% of which must be Carlsbz residents. 3. The organization must submit the following: a. If incorporated, submit State incorporation papers and by-laws; if n incorporated, submit constitution and by-laws. b. Financial verification of organization's exemption from income ts (Department of the Treasury form 990 may be used.) An up-dated copy w be required by October 1st of each year. c. A signed statement verifying item "2" above. ., , A May 27,1993 Gwynne Hodge, President Carlsbad Association of Realtors 51'20 Avenida Encinas, Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS -- FEES There will be public hearings before the Carlsbad City Council and the Carlsbad Munic Water District Board of Directors at their meetings of June 15, 1993 to consider adop of their annual budgets. At those same hearings, consideration will also be given to increasing certain developn and general fees, as well as the possible addition of some new fees. In that regard, I 1 enclosed a copy of the memorandum dated May 24, 1993 from'the Senior Managen Analyst -Finance explaining the proposed increases and new fees in more detail. Please note that the data required by Section 66016 of the Government Code is avail at the Finance Department. In addition, written and/or telephone inquiries ma] directed to Debbie Neville of the Finance Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village DI Carlsbad, 434-2973. The Council meetings begin at 6:OO p.m. i" LEE RAUTENKRANZ, CMC City Clerk ar Enclosure 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-: n - 'L 0 0 May 24, 1993 " TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Senior Management Analyst - Finance w 1993-94 NEW AND INCREASED FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES Below is the text I developed so that you may notice interested parties who have filed a wri request pertaining to new or increased fees or service charges. There d be a pubL hearing before the Carlsbad City Council at their meeting of June 15,l concerning the addition of one new and two increased development related fees. Also propc is one new and one increased general City fee. Development related fees will be reviewed for the inclusion of one new fee; a permit proces' charge to use City streets to carry an oversize load at a proposed rate of $15 for one trip, or for an annual permit. Two capital fees will be reviewed for increase, the Sewer Capacity Fee the TraKic Impact Fee both of which, through Ordinance, may be increased by the change in Construction Index. in the Engineering News Record. The Sewer Capacity Fee is propose( increase by $157 to a total of $1,767 per equivalent dwelling unit. 'The Traffic Impact for residential development is proposed to increase by $6.00 to a total of $83.00 average daily trip, and for non-residential development an increase of $2.00 to a tota $33.00 per average daily trip. General City fees will also be discussed and the Council will consider a new fee for a Municipal Code Supplement Service by $20.00 to $ 50.00. In addition to the above considerations, Council will also review development related on a basis of the amount of City subsidy in relation to the type and size of developme The Water Board will be considering increasing two development related fees and ad( three new general Water District fees. The development related fee the Water Board considering increasing is the fee for a fire hydrant lateral and assembly, from a $2, deposit plus additional time billed to a flat rate, $5,000 installation charge. The detector lateral would increase from a $2,500 deposit plus time billed, to a flat assessn of a $4,500 charge per installation. General Water District fees will also be reviewed by the'Board and include new charges three existing services. These include a backflow preventer at $2.50 per month, same Nuisance Alarm Charge at $110 per failure, as well as increasing the annual charge for water turn on at $20,00 and an after hours water turn on fee at $60,00, The data required,by Section 66016 of the Government Code is available at the Fin2 Department. c " May 27, 1993 Legislative Staff Construction Industry Federation 6336 Greenwich Drive, Suite F San Diego, CA 92122 RE: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS -- FEES There will be public hearings before the Carlsbad City Council and the Carlsbad MuniciI Water District Board of Directors at their meetings of June 15, 1993 to consider adopti of their annual budgets. At those same hearings, consideration will also be given to increasing certain developmf and general fees, as well as the possible addition of some new fees. In that regard, I hz enclosed a copy of the memorandum dated May 24, 1993 from the Senior Managemt Analyst -Finance explaining the proposed increases and new fees in more detail. Please note that the data required by Section 66016 of the Governfnent Code is availa' at the Finance Department. In addition, written and/or. telephone inquiries may directed to Debbie Neville of the Finance Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Dri Carlsbad, 434-2973. The Council meetings begin at 6:OO p.m. LEE $A RAUTENKRANZ, u CMC City Clerk ar Enclosure 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2E .* a , May 24,1993 4 TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Senior Management Analyst - Finance w 1993-94 NEW AND INCREASED FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES Below is the text I developed so that you may notice interested parties who have filed a wri request pertaining to new or increased fees or service charges.. There will be a public hearing before the Carlsbad City Council at their meeting of June 15,l concerning the addition of one new and two increased development related fees. Also prop( is one new and one increased general City fee. Development related fees will be reviewed for the inclusion of one new fee; a permit proces for an annual permit. Two capital fees will be reviewed for increase, the Sewer Capacity Fee the Traffic Impact Fee both of which, through Ordinance, may be increased by the change.in Construction Index. in the Engineering News Record. The Sewer Capacity Fee is propose( increase by $157 to a total of $1,767 per equivalent dwelling unit. 'The Traffic Impact for residential development is proposed to increase by $6.00 to a total of $83.00 average daily trip, and for non-residential development an increase of $2.00 to a tota $33.00 per average daily trip. General City fees will .also be discussed and the Council will consider a new fee for a : Nuisance Alarm Charge at $110 per failure, as well as increasing the annual charge for Municipal Code Supplement Service by $20.00 to $ 50.00. In addition to the above considerations, Council will also review development related on a basis of the amount of City subsidy in relation to the type and size of developme The Water Board will be considering increasing two development related fees and adc three new general Water District fees. The development related fee the Water Board considering increasing is the fee for a fire hydrant lateral and assembly, from a $2, deposit plus additional time billed to a flat rate, $5,000 installation charge. The detector lateral would increase from a $2,500 deposit plus time billed, to a flat assessn of a $4,500 charge per installation. General Water District fees will also be reviewed by the Board and include new charges three existing services. These include a backflow preventer at $2.50 per month, same water turn on at $20.00 and an after hours water turn on fee at.$60.00. The data required. by Section 66016 of the Government Code is available at the Fin2 Department. charge to use City streets to carry an oversize load at a proposed rate of $15 for one trip, or r I i f i May 27, 1993 Mr. Howard Anderson Mission West Properties 6815 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 RE: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS -- FEES There will be public hearings before the Carlsbad City Council and the Carlsbad Municil Water District Board of Directors at their meetings of June 15, 1993 to consider adopti of their annual budgets. At those same hearings, consideration will also be given to increasing certain developme and general fees, as well as the possible addition of some new fees. In that regard, I ha enclosed a copy of the memorandum dated May 24, 1993 from the Senior Managemt Analyst -Finance explaining the proposed increases and new fees in more detail. Please note that the data required by Section 66016 of the Government Code is availal at the Finance Department. In addition, written and/or telephone inquiries may directed to Debbie Neville of the Finance Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Dril Carlsbad, 434-2973. The Council meetings begin at 6:OO p.m. 4- LEE RAUTENKRANZ, CMC City Clerk ar Enclosure 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2 e a f May 24,1993 d' TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Senior Management Analyst - Finance w - 1993-94 NEW AND INCREASED FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES Below is the text I developed so that you may notice interested parties who have filed a wri request pertaining to new or increased fees or service charges.. There will be a public hearing before the Carlsbad City Council at their meeting of June 15,l concerning the addition of one new and two increased development related fees. Also propc is one new and one increased general City fee. Development related fees will be reviewed for the inclusion of one new fee; a permit proces: charge to use City streets to carry an oversize load at a proposed rate of $15 for one trip, or for an annual permit. Two capital fees will be reviewed for increase, the Sewer Capacity Fee the Traffic Impact Fee both of which, through Ordinance, may be increased by the change'in Construction Index, in the Engineering News Record. The Sewer Capacity Fee is propose( increase by $157 to a total of $1,767 per equivalent dwelling unit. 'The Traffic Impact for residential development is proposed to increase by $6.00 to a total of $83.00 average daily trip, and for non-residential development an increase of $2.00 to a tota $33.00 per average daily trip. General City fees will also be discussed and the Council will consider a new fee for a Nuisance Alarm Charge at $110 per failure, as well as increasing the annual charge for Municipal Code Supplement Service by $20.00 to $ 50.00. In addition to the above considerations, Council will also review development related. on a basis of the amount.of City subsidy in relation to the type and size of developme The Water Board will be considering increasing two development related fees and adc three new general Water District fees. The development related fee the Water Board considering increasing is the fee for a fire hydrant lateral and assembly, from a $2,, deposit plus additional time billed to a flat rate, $5,000 installation charge. The detector lateral would increase from a $2,500 deposit plus time billed, to a flat assessrr of a $4,500 charge per installation. General Water District fees will also be reviewed by the Board and include new charge5 three existing services. These include a backflow preventer at $2.50 per month, same water turn on at $20.00 and an after hours water turn on fee at $60.00. The data required,by Section 66016 of the Government Code is available at the Fin: Department. 0 e c Carlsbad SUN - Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to W.C.C.N. Inc. 2841 Loker Ave. East, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 431-4850 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled mi I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which n is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and whick per at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscri which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the sai Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one y -erred to; an annexed is shed in eac id newspapt ereof on th nrprpdinn +ha J-+- 3f publicatil . :I NOTICE OF 1 UBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD The City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to consider the adoption of the 1993-94 Operating Budget and the adoption of the 1993 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program Budget. In addition, the Carlsbad Muni- cipal Water District Board will consider the adoption of the 1993-94 Oper- ating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the Water District; and the Housing and Redevelopment Commission will consider the adop- tion of the 1993-94 Redevelopment Budgets. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views and comments to the City Council. .Copies of the Budgets are available for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, the Library located at 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, and the La Costa Branch Library located at 7750 Tuesday, June 15,1993, at 6:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 1200 ~ El Camino Real, Ste. M., Carlsbad. le 03 of perjury t orrect. Exec m Diego, S 3rd e, 1993 , Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Debbie Neville of the Finance Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, 434-2973, CJ 6008: June 3,1993 .. Il=W .~ .. . v Clerk of t @ Carlsbad SUN e - Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to W.C.C.N. Inc. 2841 Loker Ave. East, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 431-4850 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled ma I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which nc is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which per at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscri which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the saic Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one yl : 1 of publicatic . .. - NOTICE OF '1 feied to; an( annexed is lished in eac PUBLIC HEARING l aid newspape thereof on th, CITY OF CARLSBAD I 03 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Muni- cipal Water District Board of Directors will hold public hearings on Tuesday, June 15,1993, at 6:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to consider the increase of specific development and general fees as well as imple- mentation of some new fees. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views and comments to the City Council. The basis for recommending the proposed fees is contained in a y of perjury t report prepared by David M. Griffith and Associates in June, 1991. correct. Exec This report is available for public review in the City of Carlsbad <an Diego, s1 Finance Department Offices, 1200 Carlsbad Vilhge Drive, CarlS- rd bad, California. . /- 1993 Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Debbie Neville of the Finance Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, 434-2973. CJ 6006: June 3,1993 )& I Clerk of 8 a a c - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD I The City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Jm 15, 1993, at 6:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Driv Carlsbad, California, to consider the adoption of the 1993-94 Operating Budget and tk adoption of the 1993 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program Budget. In addition, tk Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board will consider the adoption of the 1993-9 Operating, and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the Water District; and tk Housing and Redevelopment Commission will consider the adoption of the 1993-9 Redevelopment Budgets. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views ar comments to the City Council. Copies of the Budgets are available for public inspection at the City Clerk’s Offic 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, the Library located at 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, and tl La Costa Branch Library located at 7750 El Camino Real, Ste. M, Carlsbad. Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Debbie Neville of the Financ Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, 434-2973. a a * I - x%& NOTICF# OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD 4 GJ5 The'City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 15,1993, at 6:C P.M. in the Council Chambers "€~-LY TXat , 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsba, California, to=he 1993-94 Operating Budget and the 1993-94 to Buildout Capit Improvement Program Budget. l&e Carlsbad Municip - F %*+ F"b "L &L* 8AA &e+ 4 "db \qq3-4q Water District'Operating and Capital Improvement A** Program BudgetsF& * LJ- ""e the Housing and Redevelopment-edevelopment Budget Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views ar comments to the City Council. Copies of the Budgets are available for public inspection at the City Clerk's offic 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, or the two libraries: 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsba and La Costa Branch, 7750 #M, El Camino Real, Carlsbad. Written and telephone inquires may be directed to Debbie Nede of the Finanl Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, 434-2973. * 0 v r -I NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING (=Try OF CARLSBAD - The City Council of the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Municipal Water Distric Board of Directors will hold public hearings on Tuesday, June 15, 1993, at 6:OO P.M. i the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to considc the increase of specific development and general fees as well as implementation of son new fees. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views an comments to the City Council. The basis for recommending the proposed fees is contained in a report prepared t David M. Gath and Associates in June, 1991. This report is available for public revie in the City of Carlsbad Finance Department Offices, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbac California. Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Debbie Neville of the Financ Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, 434-2973. 6: a ” \ s 2% & NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (=TTy OF CARLSBAD a The’City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 15,1993, at 6:C P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbai California, to discuss the increase of City developmentikzw and general fee Included will be discussion regarding the fees which are proposed for increase, as well i new fees recommended for implementation. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views ar comments to the City Council. The basis for recommending the proposed fees is a report prepared by David 1 Griffith and Associates in June, 1991. This report is available for public review in the Ci of Carlsbad Finance Department Offices, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, Californi Copies of the information which has been prepared for City Council review are ah available for public inspection at the City Clerk’s office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. Written and telephone inquires may be directed to Debbie Neville of the Finanl Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, 434-2973.