HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-22; City Council; 12283; APPEAL OF A TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO NOT PROVIDE ON-STREET PARKING ON CAMINO DE LOS COCHESI- v OMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO NOT The Traffic Safety Commission recommends that the appeal of their recomrnenda not provide on-street parking at Stagecoach Park on Camino De Los Coches be c cdu 0 At their meeting of May 3,1993, the Traffic Safety Commission considered a citizen r to have the existing striping on Camino De Los Coches at Stagecoach Park modi permit on-street parking. The request was initiated due to numerous events t Stagecoach Park that utilize all available on-site parking spaces. When this ha1 illegal parking in red zones or handicap parking spaces occurs. On other occasion: large numbers of vehicles are expected, the event organizer obtains a Special Permit. The associated traffic control plan requires the event promotor to cover e. NO PARKING signs on Camino De Los Coches and provide other traffic control d so that on-street parking can be permitted. Implementation of the traffic control I time consuming and most often is not implemented properly. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended to the Traffic Safety Comrr that on-street parking be permitted on Camino De Los Coches from the westerly p lot serving Stagecoach Park and continuing easterly to Via Calendo. The Corn recommended that the existing striping on Camino De Los Coches be modified be the above limits to eliminate one traffic lane in each direction. By eliminating two four traffic lanes, the road could be restriped to permit on-street parking on both si Camino De Los Coches, between the recommended limits, provide a bicycle lane it direction, provide one traffic lane in each direction, and leave the existing striped n dY s FI Q =tau oma, Q u.4 ac4J.G hclw *rlao 0 ad a - Mall+ m *- +J & -4 5 dm 00 cd a,w dC The Traffic Safety Commission recommended, by a 3-1 vote, that on-street parking permitted on Camino De Los Coches via a restriping of the roadway. The Commissi not believe a serious parking shortage existed at this time and that the Special Permit process was a mechanism to permit on-street parking on a case-by-case Additionally, the Commission was concerned with safety problems that might resull street parking were allowed adjacent to the bicycle lanes. To restripe the road in a new striping configuration would first require removal existing striping on Camino De Los Coches. One of the most cost-effective wi u o(dw accomplish this would be to chip seal the roadway. The Utilities and Mainte ca ?G 0 alw acd Department will be initiating the 1993 Chip Seal Program in July. A change order be written to that contract to install the necessary chip seal and restriping of Cami Los Coches if the on-street parking were approved. However, the Utilitie: Maintenance Department will be receiving road rating results for Camino De Los C within several weeks. A different treatment to the roadway surface may be recornmi other than a chip seal. JJCuUUaM a, a, .rl amducl a, -4dm O? m acl uw (d (d m 1 'L \ e 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 1 R! Zs-3 FISCAL IMPACT: A chip seal and restriping of the subject segment of Camino De Los Coches is esti to cost $20,000. If the City Council upholds the appeal, staff must return at a latc with documents to approve the necessary funding of this project and authorize the I to be initiated. EXHIBITS: 1. Location map. 2. Appeal Form dated May 7, 1993. 3. Traffic Safety Commission Staff Report dated May 3, 1993. 4. Minutes of the May 3, 1993 Traffic Safety Commission meeting. 7 1 1 LOCATION MAP 0 a I A. PARKING 8.eA~fS~ cB*LLFIM a RESTROOM E. BASK- aflcMc- nwNAtARU 1. R€CrncUunnQ - J. ms corn n m0Mm L qyMNAsnmI couyDlpl BLOQ M vom N.mml- F. PUY - EX PROJECT NAME: STAGECOACH PARK i I' 1 0 *+* . a <,I f (\,-c TQZPHC - - @?*&45 ?' * . -7 cfq 3. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Oi'lica of !he City Clerk ' I1 L. - ,-; .b tI -- L Mitg of (aarlslrtlb -Ic.32j APPEAL FORH I (Me) appeal the following decision of the rn6 -L 5- cbYM/G,qd to the City Counc Project Name and Number (or subject of appeal): dn/ 4-e -d'i e (fm &daw w I 4Gz&m&m &&vu&- &v2+w& Date of Decision: d- 343 Reason for Appeal: 4€?dcu*#l4&/04wb#4 dAGdU& mmc & d/A/ce rc &&" &UC# DWZ m4-mdffls&u& m? -14 fi - z2m&dm&u* sew 77/ 1c&Av#4ssAsw e i7iiii/3-/J M m && #M &@Jd&$m/c9 md&d-L * m m mszr am 7YZ 51.7093 Date e'rr/zu -4- 64. udr6rr7 35,9mtr7rc@cc/3 Name (Please Print) &a#* yuJW 6*=-p*d Sd- a/ GM4* SF/??? rz;;G06- &a6-/- & 4$' 8gm-W Address P- - ?,y2cu 6+44~- ~33 Sdd& -&!if &w a~~e~~' Telephone Number &?#&/r mw H4M m 6w4d 72, - W' 0 a '1 t. NOTICE WE NEED YOUR HELP! The City of Carlsbad Police Department and Parks and Recreation Department,The La Costa Over 35 Club,The La Costa Youth organization, and the La Costa - Leucadia Soccer Club are requesting your assistance. We all understand that parking at Stage Coach park is a problem during times of peak activities. However, for public safety reason, parking in marked R@d Z~,moa must be avoided. There has been some recent controversy regarding this issue and the above listed groups have joined together in an effort to solve the problem. We all understand that this is not a quick fix situation, however, we are looking at some possible solutions. In the mean time we must ask that you avoid parking in the R@@ Zm@8 for any reason. The Police department will be keeping a close eye on the problem, and violators will be cited for violations. It is our desire that we all work together to solve this problem, and your cooperation will go a long way in making the Park a safer place to enjoy. d@;/P %s I) 1 4 0 0 CITY OF CARISBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT COMMISSION MEETING OF: May 3, 1993 ITEMNO. 6A LOCATION: Camino De Los Coches INITIATED BY: Citizen representative for groups using Stagecoach Park. REQUESED ACTION: Provide on-street parking on Camino De Los Coches to serv Stagecoach Community Park. BACKGROUND: Stagecoach Park was opened in 1986 to the public and serves as a regional par1 Environmental constraints and preservation of historical artifacts limited the numbe of parking spaces constructed onsite to 240 total spaces in three parking lot (Exhibit 1). On occasion, all of the parking spaces are occupied and illegal parkin occurs in the parking lot or vehicles use the surrounding vacant parcels of land c adjacent residential streets to park. This item was previously discussed at th January 7, 1991 Traffic Safety Commission meeting. At that meeting, the Traffi Safety Commission recommended, by a 3-0 vote with one abstention, that on-strec parking on Camino De Los Coches not be implemented. DATA: Camino De Los Coches is designated as a secondary arterial roadway on th Circulation Element of the City of Carlsbad. The roadway is currently striped as secondary arterial with bicycle lanes, four traffic lanes and a painted median tlx provides a left turn lane at intersecting streets and driveways. However, Camin De Los Coches is not shown on the City of Carlsbad Bicycle Route Map in th Circulation Element. When large groups of park visitors are expected to attend an event at Stagecoac Park, on-street parking is permitted if the event organizer obtains a Special Ever permit. This permit has a traffic control plan attached that indicates which of th NO PARKING signs are to be covered. BIKE LANE CLOSED signs are installed o barricades and park visitors are allowed to park adjacent to Stagecoach Park in th bicycle lane and partially into the Number 2 traffk lane. Upon completion of th event, the signs must be uncovered by the event organizer and the NO PARKIN( zone is then back into effect. Location 200’ e/o RSF 400’ e/o RSF 200’ s/o LCA 100’ s/o LCA 200’ e/o RSF 300’ e/o RSF Date Direction of Travel Volume 3/11/93 Eastbound 1,344 3/11/93 Westbound 1,372 4/12/90 Northbound 613 4/12/90 Southbound 743 4/12/90 Eastbound 1,196 4/12/90 Westbound 1,327 a 0 TRAFFIC SAFETY coMh4IssIoN staff Report COMMISSION MEETING OF: May 3,1993 -NO. 6A (Continued) Due to relatively low traffic volumes on Camino De Los Coches at this time, thc TSCC could support the removal of one traffic lane in each direction to provide on street parking adjacent to Stagecoach Park on both sides of the roadway withi certain limits. Bicycle lanes would remain. However, the Traffic Safe: Coordinating Committee recommends that four traffic lanes and bicycle lanes remai at the intersections of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue and that thi existing NO PARKING zone remain on either side on these four-lane segments o Camino De Los Coches. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that the following action be initiated to implement on-street parking on Camino De Los Coches. 1. Remove one traffic lane in each direction on Camino De Los Coche from the entrance to the westerly parking lot of Stagecoach Park an( continue easterly to approximately Via Calendo. Lane geometrics 01 Camino De Los Coches at the intersections of RSF and LCA would no change. Within the on-street parking segment referenced in Number 1, provid two eight-foot wide parking lanes, two five-foot wide bicycle lanes two fourteen-foot wide traflic lanes and one ten-foot wide paintec median as shown on Exhibit 3, Alternative 2. The removal of the existing striping be accomplished by a chip seal c the roadway. The City Council may need to approve the cos appropriation. It is estimated that curb to curb chip seal from th westerly parking lot that serves Stagecoach Park to Via Calendo wi cost approximately $15,000 plus re-striping costs. The chip seal be implemented by change order to the contract to b administered by the Utilities and Maintenance Department beginnin, at the end of Summer 1993. This chip seal contract has beel authorized to bid, however, Camino De Los Coches is not on the lis of streets to receive a chip seal. If four traffic lanes are required on the entire segment of Camino D Los Coches in the future, on-street parking shall be removed an( bicycle lanes shall remain. Operational or safety problems on th roadway or the need to meet the performance standard for circulatioi in the Growth Management Plan are several reasons why re implementation of four traffic lanes would be necessary. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 e TRAFmc SAFEn COMMISSION StaffRepOrt COMMSSION MEETING OF: May 3,1993 ITEMNO. 6A (Continued) NECESSARY CITY COUNCIL ACI'ION: Approval of on-street parking and removal of traffic lanes will require approval b the City Council. Depending upon the bids received for the chip seal, the Cit Council may need to appropriate funds for the chip seal. RECEIVED - m: CITY OF CARLSBAO PROJECT NAME: STAGECOACH PARK EX , L E X I S T I N G S T R I P I N G C 0 N F I G U R A T I i? P\ CURB & GUTTER 1 I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I 5’ 11’ 1 11’ 10’ 11’ I 11’ 5’ I I I I I I I ! I ar I Z w W H VZ z c7 Z IZ W <I_] i <I? w W -I- ‘0 G t G G Z GIG -1G GILJ- H 6 WIW +I W a w x n Z a _I W Y ffi _J 0 0 i Z a _I W 1L a- a I- ffi H 0 H a a 1- +I II H QLIW PROJECT NAME: CAMINO DE LOS COCHES EXHIBI ALTERNATIVE 1 2 8’ W Z a 1 U Z H vw wY a c1 I 5’ 14’ 10’ 14’ 5’ 8’ Z W W a P, Z Z W a < W -I 2c i W -I Z Z p1 0 a U _1 Z w a 0 G J G t- G G W 1L aF a IrL a Z a aF H <c CL t- D II_ CY H W z a H H H H H p? t- PROJECT NAMEi CAMINO DE LOS COCHES ALTERNATIVE 2 EXHIB 3 8’ w Z a _I 13 Z H yw uY 6 CL I I I I I I I I I I l a I 5’ 14’ 10’ 11’ 1 11’ 5’ Z W H w W a W a a Z n Z Iz W -I 2 1 IJ W Z Z a _I 10 a 0 r7 0 _I H w H G i-- G ILL- W Y 1% G Z G < H a U DL a CY IW H n m t tl D t- Q PROJECT NAME: CAMINO DE LOS COCHES ALTERNATIVE 3 EXHIBI 4 I I ~ I I 20/ I 11’ I w I a I I I I I I Z 1 13 z Y w a W CL z a H ca IJ G ‘LL 0 0 G G a c4i t- a aF t- H H I I i I I I 1 13’ 11’ 1 12’ I I I I I I a I 17 zl z H W W W Z a <I _I P, 0 10 H Hl G G1 a +I 2 _I W I- G Z H 6 CL G aF I- a WI PROJECT NAME: CAMINO DE LOS COCHES ALTERNATIVE 4 EXHIB 5 \ . 0 e May 3, 1993 TRAFFIC SAFW COMMISSION Page 2 PREVIOUS BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson reported that the Avenida Encinas 35 m.p.h. prima facie speed limit ordinance was adoptec by the Council. NEW BUSINESS: A. Staqecoach Park - Citizen Request to Establish On-street Parking on Camino De Los Coches Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using transparencies to show the Location Map and the foL Alternatives as contained in the packet. He stated that this item was discussed by the Traffi Safety Commission at the January 7, 1991, meeting. At that time, the Commission recommende that on-street parking on Camino De Los Coches not be implemented. Mr. Johnson indicated the two parking lots shown on the transparency, and stated that 24 parking spaces are provided in Stagecoach Park. However, when events occur at the Park wher there is a large crowd, the parking overflows out onto the street. Also, there are times when ba games are in progress on the fields and there are events in the gymnasium, and this also result in a parking problem in the Park. Mr. Johnson stated that when there is parking on the street, this causes an enforcement probler as far as the Police Department to write tickets because there is no parking allowed on the stree This also becomes a public relations problem, as the people ticketed then complain to the Cit officials and state they are being discriminated against because they are given tickets for illeg: parking on the street. Mr. Johnson referred to the memorandum contained in the packet wher the events are listed for Stagecoach Park. Ms. Bettin stated that there are ten to twenty date throughout the year where multiple events are going on in the Park and community center, wit the parking lots filled for a period of time. However, Mr. Johnson stated that there are other time when the parking becomes a problem, and there is no way to determine when that will happer due to the multiple events that are occurring at the same time in the Park. Special Events permits are obtained from the Police Department, and Sgt. Metcalf is in charg of those permits. When those permits are issued, the users are given a set of rules to follow wit regard to covering the NO PARKING signs on the street and putting up BIKE LANE CLOSE1 signs. Not all event organizers are aware of the Special Events permits, or do not anticipate th crowd in advance. Also, there are times when the sign covering and posting are not proper1 done by the organizers of events. Mr. Johnson reviewed the four Alternatives suggested, and stated that the Traffic Safet Coordinating Committee recommended the following actions to implement on-street parking o Camino De Los Coches: . 1. Remove one traffic lane is each direction on Camino De Los Coches from the entranc to the westerly parking lot of Stagecoach Park and continue easterly to approximately Vi Calendo. Lane geometrics on Camino De Los Coches at the intersections of RSF an LCA would not change. Within the on-street parking segment referenced in Number 1, provide two eight-foot wid parking lanes, two five-foot wide bicycle lanes, two fourteen-foot wide traffic lanes (on each direction) and one ten-foot wide painted median. 2. 1 4 I e 0 May 3, 1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. The removal of existing striping be accomplished by a chip seal of the roadway. The Cit! Council may need to approve the cost appropriation, It is estimated that curb to curt chip seal from the westerly parking lot that serves Stagecoach Park to Via Calendo wil cost approximately $1 5,000, plus re-striping costs. The chip seal be implemented by change order to the contract to be administered by thc Utilities and Maintenance Department beginning at the end of summer, 1993. This chi1 seal contract has been authorized to bid; however, Camino De Los Coches is not on thc list of streets to receive a chip seal. If four traffic lanes are required on the entire segment of Camino De Los Coches in thc future, on-street parking shall be removed and bicycle lanes shall remain. Operation: or safety problems on the roadway or the need to meet the performance standard fc circulation in the Growth Management Plan are several reasons why re-implementation of four traffic lanes would be necessary. 4. 5. Mr. Johnson stated this was the same conclusion reached by the Traffic Safety Goordinatins Committee two years ago; that on-street parking should be permitted. Mr. Johnson stated that the traffic projections for that area indicate that there will be no need fo four lanes of traffic any time in the near future, and the Coordinating Committee wanted that tc be clear. Commissioner Green inquired about the proposed shopping center to be located at thc intersection of Camino De Los Coches and Rancho Santa Fe Road, and Mr. Johnson replied tha it would be a neighborhood commercial area and would not generate enough traffic to changt the projected traffic numbers to require four lanes. He explained that the ingress and egress fo that shopping area would be from Camino De Los Coches, and the entrance would be in the four lane portion of the roadway. Mr. Johnson explained that there would be no parking allowed ir front of the two entrances to the Park. Commissioner Green expressed concern about the illegal parking in the handicapped spaces anc red curb areas and the fact that people consider that a problem. He said those people shoulc not park in those areas, and if they do and get a ticket, they certainly should not complain. Sgt. Metcalf stated that the problem occurs because the Police Department does not have enough manpower to monitor those areas all the time. Therefore, when citations are issued, the people complain to the Mayor, City Manager, etc. The Police Department is made out to be the "bad guys' because they don't issue tickets all the time to every offender. The Police try tc explain that when offenders don't get cited, they 'got lucky", but quite often those people say they are being 'picked on". Also, many of the groups are non-profit groups, and there are no funds to pay for a Special Events permit. (Sgt. Metcalf stated many times he receives a personal check from one of the people requesting a Special Events permit.) Sgt. Metcalf stated that the mair problem is that there are just too many people and not enough Police. Commissioner Green suggested a $1 00 or $200 deposit from people obtaining a Special Events permit to ensure they cover the signs properly. Sgt. Metcalf stated that most of the groups woulc not have that kind of money to spend. 1 e e May 3, 1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Green inquired about painting crosswalks, and Mr. Johnson replied that thc Committee discussed that; but the crossing of the street would be random. The Committee dic not believe that a crosswalk would facilitate all the people going to a certain location to cross tht street. Therefore, they did not recommend crosswalks. The volumes of traffic on the street art very low, and people will cross at the spot where they have parked. Mr. Johnson stated that when the high school is built across the street from Stagecoach Park there will be a traffic signal installed. Staff is trying to get the high school to line up their drivewa with the entrance to Stagecoach, to allow a signal to be installed, and when the signal is installec crosswalks will be installed. Commissioner Stachoviak inquired about a deposit or fee for Special Events permits, and Sg' Metcalf replied there are two different permits; one for Special Events and one for events requirin! traffic control. There is a $25 processing fee--and no other fees. There would be a Park permit exclusive of traffic control plans. Robin Bettin explained that the ten to twenty dates referred to in her memorandum are when therc are games being played on the outside fields and events in the gymnasium, with short period: of time when there is heavy congestion in the Park. She stated that staff is working with thc different groups to get complete schedules of any special events they have planned during thei season of play in the Park. It does not occur to those groups that they should have a traffic control plan in place. Commissioner Stachoviak inquired about the cost of the chip seal and re-striping, complete, an( Mr. Johnson stated that it would cost approximately $20,000. Commissioner Stachoviak commented about the signs not being put up properly by the users o Special Events permits, and Sgt. Metcalf stated the Police Department does not furnish tht materials necessary to cover the existing signs. When this has not been properly done, the Polia Department meets with the group later and explains what was wrong. He added that usually thi: only happens the first time a group is responsible for covering the signs. Commissioner Fuller inquired again about the chip seal for this street, and was concerned tha this would have to be done to re-stripe the street. Mr. Johnson stated that this street was chi1 sealed approximately in 1988, and would not normally be scheduled for any work for five to ter years. Commissioner Fuller stated that when the high school is built, the students would probably be parking on the street, and Mr. Johnson concurred. Mr. Fuller asked whether there is a Permii Inspector, and Mr. Johnson answered that there are no inspectors, only public works inspectors The cost of permits was discussed again, with Mr. Johnson stating that the Special Event: Committee has discussed that, but the cost cannot be increased. The City Council wants to keer permit costs as low as possible, to provide a service to the citizens. Also, staff time would bc required to monitor the permit users, and there is not the manpower available. Money collectec on permits goes into the General Fund and any expenses by different departments has to com6 out of their budgets and is not re-imbursed. I 0 0 May 3, 1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Fuller asked Ms. Bettin how much parking is needed, and she replied that or weekends, if the plan recommended by the Coordinating Committee is implemented, that woulc be sufficient. Commissioner Fuller said that there would be less traffic safety with the recommendation of thc Coordinating Committee; there would also be conflicts with bicycles and parked cars; there woulc be children running across the street to get to the Park, and for those reasons he had doubt: about supporting the recommendation. Chairman Blake stated that when permits for special events are obtained, there should be materia given to them concerning what they are obligated to do with regard to putting up signs anc covering signs. Ms. Bettin stated that Sgt. Metcalf and she are working on developing a list of special events within the different leagues and organizations and an annual schedule. Most of those people do not notify Parks and Recreation or the Police Department when they have a special event, not realizing that they might be creating a traffic problem at that time. Mr. Johnson stated that those groups are not tuned in to the traffic aspects, and do not anticipate the size of the crowds. think about all aspects of an event and any special problems they may create. David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, in reply to Commission query, stated that if the Traffic Safety Commission denied this request, the matter would probably return to the Parks anc Recreation Commission, where the item originated at the request of two Commissioners. Mr. Johnson added that if this Commission denies the request, staff would need to decidc whether to take this forward as a staff report to the City Council for a final decision, or let the matter go and wait to see if the proponents would pay the $120 to appeal the matter. He saic that staff could bring the matter forward, and Mr. Bradstreet may want to take it back to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Stachoviak stated he could not vote for re-striping the roadway at this time, anc felt the parking should be left as it is now. Commissioner Green concurred with Commissioner Stachoviak and said the recommended alternative could be considered in the future, when the high school is built. Commissioner Fuller stated he could not support the request because of the reduction of traffic safety. Chairman Blake stated he had felt there was a need for the four lanes of traffic. However, Mr. Johnson had said this would not be a problem for many years, if ever, and so he could supporl the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee. i The people putting those schedules together need to be educated tc e 0 May 3, 1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) ACTION: Chairman Blake made a motion to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to provide on-street parking on Camino De Los Coches. Commissioner Fuller seconded the motion to allow a vote. AYES: Blake NOES: Fuller, Green and Stachoviak Motion was defeated. Commissioner Green stated he was disappointed that this Commission had to make a decisior because the people that take out permits don’t administer their responsibilities correctly. Mr. Johnson stated that staff wanted it to be very clear that it is not just the people pulling Specia Events permits that cause the problem--there are a number of smaller groups that show up at thc same time and the overflow parking occurs. Also, this Commission is advisory to the Council, anc your recommendation was necessary to get the matter to the City Council, if it is appealed. Mr. Bradstreet stated he would inform the two Parks and Recreation Commissioners of the Traffic Safety Commission decision and if they want it to return to the Parks and Recreation Commission they could write a letter, or appeal it to the City Council. Mr. Johnson added that the Parks and Recreation Commission may recommend that staff tak’ the matter to the City Council. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Stachoviak stated that on Carlsbad Boulevard by the Army and Navy Academy th landscaping in the median grows very quickly and creates a sight problem at Cypress. Mr. Johnson answered that the median was trimmed a year ago, and a work order has been issued fc it to be trimmed now. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: No report. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of May 3, 1993, was adjourned at 4:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, $?dl /& $&/ Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 0 0 .I a <I jW@ 85, 1983 - TIpy-- %>-?=- LJ.Z - s-22 c -3: I 0 0 ,* *I g-=&F'%$&$ p & CpAEfi =J Y %SA3 bas- =?asefLPpY .= --- - - 2 md %;Q>l;al -mj=&ers :: i & __r z3E3z= a>--. y3- 9-r 'SP-7 sisi i n__ .?cz-: = %WFZ .-: - - -~~ 3 i aa3:- -ii gppPuz -- ye;"rg Q - 32 c "j g, g.3 4 p-p$ - i -'y ---- .- 0 0 r3 %, YOU CAN HELP AND WE NEED YOUR HELP TO SOLVE OUR PARKING PROBLEM AT STAGECOACH PARK FIELDS 2 & 3 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFlC ENGINEER, POLICE DEPARTMENT, PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT AND OFFiCIALS OF THE LA COSTA YOUTH AND THE LA COSTA 35 ATHLETIC CLUB CAME UP WITH A GREAT SOLUTION TO SOLVE THE PARKING PROBLEM AT STAGECOACH PARK THE SOLUTION CALLS FOR CHANGING THE STRIPING AND ALLOWING PARKING ON CAMINO DE LOS COCHES AS INDICATED BY THE DIAGRAM ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS NOTICE. LCYO, LmAC AND PARKS AND REC. WILL THEN WORK TO GET STEPS ON TIW BANK BEHIND THE SNACK SHACK FOR EASY ACCESS TO THE NEW PARKING. THE SOLUTION RECOMMENDED BY ALL OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED PARTIES WAS REJECTED BY THE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE ON MAY 3, 1993 BY A VOTE OF 3-1. ON MAY 7, 1993, JOHN STRAYER FILED AN APPEAL ON THE DECISION, TO THE CITY COUNCIL. THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD BY THE COUNCIL ON TUES., .TUNE 15. 1993 AT 6 PM AND WE NEED YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES THERE TO LET TIW COUNCIL KNOW THAT YOU WANT A SOLUTION TO THE PARK PARKING PROBLEM. WE HAVE HAD SOME HASSLES WITH OUR POLICZ DEPARTMEW OVER PARKING AT STAGECOACH AND BOTH WE AND THEY I#IN’T WANT IT TO CONTINUE. BY CITY CODE AND LAW, WE CAN NOT PARK IN OR CHANGE THE RED ZONES. THE RECOMMENDED PARKING STRIPING IS LOCATED IN OTHER AREAS OF OUR CITY, WE KNOW OUR MAYOR AND COUNCIL WANT TO HELP SOLVE OUR PROBLEM, BUT WE NEED YOU THERE TO LET THE COUNCIL KNOW YOU WANT A SOLUTION. YOU DON’T NEED TO SPEAK UNLESS YOU WANT TO, AS WE HAVE SEVERAL SPEAKERS. YOUR PRESENCE IS VERY IMPORTANT. PLEASE BE THERE ON JUNE 15. FOR BETTER PARKING AT STAGECOACH 2 TRAFFIC LANES, 2 BIKE LANES, 2 PARKING LANES CURB ti GUTTER 0 0 XI .P 1 ELEI 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 4: Office ai fhe City Clerk attu Df aklrtsbab r APPEAL FORH I (we) appeal the following decision of the me -L 5- csbWM/G.c/d to the City Cou v Project Name and Number (or subject of appeal): 4.N c(nzic&r -43 &h? 6/.%V6&4rsrcc/ -- &%“UM/?Wt9 &id& - emcee Date of Decision: SH 343 Reason for Appeal: &?dCQm,24&J0-~& d$=dU& m-c w b/A/6&7 4 dH& &UCG DW.Z Is-& - M4 daw P~OW!!d~Zp rnL&&ZtL - &g &wu mGzr urn me w E ~M#JSS~& ei7iii /3-/J ZUK &&-msflsd‘we m €-/e I / sm6&?!?!w - UK rnm7M&t3~ 6 7-93 Date &T/ZU Rve 7 fid. ~&~7;~3 3.~’97y~.rU?~&uf3 Name (Please Print) a/ Gm4* w *,yZu, 7277.2 4 x SMATfl G&&- &Ze,* yww u@iw-++P@~ &&67??/2 AL sd- dbmew Address /&L 6sd F- x(614-4s- TG1 e$bw-Wmhr /v&t#&@,r %?/H A/-- d3z2w 6M/ccl ;7a - sdw /q&7fz& &x? audcoA* e 4 0 0 .a.i 1 # F R@@ Z@rn@8 nd that this I B all work B ration will r place to angoy. - I June 10,1993 Mr. John B. Strayer 2001 Cima Court Carlsbad, CA 92009 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION (TSC) MEETING OF MAY 3,1993 Your appeal of the TSC recommendation regarding on-street parking at Stagecoach Pi considered at the referenced meeting has been scheduled to be discussed at the City Cour meeting of June 22,1993. You and/or other interested citizens can address the City Council this matter by filling out a Request to Speak form at the meeting. The meeting begins at 6: p.m. and is held at the City Council Chambers located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. Thank you. PJ++y&wQ,&- ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Traffic Engineer RTJ:rz c: City Manager Community Development Director City Engineer City Clerk Parks & Recreation Director 2075 Las Palmas Dr. - Carlsbad, CA 92009-1 576 - (61 9) 438-11 61 FAX (61 9) 438-08 " *idb ;j-$) 4s7i"'-p 5 c 13 - D 9T $g&y ~ ,"% I $--// <;4 -- Date 0 Reply Wanted To c- I'TY C-L- sg.!3- __ . ... . ~. . -. ~ ...__._ __ ---.... ---- Fromi &LL ..__~._____... ~ - -- ---~ *a M Weply iVecessav ,I--ke;l" I- i? M . ...- L ... r..- 'I-- -.~ - ~ ~ .-.~ --.-------- - -: -1 a>L\iijG !:.. . ~ .. .. __.._ -__ _--- ,r> c> (-.--- 2 i ,/ J;j yjq !dq (I i.SA :97 i.7 '" b $7 -- t 1 j+- f 0 G j\ic :"i F LL& - ' r? ; d .4' L" 4y:. fi$%L .+ id- : Go z -_ I f L+a'# /$ i o*- +&+ h 3w ?- t -7/y q- \: c 0 ,-t ' , .Q 72 ./I,: ,;q 3 ;<.q .& + 5jj 5 r, ;_ " d /$ 7 rf + ! -/ . \ \' *1 I.- < ! -1. [ t r: .I F +. .i 2% .!. /ip .L t&q & L<.%a CL, , --4+.ks. (2 ?:- ;q k / ,<:kc J i.;' rt. p- J PR1 - L I 1 a e / 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPI CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434 Office of the City Clerk situ uf QJnrlstrnh DATE : May 10, 1993 ENGINEERING DEPARTMEN TO : Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer FROM : Clerk's Office RE : On Street Parking For Stagecoach Park THE ABOVE ITEM HAS BEEN APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. According to the Municipal Code, appeals must be heard by the City Council within 30 days of the date that the appeal was filed. (REMINDER: The iten will not be noticed in the newspaper until the agenda bill is signed off t - all parties.) Please process this item in accordance with the procedures contained in t Agenda Bill Preparation Manual. If you have any questions, please call. ____________________---------------------_------------------------------- The appeal of the above matter should be scheduled-for th< City Council Meeting of SUNE /5,/??3 I '~ Date 5//0/?3 ' ' 0 0 '1 *I 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPH( CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434-2 Office of the City Clerk QJiQ df anrlBbnb DATE : May 10, 1993 TO : Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer FROM : Clerk's Office RE : On Street Parking For Stagecoach Park THE ABOVE ITEM HAS BEEN APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. According to the Municipal Code, appeals must be heard by the City Council within 30 days of the date that the appeal was filed. The item will not be noticed in the newspaper until the agenda bill is signed off by - all parties.) (REMINDER: Please process this item in accordance with the procedures contained in the Agenda Bill Preparation Manual. If you have any questions, please call. ____________________-------------------------------------------------------- The appeal of the above matter should be scheduled for the City Council Meeting of Signature Date b 0 e <' :, 12fM ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALFORPJIA 92WB OHiw erf !he City Clerk I el appeal the fallowing derc:isicln of the 7V4E SC, ita the city COUl dN C(n245- -&5 e 8$?96&~~ #--F 42Ii5Urn!@& 4kw7#n/- &2-72$ew.. Date of Decision: &@ 343 ~eason for Appeal : ~di?m~&/0~~ 49gdud mwmc w &,d6e, && 4JuCgD~ic 73/k ~..j~~~~ erii /3-/p ZU~ ma5W--y5&&v45 a CF-YG 1 r5*4wcdw - zzf &&&m&u~cazF;.I m @& #w ~&80~~0d~~ m&&md - M &U& &nzU -%?=-we -7 &h?* &ab,+ g5,97y~?~~cec35 Hame W-P ease Pri eat) @-!E/* yaJR/ CJ~~~~~~~ &% 4,bm &?- 2im/ GM4W - c+jyza 6~+4+-~- 7.277 &&6H/-b SdaW= dc4a&& Address TQI ept,,,, idumber S+Am& &&&* /yA#&p/y -9w HW 8- 6w4!%J m - p&uc #&z& aJdUUcd4. SQdd m m' 0 0 #&' i *I t 0 0 " 9) %rD 0- 0 ’, JI j .m 0 “I 0 0 .* . -..- E X I S T ING S T R 1 P I Nb C CNF I GUR AT I EN 1 -..- -_ - . 2 TRAFFIC LANES, 2 BIKE LANES, '2' PARKING tANEi* CURB bc GUTTER 3 TRAFFIC LANES, 2 BIKE LANES, 1 PARt<ll'*jb LANE ---CURB & GLITTER CiJRB & CUTTER 0 e r .~ i ,t* 'z a -,, .: 83,1 .I CITY OF CARLSBAD 43815621 I 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, GALIFORNIA 92008 ACCOUNT NO. RECEIPT NO. ___ . __ - - -1 * * \; * May 12, 1993 Mr. John 8. Strayer 2001 Cima Court Carlsbad, CA 92009 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION (TSC) MEETING OF MAY 3,1993 Your appeal of the TSC recommendation regarding on-street parking at Stagecoach PI considered at the referenced meeting has been tentatively scheduled to be discussed at the C Council meeting of June 15, 1993. You and/or other interested citizens can address the C Council on this matter by filling out a Request to Speak form at the meeting. The meeting beg at 6:OO p.m. and is held at the City Council Chambers located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Driv You can confirm that this matter is on the City Council agenda by calling the City Clerk’s Of at 434-2808 on Thursday, June IO, 1993. Thank you. pL+TpS-&. ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Traffic Engineer RTJ:jb c: City Manager Community Development Director City Engineer City Clerk Parks & Recreation Director 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009-1 576 - (61 9) 438-11 61 - FAX (61 9) 438-01 pg->4-:353 L-: bijkp rTLii - 0 @ LA COSTA 35 ATELETIC CLUB * r* “1993’’ 10th ANNIVERSARY hum 23, 1993 Bud Levis, Mayor City Carnil Members CITY OF CARLSBAD 12QO C3rhbd Village Drive Carlslbad, CZA. 92008 Dear Mayor and City Council Members, ThaTIh you very mmh for your support and understaxding, concerning OUT Stagaoach Park parking appeal- It is a real relief to have a sdutisn on th~ hor-iizon- I am sure d1 of our members, as well as those in La Casta Ycp~tia, Leucadia d La CQS~ Soccer .anrd other park mers, will finad gre3t pleasure ahen they recieve .the idomtion that the paking: hassBes will SOQ~ be over I# is atso mry plw~ing, to dl af ISS in South Cmlsbad, that you and our saaf am ork king so diligently to cum up with t$e loi~eth0d010~~ #O dfow Cd Pacific Horns #he ability to make the $ 1,637,500 j0ptimistiedlg sounded off to 11.7 million by the Straps mfjhd] dm c~~tkibnti~n to OUT I~RV La Costa High Sehaol. It sedd haw been easier for you to say no, considerin our grovtb rmmgemnt system. Thank you, for the extra effort d time t find * Tay, b aid. &2 de%dOpEETli Of OUT IlRV High SChOQI 6 19-4 36-72?? 77213 €3- E3 c3llmino Real, #35 Carlsbadt, CA- 92009 rnm Emeritus La Costs. 35 Athletic Club t: Ci3yU-r Parks & Ret- Director Pdia Department ! ‘Frdfie Engimer city Clerk T