HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-20; City Council; 12329; PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM SOLID WASTE AGREEMENT/ OF CARLSBAD - AG PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM SOLID WASTE AGREEMENT Adopt Resolution No. 9 3- a/? approving an amendment to the Interim Soli1 ITEM EXPLANATION The Carlsbad City Council at its June 22, 1993 meeting approved the Interim Soli Management Agreement with conditions. At a subsequent meeting of the Inter Waste Commission held on June 30, 1993, seven cities who had unconditionally a the Agreement were seated as members of the Commission. The cities of Natio La Mesa, Poway, San Marcos, Lemon Grove, Coronado and Solana Beach apprc Agreement unconditionally and are members of the Interim Commission. The Ci Mar has subsequently approved the Agreement unconditionally and appears eligil seated as a Commission member. The City of San Diego was also seated as an 1 member on the Commission. The balance of the cities in the County either rejc Agreement, approved it with conditions, or had not taken action on the Agreemen point it appears that eight cities have unconditionally approved the Agreement members of the Commission and that nine cities have not approved the Agreer are not yet members of the Commission. The Interim Solid Waste Commission, at its June 30, 1993 meeting, agreed to rec that the Interim Agreement be amended to allow non-signing cities additional time to consider unconditionally signing the Interim Agreement. The Interim Agreemc need to be signed on or before July 23, 1993. If a city did not sign, the city v being subject to a surcharge on the tipping fee which would take effect on Augus non-signing cities to join as members of the Commission. A draft resok. Thursday, July 8, 1993 at the meeting of the North County Solid Waste Manags position and the Mayors of the three JPA cities agreed to recommend to their Cit! adoption of the resolution as revised. A revised version of the compromise PC subsequently been circulated to the other non-signing cities for consideration b! !! 0 PageZofAB /a, 2s The intent is to present a consensus compromise position to the Commission at i meeting which will be held at 8:OO a.m. on Wednesday, July 28, 1993 at the ( Administration building in San Diego. There is no assurance the Commission will the conditions and the non-signing cities may face the risk of being subject to a surc However, since the surcharge was imposed by the Board of Supervisors, it m repealed by action of the Board. EXH IBlTS 1. Resolution No. 9 3 - a/ ’? approving compromise condition Interim Solid Waste Management Agreement Proposed amendment to the Interim Solid Waste Agreement apprc the Interim Commission approved on June 30, 1993. 2. -- lL “l -- -_ 0 FAX COVER SHEET Please notify uddressee fhat they have received u FA: FAX Number: i-i c 61 C$! P#m-IIl Pedm I” / Di fq.&p- &sages 1-1-1 Addressee‘s Telephone Number: *rt Od MESSAGE E3 To: “*g‘!” F@ #a h\ w fi++~de& cS -/ie finna~ed~ r0 +he W~,A 4 %GQ ~t (&ernen+ ~k dG rode& b -I$& JyIkri+vi &m Yf il bA 63043. As c~~esM1‘vd?,~ -+LL nw -(. meefikj $he Xfik~gfi 2 0~~~s 3-A843 At. :o dtrn. &A? lb00 f?+ 0.c is ~cAcAde& Number of pages (including this cover sheet): 3 From: I,,, fAlLiA3 s Telephone Number: 93. This Message Originated from the Following Public Works Office / F Q Administration (6 19) 268-046 1 9 Solid Waste ( 0 Land Development Admin (6 19) 694-8928 a Solid Waste ( Q Land Development Permiis (619) 279-7020 a Field Operations ( Cl Engineering Services (619) 694-2499 CI Gitlespie Field ( Cl Borrego Spnngs Road Stc3ion (6 19) 767-3953 Ll Liquid Waste I (Check One) a McClellan-Palomar Airport (61 91 931 -57 13 0 Julian Road Station ( e 0 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO INTERIM AGREEMENT: AT THE INTERIM SOLID WASTE COMMISSION MEETING ON JUNE 30, 19' INTERIM COMMISSION UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDED AN AMENDMENT "INTERIM AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM SOLID WASTE COW AND PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE." THE AMI WOULD EXTEND AN OPPORTUNITY TO NON-MEMBER CITIES WHICK DID N THE INTERIM AGREEMENT, OR WHICH SIGNED THE INTERIM AGREEMEI CONDITIONS THAT PRECLUDE THEM FROM BEING MEMBERS OF THE : COMMISSION, TO JOIN THE COMMISSION BY SIGNING THE INTERIM AG ON OR BEFORE JULY 23, 1993. TO BE EFFECTIVE, THE AMENDMENT MUST BE ADOPTED BY EACH JURIS THAT IS CURRENTLY A VOTING MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION: THE CI CORONADO, LA MESA, LEMON GROVE, POWAY, NATIONAL CITY, SAN AND SOLANA BEACH, AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. THE AMENDME ALSO BE ADDED TO THE INTERIM AGREEMENT BY ANY CITY UTILIZI OPPORTUNITY TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT AND BECOME A MEMBER COMMISSION. THE AMENDMENT WOULD REPLACE SECTION 2.1 OF THE AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: This INTERIM AGREEMENT shall take effect as of June 22 by, between and among the COUNTY and any of the Cities on Attachment A as have executed this document on or July 23, 1993. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE INTERIM AGREEMEN' REMAIN UNCHANGED. ATTACHED IS THE AMENDMENT WHICH YOUR CITY SHOULD SIGN AND R1 TH.E COUNTY. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL LIN WURB! SOLID WASTE DIVISION (974-2729). 0 e At its regularly scheduled meeting on July , 1993, th Council of the City of agreed to the following amendm the "INTERIM AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM SOLID COMMISSION AND PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE' "Interim Agreement") : SECTION 2.1 OF THE AMENDED INTERIM AGREEMENT SHALL BE RE WITH THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: This INTERIM AGREEMENT shall take effect as of June 22, by, between and among the COUNTY and any of the Cities on Attachment A as have executed this document on or July 23, 1993. c .. I- 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 93-717 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AMENDED SOLID WASTE INTERIM AGREEMENT WHEREAS, disposal of solid waste within San Diego County is a crisis which r the cooperation of the County of San Diego and every city within the County; a WHEREAS, the Interim Agreement amended June I, 1993 has been signed the County of San Diego and seven cities; and WHEREAS, the Interim Agreement must be further amended in order that it bt by the other cities in the County; and WHEREAS, during the pendency of the Interim Agreement: A. Alternative forms of permanent governance will be comprehensiv reviewed and impartially analyzed; and B. considered; and C. A full range of sub-regional disposal alternatives will be explored The operation of existing facilities including NCRRA will be exam considered for modification or termination; and D. E. Tipping fees and the uniformity of such fees will be reviewed; ar Host agencies such as Chula Vista and San Marcos will be paic fees defined in the Interim Agreement; and F. Affected agencies such as Santee will be paid facility fees definl Interim Agreement; and I111 Ill1 //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 WHEREAS, while the above-recited matters and others are reviewe implemented: A. 6, Flow covenants should be to the Commission; and Bonds should not be issued without concurrence of a majority of Commission NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C California as follows: That the Solid Waste Interim Agreement as amended by the Board of Super the County of San Diego on June 1, 1993, is hereby approved and fifty percent the Acceptable Waste Flow of the City of Carlsbad is hereby committed on conc the Interim Agreement be amended to provide as follows for all member agenc Both the initial and subsequent flow commitments made by a cit made to the Interim Commission and flow commitments made by a city shall rev1 city on or before May 31, 1994 if that city has not agreed to the permanen governance. 1. 2. The County will not issue solid waste facility bonding prior to Jur without the concurrence of a majority vote of the members of the Interim Com //I/ /ill ill1 ill/ ill/ ill1 llll Ill1 k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 PASSED, ADOPTED ANI) APPROVED by the City Council of tl Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting thereof thi day of JULY , 1993. AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaai ATTEST: