HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-05; City Council; 12422; Property and Boiler and Machinery Insurance* a 9 0 lx a. .. z 0 F 0 4 1 0 z 3 0 0 v ur GAnLaDnlJ - nucw DILL - { -J <?-- DEPT. AB# ’” ”’ MTG. 1015193 INSURANCE CITY A CITY N DEPT. RM n PROPERTY, AND BOILER AND MACHINERY RECOMMENDED ACTION: 85 Approval of Resolution No. 4 3 -’ authorizing (1) the combination of City properties with CM’C properties for insurance purposes; and (2) the expenditure of $26,231 for property, and boiler ai machinery insurance for City and CMWD properties in accordance with staff recommendations. ITEM EXPLANATION The Property Insurance Policy provides a variety of coverages for the City’s assets. The Boiler i Machinery Insurance Policy provides coverage for major electrical equipment, boilers, mechanic; equipment and other similar types of equipment utilized by the City. An itemized list of these c is included in Exhibit 2. The current City insurance policies, through insurance broker Cal-Surance, expire October 1, 1‘ coverage was bound pending Council action). Coverage for the CMWD through the California Municipal Insurance Authority (CMIA), the joint powers authority of which the City is a memb expires Jan 1, 1994. By canceling the CMWD’s current coverage and combining CMWD proper City properties for insurance purposes, the type of coverage and the effective dates of coverage be the same. This would enhance administrative efficiency and ensure consistency in coverage. result, quotes from CMIA and Cal-Surance for coverage for both the City and CMWD properti solicited. CMIA submitted a quote of $42,376 for both CMWD and City properties. This quote is 31% le the premiums paid last year and reflects both the soft state of the property insurance market ar ability of a joint powers authority to obtain a lower rate for its members. Since the policy peric from May 15 to May 15, the pro-rated premium is $26,231 for the period October 1, 1993 to M 1994. The property insurance is provided through the Public Entity Property Insurance Progran developed by the Robert E Driver company for public agencies. The program provides covera8 to or greater than that of existing policies in effect and is backed by insurance carriers with a r% A-:XI or better in the Best’s Key Rating Guide. There are currently 21 public agencies in Cali participating in the program which includes cities, joint powers authorities and special districts. Boiler and Machinery insurance is provided by the Pacific Indemnity company with a rating of A+ +:XW in the Best’s Key Rating Guide. Cal-Surance submitted a quote of $49,501 for City properties alone. The broker was not able a quote on CMWD properties in time for this report. The recommended quote is $26,231 for the provision of property, and boiler and machinery in5 for both the City and CMWD, through CMIA for the period October 1, 1993 to May 15, 1994 Cancellation of the current CMWD insurance coverage will result in a refund of $1,906. To ac monetary savings of insurance through CMIA, as well as consistency in coverage and administr efficiency in managing the insurance of both City and CMWD properties, requires that the Co authorize the combination of City and CMWD properties for insurance purposes and the rene property insiirance in accordance with Staff recommendations. e .? PAGE 2 OF BB # 12; c16% FISCAL XMPACT The recommended quote is $26,231. A refund of $1,906 for cancellation of existing CMWD cob reduces the impact to $24,325. Sufficient funds are available in the Insurance Premium Accoun EXHIBITS I. Resolution NO. e-28 3 2. Property, and Boiler and Machinery Quotations and Coverage A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 U - RESOLUTION NO. 9 3 - 2 8 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE COMBINATION OF CITY PROPERTIES WITH CMWD PROPERTIES FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES, AND THE RENEWAL OF PROPERTY INSURANCE FOR CITY PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the City and the CMWD have previously maintained property iind boiler and machinery insurance for assets; and WHEREAS, the City desires to combine City and CMWD properties for .nsurance purposes; and WHEREAS, the City has received quotations for the continuation of coverage from Cal-Surance and the California Municipal Insurance Authority; and WHEREAS, upon evaluation of the quotations for both property and boiler md machinery insurance, the City desires to renew its insurance through the California Municipal Insurance Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Zarlsbad, California, as follows: n. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the renewal of City property insurance with CMWD property I I ..nsurance through the California Municipal Insurance Authority is hereby approved and the Financial Management Director is authorized to issue a warrant in the amount of $26,231 .or the payment of the premiums of said renewals. y I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 w w PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 5th vote, to wit: day of @X*BER 1993, by the following AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Finnila NOES: None DSENT: Council Member Nygaard ATTEST a&&- A. + ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I !\ Public Entity Property Insurance Program Property Proposal for City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Presented By: ROBERT F. DlRNER ASSOCIATES Ralph S. Hurst Vice President >!)IO I~IRCII \IKf I-! Si IIF ?<I) \f\\POKTRE-lCIt C ILIFOK\I\ ~~~O~I-J~II~~ 1-I-/i-ih11_7-/ F\Y,714i7FhJ7I; w 0 PLBLIC ENTXTY PROPERTY mSURANCE mOGmM PROPEXTI? PROFOSAL FOR CITY OF CARISBAD kryD CAItISBAD MW?4lCIPAL WATER DISmCT (AS PARI' OF CALFORNIA MZXVICIP~ IhrGURANCE AUTEIORI'I'Y) "MED INSIIRFD: Public &thy Piupwty lnsumce Program including: City of Carlsbad and Carlslxid Municipal Water Diarict moiwsm EFFJETWE l)AT&t 0ctobc.r 1, 1093 lo May 15, I994 (FWgram runs May 15 to May 15) NSZrKMCE CAHRTXW: See Attached Stsucturc COVERAGE: AI1 Risk of Direct Physical Loss or Damage W Fktrthquake and Flood Coverage includes: 1. Weal Property and Personal Pmperty 2, RcntaI Inmine inclirding Bmd Revenue Reqathmctlts 3. Business Interniption (If Values Dwlamd) 4. Bxm Elcpense 5. Valuablc Papn atid Records 6. Accounts Receivable 7. EDP Eq\lJpmenr, Medii and Bxm Expense 8. Own&/Lertscb Vehicles - All Risk and Collision Upat and 9. bnalition and hcmacd Cost of Corlstnlcifm 10. Dcbfis Removal 1 1. Cuitlingeut Liability due to Building codes 12, Transit 13. Architects', Engineers' Fees and Claim Consultant Fces 14. Course of Cotsstruction on Prcmiscs or wicliin 1,0[)8 ft. 15. Mobile Equipment, Contractor Type Eytiiptnent (Xf Values hlancd) 16, Service Intemption from Public and Prhk Utilities for Gas, Electric, Water and Telmmnlunications (excluding Power Phil LAXitiOtlR) Ovcflum on Declared Vehicles 17. Tax Intemption (When kprzcd) 18. Rcplactmm Cost and Agreed Amount 19.90 Day Notice of Cancellation exccpt 10 day9 for Nnn-Payment 2u. Coverage not Confined lo Schedulc (Except Vehicles} 22. Automatic Covcrage - 120 D;cys 23. Expediting Expense 24. Errors ana Otniasions W 0 CQVWGE 25. Fine Arts CONTINUFJL3r 26. HE Department Servim Charges 28. Joint Loss Agiwmcnt with Boiler Cari-ierCs) $2SO,OOO,CKx) Loss Limit Per Wurram a11 Covemger exccpt €Is romws: 27. Vacancy ChISe - lhlated LTMlTS: 1. Valuable Papem 2s ,000,~ 2. Accounts RGceivablc 25,000,rn) 3. Transit 5,m,m Claim Coiisultant Fees S,ocK),o(>o 6. Fine Arts (klnschcdulcd) ~.W"000 8. Bxpccliting Bxpense SOO,(#M 4. Architects, Engineers and S. Mobile and Contractor type Equipment (If V~~IGS mlared) 5 ,uCx),o(lU 7. Servlcc Interruption 5,000,W 9. Barthqulllre AvHilablc 10. PId AvailabIe Coverage is not confined to lucation xcbcdulc on lift: (Except Barthquake and Flood Mufit Re. Reported) UN:DZI'CTIBL;F,: !$ 5,W All Other Pcrils (Includes Vehiclcsj TOTAL NWWRED VAJdWIk s 47,925,484 ABfit'AT- COST: $ 38,165 * & ** (Includars premiwm, tax@ and fem where applicable and surplus lines brokerage fees) PRO-UTA SIIOKT TERM PZ2-W. $ 23,624 (OCTOBER 1, I993 TO MAY 15, 19949 *Includes Vehicle Collision Remiurn of $1 1,305 on Declared Vehicles totalling $2,261,071 In value per schedule submitted can 9/2 1/93. **Includes Contractors J3pipm.t e w 1 II PEPIP CARRIERS ALLRISKPRIMARYAND I EXCESS PROPERTY 1 I. S5.000.000 PRUMARY/ALL RSK EXCLUDING EARTHOUAKEMLOOD POLICY COMPANY m BEST RATING CA. STATUS RLI Ins. co. SFCOO8585 A; M Admitted LexingtonIns. Co. 868 5931 A++; XV Non-Admitted I I I I 1 1 I II. %5.OO0.000 EXCESS OF $5.000.000 /ALL RISK EXCLUDING E ARTHOUAKE/F'LOO D Industrial Indemnity JA912-5662 A-; XV Admitted Royal Indemnity RHD 400353 A-; XI Admitted m. $15.000.000 EXCESS 0 F $1O.OOO.OOO/ ALL RISK EXCLUD ING EARTHOUAKE/FLOO D Twin City Ins. KG 0000256 A+; XV Admitted Home Ins. @o SPXF 82178 A-; XI AQlitted Admitted AuianzIns. co. FC5023241 A+; WI IV. $w.oO0.oO0 EXCESS 0 F $25.OOO.OOO/Au RISK EXCLUDING EARTHOU ~/FLoo D Fireman's Fund XER2381820 A, XIV Admitted Agricultural CPP7947282 A, XI Admitted Navigators %BO80471 A, w Admitted 1 EssexIns. co. LAC 9535 A; VI Non-Admitted V. $50.000.000 EXCESS OF sSO.OOO.OOO/ALL RISK EXCLUDING EARTHOU AKElFLOO D Industrial Indemnity N 960 8011 A-; XV Admitted VI. $100.000- OF SlOO.OOO.OOO/ALL RISK EXCLUDlNG EARTHOU AKElFLOOD I 1 I 1 1 1 Royal Indemnity RHD400355 A-; XI Admitted Industrid Indemnity Nx 9608011 A-; XV Admitted Travelen 7XJ'PFF-225" 13- 1-93 A-; XV Admi#ed VII. SO.OOO.OOO EXCESS 0 F $2OO.OOO.OOO/ALL RISK EXCLUDING EARTHOUAKElFWO D Travelem 7xTpFF-22sT6143-93 A-; XV AdmittCd 0 w I I I CURRENT PARTICIPANTS I I PUBLIC E"Y PROPERTY INSURANCE PROGRAM NAMED INSUREDS: Bay Cities Joint Powers Insurance Authority (includes Cities of: Albany, Emeryville, Hayward, Monte Sereno, Pleasanton, Piedmont, Redwood City, Union City and South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency) City of Burbank City of Cathedral City Community Development Commission city Of COrOM City of Costa Mesa City of El Segundo City of Fontana City of Fresno City of Garden Grove City of Glendale Wine Ranch Water District City or Long Beach City of Modesto City of Pasadena City of San Mate0 City sf San Buenaventura w a 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 PEmP Program - Page 2 - I City of Santa Ana City of Smta Barbara City of Simi Valley City of Torrance 1 SROR'I'-TERM PREMIUM: (OCTOBER 1,1993 TO MAY IS, 1994) $ 2,W7 e2 e Fe T+P .q 1 *.a plm c IC: 1- l,,F VI@ b &$ KAJ 0 t-. -. +ppI b* .= m 0 n c) P- 'Mu i- ri)' O gla! rr 5 .L *a c. 9) X lki f 4 wer. 71G3kSg ecr flcP* . y 5~~:s TZ \'" I; *(. y,, ?E v1c4 I- 6 i*vl B a 1yt.e ??g ? 4E y PS f 0 w v- L c C X U. Y a U c1 a la N HmWV 1( 2 0 a IC1 t' n cr "9 E. ,. Eii lfi E&74& L% ]E 2;Q f 2 2. lg a4 ?! h: news IF 2: w. a .a -H 0 p f' Irn c* c a a+ i ?3@ 'C rr *' 0 (0 dr, +5 -@Po ."$@=LC7 Orr v rr % EF: ii '1 : 9b 1' I h) Y 5%: ig bI 8 (5 F ** 3 8 !!%E 3¶ K.. cr 1+ iG 12 r. 4 .. 0 OI WLC IC 0 j h, I 9 W t3 .-.a Q PI .I maor-+* mafi 1vgglJ$ U-4lDW e,?: 0; "S B*c E rn% fl R *, 2 VLa 19Memms *E ,! ??' w vlrgoo N m 1m u9 e (11- 0 /m z ! 3; 5 4vI F 0% G vc u- IP~c)rrlDWO :I F: 9 w<:- MU SrPOO 4 al.r %iz QG g ,@ mw " $a NQI N a '4 ! i 6+ *I 4 101 03 e e w\ -4 0 Ln iQ *$ m ." Y IQ mo No I$ w* *c OW -4F 16 r-4 --w -gr) 10 r((P Ru3 ?to, rho M 1 & a 1s VI 9." 2: P 0 Y m (J 12 ; Y ;L 8 ag % 3 m mg W 0 OI \c, 2 . 2 c VI rg #.I a w 9 ** COMPmm-oY-co~. TERMS - !1,000AllW% er yv ehiclea 5,000 Emer snc Vehiclee $1,000 All Vehietee Vehicle Deductiblee: Deductible is per Occurrence Deductible ig per Vehicle Vehicle Cover e for $20,000: Fd Comprehensive & Collision while parked at covered locationr Iocations. Hired Vehiciee (if any ) mud Eweraga Provided be reported to carrier 26,000 Limit 1,000 Deductible Mobile Equipment: $5,000 Deductible $1,000 Deductible Comparison of Premium Ctany at Renewal: $2,149 Increase $2,806 Daeraaae (Cam hed with Boiler 8t (7.1% increme) (6.6% decrease) Machinery ) Fire, Theft & Collieion while parked at covered Vehicles Value 3 Uuder Hired Auta Phyaical Damageg: Vlipd 3Pb IU/P.Wdl tSC;6Gt7TL 53:A:5 E6/fZ/EB 2QC