HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-17; City Council; 12368; CCVB 1992-93 3rd quarter reportAB # @jL3h8 TITLE; MTG. 8/17/93 CAFUSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S DEPT. FIN BUREAU THIRD QUARTER REPORT FOR 1992-93 DEPT CITY CITY 4- d-5 c /* “h e- ,‘ad -? 6.L -* c&, >- Jj ?Z 4,“ ‘*, z 0 i= 0 d z a 0 s Cli): OF CARLSBAD - AGE[OA BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and File Report ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitois Bureau (CCVB) has submitted their third quart report for the period from April 1 through June 30, 1993. CC”s fiscal year ends c September 30, 1993. Income The table below details the funds the City has disbursed to CCVB during the third quart of the 1992-93 agreement. A total of nearly $78,000 was paid to the CCVB, of whic $39,000 was for administration. The remaining $39,000 went toward program paymenl The CCVB requested and received $25,000 in matching program funds in the third quartt which exhausts funds available in this category. A total of $13,400 was disbursed for no matching program funds during the third quarter. To date $24,000 for non-matcfi programs has been received by the CCVB from Carlsbad, leaving approximately $48,0( available for the remainder of the contract. Status of 1993-94 Agreement City of Carlsbad and CCVB Annual Contract 3rd Qtr Received Remaining Amount Received to Date Contract Administration 118,000 39,333 98,333 19,667 Matching Program 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 Unrestricted Program 72,000 13,400 24,093 47,907 Total City Income 215.000 77,733 147,426, 67,574 Expenses Approxhately 60% or $46,000 of the expenses incurred by CCVB in the third quarter 1992-93 were for programs. Advertising accounts for 63% or $29,000 of the prop expenses. Another 9% of the funds went toward updating and reprinting the promotior brochure, while 9% of the funds went toward travel shows. The $2,000 spent on spec community events included a Lego block party at the Carlsbad IM, an ad for the Carlsb 5000 and a donation for printing the Volksmarch flyer. Included in the attached exhibit is a Visitor Information Summary for the third quarter program 1992-93, as well as one for the previous program year. The summaries hdki from the previous year. that the number of visitors to Carlsbad in the April through June period decreased by e 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 12; 3 b 8 FISCAL IMPACT: The City's agreement with the Chamber of Commerce establishes $215,000 as the tot amount of funding for program year 1992-93, with $118,000 designated for administratii costs, and $97,000 designated for programs. Of the program funding, $25,000 requir matching contributions from other sources. These amounts were appropriated withh tl 1992-93 General Fund budget. EXHIBITS: Third quarter report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau for fiscal year 199: 93, dated July 16, 1993. 0 0 .. CALS_?SRK;IA July 16, 1993 Debbie Neville Senior Management Analyst Finance Dept . City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Debbie: Attached is a synopsis of the major activities of the Carls Convention and Visitors Bureau from April 1 - June 30, 1993 If you need additional information, please let me know. SincerEly, NK L Manager Encls, 03 & Visitors E3reau POO. Box 124.3 " Ze:9sSaC, GA 623"-:346 O (6iiS] 434-6093 D \ ision of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 0 April 1 - June 30, 1993 INCOME City of Carlsbad $77,732.99 Comky of Sm Diego ca-op program with hotels 4,908.7 5 6,707 -27 Sales of itm in depot Interest on bank account Specia 1 prornoti ons 603.35 136.85 2,832 .00 Total Income $92,921.21 HLPE3SES Administration $47,511.00 Program 29,073.03 Advertising Video -0- Travel Shows 4,007.33 Brochures 8,747.90 Bosti~g Fa Trips 1,772.21 2 I 029 n 40 Special Events Total Expenses $93,140.87 -1- 0 ACTIVETIES Apri 1 : Six travel writers were hosted by the ConVis for four nights. I group took a hot-air balloon ride over the flower fields, b-eceil the Floral Trade Center and shopped in the Village. The reporti frcm Smset Magazine returned the following weekend. with a photographer to get more material for a feature on Carlsbad sla, for the April '94 issue. The ConVis published a 32-page booklet that lists the amenities 38 North County hotels and a description of things to see and d in North County. Twenty thousand were published. More than 10,000 were mailed to selected travel agencies in the western United States and British Columbia. The rest will be distribute at travel shows. This project was entirely paid for by a fee charged each participating hotel and a grm-t from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. ConVis co-sponsored with Andersen's Inn an Evening in Copenhager to enable the business cornunity to show its support for LW. Culbertson hosted a wine tastizg. EhtertaimeRt incluiied Danisl folk dancers, guitar msic and a surprise performance by Fred F: playing his honky-tonk piano. a spa treatment at La Costa, rode jet skies at Snug Harbor, tou April : April 15: The Inn provided a wide array of hors d'oeuvres, ad Soh More than 200 people attended.. April 17-18: ConVis was the principal sponsor of the annual Volksmrch in Carlsbad. Carlsbad to participate in the 10-kilometer walk that started ax ended at the old depot. More than 200 people from several states came to April 17: Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations and Carol DuDeck, sales m-ager of the Carlsbad In3 med the Carlsbad booth at the Los Angeles Trwe! Show. More than13,000 people attended the show including several hmdred travel agents. ConVis co-sponsored with Carlsbad Inn a Children's Block Party t show support for LEGO. constructed replicas of Carlsbad larcharks from LM;o blocks provided by the ConVis. T-shirt. Steve Link, ConVis rranager, contacted County supervisors Pam Slater ad John McDonald with an idea of designating 10-year-olc Paul Murray as San DiegG Couty's official ambassador to LEG0 Pa in Denmark. present a comty proclmatim to LEC-O officials. The ConVis designed and circulated autograph albm to local schools for youngsters to write congratulatory messages to LEG0 Park on its 25th znniversary. one large album and ?resented kc LECQ officials in June. April 17: A dozen schools and youth groups hch youngster also received a free Apri 1 : They did and he traveled to Denmark in June to April : The albm were then asserrbled ir: -1- 0 0 Map : Convis reprinzed its pqular brochure cf Phingss to see and do ir: Carlsbad. considering vacationing here, distributed. at travel trade shows and m.de ava.ila.ble to tourists in local hotel lobbies. It will require about 13 rranths to distribute the entire supply. The 36,000 brochures will be mailed to people June : More than 230,000 travel agencies wcrldwide are now able to accc information abcut Carlsbad on their desk-top computers. ConVis purchased space on an annual contract with World Travel File destination and reservation service. Travel agents throughout the world will. be able to instw-tly access infomatic about Carlsbad or order literature from us. Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations med the Carlsbad booth at the Group Leaders of America (GLAMW) travel trade show in Seattle. groups, etc. The June : GLAMER serves the group leaders of senic organizations such as sminr centers f AM? organizations, Churd -2- 0 e . -- viSIZOoR IWO-WATi~N si~~~<~~~ April 1, 1992 - June 30, 1992 (2-1. resident Out of cx Foreis2 ~otal vis izo LS visitors visitors mcnth April 603 1,249 209 2 ,061 May 668 994 120 1,78> June 628 1,095 205 1,928 3 mon'.;n tottls 1,899 3,338 534 5,771 *eve fiGr?res represent one member of fznily u?d/or group TOTALS April May June 1,826 1,571 2.536 5,933 Phone inquiries Mail outs 1,847 1,502 2,536 5,885 Travel aTent 270 230 190 690 mail outs 0 0 VISITOR INFORMATION SWmRY April 1, 1993 - June 30, 1993 CA. resident Out of CA Forelan Total vis iars visitors vlsltors month 54 4 895 234 1673 MAY 993 814 290 2097 JUNE 641 1221 231 2093 2178 2930 755 5863 APRIL 3 month totals Above figures represent one member of family and/or group APRIL MAY JUNE TOTALS 16b3 1404 1958 5005 1722 1799 2008 5529 Phone inquiri’es Mail outs 134 138 150 422 Travel agent mail outs a 0 W CONVIS Travel writers days in Carlsbad in early April gathering articles they plan to write. “We scheduled this tour to coincide with the flower fields in bloom,” said Clcta Wright, ConVis director of public relations. ‘While their days here were packed with activities, one of the most memorable was a hot air balloon flight over the flower fields. From 100 feet the flowers were especially rode jet skis at Snug Harbor, and took a historical tour of Carls- bad. They also visited the Floral Trade Center, the Surf Museum and And of course, they were given time to browse in the Village,” added Wright. “This was a great community effort,” said Hope Wrisley, who chairs the ConVis Advisory Bo; “The transportation, lodging an meals were all provided at no c to the ConVis or the travel wril It is a beautifully designed pro to introduce Carlsbad to world renowned journalists at little cc Annie McLhinney of Paradisc Communications selects the tr: writers, contacts them and am for their visit to Carlsbad. Thanks for local sup1 We are pleased to acknowlec the following companies for th support of this program: * American Airlines American Eagle Airlines Avis Rental Car Agency Beach Terrace Inn Caldo Pomodoro California Dreamin’ Ballo Carlsbad Inn Beach Resor Dini’s By The Sea Fidel’s Norte La Costa Resort & Spa Tamarack Beach Resort Snug Harbor Tip Top Meats Adventures Travel writers photograph a field worker. 16 May,1993 CarlsbadBusinessIournal e ConVis publishes facilities guir: e CONVIS Colorful flower fields adorn cover of a 30-page booklet thal the amenities of 38 North COUI hotels and a description of thir see and do in North County. % ConVis, with input from other members of the North G Tourism Marketing Group, de signed and published the book More than 20,OOO were printe Initially, a mailing is being don 10,000 selected travel agencies throughout the u-s- "IXs booE will show travel agents the whc spectrum of lodging available i ConVis manager. "I am sure th. of activities and attractions as H The remaining l0,OOO are bein distributed at travel trade show The booklet was financed in pal the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Each participating hotel paid a fee to be included. Walkers discover Carls b ad's beauty More than 200 people participated in the 10-kilometer Volksmarch April 17-18, in Carlsbad. Families from hhnesota, cob rad0 and Nevada, as well as people from throughout California trav- elled here for the annual sanctioned walk through the Village and along the beach. The event, sponsored by the San Diego County Rockhoppers, began and ended at the Visitor Informa- tion Center in the Depot. with runners dashing through our downtown streets at world record times, the participants in the Volksmarch had several hours to complete the 10 kilometers. At a leisurely noncompetitive pace, the walkers took the time to brows in the shops and eat lunch. is also designated for a walk any- time during the year. Wa1kers can register at Carlsbad by the Sea retirement home and get credit for the walk. tional organization brings many year and enables us to promote Carlsbad to Volksmarchers world- wide." said Steve Link, ConVis manager. Besides the annual walk, Carlsbad North County," said Steve Lid "Our association with the interna- In contrast to the Carlsbad 5000, people to Carlsbad throughout the will be impressed with fie vafic w. Carlsbad has booth at L,A.Travel Sho Carlsbad's charms were tout& the L.A. Travel Show April 17-11 The booth was manned by Cleta Wright, ConVis director of publi relations, and Carol DuDeck, sal manager of the Carlsbad Inn. "It was unsettling to be mannil booth at the show in the downto convention center the day the Rodney King verdict was an- nounced," said DuDeck. 'We sta there among 300 other booths wondering if people would choo to stay out of the downtown, DuDeck continued. "But everyth was fine. More than 13,000 peopl strolled through the convention center seeking information forth 1. I vacation plans," she said. CONVI. ,. . a * acclaimed LEGO craftsman, judge the LEGO creations. Copenhagen. Two events show support for LEGO Par1 Two events held this past month demonstrated wide community interest and support in the effort to bring LEGO Park to Carlsbad. An Evening in Copenhagen and a Children’s Block Party enabled the public to become involved in the LEGO campaign. was a complete sellout as more than 200 community leaders socialized in the inn‘s center courtyard. They chatted with members of the LEGO Task Force while watching Danish folk dancers and enjoying a wide array of hors d’oeuvres. Peder Norby, LEGO Task Force chairman, led every- One in a group song extolling the virtues of Carlsbad as the LEGO Park location. Other highlights included a wine tasting by John Culbertson and a surprise performance by Fred Finr playing his honky-tonk piano. The other event, the Children’s Block Party, was ht at Carlsbad Inn. A dozen schools and youth groups constructed replicas of Carlsbad landmarks from LEI blocks provided by the ConVis. The team of second i third graders from Jefferson Elementary won the con tition with their replica of the old train depot. They received $500 to purchase classroom equipment. All competitors received a T-shirt. During the judging, th youngsters were entertained by Nels Lund, a versatill Danish children’s entertainer. ”The response from the community is terrific,” said Norby. “These events have caused many people to sic forward and ask how they can get involved.” An Evening in Copenhagen, hosted by Andersen‘s Inn, Kids send greetings to LEGO In early June a delegation will travel to Denmark to meet with LEGO officials. Since this is the 25th anniver- sary of LEGO Park in Denmark they plan to present the LEGO officials a happy anniversary greeting book with messages from Carlsbad school children. Sections of the book have been distributed to schools and another is available at the Visitors Center for children to sign. In mid-May the sections assembled into one book. “This outpouring of goodwill by our school children will certainly warm the hearts of the LEGO officials.” said Peder Norby, LEGO Task Force chairman. “Recently a teacher gave me a packet of letters her class had written. I presented them to a LEGO official and he was very impress2d. These gestures of friendship by our school children can be an important factor in LEGO’s decision to locate their park,“ said Norby. Sandra Tafoya, ConVis volunteer, oversees children signing the LEG0 greeting book. Carlsbad Business Journal May, 1993 I 0 0 CONVIS 1 County designates LEGO ambassador The San Diego County Board of Supervisors has designated 10-year-old Paul Murray as the county's are traveling to Denmark in early June to present a proclamation to LEGO officials in Biliund. The young ambassador is a fourth-grader at Jerabek Elementary School in Scripps Ranch, where he is en- rolled in the Gifted Intelligence Program. He has been LEGO enthusiast since age 2 and won a LEGO design competition in San Diego. "The trip to Denmark will be a memorable experienc for him," said Peder Norby, LEGO Task Force chairm; "But, of more importance will be the impression Paul will make on LEGO officials. They will see the caliber youth we have in our area and learn that our school children are enthusiastic about LEGO considering Carlsbad for their park." The Murrays' trip to Denmark is being sponsored by American Eagle Airlines, the Carlsbad Sun newspaper and the Upper Deck company. ambassador to LEGOLAND. He and his mother, Katy, Paul Murray, the county's ambassador to LEGOLAND, shows Supervisor Pam Slater his LEGO creations. - I 0 e m CONVIS ConVis reprints brochure of things to see and c You might think that it would take two or three years who are considering vacationing here. Thousands are distributed each year at travel trade shows thrl out the West,” explained Cleta Wright, ConVis dir of public relations. Most of the hotels in Carlsbad have the brochure available for their guests and they are also given tc tourists who stop at the Visitor Information Cente old depot. This accounts for another 15,000 annua “Making the brochures available at the hotels an the depot gives tourists a selection of things to see do in the area,” said Hope Wrisley, chairperson of ConVis Advisory Board. ”Hopefully, when they le the variety of things to do, they will decide to stay extra day in Carlsbad.“ The colorful brochure includes a calendar of eve! short description of attractions in the area, lists of, courses, wineries and tennis courts plus a map of i Village. Lyn Pinney, information specialist at the Visitor Information Center, compiled the information for 1 original brochure and modified it before it was re- asked by tourists are answered in the brochure. to distribute 36,000 brochures about Carlsbad. But it is The ConVis recently updated and reprinted 36,000 only a 13-month supply. copies of its popular brochure of things to see and do in the area. ‘We are mailing an average of 1,OOO a month to people printed. She made sure the most frequent question CONVIS 4 Carlsbad joins travel agents’ computer network Starting this month, agents at more than 230,000 travel agencies world-wide will be able to access a wealth of information about Carls- bad on their desk-top computers. The ConVis has contracted with Applied Information Services Inc. to promote Carlsbad through their World Travel File destination and reservation service. A general dexriptick of Carlsbad, plus information abouf nearby attractions, a calendar of events and more will be available instantly, any time of day, to travel agents and travel planners world-wide. ”This system places useful information about Carlsbad at the point of purchase,” said Steve Link, ConVis manager. ”The agent will be able to print the information displayed on their screen or order literature from system, we were concerned that many travel agents in distant places may not be familiar with Carlsbad and overlook us in their computer,” Link said. ”One way we will be noticed is when an agent pulls up San Diego on the computer it will tell the agent to also check Carlsbad. “There is also extensive cross- filing in the system,” Link ex- plained. ’If an agent asks for information on events such as ’Street Fairs’ or ’Golf Tournaments’ the computer will list Carlsbad along with every other destination on the system offering these events. ”This system will be especially valuable if LEGO decides to build their park in Carlsbad,” Link continued. “Travel agents will be able to find us simply by typing the word ‘LEGO in their computers.’’ “This system places useful information about Carlsbad at the point of purchase. The agent will mation disp’ayed On their screen or order literature from us. They are able to provide information about a destination to their customer in a moment’s time.” be able to print the infor= - Steve Link, ConVis us. It is a great tool for travel agents. They are able to provide informa- tion about a destination to their customer in a moment‘s time.” ’When we first looked at the (I) ConVis lures leaders of traveling senior grol ,-- CONVIS In early June, ConVis Public RelatioxWPromotions Director, Cleta Wright, attended the Group Leaders of America (GLAMER) travel trade show in Seattle. GLAMER serves the group leaders of senior organizations such as senior centers, AARP organizations, church groups, retirement clubs and villages, corporate retirees, and more. The shows are held in mapr metropolitan areas for group leaders who reside in the region. viable market for Carlsbad, as demonstrated by the number sf people who stay here during the winter months. Also, a recent survey financed by the California Office of Tourism found that visitors to California from the Seattle and Portland metropolitan areas spent nearly seven times as The Northwest has proven to be a , Ckta Wright taIks to group tour leaders at the GLAMER travel shc from any other foreign coui Wright visited with more senior group leaders anxioi about the variety of activitic attractions in the area. "The especially interested in the ( and the golf courses," said ' "I also discovered they lo browse through antique shl explore the history of the ai Wright exclaimed. "It soun we have a perfect match foi groups right here in the Vi11 Carlsbad." In review of the show, Wr emphasized, "It is not enou, offer activities and a nice hc discounted rates, but motor The 50+ market dominate group travel industry and it fastest growing market in tl travel today. In 1992 alone, 10,OOO senior group leaders tended GLAMER shows he mapr cities across the count These group leaders arrangc travel plans for more than 7 seniors and controlled over million in group travel. Senior travel dollars will c to grow, as more and more groups, clubs and organizat form every day. much money in California as those from Japan during 1991. Visitors from this region far outnumbered not only the Japanese, but visitors w. parking is a must." 1. f