HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-27; City Council; 12336; RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REGARDING BARKING DOG COMPLAINTSL d *ri 0 u L) cd .d u -4 $2 .z ol b uu *$ g: & J 3 g$ VJ -rl x a* mm ma \\ z $2 0 11 i= 0 4 6 z 3 0 0 ba OF CARLSBAD - AG~A BILL AB # la,33 b TITLE: DE CI' MTG. 7-a?-. 9 d DEPT. CM BARKING DOG COMPLAINTS CI' RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REGARDING Receive staff report on information regarding barking dog complaints. ITEM EXPLANATION: City Council has requested the following information as a result of comments from resic the procedure used by the County Department of Animal Control to resolve barking d 1. Does Animal Control have procedures in writing for residents to see exactly wl entails? The County does not have written procedures available for residents to describe hc complaints are handled. However, after the County receives a barking dog complain sent to the complainant notifying them that a letter has been sent to the dog owner tc the alleged code violation (Exhibits 1 and 2). The letter to the complainant also inforn additional actions can be taken and encourages them to call the County if the violatic if more information is needed. Additional notices are sent to dog owners and/or Animal Control Officers respond in pt letter does not resolve the problem. The County recommends that the citizen's arre used if the problem continues. The District Manager of the North County Animal Shell he is considering going into more detail on procedures in the letter to complainants. 2. How many barking dog complaints do Animal Control respond to and how Ion take to resolve a problem? County staff report that 87 letters have been sent to Carlsbad dog owners notifying violations SO far this fiscal year. These letters are usually effective in resolving compl staff did need to follow up on some of the letters and issued 6 citizen arrest cii reportedly resulted in convictions. Animal Control Officers attempt to issue a citation the same day a citizen's arre sometimes takes longer depending on how difficult it is to contact the dog owner. Th record keeping system does not track how long it takes the case to go to trial afi issued since they are not responsible for taking the case to trial. The court schedule! 30 days after the citation is issued. If the dog owner pleads not guilty, a trial is sch 30 days urnless the dog owner requests an extension. 3. How many noise complaints has the Police Department received and what 1 of the noise. Exhibit 3 lists the various types of disturbance calls received by the Police Departm of 3,467 calls, 97 were for barking dogs. \W PAGE 2 of Agenda Bill # 1 e3 b 4. Why did it take so long for Animal Control to resolve the problem described by resident Council meeting? A brief chronology of the case has been compiled by Animal Control staff and it is attached as 4. The chronology indicates that the problem was first reported on July 11, 1992. The case dic to court until May 10,1993, because complainants would not file a citizen’s arrest against the do and Animal Control did not believe that they could issue a citation because of legal restraints. Control staff did eventually issue a citation to the dog owner because of an individual interpretation of the law. The dog owner was found guilty and received a $300 fine wh suspended with two years probation. The owner was also given 72 hours to obtain an el shocking device and was warned that she would be fined $4,800 if the problem continued. Animal Control staff have been notified that they are not to initiate further citations for bark complaints due to a court decision which found that Animal Control Officers cannot be distu barking dogs due to the nature of their profession. 5. What are the costs and benefits of contracting with the County for noise control services are other cities handling barking dog complaints? The County charges $65 per hour for utilization of County Noise Control services. Noise Cor have equipment used to obtain evidence documenting noise levels over extended periods of tin is used to prosecute cases stemming from barking dog complaints. County staff estimate tha approximately 4 hours to collect sufficient evidence to bring a barking dog complaint to court. ( documentation is collected, City staff present it to the prosecuting office (the City Attorney’s Carlsbad’s case), and a criminal complaint may be filed if so desired. If the case is taken to cou Control staff estimate the City would be billed for another 3 or 4 hours to prepare and prc evidence in court. The City of Escondido contracts with the County for noise control services based on the $65 amount. The Cities of Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Oceanside and Vista contract for Cou control services with payments based on the County’s actual cost of providing the service ( materials for each case). Some of the cities have their residents contact the Noise Control Offi have a problem, but most have residents contact their Code Enforcement Office or Police v enlist the help of the County Noise Control Office for documentation if the City 01 Control/Humane Society are unable to resolve the problem. North County cities handle barking dog complaints in the following manner: The City of San Marcos only uses Animal Control for barking dog complaints if City staff are 1 resolve the problem. Poway also usually uses Animal Control but has recently used Noise Control on an hourly b recent bird noise complaint. Del Mar also uses Noise Control for birds but refers barking dog complaints to Animal Contr The City of Encinitas refers all noise complaints to Noise Control. c) m Page 3 of Agenda Bill # 12, da Q The Ci of Oceanside reports that they use County Noise Control services commercialfindustrial generated types of noise complaints, but not barking dog complai those complaints to the Humane Society initially and if they do not resolve the problem have dog owners and complainants use the San Diego Mediation Center to resolve th Oceanside has found that this process is much more effective than taking dog owner Vista refers barking dog complaints to the Humane Society and also uses media necessary. Noise control is only used if a dog owner is taken to court. The District Manager of the North County Animal Shelter is currently considering how using the Mediation Center alternative for resolving barking dog complaints. Material frl Center Information Package is attached as Exhibit 5. County Animal Control anc confident that ongoing barking dog problems can be resolved by using mediation or thr process. FISCAL IMPACT None EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from Department of Animal Control to Concerned Citizen regardir complaint. Letter from Department of Animal Control to Dog Owner regarding barking dc Chronology from Department of Animal Control of requests for service/responsc residing at 2998 Lexington Circle. Noise Complaint Report from Carlsbad Police Department. San Diego Mediation Center information package. 2. 3. 4. 5. EX1 rn /+-x, ,;$E?- .- ?*- 0 1 ,-r>-- CENTPA 5480 G NORTH SALLY B HAZZARD Mauntg of j5an piego 2481 CARLSBAD PALOM I6191 438-2 SAN DIEGO I61 91 iJ DIRECTOR 16191 531 6041 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL soumi 5480 GAINES STREET SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 921 10-2624 5821 SWE BONITA C (619) Dear Concerned Citizen, Thank you for taking the time to bring to our attention concern regarding a disturbance of the peace caused by a ba dog (or dogs). Because of the concern for the health and WE of our community, the County Code provides in part that, no E shall own or harbor an animal in such a manner that the pea quiet of the public is unreasonably disturbed. As a result of your referral, we have notified the individc the nature of the complaint and the related requirements as wt the potential consequences of non-compliance. We encourage : report any continuing violations to us so that any necc investigative and appropriate enforcement action can be takc You should also be aware that the law authorizes private persc take certain remedial steps to address the problems cau: barking dogs. Under certain circumstances, depending upc nature of the reported incident and the sufficiency o available evidence or information, we are authorized to rt criminal case for review by the Prosecutor's office. As a g rule, you may request that we process a "citizen's a (citation) for barking dog violations or other public of committed in your presence if you and any other witness co and sign the requisite forms and are prepared to testify in Other civil remedies, beyond the scope of our authority, ma be available to you. Our goal is to preserve animal and public health and welf promoting responsible pet ownership through our educatic enforcement programs. The concern and cooperation of indiv within our community facilitates our efforts in safeguarding and animals. For additional information, or to report any continuing viol; please feel free to call me at 438-2312 or 746-7307. -*erelY, 12, -7 G' 42d&x% '&%4WL RICHARD BERNAL, Lieutenant North County Animal Shelter EX m g* ** .d$ 0 pF* ; ,*A ""S CENTRAL 5480 GL SAN DIEGO C I6191 2 (-J NORTH 2481 PALOML OIRECTOR CARLSBAD C Mountg uf $an piego SALLY B HAZZARD (619) 531 6041 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL (8191 4382 5480 GAINES STREET. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92710-2624 SOUTH 6821 SWEI BONITA CI (819) : Dear Dog Owner, The County of San Diego Department of Animal Control has rec received a report that a dog (or dogs) belonging to you has allowed to bark excessively, and disturb the peace, in violati San Diego County Code section 62.672. Because of the concer the health and welfare of our community, the County Code pro in part that, no person shall own or harbor an animal in s manner that the peace or quiet of the public is unreaso disturbed. Since, at this point, we have not verifiec allegation, please accept this letter as information only. If you have not already obtained a current San Diego County li for your dog(s) , you should also be aware that all dogs, over months of age, are required to wear a valid license tag. licenses provide a uniform system of identification, as well means of ensuring that the animal has been vaccinated a$ rabies. If you have recently moved into this jurisdiction, previous dog license may be transferrable to our County. Fc licensing information, please call our Licensing Division at 5750. Owners of dogs which are found in violation of Code requirt are subject to administrative action as well as potential cr: responsibility and/or civil liability. Our goal is to prt animal and public health and welfare by promoting responsib: ownership through our education and enforcenent programs. additional information, please feel Eree to call me at 438-2 746-7307. incerel 2&;@44L&/ - RICHARD BERNAL, Lieutenant North County Animal Shelter 0 W EXI- May27, 1993 +? TO: Robert Vales Chief of Polk FROM: Lynn Diamond RE: Noise Complaints Management Analyst Listed below are the various disturbance complaints entered in computer-aided dispatch system during 1992. approximately six percent (6%) of the total number of calls logged Q police in 1992. Disturbance calls PERCENTAGE OF DISTURE3ANCE TYPE # OF CALLS TOTAL DISTURBANCE Barking 97 3 To Customer 70 2% Family 763 22% Fight 282 8% Fireworks 88 3% General 793 23% Group 95 3% Noise 907 26% 372 11% TOTAL 3,467 100% party (R.P.) NAME 2931 Lexington Cr. '1 Letter In E 9-4-92 Benquiat, 2947 Lexington Cr. Letter et. al. (petition) Lett 1-22-93 Benquiat 2947 Lexington Cr. 2-16-93 Dept. 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L - -- -w & - < - = L.7 .= L. cz 3s VOL. 9 NO. 9 SEPTEME ER MEDIATION WORKS: Barking Dogs and Beyon by Joseph 1. Stine, Deputy City Attorney, City of Oceanside our years ago, as a fledgling deputy city attorney, I is a better way to handle excessive dog barking and was charged with the duty of enforcing the municipal nuisance-orienred code violations. It is not necess’ F code, including the prohibition against excessive dog make an inaependent judcement as to wnerher the ni barking. This assignment was more than a little unflattering excessive to the mythical person of “normal semi to my professional ego. After all, I am a former deputy district referenced in the ordinance. Mediation, I learned, is a attorney responsible for putting felons in prison and giving stiff lured dialogue between disputants conducted by a I jolts to drunk drivers and other serious criminals. Somehow, specially trained in assistir I couldn’t work up the parties in reaching their owl lions to the problem. Neighb to slam someone with spats that are not prosecuta Moreover, i quickly mediatable at a high rate of sl traditional tools of a prosecutor do not resoive these disputes. These (Eighty percent of the mediati are not contests between the forces sions produce an agreemc of good and evil. They are primarily short, mediation works whf neighbor-neighbor spats. Noise sensi tional lawyering doesn’t. tive seniors complain that their quiet retirement is being disrupted by a high strung hound. Dog owners counter that good old “Buster” is simply being an effective watch- dog and does not bark exces sively. In the owner’s eyes, the complainant should “get a life:’ stop ”bitching” and be thankful that Buster helps to keep the neigh- borhood safe. Site visits to talk to each side (I called them my “bow wow pow wows”) made it more clear that law enforcement does not resolve anything. After about a year of inef- feclive animai noise enforce- ment, I haopened to attend a coae enforcement confer- ence on mediation. The conference taught me that there indeed It’s not eliminated the I with owners a tion before as just for dog disputes 3ARKI:lG SCGS, xnrinuea e e ne!ghbors have a substantial siake in Geesly cis3i;oea or :Niloily irraiian;; senr must live ‘>/\ih ?he 5 resolving their own differences. people. (Say “no than&” to “meaiation arrancjement long after we’ve (Presumably, they are still going to be with Manson:‘) Mediation is not a to arher cases. neighbors even after Buster is duly substitute for prosecution when the In my mind, all of us shoi quieted.) Pitting neighbor against objective is to punisn someone through examining our role as attorney: neighbor in a criminal trial undermines incarceration or monetary sanctions. (it ing in a world which is rapidl! the basic level of trust critical to resolv- is being used very success:ully to ing mediation and other ADR tel ing the differences which predictably dispose oi certain minor criminal viola- To ignore this fundamental ch arise in today’s compacted residential tions triggered by perpetrator-victim re!a- be left at the station while the comhuni ties. tionship issues.) If the purpose of the down the tracks. It’s time to j\ Impressed by the value of mediation, process is to extract a “pound of flesh:’ train and help to steer it to I decided to become a mediator myself. mediation is not the vehicle. Mediators track! In February 1990, I went through an have no power to discipline. I suggest that step one i intensive three day mediator training Second, midiation may not be appro- examination is to resist our p sponsored by the the San Oiego Media- priate when the primary goal is to formal- instinct and training to prom tion Center. About a quarter of the par- ly establish or enforce a claim of right. conflict into court. Litigation ticipants were attorqeys also seeking a If you want to pursue a principle, go see the best way to truly help th new way to deal with people in conflict. the person in the black robe in Depart- should be the exception, not Most of us have gone on to polish our ment C. If you need tc compei perfor- Finding legal fault may be prc skills by volunteering as mediators for the mance, the courts have enforcement challenging to us but unrespo Center. Several participants have taken teeth lacking in a mediation-produced client needs for prompt, co‘ the additional step of mediating pro- reconiliation agreement which is not a resolution which preserves ( fessionally. judgement. Mediators do not find fault tionships. Even the “mad I After the initial success in using media- and are powerless to order restitution. needs to be settled down tion to auell neighborhccd disputes, I Put simply, mediators are not judges. realize that litigation is long ti have learned to appreciate its much Outside of punishment proceedings or sive and risky. (He may 10s broader application. Today meqiation is “rights centered” conflicts, the utility of to pay our fee and possibl a critical component in a quiet revolution mediation is limited only by our C@I- side’s attorney’s fee as we in how we as attorneys resolve disputes. vity and imagination. Today ADR provi- In sorting out our role, ther The ’90’s label for the revolution is sions are commonly used in a broad analogy tot medical profe! “alternative disoute resolution” (ADR) spectrum of business agreements. The of yours I as a “legal sur or, as I would prefer, “appropriate City of Oceanside has revised its stan- fronte 8 y a “patient” comp dispute reiolutioni’ “Sue the bastards” dard professional services agreement to ailm t for which there is a ter:’ (Alternative version: “Mediate the tion and then by binding arbitration. State engaging in protracted litig; matter” and then “sue the bastards” if law now mandates that a similar process the patient open on the Ope the mediation doesn’t work!) Civil be used to resolve certain claims arising There may be other, less disputes, in particular, are being re- wt of public works contracts. more productive means moved from trail dockets as judges, court Real property disputes also are Mr. / Ms. X to do what the I administrators and progressive practi- mediatable. Disputes over easements, done. Mediation, like holis tioners czcorne aware of favorable alter- encroachments and boundary lines are may provide a more lasting natives to a court-imposed resoiution. effectively resolvable through mediation. shorter time than escalatin Mediation can be viewed as a special- It is particularly useful in land use into a court confrontation ly designed settlement conference in disputes as a means of defusing tensions else, get the patient’s infor which parties structure their own agree- between cost conscious developers and before using the “judicial ment through a carefully orchestrated community preservationists. Enlightened Uniortunateiy, in law sct dialogue. Participants are encouraged to developers begin mediation-like sessions tional law practice, we are look beyond their positions to their fun- with potential adversaries long before bulls rather than probler darnental interests. They are invited to positions are polarized and, in doing so, hired guns rather than hea think creatively about expanding the pie minimize project opposition at subse- advocacy and not conciliati rather than cutting it to get the biggest quent public hearings. our strongest suit. We nee possible piece. Feelings are shared and Divorce and other family law disputes rethink whether what we ( , solutions explored in the nonthreatening are likewise excellent candidates for . is a service to our clients atmosphere. Parties frame an agreement mediation. As attorneys, we are proiicient tion truly preferable t consistent with their interests and not in handling the financial details of the building in dealing with c!i necessarily accoding to the dictates of Conflict but ilf equipped to deai wth the If not, medililion is not be tf’ie law. pain of separation which makes wise. dnderstanding the utility of media- disputants react with their heans instead A new grouo is forming iion, it is helpful to initially identify those of their heads. (Smail wonder that a ty to educate all of us on few types of conflict where mediation is weapons detector is positioned outside and other AOR processe: - not practical or appropriate. I believe that of divorce court in Vista.) Shouldn’t we !a our practices. Simila !here are two major areas wnere media- guide ciienrs io a forum for healing or at Decorne popular in the ci tion won’t work or shouldn’t be used. least coping with the emotional scars that ana other paCS of the s1 First, one does mJ mediate issues of are a tragic by-product or the adversarial us. Catcn the ADR train Serious moral cuipability or mediate with process? After all, !he iitigants we reore- is being repiaced by “mediate the mat- require dispute resolution first by media- to r ame. Rushing to file a c SEPTEiMEEil 1992