HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-06; City Council; 12297; SETTLEMENT OF WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM OF TODD COTTONi MTG. A5#* DEPT. . SETTLEMENT OF WORKERS DEPT COMPENSATION CLAIM OF TODD COTT'ON CITY TITLE: CITY F P * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 W RESOLUTION NO. 93-192 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR SETTLEMENT OF THE WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM OF TODD COTTON WHEREAS, Attorney Charles Loof and HCM Claim Management Corp., the Third Party Administrator for the City of Carlsbad, has recommended a settlement in the Workers Compensation case of Todd Cotton; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds available in the Workers Compensation Self- nsurance Fund to pay the settlement, [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the expenditure of $6,475 from the Workers Compensation Self- Insurance Fund is authorized for the settlement of said case. That the Council accept the Stipulations with Request for Award, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 3. I W t PBSSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, F _- - ’$ c W WORKER5 ‘ COM ENSATIQN AF’-ALS mm r‘ u *- -, STATE OF CAUFORNLA 9. Medlcablegal oxpsn3~3 arc payable by eefondmt SIP folloum None 6. Applicant’s attorney request a fee of S 777.00 7. Llerw ayahis1 corr@nSa\ion are payable a5 fallows: Nolle Er. utnerstipulattons: A) it is further understood and agreed that the aforesaid 5um shall be deemed to include such interest as is ] by Labor Code section 3800, if paid within thirty (30) days. d-/7-$3 DattrJ TOCW cotton Applicant 557-55-0176 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Social s~curtty NumDer or Applicant 1889 Laurel Road e Oceanside, CA 9354 San Dieqo, CA Y2123 4 AmfT2deL?e .L~~ 1290 Carlsbad Village Drive MUT~YY ut E~~IV~I 3954 Murphy Canyon Road, Sui. Aodress of rnwrance company Charles J. Loof Attorney or Autnorrzea Hepresentative tor osrenas 7851 Mission center Court, S AClCireSs of Attorney or AUthOriZed RepreSentative ,-. ViGtO Attorney for Amllcant 2646 Madison Street Carrsbad, CA 92008 San Dieqo, CA 92108 Address of Attorney for Applicant WC WchB FORU 3 (RN 8-90) (Page 2) DEPUtfMENTOF INDUSTRa DNlSlON OF INDUSIRWL TOTGl. EXHlBl W 3 * .- .. * q!! WORKERS COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARC STATE OF CALIFORNIA Applicant OaseNo- SDO 174641 Todd Cotton Stipulations with Request vs. for Award City of carlsbad, P,s.I.; % H(3M claim Management Company Defendants The Parties hereto sttwlate to the issuance of an Award and/or Order. based uWn the fOllOWtnrl faC walve the reqolcernents Of Labor Code Sectlon 5313 1, TQ dd Cpttan .born 2/8/64 Street (Emm ewloyed within the Stah sf Cnlifarnirr srq,Maznk .enance. .Bo rk&g II on 4/2/90 by City of Carlsbad, P.s.~. whose compensation Insurance EWlWWO Admin. by HCM Cldims Manacrement sustained Injury arlSlng out of and in the course of employment -. to - Parts ot oow injur ~Ocwfsarn~ (&to of InJwM 2 The fnjury caused temporary disability for the period FUll Compensated for Which Indemnity is payable at $ through week, less credit for such payments previously m68. 3. The injury CaU8Od permanent disability Of 3 4 X, for which indemnity in payabls at f ,In tho eum of $ 6, 475. 00 140. 00 , less cred per weak beginning 1/29 192 paymento prevlvualy made. An informal rating m has not been previously isrrued. lsrJect we) 4. there EX Em# may bs wed for medicat treatment to cure or relieve from the effects Of cSetec4 one) DEPWWENTOP IHDl&lTtU DMSlON W IIDUmIC OWCWCAB FORM 3 IRN. 9-90) (Page 7) TOTAL