HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-06; City Council; 12305; ESTABLISH 1993-94 ANNUAL TAX FOR COMMUNITY FACITILIES DISTRICT NO. 1# "3 i2 3, ta a, a E z 0 6 a =! 0 3 8 z Cw OF CARLSBAD - AGEVA BILL I" L!. AB#&S TI'TLE: DEF CIT DEPT. F*N CIT RECOMMENDED ACTION: MTG. 7/6/93 ESTABLISH 1993-94 ANNUAL TAX FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 Adopt Resolution No. %-/99 establishing the 1993-94 annual tax for tE Community Facilities District No. 1. ITEM EXPLANATION: In 1982, the State Legislature responded to the need for a high quality methc of financing public improvements by approving the Mello-Roos Communi Facilities Act of 1982. This act allows voters to approve a special tax to be lev5 upon their property to fund the construction or acquisition of facilities services. The City of Carlsbad philosophy is that a Community Facilities District (CFI should be used to finance facilities that are city-wide in obligation and benef A CFD is not intended to relieve any property owner of the responsibility provide funding for infrastructure improvements related to development. E homeowners in Carlsbad are affected by a City CFD because under the Cic guidelines, any and all tax obligation on residential units must be paid in fi when the building permit is issued. When a building permit is issued, no residential property owners must choose whether to pay the CFD tax in full pay pass-through taxes for twenty-five years. The City of Carlsbad and property owners of specific vacant land in Carlsb worked together to form a CFD to provide funding for a variety of infrastructi projects which will be necessary to meet the requirements of grow management. Only vacant land in twelve Local Facilities Management Zones i currently in the CFD, with other zones planned to annex as development pla progress. Following Mello-Roos legislation, Council held a public hearing and an electi and formed Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 on May 7,1991. Thou debt financing or available cash balances, CFD No. 1 will fund the followi capital projects: Civic Facilities 1-5 Interchanges Road Sements Library Palomar Airport Road La Costa Aveni Warehouse Facility La Costa Avenue Olivenhain Roz City Hall Poinsettia Lane Cannon Road Veteran's Memorial Park Faraday Avenu kucadia Boulev I 1 a a PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. /$,36( CFD No. 1 funded projects are included in the Capital Improvement Program which M approved by Council on June 15, 1993. Projects scheduled for 1993-94 include the ni library and the 1-5 interchanges. In June 1991, Council adopted an ordinance putting in place the tax formula for I district establishing the maximum tax rates that may be levied on CFD No. 1. 1 maximum tax rate is adjusted each year by one-half of the Los Angeles inflationary fac in the Engineering News-Record (ENR) Cost Indexes in 22 Cities. Although the ordina established a ceiling for future tax rates, it did not create the individual tax levy that 1 be placed on each parcel. Each year the City will go through the process of establish the levy as the funding needs for the next fiscal year are known. Staff recommendations for the 1993-94 tax levy are presented in Exhibit 1. Although tl- is no increase in the CFD tax rate, the proposed tax levy will increase by one-half of ENR inflator (.65%). Vacant property planned for future residential development 3 continue to be taxed at 74% of the maximum tax on each developable acre. The propa tax on vacant property zoned for future commercial or industrial development will rerr at 38.37% of the maximum tax which has also been adjusted by the ENR inflator. Certain non-residential property owners elected not to pay off their CFD obligation at time building permits were issued. Instead, they chose to assume an annual special tar developed property for twenty-five years. According to the CFD documents, the am special tax on developed property shall not exceed 13.81% of the authorized one t payoff tax for commercial and industrial property. This percentage rate was deted based on the average cost of bond financing (11%) plus administrative costs. The proposed 1993-94 tax rate for developed property is 9.48% of each property's one 1 payoff tax. This rate is based on the estimated minimum interest rate for Tram borrowings of 8% plus administrative costs. Council has approved borrowing Tran funds for the freeway interchanges, thus this cost was used in calculating the rate for 11 94. FISCAL, IMPACT: The levying of taxes on parcels within CFD No. 1 will create the necessary cash flo finance the construction of the new library, 1-5 interchanges, and other major civic road projects. Setting the CFD tax levy at the recommended rates will generate about million from property within the district for the 1993-94 fiscal year. There are curri significant delinquencies on CFD taxes which must be cured once the City embarks bond issue. The CFD will receive the taxes due; it is just a matter of when the City de to proceed with the collection process. e 0 PAGE THREE OF AGENUA BILL NO. 4d''r EXHIBITS: 1. Tax Rate Schedule showing tax rates for each undeveloped land use category l tax rates for developed property. Resolution No. 9?-/99 establishing the 1993-94 annual tax for Commui Facilities District No. 1. Exhibit "A," listing tax amounts for each parcel is on with the City Clerk. 2. .r a 0 - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 167-101-03 9,093.52 167-101-19 7,630.94 167-554-01 4 , 256.14 168-040-14 18 , 476.44 168-040-22 1,585.86 168-040-23 12,127.70 26 , 702.34 168-04 0-2 9 168-041-02 10,621.12 18 , 342.96 168-041-03 10,461.22 168-041-04 168-041-06 4 , 442.44 168-041-07 6,448.70 5 , 918.96 168-041-08 168-041-10 7 , 738.44 168-050-02 5 , 415.12 168-050-03 6,283.70 168-050-06 8,190.72 28,842.24 168-050-07 36,748.68 168-050-25 168-050-26 32 , 810.26 168-280-01 83.02 63.90 168-280-02 168-280-03 61.68 168-280-04 61.68 168-280-05 61.92 168-280-06 67.34 168-280-07 94.92 168-280-08 71.88 69.56 168-280-09 168-280-10 67.98 168-050-05 122,002.08 168-050-27 7,775.44 168-280-11 54.34 168-280-12 54.34 168-280-13 57.54 168-280-14 61.86 168-280-15 96.54 168-280-16 127.10 168-280-17 83.20 168-280-18 81.32 168-280-19 59.28 168-280-20 56.02 168-280-21 66.82 168-280-22 73.46 168-280-23 67.34 65.58 168-280-24 0 0 - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR’S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 168-280-25 73.64 168-280-2 6 113.04 168-280-27 102.84 168-280-28 101.80 168-280-29 95.72 168-280-3 0 69.14 168-280-3 1 73.70 168-280-32 71.06 168-280-33 72.18 168-280-34 72.12 168-280-35 74.80 168-280-36 74.04 168-280-37 116.96 168-280-38 74.98 168-280-39 63.20 168-280-40 58.30 168-280-41 103.20 168-280-42 284.46 168-280-43 108.68 168-280-44 70.60 168-280-45 97.78 168-280-46 93.64 168-280-47 71.00 168-280-48 90.60 168-280-49 5,751.14 168-281-01 114.32 168-28 1-02 84.88 168-281-03 81.56 168-281-04 75.84 168-281-05 77.18 168-281-06 66.40 168-281-07 54.16 168-281-08 51.66 168-281-09 54.74 168-281-10 65.12 168-281-11 133.62 168-281-12 136.84 168-281-13 80.62 168-281-14 84.76 168-281-15 66.82 168-281-16 63.02 168-281-17 100.16 168-281-18 85.00 168-281-19 79.92 168-281-20 124.00 168-281-21 132.52 0 e - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 65.48 168-281-22 87.56 168-281-23 168-281-24 86.00 168-281-25 74.92 65.52 168-281-26 168-281-27 60.34 168-281-28 67.04 168-281-29 68.32 168-281-30 62.96 168-281-31 66.86 87.56 168-281-32 84.06 168-281-33 168-281-35 78.76 168-281-36 76.96 168-281-37 84.36 168-281-38 117.82 168-281-39 72.52 168-28 1-4 0 57.14 168-28 1-4 1 57.24 60.46 168-281-42 168-281-43 59.24 168-281-45 56.50 64.18 168-281-46 67.62 168-281-47 168-281-48 64.54 168-281-49 74.40 185.86 168-28 1-50 140.86 168-281-51 168-281-52 152.34 168-281-53 226.68 168-281-54 91.60 168-281-55 94.50 87.62 168-281-56 168-281-57 91.48 168-281-58 71.54 63.78 168-281-59 168-281-60 67.74 61.38 168-281-61 168-281-62 57.66 168-281-63 54.92 168-281-64 98.00 168-281-65 104.54 168-281-66 101.44 168-281-67 124.36 168-281-34 77.94 168-281-44 56.96 e - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO, TO TAXROLL 168-281-68 151.06 168-281-69 109.44 84.82 168-281-70 168-28 1-7 1 61.44 168-281-72 67.10 168-281-73 70.26 168-282-01 54.86 168-282-02 58.24 168-282-03 60.98 168-282-04 62.96 168-282-05 64.54 168-282-06 64.88 168-282-07 62.90 168-282-08 60.22 168-282-10 54.86 168-282-12 54.56 168-282-13 55.20 168-282-14 55.86 168-282-15 55.86 168-282-16 55.20 168-282-17 54.50 168-282-18 53.86 168-282-19 66.16 87.50 168-290-02 168-290-03 94.10 168-290-04 95.20 80.04 168-290-05 92.00 168-290-06 168-290-07 87.28 168-290-08 91.60 95.08 105.00 168-290-10 168-290-11 218.22 148.14 168-290-12 135.84 168-290-13 232.46 168-290-14 168-290-15 110.54 168-290-16 92.18 168-290-17 99.82 168-290-18 94.56 168-290-19 81.28 168-290-20 75.38 168-290-21 76.08 168-282-09 57.54 168-282-11 53.86 168-290-01 97.54 168-290-09 0 - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO, TO TAXROLL 168-290-22 90.54 168-290-23 98.36 168-290-24 74.86 168-290-25 66.92 168-290-26 66.92 168-290-27 67.92 168-290-28 71.94 168-290-29 74.68 168-290-30 82.72 168-290-3 1 81.92 168-290-32 86.98 168-290-33 71.94 168-290-34 122.78 168-290-35 131.52 168-290-36 123.30 168-290-37 110.14 168-290-39 97.24 168-29 0-4 0 92.52 168-290-41 83.20 168-290-42 74.86 168-290-43 68.44 168-290-44 67.04 168-290-45 72.34 168-290-46 78.00 168-290-47 80.80 80.92 168-290-48 168-290-49 78.94 168-290-50 107.98 168-290-51 150.02 168-290-52 70.84 168-290-53 75.78 168-290-54 77.48 168-290-55 82.62 168-290-56 79.18 168-290-57 111.12 168-290-58 165.12 168-290-59 104.76 168-290-60 99.06 168-290-61 127.04 168-290-62 83.78 168-290-63 76.66 168-290-64 74.98 168-290-65 74.98 168-290-66 93.92 168-290-67 91.12 168-290-38 102.78 e @ - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLGBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO, 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 168-290-68 86.58 168-290-70 95.84 168-290-71 140.04 168-291-01 110.18 71.12 168-291-03 168-291-04 70.26 168-291-05 68.26 168-291-06 70.66 168-291-07 73.16 168-291-08 60.22 168-291-09 71.94 168-291-10 106.74 168-291-11 170.48 168-291-12 101.62 168-291-14 102.08 168-291-15 127.80 168-29 1-16 99.82 168-291-17 223.18 168-291-18 158.52 168-29 1-19 98.36 168-291-20 98.36 168-291-21 98.36 168-29 1-22 98.36 168-291-23 98.36 168-291-24 116.90 168-291-25 70.42 168-291-26 76.08 168-291-27 77.48 168-29 1-28 76.08 168-291-29 74.62 168-291-30 82.62 134.38 168-291-3 1 168-29 1-3 2 108.20 168-291-33 92.52 168-291-34 89.38 168-29 1-3 5 90.78 168-29 1-3 6 88.26 168-291-37 106.28 168-291-38 114.50 168-291-39 108.10 168-291-40 112.98 168-29 1-4 1 93.22 168-291-42 98.00 168-290-69 93.74 168-291-02 77.54 168-29 1-13 77.94 0 e * 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 168-291-43 120.92 168-291-44 100.04 168-291-45 125.98 168-291-47 88.44 168-291-48 89.26 168-291-49 109.44 168-291-50 114.44 168-291-51 115.14 168-291-52 91.88 168-291-53 108.62 109.78 168-291-54 168-291-55 104.76 168-291-56 88.96 168-29 1-57 100.74 168-291-58 107.22 105.52 168-291-59 168-291-60 118.76 168-291-61 128.08 168-291-62 106.40 168-291-64 128.04 168-291-65 101.56 126.58 168-291-66 168-291-67 134.90 168-291-68 83.60 120.46 168-291-69 104.12 168-29 1-7 0 89.66 168-291-71 66.92 168-29 1-72 168-291-74 75.10 89.96 168-291-75 168-291-76 87.74 106.22 168-29 1-77 168-291-78 107.34 168-291-79 122.72 168-291-80 137.24 168-291-81 168-291-82 114 - 92 168-291-83 93.16 168-291-84 178.64 168-291-85 139.52 168-291-86 135.60 168-291-87 138.52 168-292-01 97.02 168-291-46 92.40 168-291-63 110.02 168-291-73 74.34 151.82 0 e - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 168-292-02 97.36 168-292-03 98.88 168-292-04 99.58 168-292-05 183.30 168-292-06 93.68 168-292-08 90.54 168-292-09 89.96 168-292-10 81.98 84.82 168-292-11 168-292-12 93.64 168-292-13 97.78 168-292-14 127.68 168-292-15 91.24 168-292-17 167.90 168-292-18 117.42 168-292-19 144.00 168-292-20 80.40 168-292-21 74.50 168-292-22 74.86 168-292-23 78.48 168-292-26 1,107.76 168-300-01 111.42 168-300-02 85.64 89.20 168-300-03 168-300-04 94.98 168-300-05 102.50 168-300-06 102.56 168-300-07 74.68 168-300-08 82.66 168-300-09 148.50 168-300-10 162.48 168-300-11 226.34 168-300-12 188.50 168-300-13 99.98 168-300-14 105.82 168-300-15 105.34 168-300-16 103.54 168-300-17 100.22 168-300-18 99.12 168-300-19 183.94 168-300-20 125.28 168-300-2 1 125.18 168-3 00-22 134.32 168-300-23 73.70 168-29 2-07 97.08 168-292-16 164.88 0 e - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 168-300-24 101.10 168-300-25 115.56 168-300-26 107.50 168-300-27 164.36 168-300-28 149.96 168-300-29 101.38 168-300-30 84.30 168-300-31 84.06 168-300-32 83.84 168-300-33 72.34 168-300-34 75.10 168-300-35 75.10 168-300-3 6 75.10 168-300-37 75.10 168-300-38 75.10 168-300-39 75.10 168-300-40 75.10 168-300-41 76.32 168-300-42 104.18 168-300-43 110.08 168-300-44 94.98 168-300-45 85.64 168-300-46 90.78 168-300-47 169.72 168-300-48 179.40 168-300-49 93.04 168-300-50 74-40 67.56 168-300-51 168-300-52 67.10 168-300-53 70.20 168-300-54 69.20 168-300-55 107.34 168-300-56 119.40 168-300-57 113.52 168-300-58 170.42 168-300-59 168.50 168-300-60 100.40 168-300-61 97.54 168-300-62 92.70 168-300-63 88.90 168-300-64 93.74 168-300-65 90.36 168-300-66 108.78 168-300-67 80.74 168-300-68 66.92 168-300-69 66.92 * @ - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 16 8-3 0 0 -7 0 66.92 168-300-71 68.10 168-300-72 70.72 168-3 00-73 71,00 69.78 168-300-74 168-300-75 85.82 168-301-01 94.38 168-301-02 93.16 168-301-03 136.26 168-301-04 120.50 168-301-05 105.70 168-301-06 108.74 168-301-07 128.38 168-301-08 95.50 168-301-09 101.26 168-301-10 123.54 168-301-11 133.92 168-301-12 132.52 168-301-13 77.30 168-301-14 102.96 168-301-15 116.26 168-301-16 103 - 14 168-301-17 87.04 81.98 168-301-18 168-301-19 89.20 168-301-20 96.02 168-301-21 112.98 168-301-22 115.84 168-301-23 124.54 168-301-24 117.94 168-301-25 128.26 168-301-26 72.46 168-301-27 75.38 168-301-28 95.14 168-301-29 137.06 168-301-30 111.30 168-301-31 66.22 168-301-32 72.52 112.58 92-40 168-301-34 168-3 01-35 84.30 168-301-36 73.52 168-301-37 90.02 168-301-38 156.30 168-301-39 353.90 168-301-33 168-301-40 355.54 e e - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 168-301-41 139.98 168-301-42 97 - 24 168-301-43 111.58 168-301-44 124.42 168-301-45 172.34 168-302-02 101.62 168-302-03 161.38 168-302-04 148.26 168-302-05 97.66 168-302-06 85.36 168-302-07 128.84 168-302-08 99.46 168-302-09 104.54 168-302-10 115.90 168-302-11 69.66 168-3 02-12 75.20 168-302-13 80.74 168-302-14 86.22 168-302-15 90.36 168-302-16 91.54 168-302-17 107.28 168-302-18 91.76 168-302-19 88.50 168-302-20 155.60 168-302-21 95.84 168-302-22 99.28 168-302-23 106.92 168-302-24 132.00 168-302-25 107.74 168-302-26 99.28 168-302-27 99.00 168-302-28 99.16 168-302-29 106.16 168-302-30 123.30 168-302-31 132.28 168-302-32 112.12 168-302-33 108.20 168-302-34 101.90 168-302-35 80.46 83.60 168-302-36 168-302-37 81.44 168-302-38 97.30 168-302-39 144.30 168-303-01 125.70 168-303-02 117.06 168-302-01 108 04 e @ - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 168-303-03 118.58 207-101-12 15,032.62 208-020-28 135,493.96 208-020-32 1,905.94 208-020-33 4 , 571.40 208-101-05 248.62 209-040-27 2,220.90 209-040-35 1,326.98 209-040-39 2,864.02 209-041-18 644.40 209-041-20 2 , 171.88 209-041-28 1,727.96 209-050-29 9,260.32 209-060-59 20,059 e26 209-070-02 1,681-96 209-070-03 875.22 209-070-04 4,279.06 34 , 476.16 209-070-07 209-081-01 2,038.22 209-081-07 1,708.86 209-081-09 1 , 417.68 209-081-18 2 , 491.68 209-081-19 1,551.34 209-081-20 1,556.10 209-081-22 2,558.52 209-082-06 1,918.88 209-082-07 2,439.18 209-082-08 2,978.58 209-083-01 3 , 011.98 209-083-02 2 I 501.24 209-083-03 2 , 615.80 209-083-08 2 I 319.84 209-083-11 2,720.80 209-083-12 954.66 209-083-15 2 , 348.48 209-090-01 5,045.90 209-090-02 5,207.98 209-090-03 4,852.86 209-090-04 1,480.14 209-090-05 3,849.40 209-090-07 3,313.08 209-090-08 5,825.34 209-090-09 2 , 988.94 209-090-10 3 , 930.44 209-090-11 34 , 962.14 209-083-07 2,663 -52 e e - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 TOTAL CHARGE TO TAXROLL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 210-100-05 572.80 210-100-06 3 , 188.60 210-100-12 257 -76 429.60 211-040-09 211-040-30 859.20 2 11-04 0-32 1,957.08 2,337.52 212-010-03 4 , 916.56 212-040-25 300.72 2 12-04 0-2 6 38 , 389.20 212-040-30 8,114.70 212-041-05 1,769.00 212-041-12 2,317.46 212-041-13 2 12-041-14 1,248.70 1,920.32 212-041-15 1,778.54 212-04 1-16 1,685.00 212-041-17 1,417.20 212-041-18 906.46 2 12-04 1-19 212-041-20 1,456.34 1,134.14 212-041-21 1,553.24 2 12-04 1-22 2 12-04 1-2 3 2 12-04 1-2 4 212-041-25 881.64 212-041-26 1,001.92 1,485.46 212-04 1-27 2 12 -04 1-2 8 994.28 2,382.86 212-041-29 212-041-30 1,069.70 1,513.14 212-041-31 2 12-041-3 2 2,206.24 212-041-33 894.52 212-041-34 1,929.86 21,705.70 212-050-29 9 , 961.52 212-050-30 2 12-050-34 7,183.90 2 12-050-40 6,041.46 5,107.48 212-050-43 212-061-03 2 , 262.56 212-062-04 3,933.24 2,434.40 212-062-14 1,923.66 212-070-01 2 12-070-12 5 , 437.08 1,441.54 212-070-13 212-070-17 973.76 999.06 1,043.46 0 0 * 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 TOTAL CHARGE ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NO, TO TAXROLL 2 12-070-22 1,761.36 212-070-23 3,995.30 1,236.30 212-070-24 1,231.52 212-081-01 212-081-02 1,198.10 212-081-03 1,933.20 212-081-04 887.84 212-081-05 1,140.82 212-081-06 949.90 212-081-07 782.82 2 12-081-08 1,011.94 212-081-09 992.86 212-081-10 1,002.40 2 12-081-11 1,269.70 212-081-13 706.46 212-081-14 1,107.42 212-081-15 1,250.62 212-081-17 3 , 126.54 4,916.56 212-081-18 248.20 212-081-21 212-082-01 1,303.12 212-082-02 1,484.50 212-082-03 1,002.40 859.20 212-082-04 212-082-05 1,050.14 212-082-06 1,050.14 212-082-07 1,861.60 212-082-08 2,000.04 212-082-09 3,914.14 212-091-01 1,293.58 212-091-02 1,494.06 212-091-03 1,288.80 212-091-04 2,267-34 2,057.32 212-091-05 212-091-08 716.00 212-091-13 1,837.74 1,221.98 212-091-14 1,002.40 212-091-15 212-091-16 525.06 212-091-19 1,288.80 212-092-02 1,088.32 1,331.76 2 12-092-03 212-092-04 1,856.84 212-092-05 2,219.60 1,374.72 212-092-06 801.92 212-092-07 0 0 * 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 212-092-08 730.32 711.22 212-092-09 212-092-10 739.86 212-092-11 601.44 1,031.04 212-092-12 212-092-13 1,541.78 212-092-14 1,813.88 212-092-15 1,336.54 1,584.76 212-092-19 212-092-22 591-90 840.10 212-092-23 212-093-01 2,625.34 1,389.04 212-093-02 212-093-05 1,675.44 983.30 212-093-06 212-093-07 1,045.36 212-093-08 2,696.94 212-093-09 2,439.18 212-093-12 3,541.82 212-110-01 959.44 463.02 212-110-02 429.60 212-110-03 212-110-04 443.92 782.82 212-110-05 212-110-06 615.76 212-110-07 539.38 1,465.42 212-120-01 1,355.62 212-120-02 1,823.42 212-120-03 2 , 653.98 2 12-120-04 212-120-05 1,790.00 1,823.42 212-120-06 4,152.82 212-120-07 1,484.50 212-120-08 816.24 212-120-09 2 12-12 0-10 1,713.64 212-120-11 3,393.86 2 12-12 0-12 1,193.34 2 12-12 0-13 1,613.40 1,031.04 212-120-14 212-120-16 2 , 286.44 1,685.00 212-12 0-17 1,011.94 2 12-12 0-18 1,088.32 212-12 0-2 0 2 12-120-21 1,961.84 212-120-22 1,508.38 0 0 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO, 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 212-120-23 1,088.32 2 12-120-24 1,379.50 212-120-25 2,792.40 212-120-26 4,296.02 212-120-27 1,527 * 46 2 12-120-28 1,737.50 212-120-29 1,751.82 2 12-120-3 0 1,403.36 4,964.28 212-120-33 212-130-01 2,240*60 212-130-02 3 I 035.38 212-130-03 2 , 370.44 212-130-04 1,713.64 212-130-05 1,236.30 212-130-06 1,971.40 212-130-07 2 , 647.78 212-130-08 1,755.64 212-13 0-09 1,201.44 212-130-10 2,458.28 212-130-11 1,380.46 212-130-12 1 I 431.52 212-130-13 697.38 212-130-14 831.04 212-130-15 836.28 212-130-16 619.10 212-130-17 1,206.70 212-130-18 825.78 212-13 0-19 670.18 212-130-20 845.84 212-130-21 1,288.32 212-130-22 1,020.06 212-130-23 875.90 2 12-13 0-24 999.06 212-130-25 1,572.34 212-130-26 697.86 212-130-27 2 , 071.64 212-130-28 674.00 212-130-29 550.84 212-130-30 719.82 2 12-13 0-3 1 1,942.76 212-130-32 2,233.92 212-130-33 2,396.22 1,850.14 212-130-34 2 13-061-02 2 , 100.28 213-061-23 2 , 749-44 213-070-08 687.36 0 0 ' 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIEb DI6TRIPP NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 213-070-11 1,489.28 213-070-20 787.60 213-070-2 1 716.00 213-070-22 653.94 213-091-06 1,016.72 214-010-01 2,787.64 214-010-03 477.34 214-021-01 347.44 214-021-02 367.30 2 14-021-03 178.68 214-021-04 178.68 2 14-02 1-08 347.44 214-021-09 357.36 214-02 1-11 109.20 214-021-12 109.20 214-021-13 109.20 214-022-01 109.20 214-022-02 178.68 214-022-03 178.68 214-022-04 178.68 214-022-06 178.68 214-022-08 59.56 214-022-10 178.68 214-022-11 357.36 214-022-15 178.68 214-022-17 178.68 214-022-18 178.68 214-022-25 178.68 214-022-26 109.20 214-022-27 109.20 214-022-28 109.20 214-022-29 109.20 214-022-30 109.20 214-022-31 109.20 214-022-32 59.56 214-022-33 109.20 2 14-160-19 1,124.06 214-160-24 3,402.64 214-160-28 1,139.28 214-160-34 148.60 2 14-3 00-08 675.02 214-430-22 1,164.70 214-430-23 1,088.32 214-430-24 878.30 2 14-450-20 744.64 215-040-19 71.06 0 0 ' 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 215-040-20 31,706.76 215-040-24 20,754.56 215-070-25 2 , 978.98 215-080-24 33,374.48 215-590-44 113.46 215-590-45 98.24 87.52 215-590-47 215-592-04 2,443.96 215-592-05 8,649.32 215-592-06 4,953 e 56 215-592-07 3,514.14 215-592-08 4,079.98 215-592-09 2,531.38 215-592-13 4,516.76 215-592-14 3 , 931.08 215-592-15 8,775.44 2 15-600-01 106.60 215-600-02 100.68 215-600-03 118.44 215-600-04 106.60 215-600-05 106.60 215-600-06 106.60 215-600-07 183.60 215-600-08 148.06 215-600-09 94.76 215-600-10 94.76 215-600-11 94.76 215-600-13 94.76 215-600-14 94.76 215-600-15 94.76 215-600-16 94.76 215-600-17 106.60 2 15-600-18 106.60 215-600-19 112.52 215-600-20 112.52 215-600-21 112.52 215-600-22 112.52 215-600-23 100.68 215-600-24 100.68 215-600-25 100.68 215-600-26 100.68 215-600-27 177.66 215-601-01 88.84 215-601-02 82.90 215-600-12 94.76 2 15-601-03 118.44 0 0 a 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 159.90 215-601-04 215-601-05 159.90 215-601-07 88.84 215-601-08 118.44 2 15-601-09 118.44 215-601-10 118.44 215-601-11 118.44 215-601-12 118.44 2 15-601-27 76.98 215-601-31 189.52 215-601-32 189.52 2 15-601-33 189.52 174.06 215-601-59 123.90 215-601-60 104.40 215-601-61 215-601-62 74.98 128.86 215-601-63 215-602-01 112 - 52 215-602-02 112.52 225.04 215-602-03 2 15-602-04 503.40 420.48 215-602-05 142.14 215-602-06 215-602-07 118.44 106.60 2 15-602-08 215-602-09 100.68 215-602-10 148.06 361.26 215-602-11 215-602-12 408.64 284.28 215-602-13 215-602-14 100.68 215-602-15 118.44 2 15-602-17 94.76 215-602-34 100.68 215-602-35 88.84 215-602-36 82.90 215-602-37 82.90 215-602-38 166.24 215-602-55 126.56 215-602-56 102.40 215-602-57 215-602-58 98.60 96.06 215-602-59 215-602-60 97.24 215-602-61 104.34 215-602-62 93.04 82.90 0 e - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 215-602-63 94.34 215-602-71 75.10 215-602-72 76.34 215-602-73 78.06 96.58 2 15-602-74 85.82 215-602-75 215-602-76 79.42 2 15-602-80 78.24 130.28 215-610-02 215-610-03 130.28 215-610-04 130.28 2 15-610-05 130.28 215-610-06 130.28 215-610-07 136.22 136.22 215-610-08 215-610-09 136.22 215-610-10 136.22 132.84 215-610-11 129.64 128.86 215-610-13 139.94 215-610-14 136.22 215-610-15 215-610-16 142.14 215-610-17 153.44 215-610-18 178.20 203.72 215-610-19 204.14 215-610-20 163.92 215-610-21 215-610-22 168.26 215-610-23 160.72 2 15-610-24 134.20 215-610-25 134.74 215-610-26 138.58 215-610-27 146.82 215-610-28 143.32 215-610-29 134.14 137.34 142.14 215-610-30 215-610-31 142.14 215-610-32 215-610-33 136.44 215-610-34 156.64 215-610-35 169.50 142.14 215-610-36 215-610-37 146.52 215-610-38 156.94 215-610-39 153.04 215-610-12 0 e - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 TOTAL CHARGE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 215-610-40 128.92 215-610-43 177.66 215-610-44 177.66 215-611-01 181.94 173.22 2 15 - 6 11-0 2 215-611-03 171.74 215-611-04 171.74 215-611-05 148.06 215-611-06 144.02 215-611-07 143.92 215-611-08 139.34 143.92 215-611-09 151.90 215-611-10 215-611-11 175.06 215-611-12 165.52 174.36 215-611-13 215-611-14 174.30 2 15-611-15 149.60 215-611-16 138.22 215-611-17 319.80 215-611-18 251.34 2 15- 6 11-19 227.18 215-611-20 207.28 215-611-2 1 171.74 2 15-611-22 171.74 215-611-23 171.74 215-611-24 157.88 2 15-611-25 207.10 215-611-26 261.58 215-611-27 252.52 215-611-28 228.06 2 15-611-29 191.24 215-612-06 9,956.76 215-612-07 8 f 775.44 2 15-6 12-10 13,024.18 215-612-17 621.86 215-612-20 6 f 581.58 215-620-56 112.52 215-620-57 88.84 215-620-58 88.84 215-620-59 88.84 215-620-60 88.84 215-620-61 88.84 215-620-62 88.84 215-620-63 88.84 215-620-64 94.76 0 0 T 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 215-620-65 94.76 215-620-66 82.90 215-620-67 88.84 2 15-620-69 153.98 215-620-70 195.44 215-620-71 171.74 215-620-72 100.68 215-620-73 100.68 215-620-74 118.44 215-620-75 106.60 215-620-76 71.06 215-620-77 94.76 215-620-78 88.84 215-620-79 106.60 215-621-01 130.28 215-621-02 100.68 215-621-03 94.76 215-621-04 94.76 215-621-05 124.36 215-621-06 106.60 215-621-07 94 e 76 2 15-621-08 118.44 215-621-09 130.28 215-621-10 112.52 215-621-11 118.44 215-621-12 112.52 215-621-13 148.06 215-621-14 130.28 215-621-15 136.22 215-62 1-16 171.74 215-621-17 100.68 215-621-18 106.60 215-621-19 100.68 215-621-20 106.60 215-621-21 106.60 2 15-621-22 100.68 215-621-23 94.76 112.52 215-621-24 215-640-02 105.36 215-640-03 107.08 215-640-04 110.44 215-640-05 113.24 215-640-06 118.32 215-640-07 136.16 215-620-68 130.28 215-640-01 174.64 0 0 - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 215-640-08 142.66 2 15-640-09 134.50 215-640-10 140.60 215-640-11 132.78 215-640-12 136.22 215-640-13 140.88 215-640-14 204.14 215-640-15 122.82 2 15-640-16 120.88 215-640-17 112.40 215-640-18 112 10 215-640-19 109.32 215-640-20 123.00 2 15-640-2 1 117.26 215-640-22 172.10 215-640-23 126.14 215-640-24 104.82 215-640-26 83.08 215-640-27 83.98 215-640-28 101.98 2 15-640-29 101.98 2 15-640-3 0 104.58 215-640-31 126.92 215-640-32 142.54 215-640-33 126.26 215-640-34 106.96 215-640-35 98.60 215-640-36 90.78 215-640-37 93.04 215-640-38 108.38 215-640-39 128.16 215-640-40 108.80 215-640-41 102.04 215-640-42 111.34 215-640-44 107.84 215-640-45 106.24 215-640-46 101.98 215-640-47 114.30 215-640-48 141.36 215-640-49 157.48 215-640-50 118.38 215-640-51 101.98 215-640-52 102.28 2 15-64 1-01 144.20 215-640-25 114.72 215-640-43 101.98 0 0 - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 2 15-641-02 161.56 215-641-03 126.02 215-641-04 151.84 215-641-05 121.94 215-641-06 116.20 215-641-07 125.08 215-641-08 178.98 215-641-09 240.56 215-641-10 96.00 215-641-11 106.96 215-641-12 116.84 215-641-13 134.90 215-641-14 108.26 2 15-64 1-15 121.16 164.58 215-641-16 215-641-17 116.84 2 15-64 1-18 132.90 215-641-19 131.76 215-641-21 101.50 215-641-22 111.34 215-641-23 127.14 215-641-24 134.14 108.68 215-641-25 215-641-26 103.22 2 15-64 1-27 111.16 215-641-28 119.16 120.58 215-641-29 215-641-30 118.26 215-641-31 109.86 215-64 1-32 172.88 2 15-642-01 133.54 215-642-02 139.94 215-642-03 122.12 215-642-04 102.28 215-642-05 101.98 2 15-642-06 103.64 2 15-642-07 108.26 215-642-08 124.90 2 15-642-09 122.42 215-642-10 117.80 215-642-11 182.94 147.70 2 15-642-12 215-642-13 113.52 215-642-14 144.62 215-642-15 159.18 2 15-64 1-2 0 100.38 0 0 * 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 215-642-16 267.40 215-642-17 292.44 215-642-18 139.00 215-642-19 130.64 2 15-642-20 140.94 215-642-21 141.30 215-642-22 155 34 2 15-642-23 148.48 215-642-24 129.40 215-642-25 269.76 215-642-26 145.40 215-642-27 118.44 2 15-642-28 114.30 215-642-29 110.44 2 15-642-30 107.26 215-642-31 121.52 215-642-32 110.74 215-642-33 109.68 215-642-34 128.52 5,330.18 215-643-02 215-643-03 11,134.16 215-644-02 14,924.52 215-644-03 6,751.56 215-644-05 6,870.02 215-644-06 18,833.32 215-650-01 2,054.88 215-650-02 1,062.18 215-650-03 1,290.50 215-650-04 1,518.82 215-650-05 764.38 215-650-08 137.98 215-650-09 285.90 216-010-01 578.36 216-010-02 761.02 216-010-03 213.08 216-010-04 213.08 216-010-05 213.08 216-111-08 17,471.16 12,318.66 216-111-09 216-140-17 5,947.60 216-140-25 2 16-140-27 16,935.88 2 16-14 0-3 0 8,492.94 216-140-3 1 6,468.64 215-644-04 13 I 147.80 216-140-18 14 I 568.28 22,542 18 e 0 s 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 216-140-32 37,499.40 2 16-140-33 1,097.86 216-150-18 21,812.30 216-420-82 2,422.18 2 16-450-01 248.16 216-450-02 198.54 178.68 216-450-03 216-450-04 268.02 216-450-05 228.32 216-450-06 218.38 216-450-07 228.32 216-450-08 277.96 216-450-09 198.54 216-450-10 248.16 216-450-11 178.68 216-450-12 178.68 2 16-450-13 168.76 2 16-450-14 178.68 216-450-16 367.30 2 16-450-17 416.92 216-450-18 258.10 216-450-19 188.60 216-450-20 208.46 216-450-21 238.24 216-450-22 238.24 2 16-450-2 3 198.54 216-450-24 297.80 216-450-25 476.48 216-450-26 258.10 216-450-27 268.02 2 16-450-28 238.24 2 16-450-29 387.14 216-451-01 407.00 216-451-02 208.46 2 16-451-03 218.38 2 16-451-04 327.58 2 16-451-05 258.10 216-451-06 347.44 216-451-07 307.74 216-451-08 178.68 216-451-09 178.68 216-451-10 198.54 216-451-11 198.54 216-451-12 238.24 2 16-451-13 238.24 2 16-450-15 238.24 e 0 ’ 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD C€UJ~MUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR’S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 216-451-14 198.54 216-451-15 426.86 216-451-16 287.88 216-451-17 198.54 216-451-18 268.02 216-451-19 178.68 2 16-451-20 188.60 216-451-21 188.60 216-451-22 258.10 216-451-23 238.24 216-451-24 178.68 2 16-451-25 178.68 2 16-451-26 158.82 216-451-27 277 - 96 216-451-28 218.38 216-451-29 218.38 216-451-30 268.02 216-451-31 248.16 216-452-01 218.38 216-452-02 178.68 216-452-03 268.02 216-452-04 248.16 216-452-05 178.68 216-452-06 218.38 216-452-07 287.88 216-452-08 277.96 216-452-09 198.54 2 16-4 52 -10 198.54 216-452-11 208.46 2 16-452-12 178.68 222-470-23 4,149 e 48 223-010-12 1,366.72 223-010-18 36.64 223-010-19 1,043.36 223-010-27 9 , 642.46 223-010-28 2 , 520.02 223-010-29 17 , 847.06 223-010-35 6,217.04 223-010-37 6,921.96 223-010-40 86.22 223-011-02 25,051.88 223-011-03 835.06 223-011-04 19,621.00 223-011-06 8 , 101.88 223-021-08 1,362.16 222-470-25 764 38 . e 0 s 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 223-021-09 5,848.42 2,499.26 223-021-11 223-032-01 6,898.24 223-032-02 181.08 223-050-54 18,507.60 223-050-65 24 , 447.78 223-050-67 3,500.16 223-050-68 223-050-69 16 , 855.24 223-050-70 5,691.46 223-060-15 16 , 003.94 223-060-28 591.90 223-060-29 4,238.74 223-060-31 6,742.60 223-060-32 40,955.42 223-060-40 24 , 549.40 223-060-50 6 , 770.20 223-061-01 4,263.98 7,958.86 223-061-02 223-071-05 9,832.16 223-071-07 5,404.34 223-071-09 12,393.14 255-010-24 50,305.14 255-010-26 8,771.12 255-023-02 859.20 22 , 984.94 255-030-09 6,413.98 255-030-11 255-030-12 16 , 217.00 24 , 349.50 255-030-13 1,302.92 255-031-17 255-031-18 14,273.06 255-031-20 4,945.20 255-031-22 9,860.84 255-031-23 7 , 491.88 255-031-24 42,351.60 255-03 1-25 19 , 496.64 255-040-19 20,965.40 11 , 714.56 255-040-55 255-041-18 16,104.04 255-041-19 6,221-78 255-041-20 25,851.40 43,500.26 264-010-07 264-010-09 799.52 223-021-12 2,711.88 223-050-59 266.50 8,338.78 255-010-19 1,350- 30 . 0 0 - 07/01/93 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SPECIAL ANNUAL TAXROLL FOR 1993-94 ASSESSOR'S TOTAL CHARGE PARCEL NO. TO TAXROLL 264-010-21 3 , 046.00 264-010-22 1,864.68 264-010-23 2,272 e 10 22,119.66 264-010-25 264-010-32 25,892.86 264-221-01 12 , 319.84 2 64-221-02 122.88 PARCELS: 1,295 $2,445,047.36 F L * b .. 1 2 3 4 5 ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 93-199 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL TAX FOR A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORM (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative body"), has initiated proceedings, he a public hearing, conducted an election and received a favorable vote from t qualified electors relating to the levy of a special tax in a community faciliti district, all as authorized pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Ro Community Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Ti 5 of the Government Code of the State of California. This Community Facilit District shall hereinafter be referred to as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTFU NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and, WHEREAS, this legislative body, by Ordinance as authorized by Secti 53340 of the Government Code of the State of California, has authorized the 1c of a special tax to pay for costs and expenses related to said Community Facilit District, and this legislative body is desirous to establish the specific rate of 1 special tax to be collected for the next fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the specific rate and amount of the special tax to collected to pay for the costs and expenses for the next fiscal year (1993-94) the referenced District is hereby determined and established as set forth in attached, referenced and incorporated Exhibit "A." /// s 1- i % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 z6 27 28 0 0 SECTION 3. That the rate as set forth above does not exceed the amour as previously authorized by Ordinance of this legislative body, and is not i excess of that as previously approved by the qualified electors of the District. SECTION 4. That the proceeds of the special tax shall be used to pay, i whole or in part, the costs of the following, in the following order of priority Payment of principal of and interest on any outstandir A. authorized bonded indebtedness; B. Necessary replenishment of bond reserve funds or othc reserve funds; C. Payment of costs and expenses of authorized public facilitii and public services; D. Repayment of advances and loans, if appropriate. The proceeds of the special taxes shall be used as set forth above, and shall n be used for any other purpose. SECTION 5. The special tax shall be collected in the same manner ordinary ad valorem property taxes are collected, and shall be subject to the sax penalties and same procedure and sale in cases of any delinquency for ad valor€ taxes, and the Tax Collector is hereby authorized to deduct reasonal administrative costs incurred in collecting any said special tax. SECTION 6. All monies above collected shall be paid into the Commun Facilities District funds, including any bond fund and reserve fund. /// /// /// n 9' * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 SECTION 7. The Auditor of the County is hereby directed to enter in tl next County assessment roll on which taxes will become due, opposite each 1 or parcel of land effected in a space marked "public improvements, special ta or by any other suitable designation, the installment of the special tax, and f the exact rate and amount of said tax, reference is made to the attached Exhil 9lA.ll SECTION 8. The County Auditor shall then, at the close of the t collection period, promptly render to this Agency a detailed report showing t amount and/or amounts of such special tax installments, interest, penalties a percentages so collected and from what property collected, and also providf statement of any percentages retained for the expense of making any su collection. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 6th day of JULY 1993, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES' None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Fin &H![Lfl LAUDE A. LE S, Mayor ATTEST; ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk E: 0 0 8 % rsy w CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 TAX RATES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY NON-RESIDENTIAL (38.37% OF MAXIMUM) COMMERCIAL (38.37% OF MAXIM NON-RESIDENTIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY - 1993-94 c NOTES TAX RATE AREA I INCLUDES PROPERTY WITHIN BRIDGE 8 THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT. TAX RATE AREA II PROPERTY IS EXCLUDED FROM BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT. ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD INFLATION RATE IS 1.3% ACTUAL TAX RATES CALCULATED TO FOUR DECIMAL PLACES. 1993-94 IS FIRST YEAR THAT FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY HAS BEEN SET'.