HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-22; City Council; 12275; APPLICATION FOR A LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, TITLE II, GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARYr. I r, d LU 8 O= e % 2 0 5 4 g z =1 0 0 w- Cv OF CARLSBAD - AGENW BILL c AB# l3..i 2 75 TITLE: APPLICATION FOR A LIBRARY SERVICES DEPT. h MTG. 6/22/93 AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, TITLE 11, GRANT CITY AI FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY CITY M( LIB DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9 3 - I '7'7 authorizing the Carlsbad City Library to apply for a gr: from the California State Library provided under the Library Services and Constructior Title 11. ITEM EXPLANATION: In April 1993 the State Librarian invited the library to apply for Federal Library Semi and Construction Act Title 11 (LSCA) Construction Funds. Total funds available for th round of grants is $630,000. The State Librarian has established two priorities for th funds: 1. Projects to remodel existing library facilities to comply with the Americ; with Disabilities Act (ADA). Projects for new library buildings, additions to existing buildings, and conversion to libraries of buildings now used for other purposes. 2. The library's application is for ADA compliance remodeling for the existing main libr2 As part of the library master plan, the City Council authorized a renovation feasibilit? of the existing main library. This study was completed in July 1990 by the architect1 firms of Cardwell/Thomas & Associates and McGraw/Baldwin Architects. Many of tl study's recommendations involved remodeling portions of the building which will bri those portions into compliance with ADA requirements. In 1992 library and city staf completed a self-evaluation of the library building for ADA compliance. That evaluat and the previously completed renovation feasibility study support the need for remod portions of the building. The library is applying for grant funds to support the remoc of the public and staff restrooms, the hand rails and stairway to the public mezzaninc hand rails on the stairway from city hall to the library, the drinking fountain, and si2 throughout the building. Remodeling these items will address the major deficiencies revealed in the self-evaluation for ADA compliance. FISCALIMPACE The CEP includes plans to remodel the Cole Library in 1995-96 after the constructIoI South Carlsbad Library. Funds in the amount of $275,000 are currently available in 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program budget. Use of these funds now will not inc the cost of the ultimate remodel. r. e PAGE 2 OF AB# la! $-qs i The State Library has determined that for all projects submitted for this grant prograi local matching funds must be at least 57.5% of the total cost of the project. The esti total cost of the library's proposed ADA renovations is $86,264. Based upon a 58%/ split, the city's cost is $50,033, and the federal portion is $36,231. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Resolution No. 9 3 - I '7? Letter from the State Librarian dated April 2, 1993. LSCA Title I1 Public Library Construction Project Application, 1993. Carlsbad City Library ADA Compliance Evaluation. Agenda Bill No. 11,816, dated July 28, 1992, ADA Compliance Action Plan. I ,' 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 EXHIBIT 1 0 0 RESOLUTION NO, 93- 17 9 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR A GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY PROVIDED UNDER THE LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, TITLE I1 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library has been invited by the State Librari to apply for funds provided by the Library Services and Construction Act, Title I1 and WHEREAS, these funds are to be used to remodel libraries to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad City Library have completed self evaluation studies of the Library building; and WHEREAS, the self evaluation studies indicate the need for remodeling portions of the Library building. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That staff is authorized to apply to the California State Library foi I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I $36,231 in Library Services and Construction Act, Title I1 funds. 3. That funds in the amount of $50,033.00 are available in the 1993 Capital Improvement Program to provide matching funds to meet the local matc requirement of the LSCA grant. // // // // 8. b \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the m day of following vote, to wit: JUNE , 1993, by tl AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None @%&& CLAUDE A. ENS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) I e 0 EXHIBIT .. * CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1001 SIXTH STREET SUITE 300 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 ONNME: CSLLDS TELEPHONE: (916) 445-4 MEMORANDUM TO: CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY DIRECTORS Who Expressed Interest by March 31, 1993 FROM: GARY E. STRONG California State Librarian DATE: April 2, 1993 SUBJECT: LSCA TITLE I1 CONSTRUCTION FUNDS You have expressed interest for one or more eligible projects for the supplemental LSCA func I announced February 1, 1993, and are invited to apply for federal Library Services and Construci Act (LSCA) Title I1 construction funds. Applications are due on Monday, June 28, 1393. Aw decisions will be announced no later than Friday, August 13, 1993. There are two priorities for this supplemental funding. The first priority responds to the Americ with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), and is for projects to remodel existing library facilities to comply 7 ADA. I expect successful projects to be under construction within a year of approval of the gr The second, and equal, priority responds to the growing population of California. Those projects be only for new buildings, including totally new buildings, additions to existing library building conversion to libraries of buildings now used for other purposes (except private residences). There are fiscal requirements as well. With certain exceptions, for ADA remodeling projects minimum project cost is $35,250 and at least $15,000 in LSCA funds must be requested. For buildings, the minimum project cost is $58,750 and at least $25,000 in LSCA funds musl requested. For all projects, local matching funds must be at least 57.5% of project costs. Altht there is no maximum total pioject cost limit, no more than $630,000 LSCA funds will be awa to a single supplemental project. Details on those priorities are in the enclosed Supplemeiital Corzsinictiott Project Criteria and Prio for LSCA Tiile II Corisiniciiotz Projects, 1993, Form LSCA 17 Suppl. I , . 0 e z LSCA Title I1 Supplemental Invitation to Apply April 2, 1 A separate Application must be made for each project. It must be received (not postmarked) no 1; than 4:OO p.m., Monday, June 28, 1993. The address for filing all required submissions is: Cy Silver - Title I1 Applications Library Development Services 1001 - 6th Street, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 For assistance with LSCA Title 11, including copies of cited documents if not available locally, pk contact Cy Silver, Facilities Planning Consultant, 916/322-0360. For additional copies of applica materials, request by fax at 916/323-1870 or Internet at AUTO@WATER.CA.GOV. For assista with facility and space planning, libraries should also contact Mr. Silver. Enclosures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. How to Apply for LSCA Title I1 Construction Funds, 1993. (Form LSCA 18 Suppl.) (B Supplemental Construction Project Criteria and Priorities for LSCA Title I1 Construc General Information for Grantees (Form LSCA 19) (Green) Supplemental Public Library Construction Project Schedule of Events, 1993. (Pink) Outline Building Program for New Buildings, Additions and Conversions. (Form LSCA 3 Optional method for estimating public library construction costs. (White) Supplementary Project Application, 1993. (Form LSCA 16 Suppl.) (White) Handicapped Access Remodeling Components. (White) Questions about Supplemental LSCA Title 11, 1993. (Buff) Financing California Public Library Buildings, 1993. (Yellow) Persons Served by California Public Libraries 1992. (White) Projects, 1993. (Form LSCA 17 Suppl.) (Goldenrod) (White) I \T2\APPMAT93\INVITATN.SUP , @ * California Stat LSCA 16 Sup PE c LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, TITLE I1 PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SUPPLEMENTARY PROJECT APPLICATION, 1993 A. PROJECT DATA 1. Legal name of jurisdiction owning the facility: City of Carlsbad 2. Contact person's' name: Cliff Lange Title: Librarv Director Telephone: ( 61 9 ) 4 34-3875 Address:-p 7. Dr.. Carlsha6:'. CA 9700: 3. 4. Name of project Main Library access improvements Project is (circle all applicable phrases on line a. or b. (on one line only, whichever is appropriate) a. Gsabled-access remodeling?)(and addition to) (branch) main library) to become f' cz3 Branch Libr, b. (New) (main library) (branch library) (addition to existing) (conversion of facility not a private 1 Identify the service area (to be) served by the facility (e.g., from 1990 census, name from table of 2,500 or more; or name of county; or specified census tracts): City of Carlsbad - 5. For convenience, if the service area overlaps a census area with readily-available data, the census may be used as long as the total population of the service area is within 10% of that of the census ai used, explain. NA Congressional district(s): 51 6. If new building, addition or conversion, including additions in conjunction with an access remodelini name of professional librarian as project consultant: Name of architecf or engineer (circle applicable word) preparing cost estimate: Kennon W. Baldwi Registration no.: C10382 Address (firm name if applical NA 7. Mflr~~w,/R 1 cwi n nrrhi t.Prt.s : /r)l IIRII Sf __ - &VI('). Sin Dipnn. pp, 471 01 7s - 2. 8. Is the Library which operates the service in the proposed project involved in any other applications? Ye SEE HOW TO APPLY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL LSCA TITLE II CONSTRUCTION FUNDS, 19! Filing (receipt) deadline is Monday, June 28, 1993 ' This person should be available from July 5, 1993 until August 13, 1993. * For general library construction projects, the estimate must be prepared by an architect. For remodeling projects, 3 *If Yes, attach list showing the Library's priorities among them. Indicates required enclosure (unless obviously Not Applicable because of nature of project or local situation); in case inquire. Failure to enclose may void Application. To avoid confusion on the part of reviewers, please provide a enclosures, and label each enclosure to correspond with the requirement. simplest projects will require an architect. If an engineer is desired, State Library prior approval is required. * California Stat< LSCA 16 Sup] Pa e 0 3. PRESENT FACILITY (If none, explain in B.4. and D.3. below) 1. Year when built or latest addition: 1984 Total sq.ft. today: 34,600 If date above is 1982 or later, it is assumed that the facility complies with the Title 24 Access Con regulations adopted July 1, 1982. *If that assumption is not correct, enclose explanation. For Line 2. following: Handicapped access remodeling projects must provide at least .5 sq.ft. per c today (including any proposed addition to be built in conjunction with the handicapped a( remodeling). New buildings must provide at least that amount for 2013. For either, a lesser , standard formally adopted prior to December 1, 1992 will be accepted. 2. Square feet per capita. a. Handicapped access Projects: b. New buildings: (See attached explanation) Population today:37,198 Source:; Sq.ft./cap. 1.66 Population est. for 20134: Source: Sq.ft./cap: 3. If Line 2. above is less than .5 sq.ft./cap., what is that lesser standard adopted by the c jurisdiction" prior to Dec. 1, 1992?:- sq.ft./cap. When was that standard adopted? @ate)- *Documentation of the lesser standard and its adoption is encZosed?(Yes/No):- Facility and its location conforms to jurisdiction's enclosed long-range plan for library facilities plan has been reviewed or updated since the 1980 census. (Yes/No): NA (Per consultatic Cy Silver on 6/8/93. * 4. Not applicable due to nature of project.) *a. If site is known, provide: a. 1. Its location and secure availability, and a.2. The rationale for site selection (e.g., logical location, access, size, conforn long-range facilities plan, cost, ability to accommodate library growth). b. 1. The criteria to be used for site selection (e.g., those in 1.2 above, with informatior to the local situation), and b.2. The process, schedule etc. for site selection. *b. If new building and the site is not known, provide: 5. Name of nearest other public library facility of 7,500 sq.fi. or larger: OcPade Rlbl i CI T Distance9 mi - Size in sq.fi.: 30,000 Does it comply with ADA? (Yes/No):zs 4 If local estimates do not provide 2013 figures, use 2010 instead. ' "Operator jurisdiction" means the library operating the service, not necessarily the jurisdiction owning the facility. typically occurs in county systems, with a city-owned facility operated by the county library. * Indicates required enclosure (unless obviously Not Applicable because of nature of project or local situation); in case inquire. Failure to enclose may void Application. To avoid confusion on the part of reviewers, please provide a enclosures, and label each enclosure to correspond with the requirement. California Sta LSCA 16 Sui e 0 Pi I C. IF HANDICAPPED ACCESS REMODELING PROJECT: * 1. * 2. Library's self-evaluation plan adopted under ADA regulations 435.1056 is enclosed (Yes/No):- Provide the following if not included in the self-evaluation plan: (a) The list of interested persons consulted under the requirements of ADA regulation $35.105 (b) Information regarding how handicapped persons will, following the proposed remodeling, ga to the facility and its services, including but not limited to signage; parking; entrances; access 1 staff and collections; restrooms; drinking water and telephones. Attach sketches or other illust desired. * 3. Handicapped Access Remodeling Components form is enclosed (Yes/No):Es * 4. If the project also includes an addition (new construction) to bring facility up to sq.ft./cap. mi1 B.2. above, Outline Building Program (LSCA Form 32B) or comparable alternative is endost addition part of the project? (YedNo): NA Does the project make services available: (a) By agreement or plan among related libraries on a regional basis within a jurisdiction?(Yes/No):E, or (b) without such agreement or plan, in a large geographical area in which distances to other a facilities are comparable to or greater than those in (1) preceding?(Yes/No): "0 *If Yes for (a) or (b), provide documentation. 5. D. IF NEW BUILDING, ADDITION OR CONVERSION PROJECT: * 1. 2. Required Outline Building Program GSCA Form 32B) or comparable alternative is enclosed? (3 Total square feet needed by 2013 (from Step 8 of Outline Building Program): NA * 3. Statement describing current service deficiencies is enclosed' (Yes/No)RB 6 The plan under $35.105 is the responsibility of the "public entity", defined in ADA $201(1) as [** = omitted mate any ** local government; (B) any department, agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of a State * government; **". Authority to adopt such plan under California law lies with, for a municipal library, the Board of T such other authority as a charter city may provide; for a county library, the County Librarian or alternatively the Supervisors; and for an independent-special district library, its Board of Trustees. The 935.105 plan should, among other things, consider $35.150, which says in part: "Existing facilities. (a) A public entity shall operate each service, program, or activity so that the service, program, or activity, when viev entirety, is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. This paragraph does not - (1) Necessarily public entity to make each of its existing facilities accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities; ** - (b) Me General: A public entity may comply with the requirements of this section through such means as ** reassignment of z accessible buildings ** . " 7 If desired, enclose appropriate photographs or drawings. Indicates required enclosure (unless obviously Not Applicable because. of nature of project or local situation); in case inquire. Failure to enclose may void Application. To avoid confusion on the part of reviewers, please provide a enclosures, and label each enclosure to correspond with the requirement. * California Statf LSCA 16 Sup1 Pal 0 0 c E. PROJECT FINANCE 1. Eligible local' construction funds available now or expended on project since May 1, 1990: To Be Expended: (Round to neares a. Tax levy or General Fund: $ b. Bonds, amount authorized for this project only9: $ d. Revenue sharing/FHA: $ e. CDBG: $ f. Other eligible funds (specify) $ Already Expended Since May 1, 1990: g. Advance plans: $ h. Estimates: $ i. Site acquisition: $ j. Other (specify) +$ c. Accumulated capital improvement fund: $ 50,033 2. Sum of la. through lj.: $ 50,033 Line 2 is Local Funds for Match 3. Qther, non-eligible funds available (specify) +$ 4. Sum of Lines 2 + 3: $ 50,033 Line 4 is Total Funds Available for Project 5. LSCA requested: + $ 36,231 If access remodeling project, including any additions" needed to meet square foot minima, must be at least $15,000 unless main library in one-facility system serving 5,000 or fewer people. If new building unrelated to access remodeling, must be at least $25,000. Neither may exceed $630,000. 6. Sum of Lines 4 and 5 (= total funds needed): $ 86,264 7. Line 2 divided by line 5: 1.38 Line 6 Should Equal Line F.8 on Next Page Result must be at least 1.35". 8 FHA, Revenue Sharing, CDBG, state, local and donated moneys are considered "local" funds for LSCA purposes. 0th is considered non-local, and may not be included. Documented expenditures for staff involved in project planning and adm (e.g., portions of library director, public works and other staff), as well as other local expenditure (e.g., overhead; plantingr included. In-kind contributions are by definition not "expenditures", and may not be included. 9 Cost of bond sale may be included; cost of bond election is not eligible for inclusion. lo *If project includes an addition in conjunction with remodeling, attach description of how much is remodeling, how mucl I' That is, eligible local match for access remodeling must be at least 57.5% of project cost (excluding ineligible funds) and the general method used for estimating those two separate costs. California Stat, LSCA 16 Sup Pa F. ELIGIBLE PROJECT EXPENDITURES SINCE MAY 1,1990 AND ESTIMATED TO COMPLE (If project includes ADA remodeling, include in Lines F.1-F.8 all costs from Handicapped Access Refi Components form.) 0 e .. 1. Planning and architect's fees (including initial planning cost: $A Basis for fees: 12 % of construction or other (specify): 2. Site acquisition: $ 3. Site development *(if unusual costs, attach explanation): $ 4. 5. Construction (not including interiors even if in construction contract). Include cost of construction estimates if incurred.): $ 23,800 Interiors (including finishes, floor and window coverings, shelving, furnishings, public use microcomputer and facsimile equipment, built-in equipment, whether or not in construction contract): $ 30,865 6. Landscaping: $ 2,000 7. Other (specify) 25% continqency, loo/, contractqr I s + $ 20,499 8. overhead and profit: 7his Should Equal Line E.6 On Previous Page Sum of Lines 1 through 7 (= project cost): $A 9. If new building/addition/conversion (incl. any addition in conjunction with access remodeling project, to meet sq.ft./cap. requirements): a. Gross square footage to be built: b. Gross sq.Ft. In Outline Building Program, Form 32B: *If Line 9. a. Sq. Ft. above difiers from Form 32B by more than 15 % , attach explancrtion. c. Construction cost/sq.ft. (F.4. above divided by F.9.a. above): $ $ $ d. Local standard cost per sq.ft. for similar construction'2 or conversion: 10. If addition or remodeling is to be done in conjunction with non-eligible purpose (e.g., general rehabilitation project), cost of total project: Basis for determining the part eligible for LSCA (whose cost is the sum of Line E.2 plus E.5) Amounts on Linis-3 - 10 should be provided by the Architect or Engineer listed on Line A. 7 I' Architects may, at their option, use the OptionaI Method for Estimaring Public Library Construction Costs, with the ; materials. * Indicates required enclosure (unless obviously Not Applicable because of nature of project or local situation); in case inquire. Failure to enclose may void Application. To avoid confusion on the part of reviewers, please provide a enclosures, and label each enclosure to correspond with the requirement. California State LSCA 16 Sup€ 0 0 pag I. G. ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (Time periods for State Library review are from Calvornia Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 1, 516-304, by the State Librarian to the extent practicable for LSCA Title 11.) 1. For new buildings/additions/conversions, including access remodeling projects that include additions, date of submittal to State Library of: a. Complete building program and schematic drawings / (State Library will require 15 working days for review.) (State Library will require 15 working days for review.) (State Library will require 22 working days for review.) outline specifications: NA b. Preliminary drawings/specifications: A c. Working drawingsfspecifications: NA 2. For access remodeling projects not involving additions, indicate date of submittal to State Library of a. Schematic or preliminary drawingskpecs: - b. Working drawings/specifications: - (State Library will require 15 working days for review.) (State Library will require 22 working days for review.) 3. For all projects: a. Beginning date of construction: - b. Completion of construction, including installation of shelving and furnishings if not in construction contract: Jun. 30, 199 H. LOCAL FISCAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Local ordinances or regulations with regard to allocation of expenditures for construction to differe years when obligations carry from one fiscal year to another are: City Council, by budget resolution, carries forward capital construction fund from one year to the next. 2. Local accounts for construction purposes are on: cash basis accrual basis, bligation basis. (Circle ap phrase(s).) a SEE HOW TO APPLY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL LSCA TlTLE II CONSTRUmON FUNDS, 1993 California State Library LSCA 16 Suppl., 1993 Page 7 of 7 CERTIFICATION OF APPLICATION I certify to the best of my knowledge that the preceding application of the City of Carlsbad (name of jurisdiction) is true and complete. Upon approval of this application, design and construction of the project will begin promptly and be completed without unreasonable delay in accordance with the application. It is understood that all design documents will be subject to State Library approval, and that LSCA grant funds herein applied for are subject to receipt from the U.S. Department of Education. MARGARET STANTON PRINT NAME Mayor Pro Tern June 24, 1993 TITLE DATE Return this application and all other required application materials so they are received (not postmarked) by 4 p.m., Monday, June 28, 1993, at: Cy Silver - Title I1 Applications Library Development Services 1001 - 6th Street, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 SEE HOW TO APPLY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL LSCA 171zE II CONSTUUCI'TON FUNDS, 1993 FOR LIST OF ALL REQUIRED SUBMISSIONS \T2WPMATm\APPSUPP /? .P u? .Q 0 0 .. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, TITLE I1 PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT LIST OF ENCLOSURES 1. SQUARE FEET PER CAPITA EXPLANATION 2. LIBRARY’S SELF-EVALUATION PLAN AND LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA 3. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL (ADA Compliance Action Plan) 4. HANDICAPPED ACCESS REMODELING COMPONENTS FORM 5. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION ._ 0 0 \ ENCLOSURE 1 SQUARE FEET PER CAPITA EXPLANATION The current main library (24,600 square feet) serves a population base of 37,198, representing all but the Southeast Quadrant of the city. The current standard for library space, adopted by the City Council, is 0.8 square feet per capita. This standard, although currently not met, will be exceeded when the new main library in South Carlsbad is completed. At that time, the current main library will be designated a branch and will serve the northern half of the city. mvLbuaun - 0 0 HANDICAPPED ACCESS REMODELING COMPONENTS Note: Costs in this section are totally subsumed within, but may be less than, the work summarized on Lines F.1.-F. 8. on the Application Form &SCA 16 Suppl., 1993). Enter requirements for access remodeling for minimal compliance ,with the more restrictive of ADA, T. 24 or local code. In the second column, use Y/N or units, as indicated in italics at end of each line in first column. In the third column, enter a ballpark approximation of total cost in $1,000~; include directly associated finishes, repairs, etc. (not other remodeling / repairs, which are ineligible); omil ?, -- 0 0 EXHIBIT *. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT COMPLIANCE EVALUATION DECEMBER 1992 FACILITY SURVEY PARKING No deficiencies. STAIRS Tread nosings are not rounded or curved and do not project more than 1 1/2"past the step risers. Handrails do not extend at least 12" beyond the top step or have rounded ends and do not have extended sections parallel to the floor at the top step of the stair, or extend the depth of one tread plus 12" past the bottom step. Ends of handrailsare not rounded and do not return smoothly to the floor. Diameter or width of gripping surface of handrail is 1/4' too wide. DOORS No deficiencies. FLOORS No deficiencies. ACCESSIBLE ROUTES BETWEEN MAJOR PUBLIC SPACES No deficiencies. BOOK STACKS There are three points in the stacks where aisle space does not meet the minimur 36" space requirement. There are two points in the stacks with inadequate clear space of 36"-48l at the ends of the ranges for wheelchairs to turn corners. __ 0 0 -- SERVICE COUNTERS Branch library Children's Desk and Reference Desk are accessible. Branch circulation desk is 3" above the maximum allowable height. Main library Children's Desk, Circulation Desk, and Genealogy Desk are all accessbile. Reference Desk is 3" above allowable height. There is space to insert a lower service counter adjacent to this desk. SECURITY SYSTEM GATES No deficiencies. READING AND STUDY AREAS At least one of each type of fixed seating, tables, or study carrels is handicap accessible. However, there are some areas, especially in Genealogy, where the minimum 32'-36" passage is generally blocked by crowded tables and chairs. These areas will be cleared as needed by staff on duty to insure adequate wheelchair access. Tables and service counters have accessible tops between 28"-34" above the floor. The current exception is the Reference Desk, which needs a lower counter area with at least 19" for knee space. RESTROOMS Public restrooms are not handicap accessible. One restroom in the staff lounge has been partially converted for handicap access This restroom is located on an accessible route, although staff direction is required. Doorway to handicap restroom is 28l wide, which does not meet the 36" minimurr standard. Accessible stall should be at least 60" wide and 56" long. Stall meets the length standard but is only 35" wide. Stall is equipped with grab bars, but they are 25" long behind the toilet (should be 36") and 38l long on the side wall (should be 40"). Toilet seat is 16" above the floor instead of the required 17"-19". SINKS AND MIRRORS Hot water and drain pipes under sinks are not insulated or protected against -_ e 0. contact. Mirror is 46" high and does not meet the standard (no higher than 40" above the floor). Paper dispenser is 58l above the floor and needs to be remounted at no more than 48'. WATER FOUNTAINS Public water fountain is located outside the main entrance and is accessible by wheelchair. However, the spout is located 8" from the front edge of the unit and should be no more than 3". SIGNAGE Permanent signs for rooms and spaces are not in compliance. Major overhead signs are at least 80l above the floor but not all have letters at least 3" high. Permanent signs are not mounted at 60" above the floor, are not raised 1/32", and are not accompanied by Grade 2 Braille. ELEVATORS Elevator to public mezzanine is accessible and located on an accessible route. However, the call button is centered too high. Floor designators are centered at 54" above the floor (should be 60"). Door is supposed to hold open for 20 seconds if obstructed (only hold for 5 seconds). Elevator cab does not have adequate clear floor space of 54" by 68". Elevator control panel does not have buttons designated by Braille and does not provide a visual indicator. SAFETY ALARMS No deficiencies. PUBLIC TELEPHONE No deficiencies. 0 0 RESOURCES AND SERVICES Access to the library's resources and services was reviewed both by staff and by the following representatives of the disabled community: Richard Wooten (wheelchair bound) Charles Stillwell (deaf) Bill Seifert (blind) Equal access opportunities for the handicapped are reasonably available for the following basic library resources and services: 1. Book and Audiotape Collections a. b. Over 5,000 large type adult and children's books. Over 1,100 new Talking Book titles provided by the Braille Insitute in Los Angeles several times per year. 2. Videotapes Over 3,000 closed captioned videos with identification stickers on cases. 3. Reference Services a. b. Electronic print magnifier available. TDD (Telephonic Device for the Deaf) machine available. 4. Programs Signing available through Magnolia School's Communications Center for both adult and children's programs. 5. Shut ins Library's Homebound Program uses volunteers to deliver materials to patrons who are physically unable to get to the library. 6. Public Relations The following large print notice will be printed on all library flyers and newsletters: "The library provides reasonable access for people with disabilities to all basic resources and services.'' a 0 SUMMARY Correcting all deficiencies noted in this self-evaluation will provide equal access to all services and resources available at the Carlsbad City Library, including access to one of the following: entry, second floor mezzanine, drinking fountain, public restrooms, service counters, and permanent signage. Where access is limited or inconvenient, staff will provide all necessary assistance to retrieve materials, create space, or interpret resources. Handicap access to public restrooms is the major facility deficiency, one whicf has been listed by the city’s Facilities Maintenance Department as requiring an upgrade during any future renovation of the Cole Library. P .._ 0 w I/ -* CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUmS AGENDA 3:OO P.M. DECEMBER 16,1992 COUNCIL C0"CE RO( 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. 4. Library Board comments. 5. 1992-93 library budget update. 6. 7. 8. Media Services Division raphics overview -- Bill Richmond. 9. 10. DkectoJs Report. 11. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Cannon 12. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Watterson 13. SEW ADVISORY BOARD Cooper 14. Monthly librq division heads reports. Americans with Disabilities Act update. California Library Association 1992 Annual Conference report. Library video documentary: Carkbad City Library; Planning for a New Library. All persons requiring assistance or adary aids in order to effectively participate ma contact the library at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to arrange for reasonable accommodations. 15. PUBLIC COMMENT: . In conformance with the Brown Act, no Board discussion or action can OCCUT on item presented during Public Comment. 16. ADJOURNMENT. -- *. 3 g a 3 z5 z 0 I- 0 a =! o 5 0 0 - " Ut L-AHL3trAL.J - AW"9 BILL & AB # /I, 816 TITLE: DEP' MTG. 7/28/92 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT CITY CITY GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE POLICY DEPT. CM AND COMPLIANCE ACTION PIAN RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 92-2qo approving a grievance procedure policy and compliancc in response to the Americans with Disabilities Act. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides protection for the disabled against d in areas of employment, State and local government services, public accommoc telecommunications. Individuals are protected under the act if they have a physic( impairment that substantially limits a ''major life activity" such as walking, seeing, hearing performing manual tasks. Most local governments, including Carlsbad, are recipient financial assistance, and therefore, must already prohibit discrimination against the disabl Rehabilitation Act of 1973. ADA extends Rehabilitation Act regulations to all local gove includes some additional requirements. A task force has been formed to ensure that the City is in compliance with all ADA r Members of the task force have completed inspections of City facilities to determine wh are needed to ensure that the disabled have access to City services, programs and act alterations must be completed prior to January 26, 1995. Surveys have also been conduc comments from City employees and the public on what might be done, so that the Ci accommodate the disabled.Results of the inspections and surveys have been used tc Compliance Action Plan (included as Exhibit A to Resolution No.%-290) to meet the 1< The Compliance Action Plan does not commit the City to expend the amount of funds id plan. The estimated amounts listed in the plan would fund improvements to mee requirements by physically modifying the facilities. There are other alternative means compliance which may not necessarily require all of those alterations listed in tht completed. Staff will evaluate those alternatives before they return to Council with recoi for appropriating funds. A City Council Policy (included as Exhibit B to Resolution No. crL-%cio ) to establi procedures has also been drafted to address complaints related to the City's compliar requirements. The policy is designed to resolve allegations of non-compliance on an it whenever possible and filing of a written grievance does not preclude such an informal The Act also requires an evaluation of all services, programs and activities be conducte 26, 1993 to determine how the disabled as being accommodated, or what actions nee1 to do so. All City departments are currently conducting evah I-+ms. Results of those eb be compiled into a report which will be made available lu . Jblic and submitted tl review. FISCAL IMPACT: It will cost approximately $973,800 to complete the modifications to City facilities necessi with ADA requirements. There may be other acceptable methods for meeting ADA requiu would reduce the amount of funds necessary for complying with the act. Staff will 2 alternative compliance strategies before any substantial expenditures are proposec consideration. I -_ U w, Page Two of Agen d ,A No. /I: 8 16 *. The ADA Task Force and Finance Department staff are exploring alternative sources ( funding the projects, including the Capital Improvement Program, City Operating Budge General Fund Reserves, and Community Development Block Grants. The City could fac possible fines, court actions, or loss of federal funds if it does not comply with the act. Although Federal tax incentives are available for the private sector to recover some of th costs incurred as a result of complying with the act, local and state governments do nc have any means of recovering such costs. Council may wish to encourage Congression representatives to introduce legislation which would allow state and local governments 1 be reimbursed for some or all of those costs. EXHl B ITS: 1. Resolution No. 9k-29 0 -_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I' 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 w RESOLUTION NO. 92-240 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A POLICY IMPLEMENTING GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES AND A COMPLIANCE ACTION PLAN FOR MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. WHEREAS, The United States Congress has enacted the Americans with bisab Act (the "Act") to provide a national mandate for the elimination of discrimination again individuals with disabilities; and WHEREAS, the Act requires public entities to disseminate information to applici participants, beneficiaries and other interested parties to inform them of the rights and protections afforded by the Act; and WHEREAS, the Act requires public entities to designate an employee responsil ensuring that their organization complies with the Act, establish a grievance procedurr assist individuals in resolving complaints and establish an action plan to describe hov facilities will be altered to provide access for disabled individuals; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlst California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Manager is hereby designated as the employee responsit ensuring that the City complies with the Act and that the City Manager may delegate so long as the name, title and location of the responsible employee is posted so that individual with a complaint can easily locate the person. 3. That the Americans with Disabilitie- Compliance Action Plan attact- Exhibit A, which identifies facilities in need of modification to meet Americans with Di: Act requirements, is approved, and physical or other remedial measures will be taker ensure the City is in compliance with the act. /I/ 111 Ill -.. '_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 '1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 w 4. That City Council Policy Number 52, Grievance Procedure Policy for Ail of Non-Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act, attached as Exhibit B, is appr PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad C Council held on the 28thday of JULY , 1992 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard f ,,/ $@----k / y[( /r I $4 1 UUDE A. LEWIcMayor ATTEST: ta k. bc?Gz% ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk \ (SEAL) txniDit A ,- 0 W .- . =* CFN OF CARLSBAD AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT COMPLIANCE ACTION PLAN President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 1990 and its provisions went into effect on January 26, 1992. The act provides comprehensive civil rights protection to the disabled in the areas of employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, and telecommunications. An individual is considered to be disabled and protected under the act if they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, or performing manual tasks. An ADA Task Force has been established to ensure that the City of Carlsbad complies with ADP requirements. An evaluation of all City services, programs, and activities is being conducted tc determine how disabled individuals are accommodated or how they can be accommodated ii the future. A report on the findings of the evaluation will be completed and made available to thc public prior to January 26,1993. City of Carlsbad facilities have also been inspected to determini what alterations are needed for them to meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Thi necessary alterations are listed on the attached pages along with the estimated costs and yea in which each project will be completed. City employees and the public have also been surveyed to identify how the City can bettc accommodate the disabled. Suggestions obtained through the surveys, and responses to thos suggestions from the ADA Task Force, are summarized below: A number of survey respondents commented on the fact that there is no handicapped parkir or access to City Hall from the main parking lot. Handicapped parking and access is providE in the smaller parking lot in the rear of the building. There is a sign indicating this in the ma parking lot. A larger sign will be installed to provide better notice concerning where tt handicapped parking is located. Several suggestions concerned modifications to restrooms and public telephones in City faciliti to make them more accessible to disabled individuals. Restrooms will be modified to bet! accommodate the disabled as outlined on the attached pages and the ADA Task Force h requested that the telephone company install phones for the disabled. Two survey respondents suggested that more citations be issued to those illegally utilizi handicapped parking areas. The Police Department has been notified of problem areas indicat in the survey responses. A group of su-ons concerned equipment that could be installed in the library to be accommodate patrons with vision impairments. The library has recently installed a print magni which was suggested, but will not be able to provide a speech synthesizer for the on-line sea system as suggested because it is not compatible with the INLEX system currently being us A telephone device for the deaf (TDD) will also be installed in the library and the current eleVS will be renovated, or replaced, to meet ADA requirements as part of the future library renovati ... a m r . ADAACTIONPLAN .- . Page 2 .e One respondent suggested that employment messages for the hearing impaired be provided. The Human Resources Department is currently evaluating the most effective method for providing this service. One group of suggestions concerned the development of a procedure for evaluating requests for service or accommodation and establishment of lists of employees or others who use sign language or other types of services which departments might need to utilize in serving the disabled. The Task Force has begun identifying the sources of such services and will develop the procedure and lists as suggested. Several respondents suggested that automatic doors be installed in City facilities. This modification is not required by ADA regulations and the cost of doing so is prohibitive at thk time. \ a- 0 w , *- K I I I I 9 In m ;* In ? 9 I? ? d T CJ m 'm m CJ d m iOI l! &g * OI 82 $E z E! :E E ta I I I I m !g q =VI * VI 93 3 OI s o\ p $8 z z 2 z ;z I I* T CIJ ? T m I 0 0 0 to I 0- 0 0 0 IO eg 8 % s IO :z + c3 81 ? 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