HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-07; City Council; 12384; Historic Preservation Commission Appointmentsb 4 F .rl c, c .rl 0 a $ 4- CJ r-l I m a 2 0 m 2 9 a w w .rl aJ -4 N m do d b c3 0 2 *d u 2.2 3!3 aJ0 aJa aJ GO om N kI wm om a. aJ0 32 G .A . iim E2 v a maJ' Cdua 0 3 a; &a$ J (d+ (d -4 & E! 2: -4 aJl & o* H vu mm cr) a1 14 1\ -4 am z .. P ti 4 5 z 3 0 0 CIm OF CARLSBAD - AGENW BILL J[ AB#.&3 av TITLE: MTG.Lrn DEP HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDED ACTION: CIT' APPOINTMENTS DEPT. CLK CIT' Adopt Resolution Nos. 93-214 and 93-SO , appointing two membe. Historic Preservation Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: Marjorie Howard-Jones has resigned as a member of the Historic Pre: Commission from a term which expires in April, 1994. Also, Samuel Chereskin, Jr. has moved from the city creating another vacan Commission. The vacated term expires in April, 1996. Therefore, it is re1 that the Mayor appoint two members to fill the unexpired terms. The Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that the Commission be composed 0' having specific qualifications. Marjorie Howard-Jones was appointed to the Commission in the following c, "One member at large from the community with an interest in local hist Mr. Chereskin was appointed to the Commission in the following category: "One member (of three) each of whom has a recognized expertis architecture, archeology, history, biology, engineering or geolog re1 ated field. I' Appointees, therefore, must meet the qualifications for their respective cal Other members of the Commission are: Eitan Aharoni, John Jones, a Wanamaker. There are currently no applications on file. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter of resignation dated May 17, 1993, from Marjorie Howard-Jones 2. Resolution No. 93-214 , appointing one member to the Historic Pre: Commission. 3. Resolution No. 93-250 , appointing one member to the Historic Pres Commission. e 0"- dY Whqorie 7"d"Jow 4823 Argosy Lune CurlsGud, Cdifornia 92008 (619) 723-2 Hay 1 Mayor Lewis and City Council members: I have returned from my vacation to learn of your unusual obs of National Preservation Week, May 15 - 22. To think that yo completely revise the basis for historical preservation in Ca without any consultation with the city commission appoin implement the city ordinance relating to such matters, is mo. disappointing. It is especially so, because this commission has repeatedly as the opportunity to discuss its goals and objectives with you. instance, the commission has been advised by staff to cont personal contact. All of these avenues have been attempted,' 1: negligib'le, if any, response or results. It is therefore ironic that a small group of citizens, with on1 oh11 interests in mind, could find such a receptive audience These were people who had previously been contacted by the con about their inclusion in the Cultural Resources Inventory, and responded with a few questions, but nothing like the alarm t generated by the misinformation circulated in Karen Kelly' letter. Apparently none of you felt it was important en contact the commission and get its perspective on what it was to do and so the bullying and distortions carried the day. Please accept my resignation from the Carlsbad Historic Presc Commission, effective immediately. I do not have the h contribute time and energy to a process that only exists at tk of political expediency. 1 through department channels, through letters and memos. * *and Sincerely b!.?q~~A '0 urL1WIArWl. I -AI L- = V-A.II..YI- / 0 BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) f2.k &LC f B (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: k?jjUe \ G mv%$%..@Kt m-4 F ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ -~~ -~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~~ NAME: r--/D2\3#N - \7 \EFT ADDRESS: 4.229 CITY: /,.fig Lr, @91p I 'I c-3 :,; ZIP CODE: &Z/-n@ "" - -. * T?U ,- 5. _... ,,", rl j * HOME PHONE: 434- 73 5 1 c ". 1 . . .~ , . " ;-7 "d PRESENT OCCUPATION: mH Lfly/T BUSINESSNAME: ce-'mH. E \.z\cE & BUSINESS ADDRESS: I WORK PHONE: 43+ .- 32 \,:5 :-;, .. ,x "0 -.. W>\ ., kTi"J b F3 {z g, .. -.. - P 0. i3oK 2 c4-3 1 /ke.l&6kD ![A U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) JYes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) -/Yes No I Registered voter in Carlsbad- (required for all appointments) JYes ' I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s which I wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment 1 committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Cor Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or c Conflict of lnterest codes; FP/ " SIGNATURE: / , /5$/{/!$fld~"- .JLf DATE: 17 /k-??>:. 43 //, //. Upon completion of your applicatiod, Please mail or deliver the applicafion to the foliowing address: FP/ " SIGNATURE: / , /5$/{/!$fld~"- .JLf DATE: 17 /k-??>:. 43 //, //. Upon completion of your applicatiod, Please mail or deliver the applicafion to the foliowing address: City Clerk's Oflie City Half 1200 Carlsbad Wage Drive Carkbad, CA 92008 (Please see reverse W 0 EDUCATION 6-h. UT/, e@Er&Y - kr&--lKF&&PiZ I I '/ '\ 1 ". ! .. ' _' ~ ~ ~~~. \ .' .: ,, EXPERIENCE 15 Y'f? t f?e\IZNT G- mLGKctDI I7 '(E IM 6/Aa N% , I" 'fmL6&P (7pl pi F - ~I., .. '/ . .. i .. ,' . VpQ\Ff= Q5- &zj7 H/\m ". . .I . '. ~. . /. ~ ". - L., ._.. -,, '% ;\.-,-,-. ',. i , - -J. \ I. rm\/Gm'5 PWi=,Ltrn\*" .s\ / ./qiq~~Q.~ F /- v a COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES mP'$& fl%Ym c~r M / Mf&,-z mvt/tQ/% I;- .[ $ >p ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS ,. MrLIwIIwlv - -_. '- L -.-. 1I.LI.. . ' . 8-3 -93 - (Please ptint or type) NAME(S) OF BOBRD(S) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: /q// &us rfclvb @#M/JS/d#S EXEflT CH/M c/ppc &.u# Jew Co"C SS/bR/S. CMLE -7-u i%L/h'bPrT/DN NAME: &&"e 6- *keh ADDRESS: 720 3 M~&z&r~,fj@ &* CITY: d?,oLS 4/38 ZIP CODE: 92009 HOME PHONE: +&/ oK6.7 PRESENT @CCIJPATlON: ' &N&R df '.BH&h&MgM d'L@ hk6 d&# BUSINESSNAME:. 6k~g MU m I1Ls~o~/~~ BUSINESS ADDRESS: &+?weA WORK PHONE: SMG U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - Uves No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - VYes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - VYes - ~~~ ~~ ~ I am familiar with the responsibilitfes assigned to the Board(s) or Commissio whkh I wish to senre; l am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointmei committee derlgnated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Member. , . I am willing to fib financial disclosure statements as required by the State's ' Conflict of lnferesf codes; SIGEIIATURE: G YbdLDATE: ;7'd~- 93 Upon completion of your app&ation, Ph mail or deliver the appkafwn to the fohwing add Cify Ckrkf 0Jik-e Ciry Hall I200 CarLrbad Mllugt? Drive Carbbad, C.4 92008 . (Please see rev€ -. 7 -~ ~~ ~ ~~ m ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ @-J ED"CATIONP& d & &; &" * Jff 'j j&&f&./~~./&&&-&& I * * -f&& R&JuqwWddW b j .2Ah&* &L&, f!lC./z A. &TG I I f _._ _.. 4GMm y(ncGy v EXPERIENCE Y%t.-&@, WM, {...u * M&&.rnWW! &..a h, Bw - Pd/- kl& Ad; &I&/jb!&!b+k,3,P *&h&& 2mw, &&3c4i3,, 3 QQd& -&??aaAtir, s+v/-, & qJmh g*, 4- /I L!4%2dl &MY&h%& Ke- I UL dwl, 4iG"y&Jp.m Y &+ah- * &%.?da, && &A fid/iJ&) &m u $+","& "i '&; k, (5 w ha+.+ b " dlA(+J *&A& &qfW&, 2x .$fe" COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 'h& & &b &/ Ja @ u: a .* ADDlTiQNAL 'INFO MAT ON OR ' COMMENTS 0 J3 d s rcIc. .w,, gaw dL+- *AtrA&~,~,~ pA3 &L 4 &Id9 LadWG G", PI 4%@ 2d~2~~;b" ,""Ua I. a &&-A+ e a: e 7203 MANZA CARLSBAD, CA J George G. Varela EMPLOYMENT REFERENCES Mr. Roy Pederson, County Manager Maricopa County, Phoenix, Arizona (602) 262-3571 Former Supervisor, City of Montebello 1970 to 1973 .* Mr. Bob Fast, City Manager City of West Covina (818) v 332 -7d7b &) Former Supervisor, Cities of Chino and West Covina, 1973 to 1981 Mr. Robert L. Williams, Former' City Manager (Retired) City of Signal Hill AN- SP~AT~ 'FE 'Sp~;uqs (2 13) 947-3 1 15 (home) Mr. Wayne Wedin B. &- President, Wedin Enterprises &/&- Colleague since 1967 (City of Santa Fe Springs) (7 14) 525-4047 .Fvkd pi. qq/- 4433 p/&c&g BcA-eepz Mr. Lauren Wasserman, Director of Planning County of San Diego (619) 694-2962 (office) Professional colleague since 1973 ?%- /& J4 Mr. Frank Meehan, Police Chief &%daw City of El Segundo . ' Former Chief, City of Chino .. - so .37C-/K2& .>*" yL& 40 Please 'note: Richard A. Miller, City Manager City of Covina Former Supervisor. Deceased 1987 I .. 0 e !’ . .. , GEORGE G. VARELA BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 7203 MAN2 CARLSBAD, CA Y3( EDUCATION AND CREDENTIALS Graduate School California State University, Fullerton, M.P.A. College Whittier College, B.A. High School Santa Fe (Springs) High School Post Graduate Dartmouth College, School of Business; University of California, Riverside and Los Angeles; California Institute of Technology California Community College Instructor Credential, No. 01370 PROFESSIONAL CAREER .. Owner, George Varela & Associates, Management Consultants (MBE) City of Covina, Assistant City Manager City of West Covina, Personnel Director City of Chino, Assistant to the City Manager City of Montebello, Administrative Assistant City of Santa Fe,Springs, Recreation Supervisor PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Former Member, International City Management Association Former Member, League of California Cities Task Forces President, San Gabriel Valley Labor Relations Association Director, Southern California Personnel Management Association Speaker, California Association of Affirmative Action Officers ’ Speaker, Municipal Management Assistants of Southern California Award, Outstanding Service in Local Government Management, State Assembly Listed, Who’s Who in Local Government Management Listed, Who’s Who in the West, 22nd Edition Listed, Who’s Who in California, 20th Edition Listed, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America, 3rd Edition Published, “Ethnic Minority Affirmative Action,” Governing, January 1990 Speaker, Southwest Public Labor Relations Council and Western City, February 1990. COMMUNITY AND CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Former Member, Riverside Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Former Member, Whittier College Hispanic Alumni Association President, Don Lug0 High School Booster Club Coach, Chino Little League/Pony Baseball Coach, Chino American Youth Soccer Organization Former Member, South Hills (Covina) JSiwanis Club Member, W.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce PERSONAL 0 Spouse Terry1 Ann (Field) Children Cynthia and Eric ’ - Ancestry . Hispanic Competitive Athletics Baseball: Fourteen Years as Player to College Level Leisure Skiing, Camping, Fishing li 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION NO. 93-214 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION . WHEREAS, Marjorie Howard-Jones has resigned from the Preservation Commission from a term which expires in April, 1994; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of thc Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to s member of the Historic Preservation Commission to fill the term which e April, 1994: George Varela PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the Cit of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of September , 199 following vote, to wit: .. AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard and 1 NOES: None ABSENT : None ATTEST: oat% -2- QA+ \ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) I I 28 6 II 0 e 0 1 2 3 '4 RESOLUTION NO. 93-250 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITV COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION . WHEREAS, Samuel Chereskin, Jr. has moved from the city crc 5 vacancy on the Historic Preservation Commission for a term which ex1 6 April, 1996; 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 8 9 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 10 2, That the following person is hereby appointed to s 11 Apri'l, 1996: 12 member of the Historic Preservation Commission to fill the term which e. 13 !I Gordon Bizieff 14 of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day. of September , 199 15 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the Cit following vote, to wit: 16 17 18 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard and : 19 1; NOES: None 2o I ABSENT : None 21 22 23 24 ATTEST: 25 26 (SEAL) 27 ALETHA L. RA!ENK%t*\ 1zpea% \ 28