HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-03; City Council; 12429; DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN FOR MCCLELLAN PALOMAR AIRPORTh ; 2 c g 2 2 2 5 a i $ co cu m co I m E F -4 1 0 0 u rl m 2 a u 0 aJ a a rd rl *rl c) c u g z 0 F 0 a 4 0 z 3 0 0 i ., C)Y OF CARLSBAD - AGW r A BILL <' AB ' '': '&' x DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN DEP FOR MCCLELLAN PALOMAR AIRPORT CITY MTG. CITY DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 10 15/93 PLN ADOPT Resolution No. 93 s agg , opposiny the pXQpQSCd expi of the Airport Influence Area as proposed in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for McClellan-Palomar A: and supporting the recommendations for additional changes 1 draft CLUP as outlined in Exhibit "A11, memorandum to the Manager dated September 21, 1993. Authorize staff to fc Council's comments directly to the Airport Land Use Commiss ITEM EXPLANATION \ The draft Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for McClellan-P: Airport was recently revised by the Airport Land Use Comm: (ALUC) staff and will complete public review on October 7, Although the purpose of the revision was primarily to I airport noise related information, the revisions have a numl serious implications for the City of Carlsbad. The follow: a brief discussion of the issues (please see Exhibit memorandum to the City Manager dated September 21, 1993 for q detailed explanation and information.) . EXPANSION OF THE AIRPORT INFLUENCE AREA The Airport Influence Area is proposed to be expandec its present boundaries to include a three mile radius i the airport, plus the take-off and landing tracks t north and east (see Exhibit 'IBll, Proposed Airport Inf. Area Map). Although the City is empowered to contro: 21674, the ALUC may adopt zoning and other regu. controls within their area of authority (the A Influence Area). Further, pursuant to California : Utility Code Section 21676, the City's General P1 required to be consistent with the approved CLUP. important to the City to limit the area regulated by th to minimize conflicts between the goals and policies ( City with those of the Airport. use, pursuant to California Public utility code S( AVIGATION EASEMENTS The current CLUP suggests that the City obtain avic easements from property owners when a proposed use within an area identified as "conditionally compatibl the Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix (see E: rlC1l Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix) . Thc easements in the past. The proposed CLUP requires thq City obtain avigation easements. City staff cannot s' this request as we do not agree that an avigation ea would mitigate potential noise impacts from the airpor thereby make a "conditionally compatible" use llcompat Instead, avigation easements serve to eliminate c property rights. Staff does support requiring the eas when an incompatible use is proposed. has not aggressively pursued requiring these avic 1 a d PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 12, qgq GOLF COURSE/LAND USE COMPATIBILITY MATRIX Golf course uses are permitted in the CLUP in areas imp by noise levels below 70 dBA CNEL as identified on the proposed Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix Exhibit tfC1t) 8 Staff believes that the golf course u: compatible with higher levels of noise and therefore s be a permitted use in areas subject to noise levels abo dBA CNEL. 0 CITY POLICY ON SPECIAL TREATMENT AREAS Staff proposes to change the City policy on Special Trea Areas within the Airport Influence Area. The revised p would delete the requirement of a specific plan for pro in excess of 25 acres in size, and instead ensure tha projects comply with state and federal regulation respect to noise and building height. Staff recommends this revised City policy be included in the text 0: updated CLUP. FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. 93-28P 2. Exhibit ftAft, Memorandum to the City Manager Dated Sept 3. Exhibit I1Br1, Proposed Airport Influence Area Map 4. Exhibit rtCtt, Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix 21, 1993 II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 8 RESOLUTION NO, 93-288 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OPPOSING THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE AIRPORT INFLUENCE AREA BOUNDARY OF THE DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN (CLUP) FOR MCCULLAN- PALOMAR AIRPORT AND RECOMMENDING MODIFICATIONS TO THE CLUP INCLUDING CHANGES TO THE AVIGATION EASEMENT POLICY: CHANGES TO THE AIRPORT NOISE/LAND USE COMPATIBILITY MATRIX: AND, CHANGES TO THE CLUP TEXT REGARDING CITY POLICY ON CITY DESIGNATED SPECIAL TREATMENT AREAS. WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) McClellan-Palomar Airport has been updated by the Airport Lan Commission (ALUC) Staff: and WHEREAS, the formal review period for the draft began on August 23, 1993 and closes on October 7, 1993: and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbac reviewed the proposed CLUP for McClellan-Palomar Airport; a WHEREAS, the City is empowered to control land use WHEREAS, pursuant to California Public Utility Section 21676, the Carlsbad General Plan is required t consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan: and WHEREAS, the Airport Influence Area is the arc authority of the ALUC: and WHEREAS, the ALUC may adopt regulatory controls k 'their area of authority; and WHEREAS, the updated CLUP includes an expansion c Airport Influence Area boundary: and WHEREAS, the updated CLUP requires the City to c avigation easements for projects deemed @@conditionally compal on the Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix: and WHEREAS, the updated CLUP only permits golf tours( in areas impacted by noise levels up to 70 dBA CNEL: and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a * WHEREAS, the CLUP reflects an old City Policy rega Special Treatment Area Regulations around the airport; and WHEREAS, the City Council has several concerns wit draft CLUP dated March 1993. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The City Council opposes the proposed expansi the Airport Influence Area to the three mile radius aroun airport plus the take-off and landing tracks to the north and as presented in the draft CLUP dated March 1993, and recon that the Airport Influence Area boundary only be en1 slightly to the north to encompass the new future (1995) ai noise contours (see Exhibit IrX") - 2. That the CLUP establish an official procedu notify new property owners of their proximity to the airpoi that they may be subject to aircraft overflight from the Ail This notification procedure should cover the three mile 1 around the airport plus the take-off and landing tracks t north and east. 3. That the City Council opposes the requiremenl avigation easements be required for uses deemed Ilconditic compatiblen on the Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Mat the CLUP and recommends that the CLUP be revised to lasuggest jurisdictions require an avigation easement for noise recorded as a condition of approval of discretionary actio uses deemed Ilconditionally compatible1@ on the Airport Nois Use Compatibility Matrix of the CLUP. 2 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e 4. That the City Council recommends that the Ail Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix be revised by permitting course uses in areas impacted by noise levels in excess of 7' CNEL (category 10 of the Airport Nois@/Land Use Compatib Matrix). 5. That the CLUP be revised to reflect current policy with respect to Special Treatment Areas around the air The new City policy would require that within the Ai Influence Area all proposed projects comply with the standards of the CLUP and meet Federal Aviation Administr (FAA) requirements with respect to building height and provision of obstruction lighting when the FAA permits portic structures to penetrate the transitional surface (a 7 to 1 from the runway primary surface). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting c City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 5th day of October , 1993, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Fir NOES : None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard ATTEST: LAQz&/@&L ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cleh (SEAL) 3 c a. 0 e .- .. SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM : Planning Director UPDATE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN (CLUP) FOR MCCLELLA PALOMAR AIRPORT The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for McClellan-Palom Airport has been updated by the Airport Land Use Commission (ALU staff and is currently out for public review. The formal pub1 review period began August 23, 1993 and will close October 7, 199 Staff met with the County of San Diego airport staff and ALUC sta on a couple of occasions to discuss issues related to the CL update. Staff has several concerns with the draft CLUP dated Mar 1993. The primary concerns are as follows: 1. EXPANSION OF AIRPORT INFLUENCE AREA MAP BOUNDARY The Airport Influence Area (AIA) has been expanded to inclu a three mile radius around the airport plus the take-off a landing tracks north and east of the airport (see Exhibit Airport Influence Area Map). Based on the definition of A (the area of ALUC review and authority), staff is concern that the ALUC would assume land use controls over a lar portion of the City. Although the City is empowered control land use, Pursuant to California Public Utility Co Section 21674, the ALUC may adopt zoning and other regulatc controls within their area of authority. California Public Utility Code Section 21676, the Carlsl; General Plan Land Use Element is required to be consiste with the approved CLUP. Further, pursuant Staff recommends that the AIA boundary expansion be limited a small adjustment along the northern boundary of the AIA accommodate the new future (1995) noise contours for t airport. By limiting the boundary of the AIA at this tilr future planning for anticipated airport growth would requi an amendment to the CLUP. At this time, the County of S Diego does plan to begin the preparation of a long-range ( year) master plan for the airport as required by Californ Public Utility Code Section 21675. Through meetings with County and ALUC staff it is c understanding that the AIA has been expanded in order ensure that new property owners are notified of the proximity to the airport and that their property is subject aircraft overflight from the airport. Neither the issue proposed future airport expansion nor the expansion of AI authority were discussed at meetings with City staff. Ci staff did agree that noticing of new property owners witk to continue noticing new property owners pursuant Administrative Policy 17. the three mile radius of the airport is appropriate and agrc e @ .. .. , SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 CITY MANAGER PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION Oppose the expansion of the AIA to the three mile radi around the airport plus the take-off and landing tracks to t north and east. Support an Airport influence area with boundary enlarged slightly to the north to encompass the n future airport (1995) noise contours. Support t establishment of an official CLUP recognized airpo notification area to be the area covered by the three mi radius around the airport plus the take-off and landing trac to the north and east. 2. AVIGATION EASEMENTS Avigation easements are air rights easements which protect a traffic lanes around the airport. Avigation easemen generally indemnify airport operators of liability from nois In the existing CLUP it is suggested that the City of Carlsb obtain avigation easements (as part of discretionary action from property owners when the project is consider tlconditionally compatiblell on the Airport Noise/Land U Compatibility Matrix (see Exhibit 2, Airport Noise/Land U Compatibility Matrix). The City has not typically pursued t acquisition of these avigation easements. In the draft CLUP, the text has been revised to require th the City obtain avigation easements in areas deen l1Conditionally Compatiblet1 on the Airport Noise/Land I! Compatibility matrix. Staff does not believe that requiri a property owner to give-up a property right mitigates noi impacts. Therefore, staff cannot support the stipulation th avigation easements be required in areas consider ttconditionally compatiblelt on the Airport Noise/Land U Compatibility Matrix. However, staff does support requiri avigation easements when projects are deemed llincompatibl pursuant to the Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix the CLUP. RECOMMENDATION Oppose the requirement that avigation easements be requir for uses deemed llconditionally compatiblell on the Airpc Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix of the CLUP. Support t stipulation that aviqation easements be required for e project approved in an area designated on the Airpc Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix as ttincompatible.tt 3. AIRPORT NOISE/LAND USE COMPATIBILITY MATRIX City staff has reviewed the proposed Airport Noise/Land 1 Compatibility Matrix as presented in the draft CLUP. StE believes that the matrix should be amended to permit gc courses in areas impacted by noise levels above 75 dBA CNI e 8 .. SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 CITY MANAGER PAGE 3 In the draft document, golf courses are only consider compatible with noise levels below 70 dBA CNEL, while us which expose more people to higher noise levels, such commercial-wholesale, industrial, manufacturingandextracti industry uses are considered compatible with noise levels excess of 70 dBA CNEL. City staff believes that the gc course use is a less intensive use (exposing fewer people airport noise impacts) than most of the land uses noted abc and should therefore be permitted at the higher noise leve RECOMMENDATION Revise the Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix permitting golf course uses in areas impacted by noise leve in excess of 75 dBA CNEL (category 10 of the attached Exhih 2.1 4. CITY POLICY ON SPECIAL TREATMENT AREAS WITHIN THE AIRPC INFLUENCE AREA Currently the City has a special overlay zone called a Speci Treatment Area that is the area covered by the adopted Airpc Influence Area. The standards of the Special Treatment AI require a specific plan be prepared for all projects over acres in size and ensure that smaller projects comply with t noise standards of the approved CLUP and FAA heiZ restrictions for health and safety. This policy is discuss in the proposed CLUP. In an effort to streamline project review procedures, ste recommends that the City's current policy be revised. St: is recommending that the policy be revised by deleting t requirement for a specific plan for projects in excess of acres in size, and require that within the Airport Influer Area all proposed projects comply with the noise standards the CLUP and meet FAA requirements with respect to buildj height and the provision of obstruction lighting when the I permits portions of structures to penetrate the transitior surface (a 7 to 1 slope from the runway primary surface). RECOMMENDATION Support that current City policy with respect to Spec: Treatment Areas around the airport be revised and that thc policy revisions be reflected in the proposed CLUP updal The new City policy would require that within the Airpc Influence Area all proposed projects comply with the no: standards of the CLUP and meet FAA requirements with respt to building height and the provision of obstruction light: when appurtenances are permitted to penetrate the transitioi surface (a 7 to 1 slope from the runway primary surface). a e .. 1 SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 CITY MANAGER PAGE! 4 The above recommendations were supported by the Planni Commission at their meeting of September 15, 1993. At tk: meeting the Planning Commission recommended that staff reque City Council to review the above concerns, including t recommendation to oppose the expansion of the Airpc Influence Area. The Planning Commission further recommend that the City Council use their powers to the fullest exte to ensure that the Airport Influence Area expansion does r occur, except as necessary to accommodate the expanded (195 airport noise contours. MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director Attachments: Exhibit 11111 (McClellan-Palomar Airport Influence Area) Exhibit rr211 (Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix) arb ,. a. 7 I Q I tlOURE 3 AIRPORT NOISELAND USE COMPATlBllLlTY MATRIX e .. AND PIAYGROUN MOBILE HOMES RESIDEW HOTUS PATlBLE M outdoor community ndrc hnt kvel h wNkiintly wen1 oonwntiondcor#tnrctknuN doorndrrhdb~ both indoor and outdoorrctt ~wirhth8kndwoffu rl.d outwith .rwnwly nointr trwnrhcnnnobe. PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL SERVICES cONDln0MU.Y COMPATlf lheoutdooroommunitynoia ht kvd win bo .tt.nudrd door bel rham\, and tin ndwlwdb8co8pwhfora arbdo0c.ctMti.r. 0 9. COMMERCIAL-WHOLESALE; HDCISTTWL; MANUFACTURING INCOMPATIBLE Tho oommunlty nokr oquivi b nvm. Akhough ad.nrh Ikn1.thniqmreould nuke p --& moodadvlIia(h.#lOdoc nmrtwouklboirftoknbkfi ~yINhhdw)Jthltn mUnEs,apueucRDw This mar& rhould be used wlth referent. to the Impl8mmbtlon Db.sthr.r 8hown on the reverse. 9 I. .I ., r'-" ..,.___,..,.. 7 1 0 e EXHlBl ClQURE 8 AIRPORT NOISEMND USE COMPATIBIUTY MATRIX ** 1. ouTbo6RAhliwmuIERs LMSTOCK FARMING. NUOHBOWOOD PARKS AND PUYQROUNDS ROlREMENT HOMES, INTERMEMATE CARE COMPATIBLE Tho outdoor ecrmmuntly nd# knt hol b ouffkiontly dtonr oonvmwd-thr door nok. hd k 8oooptd balh imloor Md outdoor acth roti.l.dwithth.kndwmr rkd Outm aulltialty noim mrh#dlnd... PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL SERVICES; RhD OFFICES AND LABORATORIES CONDmoNAuY COMPATlB Th. outdoor aommunity nokc knt kv.l will k atbnudrd t door hd rhown, uld th. noWwolb.tcnptablofocu outdoofdvitie8. 0 9. COMMERCIAL-WHOLESALE; lNDC1StRW; MANUFACTURING INCOMPATIBLE Th. oommunlly nobr quiw Iruum.Al(haugh.d.Mk --(or mood.divrtkrhorr(dool nwntwouldkinwmbloto -yvvirhdwiulth. (kn WWCOUM mrko m This matrlx should be wed wlth reference to th. Irnplwnentrtlon DlrocWa8 shown on the reverse. 9